Icar Ib Ug - 2023 PDF

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राष्ट्रीय परीक्षा एजेंसी

Excellence in Assessment

Information Bulletin for

CUET (ICAR-UG) - 2023
All India Entrance Examination
for Admission to
Bachelor Degree Programs



S.No. Description Page No.

1. Introduction
1.1 About NTA 03
1.2 About ICAR 03
1.3 CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 04
2. General Information
2.1 Degree Programmes available for Admission in 2023-24. 06
2.2 University-wise and Subject-wise Number of Seats Available for Admission 06
2.3 Schedule of CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 06
2.4 Scheme of Examination 07
2.5 Syllabus for the Test 07
2.6 Reservation Policy 08
2.7 Provision for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) Candidates 09
3. Eligibility Criteria and Qualifications
3.1 General Eligibility Criteria to Appear in CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 11
3.2 Qualifying Examination at 10+2 Level 11
3.3 Age Limit 12
4. Registration and Application Process
4.1 Examination Cities for CUET (ICAR-UG) 2023 13
4.2 Applying online and submission of Application Form 13
4.3 Replica and steps of the Application Form 13
4.4a Method of Fee Payment 13
4.4b Important Points to Note 13
4.4c Provision of Aadhaar 14
5. Conduct of the Examination
5.1 Admit Card for CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 15
6. Conduct of the Examination
6.1 Important Instructions for the Candidates 16
6.2 Prohibited Materials and Unfair means 16
7. Result and Counselling
7.1 Procedure of Declaration of Result 17
7.2 Procedure of Online Counselling 17
8. Miscellaneous Provisions
8.1 Weeding Out Rules 18
8.2 Legal Jurisdiction 18
I Domicile State/U.T. Codes 19
II List of ICAR accredited Bachelor’s degree programmes and Colleges of C A U s 20
III Numeric Codes for Class XII School Education Boards/Council 21
IV Indicative and Tentative List of Universities for Admission in Bachelor Degree 22
Programmes in Agriculture and Allied Science Subjects Through CUET (ICAR-UG) -
2023 along with Contact Details of Registrars
I List of Agricultural Universities (AUs) which utilized NTA scores for their UG 25
admissions (2022-23)

AIQ All India Quota

AU Agricultural Universities
AMU Aligarh Muslim University
BHU Banaras Hindu University
CAU Central Agricultural University
CIFE Central Institute of Fisheries Education
CU Central University
CUET Common University Entrance Test
DARE Department of Agricultural Research and Education
Dr. RPCAU Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University
DU Deemed University
EWS Economically Weaker Section
IARI Indian Agricultural Research Institute
ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
IVRI Indian Veterinary Research Institute
JRF Junior Research Fellowship
NAEAB National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board
NAREES National Agricultural Research, Education and Extension System
NDRI National Dairy Research Institute
OGPA Overall Grade Point Average
PwBD Persons with Benchmark Disability
RLB CAU Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University
SAU State Agricultural University
SRF Senior Research Fellowship


1.1 About NTA

The Ministry of Education, Government of India (GOI), has established the National Testing
Agency (NTA) as an independent autonomous and self-sustained premier testing organization
under Society Registration Act, 1860 for conducting efficient, transparent and international
standards tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admissions to premier higher
education institutions.

The objectives of NTA, inter-alia, include:

i. To conduct efficient, transparent and international standard tests in order to assess t h e

competency of candidates for admission.
ii. To undertake research on educational, professional and testing system to identify gaps in the
knowledge systems and take steps for bridging them.
iii. To produce and disseminate information and research on education and professional
development standards.

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has entrusted the responsibility of conducting
All India Competitive Examinations for admission to Bachelor (ICAR-UG), Masters (PG) &
Doctoral (Ph.D.) Courses in Agricultural Universities (AUs) and award of scholarships and
fellowships, to the NTA from 2019 onwards.

1.2 About ICAR

The ICAR is the Apex Body for coordinating, guiding, and managing research and education in
agriculture in the entire country under the aegis of Department of Agricultural Research and
Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. Considering the importance of
agricultural education, the University Education Commission (1948) chaired by Dr. S.
Radhakrishnan recommended the establishment of Rural Universities in the country. As a result,
the first State Agricultural University (SAU) was established in 1960 at Pantnagar on the pattern of
the Land Grant Colleges of the United States.

The ICAR-AU System of India has 75 Agricultural Universities comprising 64 State Agricultural,
Veterinary, Horticultural and Fisheries Universities (SAUs), 4 ICAR-DUs, viz. IARI, IVRI, NDRI
and CIFE, 3 Central Agricultural Universities (CAU, Imphal, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa and RLBCAU,
Jhansi), 4 Central Universities (CU) having Faculty of Agriculture (BHU, AMU, Viswa Bharati
and Nagaland University). The National Agricultural Research, Education and Extension System
(NAREES) of India is one of the largest in the world, admitting more than 28,000 students at UG
level and over 17,500 students at Master’s and Doctoral level annually, in different disciplines of
Agricultural and Allied Sciences.

During 2022-23, against the total of 4285 Seats, 3846 candidates were recommended by ICAR
for admission to accredited Bachelor degree programmes in 61 accredited AUs under the ICAR-
AU system.

1.3 CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023

In 2023, All India Entrance Examination for Admission, CUET (ICAR-UG) shall be conducted
for admission to Bachelor Degree programmes in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (other than
Veterinary Sciences), at Agricultural Universities on 15/20% of the University seats [100% seats
in RLBCAU Jhansi, NDRI Karnal, IARI New Delhi and its Hubs (Karnal-IIWBR, Patna-RCER,
Umiam-RCNEH, Kolkata-CRIJAF, Cuttack-NRRI, Ranchi-IIAB, Hyderabad-IIRR, Nagpur -
CICR, Bhopal-CIAE, Baramati-NIASM, Lucknow-IISR, Jharkhand-IARI, Assam-IARI, Raipur-
NIBSM) and Dr. RPCAU Pusa, Bihar].

The CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 Examination for the Academic Session 2023-24 will be conducted
at centers/cities identified and finalized by NTA, all over the country, enabling participation of a
large number of candidates seeking admission in Bachelor degree programmes in accredited AUs
in different disciplines/programs.

Candidates declared eligible for registration and choice filling for counselling by ICAR will only
be considered for allocation of program/subject and the Agricultural University.

There is no provision of direct nomination for admission through ICAR in any Bachelor
degree programme without qualifying in CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023.

To align with New Education Policy (NEP 2020) and reduce the burden on students for
appearing in multiple entrance examination for admissions in AUs, ICAR took an initiative
and asked for the consent of AUs if they wish to utilize the NTA scores for UG admissions.
During academic session 2022-23, the list of AUs which had expressed their willingness/
utilized NTA scores is given at APPENDIX-I.

 Ragging in the Universities, in any form, has been strictly banned and is a criminal offence. Before
applying, all the candidates are advised to study in detail the UGC Regulations on Curbing the
Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009
 Ragging is totally prohibited in the institutions, and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting
ragging, whether actively or passively, or being a part of a conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to
be punished in accordance with these Regulations as well as under the provisions of any penal law for
the time being in force.
 Every student studying in the institution and his/her parents/guardians shall be required to provide the
specific affidavits in accordance with clauses (d), (e) and (g) of Regulation 6.1 of these Regulations at
the time of admission or registration, as the case may be, during each academic year.
 The candidates are advised to contact Anti-Ragging Committee/Cell of the admitting institution for
further information in this regard. They may visit ICAR’s Agricultural Education Portal
(https://education.icar.gov.in/ to reach the website of the Agricultural University/Institution of their
interest for more information.


2.1 Degree Programmes available for Admission in 2023-24.

During academic session 2023-24, admission to 11 Bachelor degree programmes of four

years duration is available to Indian Nationals based on the merit-rank in CUET (ICAR-UG)-
2023. Candidates may note that all Undergraduate Degrees in the disciplines of Agricultural
Sciences have been declared as professional degrees and are detailed as under:

Code No Degree Programme for Admission

01 B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture
02 B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture
03 B.F.Sc. Bachelor of Fisheries Sciences
04 B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry
05 B.Sc. (Hons.) Community Science
06 B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Nutrition and Dietetics
07 B.Sc. (Hons.) Sericulture
08 B. Tech. Agricultural Engineering
09 B. Tech. Dairy Technology
10 B. Tech. Food Technology
11 B. Tech. Biotechnology

2.2 University-Wise and Subject–Wise Number of Seats Available for Admission

Number of seats available for admission through CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 in different

disciplines at accredited Agricultural Universities [including some non- accredited programmes
and colleges of Dr. RPCAU, Pusa, IARI, New Delhi and its hubs (Karnal-IIWBR, Patna-
RCER, Umiam-RCNEH, Kolkata-CRIJAF, Cuttack-NRRI, Ranchi-IIAB, Hyderabad-IIRR,
Nagpur -CICR, Bhopal-CIAE, Baramati-NIASM, Lucknow-IISR, Jharkhand-IARI, Assam-
IARI, Raipur-NIBSM) and RLBCAU, Jhansi.] for the academic session 2023-24 will be
displayed on ICAR website www.icar.org.in at the time of online counseling. However, during
academic year 2022-23, total number of ICAR AIQ seats available for admission in different
Bachelor Degree programs was 4285.

2.3 Schedule of CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023

Schedule for important examination related activities has been given below. However,
candidates are requested to keep themselves updated about the schedule through NTA and ICAR
websites www.nta.ac.in, https://icar.nta.ac.in and www.icar.org.in.

Schedule of CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023

09th February to 12 March 2023

Online submission of Application Form
(up to 9.00 PM)
Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit
12-03-2023 (up to 11.50PM)
General/Unreserved As per Information Bulletin
CUET (ICAR-UG) 2023 available
Other Backward Classes (OBC)- (NCL)*& at https://cuet.samarth.ac.in
Fee Payable by candidates UPS**/ EWS***
SC/ST/PwBD/ Transgender
Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate, as applicable
Correction in particulars of Application Form on website only As per NTA policy
Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website As per NTA schedule
Date of Examination As per NTA schedule

Duration of Examination As per NTA schedule

Timing of Examination As indicated on Admit Card

Centre, Date and Shift of Examination As indicated on Admit Card

Display of Attempted Question Paper and Provisional Answer Keys To be announced later by NTA

To be announced on the NTA
Declaration of Result on NTA website
website later
To be announced by the ICAR on
www.icar.org.in after the
Schedule for Online Counselling
declaration of result by NTA.

*Other Backward Classes-Non Creamy Layer as per the central list of Other Backward Classes available on National
Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC), Government of India website www.ncbc.nic.in. Only the candidates falling
in this list may mention OBC in the Category Column. State list OBC candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central
List) must choose General/Unreserved.
** Candidates of Remote and Underprivileged States must check their eligibility before applying.
***As per the OM No. 20013/01/2018-BC-II dated January 17, 2019 issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment and the OM No. 12-4/2019-U1 dated 17.01.2019 as well as the Letters No 35-2/2019-T.S.I dated
21.01.2019, 01.02.2019, 04.02.2019 and 15.02.2019 of MHRD Department of Higher Education regarding
implementation of reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) for admission in Central Educational
Institutions or as per Govt. of India’s latest directives to this effect.

2.4 Scheme of Examination

The Test of CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 will be as per the details and schedule defined by the NTA and notified
on its website for registration (https://cuet.samarth.ac.in).

2.5 Syllabus for the Test
The Questions in the test shall be based on the syllabus prescribed by the NTA for CUET (ICAR-UG) -
2023 and available on (https://cuet.samarth.ac.in).

2.6 Reservation Policy

A. SC/ST/OBC-(NCL)/EWS/PwBD in each Category
 There would be reservation of seats for admission to the extent of 15% for Scheduled Caste
and 7.5% for Scheduled Tribe candidates in different disciplines. The reservation of
seats among SC/ST categories is interchangeable i.e., if sufficient number of candidates
are not available to fill up the seats reserved for ST candidates, these can be filled up from
among suitable SC candidates and vice-versa in a given subject as per merit-rank in
examination. The original SC/ST certificate in prescribed form as per NTA Information
Bulletin CUET (UG)-2023 is required to be produced for verification at the time of
admission. Depending on merit and choice, such candidates can also take seat from the
General/Unreserved Category.
 Reservation for candidates belonging to Central OBC (NCL) category would be available
at BHU, PSB Viswa Bharati, SASARD Nagaland University, CAUs, IARI and its hubs
(Karnal-IIWBR, Patna-RCER, Umiam-RCNEH, Kolkata-CRIJAF, Cuttack-NRRI,
Ranchi-IIAB, Hyderabad-IIRR, Nagpur -CICR, Bhopal-CIAE, Baramati-NIASM,
Lucknow-IISR, Jharkhand-IARI, Assam-IARI, Raipur-NIBSM) and NDRI as per the
latest Government of India directives applicable at the time of counseling and Hon’ble SC
Judgment dated 18th August, 2011 and communication of seats by these universities at
the time of counseling. Candidates claiming admission under this category have to
produce a Central OBC (NCL) certificate as per specimen in NTA Information Bulletin
CUET (UG)-2023.
 Reservation of seats for EWS shall be in accordance with the Gazette Notification No.
DL- (N)/04/0007/2003-19, dated 12th January, 2019, Ministry of Law and Justice
(Legislative Department), Govt. of India or any further related Govt. of India
directive(s) applicable at the time of counseling. The provision shall be applicable only
for admission to Central Educational Institutions and not to SAUs and minority
educational institutions, if any, under the ICAR-AU system. The unfilled seats remaining
under Gen-EWS category will be de-reserved to Unreserved (UR)/Open category seats.
The certificate format for EWS candidates is given in NTA Information Bulletin CUET
(UG) -2023.
 Five percent seats are reserved horizontally across the categories in different subjects,
for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) like candidates suffering from low
vision, hearing impairment, locomotors disability or cerebral palsy with appropriate
medical certificate having at least 40% disability and found suitable by the Counseling
Committee/University official. The candidate applying for admission under this category
should submit a copy of the certificate about being PwBD from a Govt. Hospital/Medical
Board at the time of admission in allotted University as per given specimen in NTA
Information Bulletin CUET (UG) -2023. The criteria for assessing the degree of handicap
could be variable from one subject to another. The decision of the University allotted will
be final in this regard. If seat is not available in a particular Category to which the PwBD
candidate belongs, then the same would be drawn from General Category/Unreserved
Category depending upon the availability.

B. Reservation for Remote and Under Privileged States/UT (UPS)

Two percent (2%) seats under each discipline would be reserved, horizontally, across categories
for the candidates of the remote and under privileged States/UTs namely (i) Andaman & Nicobar
Islands, (ii) Arunachal Pradesh, (iii) Dadra and Nagar Haveli, (iv) Daman & Diu, (v) Goa, (vi)
Lakshadweep, (vii) Manipur, (viii) Meghalaya, (ix) Mizoram, (x) Nagaland, (xi) Sikkim (xii)
Tripura and (xiii) Ladakh; where educational facilities in Agriculture and Allied Science subjects
either do not exist or have no SAU(s) and who qualify this examination. UPS candidates will
have to produce domicile certificate issued by the competent authority at the time of
admission. There will not be any State quota within this quota.
1. Candidates need to refer to ICAR website www.icar.org.in for detailed information regarding
reservation of seats and/or allocation of scholarship/fellowships for SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/
PwBD/UPS/EWS in each category at the time of counseling.
2. The responsibility for verification of the genuineness of SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PwBD/UPS/EWS
certificate will be of the concerned AU where the candidate has been granted admission on the basis
of counseling.

2.7 Provision for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) Candidates

Provisions relating to Persons with Disability (PwBD):
As per Section 2(t) of the RPwD Act, “Persons with Disability (PwD)” means a person with long-term physical,
mental, intellectual, or sensory impairment which, in interaction with barriers, hinders his full and effective
participation in society equally with others.

According to Section 2(r) of the RPwD Act, 2016, “persons with benchmark disabilities” means a person with not
less than forty percent (40%) of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable
terms and includes a person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as
certified by the certifying authority.

Facilities for PwBD candidates to appear in the exam
As per the guidelines issued by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) under
the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment issued from time to time on the subject: “Written Examination for
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities”, A candidate with one of the benchmark disabilities [as defined in Section
2(r) of RPwD Act, 2016], holding a Disability Certificate in the format prescribed in NTA Information Bulletin CUET
(UG) -2023, is entitled to the following facilities:

a. The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical limitation and a scribe is essential to write the examination
on his/her behalf, being so certified in the aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent
of a Government Health Care Institution.

b. Compensatory time of not less than 20 minutes per hour of examination. If the examination is of 03 hours
duration, the compensatory time shall be 01 hour. In case the duration of the examination is less or more than
03 hours, the compensatory time shall be on pro rata basis. The compensatory time will be given to a candidate
with benchmark disabilities, whether such candidate uses the facility of Scribe or not.
Services of a Scribe

As per the office memorandum of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Reference: F. No. 34-
02/2015-DD-III dated August 29, 2018), the PwD candidates who are visually impaired OR dyslexic (severe)
OR have a disability in the upper limbs OR have lost fingers/hands thereby preventing them from properly
operating the Computer Based Test platform may avail the services of a scribe (amanuensis).
The scribe will help the Candidate in reading the questions and/or keying in the answers as per the directions of
the Candidate.
A scribe will NEITHER explain the questions NOR suggest any solutions.
PwBD candidates who desire to avail the services of a scribe need to opt for this during the online registration.
A copy of the PwBD certificate must be uploaded at the time of online registration. The formats for the PwBD
certificate are given in Annexure-.
It is to be noted that the Scribe will be provided by the National Testing Agency only. The candidates will NOT
be allowed to bring his/her own scribe.
If it is found at any stage that a candidate has availed the services of a scribe and/or availed the compensatory
time, but does not possess the extent of disability that warrants the use of a scribe and/or grant of compensatory
time, the candidate will be excluded from the process of evaluation, ranking, counseling, and admission. In case
such a candidate has already been admitted to any Institution, the admission of the candidate will be cancelled.
The NTA does not guarantee any change in the category or sub-category (PwBD status) after the submission of
the Online Application Form, and in any case, no change will be entertained by NTA after the declaration of
NTA Score for the Exam. Therefore, the candidates are advised to fill in the category/sub-category column
very carefully.
1. The minimum degree of disability should be 40% (Benchmark Disability) in order to be eligible for
availing reservation for persons with specified disability.
2. The extent of “specified disability” in a person shall be assessed in accordance with the “Guidelines for the
purpose of assessing the extent of specified disability in a person included under the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016)” notified in the Gazette of India by the Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment [Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)] on 4 January
3. No change in the category will be entertained

Candidates must note that the benefit of reservation will be given to them subject to verification of
documents. If it is discovered at any stage that a candidate has used a false/fake/incorrect document, or has
furnished false, incorrect, or incomplete information, in order to avail the benefit of reservation, then such
a candidate shall be excluded from all admission processes. In case such a candidate has already been
given admission, the admission shall stand cancelled.


3.1 General Eligibility Criteria to appear in CUET (ICAR-UG) - 2023

The eligibility qualifications for various degree programmes is as follows:

Code No Degree Programme for Admission Eligibility
01 B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture 1. Candidate should have studied and passed the
qualifying examination (12th standard) with at least
02 B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture three subjects out of Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics, Biology and Agriculture as core
03 B.F.Sc. Bachelor of Fisheries Sciences courses.
04 B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry 2. Candidate(s) are not allowed to appear in subject
combination different than the one which s(he)
05 B.Sc. (Hons.) Community Science studied and passed in 12th standard. Such cases will
not be considered for counselling / admission and
06 B.Sc. (Hons) Food Nutrition and Dietetics
will be rejected.
07 B.Sc. (Hons.) Sericulture 3. The candidates must attempt only those subjects
in the examination as per the choice given in the
08 B. Tech. Agricultural Engineering Application Form. Therefore, they must exercise the
09 B. Tech. Dairy Technology choice of subjects very carefully. Attempting subject
combination different than choice given in the
10 B. Tech. Food Technology application form will invite disqualification from
counselling / admission process.
11 B. Tech. Biotechnology
4. For further details related to qualification, please
refer point 3.2 of this Information Bulletin.

3.2 Qualifying Examination at 10+2 Level

1. In order to appear in CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023, Indian national candidates should have passed 10+2 Senior
Secondary Examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education or any other examination within
scope and standard found to be equivalent to the Senior Secondary Examination of a recognized Indian
Board / University (Annexure III), with minimum prescribed marks/grade, after a period of 12 years of
study. Candidate(s) who have obtained any diploma or vocational course after matriculation will not be
eligible. The medium of instruction in the admitting University will be English.
2. Candidate should have passed the qualifying examinations enumerated above securing not less than 50%
marks in aggregate for General, OBC (NCL), UPS, EWS categories and 40% marks in aggregate for SC,
ST, Third Gender, PwBD categories. There will be no rounding-off of the OGPA/percentage of marks of
qualifying examination while deciding the basic eligibility of any candidate for admission e.g. if a candidate
obtained 49.99% marks in his/her qualifying examination, then it will not be rounded-off to 50%.
3. Candidate having a compartment/supplementary in any of the subjects will not be eligible unless proof of
having cleared the examination with requisite percentage as above is available.
4. Candidate already appeared in the qualifying examination enumerated above, can also apply but would be
required to submit evidence of having satisfied the conditions latest at the time of counseling/admission in
the allotted university.
5. Candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility requirements for the examination as well as
admission as detailed in the Information Bulletin. Applying for CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023, appearing in the
examination and qualifying the same does not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility. The applicant for
a particular Subject must satisfy the eligibility criteria as specified in this Information Bulletin (or its
amendments/corrections from time to time).

6. Candidate should have studied and passed the qualifying examination (12th standard) with at least
three subjects out of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Agriculture, as core course.
7. Candidate will not be allowed to choose and appear in subject combination different than the one
which s(he) studied and passed in 12th standard. Such cases (candidates attempting different subject
combination than that studied & passed in the 12 th standard examination) will not be considered for
counselling/admission and will be rejected.
8. The candidates must attempt only those subjects in the examination as per the choice given in the
Application Form. Therefore, they must exercise the choice of subjects very carefully. Attempting subject
combination different than choice given in the application form will invite disqualification from counselling
/ admission process.
9. Many admitting universities have special conditions (like upper age limit, mandatory subject eligibility for a
specific program, gender specific preference, etc.) for admission as per respective university statute. It will
be the responsibility of the candidate(s) to inquire about such special conditions from University of his/her
interest before applying/filling of choices for counselling. Contact details of accredited universities are
given in Annexure IV.

 No certificates are required to be uploaded along with the Application Form at the time of online
 The documents/certificates etc., shall be verified directly at the time of admission in the
admitting university. In case the candidate is found not-eligible at any stage, his/her candidature
would be summarily rejected and admission will be cancelled.

1. Candidates must note that all applicants shall be bound by the conditions as laid down in this
Information Bulletin, and the rules and regulations as enshrined in the admitting University Act,
Statutes, Ordinances, notifications and guidelines issued from time to time. It is the sole
responsibility of the candidate to ensure that he/she entirely fulfills the specified eligibility
before appearing in the examination.
2. The candidate must ensure that all the eligibility conditions as laid down in the Information Bulletin
are fulfilled in toto by him/her, including the minimum age limit, percentage of marks obtained in the
10+2 examination, relevant certificates, etc. and final result in hand at the time of
counseling/admission in the university. Please note that ICAR/University will NOT be held
responsible for denial of admission to non- eligible candidates.

3.3 Age Limit

Indian Nationals of at least 16 years of age as on 31.08.2023 are eligible to apply for the
examination. No relaxation is admissible regarding the minimum age limit.

NTA is the examination conducting body and its scope is limited to conducting the examination and declaration of
the Result /Merit List as per the criteria prescribed. Candidates must note that they shall be bound by the conditions
as laid down in this Information Bulletin as well as the Statutes, Ordinances, Notifications, Rules, Regulations and
Guidelines of the admitting University / Deemed University / Institute, issued from time to time. It is the sole
responsibility of the candidate to ensure that he/she fulfills the specified eligibility in toto before filling up the
online application form and appearing in the examination.

4.1 Examination Cities for CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023

The Examination Cities where the CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 will be decided and finalized by the NTA. The NTA
will make efforts to allot city of examination to the candidates in order of the choice opted by them in their
application form. However, due to administrative reasons, a different city of nearby area could be allotted.
 NTA reserves the right to allot a candidate to a nearby exam city, other than the one optedby him/her,
if need be, depending on administrative exigencies.
 NTA reserves the right to cancel/ merge any exam city/centre if need be, depending on
administrative exigencies.
 The Examination City Centre, once opted, shall not be changed.
The decision of the NTA regarding allotment of Centre, Date and Shift shall be final. No further
correspondence or request shall be entertained in such case.

4.2 Applying Online and Submission of Application Form

The online submission of Application Form for CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023, uploading of scanned photograph and
signatures may be made at website https://cuet.samarth.ac.in. The candidates should complete all the required
details while filling up the online form. On submission of details and required fee, a Confirmation Page with
Application Number shall be generated. Candidates are required to take printout of Confirmation Page and keep
it for future reference.
In order to appear in CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023, the candidates are required to apply online as per procedure
detailed at website https://cuet.samarth.ac.in. Before filling and submitting the online form, candidates should
download the Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form; and read them carefully. Candidates must
follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin and on NTA website. Application Forms not
complying with the instructions are liable to be rejected.

4.3 Replica and Steps of the Application Form

The Replica of the CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 Application Form or Format and steps to be completed sequentially are
available at https://cuet.samarth.ac.in.
4.4 a. Method of Fee Payment
The payment methods as instructed by the NTA at https://cuet.samarth.ac.in should only be followed to avoid
misplacement or non-payment of fee.
Generation of Confirmation Page confirms the final submission of Application Form. If Confirmation Page has
not been generated, this means that Application Form has not been submitted successfully.

b. Important Points to Note:

(i) In order to appear in CUET (ICAR-UG)-2022, the candidates are required to apply ‘online’. The
Application Form other than online mode shall not be accepted.
(ii) The Candidates should fill their complete postal address with PIN Code for further correspondence. The
NTA/ICAR shall not be held responsible for any loss due to incorrect address given by the applicant in the
Online Application Form.
(iii) The Candidate must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form
are their own (which cannot be changed later) as communication may be sent by NTA through e-mail or
(iv) The Candidate should not give the postal address, Mobile Number or e-mail ID of Coaching Centre in the
Online Application Form.
In order to appear in CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023, the candidates are required to apply ‘online’. No change will be
accepted through offline mode i.e. through fax/application including e-mail etc.
(v) Online submission of application may be done by accessing the NTA official website:
(vi) The candidates, before submitting the Online Application Form, shall ensure their eligibility to appear in the
test. The candidate is not required to give any option for Agricultural Universities for admission at the time of
filling up online Application Form. The admission/allotment of seat will be made through online counseling on
the basis of merit-rank and fulfillment of other eligibility requirements.
(vii) Online Application Form cannot be withdrawn once it is submitted successfully.
(viii) A candidate is allowed to submit only one Application Form. If a candidate submits more than one
Application Form, the candidature is likely to be cancelled.
(ix) Request for change in any particular(s) in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any
Note: However, a chance will be given to the candidates to correct / modify / edit some of the
particular(s) of the Application Form online only, through the correction window.
(x) The Centers (Cities) indicated for the entrance examination by a candidate is only an option. The actual Centre
and shift shall be allotted by NTA and it shall be final. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
(xi) Selection of a candidate in the test is provisional subject to being found otherwise eligible for admission.
(xii) In case a candidate is found providing incorrect information or the identity is proved to be false at any time
in the future, the candidate shall face penal action as per the law.
(xiii) The Candidates are not required to send/submit the Confirmation Page of Online Application Form to the
NTA/ICAR. However, they are advised to retain the following documents with them as reference for future
 Copy of the Confirmation Page of Online Application Form.
 Proof of fee paid
 Photographs (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form)
(xiv) The name on the Govt. photo ID must match with the name as shown on the Admit Card. If the name has been
changed due to events such as marriage, candidate must show the relevant document like Marriage Certificate /
Divorce / Decree / Legal Name Change Document at the time of examination.
(xv) In case of any technical issue or due to a natural disaster, if an exam in a particular shift/subject has to be
rescheduled, NTA may follow the process of normalization of the two test forms as per the policy.
(xvi) If a candidate at any stage is found to have furnished incorrect information or deliberately suppressed any
material information, his/her candidature/admission will be rejected/cancelled as soon as it comes to the
notice of either NTA or ICAR or the university concerned.

c. Provision of Aadhaar:
The Aadhaar number is only one of the types of identification and is not mandatory. Candidates may
also enter Passport number, Ration Card number, Bank Account number or any other valid Government
identity number.


5.1 Admit Card for CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023

 The e-Admit Card would be issued provisionally to the candidates through the NTA website:
https://cuet.samarth.ac.in/, subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility conditions and receipt of the
prescribed application fee by NTA.
 The Admit Card is issued provisionally to the candidates, subject to their satisfying the eligibility
 The candidate has to download the Admit Card from the NTA website and appear for the Examination at
the given Centre strictly as per the Date and Shift (Timing) indicated on the Admit Card.
 No candidate will be allowed to appear at the examination center, on Date and Timings other than that
allotted to them in their Admit card.
 The candidates are advised to read the instructions on the Admit Card carefully and follow them
during the conduct of the examination.
 In case of any discrepancy in the particulars of the candidate or his/her photograph and signatures shown
in the Admit Card and Confirmation Page, the candidate may immediately approach the NTA Helpline
between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. In such cases, candidates would appear in the examination with the
already downloaded Admit Card. However, NTA will take necessary action to make correction in the
record later.
 The date of downloading the Admit Card for the exam will be announced on the NTA website

a. Candidate may please note that Admit Cards will not be sent by post.
b. In no case, the duplicate Admit Card for CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 would be issued at the Examination
c. Candidate must not mutilate the Admit Card or change any entry made therein.
d. Candidates are advised to preserve their Admit Cards in good condition for future reference and
verification during Counseling.
e. No Admit Card shall be issued to the candidates whose Applications are found to be incomplete for
any reasons (including indistinct/ doubtful photographs/unsigned Applications.
f. Issue of Admit Cards, however, shall not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which shall
be further scrutinized at subsequent stages of admission process.



6.1 Important Instructions for the Candidates

Candidates mu s t r ead t he NT A I n fo r ma tio n B ul le ti n CUET ( UG) - 2 0 2 3 a va ilab le at

https://cuet.samarth.ac.in/ f o r i mp o rt a nt i n str u ct io n s re la ted to t h e E xa mi na tio n.

6.2 Prohibited Materials and Unfair Means

Candidates ar e ad vi sed to r ead t h e NT A I n fo r ma ti o n B u lle ti n C UET (U G) - 2 0 2 3 a vai lab le a t
https://cuet.samarth.ac.in/ fo r t he to p ic .

Important: For those who are unable to appear on the scheduled date and time of test for any
reason, re-test shall not be held by the NTA under any circumstances.



7.1 Procedure of Declaration of Result

Candidates are advised to read the Chapter 11 of NTA Information Bulletin:CUET (UG) – 2023 available at

7.2 Procedure of Online Counseling

Candidates declared eligible for registration and choice filling for online counseling by the ICAR will only be
considered for allocation of subject/seat and the Agricultural University. The schedule for counseling will
be notified separately on the ICAR website (www.icar.org.in) after declaration of result. The admission and
scholarship would be granted only when the candidate seeks admission through counseling conducted by the


Miscellaneous Provisions

8.1 Weeding Out Rules

The record of CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 Examination at NTA would be available up to 90days

from the Date of Examination. The same would be weeded out thereafter.

8.2 Legal Jurisdiction

All disputes pertaining to the conduct of CUET (ICAR-UG)-2023 Examination including Results
shall fall within the jurisdiction of Delhi only. Further, any legal question arising out of the
Examination shall be entertained only when raised within 30 days from the declaration of result.

The Director (Administration) of the NTA shall be the official by whose designation the NTA
may sue or be sued.


Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Code Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Code
Number Number

1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands (U.T.) 01 19. Madhya Pradesh 20

2. Andhra Pradesh 02 20. Maharashtra 21

3. Arunachal Pradesh 03 21. Manipur 22

4. Assam 04 22. Meghalaya 23

5. Bihar 05 23. Mizoram 24

6. Chandigarh (U.T.) 06 24. Nagaland 25

7. Chhattisgarh 07 25. Odisha 26

8. Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Daman 08 26. Puducherry (U.T.) 27

& Diu (U.T.)

9. Delhi (U.T.) 10 27. Punjab 28

10. Goa 11 28. Rajasthan 29

11. Gujarat 12 29. Sikkim 30

12. Haryana 13 30. Tamil Nadu 31

13. Himachal Pradesh 14 31. Tripura 32

14. Jammu & Kashmir 15 32. Uttarakhand 33

15. Jharkhand 16 33. Uttar Pradesh 34

16. Karnataka 17 34. West Bengal 35

17. Kerala 18 35. Telangana 36

18. Lakshadweep (U.T.) 19 36. Ladakh (U.T) 37


List of ICAR accredited Bachelor’s degree programmes and Colleges of CAUs

Name of University & Period of College Bachelor Degree

year of Establishment Accreditation Programmes
Rani Lakshmi Bai From 17-08-2021 College of Agriculture, B.Sc. (Hons)-Agriculture
central Agricultural to 16-08-2026 RLBCAU, Jhansi
University, Jhansi
College of Horticulture & B.Sc. (Hons)-Forestry
Forestry, RLBCAU, Jhansi B.Sc. (Hons)-Horticulture
Rajendra Agricultural Five years w.e.f. College of Agricultural B. Tech. (Agril.
University, Pusa, 28.03.2021 to Engineering, Samsatipur Engineering)
Samastipur, (Bihar) 27.03.2026
College of Basic Sciences B. Tech. (Biotechnology)
and Humanities,
Tirhut College of B.Sc. (Hons.)- Agriculture
Agriculture, Dholi,


S.No. Education Boards/Council Code

1. Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education 01
2. Assam Higher Secondary Education Council 02
3. Bihar Intermediate Education Council 03
4. Central Board of Secondary Education 04
5. Chhattisgarh Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal 05
6. Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations 06
7. Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education 07
8. Gujarat Secondary Education Board 08
9. Haryana Board of School Education 09
10. H.P. Board of School Education 10
11. J&K State Board of School Education 11
12. Jharkhand Academic Council 12
13. Karnataka Board of School Education 13
14. Kerala Board of Public Examinations 14
15. Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education 15
16. Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education 16
17. Manipur Council of Higher Secondary Education 17
18. Meghalaya Board of Secondary Education 18
19. Mizoram Board of School Education 19
20. Nagaland Board of School Education 20
21. Orissa Council of Higher Secondary Education 21
22. Punjab School Education Board 22
23. Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 23
24. Tamil Nadu Board of Higher Secondary Education 24
25. Tripura Board of Secondary Education 25
26. U.P. Board of High School & Intermediate Education 26
27. Uttarakhand Board of High School & Intermediate Education 27
28. West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education 28
29. National Open School 29
30. Other Boards (Not specified above) 30
31. Telangana Board of Secondary Education 31



Sl. Name of University Registrars Registrars E-mail IDs
No. Contact Nos.
1. Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, 0863-2347101 [email protected]
Administrative Office, Lam, Guntur, Andhra
Pradesh - 522 034 (A. P.)
2. Acharya Narendra Dev University of Agriculture & 05270-262035 [email protected],
Technology, Ayodhya- (U.P.)
3. Agriculture University, Borkhera, PB No. 20 GPO 0744-2321205 [email protected]
Nayapura, Kota-324001 (Rajasthan)
4. Agriculture University, Mandor, Jodhpur-342304 0291-2570711 [email protected]
5. Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388110 02692-261310 [email protected]
6. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013 0376-2340008 [email protected]
7. Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, 0519-2232312 [email protected]
Chilla Road, Banda-210 001 (U. P.)
8. Birsa Agricultural University 0651-2450832 [email protected]
Kanke, Ranchi – 834006 m, [email protected]
9. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya 033-2587-8163 [email protected],
P.O. Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, [email protected]
Distt- Nadia-741252 (West Bengal)
10. Central Agricultural University, Iroisemba, 03852-410644 [email protected],
Imphal-795004 (Manipur) [email protected]
11. Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture 05122-533791 [email protected],
and Technology, Kanpur-208002 (Uttar Pradesh) [email protected]
12. Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural 01662-234613 [email protected]
University, Hisar (Haryana)
13. Dau Shri Vasudev Chandrakar Kamdhenu 07882-623465 [email protected]
Vishwavidyalaya, Durg (Chhattisgarh)
14. CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, 01894-230383 [email protected]
Palampur-176 062 (Himachal Pradesh)
15. Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, 02358-282065 [email protected],
Tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri-415 712, (MS) [email protected]
16. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth Akola, 0724-2258372 [email protected]
P.O. Krishi Nagar, Akola-444104 (MS)
17. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural 06274-240239 [email protected]
University, Pusa, Samastipur - 848 125 (Bihar)
18. Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture & 01792 -252219 [email protected]
Forestry, Nauni, Solan-173230 (Himachal Pradesh)
19. Dr. Y.S.R Horticultural University, Post Box # 7, 08818-284311 [email protected]
Venkataramannagudem-534101, West Godavari
District (Andhra Pradesh)
20. Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agricultural 0542-2307222, [email protected]
Sciences, BHU, Varanasi-221005 (U. P.) 2368558
21. Faculty of Fisheries, Kerala University of Fisheries 0484 2703782 [email protected],
and Ocean Studies, Kochi (Kerala)

22. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences 0161-2553343 [email protected],
University, Firozepur Road, Ludhiana-141 004 [email protected]
23. ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, 011-25842390 [email protected]
New Delhi-110012 (Delhi) and its hubs (Karnal-
Kolkata-CRIJAF, Cuttack-NRRI, Ranchi-IIAB,
Hyderabad-IIRR, Nagpur -CICR, Bhopal-
CIAE, Baramati-NIASM, Lucknow-IISR,
Jharkhand-IARI, Assam-IARI, Raipur-NIBSM)
24. ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal- 0184-2259023/ [email protected],
132001 (Haryana) 2252022 [email protected],
25. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Krishak 0771-2442537 [email protected]
Nagar, Raipur-492 012 (Chhattisgarh)
26. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, 0761-2681778 [email protected]
Krishinagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur-482004 (M.P.)
27. Junagadh Agricultural University, Near Motibaugh, 0285-2672346 [email protected]
Vanthali Road, Junagadh-362001 (Gujarat)
28. Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries 0848-2245241 [email protected]
Sciences University, PB No 6, Nandinagar, Bidar-
585 401 (Karnataka)
29. Keladi Shivappa Nayak University of Agricultural 08182-267011 [email protected]
and Horticultural Sciences, Savalanga Road,
Shivamogga-577 204 (Karnataka)
30. Kerala Agricultural University, KAU P.O., 0487-2438011 [email protected]
Vellanikkara, Thrissur-680656 (Kerala)
31. Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, 04936 209215 [email protected],
Pookode, Wayanad -673 576 (Kerala) [email protected]
32. Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & 0294-2471302 [email protected]
Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan)
33. Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences 0712-2511784, [email protected]
University, Futala Lake Road, Nagpur - 440 001 0712-2511785,

34. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Distt. 02426-243226 [email protected]

Ahmednagar-413722 (MS)
35. Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, 0761-2620783 [email protected]
South Civil Lines, Jabalpur-482001 (Madhya
36. Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-396 450 (02637)282823 [email protected]
37. Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, 06742-397424 [email protected]
Bhubaneswar-751003 (Odisha)
38. Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural 0402-4002314 [email protected]
University, Hyderabad-500030 (Telangana)
39. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004 01612-400955 [email protected]
40. Palli Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Santineketan, 03463-261531 [email protected],
Birbhum (West Bengal)
41. P.V. Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary 040-24002114 [email protected]
University, Administrative Office, Rajendra Nagar,
Hyderabad-500 030 (Telangana)
42. Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, 0510-2730555 [email protected],
Jhansi, (UP) Camp Office: Room No 213, KAB-II, [email protected]
Pusa, New Delhi-12

43. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture 01212-2888525 [email protected]
& Technology, NH-58, Roorkee Road, Modipuram,
Meerut-250110 (U. P.)
44. Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural 02748-278226 [email protected]
University, Sardarkrushinagar – 385506,
Banaskantha, Gujarat
45. SASARD, Nagaland University, Medziphema, 0369-2268270 [email protected],
Lumani, Zunheboto Dist. Nagaland-798627 [email protected].
46. Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural 0191-2262012 [email protected]
Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Main Campus
Chatha, Jammu-180009, (J&K)
47. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences 0194-2461271 [email protected]
and Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Campus,
Srinagar-190025, (J&K)
48. Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University Jobner- 01425-254980 [email protected]
303329, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
49. Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural 040-24014301 [email protected],
University, Rajendra Prasadnagar, Hyderabad-500 [email protected]
030 (Telangana)
50. Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Dr. Y.S.R. 0877 2248894 [email protected],
Bhavan, Tirupati - 517 502 (A.P.) [email protected]
51. Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural 0151-2250025 [email protected]
University, Bikaner-334006 (Rajasthan)
52. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore- 0422-6611201 [email protected]
641 003 (Tamil Nadu)
53. Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, 04365-240088 [email protected]
First Line Beach Road, Nagapattinam-611 001
(Tamil Nadu)
54. University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bellary 080-23330984 [email protected]
Road, Bangalore-560 065 (Karnataka)
55. University of Agricultural Sciences, Krishi Nagar, 0836-2214420 [email protected]
Dharwad-580 005 (Karnataka)
56. University of Agricultural Sciences, UAS Campus, 08432-220157 [email protected]
Lingsugur Road, Raichur-584 104
57. University of Horticultural Sciences, Udyanagiri, 08354-230276 [email protected]
Bagalkot-587104 (Karnataka)
58. Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, PO Pundbari, 03582-270588 [email protected]
Cooch Behar-736 165 (West Bengal)
59. Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, 02452-223801 [email protected]
Parbhani-431402 (MS)
60. West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery 03325-563123 [email protected]
Sciences, 37 & 68, KB Sarani, Kolkata-700037
(West Bengal)
61. Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, 0641-2451039 [email protected]
Bihar - 813210

*The final list of universities for admission to Bachelor’s degree programmes will be available at the time ofcounseling.


List of Agricultural Universities (AUs) which utilized NTA scores for their UG admissions (2022-23)

Sl. No. Name of the University

1 CSKHPKV, Palampur
2 Dr. YSPUHF, Solan
3 KSN UAHS, Shivamogga
4 MPHU, Karnal
5 NDVSU, Jabalpur
6 UHS, Bagalkot


National Testing Agency

(An autonomous organization under the Department of
Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

Help Desk: 011 – 4075 9000

Email : [email protected]
Website: www.nta.ac.in, https://icar.nta.ac.in

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