Kaya FC Academy Behavioral Framework
Kaya FC Academy Behavioral Framework
Kaya FC Academy Behavioral Framework
The Behavioural Competency Framework (BCF) document is patented on the model
of Manchester City Academy and their methods of assessing their coaching staff.
The document provides coaches with a clear framework of what is expected of them
as a coach, as well as provides them with a guide on how to be reflective of their
own performance. From a management perspective, it helps them to work with the
coaches within clearly defined parameters.
Behavioural Competency Framework
9 Rises to a challenge
10 Effective communicator
11 Takes a positive approach to setbacks
12 Takes responsibility
Behaviour 1
Willing to learn
and develop Head
1. Takes responsibility for own 1. Seeks guidance from line manager 1. Needs guidance and support to
development (seeks feedback and when required (asks questions) identify own areas of development
asks questions)
2. Engages with CPD opportunities 2. Seems disengaged with
2. Proactively identifies and seeks CPD that are offered CPD opportunities
1. Uses own initiative to find and 1. Will work with others and contributes 1. Does not actively contribute or
suggest solutions to presenting ideas to solving problems collaborate to solving problems
problem and finding solutions
1. Stays calm, thinks clearly and 1. Stays calm when working 1. Can become emotionally
manages others when working under pressure overwhelmed and creates added
under pressure stress to the team
2. Would prefer to work in comfort
2. Leads by example with positivity zone unless supported 2. Under pressure will divert
and authority from agreed plans, show
an inconsistent and/or
3. Would need support to channel unprofessional approach
3. Prepared to make and learn from emotions when working under
mistakes pressure
3. Reacts negatively to mistakes
1. Would anticipate and strategically 1. Would adapt to changing 1. Slow and negative respond
plan for change circumstances effectively to change
2. Sees change as a challenge rather 2. Would show engagement with 2. May default back to old ways
than a threat and an expected part change, listening to and applying of doing things and what feels
of successfully operating in high what is now been asked comfortable
performance environments
3. Maintains consistent level of 3. Repeats the same mistakes over
3. Would seek opportunities to contribute performance despite change and over
and be actively involved in change
4. Will ask questions on proposed 4. Unwilling to adapt working
4. Likely to drive and lead the way on changes and want to know how practices
change within their department and/ this may affect them and their role
or in the wider academy
Behaviour 5
Willing to be challeged
and challenge others Heart
1. Seeks and capitalises on opportunities 1. Will push themselves out of their 1. May appear unhappy in the
to push themselves out of their comfort comfort zone if presented with the environment and deters others from
zone, to better themselves oppotunity to do so challenge
2. Seeks opportunities for themselves 2. Put in solid effort to challenge 2. Avoids or dwells on challenge -
and others that present appropriate themselves and achieve their objectives struggling to perform as required
1. Shows enthusiasm to support and 1. Encourages and drives staff and 1. Is rude or ignores others (e.g. misses
encourage others (including colleagues, players for short-term achievements arragements)
players & external stakeholders) (inconsistent)
1. Always works by the Academy 1. Demonstrates Academy Values 1. Does not align with Academy
Values and assists others to and standards in their work and Values and standards
understand and align with them behaviours
2. Seen as a distraction to others -
2. Prepares thoroughly for all 2. Aware of the importance of unaware of the team environment
work duties - enabling impactful professional behaviours and seeks behaviours in interactions (e.g on
contributions in all interactions support if required phone during a meeting)
1. Adopts a positive approach to 1. Completes tasks/duties required 1. Appears comfortable with their
development opportunities and drives within their role current level and does not seek
projects/tasks that improves the further opportunities
organization, themselves, and others
2. Displays a good work ethic to
complete set tasks and achieve 2. Moans about what they are
2. Consistently delivers detailed quality personal goals expected to do
work that goes above and beyond the
bare minimum
3. Willing to put in effort and push 3. Loses sight of their goals and doesn’t
themselves. Will assist others see the bigger picture
3. Committed to working hard to achieve
their personal ambitions and meet
4. With guidance, will engage in 4. Has no intention to work for
Academy objectives
opportunities that are available to or with the team, working for
them to help them develop personal gain only
4. Displays healthy dissatisfaction,
resetting their ambitions to continually
raise the bar
Behaviour 9
Rises to a
challenge Stomach
1. Welcomes a challenge, viewing 1. Will contribute to tasks as 1. Gives up easily and reduces
it as an opportunity to develop requested but may need guidance effort in certain tasks or
rather than a threat and support from others challenging situations
2. Displays positive body language, 2. Displays a positive approach to 2. Displays poor body language,
manner, and approach when completing difficult tasks and will manner, and approach in
presented with a difficult situation/task give it a go difficult situations
3. Shows relentless effort in challenging 3. Will stick to the task given and work 3. Will become passive in
tasks to be productive and focused to produce requested outcome challenging tasks seeming
1. Is happy to speak up, challenge 1. Will have an opinion and share 1. Rarely expresses their opinion yet
and voice their opinion within and when requested can be dismissive of others’ opinions
outside of their immediate team
1. Views setbacks and part of 1. Responds to setbacks actively 1. Struggles to accept and
developing and performance and positively overcome setbacks
responding by adapting positively
1. Eager to show what they are capable 1. Takes responsibility and ownership for 1. Hides from responsibility showing
of taking on roles of responsibility for their own works/projects when asked reluctance to take ownership
themselves and others ( for things in
and outside of their job role - for the
greater good) 2. Makes the most of 2. Avoids risks and takes the
opportunities offered easy option
3. Shows commitment in their decision 4. Unwilling to take risks or try new things
making and professional choices 4. Demonstrates a willingness to try new - prefers to stay in their comfort zone
things but may seek support/guidance