ER am Ra1 20:388oTOVS
Clas Ro0l No 81
E :
Soga leayes Stgqu
Sieu w bes
w t e ouows b
e smos -Phloem
S Soluclen
siVe tub
ftows +o SUa teaye
egian low fo mtahaltm anq
a]'sto'stoao i waty folb ws
Root 0smoss
on h
s amu baaie potnip
POL sm9 electons down a ch am im 6rdeu to u a
a tontN) qTasdiont alpwimg he fomation
Sfmi tauke
9 both P7OCsses es auu assed down q eham
ele ctgon 4T ans-f agent n a seufes eodpr 9ea Cubns
Photohosphoxytaton o e c u in the hybkofol memb
thtoxoplasts duuin he aht depncttt stage
hdto symttuuis. Ujht h he foinm y pho+6m6 sbppus
PsI (pho tosystm 11)
dwonds enpugne
eneugy oled t
neeoled es h
he tanspot cch a
wht& aue hen passeol etlong
in the membrane
oxidoiye phosph 0Tylation Oc
u t a eellulau resprrodti o n .
mitochom dTtal dupuimg
e u he es ae suppufed U by NAD and FAD, with onygen
adima t h om at n
Qcuy as he a u t e accepto
www phyte pho sphr:Sn,
aeu hu last e
teai n tb H m atr 0 n NAOPHN
Theu au ay eu
Ao 9t madt up tteu
taunts 0 Quni m a
tnum Ran9e
Po pu ladtdo
b r q a n b )
M 0 OTqan Max
EnwiT onme ht 93adient
Eto ogica Amptde
Ac eoTelin to w tu
fo an
0T9anis m to SU esfl nan y gfven
envonmut an fatttr th«t feu thi 6 nms mut
yeman Wthin tolerant Tn A fon thed
fator oneeo u mtnimu 0ganism
br maaimUM
toler ete. o hat it
67gonism, uill
befail to thfve