University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos College of Nursing
University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos College of Nursing
University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos College of Nursing
- Is a basic unit of society. It consists of those individuals, male or female, youth or adult, legally
or not legally related, genetically or not genetically related, who are considered by the others to
represent their significant persons.
- Two or more people who are related through blood, marriage, adoption or birth, including two or
more people who are emotionally involved with each other and live together.
- Is a system wherein members are interdependent and working toward specific purposes and
Family Functions
1. Physical- provides a safe, comfortable environment necessary for growth and development, rest
and recuperation.
2. Economic- provides financial aid and helps meet monetary needs of society.
3. Reproductive- raising bearing children
4. Affective /Coping- providing emotional comfort to family members
5. Socialization- teaches, transmits beliefs, values, attitudes and coping mechanisms, provides
feedback and guides problem solving.
- A healthy family organizes its members and resources in meeting family goals; it functions in
harmony, working toward shared goals.
Family Stages and Task
Family planning clinics, prenatal classes, immunization information, vision and hearing
screenings, dental health information, parent support groups, communicable disease control,
safety in the home, day care, school, neighborhood and community.
Nursing Intervention/Referrals
Alcohol and drug information, sex education, nutrition, mental health and screening for chronic
3. Family with Middle Aged Adults - maintain ties with younger and older
-prepare for retirement
Nursing Intervention/Referrals
Blood pressure screenings, nutrition and support groups, screening for chronic illness.
- Nursing that considers the health of the family as a unit in addition to the health of individual
family members.
1. Family Assessment
-gives an overview of the family process and helps the nurse identify areas that needs further
- determines the level of family functioning, clarify family interaction patterns, identify family
strengths and weaknesses, and describe the health status of the family and its individual members.
Family Violence- includes physical, mental and verbal abuse and neglect.
2. Diagnosing
3. Planning
- focuses on assisting the family to plan realistic goals/outcomes and strategies that enhance
family function.
4. Implementation-