Silence: What It Is and How To Use It
Silence: What It Is and How To Use It
Silence: What It Is and How To Use It
How To Use It
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Language: English
By David V. Bush
6. "What Is God?"[1]
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Old Glory.
Where is Success?
Misfits Can Win.
Pass It Along.
Lift Your Head.
Where God is Found.
The Boss is Watching You.
What is God?
Stick To It.
Think Right.
The Real Success.
The Bull Dog Grip.
It's Better to Smile.
Troubles That Never Came.
If You Would Be a Friend to Man.
THE SILENCE: What It Is, How To Use It
Just as the piano can be tuned, so can the mind. Man's body is made up of
twelve octaves the same as in music. All matter is music. All matter is
composed of twelve octaves. Wrong thinking brings inharmony in some of the
octaves of our body. Right thinking tunes these organs, puts them back into
their normal condition.
Boys have their little steel magnets by which they pick up small pieces of
steel, pins and so forth. When overworked, these magnets no longer attract.
Then the boys take their magnets, have them rubbed against strong magnets or
remagnetized with an electric current and their power is quickly restored—
so with our bodies. Mind is the re-electrifier and re-harmonizer of the
octaves into all harmony.
If the leader in the Silence should be intoning, there will be many in the
audience who will feel tinkling sensations—vibrations—and often are
instantly healed. They have been instantly re-harmonized. Sometimes it may
take several intonings in the Silence for a complete healing. Should you have
a violent vibration, feel no fear, but thank God for your healing because the
more violent the vibration perhaps the worse has been your condition and the
more surely has the re-harmony begun. Some people will feel this vibration
for hours, even days, throughout which there is always healing.
Others may not feel the vibration at all, yet if there has been any inharmony
in the bodily organs, these organs are unconscious to the conscious intoning
re-harmonization. Many people who have been healed of divers and many
malignant diseases were at no time conscious of any vibration. Never be
discouraged if you feel no sensation. If you do feel a vibration, know that you
are susceptible and on the high road to a healing demonstration.
The one intoning may or may not be feeling vibrations. Religion is the life
of God in the soul of Man. The Silence is the medium by which the life of
God and the soul of man are brought into At-one-ment.
The Silence is a medium by which man comes in a closer touch with the
Infinite; a medium by which man becomes conscious of his nearness to the
Infinite. The Silence is the meeting place where man's spirit links with God's
spirit; where spirit meets spirit and the marvel of His grace never ceases.
By means of wrong thinking our minds are put out of harmony with the
great Infinite spirit of God. "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." When
wrong thinking becomes right thinking, then man's right relationship to God is
restored. He becomes an open channel for the influx of the spirit so that
whatever demonstration he may desire he may have.
In the Silence a man may change his thinking as in no other way, therefore,
may change his heart, change his whole being, change his environment,
change every condition to which he was subject.
The human body may be likened to a harp. When man thinks rightly his
body is in tune; but wrong thinking creates inharmony in the body and
produces sickness. Wrong thinking produces inharmony in the mind, which,
of course, disconnects man from rightful association with the Divine. A man
must, therefore, think right. Yet, because of centuries of erroneous conception
of God and of the world, man has been a negative instead of a positive being,
and his unwisdom has reacted upon the present generation.
"There are steps of approach to the Silence. Stillness is one thing and the
Silence is another. One may quiet himself physically and not be still, and he
may be still without entering the Silence. When one becomes physically and
mentally at rest, he is apt to become receptive to psychic influences; and
when these are not desired it is advisable to protect oneself while mentally
negative. One may affirm his Oneness with God, his being surrounded and
protected by the divine Goodness, and may symbolize this by enveloping
himself in thought with the white light of love or the mellowed tints of
"With the senses calmed and unresponsive to the slower vibrations, but
responsive to the quicker ones, a peace and calm pervade one's mind, and it
becomes consciously receptive to higher vibrations of vital energy. Immune
from the lesser harmonies, one opens himself to the greater ones, which are
always seeking avenues of expression. With the greater influx of the One
Life, a sense of power steals over one and he becomes conscious of
increased vigor and vitality.
There is no better way to learn how to relax than by going into the
Silence. Are you tense? Let go. Relax.
Then direct the mind to go from one part of the body to another. Take a
deep breath between each change of your consciousness. Be sure to use the
diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing—breathing through the nostrils, mouth
closed until the muscles of the abdomen expand.
The best time to hold the Silence is as you retire at night, and just as you
awaken in the morning.[2] But you should hold your thought at least three
times a day, without stress or strain, without doubt or worry, passive in mind
and body—perfectly relaxed.
The real part of me is Spirit, not matter. I believe that this body of mine is
a Tabernacle for the Spirit. The real "I am" within me is therefore Spirit. The
real "me" is Spirit.
This Spirit is the God Spirit. This is what Jesus meant when in the
fourteenth chapter of John and again in the seventeenth chapter of the same
Gospel, speaking to His Disciples He referred to "I in you, you in Me and
We in God."
My Spirit is a part of the God Spirit. God is health, God is perfection, God
is abundance, God is harmonious. Therefore, the real "I am" is God; the real
"I am" is health, perfection, abundance and harmony.
When I am sick I know that it is the material of me that is sick, not the God
Spirit; it is my physical being which is out of harmony, it is this Tabernacle
of which Paul speaks, housing my spirit, which gives me pain and suffering.
The real "me" is not sick, it is my body.
For centuries we have held to a wrong idea of life. We have thought that
life is material; but life is spiritual, it is the invisible within me which is
eternal, which is God. Many still believe that life is material and matter,
instead of mind and spirit. I no longer hold that conception. I believe that all
is mind and Spirit.
Just here is where the healing methods of drugs and the scientist's
explanation of life is so limited. Not until we recognize that life is really a
thing of spirit—not matter but mind—not material but spiritual—do we come
into an understanding of Truth.
Jesus said, "God is Spirit," and on different occasions told His
Disciples that this Spirit was within them as well as within Himself.
Therefore, this same Spirit is within me and this same Spirit is the
God Spirit of health, abundance, happiness, harmony and perfection.
God is all health, all abundance, all harmony, peace and perfection.
Therefore the God Spirit within me is the same. I am sick in body; not in
mind, not in Spirit.
Just as wood when made into a violin and properly tuned, will give forth
harmony, so my body, though made in the material, when properly tuned by
mind will give forth harmonious living, perfect health.
As the tree standing in the forest may be made into the violin music box of
harmony, so my body, the material in the forest of matter, may be put in tune,
become harmonious and be raised to perfection by the Master Musician, God
—His mind within me.
God is all health. No one could conceive of God as being sick. I can
visualize only the eternal spirit of the Infinite Father. Perfection existing in
everything and I being a child in Spirit, am well, whole and complete in
Spirit. My real "I am" is well.
My body is made whole and complete physically. That is, all the cells of
my body are made over new every eleven months. The body I have today is
not the body I had eleven months ago. I get a new body every eleven months
and my body is today what my thinking was yesterday, the day before that and
the months before that. My body in the future depends upon my thinking in the
future. I am what I think I am.
I may or I may not have to wait for the element of time to make over every
cell. That may be done spontaneously and instantly. There is no limitation to
the power of God so I shall not set a time limit for my healing, knowing that
all things are possible with the Father. I affirm that now I have that which I
desire. I know that now the Spirit of divine health is surging through me,
touching and reaching every atom of my body and that now the God Spirit
within me is perfect and that Spirit makes my body perfect.
Miscellaneous Silence[3]
The mind should be saturated with the conviction that all life is filled with
abundance—all space is overflowing with abundance—all living comes
from an abundant source of supply.
In a Universe where this is true, there can be no want, no lack for you or
yours (for me or mine).
As you take your exercises this month, take the affirmation above. As you
walk on the street to your office, or place of business, continue this thought.
As you go about your daily duties in the home or workshop, let the mind be
saturated with a spirit, a feeling and thinking of abundance—"The opulence
of the Universal Source of Supply now meets all my needs," "The Abundant
Life Giving Spirit of Prosperity now leads and guides me into the paths of
plenty, peace and power," "My mind is filled with prosperous thoughts, my
being is pulsating in abundant rhythm, my soul is uplifted and sustained by a
thousand thoughts of ever-present abundance, prosperity and opulence."
As these thoughts are maintained and repeated again and again, absorbed
and sunk deep into the subconscious mind, know that all of your needs are
this minute supplied. Know that you could not ask for anything from the
Universal Spirit—Father, God—without that Spirit being most willing to
supply, instantly, all your needs. The spirit and body are well, but the flesh is
weak. Allow your flesh to be stimulated, and your body to respond by
thoughts of abundance, prosperity and opulence.
"I am now rich in thought, rich in body and rich in spirit. I am now part of
the abundant ever-present spirit of prosperity and opulence. All that I need is
now mine, mine, mine."
"All is Good."
We are entering upon a new consciousness for the human race, a higher
plane of mentality, and a greater development of the spiritual life.
The age in which we are living has not yet developed this spiritual
understanding. We are still of the earth—earthly—and we are still in that
consciousness where the physical is affected by seeming misfortunes,
reverses, sorrows, griefs, trouble, sickness, etc. We may be wise in not
expecting that suddenly this generation of man will reach that spiritual plane
where there will be no recognition of anything except good.
Our seed sowing today should be "All is Good." All is Good in spirit. You
can say that and be honest with yourself. All is perfection in spirit. All is
good for us in spirit. All is good for our lives here. Spirit transcends matter.
When we recognize, affirm, and continue to hold the constructive thought that
All is Good in spirit, we are changing our own mental attitude, our own
bodies, all matter in general—getting ready for the greater realization of the
spiritual manifestation in the next generation.
Therefore, for your own good here today in success, prosperity and
happiness as well as in health, peace and harmony, begin to pronounce over
everything in life, All is Good. If you have any misunderstandings, All is
Good. If you have any losses, All is Good, any reverses, All is Good, any
sorrow, All is Good, any inharmony, All is Good. In everything at all that is
out of perfection you must recognize only the good. ALL IS GOOD.
Sending your thought energy by repeating All is Good, and thinking All is
Good, and living All is Good, you will actually, in this day, overcome your
difficulty, and turn all of your mistakes, blunders and misfortunes into
stepping stones for your own success, health and happiness.
I enter the Silence this month, this day, this hour and this minute. My mind
is obsessed and under control of the Divine Spirit, I recognize here and now
only good. I see in my fellowmen only perfection and good. I see in nature all
around me only perfection and good. I see in every transaction of life only the
perfect good. I see in every activity of my experience, and in every form,
color and thought, good. All is Good for me now, today and forever.
Base your thought for this Silence upon the following. You may add any
constructive thought you choose.
Therefore, I send out blessings and thanksgiving to the very ones who
would work my downfall. I charge my subconscious mind to let peace,
harmony and justice reign so that all things will work together for the good
for me and for those who are thinking evil.
So those who would try to block my way, curb my progress or put thorns
in my crown are doing so "not knowing what they are doing." "Whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap." Instead of hurting me, they are sowing
weed seeds, which shall bring forth a harvest of weeds and tares in their own
lives, and not in mine.
I, therefore, do not wish them harm, nor think that they should feel the
reaction. I do not have to concern myself about the negative people in the
world—for the law takes care of them.
I relax (here pause and wait), take time for meditation (here pause and rest
relaxed) and I become happy in the silence—holding my thought of peace,
harmony and justice reigning in the hearts of men everywhere—and, as I
relax and wait, I feel my vibrations rise. I am resting at ease, in faith.
(Pause.) I am perfectly calm and contented. (Pause.) I am sending out love,
peace and harmonious thoughts, and, as they go, love, peace and harmony
will come to me. These are now returning. They enter my being and uplift my
I realize that I cannot send out my affirmation of peace, love, joy and
harmony without peace, love, joy and harmony coming back to me. I,
therefore, send out my affirmation: "My Subconscious Mind, I desire and
command you to have peace, harmony and justice reign-in the hearts of men
wherever they may be." I wait and listen—perfectly relaxed and at ease—
and I feel the vibrations which I sent out coming back to me.
I, therefore, know that no harm can befall my dwelling place. I know that
whatever evil thoughts have been sent out for my destruction have been
counter-blasted, and that now everything is working for my good.
As I recognize, and realize, that all things work together for my good,
I am sending out love-thoughts that all things are working together for
the good of those who would do me wrong. "They know not what they do."
They alone will have to reap the harvest of the weeds they are sowing.
My wish for them is that they may learn their lesson easily and early.
My blessings I send out to them.
Again I wait. Again I listen. Again I am at ease, happy, and at rest. Love
and blessings, peace and harmony, I send out—love and blessings, peace and
harmony, come back. "My Subconscious Mind, I desire and command you to
have peace, harmony and justice reign. My blessings upon all mankind—my
love to everyone!"
I believe the Scripture: "My ways are not your ways, saith the Lord;
neither are my thoughts your thoughts, for as the heavens are higher than the
earth, so are my thoughts higher than your thoughts."
I understand by this Scripture that the thoughts of the Infinite God are far
above the understanding of finite me; that God's ways are higher than my
ways. "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform."
Therefore, I shall hold the thought that my success has already been
achieved. I am Success, I have success now and forever! Therefore, I think
only success; I talk only success; I believe only in success; I am
demonstrating success, and I know that success is mine.
The needed lessons I am having now, have had in the past, and may require
in the future, are but necessary stepping stones to my greater success. The
apparent delay of my greater success means that I am now demonstrating
more success than I could otherwise have. Dreams that I have dreamed,
visions that I have visualized, and the goal that I have mapped out, are all a
part of my ultimate greater success. I have that now! I am successful now!
As Moses went into the land of Midian, and spent forty years of his life as
a shepherd in the wilderness—(apparently with no future before him—
which, however, was the great schooling necessary for his greater triumphant
success in the future)—so I may be, in my land of Midian, apparently, only a
sheep herder, but in reality getting the necessary training for my greater and
ultimate success.
There is no place in the world where clouds do not gather, and storms do
not rage; but when the storms abate, and the skies clear, then do we
appreciate more fully the glories and beauties of God, the Universe and its
natural laws, and Infinite Love.
Moses could not have enjoyed leading his people into the promised land,
had he not been in the land of Midian. If he had stayed forever in the Court of
Pharaoh, with its attendant luxuries, life would have taken on a dull,
monotonous hue, and his experience would have seemed drab, wearisome
and pale.
Even as Moses did not doubt the wisdom of the Lord for a greater future
(when in the land of Midian for forty years), so shall I not doubt His ways
The old idea of orthodox prayer was that of supplication and begging. I
have spent a whole night at a time begging for a few pennies and supplicating
for the salvation of others. What waste of energy. Each time that we send up
such a weak supplication as the attitude of a beggar, with the timid, frightful
thoughts that only a beggar's mind can have—this condition of mind, cross
circuits the power to bring into our lives the very things we most desire.
When the beggar extends his hand for a copper, he knows that not everyone
who passes is going to give him a coin. He, therefore, solicits more or less
mechanically, with a mind not positive or sure. His hand is extended in
timidity and weakness. Now and then he gets a coin from a sympathetic
passer-by. The same principle holds true for the man who prays in the old
orthodox fashion. He utters his petitions with doubts and misgivings, with
timidity and wonderings. Some of his prayers are answered—just as the
occasional coin is cast to the beggar. But most of the orthodox prayers sent
up in the fashion of begging and supplicating are never answered. Of
necessity, they cannot be, because the concentration is filled with fear and
Therefore, in making your affirmation this time, rest assured that the
abundant spirit of the Universal Supply has everything you need, and has it
now. You have only to put your mind in a condition to receive.
You do not have to beg the sun for its rays, nor God for His love. It is there
for the taking. Many of us keep the sunshine of abundance out of our lives by
pulling down the curtain of doubt—just as we may go into a room, pull down
a shade and keep out the sun. James Russell Lowell, seventy-five years ago,
told us the same story in "The Vision of Sir Launfal," when he said that
"Heaven is given away and God may be had for the asking".
By gratefully accepting all of the supply for your needs, you are running up
the shade of positive faith and letting the sunlight of abundance in.
Send out the desire for your supply to the Universal Mind and then rest—
feeling that it has been acquired. Of course, the stronger you concentrate,
without stress and strain (as outlined in "Practical Psychology and Sex Life,"
by the author, under the chapter "How to get what you want," and chapters on
"Concentration"), and the more positive and courageous your concentration,
the stronger will be your mental thought currents and consequently the
quicker your demonstration.
Omnipotence has provided for me and mine, I raise the shade of my faith
and let in the Sunlight of Abundance. I know I do not have to beg for this, for
it is mine now. When first I saw the light of day, the bountiful spirit of the
Father made all preparations for my life's necessities and pleasures. They
have been in the world since I was born. I now claim and accept my supply.
From now on the spirit goes before me—making easy and prosperous all
my ways—and I have abundance for every need. From the bountiful hand of
Omnipotence I have abundant health—I have abundant love—I have abundant
prosperity—I have abundant peace. My Father careth for the grass of the
field and the birds of the air—and He careth for me. I realize it.
"God Made From One Blood All the Nations of the World."
As I enter the Silence this time, expecting to get health, success, prosperity
and happiness, I am going to have my mind filled with the Spirit of Divine
Unity. Unity among the nations of the world, unity in abundance, unity in love,
unity in prosperity, unity in health and unity in spirit.
I am therefore at one with God and all spirit. Nothing can separate me
from the love of God, but my own mental attitude. Nothing can separate me
from abundance, happiness, success, prosperity and love, but my own wrong
thinking. Love is dealt in the world in the spirit of God and, therefore,
recognizing this unity of love, I am a part of it and have perfect love, success,
prosperity, abundance and health.
When we have maintained that attitude of one-ness with the Father in all
respects, we are then recognizing and expecting, in this act, the fullness of
our spirit. This fullness of our spirit will, therefore, give us health,
prosperity and happiness.
Where there is a unity of spirit, there is unity of all the good things of life.
Perhaps I am not drawing from the bank of life's experience everything that I
ought to have—because I have separated myself from the spiritual board of
directors in this bank of life, and am not getting my dividends on time. My
mental attitude is the cause; therefore, as I enter the Silence this time, I am
going to maintain the faith and the love-spirit of my unity with all things. I
maintain, therefore, my at-one-ment with God, with man and nature. I
maintain that all of the original strength of spirit is mine. I hold that the
manifestations of this original spirit will produce everything in my life for
my ultimate good, because I am at one with the Father. All things are mine.
The Silence, this day, finds me at one with all. The Silence, this day, finds
me at peace with God, Man and Nature. The Silence, this day, finds me in at-
one-ment with God and all, in unity with every conceivable thing in the
universe. Therefore, my unity, my at-one-ment with the Father, my wholeness
of spirit with God brings into my life everything for my good.
All things work together for my good in my at-one-ment with Man, God
and Nature—in my unity with all.
Nothing could be more unpsychological. The laws should be used for the
individual, but should not stop there. Each individual who is profiting by the
operation of the laws, or understanding of psychology, ought not only to get
everything himself that psychology can give him, but he should pass these on
to others; he should tell others about it; he should cry it from the housetops
and megaphone it from the street corners. He should not want to get
everything himself, but wish the same that he has to everyone else. By doing
this, the law will rebound, and, instead of having less, he will have still more
than he would have were he thinking about the laws for himself alone.
The human race is made up of a whole lot of selfishness, and the man, or
the woman, who hopes to get the most out of life and out of psychology, must
learn at the very beginning of his or her understanding of the laws. Then,
only, will the best come to those who are absolutely unselfish.
If there is any selfish motive or selfish desire in your heart, you may
operate the law and get a certain amount of benefit, nay, you may even
become rich by it and have great power, but it should not end there. Your
riches are for the use of others, as well as for yourselves, and the real
psychologist, in getting his riches, will pass on to others that which he has.
The real psychologist, in getting more power, will share it with others and
will use it for the good of others, as well as for his own personal
Therefore hold the thought: "I am unselfish in action, being and motive."
Many a person never will get the demonstrations he wants, because the
channel of abundance and prosperity, happiness and joy, is clogged up with
his own selfish attitude. The selfish person who does operate the laws, does
so by overbalancing his selfishness with some other great virtue. But when
he is extremely selfish, he may never have demonstrations as he wants; he
may not have enough other virtues to outweigh his selfishness. He may live
for years, and know what the laws are, and yet lack this one little thing,
unselfishness, in operating the laws for his own abundance, prosperity or
If you are not having the demonstrations you want, it is because there is a
kink in the mind somewhere. The kink may be selfishness, or it may be pride,
haughtiness, duplicity, dishonesty, hatred, envy or jealousy.
This time we are going to hold the thought: "I am unselfish in action, being
and motive," and each time we go into the Silence, this unselfish spirit shall
be the guiding-star of our thoughts. It will be the personal touch with the
Infinite Spirit itself.
The beginning of life's happiness, as well as the end thereof, is the spirit of
I realize that all things are in Divine order for me and mine. There can be
no disturbance in the world without or the world within my being but that is
in perfect harmony with the Infinite.
"Divine Harmony and Peace actuate every thought and action of my being."
This thought is energy, this thought is life, this thought is power. The energy,
life and power of this thought weaves all of my diversified Life's
experiences into a Divine pattern of perfection for me. There can be no
trouble, disappointments, sorrow, reverses, loss or discord but that shall be
changed for my good when I think Spirit and live the affirmation of today,
namely, "Divine Harmony and Peace actuate every thought and action of my
being." All things are in Divine order.
Divine Harmony and Peace actuate every thought and action of my being.
All things are in Divine order.
There is nothing that can defeat justice; and the person who has a
consciousness of justice will attract to himself every conceivable thing
needed for this life, because it will be the logical objective of justice to
supply to each individual that justice for which he thinks.
If you have lived a life of justice, and it appears now that your own is not
coming to you, that someone else is having more of the good things of life
than you, and that someone seems to have used the art of the man of injustice,
be not deceived, God is not mocked, for "whatsoever a man soweth that shall
he also reap." If you have sowed equity and justice in the days that are gone,
be sure that the same equity and justice will be secured to you.
The Scriptures tell us not to think too much of the man who is nourishing
like a green bay tree, for his efforts are soon cut off and he vanisheth away.
One who is astride the scales of justice, and who thinks that he can hold
the balance, is gravely mistaken. He may have occupied his present position
for many years, first putting his weight on one side and then on the other in an
effort to keep his equilibrium. Perhaps today it appears that the scales of
justice are being well manipulated by his insincerity, duplicity or trickery—
but it is like the green bay tree. It will soon pass away.
Perhaps already your life has had the law of compensation bring to you
more than to others of whom you may think, and who, because of their bank
account, get more out of life than you. A man may have a million dollars, and
yet not be as happy as the laborer living in a thatched cottage. Perhaps
Justice has tipped the scales in your favor already—and you have failed to
recognize it. Perhaps you have children, loved ones, family and fireside
which bring more comfort to you than the land owner gets who lives in his
palace on the hill.
Half of Life, or the joys of Life, depend upon our ability to recognize and
appreciate the blessings we already have. Therefore, in counting your
blessings, or discounting your blessings, be sure that you use a moral
standard, instead of a material standard, in gauging whether justice has been
meted out to you or not.
The Justice of the Eternal secures me, the Spirit of Justice secures me in
which is mine own. Believe it, think it, live it, claim it and Justice shall be
Question—In practicing the Silence, the mind seems to flutter all about and
there is great nervous tension. What is wrong?
The nervous tension is caused because of this lack of control, and in the
effort to bring the scattering mind into one focus the reaction comes upon the
nervous system which, in turn, reacts upon the body.
(1) Select some part of the body, a foot or hand, with the idea of
HEAT. While holding the mind in this attitude, breathe deeply and
steadily, and, in from one to four minutes, you will feel the warm
glow coming to the foot. In this way, you can soon master the entire
body. Begin with the sense of feeling. If there is an itching of the
body, make it stop by the force of your will. In from three days to
three weeks, you can stop the itching sensation at will. Then try the
habit of sneezing; stubbornly resist the inclination to sneeze, and
you will soon have the mastery. Now try your will on coughing.
When the tickling sensation comes, stop it by the exercise of your
will. You can soon master it. Next try it on pain. When you feel a
pain in the body, instead of rubbing on liniment, rub in a little will
power; soon it will ease your pain as if by magic. With the fingers
of one hand rub the skin on the back of the other hand, stroking
toward the elbow, and will that all feeling shall disappear. In from
one to three minutes, take a needle, and you can stick it through the
skin on the back of the hand without pain. You may have to try it a
dozen times, but persistence will bring success. Having mastered
the sense of feeling, take up that of hearing.
(2) It may seem impossible at first thought, but you have seen
people so absorbed in what they were reading or thinking that they
heard nothing, although you addressed them directly. They are
simply abstracted from all else, and are thinking of one thing—to
the exclusion of everything else. They entered this state of
abstractedness unconsciously. To do so intentionally, you go by the
law of indirectness. For instance, take sight; concentrate your vision
and your whole attention upon some object, real or imaginary, until
soon the sense of HEARING becomes dormant. A little practice
will enable you to study, think or sleep, regardless of noise.
(4) After getting control of your sight, take up the TASTE. Take
some tasteless thing on the tongue, abstract the mind to something
else until the taste becomes dormant. Then take something with
more taste to it, abstracting the taste, until by this gradual process
you can make the sourest pickle sweet.
(5) Finally take some light odor, and hold it before the nostrils,
abstracting the attention from the sense of smell, by hearing or
seeing, etc., until by practice you can pass through the foulest odor
without inconvenience or notice.
Sit or stand absolutely motionless, except your breathing, for one to five
minutes at a time. Do this often.
Practice closing each finger in rotation; then, when all are closed, open
one at a time very slowly, keeping the attention fixed on what you are doing.
Keep all the other fingers still, save the one you are exercising with.
Inhale gradually for ten seconds, then exhale in the same way and time.
Look steadily at some point or object for a minute without winking the eye,
keeping your attention fixed on the object.
Look at a picture critically, then close your eyes and mentally reconstruct
Close your eyes and construct the face of a friend, feature by feature.
Fix your attention on a hand or foot, hold on it the idea of heat and continue
until the hand or foot feels warm. Then try cold; then try pain.
Will that the person in front of you shall turn around or put his hand on his
head or neck.
Hold your hand on some one in pain and say, "I will the pain to depart."
Repeat till the pain goes.
Those at a distance or those who cannot attend my classes may have silent
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What is the kink in your mind? Does your subconscious mind entertain
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Here then is a way to overcome all these mental handicaps and develop
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Dr. Bush tells you how to train your subconscious mind along the path of
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Most people fail to become prosperous because they lack a definite working
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[2: For complete study of how to charge the subconscious mind, see
chapters on the "Subconscious Mind," "How to Cleanse the Aura," "How to
Get What You Want," "Concentration" and "Visualization," in "Practical
Psychology and Sex Life" by the author.]
[3: Scientific explanation of the Silence and How to enter the Silence and
the benefits derived thereby, will be found in "Practical Psychology and Sex
Life" by David V. Bush.]
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