Salah 1
Salah 1
Salah 1
Salah is to ablute, to stand erect, to bow and to lay prostrate while reciting some certain verses is a
misconception which puts so many people on the wrong track to go derailed. We are shackled with this
deception and we miss the true spirit of this blissful worship. If this is a misconception then what is the
true conception? Well! What would you do when an MNA or an MPA calls you to meeting? The private
meeting with you! Would you skip that meeting for anything of the mortal world! Would you delay in
cathing on with him? Would you go putting on your ordinary suit? Simply, would you be able to
clemence your throbbing heart? Would you really rest untill the hour has passed by? Would you care for
any routine of yours if such opportunity knocks your door? Would you attend any other meeting to skip
his? Nope! Never! You won’t commit yourself to any such mistake rather blunder. You would look
forward to it with a restless soul, an antsy body and fidgety feet! You would count yourself a lucky
person and would smile on your fate! Well! What happened! Just that a mortal called you who is a slave
of ensuance and causes. Who holds nothing that he could guarantee, who can’t see beyond the ongoing
moment, the one who can’t swallow a morsal that is stuck in his own throat without a draught of water
and the one who has to taste Death and knows not when. Well, prayer is no less than a meeting of the
Creator with the Creation. Yes, this is LAKA ALLAH! The meeting with the One who says ‘BE’ and it is! The
One who created Time and was there even before the Time itself was created and will be there when
the Time would end and the one who created Fate that rules everything! O what a pity that Man is at
loss for he can’t see which side his bread is buttered.
Holy Quran is the only flawless book written and safeguarded by Almighty Allah which guides us
flawlessly. The book is the ideal guide to live a successful life. Holy Quran issues orders for all to follow in
all situations of life. Prayer is the only obligations on which Almighty Allah indoctrinated in His Book for
seven hundred times. Why has He Almighty laid so much stress on one single obligation. Well, this isn’t
just an obligation rather it is the way to live life. Almighty Allah loves His supreme being with the love of
seventy mothers put together and He Almighty holds deer those who have pure souls and run on the
straight path. Thus, to make the souls of His Beloved creatures, He Almighty asks them again and again
to say prayer, to say prayer and to say prayer.
The Sun, Moon, the seasons and even the stars have their proper schedule. They all come at their turn
and complete their turn or stages to return. This is orderly world that runs according to a rule and within
an order. Thus, to achieve his target, a man must learn the art of order, organization and arrangement.
The prayer is the divine way of learning and thus leading a life of order constriction and sequence.
Prayer makes a man shun the immodesty and evil deeds. When once, it is achieved, it is the ascension
of a believer. This is the way to reach the highest possible rank as a man. Those who really say prayers
know that all the tanquility, sereneness calmness, peacefulness, placidity, harmony, composure, poise
and repose of all the worlds is gathered together in this graceful, blissful, blessed, honourable, dignified,
divine and miraculous meeting with Almighty Allah. You will always get the Best when you will meet the
Salah is Health! Cleanliness is next to Godliness and five-time ablution is a sure way to ward off all the
infection, infliction and conatmination. Also, prayer has a muscloskeletal and therapeutic effect on the
body. Suitable to all ages, the light exercise of prayer at regular intervals with perfect patterns of
contractions and relaxations with deep flexion of lower limbs like knee and hip joints is more of a way to
keep the muscles strong and joints lubricaed. Saying Takbeer and standing erect with equally distributed
bodyweight on feet, with straight back and hands folded on stomach straightens back relaxing backbone
and expands the chest cavity. The bowing reduces the risk of Osteoprosis of lower limbs, strengthens
back, straightens spine, improves the performance of tendons, makes hip and hamstrings flexible.
Prostration, with head below the level of heart, gives you a way to increse blood supply to the brain and
thus reduces the chances of headace, high blood pressure, anxity, depression and even brain
hemorrage. It improves memory and enhances cognitive abilities. During prostration, postural neck
muscles are activated. The abdominal muscles and he muscles of hands and the feet are strecthed which
gives them aided power. The curved strecth of spine allows the space between the vertebra of the spine
and allows spinal distraction and neural glide which helps in the lengthening of the nerves. The sitting
posture gives the already stretched tendons and muscles a relaxation. The muscles and tendons of feet
are now stretched. This posture helps core muscles, improves flexibility and strengthens ligament. In the
end, Salam to both sides helps bilateral muscles of neck to strecth and relax with appropriate intervals
to help maximize the performance of the movement of neck.
Pride is the attire of Almighty Allah and humbleness is the pride of man. Salah makes a man humble,
obedient, and docile. A humble person leads a life of contentment which is a sure way of earning
satisfaction. Running after the absurdities of life makes a soul resltless. Obsessions are soul-destroyers
and without a soul man is worse than an animal. Salah is the highway to heaven and a ticket to superior
heavenic abode. As a synopsis, Salah makes a man a true Muslim in this world, a resident of Jannah in
the life hereafter and the love of Almighty Allah.