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the city are the Arab cemetery, ``Pompey's Pillar'' and the

AHAZ (Heb. for ``[Yahweh] holds''), son of Jotham, grandson

the Liber Pontifealis records that Constantine gave to the

designed by Dr P. J. H. Cuyper in the Dutch Renaissance style,

Q. Barns and granaries.

other hand, the altruist whose primary object is the good of

allowed himself to become the instrument of any particular

that a spendthrift life-owner shall not be able to scatter

along with the young prince Valdemar, afterwards Valdemar

Europe.,' Some attention was attracted to this arrangement

which has never been satisfactorily explained, but was probably

which was subsequently used as a museum, a library and a

reports. Where such difficulties arise the question must

side of the North Sea, amber is found at various localities

chaplain in the house of the Hon. Francis Newport, afterwards

terminate symmetrically shortly behind the atriopore, but in

the purple colour is due to the simultaneous existence in

hostilities between the two states in the early years of the

falling over the back and shoulders. This latter was reserved

there is no profit on the oil and the whales are sought for

Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice.

designed the principal facade of the church of Santa Maria

nearly the whole of Africa, and the death-adder (Acanthophis

and recaptured Vincennes from Hamilton. This expedition

visitors in the Mameluke and Ottoman periods landed, we hear

was severed from the Kabul dominion; and the sirdar Shere

the United States government for their protection, threaten

likewise, into sin and guilt. All men have the same seed of

building. The Canal du Midi, or Languedoc canal, uniting the

1904 42,001 3,189,100 3,658 412,971

ALIAGA, a town of the province of Nueva Ecija, Luzon,

courts constituted for maritime and commercial causes

figure of 63,964,876 was reached; in 1906 it was 50,631,619,

and reverted, notwithstanding the protests and an attempted

ten. The real attack had been pressed home on the British

an open rupture with Germany, and even revived for a time the

Aix-la-Chapelle possesses several fine secular buildings:

Independent Parliament in 1782 and for some ten years brought in

Ampsaga as far as Cyrenaica. The much more detailed list of

reminiscent of the famous naturalist Gilbert White, of Selborne

d. Duodenum. r.v. Rectal vein.

reaches 2334 ft. The broad streets of the city intersect at right

are stiff and inanimate; and his favourite field of literary

salt and dried and kept at a temperature of 450 deg. C. (in

sufficiently evident in a congratulatory epistle to Addison,

of 1886, which was to be extended along the first parallel

Total crop 67,513 7568 680 149 14.0 300.7

TABLE VI.--Areas of Cereal and Potato Crops in England, Wales

position which X retains in the Latin (and also in the

debt. After a brief seclusion, Herod the Tetrarch, his uncle,

that the individuals have become acclimatized to the altitude

1856. Two entrances give access to the grotto, an old one

middle Atlantic states, was James Bayard Taylor (1825-1878)

apparently uncertain, carries the ``Maranon or Amazon''

them to illustrate the electric fields of atomic charges.

der griechischen Litteratur; Mahaffy, Greek Life

often uncertain are raised by A. Gercke, ``Zur Geschichie des

the sprine crop. is sown in the end of autumn and reaped in

where it is said to be abundant. Iron ore is most abundant

includes the Khojak, or Kwaja Amran, range in Baluchistan.

clothing and pottery are largely imported. Of these by far

wily, adroit, unfailingly tactful, an adept in all the arts

similarity of shape (see DALMATIC); in other cases the colour

service scale to certain officers on retirement. lt may be

10 Years 13.21 18.18 32.06 29.32

assistance. Before the latter could come up, however, Rosecrans

Several Latin translations have been published, and an excellent

and sought to obtain possession of the Shire highlands by a

disturbed, and though the application of stimuli to the

another. The movements of amoebae are of several kinds. (1)

region in which the food remains for a considerable time

each side of the body a large ventral area has been separated

characterizes the lowest zone, is only occasionally exposed at

troops. In the British army the appointment of adjutant is held

time of King Theodore. Ambra-Mariam, a fortified station

of the correctness of their views, they determined to have a

harbour, lying to the east of the town, is protected on the

his father's death in 818 he married his widow, Judith.

flower shoot is cut out and the sap collected and subsequently

Pouget in France; Enrico Malatesta and Covelli in Italy; R.

both banks of the Congo on the coast, and for some distance

Russ. Circular of Jan. 27, 1820. Martens IV. part i. p. 270.

under Leo the Isaurian, afterwards emperor, to defend Syria;

publication, Exploration scientifique de l'Algerie (20

that has gathered round Acts may be found in two representative

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