Samii 2004
Samii 2004
Samii 2004
Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease is the most common serious movement disorder in the world, affecting about 1% of adults older
than 60 years. The disease is attributed to selective loss of neurons in the substantia nigra, and its cause is
enigmatic in most individuals. Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease respond in varying degrees to drugs, and surgery
offers hope for patients no longer adequately controlled in this manner. The high prevalence of the disease, and
important advances in its management, mean that generalists need to have a working knowledge of this disorder.
This Seminar covers the basics, from terminology to aspects of diagnosis, treatment, and pathogenesis.
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Clinically possible
One of:
● Asymmetric resting tremor
● Asymmetric rigidity
● Asymmetric bradykinesia
Clinically probable
Any two of:
● Asymmetric resting tremor
● Asymmetric rigidity
● Asymmetric bradykinesia
Clinically definite
● Criteria for clinically probable
● Definitive response to anti parkinson drugs
Exclusion criteria
● Exposure to drugs that can cause parkinsonism such as neuroleptics, some antiemetic drugs, tetrabenazine, and reserpine,
family members
● Evidence of severe subcortical white-matter disease, hydrocephalus, or other structural lesions on MRI that may account for
asymmetric at disease onset and worsens with anxiety, depression, restless legs syndrome, and REM (rapid eye
contralateral motor activity, and during ambulation. movement) sleep behaviour disorder.18
Resting foot tremor is much less common than hand
tremor as a presenting sign. Diagnostic criteria
Rigidity is the raised resistance noted during passive A definite diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease needs autopsy.
joint movement that is uniform throughout the range of However, clinical diagnosis of this disorder has become
motion of that joint. It can have a cogwheel quality even more rigorous, with gradations of diagnostic certainty,
without tremor, but is usually more pronounced in the including clinically possible, clinically probable, and
more tremulous limb. Rigidity is enhanced by clinically definite Parkinson’s disease (panel 1).19
contralateral motor activity or mental task performance. Sustained improvement of motor symptoms with
Bradykinesia is the most disabling symptom of early levodopa is generally a feature of clinically definite
Parkinson’s disease. It initially manifests by difficulties disease.20 Panel 1 shows exclusion criteria for idiopathic
with fine motor tasks such as doing up buttons or Parkinson’s disease, which suggest an alternative
handwriting and reduced arm swing while walking. Limb diagnosis.19,21
bradykinesia can be tested by finger tapping, alternating
forearm pronation and supination, foot tapping, and fist Differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
closing and opening.12 The clinical diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease relies heavily
Postural instability refers to the gradual development on history, physical examination, and improvement of
of poor balance, leading to an increased risk of falls. It symptoms and signs with dopaminergic treatment. The
can be tested by pulling the patient backwards to check differential diagnosis of this disorder includes normal
for balance recovery (retropulsion test). Gait becomes ageing, essential tremor, drug-induced parkinsonism, the
slower, with shuffling, and turning is en bloc. Freezing is Parkinson-plus syndromes, vascular parkinsonism, and
characterised by difficulty initiating gait or striking gait normal pressure hydrocephalus.22 Less common entities
hesitation on turning or arriving at a real or perceived with parkinsonism include dopa-responsive dystonia,23
obstacle. Postural and gait abnormalities are rarely juvenile-onset Huntington’s disease,24 and pallidoponto-
prominent early in the course of Parkinson’s disease. nigral degeneration.25
Autonomic dysfunction is generally manifest by
constipation, urinary urgency and frequency, and Normal ageing
orthostatic hypotension.13 Dementia develops in about To define normal ageing is difficult.26 Slowness of
40% of individuals with Parkinson’s disease,14 although in movement, stooped posture, stiffness, and postural
one study that followed up patients until death, it was instability are common in elderly people.27 Pathologically,
noted in more than 80% of end-stage patients.15 The ageing is associated with loss of pigmented neurons in the
combination of dementia and the drugs used to treat substantia nigra but in a pattern that differs from that seen
parkinsonism can lead to hallucinations and psychotic in Parkinson’s disease.28,29 Asymmetric motor signs and a
behaviour in some individuals. Depression is common, more accelerated rate of symptom progression seen in
affecting nearly half of patients.16 Sensory symptoms arise Parkinson’s disease differentiates it from normal ageing. A
in Parkinson’s disease in various patterns.17 Disturbed trial of levodopa can assist in distinguishing Parkinson’s
sleep is common in this disorder and has many different disease from changes due to normal ageing, which will not
causes, including nocturnal stiffness, nocturia, substantially improve with this drug.
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For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet.
Gene locus Chromosome Gene product Mode of (Ala53Thr) was detected in the synuclein gene.
(HUGO-approved name) locus inheritance Subsequent to this discovery, the same mutation was
PARK1 (SNCA) 4q21.3 synuclein Dominant noted in other families of Italian or Greek background,66
PARK2 6q25.2-q27 Parkin Recessive suggesting a founder effect. A second mutation
PARK3 2p13 Unknown Dominant (Ala30Pro) in the synuclein gene was identified in a
PARK4 4p15 Unknown Dominant
small German pedigree.67 The exact function of the
PARK5 (UCHL1) 4p14 UCHL1* Dominant
PARK6 1p35-p36 PINK1† Recessive synuclein protein—so named because it seemed to
PARK7 1p36 DJ1 protein Recessive localise to synaptic terminals and nuclei—is unknown, but
PARK8 12p11.2-q13.1 Unknown Dominant it is a major component of Lewy bodies.68
PARK10 1p32 Unknown Dominant The second gene linked to an autosomal recessive
*Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1. †PTEN-induced kinase 1. juvenile-onset form of Parkinson’s disease (PARK2) was
Genes linked to familial Parkinson’s disease that coding for the parkin protein.69 Several different
parkin mutations cause autosomal recessive disease,70 and
nomic nervous system.51,52 Lewy bodies and neurites in these could account for up to half of early-onset cases of
these non-motor areas could account for many of the non- the disorder and perhaps even a higher proportion of
motor symptoms. juvenile-onset Parkinson’s disease.71 Heterozygous
Setting aside the few individuals with Parkinson’s mutations in parkin might also confer a risk for
disease who have a known gene mutation or exposure to parkinsonism.72 Pathological findings in young-onset
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), Parkinson’s disease with the parkin mutation show cell
the cause of this disorder is unknown. Parkinson’s disease loss in substantia nigra pars compacta and the locus
is probably a result of multiple factors acting together, coeruleus, but typically without Lewy bodies. The
including ageing, genetic susceptibility, and discovery that parkin is an ubiquitin-protein ligase,73 and
environmental exposures.53 that synuclein is ubiquitinated by parkin,74 lends support
to the hypothesis that failure of the ubiquitin-proteasome
Role of ageing system is the common denominator in the pathogenesis of
Pathologically, ageing is associated with a decline of Parkinson’s disease.64
pigmented neurons in the substantia nigra pars The third gene linked to inherited Parkinson’s disease
compacta.28 Incidental Lewy bodies are reported in up to (PARK5; HUGO-approved name UCHL1) codes for the
16% of elderly asymptomatic people at autopsy.50 Results ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1. This mutation was
of some F-DOPA PET studies have shown a subtle age- reported in two German siblings.75 This enzyme
related fall in F-DOPA uptake,54 while others have not.55 hydrolyses bonds between ubiquitin molecules and
In a SPECT study,56 an age-related decline in striatal provides monomeric molecules necessary to label
dopamine transporters was reported, but no difference abnormal proteins for proteasomal degradation. Since
was noted between the caudate and putamen, a pattern only one family with two affected individuals has been
that differs from that seen in Parkinson’s disease. identified with this mutation, its importance is somewhat
Although the incidence of Parkinson’s disease increases controversial.76
with age, this disorder is generally accepted not to be The fourth gene (PARK7) is located close to the region
simply an acceleration of ageing. for PARK6 on chromosome 1p36, but no overlaps exist
between markers for these two genes.77 PARK7 is linked to
Role of genetic predisposition an autosomal recessive early-onset form of Parkinson’s
Most people with Parkinson’s disease do not have a family disease.78 This gene codes for the DJ1 protein, which
history. About 15% of patients have a first-degree relative might be implicated in the response to oxidative stress.
with the disease, typically without a clear mode of The fifth gene (PARK 6) has been found to be
inheritance.57 Nine genetic loci associated with autosomal associated with mutations in PINK1 (PTEN [phos-
dominant or recessive parkinsonism have been identified phatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten]-
(table). However, general environmental exposures can induced kinase 1). PINK1 is located in the mitochondria
also account for familial patterns.58 and might exert a protective effect on the cell.79
Findings of most twin studies do not show enhanced
concordance in monozygotic twins.59,60 In PET studies, Role of environmental exposure
the concordance rate has been suggested to be greater In 1983, Langston and colleagues80 reported a series of
than estimated by clinical methods.61 Results of a twin patients who developed acute levodopa-responsive
study showed little concordance in twins when parkinsonism after exposure to MPTP, a toxic side
Parkinson’s disease develops after age 50 years, but product in the clandestine synthesis of a pethidine
complete concordance in monozygotic twins for disease analogue. MPTP freely crosses the blood-brain barrier
onset before this age.62 This finding suggests that genetic and is converted to MPP+ within the brain by astrocytes.81
susceptibility plays a more significant part in early-onset MPP+ is selectively taken up by dopaminergic cells and
than in late-onset disease. inhibits mitochondrial complex 1 in the respiratory
The discovery of five genes and four other gene loci in chain.82 MPTP is the only environmental agent that has
familial Parkinson’s disease (table) has greatly enhanced been directly linked to development of levodopa-
interest in the genetic contribution to this disorder. The responsive parkinsonism that is clinically indistinguishable
single gene abnormalities identified thus far cause very from Parkinson’s disease. However, similar chemicals
few cases.63 However, the discovery of these genes and abound, lending support to hypotheses that substances in
their products has already expanded our understanding of the environment might contribute to this disorder.83
the potential mechanisms of neurodegeneration in both Indeed, pesticide exposure, living in rural areas (in
familial and sporadic Parkinson’s disease.64 industrialised countries), and drinking well water have all
The first gene linked to familial disease (PARK1; been linked to Parkinson’s disease.84
HUGO-approved name SNCA) was that coding for the Conversely, certain environmental exposures seem to
synuclein protein recorded in a large Italian-American lessen the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Cigarette smoking
kindred (Contursi family).65 A missense mutation is inversely associated with risk of developing this
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Ubiquitin-activating enzyme
Monomeric Activated
ubiquitin ubiquitin
Ubiquitin carboxy-
terminal hydrolase
(UCHL1 missense Ubiquitin-conjugating
mutation causes enzyme
familial Parkinson’s
ubiquitin/ Abnormal/
ubiquitin- damaged/mutant
Short conjugating proteins ( synuclein
peptide enzyme missense mutations
fragments cause familial
ATP Parkinson’s disease)
26S proteasome
(inhibited in sporadic Ubiquitin ligase
Parkinson’s disease) Polyubiquitin–protein
(parkin deletions and point
mutations cause juvenile
Parkinson’s disease)
disorder.85 Possible explanations include a neuro- system.93 Parkin is a ubiquitin ligase that catalyses the
protective effect of a substance in cigarette smoke, ligation of ubiquitin to proteins targeted for degradation.
possibly carbon monoxide, which is a free radical Polyubiquitin chains that are released from the degraded
scavenger, or reduced appetite for smoking in people at proteins are disassembled back into ubiquitin monomers
risk for this disease. Findings of a study of caffeine and by ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 to re-enter this
Parkinson’s disease showed that the risk of this disease cycle (figure). Mutations in parkin and ubiquitin
was inversely related to intake of caffeine from coffee and C-terminal hydrolase L1 are also likely to interfere with
non-coffee sources.86 No clear explanation exists for this normal protein degradation.
inverse relation. Lewy bodies contain various proteins that might have
Infection has also been suggested in the pathogenesis of been destined for degradation but were not broken
Parkinson’s disease.87–89 The epidemic of encephalitis down.64 The substantia nigra pars compacta of patients
lethargica was temporarily correlated with the influenza with Parkinson’s disease contains high amounts of
pandemic of 1918, leading to the presumption of a oxidised and nitrated proteins that are resistant to
causative association. A subset of affected individuals proteasomal degradation.94 Amplified concentrations of
developed post-encephalitic parkinsonism. More recent nitrated proteins also suggest a contribution from
analysis with RNA detection methods on autopsy material excitotoxicity.95 A reduction in mitochondrial complex 1
has disputed this association.90 Post-encephalitic activity in the substantia nigra pars compacta of
parkinsonism is clinically and pathologically distinct from Parkinson’s disease patients96 would produce more free
Parkinson’s disease.91,92 radicals to damage cell constituents and impair protein
degradation, which needs energy. Therefore, mitochon-
Mechanisms of neurodegeneration drial injury, complex 1 deficiency, oxidative stress, and
Neurodegeneration could be related to mitochondrial excitotoxicity are not inconsistent with the hypothesis that
dysfunction, oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, apoptosis, the ubiquitin-proteasome system malfunctions in
and inflammation.83 The discovery of mutations in the Parkinson’s disease. However, the exact mechanism by
genes coding for synuclein, parkin, and ubiquitin which abnormal protein accumulation leads to neuronal
C-terminal hydrolase L1 in familial Parkinson’s disease death is unknown.
suggests that the failure of the ubiquitin-proteasome
system is the common final pathway of neuro- Medical treatment
degeneration.64 Ubiquitin molecules are normally attached In an evidence-based review of treatment options for
to damaged proteins as a signal for degradation (figure). Parkinson’s disease, data were surveyed for slowing
Ubiquitin-protein conjugates are degraded by the 26S disease progression, providing symptomatic relief of
proteasome, which is a multisubunit protease. motor and non-motor symptoms, and preventing motor
Mutant synuclein protein tends to misfold, aggregate, fluctuations and dyskinesia.97 Here, we discuss salient
and resist degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome features of the above-mentioned topics.
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For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet.
counteracted by addition of a dopamine agonist. Elimination of the agonist or even use of a stimulant
Amantadine can suppress dyskinesia,123 perhaps through might be necessary.130 Night-time awakenings and restless
antagonism of the N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate legs can be alleviated with a bedtime dose of long-acting
receptor.124 Pulsatile dopaminergic stimulation is levodopa or addition of entacapone. Low-dose
postulated to underlie dyskinesia,125,126 and is the basis of clonazepam is very effective in treatment of REM sleep
an unproven strategy to reduce peaks and troughs by use behaviour disorder.131
of adjunctive agents and thereby prevent or reverse Psychosis is rare in untreated Parkinson’s disease and is
dyskinesias.127 thought to be mostly drug-induced. Dopamine agonists
are more likely to cause hallucinations than is levodopa.111
Symptomatic treatment of non-motor symptoms The first step in management is to discontinue the agonist
Autonomic dysfunction in patients with Parkinson’s or anticholinergic drug and to use the lowest levodopa
disease includes symptomatic orthostatic hypotension, dose possible. However, addition of an atypical
constipation, urinary symptoms, and sexual dysfunction. neuroleptic is sometimes necessary. Clozapine is the only
Reduction of the dose of antiparkinson drugs, neuroleptic with proven efficacy in a randomised, double-
enhancement of salt and fluid intake, and addition of blind, controlled study in patients with Parkinson’s
fludrocortisone or midodrine are treatment options for disease.132 However, because of potentially fatal
hypotension. Aggressive management of constipation agranulocytosis, blood count must be measured every
entails escalation of water and fibre intake, addition of week or biweekly. Therefore, quetiapine has become the
fibre supplements (eg, psyllium), and use of stool most popular atypical neuroleptic in Parkinson’s disease,
softeners, suppositories, and enemas. Urinary urgency can in view of the absence of agranulocytosis and fewer
be treated with peripheral anticholinergic drugs extrapyramidal adverse effects than risperidone and
(oxybutynin and tolterodine) or adrenergic-blocking olanzapine.133
agents (prazosin and terazosin). Unfortunately, Findings of several open-label studies have suggested
anticholinergics worsen constipation and adrenergic- that dementia and psychosis in Parkinson’s disease can be
blocking agents exacerbate hypotension. Male erectile treated with central cholinesterase inhibitors.134 In a
dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease has been successfully randomised, double-blind, controlled study, rivastigmine
treated with sildenafil, although close blood pressure was effective in dementia with Lewy bodies.37 Results of a
monitoring is needed.128 small randomised controlled study showed that donepezil
Depression in Parkinson’s disease is usually treated improved cognition in patients with Parkinson’s disease.135
with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.16 No At present, no evidence suggests one cholinesterase
controlled head-to-head studies have been done to inhibitor is superior to another in Parkinson’s disease
suggest one drug is superior to another in Parkinson’s patients with dementia.
disease. Tricyclic antidepressants can exacerbate
orthostatic hypotension. In hypotensive patients, Surgical options for treatment
venlafaxine may be the drug of choice because it increases Surgical ablation of deep brain structures to treat
blood pressure.129 Parkinson’s disease goes back six decades.136 Before
Disorders of sleep in Parkinson’s disease include levodopa, thalamotomy was successful at reduction of
daytime somnolence and sleep attacks, night-time contralateral tremor,137 and pallidotomy variably improved
awakenings attributable to overnight rigidity and motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease.136 Functional
bradykinesia, REM sleep behaviour disorder, and restless neurosurgery was virtually abandoned with the
legs or periodic limb movements.18 Daytime somnolence introduction of levodopa in the late 1960s. However,
and sleep attacks have been linked to dopamine agonists complications of motor fluctuations and dyskinesia with
and patients should be warned of these adverse effects.112 long-term drug treatment led to a resurgence of surgical
Inclusion criteria
1. Clinically definite Parkinson’s disease
2. Hoehn and Yahr stage 2–4 (moderate to severe bilateral disease, but still ambulatory when on)
3. L-dopa responsive with clearly defined off and on periods
4. Persistent disabling motor fluctuations despite best drug treatment with some combination of
● At least 3 h of off period daily
● Unpredictable off periods
● Disabling dyskinesia
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treatment.138 Unilateral pallidotomy improves mostly cells or programmed to release neurotrophic factors such
contralateral tremor and dyskinesia.139 Bilateral pallido- as glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor.156 The
tomy is associated with important morbidity (dysphagia, negative results from fetal tissue transplantation have
abulia, aphonia, and cognitive deficits) and is not dampened enthusiasm for stem-cells as dopaminergic
recommended.140 precursors for neural grafting.
High frequency stimulation of deep-brain targets
mimics ablative surgery, presumably by reduction of Conflict of interest statement
neural activity in tissue surrounding the electrode contact. AS has received honoraria from GlaxoSmithKline and Boehringer
Ingelheim for lectures.
However, deep-brain stimulation causes less irreversible
brain trauma than ablative surgery. Furthermore, the
functional lesion induced by high frequency stimulation We thank Kass Klemz for assistance with manuscript preparation. This
can be sculpted by adjustments of the electrode work was made possible by funding from the National Institutes of Health
configuration, stimulation intensity, pulse width, and (AS, JGN, BRR), the Department of Veterans Affairs through the
frequency. Therefore, bilateral deep-brain stimulation has Parkinson Disease Research Education and Clinical Center grant (AS,
JGN), and the National Parkinson Foundation (JGN). The sponsor had
essentially replaced unilateral pallidotomy as the no role in planning or writing of this Seminar.
procedure of choice in Parkinson’s disease.141 However,
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might be the appropriate procedure for a particular References
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Uses of error
The arrogance of youth
Richard Bayliss
“These casualty officers! Okay, I'll be down in a minute”, “Lovely” said my boss and turning to the patient, “You’ll
I said scornfully as I handed the note back to the casualty be cured of this, laddy”.
porter. I admitted the patient and next day, because of the need
It was 1943 and I was one of the hospital’s resident to have beds available for blitz casualties, arranged to send
assistant physicians. “What is this about?” asked my boss the patient with many others to another hospital. At
who had just held a ward round. “A casualty officer who twelve o’clock that morning I was summoned to the
says he has a patient with leprosy, God help us!” I telephone. The medical superintendant of the other
replied. “I know a bit about leprosy. I saw some cases in hospital was apoplectic with rage. “What do you mean by
the last war in Mesopotamia, “ said my boss quietly. sending me a patient with leprosy?” he shouted, “And
“Can I come with you?” he asked with his customary infecting all the other patients in the ambulance, not to
politeness. “Of course, sir. Please do, but the casualty mention all those in my ward? Are you out of your mind?”
officer has been qualified only 6 weeks,” I said disparag- “No, sir,” I said firmly. “I spoke last evening to the
ingly. consultant adviser in leprosy to the Ministry of Health and
We were met downstairs by the casualty officer who he told me it was quite all right to send the patient down
led us to the room where a 20-year-old man lay on a to you. You are working on out-of-date biblical
couch. “He is a waiter from Cyprus and has got a misinformation, sir.” There was an explosion at the other
swelling on his nose,” said the casualty officer. “I’ve end of the telephone as it was put down.
taken a swab and the laboratory has stained it. It is here The waiter did get better, and some months later he
under the microscope and it shows Hansen’s bacillus— treated my boss and I to dinner. Foster humility and
mycobacterium leprae.” remember that your juniors may know more than you do.
My boss and I looked. I had never seen Hansen’s A version of these events was published in The Lancet in 1991
bacillus before. Both of us examined the patient’s nose. (Lancet 1991; 338: 814).
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet.