DLP Gerunds

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A Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 9 English

Butuan City School of Arts and Trades

February 2023

I. Objectives
At the end of 1hr discussion, students should be able to:

a) identify the different uses of gerund;

b) value the importance of helping people through reflection ; and
c) construct sentences using the various functions of gerund.

II. Content
A. Subject matter: Gerund
B. Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures, Chalk
C. References: A journey through Anglo-American Literature (Book) p. 255

III. Procedure

Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Preparatory Activities


Good morning class!

Good morning, sir!”

How are you today?

We are good, sir!

Are you ready for our discussion for
Yes sir!


Before we start our class, let us pray

first. Can you lead Carol?

Yes, sir!
Classroom Conditioning

Okay class, before you sit, kindly pick

up those papers under your chairs,
arrange your chairs properly.
(Students comply)


Alright, let’s shake your hands so

that will energize our mind and body.

You may now take your seat!

Checking of attendance

Let us check your attendance, (Student Answer)

who’s absent today?

Setting of Classroom Rules

Before we start our lesson, may

we observe the following classroom
rules as we go through our discussion.
First, participate in any class activities.
Raise your hand when you want to
speak. Follow the instructions. Listen
attentively and be quiet when I’m
discussing or when someone is reciting.
Lastly, finish the given task on time. Am
I clear, class?

Yes, sir!

Review of the Past Lesson

Do you still remember our last topic?

Yes, sir we discussed a radio play

titled Sorry, Wrong Number.

Very Good! Another?

We also discussed the importance of
technology. Through this we can be
able to read, watch, and listen to a lot of

Yes, that’s right! I can see that

you have learned from the discussion
last time.

B. Motivation

Students, I have a short story

here about the importance of helping
people. I will group you into 4. Each
group is given 5 minutes to read and
comprehend it. After that, you will be
called to answer the following questions.
Am I clear class? Yes, sir!
Helping people is a responsibility of
every citizen, I believe. And I used to
help everyone I could. I enjoyed the
feeling I got when I reversed a
stranger’s awful day and turned it into
something good. I’ve learned better
since then. Don’t get me wrong; I still
agree with and practice the concept, but
I’m much more adept at it now that I
have gained experience. Even though I
was the rescuer it seemed like I always
had to pay a personal price for being
kind to people. After suffering much
heartache, embarrassing episodes, and
personal loss, I’ve learned that giving
help to my fellow human beings can be
a risky endeavor if not approached

So, what personal value of the

speaker is being described in the story?
Yes, Ana The story shows the moral value of
helping and supporting those who are in
need, especially strangers with the
belief of turning their awful day into
something good.

The author also has the personal value

Exactly, what else? Yes, Jacob of being a responsible citizen.

What are his experiences, in doing The author reversed a stranger’s awful
greatness? day and turned it into something good.
However, it seemed like he always had
to pay a personal price for being kind to

The author also experienced

suffering so much heartache,
Nice! What else? Yes, Dan
embarrassing episodes, and personal


Are all those favorable? Why? No, sir. You are giving kindness to
strangers, still you treat it like you do
not belong to them.

Very good, any more ideas? Yes, I think it is also favorable to the
Sam author sir since he also felt good by
making someone’s day better.

That’s right! His experiences of

greatness which were helping and
supporting others had both favorable
and unfavorable situations. As you
shared your thoughts, he felt good by
making someone’s day better, but it also
comes with different types of personal
loss, heartache, embarrassing episodes
that are not particularly appreciable.

C. Activity

From the story you read, you are

going to identify in what part of speech
are the underlined words in the story.
Yes, sir!
Are you ready, class?
D. Analysis
The underlined words are the
Now, what have you noticed in the action words.
underlined words? Yes, Clark

In the underlined word helping. It

Very good! What else? May I call used action word.

Yes, sir because it talks about

Does the story talk more action? helping people.

I think the story talks more action

Exactly! What else? Yes, Mikka because the author has suffered and
embarrassed which contains an action

E. Abstraction

Okay, so what do you think of our I think we will discuss the action
lesson for today? Murray word, sir.

Alright, have you ever heard No, sir.

about gerunds?

Maybe you have heard it before,

but you just forgot.

At this moment, we are going to

discuss about gerunds which you can
use it in writing and speaking in more
abstract way.

All right! First, let us read the A Gerund is a form of verb, that
definition of gerund on the board. ends in-ing that is used as a noun. A
verb is word that refers to actions or
states of being, and a noun is a word
that is used to refer people, places,
things, and ideas.

Okay, so class, a Gerund is a

word that combines verbs and nouns. It
seems to be a verb, yet it functions as a
noun. Gerunds are considered as third-
person singular nouns in a sentence.

Take note! to make a verb into

gerund, just add ing for example,
agreeing, escaping, and seeing.

If a verb finishes in- ie, use -y

before the -ing like lie (lying) tie (tying)
and die (dying)
Yes sir!
So, class do you understand what
is gerund and how to apply this
sentence now?

Very good! Now, to know whether

you understood our lesson for today. I
have here 5 gerund examples for you to
use in a sentence.

1. Swimming
2. Running
3. Jogging
4. Playing
5. Reading

Who wants to give it a try? Swimming is my favorite sport,


Yes, Mark.

She made running her routine,

Okay, very good! Now, who can
use running in a sentence? Can I call
My favorite sport is jogging.
Nice! How about the word
jogging? Yes, Miley
The girls were playing with the
dog, Sir.
Very good! Next word? Armie

I enjoy reading with my friends,


Very good! Yes, Gon for the last

word reading.

Well done, class! It looks that you

have all absorbed our discussion for
today. But first, I would like to remind
you class that Gerunds are not the only Yes, Sir!
verbal cues that may end in -ing okay?
So, be sure that the word you choose
acts as noun in the phrase. Is that clear,

Now, gerunds also formed a verb

and that functions as noun specifically
used a subject, a subjective
complement, an object of the
preposition, a direct object and

For example, Exercising is good

for our health. Now, as we identified
exercising is gerund, right? In this
situation exercising is the subject of the
sentence since exercising is we’re
talking about.

Another example of gerunds

function subject, Biking is my newest
hobby. Biking is clearly the subject.

Another example, Running is The complete subject there is I hate

good for your heart. most, sir.

For a subjective compliment,

what I hate most is repeating myself.

So, what is the subject in this

Repeating, sir
sentence? Is it what I? or I hate most?
Yes, Fritz

Correct! And where is the gerund

in the sentence? Yes, Kean

Very good, now in this situation

the gerund is not actually an object
because the subject is not doing
anything to the gerund. You are just
giving more information about the
Another example, lyka’s favorite
exercise is jogging. The subject is lyka
favorite and gerund there is jogging. It is
a subject compliment since it gives
information about the subject.

For the object of preposition, I’m

interested in improving myself.

Now, why we cannot say I’m

interested in improve? or I’m interested
in to improve? normally, we have lots of
lots adjective and preposition
combinations, after the preposition. After
the preposition, always use gerund.

Another example, I am excited

about doing something. Or I am used to
doing something.

For the direct object, as we know

to find direct object we asked or
question what or who after the main

For example, our wedding party

included dining, singing, and dancing,

Now we have the main verb,

included, our wedding party included
what? The dining, singing, and dancing.
These three gerunds are direct objects.

Another example, women love


Now, we identify first, the main verb.

Women is the subject and love is a main
verb. Women love what? Shopping.
Shopping is a gerund, and it has direct
object in this sentence.
Now, let’s go to appositive. Just like
nouns gerunds can be appositive in a
sentence. Let’s identify some examples
of gerunds as appositive.

Example, Nate’s favorite hobby,

playing video games, is not a waste of
time at all.

If you remember appositive is set by

commas. In this example, we have
these three words between two
commas. So, we know by that playing
video games is appositive.

Let’s check one more example, my

brother’s job, repairing cellphones, is
well played.

Repairing cellphones is appositive

and it is renaming the noun is job.

As you can see, we can use gerunds Helping people is a responsibility of

as appositive in the same way that we every citizen, I believe. And I used to
can use nouns. help everyone I could. I enjoyed the
feeling I got when I reversed a
Now, as we go back in the story, I stranger’s awful day and turned it into
want you to identify the use of the something good. I’ve learned better
underlined gerunds/gerunds phrase by since then. Don’t get me wrong; I still
choosing the letter of your answer from agree with and practice the concept, but
the box. I’m much more adept at it now that I
have gained experience. Even though I
was the rescuer it seemed like I always
had to pay a personal price for being
kind to people. After suffering much
heartache, embarrassing episodes, and
personal loss, I’ve learned that giving
help to my fellow human beings can be
a risky endeavor if not approached


To expand and test your

understanding of our lesson, we will
conduct a short activity. I would like you
to work with a partner. What you are
going to do is convert the following
verbs to gerunds and construct
sentences using its varied functions.

1. Run
2. Buy
3. Sell
4. Ask
5. Wait
6. Beat
7. Sit
8. Let
9. See
10. cook
I learned that gerunds are
regular elements of speech that we all
F. Generalization
use daily, whether we realize it or not.

So now, I want to hear what you

have learned about the topic we Gerunds are words that begin
discussed today in one or two with a verb but function as nouns.
sentences. Anybody? Yes? Mia They’re simple to detect because every
gerund is a word with -ING added to the

Exactly! What else?

For example, dance becomes
dancing and run becomes running.

There are various uses of

gerunds, sir. Example, the subject,
Very good! Now give us an subjective complement, direct object,
example. Yes, Mimi object of a preposition, and appositive.

Great! What are the different

I believe helping people is a
uses of gerunds? Marvin responsibility it’s an act of kindness,
and also there’s always a limit to your
capacity to serve people, and we
should be careful about that so

Very good! What have you

learned in the story that we tackled?
Good job, class! It seems that you really
learned from our discussion this

IV. Evaluation

to assess your learning from the discussion, I need you to answer the
following questions.

V. Assignment

For your assignment, study in advance the elements of a one-act play.

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