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Project Report

“Rent House Management System”

Submitted To:
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree

Submitted By:

Mr. Shivam Patil

Under The Guidance of
Mr. Tejas Sonawane

Academic Year: - 2021-2022

KCES’s Institute of Management & Research, Jalgaon

This is certify that the Project Work entitled “Rent House Management

System”submitted by me for the partial fulfillment of the BCA-3rd offered

by the IMR College during the academic year2017-2018 is a original work

carried out by me under the guidance of Prof. Tejas Sonawane and this

work carried has not formed for the award of any Degree, diploma or such

other titles.

Date: Shivam Aravind Patil

This is certify the Project Work entitled “Rent House Management System”
submitted by Shivam Aravind Patil for the Parital fulfillment of the BCA 3rd
Year offered by the KCE’S Instituate of Management and Research, Jalgaon
during the academic year 2021-2022 is an original work carried out by me
guidance of Prof. Tejas Sonawane and this work has not formed the basis for the
award of Any degree, diploma or such other titles.

Mr.Tejas Sonawane Mrs. Sweta Phegade

Project Guide Co-ordinator

Mrs.Tanuja Fegade Dr.Shilpa Bendale

HOD & Academic Dean Director

External 1 External 2

In successfully completing this project, many people

have helped me. I would like to thank all those who are
related to this project.
Primarily, I would thank God for being able to complete
this project with success. Then I will thank my project
guide Prof. Tejas Sonawane, under whose guidance I
learned a lot about this project. His suggestions and
directions have helped in the completion of this project.

With warm regards,

Shivam Patil
BCA 3rd

Sr. Chapter Name

1. About Project

2. Need Of The System

3. Proposed System

4. Software & Hardware requirements

5. DFD(Data Flow Diagrams)

6. ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram)

7 Database Design

8. Input Forms

9. Output Forms

10. Conclusion

11. References
Chapter 1
About Project
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that
works. With the current paradigm shift in technological field, there is an
urgent need to embrace and appreciate the power of technology.
Housing sector remains vigilant to face the challenges of change
by employing a new strategy that facilitates easy management
of rental houses. Hence there is need to develop a House rental
Project. The Home Rental System is Searching in Based on the
Apartment House for rent in metropolitan cities. The Home
Rental System is Based on the Owners and the Customers. The
Owner is updated on the Apartment details, and rent details. The
Customer is details about the Room space, Room rent and the
Address Details also. The Home Rental System is best Suitable
the owners because time save and the only contact and the
eligible person and there is no need to explain the room details
on the speak. The Home Rental System is best application in the
city place. The customer contact and the easily search and the
suitable place of House and based the Money, Limit Person is
based on the suitable house. The Home Rental System is save the
time also. The Rental Management System is used to easily
identify the suitable place in Save time, cost also. Hence this
system is best applicable for the above reasons making House
rental an easy process through an online syste
Chapter 2
Need Of The System
This software is a mirror in which we can see the real picture of Rent
House Management System. The main benefits of this software will be
paper saving and most important one: Time saving. Earlier these records
were maintained on a paper on daily basis but now these can be easily
done using this software.
All the transactions can carried out (with details) in this software.
“Rent House Management System” System is ideal for all rent
houses. Rent House Management System can be installed on any
Operating System. The product features include: details of customers,
details of owners, and all processes happen during the book of rent house.
This software does not require special templates, frames, coding, or
server-side technology.

1) Large amount of data handling:

System can handle large no. of daily transactions.

2) Final statements and reports:

This application generates reports like customer registration, Bills,
bikes details as per the business requires

3) Reliability:
As the data is saved one can add, search & delete data whenever
4) Speed & accuracy:
Records are manipulated with high speed and accuracy. It saves
the time.
5) Security:
Providing full Security to data is the main objective.

6) Cost Effective:
The decision at the right time makes it possible to keep the stock in
control & thus provide right investment.
Chapter 3
Proposed System
User initially want to sign up and create the account and user logs in
the system automatically will show number of rented house in
particular places. In this information like owner name ,house rent,
address, and mobile number will the user to avoid the house broker,
rent payment form, registration form. Each form has several command
buttons like new, search, cancel, Back and exit. With the command
buttons you can manipulate the database


1.Eliminate paper-based process

2. Intuitive & user-friendly

3. Customization and flexibility

4. Optimal resource allocation

5. Highly secure
Chapter 4
Software & Hardware Requirements
A major element in building system is selection of compatible hardware
& software. Hardware selection they begin with requirements analysis
following by a request for proposal, evaluation & validation, post
installation review.
While selecting the software various criteria is considered such
as reliability (gives consistent results), functionality (function to
standards), capacity (satisfies volume requirements), flexibility
(adapts to changing needs), usability (user friendly), security (to
prevent unauthorized access), performance (capacity to deliver as
expected), serviceability (good documentation), minimal cost
(affordable for intended application).

• Software Requirement:
1. Operating System-widows 7
2. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
3. Microsoft Access 2007.
4. Xampp server.

• Hardware Requirement:
1. Pentium IV.
2. Minimum 1GB RAM.
3. Maximum 40 GB HDD.
4. Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse.
Chapter 5
DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
Level 0 DFD

user id /pass user id/pass
Admin User

verify System verify

Level 1 DFD

login login
Admin Enter user

house db
Level 2 DFD

Get house
h details House db

admin login
user user db

Chapter 6
ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram)

name pass email

id name
id mobile

User home
1 m


name mobile

m 1

Aprt no country

id username

Chapter 7
Database Design
Chapter 8
Input Form

Admin And User Login

User Registration

Individual home registration

Chapter 9
Output form
Home and Dashboard Page

Property Report
User Outputs
Chapter 10
Effectively resolving the apartment issues is important to the buyer's
long-termfuture, the Home Rental Project will be an important tool for
creating rental housing stability by helping tenants speak with greater
credibility through initiating and documenting communications and
building productive relationships with sellers. Home Rental project
provides buyers of specific housing associations and social sellers
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
1681 with a simple way to report and arrange repairs to properties.
Finally, the goal of the project is to create a better relationship between
tenants and a sellers which can be achieved through this project
Chapter 11
[1] Ambrose, P. and Barlow, J. (1987), Housing Provision and House
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Housing Markets and Policies under Fiscal Austerity, London,
Greenwood Press.

[2] Cooper, M. (1998), Ideas to develop a literature review, vol. 3,

page, 39.

[3] Erguden, S. (2001), Low cost housing policies and constraints in

developing countries, International conference on spatial development
for sustainable development, Nairobi.

[4] Golland, A. (1996), Housing supply, profit and housing production:

The case of the United Kingdom, Netherlands and Germany, Journal of
Housing and the Built Environment, vol.11, no1.

[5] Hancock, T. (1998), Caveat partner: Reflection of Partnership with

the private sector, Health promotion international, vol. 13, no 3

[6] Levin, K. (1999), Database Management Systems: How to use

Relational Databases, vol. 2, no 4.

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