Personal Statement Mitchel Apiyo
Personal Statement Mitchel Apiyo
Personal Statement Mitchel Apiyo
It is increasingly becoming a well-known act that influence is the new currency for success. As
such, I am well aware that influence and leadership are intertwined, where one cannot exist
without the other. Amassing influence is therefore, in my opinion the surest way of achieving
ones leadership goals because essentially people can only be motivated to follow a person who
possesses some degree of influence. It is with this knowledge in mind that I have therefore
endeavoured to build my influence over the influence over the years in order to develop into a
leader within both my profession and my community. This has seen me take on various
leadership responsibilities in school, professionally at work and in the community.
In High School I held two main leadership responsibilities- I was both the swimming club captain
and the library prefect. Being a prefect came with a lot of weighty responsibilities. I had to
carefully use my influence to guide others towards exercising thoughtful and balance
leadership. As the swimming club captain, I had to motivate my teammates towards achieving
success in the various national and inter county competitions that we would take part in. Even
at the University, I found myself in a leadership position as I was elected the Vice Chairperson
of the Kenya Law Students Society.
“A leader is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock….- Nelson Mandela.” From this I have
always learned that exceptional leaders are excellent motivation and pushers who lead from
behind and put others first. What attracted me to Young African Leaders Programme is he
programmes ability to churn out responsible and transparent leaders based on the alumnus. If
given the opportunity of being part of the 2023 cohort, I will act as a connecting chain between
my formed network and future YALP fellows. Become a strategic contact to other persons and
engage the knowledge and skills learned in order to enhance the Africa- EU partnership.
Each one of us has a different conception of what leadership is and it is usually shaped by the
people we know and meet. Being a part of the Young African Leaders Programme will expose
me to a larger network where my leadership capability will be cultivated more for my country
and the world at large. As a Young African Leaders Programme beneficiary, I will continuously
acquire deeper knowledge in the chosen field , nourish my capacity as well as expand my
network to become a competent leader, who will greatly contribute to the development of the
Africa-EU partnership.
In conclusion, it takes time and effort to make critical changes in the leadership styles especially
in African countries. This is fuelled by vices such as corruption, nepotism and fraud which takes
the centre piece in our Leadership and Governance. It is less of servant leadership and more of
master leadership. The corrupt are the ones holding public offices and leadership positions. The
youth can hardly raise the heft fees required for them to run for office and in the event they
raise the sums then they lack the financial muscles required to campaign for elective leadership
positions. Armed with the knowledge and skills gained from the Young African Leaders
Programme, I am certain that I will be a voice for a more sustainable, transparent and equally
competitive, yet achievable with the assistance of formal training style of transformative
Apiyo Mitchel