Lab Manual 1 Introduction To FM Lab and Hydraulic Bench

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University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Peshawar

Faculty of Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial, Mechatronics

Energy Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Fluid Mechanics (ME-223L)

Experiment Title: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics Lab and Demonstration of Main Parts of
Hydraulics Bench Apparatus.

1. To know about the basics of fluid mechanics and equipment present in Fluid Mechanics Lab
2. To familiarize with main parts of a hydraulic bench
3. To understand the usage and applications of a hydraulic bench

Equipment Present in the Lab

Fluid Statics Equipment
1. Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus
2. Dead Weight Apparatus
3. Metacentric Height Apparatus

Fluid Dynamics Equipment

4. Flow over Weirs
5. Bernoulli’s Theorem Apparatus
6. Impact of Jet Apparatus
7. Orifice and Free Jet Apparatus
8. Osborne Reynolds Apparatus
9. Free and Force Vortex Apparatus
10. Fluid Friction Apparatus
11. Flow through Orifice
12. Pipe Friction Apparatus
13. Flow Visualization Apparatus

Roto dynamics Equipment

14. Pump Characteristics Test Assembly
15. Series and Parallel Pump Assembly
16. Pelton Wheel Turbine
17. Sub-sonic Wind Tunnel
What is a Fluid?
A fluid is a substance in which the constituent molecules are free to move relative to each other.

What is fluid mechanics?

Fluid mechanics is a branch of physics concerned with the application of force and motion to fluids
(liquids, gases, and plasmas).

Layout of the Fluid Mechanics Lab. ME-102L

Theory of Hydraulic Bench

Hydraulics Bench is a very useful apparatus in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics lab. The hydraulic
bench has provisions with the help of which the discharge and flow rate of water can be measured
experimentally. It can also provide a continuous flow for performing various experiments in fluid

Hydraulic Bench consists of the following main parts:

1. Centrifugal Pump:
A self-Priming centrifugal pump is installed in the bottom of the hydraulic Bench which draws
water from sump tank and supplies it for performing experiments.
The specifications of this centrifugal pump are that it consists of a 0.5 Horse Power motor,
which runs at 2800 rpm and develops a maximum pressure head of 20m.

2. Sump Tank: The water used in Hydraulics Bench is stored in this tank located at the bottom
of the Hydraulics Bench. The water from the sump tank is supplied using the centrifugal pump.
This tank has a capacity of 150 liters

3. Vertical Pipe: Water from the sump tank is supplied to the upper portion of the bench via
vertical transparent pipe using pump, which terminates in the bed of the open channel.

4. Delivery Control Valve: It is used to regulate the flow in the delivery pipe i.e. to increase or
reduce the inflow of water in the Hydraulics Bench.

5. Connector: The connector allows for rapid substitution of accessories. Special purpose
terminations may be connected to the pump supply. No hand tools are required for doing so.

6. Channel: It is used in different experiments. It provides passage to the water for different addition to the inlet connector; the open channel also incorporates a weir/ notch
carrier at the open end for use with accessory.

7. Drain Valve: It is incorporated in the wall of the sump tank to facilitate emptying the tank.
8. Volumetric Tank: Water discharging from the accessory on test is collected in a volumetric
measuring tank. This tank is stepped to accommodate low or high flow rates. The total capacity
of the volumetric tank is 50 liters. The volumetric tank also possesses an overflow which
returns water to the sump in case of incorrect use.
9. Stilling Baffle: Volumetric measuring tank may incorporate a stilling baffle to reduce

10. Scale & Tapings: A sight tube and scale is connected to a tapping in the base of the
volumetric tank and gives an instantaneous indication of water level.

11. Dump Valve: It is located at the base of the volumetric tank and is operated by a chain and
handle. Opening the dump valve by a 90-degree turn allows the entrained water to return to the
sump tank for recycling.
Some of its major parts are shown below in figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1. Hydraulic Bench Apparatus

Figure 2. Hydraulic bench and flow channel along with important parts

• Used in fluid mechanics laboratories.
• To calculate discharge rate of water.
• For giving continuous flow.

Hydraulic bench apparatus. The Experimental setup is shown is Figure 1.

1. Attach a flow diverter to the delivery nozzle of the hydraulic bench.
2. Connect the switch of the hydraulic bench to a 220V source.
3. Turn the hydraulic bench “ON” and the water will start accumulating in hydraulic bench
4. Move the depth gauge to the center of the bed and by moving the vertical mast of the depth
gauge, take level reading of water. By using the valve, adjust the level of discharge, so that the
water only touches the needle tip, note height of water with the help of Vernier height gauge and
take this height as datum for further readings.
5. Now note the readings of change in volume per unit recorded time.
6. Using these volumes and time taken, calculate discharge.
7. Turn OFF electric supply to hydraulic bench after experiment
Observation and Calculations:
Record the data in Table 1.

Table 1. Results

S.No Head over notch/ channel Time Discharge

Initial Volume Final Volume Total Volume (sec) Lit/sec

V1 V2 V2-V1
(Litre) (Litre) (Litre)

• Place a cup or glass over hydraulic bench nozzle connector to eliminate turbulence of water (in
case stilling baffles are not available).
• Ensure that the hydraulic bench is located on a level floor, as the accuracy of the results will be
affected if the bench is not level.
• As the experiment involves water and electric current, so special precautions should be taken while
operating the hydraulic bench switches.

******************************* THE END *******************************

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