Week 10

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GRADES 1 to School Caibiran National High School Grade Level 11

12 DAILY Teacher Marlon Carlo T. Llamera Learning Area Statistics and Probability
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Week 10 Quarter 3rd

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment
strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives
shall be derived from the curriculum guides
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of estimation of population mean and population proportion.

B. Performance The learner is able to estimate the population mean and population proportion to make sound inferences in real-life problems in different
Standards disciplines.
C. Learning Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week
Competencies / or two.
Objectives The learner identifies the length The learner computes for the The learner computes for an The learner solves problems
of a confidence interval. length of confidence interval. appropriate sample size using involving sample determination.
(M11/12SP-IIIj-1) (M11/12SP-IIIj-2) the length of interval. (M11/12SP-IIIj-4)
a) Define the confidence a) Identify the steps in solving a) Identify the steps in
interval; and the length of confidence a) Identify things to consider in determining the sample
b) Identify the length of a interval; and determining the sample size; and
confidence interval. b) Solve problems involving size; and b) Solves problems involving
confidents interval. b) Compute the sample size sample size determination.
using the length of interval.
II. CONTENT Length of Confidence Interval Computation of the Length of Computation of the appropriate Solve Problems Involving
Confidence Interval Sample Size Determination
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a
mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages  Reyes, C. O. and Saren, L.  Reyes, C. O. and Saren, L.  Ocampo, J. M. and Marquez,  Ocampo, J. M. and Marquez,
B. (2003). Elementary B. (2003). Elementary W. G. (2016). Conceptual W. G. (2016). Conceptual
Statistics. National Statistics. National Math and Beyond: Statistics Math and Beyond: Statistics
Bookstore. pg. 177-180 Bookstore. pg. 177-180 and Probability. Brilliant and Probability. Brilliant
 Nocon, Ferdinand, et. al.  Nocon, Ferdinand, et. al. Creations Publishing, Inc. pg. Creations Publishing, Inc. pg.
(2000). General Statistics (2000). General Statistics 163-168. 163-168.
(Made simple for Filipinos). (Made simple for Filipinos).
National Bookstore. pg. 139- National Bookstore. pg. 139-
140 140
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by
the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things,
practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous  Review concepts of  Review the formula of Perform the indicated Recall:
lesson or presenting confidence interval. getting the length of operations.  Things to consider in
the new lesson zα confidence interval. 1) 1 - 0.72 computing the sample size.
 Practice taking the value of 2) (0.15)(0.65)
2  Formula in determining the
t ( 1.96 )( 2.2 ) sample size.
and α . 3)
2 0.06

( )
( 2.58 ) ( 1.2 )

B. Establishing a purpose Given pairs of measurements, What do you think are the steps Maria wants to study the eating Maria wants to study the eating
for the lesson ask the students to solve for the in determining the length of habits of Mangyan Tribe. She habits of Mangyan Tribe. She
length of each pair of confidence interval? wants to estimate the wants to estimate the
measurements. population mean within an error population mean within an error
1. What are the steps in order of 0.02 of its true value and of 0.02 of its true value and
to get the length of each standard deviation of 0.3. using standard deviation of 0.3. using
pair? 95% confidence level, find the 95% confidence level, find the
sample size that she needs. sample size that she needs.
1. What is asked in the 1. What is asked?
problem? 2. What are the given?
2. Determine the formula that 3. Formula to be used to solve

can be used to derive the the unknown.
formula of getting the sample
3. Derive the formula in
determining the sample size.
4. What are the things to
consider in determining the
sample size?

C. Presenting examples/ Given x =3.6 σ =0.9 n=8 α A survey of the delivery time of A company tasked Mary, a Maria wants to study the eating
instances of the new =0.01,solve for the a.) 200 orders worth P20,000 from researcher, to find out the habits of Mangyan Tribe. She
lesson confidence interval b.) length of Dexter Pizza yielded a mean of proportion of housewives who wants to estimate the
the confidence interval. 55 mins with a standard use a particular brand of cooking population mean within an error
deviation of 12 minutes. What is oil. The company wants to know, of 0.02 of its true value and
the length of 95% confidence with 95% confidence, the standard deviation of 0.3. using
interval? proportion of households who 95% confidence level, find the
1. What are the given? like to use that cooking oil.a sample size that she needs.
2. What is the test statistics? previous survey has shown that 1. Substitute the given.
3. What is the confidence 42% like to use cooking oil X. 2. Solve the problem.
level? The study must be accurate to
4. What is the value of
zα/ t α? be within 2% of the true
2 2 proportion. What sample size
5. What is the length of does Mary need?
confidence interval? 1. What is asked?
2. Determine the formula that
can be used to derive the
formula of getting the sample
3. Derive the formula of
determining the sample size.
4. What are the things to
consider in determining the
sample size?
D. Discussing new Using the students way of A random sample of 12 female Given: The mayor of a town wants to
concepts and getting the length of confidence students in a certain dorm 1) σ =P1000 e=P300 α =0.1 use the proportion of a
practicing interval, lead the students in showed an average weekly 2) σ =15 kg e=8 kg α =0.5 population to determine the
new skills #1 deriving of the formula of getting expenditure of P750 for snack Solve for n. sample size he needed to
the length of confidence interval foods, with standard deviation interview regarding plans about
when the sample size is less of P175. What is the length of a new market building. He

than or equal to 30. 90% confidence interval for the wants to be able to assert with a
average amount spent each probability 0.95 that his error
week on snack food by female will be at most 0.05. A survey in
students living in this dormitory? the past has shown 65%
approval. How large a sample
does the mayor need?
E. Discussing new Derivation of the formula for the 1. What are the given? Given: 1. What is asked?
concepts and length of the confidence interval 2. What is the test statistics? 1) p=0.38 e=0.08 α =0.01 2. What are the given?
practicing new skills #2 when the sample size is greater 3. What is the confidence level? 2) p=0.73 e=0.12 α =0.1 3. Formula to be used to solve
than 30.
4. What is the value of
zα/ t α? Solve for n. the unknown.
2 2 4. Substitute the given.
5. What is the length of 5. Solve the problem.
confidence interval?
F. Developing mastery Solve for the length of the The height of a random sample Given: A bottle of fruit juice drink is
(Leads to Formative confidence interval when the of 50 high school students in 1) σ =40 hrs e=10 hrsα =0.05 claimed to be 500 mL with a
Assessment 3) mean, standard deviation and Tanza showed a mean of 147.5 2) p=0.38 e=0.05 α =0.05 standard deviation of 20 mL.
confidence level is given cm and a standard deviation of Solve for n. Joshua wants to investigate the
1.) x =220 σ =15 n=49 α =0.05 9.6 cm. Suppose that they are same fruit juice drink to
2.) x =250 σ =50 n=18 α =0.1 99% confident for the true estimate for the true population
mean, what is the length of the mean content correct to within 5
confidence interval? mL, adopting 95% confidence
level. How many bottles of the
fruit juice drink of the same
brand does he need for as

G. Finding practical Ask the students to give Ask the students to give Ask the students to give some Ask the students to give some
applications of instances of real life situations instances of real life situations real life application of situations that sample size
concepts and skills in where in they can use the where in they can use the determining the sample size. formula can be used.
daily living length of confidence interval. measuring of length of
confidence interval.
H. Making generalizations Q: How can we get the length of Ask the students to enumerate Question and Answer Question and Answer
and abstractions about confidence interval? the steps in determining the 1. Formula in determining the 1. How did you find problem
the lesson A: ●Getting the difference length of confidence interval. sample size. solving?
of the intervals 2. What are the things to 2. How were you come up with
● Using the formula consider indetermining the the correct answer?
sample size? 3. What are the necessary data
2 zα
( √σn ) and 2 t α
( √σn ) that is needed in solving the
sample size?

4. What are the steps in
determining the sample size?
I. Evaluating learning Solve for the length of Solve the following: Solve for n if: Solve the following:
confidence interval of the 1. Rochelle wants to know the 1. 90% confidence, e=0.08, σ 1. The monthly wage of new
following. mean of all entering trainees =2.6 employees at a certain
1. x =174.5 σ =6.9 n=26 α in SM Trece. The mean age 2. 98% confidence, e=0.05, σ broadcasting company is said
=0.02 of a random sample of 25 =1.4 to follow a normal distribution
2. x =24,500 σ =3,900 n=100 trainees is 18 years and the 3. 95% confidence, e=13, σ with a standard deviation of
standard deviation is 1.3 P1000. How large sample
α =0.01 =27
years. The sample comes would be needed to be 99%
3. x =90 σ =5 n=234 α =0.05 4. 99% confidence, e=0.12, p
from a normally distributed confident that the sample
4. x =23 σ =2 n=8 α =0.05 =0.36
population. Use α =0.1 to find mean will be within P300 of
5. x =100 σ =10 n=60 α =0.1 5. 95% confidence, e=0.05, p the true mean?
the length of the confidence
interval. =0.65 2. A politician wants to know his
2. Miss Romero noted that the chances of winning in the
mean scores of a random next election. He tasked a
sample of 35 grade 8 researcher to interview a
students who had taken a random sample of his
special test was 80.5. If the constituents about their
standard deviation of the perceptions of his leadership/
scores was 3.1 and the previous polls have revealed
sample came from an that approximately 62.5% are
approximately normal in favor of his leadership. The
population, find the length of politician has adopted the
confidence interval using 0,95 confidence level and of
95% confidence. the population value by at
most 0.02. How many
respondents must be
J. Additional activities for Solve. Complete the sentence: Answer the following: 1. Cite for the steps in testing
application or A survey on the delivery time of I learned that 1. Give some advantages of the hypothesis.
remediation 200 orders worth P20,000 from _________________________. sample size formula. 2. Research on the meaning of:
Dexter Pizza yielded a mean of I still need to clarify on 2. Explain the effects of level a. Null hypothesis
55 mins with a standard _________________. of confidence on sample b. Alternative hypothesis
deviation of 12 minutes. What is size. c. Critical region
the length of 95% confidence d. Z-test
interval? e. T-test

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Prepared by: Prepared by: Prepared by:

Teacher III Teacher III Teacher III Teacher III
Remarks of the Assistant School


SHS Assistant School Head SHS Assistant School Head SHS Assistant School Head SHS Assistant School Head

Remarks of the Principal

Secondary School Principal III Secondary School Principal III Secondary School Principal III Secondary School Principal III


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