1059-Article Text-1791-1-10-20200617 PDF
1059-Article Text-1791-1-10-20200617 PDF
1059-Article Text-1791-1-10-20200617 PDF
MAY 2020
E-ISSN. 2721-205X
Speaking is a subject matter that must be learned by the students because it is the
most important factor in the development of English language skills. However, it is
more difficult than another subject because there are some difficulties experienced by
students in speaking, such as low vocabulary mastery, the difficulties in pronouncing,
confused in arranging words, afraid of making mistake and many another factors that
cause of speaking difficulties such as teaching strategy, the curriculum, and the
environment. The research purpose is to know the factors of the students' speaking
difficulty. The design of the research is descriptive qualitative. The number of
population as many as 157 students of eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 2
Tembilahan that consist of 6 classes. In taking the sample, the researcher uses a simple
random sampling technique. The number of samples is 40 students or 25% of the
population. The researcher uses a questionnaire as an instrument as many as 15 items
and also uses an interview technique. After analyzing the data by using the descriptive
qualitative method, it is known that the four factors of speaking difficulty have a
positive value or more than 50%. The values of these four factors were 62.5% for
personal factors, 95% for teaching strategies factor, 90% for curriculum factor and
57.5% for the environmental factor. Therefore, it can be inferred that the dominant
factor which causes students’ difficulties in speaking is teaching strategies.
Speaking can be defined as an activity to talk with the English language.
Through speaking we can interact with the world community. The objectives of
speaking are to inform, entertain, report, persuade, and convince one. In general, the
purpose of speaking is to be able to simple oral communication in English. Speaking
learning objectives should not be separated from the purpose of learning English. The
benefits of speaking are to increase self-confidence. But speaking is the most important
factor in the development of English language skills such as reading, writing and
listening. For example, when learning writing or controlling various types of tenses,
grammar and vocabulary election is not wrong. In listening, when the following
activities or just listen to hear English, the listener can say back.
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E-ISSN. 2721-205X
thing that causes a person difficulty in speaking using the English language is their lack
of confidence.
From the researchers’ point of view, almost all students have difficulty in
speaking English. Therefore, researchers interested in carrying out a study on the
difficulties in speaking English and the factors that influence them.
Concept of Speaking
Speaking is the intention of delivering events, ideas, thoughts, one's feelings to
others in a clear, logical, purposeful and systematic use of oral language, so the intent to
understand other people. Speaking is an oral language skill that is productive. In English
Oxford living dictionary online, speaking is the action of conveying information or
expressing one's feelings in speech. According to Flutcher (2003: 23), speaking is the
verbal use of language to communicate with others.
"Speaking is a productive skill that can directly and empirically be
observed, those observations are invariably colored by accuracy and
effectiveness of a test-takers listening skill which is necessary compromises
the reliability and validity of an oral production test (Brown, 2003: 140)."
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E-ISSN. 2721-205X
This research was designed as survey research including direct observation of
the object under study to obtain the relevant data. The method used in this research is
using both qualitative and quantitative analytical research methods. In general, survey
research can be divided into two, namely, cross-sectional surveys and longitudinal
surveys. The cross-sectional survey is research that only requires a one-time survey
course to get the data. The longitudinal survey is descriptive research that requires many
times to get the data. According to Gay (2000:279), longitudinal surveys collect the data
at two or more times to measure changes over time.
This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan which is located at
Jl. Tanjung Harapan Tembilahan, Indragiri Hilir, Riau. Moreover, the sample is
representative of the population that can provide the research data. According to
Riduwan (2004: 56), the sample is a part or representative of the population, named the
research sample if we intend to generalize the result of the research sample. The
numbers of the population of this research are 157 students. Riduwan (2004: 56) said
that if the population is less than 100, it is suggested all as a research sample, but if the
population is more than 100, we can take only 20%-25% or 30%-35%. In this case, the
numbers of the sample in this research are as many as 25% of the population. Thus there
were 40 students as the samples of this research.
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a. Learners Themselves
Learners themselves are the main factor causing a person to feel difficult or not
when speaking English because with personal ability someone can speak English. This
includes vocabulary mastery, word pronunciation skills, grammatical mastery, and self-
esteem. In the first indicator, there are 7 questions. The data obtained through a
questionnaire about the first indicator which is the answer of the respondents can be
seen in the table below.
Table 2 The Data of Learner Themselves Factor
Learner Themselves Factor
Criteria Score Mean Score Percentages
Yes 25 0.625 62.5%
No - - -
Based on the data which has been obtained from the research respondents as much
as 40 respondents, this indicator lies in the higher area than half. The score was 0.625.
Based on the data which has been obtained from the respondents of the research as
much as 40 respondents, the teaching strategies lie in the area that almost close to the
perfect that is at 0.95.
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c. The Curriculum
This indicator is a common factor that always faced by the students in learning
English because, at the level of junior high school, English material is usually studied
more than other subjects. Therefore, students should be more mastering the English
language especially speaking material than other subjects. In this indicator, there are 2
questions. The data that has been obtained through can be seen in the table below.
Table 4 The Data of Curriculum
Curriculum Factor
Criteria Score Mean Score Percentages
Yes 36 0.9 90%
No - - -
Based on these data, the curriculum lies in the area close to the perfect. that is at
d. The Environment
The final indicator may also be referred to as an external factor in which their
surroundings affect the student's speaking ability. These environments include the
school environment including friends communicate and outside the school environment
such as home or playground. If the environment offers a form of communication using
the English language, it is better for the learners’ speaking ability. In this indicator,
there are 3 questions. The data that has been obtained through the questionnaire can be
seen in the table below.
Table 5 The Data of Environment Factor
Environment Factor
Criteria Score Mean Score Percentages
Yes 23 0.575 57.5%
No - - -
The table above showed that the environment has a value that lies in the middle
area at 0.575.
Based on the results of research that the researcher has done in SMA Negeri 2
Tembilahan, it can be seen that the factors that cause the difficulty of speaking English
include the student's factor (learners themselves), the factor of teaching strategies, the
curriculum factor and the environmental factor. Based on a questionnaire that has been
distributed to the students of SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan, it is known that the four
factors have positive value or more than 50% of students answer the questionnaire with
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a positive answer. The values of these four factors were 62.5% for personal factors,
95% for teaching strategies, 90% for curriculum factors and 57.5% for environmental
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2 From the results of research, it Because the method of learning The teaching
is known that the teaching which is used by the teachers when strategy is a factor
strategy is a factor that has an teaching has a huge impact on the that can affect the
influence on the difficult or success of lesson, the method which difficulty or not
not speak English. In this case, is used should be under the needs of speak English.
the teaching strategy means is students, it is mean that a teacher
the methods that you used must be able to understand the
when teaching English about condition of students to provide a
speaking. The results showed comfortable form of teaching. This
that more than 50% of the applies to all subjects especially
students think that the method language lessons.
which you use has been good.
Why do you think teaching The point is if we talk about
strategies or teaching methods speaking, I think the method is the
are the factors that make it main factor of student's success in
difficult or not to speak sharpening speech ability itself.
3 From the results of research, it Because learning English especially The Curriculum is a
is known that the English about speaking is not absolute with factor that can
language curriculum is a the amount of time that was given affect the difficulty
factor that also has an but how the effectiveness and or not speak
influence on the difficult or efficiency of learning itself. This English.
not speak English. This is means that although much time is
evidenced by the data that given on English material but the
more than 50% of students time is not used properly, then the
think that English material result will not be satisfactory but
given in school can improve although little time is given on
their speaking ability. Why do English material the time is used
you think English material effectively and efficiently then the
that was given in the school result will be more satisfactory.
can improve speaking skills? That is why even though the time
It is not the time of study on the English lesson curriculum is
which is contained in the less but the students feel the time is
English curriculum is very enough to improve their speaking
little. ability.
4 From the results of the Because the environment is their The environment is
research, it is known that the arena in exploring their ability to a factor that can
environment either school speak either school environment or affect the difficulty
environment or outside school environment outside the school. or not speak
is a factor that also has an That is, if their environment offers English.
influence on the difficult or a form of communication in
not speak English. This is English, then their English skills
evidenced by the data that will be good but if their
more than 50% of students environment offers a form of
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Based on the results of interviews that have been done as seen in the script above,
it was concluded that the cause of the four indicators is a factor of difficulty speaking
English because these four indicators are important elements that must be mastered by
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Based on the results of the interview which has been done on three of eleventh-
grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan, it is concluded that the English language
subjects are difficult compared to other subjects, especially the subject of speaking.
That's because more students are less vocabulary, grammar and not fluent in
pronouncing words or sentences in English so they will have difficulty speaking English
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though by any means. Besides, it is also concluded that the environment can be the best
means if someone wants to speak good English.
Based on the result of the data presented above, the researcher has found the
purposes of the research that are:
1. Factors that cause the difficulty of speaking English among others the personal
factor of the students themselves, the teaching strategy factor, curriculum factor,
and environmental factor. Based on a questionnaire distributed to students of SMA
Negeri 2 Tembilahan, it is known that the four factors have positive value or more
than 50% of students answer the questionnaire with a positive answer. The values
of these four factors were 62.5% for personal factors, 95% for teaching strategies,
90% for curriculum factors and 57.5% for environmental factors.
2. English subjects are difficult subjects compared to other subjects, especially the
subject of speaking. That's because more students are less vocabulary, grammar and
not fluent in pronouncing words or sentences in English so they will have difficulty
speaking English though in anyways. In addition, it is also concluded that the
environment can be the best means if someone wants to speak good English.
The speaking lessons that are applied in the school certainly have a purpose. The
purpose of speaking is to tell, entertain, report, persuade, and convince someone.
However, many say that learning to speak is very difficult. Based on the results of the
research by using questionnaires and interviews which have been described previously.
The result of the research proved that four factors caused the difficulty to speak English.
They are the student's own personal factors (learners themselves), the factor of teaching
strategies, the curriculum factor and the environmental factor. Based on a questionnaire
that has been distributed to the students of SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan, it is known that
the four factors have positive value or more than 50% of students answer the
questionnaire with a positive answer. The values of these four factors were 62.5% for
personal factors, 95% for teaching strategies, 90% for curriculum factors and 57.5% for
environmental factors. Therefore, it can be inferred that the dominant factor which
causes students’ difficulties in speaking is teaching strategies.
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