Barrocas Thesisfinal - Doc - Attachment Theory - Adolescence

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3/28/2019 barrocas thesisfinal.

doc | Attachment Theory | Adolescence

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 Documents Attachment #onds e$ist in relationships across the lifespan. Adolescence m

a particularly crucial period for attachment relations. As relationships %ith parents

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and those %ith peers gain importance' patterns of attachment may change as %ell. T
is a huge gap in the attachment literature on the utili(ation of mother' father and pee
attachment figures' specifically ho% attachment to parents relates to that %ith peers
importantly' ho% adolescents are attached to their fathers as compared to their moth
This study e$plores these patterns of attachment in adolescence. T%enty)four racial
di*erse' mostly middle class adolescents+ ,grades eight and ten-' mothers+ and fathe
attachment %as measured using the n*entory of Parent and Peer Attachment ,PPA

/uestionnaire. 0*erall' adolescents

suggesting generali(ation rated
of attachment attachment to #ut
representations' mother
theyand father
rated similarly
attachment t
 peers' especially on the communication dimension' higher than to parents' suggesti
rise in the importance of peers. mplications of these findings for adolescent attach
relationships are discussed. 1/1

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