Draft Annual Accounts 2021-22

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Port Qasim Authority

Draft Balance Sheet

As At 30 June 2021

Note 2022 2021

Non current assets
Property, plant and equipment 1 17,655,050,046 12,853,569,094
Long term deposits. 2 5,202,372 5,202,372
Long term loan- unsecured 3 55,713,784 55,713,783
Total non-current assets 17,715,966,202 12,914,485,249

Current assets
Stores and spare parts 4 41,730,879 87,135,329
Trade debts - unsecured 5 1,841,436,957 2,618,196,769
Loans and advances 6 256,213,471 124,733,824
Short term prepayments and other receivable 7 33,325,836,498 24,830,807,106
Investment in TDRs 8 126,286,384,883 104,071,101,240
Cash and bank balances 9 6,033,905,612 4,320,153,420
Total current assets 167,785,508,300 136,052,127,688

Total assets 185,501,474,503 148,966,612,937


Port Qasim Authoruty Fund
Grant received from Government of Pakistan 4,183,237,593 4,183,237,593
Accumulated surplus. 99,755,325,569 77,610,621,882
103,938,563,162 81,793,859,475
Non - current liabilities
Long term deposits. 10 885,500 885,500
Liabilities against employees benefit funds 11 13,764,927,348 10,857,031,000
Unrecognized peripheral development charges 12 8,384,447,437 8,166,574,772
22,150,260,285 19,024,491,272
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables. 13 59,113,628,210 47,849,239,345
Liability for compenstated absence 14 299,022,846 299,022,846
59,412,651,056 48,148,262,191

185,501,474,503 148,966,612,937

The annexed notes from 1 to 33 form an integral part of these financial statements.
Port Qasim Authority
Income and Expenditure Account
For the year ended 30 June 2021

Note 2022 2021

Revenue from operation 15 35,018,184,194 33,624,438,248
Financial income 16 11,806,721,015 6,774,901,198
Other income 17 1,133,302,151 903,223,314
Total revenue 47,958,207,360 41,302,562,760

Salaries, wages and staff benefits. 18 7,975,689,918 6,375,177,899
Maintenance of Channel Dredging 19 774,090,186 634,350,199
Depreciation 20 629,965,267 509,622,171
Repair and maintenance 21 2,109,264,557 1,905,880,773
Exchange loss 22 331,395,111 31,077,731
Hire charges of Tugs 23 2,089,745,138 2,152,213,062
Water and conservancy 24 611,772,569 520,665,321
Fuel and Lubricants 25 1,090,885,268 810,751,711
Electricity 26 398,220,668 402,672,841
Transport hire and vehicle up keep 27 279,710,698 211,562,204
Stores and spare parts consumed 28 92,837,797 44,357,469
Inspection/survey fees for crafts 29 7,210,947 6,265,309
Donation 30 53,119,864 12,863,598
Others 31 324,575,867 184,882,283
Total expenses 16,768,483,855 13,802,342,571

Net surplus for the year before tax 31,189,723,505 27,500,220,189

Income Tax (9,045,019,818) (7,975,063,855)
Prior Year Adjustment 32 - 232,497,977
Net surplus for the year after tax 22,144,703,688 19,757,654,311

Accumulated surplus brought forward. 77,610,621,881 57,852,967,570

Accumulated surplus carried forward. 99,755,325,569 77,610,621,881

The annexed notes from 1 to 33 form an integral part of these financial statements.
2022 2021
Note No. 1 - Property, plant and equipment
Fixed Assets. 15,634,818,692 10,323,262,880
Work-in-Progress. 2,020,231,355 2,530,306,214
17,655,050,046 12,853,569,094
Capital work-in progress
1010020001 Bulk Water Supply Scheme 723,581,236 723,581,236
1010040001 Less : Provision for Bulk Water Sewerage System (723,581,236) (723,581,236)
Sub total - -
Engineering & Consultancy
10100200040002 Design Services - Channel Dredging (27-120 ). 10,661,100 10,661,100
10100200020016 Sachal Engineering Works (Pvt.) Ltd. 323,465,193 122,321,595
10100200020017 Noor-ul-haq & Brothers 299,305,377 42,661,732
10100200020018 National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. 10,988,240 10,988,240
10100200020019 Engineering Consultants International (pvt.) Ltd. (ECIL) 28,300,478 9,143,644
10100200020020 Frontier Work Organization (FWO) 671,321,887 -
10100200030015 Frontier Work Organization (FWO) - 132,440,616
Sub total 1,344,042,275 328,216,927
Advance to Contractor
10100200030005 M/s. Ayub Brothers 1,423,453 1,423,453
10100200030010 M/s. Bahria Foundation. 1,065,000 1,065,000
10100200030027 Mobilization Advance to M/s. Sachal Engineering Works 115,572,489 173,358,734
10100200030029 Advance to Sanmar Shipyard Turkey-Denizcilik - 1,585,502,100
10100200030030 Mobilization Advance to M/s. SI Global Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd. 56,074,148 -
10100200030031 Mobilization Advance to M/s. Uzmar Gemi Insa Sanayi Ve Ticaret 61,313,990 -
Sub total 235,449,080 1,761,349,287
10100200030017 Pakistan Railway. 440,740,000 440,740,000
1010020009 Night Navigation Aid 74,810,000 74,810,000
1010040002 Less : Provision for Night Navigation Aid (74,810,000) (74,810,000)
Sub total 440,740,000 440,740,000
Total 2,020,231,355 2,530,306,214
Note No. 2 - Long-term Depossits
Security Deposits for
1030010001 Electricity 1,120,000 1,120,000
1030020001 Water & Sewerage. 20,075 20,075
1030030001 Telephone 101,447 101,447
1030030003 U-Phone 21,000 21,000
Gas & Fuel
1030040001 Burshane gas. 8,600 8,600
1030040002 Gas & Co. 1,150 1,150
1030040003 Baluchistan gas. 12,500 12,500
1030040004 Foundation gas. 29,110 29,110
1030040005 Pasmic for fuel. 10,000 10,000
1030040006 Southern gas. 21,000 21,000
1030040007 Pakistan Oygen 44,153 44,153
Sub total 1,389,035 1,389,035
1030050001 Agha Khan Hospital. 300,000 300,000
1030050002 Karachi Adventist Hospital 100,000 100,000
1030050003 Murshid Hospital 132,637 132,637
1030050004 Burhani Hospital. 50,000 50,000
1030050006 Kharadar Hospital 100,000 100,000
1030050007 Pakistan Steel Hospital 100,000 100,000
2022 2021

1030050008 Dow University Health & Services Hospital 1,000,000 1,000,000

1030050009 Liaquat National Hospital 2,000,000 2,000,000
Sub total 3,782,637 3,782,637
1030060002 Pasmic(Fish weighing scale) 700 700
1030060006 Defence Authority Greek Club 30,000 30,000
Sub total 30,700 30,700
Total 5,202,372 5,202,372
Note No.3 - Long-Term Loan- unsecured
1050140001 Lease Rental-QICT 36,877,523 36,877,523
1050140002 Accrued Interest - QICT 18,836,261 18,836,261
Total 55,713,784 55,713,784
Note No.4 - Stores and spare parts
1050010001 Stock of Material Supply (Non Coded & Coded) 13,419,366 186,366
1050020001 Stock of Repair Materials Supply (Port Vessels - Code - 41) 28,311,513 86,948,960
Total 41,730,879 87,135,326
Note No.5 - Trade Debts-unsecured. (Revenue Portion)
1050100004 Receivable from Allottees on a/c of PDC (F.A) 4,011,817,767 4,011,817,767
1050100007 Receivable against Markup/PDC (2,403,379,997) (2,403,379,997)
Sub total 1,608,437,770 1,608,437,770
1050100005 Receivable from Allottees on a/c of Allied Charges (Revenue) 1,079,023,409 1,079,023,409
1050100006 Receivable against Allied charges (957,422,087) (957,422,087)
Sub total 121,601,322 121,601,322
1050100001 Receivable from Government Organizations 937,679,993 932,899,427
1050100002 Others (708,808,477) 76,959,780
1050100008 Port User - Debtors 27,907,449 23,679,571
Sub total 256,778,965 1,033,538,778
Total 1,986,818,057 2,763,577,870
105011 Less: Provision for doubtful debts. (145,381,100) (145,381,100)
Total 1,841,436,957 2,618,196,770
Note. 06 - Summary of Loans and advances
Loans to Employees (4,226,827) 30,154,584
Other Advances
10500500010004 a) Festival advance 11,481,219 11,510,461
10500500020001…. b) Advance against expenses. 89,517,099 46,188,531
c) Advance to Contractor 154,439,199 31,877,467
10500500020005 d) Advance against fuel 5,002,781 5,002,781
Sub total 260,440,297 94,579,239
Total 256,213,471 124,733,823
Note 6.1 - Loans to employees
10500400010001 Loan advance CPF/GPF (Officer). (195,694) (713,694)
10500400010002 Loan advance CPF/GPF (Staff). (1,192,887) (786,137)
10500400010003 Adjustment of Loan (STAFF & OFFICERS) (13,742,464) 7,644,712
10500400010006 Loan Advance CPF/GPF (Officers & Staff) 9,454,797 9,454,797
10500400020001 House Building Loan to Mr. Tauqeer Ahmed (7,006) (7,006)
105004000100040005 Self/Sister/Daughter Marriage Loans. 7,045,915 4,064,665
105004000100050002 Employees Welfare Loan (STAFF) - (25,500)
105004000100050003 Loan from Employees Welfare Fund (officers & Staff) (5,589,488) 10,522,747
Sub total (4,226,827) 30,154,584
2022 2021
Note 6.2 - Advances to Contractor
10500500040004 Karachi Shipyard & Engg. Works. 154,439,199 31,877,467
Sub total 154,439,199 31,877,467
Note. 7 - Summary of Short term prepayments and other receivables
1. Receivable from Income tax authorities. 731,676,984 674,359,514
2. I.Tax 32,316,869,287 24,149,580,503
3. Short-term accrued interest. 415,718,989 172,608,988
1050060008 4. Prepayment.(Advance Rent) 620,500 1,641,714
10500600060009 5. Bank Guarantee (Collector of Custom)-(NBP,PQA Br.A/c.306-9) 9,731,806 9,731,806
1050050005 6. Prepaid Insurance. 993,997 993,997
7. Others (887,134) (29,221,486)
10500500020007 8. Advance Motor vehicle tax. 266,070 266,070
10500500020009 9. Receivable in respect of Auction of vehicles. 4,846,000 4,846,000
Sub total 33,479,836,498 24,984,807,106
10500500020004 Less: Provision against receivable from Tax Authoriies (154,000,000) (154,000,000)
Total 33,325,836,498 24,830,807,106
Note 7.1 - Receivable from Income Tax Authorities (Upto 30-06-2009)
10500600030001 Income Tax Deptt. Turn Over - (F/A) 58,260,839 58,260,839
10500600030003 Income Tax Deptt. Turn Over (Revenue) 306,850,000 306,850,000
10500600030004 Income Tax Department (F/A) 57,323,401 5,931
105006000300020001 Withholding Tax (F/A Deptt.) 24,780,244 24,780,244
105006000300020002 Withholding Tax (Revenue Deptt.) 283,497,998 283,497,998
105006000300020003 Withholding Tax (Bank) 14,426 14,426
105006000300020004 Withholding Tax (Pension Fund) 15,280 15,280
105006000300020005 Withholding Tax (E.W.Fund) 1,851 1,851
105006000300020006 Withholding Tax (G.F.H.P) 61 61
105006000300020007 Withholding Tax on Interest of Soneri Bank 93,437 93,437
105006000300020009 Withholding Tax (NBP) 839,448 839,448
Sub total 731,676,984 674,359,514
Note 7.2 - Income Tax Authorities(2009-10 & onward)
105006000300020010 Withholding Tax (CPF/GPF)-2009-2010 & onward. 114,673,761 114,516,469
105006000300020011 Withholding Tax (PQA Foundation Fund)-2009-2010 & onward 796,520 796,520
10500600030005 Advance Tax (F.A) 2009-2010 & onward. 726,699,894 726,699,894
10500600030006 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2009-2010- F.A. 30,167,911 30,167,911
10500600030007 Withholding Tax (Investment)-2009-2010- F.A. 188,961,635 188,961,635
10500600030008 Withholding Tax (Investment)-2010-2011- F.A. 212,174,538 212,174,538
10500600030009 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2010-2011- F.A. 16,973,102 16,973,102
10500600030011 Withholding Tax (Investment)-2008-2009- F.A. 10,530,542 10,530,542
10500600030013 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2009-2010-Revenue Deptt. 230,211,985 230,211,985
10500600030014 Withholding Tax (Pension Fund) 2009-2010 & onward 25,393,728 25,393,728
10500600030015 Withholding Tax (E.W.Fund) 2009-2010 & onward 157,456 157,456
10500600030016 Withholding Tax (G.F.H.P. A/C.) 2009-2010 & onward 148,792 148,792
10500600030019 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2010-2011-Revenue Deptt. 255,854,730 255,854,730
10500600030017 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2011-2012- F.A. 15,927,735 15,927,735
10500600030018 Withholding Tax (Investment)-2011-2012- F.A. 212,097,068 212,097,068
10500600030020 Withholding Tax -2011-2012 (Revenue Deptt.) 259,115,402 259,115,402
10500600030021 Withholding Tax -2012-2013 (Revenue Deptt.) 277,468,782 277,468,782
10500600030022 Withholding Tax on import-2012-2013. 84,010,964 84,010,964
10500600030023 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2014-2015- (Revenue) 603,843,987 603,843,987
10500600030024 Withholding Tax -Motor vehicle Tax 2011-2012. 549,698 549,698
10500600030025 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2012-2013- F.A. 12,482,728 12,482,728
10500600030026 Withholding Tax (Investment)-2012-2013- F.A. 121,101,695 121,101,695
2022 2021

10500600030027 Withholding Tax (Investment)-2013-2014- F.A. 96,281,878 96,281,878

10500600030028 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2013-2014- F.A. 17,020,408 17,020,408
10500600030029 Withholding Tax -2013-2014 (Revenue Deptt.) 332,198,096 332,198,096
10500600030030 Withholding Tax (Investment)-2014-2015- F.A. 110,125,892 110,125,892
10500600030031 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2014-2015- F.A. 21,883,113 21,883,113
10500600030032 Withholding Tax (Bank)-2015-2016- F.A. 17,311,737 17,311,737
10500600030033 Withholding Tax (Investment)-2015-2016- F.A. 146,382,833 146,382,833
10500600030035 Advance tax to FBR for 2015-16 (F.A) 400,000,000 400,000,000
10500600030037 With Holding Tax 2016-17 Banks (F.A) 25,519,071 25,519,071
10500600030038 With Holding Tax 2016-17 Investment (F.A) 110,839,994 110,839,994
10500600030039 With Holding Tax 2015-16 (Revenue) 1,056,047,247 1,056,047,247
10500600030040 With Holding Tax 2017-18 Banks (F.A) 33,561,539 33,561,539
10500600030041 With Holding Tax 2017-18 Investment (F.A) 168,509,101 168,509,101
10500600030042 With Holding Tax 2017-18 (Revenue) 1,619,291,790 1,619,291,790
10500600030043 With Holding Tax from LCS/01/033/09258-(Askari Bank) 14,141,340 14,141,340
10500600030044 Withholding Tax -2016-17 (Revenue Deptt.) 1,181,599,497 1,181,599,497
10500600030045 With Holding Tax 2018-19 Banks (F.A) 60,131,221 60,131,221
10500600030046 With Holding Tax 2018-19 Investment (F.A) 297,157,555 297,157,555
10500600030047 With Holding Tax 2018-19 (Revenue) 2,292,901,393 2,292,901,393
10500600030048 With Holding Tax 2019-20 Banks (F.A) 43,721,404 43,721,404
10500600030049 With Holding Tax 2019-20 Investment (F.A) 1,172,981,495 1,172,981,495
10500600030050 With Holding Tax 2019-20 (Revenue) 2,848,363,377 2,848,363,377
10500600030051 Advance tax to FBR for 2019-20 (F.A) 880,000,000 880,000,000
10500600030059 Super Tax @ 2% (2014-15 to 2018-19) 451,522,360 451,522,360
10500600030052 With Holding Tax 2020-2021 - Banks (F.A) 18,715,312 18,714,497
10500600030053 With Holding Tax 2020-2021 - Investment (F.A) 945,164,537 945,164,537
10500600030054 With Holding Tax 2020-2021 - (Revenue) 3,309,023,769 3,309,023,769
10500600030055 Advance Tax (F.A) 2020-2021 3,080,000,000 3,080,000,000
10500600030056 With Holding Tax 2021-2022 - Banks (F.A) 31,287,387 -
10500600030057 With Holding Tax 2021-2022 - Investment (F.A) 1,663,003,648 -
10500600030058 With Holding Tax 2021-2022 - (Revenue) 2,392,914,569 -
10500600030060 Advance Tax (F.A) 2021-2022 4,060,000,000 -
10500600030065 Advance Tax U/S 235 on Electricity 2021-2022 19,925,071 -
Sub total 32,316,869,287 24,149,580,503
Note 7.3 - Short-term accrued interest
10500600040002 Accrued Interest (Bank)-F.A 25,372,683 4,024,605
10500600040003 Accrued Interest - Pension Fund (3) (3)
10500600040008 Accrued Interest Investment - F/A 390,346,309 168,584,385
Sub total 415,718,989 172,608,988
Note 7.4 - Others - Recoverable from other agencies
105006000600010018 Receivable from PSO (784,096) (29,118,448)
105006000600010019 Receivable from MCB Saira Center 20,518 20,518
10500600060017 Employees in r/o Earth Quake (112,054) (112,054)
10500600060006 Staff on a/c of Salary (11,502) (11,502)
Sub total (887,134) (29,221,486)
2022 2021
Note No. 8 - Short Term Investments
1050070007 Bankers Equity Limited 26,000,000 26,000,000
102006 Less : Provision for diminution in the value of investment. (26,000,000) (26,000,000)
Sub total - -
Term Deposit Receipt
PQA Surplus Fund (F/A) 126,286,384,883 104,071,101,240
Total 126,286,384,883 104,071,101,240
10500700060001 NBP (TDR) 11,150,000,000 37,816,000,000
10500700060008 Askari Commercial Bank Ltd. - PQA Surplus Fund - (F.A) 5,500,000,000 -
10500700060010 Allied Bank Ltd. - PQA Surplus Fund - (F.A) 6,065,000,000 -
10500700060024 The Bank of Punjab Ltd. - PQA Surplus Fund - (F.A) 5,900,000,000 -
10500700060013 MCB PQA Br. (NIB BANK Kulsoom Court.) 500,000,000 1,500,000,000
10500700060014 Bank AL Habib - 18,111,000,000
10500700060015 Soneri Bank. 5,944,100,926 3,944,100,926
10500700060018 UBL - UNI-SAVER 25,271,000,000 5,271,000,000
10500700060019 HBL-PQA-Branch 31,000,000,000 5,000,000,000
10500700060022 Habib Metropolitan Bank 12,252,000,000 12,252,000,000
10500700060032 JS Bank 6,000,000,000 5,000,000,000
10500700060036 Samba Bank Ltd. 4,379,000,000 2,879,000,000
10500700060039 Bank Alfalah - 2,390,000,000
10500700120002 UBL Fund Managers-UBL Liquidity Plus Money Market Fund 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
10500700120003 Pak Libya Holding Company (PVT) Limited-DFI 1,768,000,314 1,768,000,314
10500700120004 Saudi Pak Industries & Agricultrul Investment Company 2,235,000,000 1,935,000,000
10500700120005 NAFA Money Market Fund, A/C NO. 74506-DFI 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
10500700120006 MCB ARIF HABIB Savings & Investment Ltd_MCB CASH 1,700,000,000 1,700,000,000
10500700120007 HBL ASSET Management Ltd_HBL Cash Fund Account 1,286,000,000 1,286,000,000
10500700120008 ABL ASSET Management_ABL Cash Fund Account 1,219,000,000 1,219,000,000
10500700120009 Pak Kuwait Investment Company Ltd. 717,000,000 -
10500700120010 Pak Oman Investment Company Ltd. 1,400,283,643 -
Sub total 126,286,384,883 104,071,101,240
Note No. 9 - Cash and Bank Balances
With banks
10500900010008 HBL, PQA Branch, SSD A/C.No.1156-00020483-01 (of Current A/C.No. 48) 9,420,337 8,732,864
10500900010009 HBL, PQA Branch, SSD A/C.No.1156-00020668-01 (of Current A/C.No. 66) 12,150,930 11,264,184
10500900010010 UBL, PQA Branch, STD A/C.No.151309500021 (of Current A/C.No. 74) 79,000 79,000
10500900010011 UBL, PQA Branch, STD A/C.No.151309500038 782 782
10500900010012 Bank Al-Habib, PQA Branch, A/C.No.1080-0118-001710-01-8 217,105,085 24,822,533
10500900010013 Bank Al-Habib, PQA Branch, A/C.No.1080-0118-001711-01-3 1,757,716,279 157,138,846
10500900010014 Bank Al-Habib, PQA Branch, A/C.No.1080-0118-004300-01-2 257,665,552 257,665,552
Bank Al-Habib, PQA Branch, Call treasuey A/C.No.1080-0428-001710-01-
7(UK Pound 301,202.46)(2016-17) (of Current A/C.No.1080-0412-001710-01-
10500900010015 9) @Rs.136.68 (2016-17) & UK Pound @ Rs.140.39=1 UK Pound (2015-16) 85,075,206 73,915,385
10500900010016 NBP, STD NIDA A/C No. 3142693144 (of 07) PQA Branch 1,784,171,675 1,448,524,144
10500900010017 NBP, STD NIDA A/C No. 3142693028 (of 124-5) PQA Branch 1,237,407 1,209,371
10500900010018 NBP, STD NIDA A/C No. 3142693046 (of 284-5) PQA Branch 1,040,578 992,017
10500900010019 NBP, STD NIDA A/C No. 3142693055 (of 68-7) PQA Branch 4,248,392 4,050,128
10500900010020 NBP, STD NIDA A/C No. 3142693064 (of 95) PQA Branch 28,362,776 27,479,606
Sub total 4,158,274,001 2,015,874,412
10500900020001 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907583 (# 07 Old) (108,785,199) (317,848,982)
10500900020002 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907618 (# 40 Old) 1,086,202 1,086,202
2022 2021

10500900020003 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907636 (# 68 Old) 14,436 14,436

10500900020004 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907645 (# 88 Old) 58,775 58,775
10500900020005 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907654 (# 95 Old) 322,468 3,626,571
10500900020006 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907912 (# 284 Old) 78,049 78,049
10500900020007 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907672 (# 124 Old) 184,640 184,640
10500900020012 HBL, PQA Branch, A/C.No. 11560002048301 5,221 5,221
10500900020013 HBL, PQA Branch, A/C.No. 11560002066801 10,796 10,796
10500900020016 UBL, PQA Branch, A/C.No. 74 29,965 29,965
10500900020017 UBL, PQA Branch, A/C.No. 75 68,274 68,274
10500900020023 M.C.B A/c No. 188 12,649,552 1,127,608
10500900020027 M.C.B 365 Gold A/c No. 02 243,262 228,096
Bank Al Habib, Main Br. A/c.No.1001-1428-158005-75-9(US$ A/c) (2016-17
10500900020035 US$28.88 x @ Rs.105.00) & (2015-16 US$29.15 x @104.70) 2,945 2,945

10500900020036 Soneri Bank, A/C.No. 1020270830 (old A/c.# 011369-01) 584,779 1

10500900020040 UBL, Unisaver, A/C.No. 120-0001-4 28,983,899 28,983,899
10500900020042 Saudi Pak Commercial Bank,Main Br. A/C.No. 011-057800002 2,835 2,835
10500900020043 Dubai Islamic Bank, Avari Tower Br, A/c No. 0006112002 401,586,259 423,639,677
10500900020044 UBL Unisaver A/c No. 003-0003-8 (772,047) 11,880,116
10500900020045 UBL Unisaver A/c No. 003-0002-1 383,105,689 116,869,739
10500900020046 MCB 365 Gold A/c No. 8-1 16,049 15,048
10500900020047 MCB 365 Gold A/c No. 9-9 18,286 17,146
10500900020050 BAHL 1080-0081-001710-01-8, PQA Br. (11,828,438) (12,968,182)
Bank Al-Habib A/c No. 1080-1428-001710-01-0 US$ A/c. (2016-17 US$
10500900020052 3,097,773.64 x @ Rs.105.00) & (2015-16 US$ 2,989,537.89 x @ Rs.104.70) 702,797,821 536,384,583
Bank Al-Habib A/c No. 1080-0412-001710-01-9 UK Pound A/c.(2016-17
10500900020053 UKP 1.84 [email protected])& (2015-16 UKP 1.84 x @140.39) 460 403
10500900020054 Silk Bank, Main Br. A/c No. 025057800006 993,561 931,617
10500900020055 NIB Bank A/c No. 1241834 (5030-0016080-1521 old) 401,294 1,565,723
10500900020058 MCB, Bahaduarabad Br, A/c No. 0274559341003545 88,855 83,315
10500900020060 Bank Al-Habib, PQA Br. A/c No. 1080-0081-001711-01-9 (124,098,640) 110,835,740
10500900020061 Askari Bank. A/c. No.033-01-165-0212-6 10,625 9,962
Sub total 1,287,860,673 906,924,218
Cash and Bank Balances.
10500900020062 Askari Bank. A/c. No.033-01-165-0221-8 55,681,400 703,921,120
10500900020064 Al Baraka Bank.A/c.#0110352663012,Shahrah-e-Faisal Br. 55,803 54,177
10500900020066 Allied Bank Ltd.PQA Br.A/C.No.0010006659430019 679,955 909
10500900020067 Bank Al-Habib, PQA Br. A/c No. 1080-0081-004300-01-8 535,613,452 125,613,452
10500900020068 Askari Bank. PQA Branch, Special Deposit A/C.#192-1650000046. 4,551 4,267
10500900020069 Burj Bank Limited, Clifton Br, A/C.#CCY7102.1058 6000 1612. 51,358 49,861
10500900020070 Bank Al Falah, Hydri Branch, A/C #0084-1003472400. 1,256,194 1,670,870
10500900020072 Burj Bank Ltd.(Dawood Islamic Bank) 1,307 1,307
10500900020073 NBP, Shaheed-e-Millat Rd.Br. NIDA A/c.5-6. 103,661 99,652
10500900020075 Samba Bank Limited A/C 6403004492 Clifton Br, Karachi. 19,245 11,848,916
10500900020080 Sindh Bank Cattle Colony (Branch) A/C No. 3643668686100 4,951 4,643
10500900020081 Meezan Bank Limited A/C No. 0102960888 5,553 5,408
10500900020082 Habib Metropolitan Bank A/C No. 6-1-8-20614-714-223938 120,267 (17,420,892)
10500900020083 JS Bank Limited, A/C NO. 0001693940 982,438 216,407,431
10500900020089 The Bank of Punjab - A/c No. 6580243378700016 35,172,366 -
108001 HBL, PQA Branch, A/C.No. 124(01-04 old) (Revenue) (71,561,108) (44,480,988)
108002 HBL, PQA Branch, A/C.No. 95-76 (95 old) (Revenue) 664,780,914 999,071,971
108003 UBL, PQA Branch, A/C.No. 12 (Revenue) 30,292 30,292
2022 2021

108006 M.C.B PQA Branch, A/c No.11-1 (205-7 old) (Revenue) 443,315 414,805
108007 HBL, PQA Branch, A/C.No. 260-81 (Revenue) (6,653,372) 150,034,517
108008 Bank Al Habib. PQA Branch, A/C.No.4000 (Revenue) (277,395,981) (273,000,241)
108010 Bank Al Habib. PQA Branch, A/C.No.01-9 (Revenue) 0.04 0.04
108012 MCB, 365 Gold PQA Br. A/C 10-3 (Revenue) 31,767,888 (1,394,219)
108015 UBL PQA Br. A/C No. 0112151312000014 (166,292,072) (185,998,834)
108016 HBL,PQA Br.601801 (Shipping Let Pass) (216,124,175) (288,586,112)
108017 MCB Bank,PQA A/c.No.10000012 (1,196,950) (1,211,798)
Sub total 587,551,250 1,397,140,512
In hand (Imprest A/c)
10500800010004 D.G.M (Stores) 6,621 5,877
10500800010005 Chief Hydrography 9,155 9,010
10500800010006 Secretary PQA 8,956 8,956
10500800010007 D.G (Technical) 46,068 27,068
10500800010009 D.G (Administration) (16,720) (16,720)
10500800010010 Director(Ops. Maint) 66,887 96,764
10500800010012 D.G (Ops) (5,600) (5,600)
10500800010014 D.G (Finance) 13,945 (6,055)
10500800010019 Director(I.A) (14,094) (15,461)
10500800010020 Director(Finance) 278 278
10500800010021 Deputy Secretary (3,306) (3,306)
10500800010022 Director(HRM) 5,288 4,896
10500800010023 P.A. to Director (Accounts). 31,820 29,620
10500800010024 Director (Security & Transport) 2,826 13,451
10500800010025 Cashier/D.M.(Cash) 19,964 4,754
10500800010026 P.A. to Director (M.A) 3,400 10,770
10500800010028 Manager (I.T) 19,800 19,836
10500800010029 P.S. to Director General (P & D) 15,000 19,850
10500800010030 Manager (Operating Cost) - 10,290
10500800010031 Manager (Operating Cost) 9,350 -
10500800010032 Manager (Operating Cost) 51 -
Sub total 219,689 214,278
Total 6,033,905,612 4,320,153,420
Note No. 10 - Long Term Deposits for Electrical Development
2030020001 Qasim International Container Terminal 862,500 862,500
2030020002 Ibrahim Fibers Limited 23,000 23,000
Total 885,500 885,500
Note.11 - Summary Of Liabilities Against Employees Benefit Funds
1. General Provident Fund. (58,464,445) (29,871,283)
2. Pension Fund. 13,655,175,206 10,729,527,050
3. Port Qasim Foundation Fund. 82,343,252 81,655,779
4. Employees Welfare Fund. 85,873,334 75,719,455
Total 13,764,927,348 10,857,031,001
Note 11.1 - General Provident Fund
20200100020011 GPF Officers & Staff 4,334,448 3,505,613
20200200010001 Interest on GPF (Staff & Officers) (62,798,893) (33,376,896)
Sub total (58,464,445) (29,871,283)
Note 11.2 - Pension Fund
2020040003 Pension & Gratuiry Fund. 13,041,420,710 10,115,772,553
2020040002 Interest on Pension Fund 613,754,497 613,754,497
Sub total 13,655,175,206 10,729,527,050
2022 2021
Note 11.3 - Port Qasim Authority Foundation Fund
2020050001 PQA. Foundation Fund. 10,000,000 10,000,000
2020050002 Interest on PQA Foundation Fund. 72,343,252 71,655,779
Sub total 82,343,252 81,655,779
Note 11.4 - Employees Welfare Fund
2020060002 E.W.F - Staff (479,900) -
2020060003 Interest on E.W.F 508,695 508,695
2020060004 Employees Welfare Fund (Officer & Staff). 85,844,540 75,210,760
Sub total 85,873,334 75,719,455
Note No. 12 - Unrecognised Peripheral Development Charges
2030010001 Land Development Deposit 8,831,395,233 8,831,395,233
2030030001 Under Al-Watan Scheme - Un-allotted 1,656,855 1,656,855
2030030002 Direct Foreign Investment Un-allotted 95,096,686 95,096,686
2030040001 Under Al-Watan Scheme - Allotted 172,105,407 194,425,407
2030040002 Direct Foreign Investment - Allotted 2,746,087,781 2,746,087,781
2030040006 Peripheral Development Charges-Revenue Deptt. 4,746,007,205 4,505,814,540
2030040010 Premium charges of land 1,400,000,000 1,400,000,000
Sub total 17,992,349,167 17,774,476,502
2030040004 Unrecognised Peripheral Development Charges 2,293,782,427 2,293,782,427
Sub total 20,286,131,594 20,068,258,929
101005 Less : Provision for transfer of PDC to Industrial Estate (903,440,594) (903,440,594)
Sub total 19,382,691,000 19,164,818,335
Land development of Industrial Commercial Area
10100200020001 Engineering Design Consultancy Charges (4,007,466) (4,007,466)
10100200020005 Road / Bridges & Access Way (5,905,861,601) (5,905,861,601)
10100200020006 Water supply & sewerage system (1,288,246,261) (1,288,246,261)
10100200020010 Infrastructure facilities (988,035,082) (988,035,082)
10100200020011 Construction of water tank in NWIZ (4,464,289) (4,464,289)
10100200020013 Sewerage work (1,610,586,767) (1,610,586,767)
10100200020014 Storm water culverts and retaining walls. (1,196,761,575) (1,196,761,575)
Sub total (10,997,963,041) (10,997,963,041)
10100200030014 M/s Haji Saeed Muhammad & Sons (280,522) (280,522)
Sub total (280,522) (280,522)
Total 8,384,447,437 (10,998,243,563)
Note No. 13 - Summary of Trade and other payables
1. Operational deposits. 9,289,946,521 8,971,334,585
2. Retention money. 465,611,463 341,213,117
3. Payable for capital and revenue exp. 2,998,505,386 1,801,485,822
4. Withheld amount in r/o of various claims. 86,967,221 86,967,221
2040010006 5. Gawadar Fish Harbour Project. 9,484,280 8,597,534
6. Withholding tax payable. 72,050,307 16,824,237
2040010010 7.Payable to auditors(including ex-auditors) 2,545,200 2,545,200
8.Professional Tax 507,929 515,929
9.Benevolent Fund 17,831,131 11,106,586
10.Payable to Gulshan-e-Qasim Committee - Staff 67,054,816 66,300,750
2040010008 11. Liquidity demagees (Dev. Const. Work) 1,144,379 1,144,379
204001001200020014 12. Provision for Night Navigation Aid on a/c of QICT 74,810,000 74,810,000
14. Other liabilities. 4,821,022,241 3,967,811,371
15. Liability in respect of various claims 4,708,337 4,708,337
20400100220001 to 3 16. Bid Money Refundable 2,804,291 1,904,291
17. Provision for Income Tax Payable 34,613,365,853 25,906,701,131
2040010023 18. Group Insurance(Staff on Deputation) 327,854 327,854
2022 2021

2040010026 19. Channel Development Cess 6,584,941,000 6,584,941,000

19.1 Concesion Fee - -
Total 59,113,628,210 47,849,239,345
Note No.13.1 - Operational Deposits
2040010018 Operational Deposit/Advance from Customer 6,622,070,239 6,622,070,239
20400100180001 Creditors (Government) 125,104,819 125,104,819
20400100180003 PSO and Other handling Equipment 2,542,771,463 2,224,159,527
Sub total 9,289,946,521 8,971,334,585
Note No.13.2 - Retention Money
20400100030001 Retention Money.(Parties) 327,988,595 233,919,335
2040010019 Deposit held(Revenue) 137,622,868 107,293,782
Sub total 465,611,463 341,213,117
Note No.13.3 - Payable for Capital and Revenue Expenditure
Towards Revenue expenditure
204001000400030001 47-200 Direct Variable Cost - Labour 445,749 -
204001000400030002 47-201 Direct Variable Cost - Operating material and expenses 258,193 -
204001000400030003 47-210 Indirect Variable Cost Labour 14,691,166 4,477,746
204001000400030004 47-211 Maintenance material & other expenses. 3,287,257 6,852,257
204001000400030005 47-212 Indirect Varibale Cost Labour Other Labour Expenses 13,835,620 42,396,944
204001000400030006 47-220 Outside Repair & Maint Cahnnel Dredging 29,000,000 29,000,000
204001000400030007 47-221 -------- do------ Building & Other Structure 1,071,592 842,639
204001000400030008 47-222 ------ do ----- Craft Plant & Equipment 604,816,120 591,560,638
204001000400030009 47-230 Admin. & Overhead Cost 63,719,957 55,291,018
204001000400030017 47-902 China Shipbuilding Trading co(Manning & Maintenance Dredger) 681,379,610 237,510,434
204001000400030019 P.P.Allowance payable to employees of PQA 318,882,719 330,661,387
204001000400030020 Provision for Charter of Demand (2017-19) 202,594,000 202,892,760
204001000400030023 Provision for Charter of Demand (2019-21) 764,523,404 -
2040020002 Pension allowances payable to Early retired employees 300,000,000 300,000,000
Sub total 2,998,505,386 1,801,485,822
Note No.13.4 - Withheld amount in respect of various claims
20400100050004 M/s Pak Arab Construction 33,344 33,344
20400100050002 M/s.Techno International. 10,114,807 10,114,807
20400100050005 M/s Gulzar Associates 145,779 145,779
20400100050008 M/s Ghoury Engineering & Co 30,907 30,907
20400100050013 M/s United Business Corporation 10,800 10,800
20400100050011 M/s Ali Associates 4,000 4,000
20400100050012 M/s Umer Murshid Hospital 33,516 33,516
20400100050015 M/s Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works 7,342,459 7,342,459
20400100050016 M/s Engineering Associates 378,750 378,750
20400100050018 M/s Frontier Works Organization. 70,208,363 70,208,363
20400100050020 M/s. Eastern Construction Co.. (1,335,504) (1,335,504)
Sub total 86,967,221 86,967,221
Note No.13.5 - Withholding Tax payable
20400100070001 Income Tax Chairman & D.G's 8,700 8,700
20400100070002 Income Tax-Officers. 40,432,025 8,162,459
20400100070003 Income Tax-Staff. 27,075,793 152,174
20400100070004 Income Tax-Parties. 4,263,383 8,230,497
20400100070007 Income Tax Chairman & D.G's, Officers & staff. 265,644 265,644
20400100070008 Income Tax-Surcharge. 4,763 4,763
Sub total 72,050,307 16,824,237
2022 2021
Note No.13.6 - Professinal Tax payable
20400100110001 -Professional Tax-Parties 15,500 15,500
20400100110002 - Professional Tax-Officers & Board Members. 492,429 500,429
Sub total 507,929 515,929
Note No.13.7 - Benevolent Fund.
20400100170001 B.F. Officers. 3,744,013 2,277,441
20400100170002 B.F.Staff. 14,087,118 8,829,144
Sub total 17,831,131 11,106,586
Note No.13.8 - Payable to Gulshan-e-Qasim Committee
204001001200040029 Gulshan-e-Qasim - Staff 50,560,912 49,842,002
204001001200040030 Ghulshan-e-Qasim (Officers) 16,132,383 16,097,227
204001001200040042 Gulshan-e-Qasim - Amount payable to 361,521 361,521
Sub total 67,054,816 66,300,750
Note No.13.9 - Other Liabilties
Payable to Contractors.
204001001200020002 M/s.Jamil Builders. 7,452 7,452
204001001200020001 M/s.Jamil Builders(Mob.Advance) 1,655 1,655
204001001200020010 PNSC - (Payable to Contractor) 27,685,000 27,685,000
204001001200020011 M/s Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works 8,962,865 8,962,865
204001001200020019 M/s F.F.B.L. for road cutting at EIZ. 500,000 500,000
204001001200020024 Payable to Consultants DNV.GL (GERMANISCHAR LLOYDS) 95,561,847 95,561,847
Payable to Others
204001001200020018 Prime Ministers Flood Relief Fund 2009-10 562,472 562,472
204001001200030002 General Sales Tax(F.A) 159,050,350 18,840,666
204001001200030004 General Sales Tax(Revenue Deptt.) 1,175,600,379 1,027,434,811
204001001200040001 Recovery of Singer Co. 156,480 156,480
204001001200040002 CBA. Subscription/Contribution. 722,068 377,013
204001001200040003 Officers Association Subscription. (98,601) (97,192)
204001001200040004 M/s.Philips Electric Co. 52,856 52,856
204001001200040005 H.B.F.C. recovery of Mr.Nooruddin Shaikh, Ex-DGM (I/A) & Others 21,150 21,150
204001001200040006 Zakat 16,090 16,090
204001001200040007 Death Insurance cliam. 66,413 66,413
204001001200040008 M/s.Reman & Co. 48,701 48,701
204001001200040009 House Building Advance-Staff. 277,161 273,641
204001001200040010 House Building Advance-Officers. 132,684 132,684
204001001200040011 Motor car Advance tp Ms.Irshad A. Abbasi. 1,063 1,063
204001001200040012 M/s.Rafi Electronics. (204,261) (204,261)
204001001200040013 M/s.Asim & Co, (112,284) (112,284)
204001001200040014 M/s.Salim & Sons. (95,497) (95,497)
204001001200040015 Motor Car Advance (Offiers & Staff) 23,314 23,314
204001001200040016 M/s.Rafi & Sons 27,391 27,391
204001001200040017 M/s.Masha Allah Furniture for hire purchase. (80,359) (80,359)
204001001200040018 M/s.New Modern T.V. (57,690) (57,690)
204001001200040019 Motor Car Advance-Mr.Ghulam Sarwar Brohi. 6,065 6,065
204001001200040020 D.S.O.P.F.a/c of Brig.Khalid Bashir Khawaja. 4,000 4,000
204001001200040023 A.O.B Fund 5,061 5,061
204001001200040024 Motor Car Advance to Cdr. Fazal.I.Qadar Siddiqui 6,730 6,730
204001001200040025 Officers Mess 1,107,136 999,366
204001001200040026 Officers - Mr. G.D.Khan, Ex-G.M (Finance) on final settlement 138,112 138,112
204001001200040027 D.S.O.P.Fund 3,325 3,325
204001001200040028 Motor Car Advance Mr. Ghualm Rabbani, A.M (Fund) 21,671 21,671
204001001200040031 Revenue Income Department - (797,465)
2022 2021

204001001200040061 Revenue Income Department(US $ ) 102,637,697 102,637,697

204001001200040074 Revenue Income Department(UK Pond ) 53,758 53,758
204001001200040032 C.S.F 1,391 1,391
204001001200040033 P.N.B.F 1,884 1,884
204001001200040034 Mosque Fund 5,274 5,274
204001001200040035 Eastern Federal Union Insurance & Co 195,736 195,736
204001001200040036 C.M.F 523 523
204001001200040037 D.S.O.P.F Advance Chairman & D.G's 5,880 5,880
204001001200040038 Allottment - I 34,005 34,005
204001001200040040 D.S.O.P- Loan - I 3,980 3,980
204001001200040043 Allottment III, D.G (Operations) 2,000 2,000
204001001200040044 H.B.L. PQA Branch, Payable 57,327 57,327
204001001200040045 M.C.B. PQA Branch, Payable 173,925 173,925
204001001200040046 House Building Adv to Mr. Ghulam Srawar Brohi 44,000 44,000
204001001200040049 C.B.F. 606 606
204001001200040050 Advance recoovery of Mr. Ghulam Mursil, D.G (Technical) (8,060) (8,060)
204001001200040051 Advance recovery of Comd. Zaman Khan, Manager (legal) 68,434 68,434
204001001200040053 Rear Admiral Mehmood Ahmed Khan, D.G (Operation) 250 250
204001001200040055 HBL, PQA Branch on A/c of Flexi Loan 173,415 173,415
204001001200040056 Payable to NBP PQA Br on a/c of Advance Salary 90,437 90,437
204001001200040059 Motor Cycle Advance to Employees on Deputation 5,335 5,335
204001001200040064 Bonus payable to Officers 103,923 103,923
204001001200040065 Bonus payable to Staff 247,347 247,347
204001001200040066 Payable for (HERO) Motor Cycle (Adv to) Fateh Group 165,187 165,187
204001001200040067 Payable for Command Pay 2,500 2,500
204001001200040068 Payable to Workshop against Insurance Claim 2,914,009 2,914,009
204001001200040069 Defence Services Provident Fund (Dep. Staff) 681,468 681,468
204001001200040070 Pakistan Navy Fleet Club (Dep. Staff) 7,269 7,269
204001001200040071 Pakistan Band Allottment (Dep. Staff) (15,102) (15,102)
204001001200040072 Bank Allottment (Dep. Staff) 49,043 49,043
204001001200040075 Mariners Welfare Fund. 16,814,371 6,053,414
204001001200040076 Ramzan Umrah(officers & Staff) 8,989,238 7,748,935
204001001200040078 Excess profit refundable to bank. 373,151 373,151
204001001200040082 Employees Old Age Benefits Instituation (Officers) 1,122 1,122
204001001200040083 Provident Fund-Haji Muhammad Tunyo (DM-HRM) 230,853 230,853
204001001200040084 Transfer of Fund (From Rev. Dept.) 3,211,026,767 2,661,026,768
2040010016 Group Insurance - Officers 5,762,498 4,180,542
Sub total 4,821,022,241 3,967,811,371
Note No. 13.10 - Liability in r/o various claims
204001001200010007 Sea Trade (Revenue) 4,708,337 4,708,337
Sub total 4,708,337 4,708,337
Note No. 13.11 - Bid Money Refundable
20400100220001 Universal Autos 13,910 13,910
20400100220002 Army Welfare 1,000,000 1,000,000
20400100220003 Zaheeruddin Consultant Limited 890,381 890,381
20400100220004 Bid money refundable to various parties 900,000 -
Sub total 2,804,291 1,904,291
2022 2021
Note No. 13.12 - Provision for Income Tax Payable
2040010024 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (upto 2010-11) 2,276,163,724 2,276,163,724
20400100250001 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2011-12) 489,656,036 489,656,036
20400100250002 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2012-13) 395,952,570 395,952,570
20400100250003 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2013-14) 450,973,256 450,973,256
20400100250004 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2014-15) 268,854,081 268,854,081
20400100250005 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2015-16) 1,181,939,557 1,181,939,557
20400100250006 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2016-17) 1,995,895,313 1,995,895,313
20400100250007 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2017-18) 2,905,168,303 2,905,168,303
20400100250008 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2018-19) 2,836,474,477 2,836,474,477
20400100250009 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2019-20) 5,130,559,959 5,130,559,959
20400100250010 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2020-21) 7,636,708,759 7,975,063,855
20400100250011 Provision for Income Tax Payable - (2021-22) 9,045,019,818 -
Sub total 34,613,365,853 25,906,701,131
Note No. 14 - Liability for compensated absences
2040010015 Liability for compensated absences. 299,022,846 299,022,846
Sub total 299,022,846 299,022,846
Note No. 15 - Revenue from
15.1 - Port operation 31,448,080,456 30,805,787,638
15.2 - Industrial and commercial estate 3,570,103,738 2,818,650,610
Total 35,018,184,194 33,624,438,248
Note No. 15.2 - Revenue-Industrial and Commercial Estate
4070060001 Land Rentals 718,981,716 844,855,769
4070060002 Others Recovery Panelties etc.Revenue. 2,485,913,926 1,455,846,201
4070060003 Utilities 352,003,654 362,339,881
4070060006 Transfer fees-Industrial & Commercial Estate. 13,204,442 155,608,759
Sub total 3,570,103,738 2,818,650,610
Note No. 16 - Financial Income
Interest Income
406009 Interest Income. (Revenue) 313,827,164 306,205,210
Interest Income (Financial Accounts)
4050030001 NBP, PQA Br. A/c No: 4014907583(Old A/c.#07) (STD/SNTD) - 30,091,294
4050030002 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907636(# 68 Old) (STD/SNTD) 233,251 109,416
4050030004 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.4014907672 (# 124 Old) (STD/SNTD) 32,984 55,147
4050030005 NBP, PQA Branch, A/C.No.(# 284 Old) (STD/SNTD) 57,131 70,997
4050030012 MCB, 365 Gold A/c No : 02 (F/A) 17,843 12,217
4050030013 BanK Al-Habib - Pak Rupees.A/C.#1080-0118-001710-01-2 4,644,143 2,727,751
4050030017 Soneri Bank A/c No. 011369-01 2,501,416 1,746,550
4050030021 NBP, NIDA A/c No : 5-6 3,009 145,078
4050030022 UBL, Unisaver A/c No. 003-0002-1 7,843,234 3,785,616
4050030024 MCB, 365 Gold A.c No : 8-1 1,177 806
4050030025 MCB, 365 Gold A.c No : 9-9 1,341 918
4050030026 UBL Uni Saver Plus A/C 003-0003-8 660,631 412,490
4050030027 MCB A/c No. 0274559341003545 6,517 4,462
4050030029 Saudi Pak Comm Bank, A/c No. 025057800006 72,875 49,977
4050030030 Dubai Islamic Bank A/c No. 0006113002 31,743,126 17,355,339
4050030031 NIB Bank, A/c No. 5030-0016080-1521 478,587 69,348
4050030034 Bank Al-Habib, A/c No. 1080-001711-01-9 73,130,878 37,948,158
4050030035 Bank Al Habib, US$ A/C No.1080-1428-001710-01-0 @Rs101.70 10,613,888 8,097,772
4050030036 Bank Al Habib,UK Pound A/C # 1080-0412-001710-01-9 @Rs159.91 851,479 743,846
2022 2021

4050030040 Askari Comm.Bank.A/C No.033-01-165-0212-6 779 534

4050030042 Askari Comm.Bank.A/C No.033-01-165-0221-8 44,780,543 4,611,958
4050030044 Al Baraka Bank. A/C.No.0110352663012 2,055 1,512
4050030045 Allied Bank, A/C.No.0010006659430019 3,078,947 50
4050030046 Askari Bank. A/C.No.1650000046 334 229
4050030047 Burj Bank, A/c.No.7102 1058 6000 1612 1,891 1,391
4050030048 Bank Al Falah, A/C.No.0084-1003472400 3,069,777 5,179,077
4050030053 Samba Bank A/C 6403004493 5,281,420 1,571,313
4050030054 Sindh Bank A/C 3643668686100 363 261
4050030055 Meezan Bank A/C # 0102960888 - 13
4050030056 Meezan Bank A/C # 0102960888 193 113
4050030057 NBP, PQA Br. A/C 4014907654 (95) 1,156,671 2,260,299
4050030058 HMB, A/C 6-1-8-20614-714-223938 21,321,096 5,065,521
4050030059 JS Bank Limited , A/C NO. 0001693940 7,087,663 4,949,032
4050030060 Bank of Punjab, A/c No. 6580243378700016 6,339,647 -
Sub total 538,842,054 433,273,694
Investment Income (Financial Accounts)
4050020001 N.B.P. PQA Branch , T.D.R. 3,239,376,917 2,532,987,923
4050020002 UBL, PQA BRANCH (TDR) 910,594,358 146,659,166
4050020012 Askari Bank 463,745,206
4050020013 Allied Bank. 440,657,640
4050020016 NIB Bank. 98,366,740 108,123,495
4050020017 Bank Al-Habib 1,420,719,445 1,080,258,477
4050020018 Bank Al-Falah 200,389,561 427,652,328
4050020019 Habib Metropolitan Bank 1,185,762,111 585,011,297
4050020023 The bank of Punjab 64,696,665 -
4050020024 Soneri Bank Ltd. 435,313,863 258,314,596
4050020037 JS Bank Ltd. 501,824,110 381,520,546
4050020044 Bank Alhabib - UK Pound 6,267,945 -
4050020046 Samba Bank Ltd. 213,264,874 203,106,795
4050020057 HBL (Revenue Bank Account) 959,996,912 30,363,014
Sub total 10,140,976,347 5,753,997,636
Interest from DFIs
4050020048 Pak Libya Holding Company 176,523,349 106,632,694
4050020049 Saudi Pak Industrial & Agriculture Company Ltd. 209,038,558 142,245,434
4050020050 CDC Trustee Meezan A/c No. 20976-1 - 40,277,736
4050020059 Dividend Income - Pak Oman Investment Company 92,461,110 -
4050020060 Dividend Income - Pak Kuwait Investment Company 22,713,989 -
Sub total 500,737,006 289,155,864
Dividend Income from AMCs
4050020051 CDC Trustee NBP NAFA Fund A/c No. 74506 106,746,982 142,303,443
4050020052 UBL Liquidity Plus 99,244,779 69,436,903
4050020053 ABL Asset Management Company 117,913,272 25,121,888
4050020054 MCB Arif Habib Savings & Investment 169,500,903 31,425,497
4050020055 HBL Asset Management Ltd. 132,759,673 30,186,274
Sub total 626,165,608 298,474,004
Total 11,806,721,015 6,774,901,198
2022 2021
Note No. 17 - Other Income
407002 Miscellaneous Income (Financial Accounts) 27 4,713,000
407005 Gain on Sale of Fixed Assets 13,692,469 -
407007 Capital Receipt 2,000,000 -
407008 Other recoveries - Land rent, penalties, mark-up, maintenance etc. 5,867,293 -
Sub total 21,559,789 17,713,000
407032 Foreign Exchange - Gain 338,072,035 23,638,327
4070060009 Supervision Fee 1,240,000 1,424,000
4070060010 Survey Charges - 1,050,000
4060070001 Penalty charges. (Miscellaneous Income-Revenue Deptt.) 117,029,500 96,101,530
4060070004 Other Income-(Revenue) 88,537,787 88,353,488
4060070010 Water connection charges. 444,714,355 417,515,958
4060070011 Late payment charges on utility bills 83,074,503 105,725,148
4060070013 Tender Fee 8,967,500 5,673,500
4060070019 Development Charges - 5,000,000
4060070020 Dredging Charges 30,106,682 141,028,363
Sub total 1,111,742,362 885,510,314
Total 1,133,302,151 903,223,314
Note No. 18.1 - Summary of Salary, wages and Staff benefits.
1. Basic Pay 615,598,249 586,358,289
2. Allowances 3,182,461,844 2,197,293,841
3. Overtime 169,470,258 168,902,687
4. Bonus 525,556,211 539,044,206
5. Leave encashment 231,367,409 229,430,390
6. Substantial Grant 3,895,238 3,143,233
7. Daily Wages 6,810,900 1,083,400
5020010002 8. Residential Accommodation (PQA Officers) 3,908,719 3,312,720
5020010004 9. Other residential expenses- Electric & Gas 167,470 369,770
5020020001 10. Uniforms. 5,494,100 5,863,250
5020020002 11. Canteen. 7,000,000 5,500,000
5020020003 12. Cost of Medicine. 2,112,310 2,533,411
5020020004 13. Laboratory charges. 2,045,260 789,526
5020020005 14. Doctors & Specialists. 1,167,786 1,188,522
5020020006 15. Hospitalization. 191,095,189 153,676,553
5020030002 16. Pension & Graturity Fund. 2,962,248,000 2,406,367,752
5020030003 17. Group Insurance.(Staff) 4,791,748 -
5020030004 18. Employees Welfare Fund. 25,412,842 17,412,421
50100100020011 19. Board Meeting 25,000 1,400,000
5020030006 20. Payment to Assistance family package for PQA employees. 21,390,198 20,247,607

5020030007 21. Payment to Assistance family package for PQA employees - Covid-19 4,100,000 10,000,000
50100100020013 22. Employee Leave Compansation (Expense) 9,571,187 21,260,321
Total 7,975,689,918 6,375,177,899
Note No.18.1.1 - Basic Pay.
50100100010001 Basic Pay- Direct variable cost. 199,867,475 163,814,402
50100100020001 Basic Pay- Indirect variable cost. 415,730,773 422,543,887
Total 615,598,249 586,358,289
2022 2021
Note No.18.1.2 - Allowances.
50100100010002 Allowances- Direct variable cost. 794,798,840 708,480,792
50100100020002 Allowances- Indirect variable cost. 2,387,663,004 1,488,813,049
Total 3,182,461,844 2,197,293,841
Note No.18.1.3 - Overtime
50100100010003 Overtime-Direct variable cost. 62,396,128 64,808,274
50100100020003 Overtime-Indirect variable cost. 107,074,131 104,094,413
Total 169,470,258 168,902,687
Note No.18.1.4 - Bonus
50100100020004 Bonus - Staff 353,598,579 389,955,425
50100100020005 Bonus - Officers 171,957,632 149,088,781
Total 525,556,211 539,044,206
Note No.18.1.6 - Leave Salary
50100100020006 Annual leave encashment 231,367,409 229,430,390
Total 231,367,409 229,430,390
Note No.18.1.4 - Substantial Grant
50100100010008 Substantial Grant - Officers - -
50100100020009 Substantial Grant - Staff 3,895,238 3,143,233
Total 3,895,238 3,143,233
Note No.18.1.7 - Daily Wages
5010020002 Daily Wages - Indirect variable cost 6,810,900 1,083,400
Total 6,810,900 1,083,400
Note.No.19 - Maintenance of Channel Dredging
504003 Fuel & Libricants for New Dredger. 749,961,850 634,350,199
504004 Custom Duty on Dredger. 24,128,336 -
Total 774,090,186 634,350,199
Note.No.20 - Depreciation
Reversal Adjustment of Dep. Exp. - (218,339)
Depreciation Expense. 629,965,267 509,840,510
Total 629,965,267 509,622,171
Note.No.21 - Repair & Maintenance
5060020002 Leading Lights structure 1,456,615 -
5060060001 Causeway 268,312,275 260,845,963
5060060007 Housing Estate 14,277,058 -
5060100003 Site Office. 79,942,577 91,316,846
5060190003 Cargo Handling Equipment 77,315 -
5060200001 Electronic 22,000 251,580
5060240001 Water Tank- SMT. 7,706,600 -
5060240002 Pump house 467,645 -
5060280004 Sub-station. - Port Operating Area 22,712,210 10,466,156
Sub total 394,974,295 362,880,545
5060330002 Mooring Buoys 11,239,709 10,221,801
5060380002 Kadiro 121,412,379 15,790,720
5060390001 Sohna 79,253,356 9,988,704
5060390002 Mohna 27,558,400 6,479,430
5060400002 Lahoot 14,397,273 17,608,090
5060410002 Jatli 14,321,024 8,934,491
5060410003 Makli 7,153,382 -
5060410004 Sadaf 2,166,083 282,061
5060420001 Mazdoor 6,667,559 5,971,741
5060440002 Hoori 200,755 339,009
5060450005 Ambar 79,596,164 13,423,557
2022 2021

5060490001 Fork Lift Trucks 3,990,030 -

50604900010001 Fork Lift Trucks - Small 2,152,840 (5,000)
50604900020002 Trucks With Cranes - Tractor Towing Units 1,315,030 -
5060540001 Road Weighbridges 11,000,764 2,169,460
5060560001 Air Conditioning - Head Office - 1,447,122
506058 Office Equipment 32,352,900 16,736,667
5060610001 Main Supply Pipe Line - 8,827,429
5060620003 Port Operating Area - Potable Water Pumps And Other 2,435,057 4,322,453
5060670005 Housing estate - Sewerage 2,548,820 -
5060680001 Sewerage pump & Other Equipments 31,378,840 17,263,597
5060680003 Port Operating Area - Sewerage pump & Other Equipments 2,699,010 -
5060690003 Main Distribution Lines - Telephone System Equipment - 610,750
5060690007 Telephone Equipment- Operating Area 6,200 90,900
5060690008 Telex Equipment- Operating Area 103,395 -
5060710001 Power supply-500 KW-Temporary supply (268,000) -
5060720002 HT system - Port operating area (230,229) -
5060760001 Makli-II - Others (Tugs / Lunchs / Boats) 2,596,059 801,672
5060760003 Sohni - Others (Tugs / Lunchs / Boats) 2,375,986 1,182,943
5060760004 Kallari - Others (Tugs / Lunchs / Boats) 3,314,550 9,128,783
5060760005 Kinjhar - Others (Tugs / Lunchs / Boats) 120,683 869,666
5060760006 Deebal - Others (Tugs / Lunchs / Boats) 3,274,611 5,581,667
5060760007 Kinjhar - Others (Tugs / Lunchs / Boats) 6,985,827 2,689,404
5060760010 LNG RHIB boats 5,602,589 -
5060760011 Indus Dolphin - repair & Maint. 1,236,569,216 1,382,243,111
Sub total 1,714,290,262 1,543,000,228
Total 2,109,264,557 1,905,880,773
Note No.22 - Exchange Gain/ Loss
509009 Foreign Exchange Rate Variation (loss/gain) - Bank balance 284,108,781 31,077,729
509011 Rounding off Adjustments 5 1
509017 Foreign Exchange Rate Variation (Indus Dolphin) 47,286,326 -
Total 331,395,111 31,077,730
Note No.23 - Hire charges of Tugs
507001 Hired Charges of Tug (A.G) 61,412,406 47,521,312
507003 Hired Charges of Tug (LNG Terminal) 1,718,139,328 1,849,663,500
502004 Manning Services of Tugs and Pilot Boats 310,193,404 255,028,250
Total 2,089,745,138 2,152,213,062
Note No.24 - Water and conservancy
503001 Water & Conservancy 611,772,569 520,665,321
Total 611,772,569 520,665,321
Note No.25 - Fuel & Lubricants
5030020002 Fuel & Lubricants (Port Vessels) 658,274,501 298,876,181
5030020003 Fuel & Lubricants 101,524,664 64,382,630
5030020004 Fuel & Lubricants (Car. Hand. Eq) 276,205 -
5030020005 Fuel & Lubricants-(For Generator) 14,325,300 17,597,957
5030020007 Fuel & Lubricants (Tugs hired for LNG Terminal) 316,484,598 429,894,943
Total 1,090,885,268 810,751,711
Note No.26 - Electricity
503003 Electricity 398,220,668 402,672,841
Total 398,220,668 402,672,841
2022 2021
Note No.27 - Transport Expenses
5030040003 Staff - Bus 182,921,523 154,804,178
5030040004 Officers - Van 53,069,437 42,431,470
5030040005 Hired Transport for Board Member 776,342 945,163
5030040006 Repair & Maint of PQA Vehicles 21,760,531 13,381,393
5030040008 Repair & Maint of PQA Vehicles 21,182,865 -
Total 279,710,698 211,562,204
Note No.28 - Stores and spare parts consumed
5030050001 Stores 19,033,659 25,401,687
5030060001 Spares 73,804,137 18,955,782
Total 92,837,797 44,357,469
Note No.29 - Inspection/survey fees for crafts
503023 Inspection/Survey Fees Craft 7,210,947 6,265,309
Total 7,210,947 6,265,309
Note No.30 - Donation
5030200009 Donation 53,119,864 12,863,598
Total 53,119,864 12,863,598
Note No.31 - Other Expenses
1. Supplies consumed. 17,937,569 5,488,983
2. Telephone, postage,tlegram and telex 6,053,762 3,975,055
3. Publication, Printing & Stationary. 5,086,010 2,540,325
4. Travelling Expenses. 21,012,978 7,152,034
5030140001 5. Publicity & Advertising Expenses. 14,814,357 9,824,121
6. Rent,rates and taxes. 614,951 632,705
5030160001 6a. Retainer Fees and Legal expenses. 20,261,500 11,776,052
7. Auditor's remuneration 18,079,439 4,267,224
8. Insurance. 85,903,918 21,720,790
503018 9. Entertainment charges. 9,836,889 8,397,632
503021 10. Consultancy Fees 42,967,254 54,919,810
11. Training Local 5,528,753 1,632,160
5030200001 12. Internet Charges 1,752,121 1,847,044
5030200004 13. Other Fees 2,430,078 2,845,047
5030200005 14. Contribution For Technical Services 1,351,815 -
5030200010 15. Hajj Sponsaring 3,763,497 730,476
5030200011 16. Newspaper and Periodicals 653,977 517,341
5030200012 17. Membership fees. 51,369 55,370
5030200013 18. Books 182,058 37,745
5030200014 19. Bank Charges 388,791 222,349
5030200016 20. Sports (249,000) 3,143,840
5030200017 21. Afforestation 24,645,276 18,672,718
5030200018 22. Meal Charges 1,473,470 1,581,698
5030200021 24. Programming/System Analysis. 2,563,216 -
5030200023 25. Survey and registeration expenses 5,995,462 -
5030200024 23. Sundry Items (Hire Decoration Items) 5,011,390 3,049,400
5030200030 24. Arms Licence fee. 77,000 154,000
5030200031 25. Compensation of refund (Al Watan Scheme) 23,136,671 16,599,416
5030200033 26. Land Rent (Al Watan) 3,251,289 3,098,947
Total 324,575,867 184,882,282
2022 2021
Note No.31.1 - Supplies consumed
5030070001 Operating Materials and Supplies 2,558,354 2,014,588
5030070002 Repair & Maint Materials 11,377,219 23,610
5030070003 Misc. Material and Supplies 100,000 -
5030070005 Misc. Material and Supplies 3,720,006 3,377,785
5030070006 Medical Material and Supplies 181,990 73,000
Total 17,937,569 5,488,983
Note No.31.2 - Telephone, Postage, Telegram & telex.
5030080001 Telephone - Direct 3,036,454 3,005,909
5030080002 P.A.B.X. 1,208,852 38,290
5030080003 Telephone - Residential 1,144,030 275,598
5030080004 Postage and Telegram/ TCS 664,426 655,258
Total 6,053,762 3,975,055
Note No.31.3 - Publication Printing & Stationary
5030120001 Printing & Stationery 5,086,010 2,540,325
Total 5,086,010 2,540,325
Note No.31.4 - Travelling expenses
5030130001 Air Rail Tickets 9,737,199 2,932,003
5030130002 Hotel Charges 2,391,218 1,387,779
5030130003 TA/DA 5,918,459 1,723,783
5030130004 Daily Allowance - Foreign 2,011,602 -
5030130005 Conveyance Charges 254,500 25,000
5030130006 Conveyanve (Out of Station) - 69,700
5030130007 Air Tickets (Foreign) 700,000 1,013,769
Total 21,012,978 7,152,034
Note No. 31.5 - Rent, rates and taxes
5030150006 Property Taxes 46,038 3,013
5030150007 Motor Vehicles Tax 568,913 629,692
Total 614,951 632,705
Note No. 31.6 - Auditors Remuneration
5030170001 Audit Fees 7,876,200 -
5030170003 Other Audit Expenses 10,203,239 4,267,224
Total 18,079,439 4,267,224
Note No. 31.7 - Insurance Premium
5030190001 Floating Craft- Insurance 83,614,845 20,251,007
5030190003 Vehicle Insurance 2,289,073 1,469,783
Total 85,903,918 21,720,790
Note No. 31.8 - Training
50302000270001 Training - (Local) 5,528,753 1,632,160
50302000270002 Training - (Foreign) - -
Total 5,528,753 1,632,160
Note.No. 32 - Income Tax expense
5030200028 Income Tax expense 2021-22 9,045,019,818 -
Total 9,045,019,818 -
Note.No. 33 - Prior Year Adjustments
5090020001 Prior Year Adjustment (F/A) - 232,497,977
5090020002 Prior Year Adjustment (Revenue) - -
Total - 232,497,977
Note No. 1.1 Statement Of Operating Assets As At 30-06-2022
Cost Accumulated Depreciation
Written down
Description Charged for the
As at 30-06-2021 Addition Disposal As at 30-06-2022 Rate % As at 30-06-2021 Disposal As at 30-06-2022 value
Utilised 1,354,698,266 - - 1,354,698,266 - - - - - 1,354,698,266
Not yet utilised. 173,709,055 - - 173,709,055 - - - - - 173,709,055
Land (Levelling & Grading) 166,041,035 - - 166,041,035 - - - - - 166,041,035
Sub total 1,694,448,356 1,694,448,356 1,694,448,356
Channel Dredging 1,388,696,888 - - 1,388,696,888 1% 542,104,370 13,886,969 - 555,991,338 832,705,550
Capital Dredging-Turning Basin -Abreast QICT 3,027,268,131 - - 3,027,268,131 1% 272,454,132 30,272,681 - 302,726,813 2,724,541,318
Sub total 4,415,965,019 - - 4,415,965,019 814,558,501 44,159,650 - 858,718,152 3,557,246,868
Steel Mill Terminal 390,525,695 - - 390,525,695 2% 314,824,119 7,810,514 - 322,634,633 67,891,062
Wharf & jetties. 1,164,763,013 - - 1,164,763,013 2% 875,574,725 23,295,260 - 898,869,986 265,893,027
Road Rail & Access way. 200,840,371 - - 200,840,371 3% 186,616,113 6,025,211.13 - 192,641,324 8,199,047
PQA House 5,944,965 - - 5,944,965 2% 3,923,015 118,899 - 4,041,914 1,903,051
Banglow in P.E.C.H.S. 81,330,438 - - 81,330,438 2% 16,266,088 1,626,609 - 17,892,696 63,437,742
Utility Connection 55,908,080 - - 55,908,080 3.3% 53,504,033 1,844,967 - 55,348,999 559,081
Repair & Maint.Facilities. 50,425,994 - - 50,425,994 3.3% 48,257,676 1,664,058 - 49,921,734 504,260
Admin. & Resid.Facilities. 283,103,395 - - 283,103,395 3.3% 263,188,296 9,342,412 - 272,530,708 10,572,687
Navigation Aid 60,983,264 - - 60,983,264 10% 60,983,264 - - 60,983,264 -
Night Navigation Aid 96,072,012 - - 96,072,012 10% 96,072,012 - - 96,072,012 -
Sub total 2,389,897,228 - - 2,389,897,228 1,919,209,341 51,727,930 - 1,970,937,271 418,959,957
Navigation Aid 162,401,309 - - 162,401,309 10% 148,817,878 6,500,000 155,317,878 7,083,430
Steel Mill Terminal 81,729,075 - - 81,729,075 2% 28,257,115 1,634,582 29,891,697 51,837,379
Utility Connection 56,685,263 320,000 - 57,005,263 3.3% 54,247,796 1,097,351 55,345,148 1,660,115
Repair & Maint.Facilities. 5,189,017 - - 5,189,017 3.3% 4,965,889 171,238 5,137,127 51,890
Admin. & Resid.Facilities. 44,145,818 - - 44,145,818 3.3% 42,204,767 1,456,812 43,661,579 484,240
Rail System-Earth Embankment. 59,360,000 - - 59,360,000 5% 59,360,000 - 59,360,000 -
Sub total 409,510,482 320,000 - 409,830,482 337,853,446 10,859,982 - 348,713,428 61,117,054
Multipurpose Terminal
Wharf & Jetties. 206,548,170 - - 206,548,170 2% 151,688,974 4,130,963 155,819,938 50,728,232
Mobile Cranes. 52,567,845 - - 52,567,845 6.7% 52,567,845 - 52,567,845 -
Forklift Trucks. 46,118,028 - - 46,118,028 10% 46,118,028 - 46,118,028 -
Sub total 305,234,043 - - 305,234,043 250,374,848 4,130,963 - 254,505,811 50,728,232
Total 714,744,525 320,000 - 715,064,525 588,228,294 14,990,946 - 603,219,239 111,845,286
Floating Craft 4,053,630,533 5,852,488,600 (16,324,309) 9,889,794,823 5% 1,584,079,268 323,996,211 (15,611,279) 1,892,464,201 7,997,330,623
Indus Dolphin (7000 cum Trailer Suction Hopper
Dredger) 3,373,974,159 - - 3,373,974,159 5% 1,518,288,371 168,698,708 1,686,987,079 1,686,987,079
Sub total 7,427,604,691 5,852,488,600 (16,324,309) 13,263,768,982 3,102,367,640 492,694,919 - 3,579,451,280 9,684,317,702
Car Motor Vehicles & Passenger Veh. 212,701,523 32,456,000 - 245,157,523 20% 209,591,707 3,245,600 212,837,307 32,320,216
Ambulances 19,111,000 - - 19,111,000 20% 3,822,200 3,822,200 7,644,400 11,466,600
Motor Vehicles. 4,912,988 - - 4,912,988 20% 4,912,988 - 4,912,988 -
Sub total 236,725,510 32,456,000 - 269,181,510 218,326,894 7,067,800 - 225,394,694 43,786,816
Furniture & Fixture. 45,327,337 10,631,651 - 55,958,988 10 29,805,002 1,471,384 31,276,386 24,682,602
Office Equipments 78,880,082 32,668,425 - 111,548,507 10 54,377,019 3,373,032 57,750,051 53,798,456
Survey Engineering equipment. 54,087,269 11,752,000 - 65,839,269 10 48,246,231 1,871,709 50,117,940 15,721,329
Other equipments 251,631,172 1,917,434 - 253,548,606 10 210,929,386 12,607,898 223,537,284 30,011,322
Oil Pollution & Fire fighting Equipt. 46,668,570 - - 46,668,570 10 46,668,570 - 46,668,570 -
Establishment of Port Qasim Electronic Communication
Network (PECNET) 32,706,148 - - 32,706,148 10 32,706,148 - 32,706,148 -
Total 509,300,577 56,969,510 - 566,270,087 422,732,356 19,324,022 - 442,056,379 124,213,708

Grand total 17,388,685,907 5,942,234,110 (16,324,309) 23,314,595,707 7,065,423,026 629,965,267 (15,611,279) 7,679,777,015 15,634,818,692

2020 - 2021 17,370,786,046 17,986,375 86,514 17,388,685,907 6,555,582,517 509,840,510 - 7,065,423,026 10,323,262,880

Storage and
Ship Movement Towing and
Terminal name Berthage Fee Wharfage PQA Royalty Demurrages/ Others Total
and Service Pilotage

Multipurpose Marginal Wharf - 1 & 2 180,229,209 169,201,392 159,220,804 159,401,879 29,070,404 35,568,788 - 732,692,476

Fotco Oil Terminal 374,548,881 318,537,959 192,968,143 453,845,214 359,905,998 - - 1,699,806,195

Qasim International Container Terminal - 1 790,948,548 691,144,751 268,213,512 249,856,640 605,035,088 - - 2,605,198,539

Qasim International Container Terminal - 2 1,079,536,642 833,667,601 356,536,101 346,602,080 433,374,060 - - 3,049,716,484

Engro Vo Pak Tank Terminal (EVTL) 114,761,325 151,431,566 1,084,895 89,287,598 236,120,245 - - 592,685,629

Liquid Cargo Terminal (LCT) 164,605,306 160,695,207 84,162,713 95,118,293 50,737,117 - - 555,318,636

SSGC 11,233,549 14,046,014 4,098,537 9,717,420 145,024,068 - - 184,119,588

Fauji Akbar Portia (FAP) 76,693,109 63,741,978 142,444,563 66,977,644 497,237,794 - - 847,095,088

Engro Elengy Terminal Ltd (EETL) 608,866,936 4,556,656,357 211,512,618 1,008,128,714 1,848,902,057 - - 8,234,066,682

Pakistan International Bulk Terminal (PIBT) 250,273,537 314,220,448 173,433,488 248,193,964 3,811,738,923 - - 4,797,860,360

PQEPT 112,007,968 1,677,486 69,358,949 129,961,208 1,217,186,440 - - 1,530,192,051

HF & P 87,132,091 75,761,881 121,682,083 60,839,220 1,476,966,688 - - 1,822,381,963

PGPL 427,179,095 3,503,064,527 147,241,166 494,964,346 108,695,652 - - 4,681,144,786

Outer Anchorage 15,213,645 155,000 - - - - - 15,368,645

Others - - - - - 4,547,960 - 4,547,960

Gate Pass Money - - - - - - 89,987,283 89,987,283

Weighment Charges - - - - - - 5,898,091 5,898,091

Total 4,293,229,841 10,854,002,167 1,931,957,572 3,412,894,220 10,819,994,534 40,116,748 95,885,374 31,448,080,456

Storage and
Ship Movement Towing and
Terminal name Berthage Fee Wharfage PQA Royalty Demurrages/ Others Total
and Service Pilotage

Multipurpose Marginal Wharf - 1 & 2 147,295,090 137,466,442 152,518,888 155,130,345 - 31,387,269 - 623,798,034

Fotco Oil Terminal 279,670,039 244,489,631 166,394,221 414,549,561 43,728,007 - - 1,148,831,459

Qasim International Container Terminal - 1 902,163,426 754,727,568 328,284,850 330,719,992 395,794,061 - - 2,711,689,897

Qasim International Container Terminal - 2 929,941,222 756,197,296 380,162,028 235,924,480 544,695,700 - - 2,846,920,726

Engro Vo Pak Tank Terminal (EVTL) 119,931,473 162,686,668 4,185,057 102,241,528 288,207,116 - - 677,251,842

Liquid Cargo Terminal (LCT) 159,747,733 155,982,422 80,534,896 117,249,422 49,701,080 - - 563,215,553

SSGC 17,130,016 23,509,862 7,260,974 14,388,742 134,482,522 - - 196,772,116

Fauji Akbar Portia (FAP) 93,021,622 81,673,459 173,365,349 61,955,723 130,932,118 - - 540,948,271

Engro Elengy Terminal Ltd (EETL) 583,824,354 4,348,486,267 211,099,274 1,045,000,530 1,724,692,605 - - 7,913,103,030

Pakistan International Bulk Terminal (PIBT) 281,796,388 241,039,204 185,378,940 361,986,645 3,699,952,700 - - 4,770,153,877

PQEPT 116,153,272 102,789,690 74,706,984 163,299,037 1,387,301,401 - - 1,844,250,384

HF & P 76,272,559 67,359,798 83,164,207 110,538,465 1,352,156,544 - - 1,689,491,573

PGPL 415,727,178 3,380,685,422 139,981,574 638,141,146 495,186,395 - - 5,069,721,715

Outer Anchorage 24,593,565 35,607 - - - - - 24,629,172

Others 32,716,430 6,471,038 138,120 - 29,246,630 11,559,632 - 80,131,850

Gate Pass Money - - - - - - 104,878,139 104,878,139

Weighment Charges - - - - - - - -

Total 4,179,984,367 10,463,600,374 1,987,175,362 3,751,125,616 10,276,076,879 42,946,901 104,878,139 30,805,787,638

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