Lets Talk About Superlatives Fun Activities Games - 4138
Lets Talk About Superlatives Fun Activities Games - 4138
Lets Talk About Superlatives Fun Activities Games - 4138
What the biggest country in What’s the most populous country What’s the highest mountain in
the world? Where is it? What in the world? the world? In Europe? In
are its neighbours? What’s the most populous Muslim South America? In Africa?
country in the world?
What’s the longest river in the What’s the biggest animal in What’s the biggest land
world? In Asia? In North and the world? Where does it live? animal? Where does it live?
South America? In Europe? What does it eat? What does it eat?
What’s the biggest bird in the What’s the fastest animal on What’s the biggest ocean in
world? Where does it live? land? Describe it. the world? Where is it?
Describe it. Who’s the fastest in the sky? What’s the biggest fish?
What’s the biggest city in the What’s the largest desert in What’s the highest building in
world? What’s the biggest city the world? Where is it? the world? What’s the highest
in your country? What animals live there? one in your country?
What’s the smallest country in Which country is the most Who’s the richest person on
the world? popular tourist destination in Earth? How much money does
Where is it? the world? Guess. Say why. he have? Guess.
2 Class survey
1 3
What's the best food you've ever eaten?
Match What's the best movie you've ever seen?
antelope What's the most beautiful place in your country?
China What's the most difficult school subject?
flamingo What's the most expensive present you've ever bought?
France What's the most tourist attraction in your country?
What's the worst food ever?
Who's the best teacher you've ever had?
Who's the most beautiful woman on Earth?
Who's the most handsome man in the universe?
whale shark
Speaking and listening – Pre-intermediate – Upper-intermediate
Answer key: