Prayer Islamic Studies
Prayer Islamic Studies
Prayer Islamic Studies
Remembrance of Allah
Allah has set times to break regularly from the daily chores
of life for a few minutes and worship Him. First thing in the
morning before we begin our day, in the middle of the day, in
the late afternoon, in the evening, and at night before we go
to sleep. When done with concentration and properly, it
awakens and stimulates the soul. A Muslim reminds himself
that Allah is in charge of everything, he is Allah’s faithful
servant, and Allah’s pleasure is His aim. For a few minutes,
five times a day, a Muslim leaves this world and meets His
Seeking Forgiveness
To err is human, and even the most pious of Muslims sin and
need to repent. We all need to constantly ask for Allah’s
forgiveness and try our best not to repeat our mistakes.
Without regular contact with Allah, a person is unlikely to
feel guilty for his sins and repent. Sometimes if a person has
not asked Allah to forgive him in a long time, he might
become insensitive to sinning and may even forget that he
fell into it, thus not even seeking forgiveness for it. Certain
prayers in the formal prayers (salah) reminds the Muslim of
his sins and makes him seek forgiveness for them This in
turn causes Muslims to feel guilty for their sins and seek
repentance as soon as they are committed. A Muslim learns
to constantly seeks forgiveness for his sins and never feels
too distant from his loving Lord. The prayer places man
directly before Allah seeking pardon for his short-comings.
The prayer has the capacity to catalyze change for the better
in people’s life. The fact that we give up whatever we are
doing and line up behind a prayer leader (called imam) five
times a day in the mosque, or find room to pray in at work or
school by ourselves, instills discipline in life. People join the
army to learn discipline and everyone admires it. Similarly,
the prayer trains us to go through specific motions and utter
special words at specific times. All the body parts are under
control, obeying and worshipping Allah, and if this discipline
is broken, the prayer may have to be repeated.