My Vision For Sports

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As a facilitator of physical education, I think that physical education is crucial for the growth of a

student's physical, mental, and social well-being. My goal is to give every learner an equal
opportunity to develop physically in the areas of strength, flexibility, coordination, and range of
motion through organised sports programme. My goal is to establish a setting where students can
learn about and demonstrate cooperative social skills, teamwork, peer interaction, leadership,
sportsmanship, a positive outlook, and self-esteem while putting an emphasis on the most recent
information, technology, and tools to cater to the needs of each individual student.

For our children to engage in sport-related behaviours throughout their lives, I want to provide
effective paths. Along with academic experts, do research, make plans, create programmes, put
them into action, and evaluate their success. to provide a "best in class" platform for widespread
participation in school athletics and learning

Strategic themes and goals

Strategic goals Objectives Actions

1 Participation To prioritise target groups I. Create and deliver a variety of age-
while creating effective and ability-specific programmes with
routes for all students to a focus on target audiences.
engage in lifelong patterns of II. Collaborate with our coaches and
sport participation. other important stakeholders to
continue delivering programmes that
are designed to increase participation
with a focus on important target
III. Sports Conditioning and related
programmes in primary and
secondary school.
IV. Identify pathways that will promote
greater inclusiveness in sport and
physical activity.
2. Training & Psychological and physical I. Create and Develop Periodization is an
Development development, such as motor organized approach to training which
skills like strength, speed, involves progressive cycling of various
endurance, coordination, aspects of a training program during a
flexibility, agility, and specific period of time. It will be
balance, should continue to purposeful variation of a training
be prioritised because they programme over time, so that the
are crucial for successful competitor gets closer his or her
performance in a variety of optimum adaptive potential just
activities and sports. using a before an important event. It is based
variety of technologies and on the principles of multilateral
techniques. development, specialization, variety
and long-term training.
II. Work with P.E team and coaches to
continue to support and deliver
coaching and education courses that
enhance and raise the level of Sports
III. Monitor and evaluate training and
development programmes and
IV. Promote the use of shared facilities
between different schools, clubs and
community groups.
V. Provide sports training and support
to facility staff to ensure facilities are
used to their full potential.
VI. Support programme initiatives to
increase access to, and usage of,
school facilities.
Build a sustainable I. Establish relationships with other
approach to sports local authorities to implement
development. innovative programmes to increase
participation and create models of
best practice.

Saurav Kumar Tripathi

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