Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
2020 Ali Sorayyaei Azar Malaysia The purpose of this study is to The data were collected The findings The impact of
Emma Juliana find out the impact of effective using both, qualitative Indicated that effective educational
Adnan educational leadership on and quantitative leadership, clearly has leadership on
school students’ methods which were the an impact on the student’s students’
performance in Malaysia. interview and survey performance and quality performance a
questionnaire. teachers are two main improvement.
contributing factors to
students’ performance.
2019 Taeyeon Kim South Korea This study investigates the TALIS dataset and The findings showed that a Each country
Youngjun Lee relationship between principal stratified sampling high ratio of teachers in these showed differe
instructional leadership and design were used to three countries participated patterns of
teacher participation in determine and compare in the traditional types of PD instructional
professional development in evidence on lower- and research-oriented PD, leadership
Japan, Singapore, and South secondary education teacher network-based PD, effects.
Korea. level principals and coaching and mentoring.
2020 Stefan United This article addresses the Independent variable- The findings showed different School leaders
Brauckmann, Kingdom problems and challenges Sweden model of patterns impacting school versus school
Petros Pashiardis arising at the school level and principal leadership and school management.
& Helen Arlestig examines the effective school Dependant variable- development.
leadership program of public public management
management in education.
2021 Saadiah Shuib, Malaysia This study aims to identify the This study uses a There is a significant The developme
Jamal @ Nordin level of teachers’ professional quantitative approach relationship between of teacher
Yunus development of secondary with a qualitative teachers’ professional professionalism
school teachers and the approach (descriptive development and the teacher towards the se
implications for teachers’ self- survey method and self-efficiency of secondary effectiveness o
efficacy in the state of questionnaire). school teachers in the state of secondary scho
Selangor. Respondents are Selangor. teachers.
selected using a
stratified sampling
2020 Miltiadis Greece This research aims to examine Data were collected The research reveals an The choice of
Chalikias, Ionna the role of leadership and using Simple random important correlation leadership styl
Raftopoulou, leadership’s contribution to sampling and a between professional impacts teache
Georgias the effectiveness of teachers’ questionnaire. All development and leadership professional
Sidiropoulos, professional development in variables were measured style. The role of the school development.
Grigorios the public secondary using a 5-point Likert principal has a substantial
L.Kyriakopoulos, education of Athens. scale (1=totally disagree, impact through leadership in
Vassilis 5=totally agree). All teachers’ professional
Zakopoulos hypotheses were tested development.
at the 0.05 significance
2020 Sedat Gumus, Turkey This study examines the In this study, a cross- The results showed that
Mehmat Sukru effective professional sectional survey design professional development
Bellibas development of principals was used to examine the provided principals’
performing learning-centred research. The sample contribution to the
leadership. (n=130) was elementary, enhancement of their
middle, and high school leadership practices toward
teachers. teaching and learning.
2017 Heather United States This article explores the This research used The finding shows that the Theme 1: The
D.Kindall, Tracey of America influences of school leadership qualitative and school leadership has greatly impact of
Crowe, Angela and the professional quantitative design to influenced effective building princip
Elsass development of novice analyse the result of professional development knowledge and
teachers. questionnaires. The data and literacy instruction for teachers’
of respondents with elementary novice teachers. professional
fewer than 5 years development.
experienced only were Theme 2: The
used. impact of
The Independent professional
variable – is novice development o
teachers (n=35) and the their self-effica
dependent variable – is and literacy
school leadership and education.