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a certain amount of gold and ivory was exported from the

lines rising upwards. A remarkable feature of the alphabet is

Soon after the deathpf Baldwin (October 13, 1213), William de

Kremer, Uber die philosophischen Gedichte des Abu-l-.Ala

the Albert Nyanza, the chief western reservoir of the

designs of the Egyptians and thus endanger his own safety,

upon his patron. Like his fellow-lyrist, Horace, who was

I., for it states that: ``If any default shall be found in

and abrasive power (see EMERY), and in well-crystallized

raison de son voisinage, lui pretera son appui, en cas de

to death by herself, or, according to some, by order of

December 1585). He himself and nearly all his accomplices

who was despatched by the French government to West Africa in

The present town (pop. in 1901, 15,322) has a picturesque

Charles Edward, born on the 19th of July 1884, who succeeded

Britain. He was young and eager to exercise his new

Cretan ``larnax'' coffins, also, have no parallels outside the

widow with small means, and devoted herself entirely to the

written at all, and Addison to have contributed 24 of the 80

ft.), 12.4 deg. F. (18,370 ft.), 16.4 deg. F. (12,640 ft.) and

privately understood as one which in time would naturally

1800 houses, 2 mosques and 16 water-wheels; W. F. Ainsworth

1840, determined to construct a very large balloon, and

F. Stable. M. Dormitory. V. Great cloister.

strips of caoutchouc were not likely to have a long life.

(Love's Labour's Lost, IV. iii. 314). Twelve members of the

Streets and Buildings.--Roughly, the extended city runs

into the useful. Every beautiful object is so called because

are known in cultivation. Most of the so-called Amaryllis

as far as Cape Nun, and c. 520 B.C. Hanno, a Carthaginian,

of successfully cultivating buckwheat, barley and oats, and

ACENAPHTHENE, C12H10, a hydrocarbon isolated from

a rich lady of Toulouse. In 1694 the Academie des Jeux

The goats, generally black or parti-coloured,

Leicesters. Bakewell's fame as a breeder was for a time

largely, and in a variety of soils and situations, in a part

AMBROSIASTER. A commentary on St Paul's epistles, ``brief

The electrical conductivity of a metal is often very much

Almack built a suite of assembly rooms in King's Street, St

possessing a peculiar sweet, earthy odour. It occurs as

eat with the other monks. In the West the rule of St Benedict

architecture, and in particular constructed the beautiful

such topics as the premature recognition of belligerency,

Court and the county court is that the latter are commenced

Abdur Rahman died on the 1st of October 1901, being succeeded

Bathrotum, Akrolissos and other towns may be identified. The

H. Marshall (Jour. of Chem. Soc., 1891, lix. p. 777) by

suitable fat with milk into a cream, solidifying the latter

by copyhold tenants on the death of the lord of the manor.

and commodious anchorage. Its population is about 8000.

Flax-spinning and jute and combmaking factories are also very

in important respects. For one thing, aesthetic contemplation

of partially trained men whose assistance was most valuable

with the first lord and the cabinet, by whom the policy

a dangerous granite reef extending along the south coast of

occurred between France and Great Britain on the upper Nile,

encouraged in New Zealand, as wherever it penetrates the

ordinand's head with the words, "Take the amice, which symbolizes

is flanked on the north by an uncompleted tower. The interior

combat of Mechanicsville on the 26th of June, and the battle

Mendelian fashion is almost certainly as true for man as

(``To Doctor Alabaster'' in Hesperides, 1648). He also published

War Department took up the problem. Renard and Krebs, the

by George IV. to lay out the gardens at the Pavilion, Brighton.

finches, the crop is a permanent globular dilatation, in which

will be necessary first to consider the nature Of pigmentation.

with which it was usual to ornament altars, or of symbols,

his mistress Giulia, who bore him a daughter Laura in 1492.

in Mac Flecknoe, scornfully assigned Shadwell the rule

plateau of Buchan; but at a certain stage there was a marked

very rapidly and is thrown into a series of coils; the caecum

and Leake, Prec. Pleadings (3rd ed.: 6th ed. 1905).

towards the west, and gradually subsides in long spurs,

as relative when the degree of exaltation of the function

utility, which is excluded from the beautiful by Hutcheson.

to Dallratia and Italy; others took refuge in the mountains

special licence from the sovereign, conferred a benefice by

members can only be held responsible for their advice. It

Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000

The church refectory, dormitory and other buildings belonging

of less than one tondekarthorn increased from 24,800 to

Blanc, in 37 deg. 21' N., to the most southerly point, Cape

constituent of fusel (q.v.) oil. It may be separated from

in colonial days, in which neither titles nor authors are

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