Cpu-95evs 9-14

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CPU-95EVS Enhanced VariSpark®

Digital Ignition System

for Industrial Engines
VariSpark® Spark Profile Control Serial Communications to PC or What is VariSpark® and how is it im-
Users can select from one of six VariSpark Engine Management System plemented in the CPU-95EVS system?
spark energy profiles embedded within All system features, display data, and confi- VariSpark represents a wholesale depar-
the system to insure maximized improved guration inputs are accessible via an integral ture from traditional CD ignition sys-
engine performance and combustion stabi- RS-485 serial port enabling simultaneous tems—a system that discharges a storage
lity, ignition of lean mixtures for emissions use of both the system display and a supervi- capacitor through the ignition coil during
reduction or improved starting and loading sory control system utilizing ModBus RTU. firing. VariSpark technology utilizes a
characteristics. Profiles can be changed specialized power supply and high speed
via the keypad, Modbus, or the miscel- System Configuration switching technology to positively control
laneous input switch while the engine is Engine-specific configuration parameters the delivered spark energy. This provides
running to suit varying operating needs. (engine firing pattern, gear teeth, timing the capacity to independently control

control map) are contained in a plug-in spark intensity and duration—in many
Comprehensive Display Capability memory (EEPROM) which can be moved cases delivering energy orders of magnitu-
Large, backlit, graphical display indicates to a spare unit if necessary. The memory de higher than any other ignition tech-
the following operating parameters: can be configured in the shop or on loca- nology. The impact on engine operation:
„„ System status and mode tion using a personal computer connected assured combustion of leaner mixtures,
„„ Selected VariSpark® profile to the serial port. the ability to operate at higher efficienci-
„„ Global timing (in degrees BTDC) es, and extended service intervals.
„„ Individual cylinder timing Diagnostics, Testing, Shutdown Accessing one of the six VariSpark spark
„„ Value of timing control signal (4-20mA)
Capabilities profiles embedded within the CPU-95EVS
„„ Relative spark plug voltage indication
Advanced and patented diagnostics, self- can be accomplished from the system key-
by cylinder
„„ Engine speed (in RPM) test, and alarm/shutdown capabilities are pad, via Modbus, and/or through the use

„„ Engine overspeed setpoint included with each CPU-95EVS system: of the Miscellaneous Input Switch. This
„„ Diagnostic messages allows for the use of the single and double-
„„ Primary and secondary discharge
faults identified as to cylinder strike configurations that are part of the
Ignition Timing Control Modes „„ Status of system pickups standard CPU-95 system for lower demand

Local and remote control of ignition ti- „„ Test firing of selected cylinder(s) (optional) operating conditions, and for the use of
„„ Overspeed condition more current intensive, longer-duration
ming (global or individual cylinder) allows
„„ Alarm and shutdown outputs profiles when proper combustion is more
engine starting and running performance
to be optimized. difficult—lean operation, light load, etc.
Retrofit Existing Altronic III, III-CPU,
„„ One-step timing change vs. input 100mA/Div
signal or RPM CPU-90, and CPU-95 Systems 200µs/Div
„„ Keypad control via display module Retaining many system components ma-
„„ Terminal program control via serial port kes conversion to the CPU-95EVS simple
„„ Analog 4 to 20mA control and cost-effective.
„„ Timing control vs. RPM

E1 SS (RED): Emulates SS mode of standard CPU-95.

E3 SS (BLUE): 5x the energy of single spark.
„„ Incorporates Altronic-patented VariSpark spark voltage demand by cylinder on both pickups and cables, a primary wiring
spark current control technology to assure an immediate and long-term basis. harness, and an ignition coil for each spark
combustion in lean operating environ- plug. A system Display Module, typically
ments, on engines with poorly mixed air/
Patented CPU-95EVS diagnostics and used (but not required), is also available.
fuel charges, under light load, and on
prognostics (predictive diagnostics) super- A Hall-effect pickup and cable, as well as
low-btu fuel applications
vise all ignition system-related functions. a magnet turning at camshaft-speed are
„„ A simple, cost-effective system upgrade
The secondary analysis capabilities detect utilized on 4-cycle applications only.
for existing CPU-90/95 systems – All
system accessories including the shorted spark plugs and leads, as well
primary harness, coils, secondary leads, as spark plugs that exhibit high voltage Operation
pickups, and pickup cables are retained demand or are not firing at all. A display
The diagram at right illustrates how
„„ Delivers full-time system, primary of the relative voltage demand of each
these components are integrated into an
discharge, and secondary discharge spark plug is provided, allowing spark plug
diagnostics (patented) operating system. To insure that the spark
changes to be predicted and scheduled.
is delivered at precisely the right moment
„„ Features an advanced, user-friendly Module and pickup operation, timing input,
Display Module to adjust all critical for each engine cylinder on each revoluti-
and primary output functions are also moni-
operating parameters and to access all on, the CPU-95EVS determines the posi-
tored for operation within preset limits.
system and spark diagnostics tion of the engine crankshaft through the
„„ Class I, Div 2, Group C and D certified use of a magnetic pickup sensing starting
The CPU-95EVS system is shop- or field-
ring gear teeth or holes drilled into the
configurable. Using the standard Terminal
The Altronic CPU-95EVS is a micro- flywheel allowing precise determination
Program and the CPU-95 Display Module,
processor-based digital ignition system of crankshaft angular position in real
the user has the added flexibility and con-
designed for application to medium- time. Matching that to a pre-programmed
venience associated with a USB-based
range industrial gas engines. Advantages system memory, the CPU-95EVS system
connection to the system for program-
include the patented VariSpark spark
® can achieve extremely high ignition ti-
ming. Operation of the Display Module
energy control system, a full-featured user ming accuracy. A second, flywheel-based
also enables the user to download and
display and interface, advanced timing magnetic pickup, is used to generate
retain the ignition operating parameters
adjustment options, serial communica- a once per crankshaft revolution reset
(firing code, number of monitored gear
tions, and state-of-the-art diagnostics. pulse. Four-cycle applications also utilize
teeth, 4-20mA or RPM control loop, etc.)
Full access to all CPU-95EVS operating a Hall-effect pickup sensing a magnet
from the connected Ignition Module.
data and control functionality is availa- turning at camshaft speed to determine
Should the ignition module ever require
ble through an advanced, user-friendly the compression cycle of the engine.
replacement, the Display Module can then
Display Module as well as via a PC ope-
simply upload the correct ignition operating
rating the provided CPU-95EVS Terminal The CPU-95EVS Ignition Module is
parameters into the new unit without need
Program. Both options display essential typically mounted on or near the engine.
for a laptop, the Terminal Program, or the
engine and ignition data such as RPM, ti- The associated Power Supply Module
services of an instrumentation technician.
ming angle, VariSpark® spark profile, and accepts 24VDC and provides a185 VDC
diagnostic messages, along with global output The Ignition Module accepts and
and individual cylinder timing adjust- processes the input data derived from the
ments and overspeed setpoint. Extensive Each CPU-95EVS system is composed of engine-based pickups and any control
spark reference number graphing and the VariSpark® Ignition Module, a VariS- data being brought into the system
trending is included to support analysis of park Power Supply Module, two magnetic
through the CPU-95EVS Display Module,
Terminal Program, or engine management of ignition-related problems, a suite of These powerful, non-intrusive diagnos-
system. This control information, inclu- comprehensive, easy-to-use, troubleshoo- tics are unique in the industry for their
ding timing adjustments and VariSpark ting diagnostics have been developed and reliability and the fact that they do not
spark profile selections influences both imbedded into the CPU-95 system. The require a special ignition coil, any add-on
the moment at which the spark is deli- goal of these diagnostics is simple: redu- probes or clamps, or any other special
vered and the important characteristics ce engine downtime and all of the costs equipment. Instead, Altronic primary and
of that spark. A 4-20mA timing control associated with it. secondary diagnostics utilize standard
input from a supervisory control system ignition coils (typically the same ignition
or an instrument monitoring a specific CPU-95 diagnostics are split into two coil that is on the engine during a retrofit)
operating parameter (such as fuel mani- separate groups. System diagnostics are in assessing secondary voltage demand.
fold pressure or air manifold temperature) those that relate primarily to the operati- This valuable capability assists users in
is also available as an additional means on of the ignition system itself or to the determining the proper point at which to
of optimizing performance. inputs into the system (pickups, control change their spark plugs, in troubleshoo-
inputs, etc.). The second group encom- ting problematic primary and secondary
Diagnostics passes Altronic’s patented primary and connections, and in detecting combustion
secondary discharge diagnostics (U.S. anomalies in the cylinder (such as air/fuel
To assist operators of gas engines in pro-
Patent No. 5,623,209). ratio or imbalance conditions).
perly locating and diagnosing the source

CPU-95EVS Ignition System

RATED: 20–32Vdc, 5A MAX.



CPU-95EVS Display Module

Display Module capabilities also include

an on- board data logging function which
retains up to one-hundred (100) date
and time- stamped records of the Spark
Reference Number for each output which
have been recorded at user-adjustable
intervals. These records are stored in a
rolling “first in-first out” fashion and are
User can monitor spark refer- accessible for download via the Display
ence numbers individually and
simultaneously. Module for offline trending and analysis.

„„ Larger display for greater single-screen

access to operating, diagnostic, and
For users integrating their CPU-95EVS is damaged or requires replacement.
setup data
system into an existing or planned
„„ Features an integral graphing and
supervisory control or remote monitoring The larger system display allows for the
data-logging capability for convenient
system, Altronic offers its Display Module simultaneous display of large amounts
spark reference number analysis
(791909-1). of information, and the ability to “map”
„„ Allows for display mapping of indivi-
the CPU-95EVS Ignition Outputs to the
dual outputs (Output A = Cylinder 1L,
In addition to incorporating a Modbus appropriate cylinder designation. Thus, Output B = Cylinder 1 R, etc.)
RTU-enabled serial port for communica- the user retains indication of the appro-
„„ Incorporates a unique upload-
tion with a remote monitoring system or priate CPU-95EVS output (A, B, C, etc.) download capability to assist users
local controller, the CPU-95EVS Display while also getting diagnostic indications in configuring a new or replacement
Module also supports USB connectivity to in terms of the on-engine cylinder refe- CPU-95 Ignition Module without need
a PC and the associated CPU-95 Terminal rence (5L, 3R, #6, etc.). Advanced spark of a laptop

Program. An innovative ignition memory reference number graphing is also made „„ On-board USB connectivity and a
“cloning” system allows this advanced possible by the incorporation of the lar- Modbus RTU-capable serial port are
included for simple connection to a
Module to upload the ignition system ger display (see sample displays above).
PC for continuous monitoring and/or
configuration file (number of cylinders, “Live” and data log-based XY graphing of
automation system integration
firing pattern, number of monitored gear the monitored Spark Reference Number
„„ Password protection of key operating
teeth, 4-20mA or RPM curve, etc.) from for a given cylinder and “at-a-glance”
characteristics including overspeed
a connected Ignition Module, retain it indication of the relative value of the setpoint, spark configuration, and
indefinitely in its own memory, and—wit- Spark Reference Number across all diagnostic thresholds
hout need of a laptop—to download that cylinders gives the user unparalleled ac-
memory information to a new Ignition Mo- cess and convenience in ignition system
dule in the event that the existing module troubleshooting and monitoring.
Specifications Dimensions
Input Signals: Magnetic pickups, (1) ring gear teeth or drilled holes Display Module
(1) reset (1/engine revolution)
Hall-effect for compression stroke reference (4-cycle only)
Control Inputs: Shutdown input, “G-Lead“
Timing Control Inputs: Manual (display module keypad)
Analog (4-20mA control signal) 6.50
Digital (RS-485 serial data)
Output: 47kV maximum output voltage
Control Outputs: Normal fire confirm
Solid State, NC switches Alarm fault
Shutdown fault .203 DIA.
(TYP 4)
Communications: RS-485 serial, USB, Modbus RTU (Enhanced Display Only)
Display: Alphanumeric, backlit
Power Rqmt: 24VDC, 1–20 amps typ. (varies by application)
NOTE: On many applications, power can be supplied by engine-driven 6.00 5.50
Altronic 24Vdc alternator; see form ALT.

Temperature: -40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)

Ordering Information 5.50

CPU-95EVS VariSpark Ignition System

Power Supply Module
791963-16A CPU-95EVS with Enhanced Display 7.43

791963-16A-SS CPU-95EVS with stainless steel enclosure 188.6

791911-1 Power Supply Module, VariSpark 6.50

791909-1 Display Module


Ignition Module
6.31 6.97
160.3 177


6.50 .25
165 6.4

4.66 4.81
103.3 122.3

712 Trumbull Avenue / Girard, Ohio 44420 USA

P: 330-545-9768 F: 330-545-3231

Form CPU-95EVS 9-14 ©2013 Altronic. LLC

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