Online Property Seacrching

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PNR No.-………………… Roll no: _____________

1.Name of the Student

2.Title of the project
3.Name of the Guide

4.Teaching experience of the Guide_________________________________

5.Is this your first submission? Yes☐ No☐

Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide

Date: ………… Date: …………….

Signature of the Coordinator


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A Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the award of the Degree of



Satish Dinesh Mishra

Roll no: 47
Under the esteemed guidance of
Shital Rode
Assistant Professor


(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)



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(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)




This is to certify that the project entitled “COLLEGE ONLINE PROPERTY

SEACRCHING AND PERCHASE “is bonafied work of Mishra Satish Dinesh bearing
Seat.No:47 submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of

Internal Guide Coordinator

External Examiner

Date: Internal Examiner College Seal

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 This Project is aimed to create a website to solve the his\her

problems regarding real estate.
 User can check all details of property and then apply for booking
online for free.
 This website keeps track of all Customer history (mean: Who is sale
property? Who is buy that property?)
 User shows all the properties of Buyer that are secure & verify &
send them to the Builder.
 Real System Buy the property & verify them and the online service
is provided by us free of charge.

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I am very much thankful to our teacher staff that they have faith on me and gave me
opportunity to work on this project to express my professional gratitude.
Specially. I am very grateful to my project guide Ms. Shital Rode under whom I have
worked on this. The tips and proper guidance of mam helped me to complete the project as
required. Teachers staff are resourceful and provided full support when I needed. A special
thanks to our Head of Department Ms. Shushama mam to very helpful.
Finally, I wish to thanks my all IT department teachers, colleagues who directly or
indirectly helped me in completion of the project. Last but not the least I would thank my
family and those also whom I forgot to mention.

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I hereby declare that the project entitled, “ONLINE PROPERTY SEARCHING

AND PERCHASE” has not been in any case duplicated to submit to any other university for
the award of any degree. To the best of my knowledge other than me, no one has submitted to
any other university.

The project is done in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of
semester project as part of our curriculum.

Mishra Satish Dinesh

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Sr. no. Chapter Sub-Topic Page no

1.1 Background 10
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Purpose and Scope
1.3.1 Purpose
1.3.2 Scope
1.3.3 Applicability
1.4 Achievements
1.5 Organization of Report
2.1 Reason to Choose PHP 12

2.2 Advantages of php

2.3 php Advantages
2.4 MySQL Advantages
3.1 Problem Definition 19
3.2 Requirements Specification
3.3 Software and Hardware
3.4 Planning and Scheduling
4.1 UML Diagrams (Modals) 24
4.2 Data Design
4.3 User interface design
4.4 Test Cases Design
4.5 Security Issues

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List of Tables

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List of Figures

Sr No. Diagram (Data Table) Page no

1 Admin 34
2 Searching 34
3 Rent 34
4 Resale 35

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Chapter 1


This website is an Online property searching and purchase website through which a
user can access its information and manage all the adding, updating, deleting the assets
and some of its tasks.

The Admin user can change the update the information regarding property selling and
buying and cancellation. The system is very useful for the companies who developed
apartments, hotels, villa, residential properties and commercial properties. Companies
or individual agents can also advertise their property.


 The system should have a login. A login box should appear when the system is
 The Admin should have all the type of authority.
 The Admin should maintain property. Admin identify property type as it is
residential or commercial property.
 The Admin user can inform their agents for regarding to property and update the
information regarding property and cancellation of property or changing buyer
 The user should book the property for sell or rent with detail of property.
 The system is very useful for the companies or builders that can post and edit
their properties and their personal info and admin can monitor records of all of

This website is an Online real estate website through which a user can access its
information and manage all the adding, updating, deleting the assets and some of its

The Admin user can change the update the information regarding property selling and
buying and cancellation. The system is very useful for the companies who develop

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apartments, hotels, villa, residential properties and commercial properties. Companies
or individual agents can also advertise their property.


The real of world wide web have spread across millions of households, so naturally,
Internet has become by far the best platform for real estate marketing today. Now days
when everything is online, how is it possible that real estate left website. There are lot
of real estate companies who advertise their property online so idea behind developing
this website is that their property can also sell, or buy rental property using this. These
websites are not widely popular but in future, they have large scope of growth. roles
and basing on its permissions will be granted to add or remove data to the notice board


This website provides easy UI to which easily interact. Here user can post their property
details and who are interested they can buy or take rent property by carefully studying
property details.


After perceiving this project, I have learnt all types of real-estate property ex (hotels,
villa, residential properties and commercial properties). And I also learnt RERA stands
for Real Estate Regulatory Authority.

RERA is an act for regulation and promotion of the real estate sector to ensure
the sale of apartment, plot or building in an efficient and transparent manner. The Act
aims to protect the interest of consumers.

Made online property purchase easy.

Organization of Report:

As aim was to make property purchase online easy and belief the main report
includes that there may be some manually changes may be possible in Online property

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Chapter 2

Survey of Technologies
Technology Used: html, css, php

Frontend Technology Used: html, Css

Backend Technology Used: php

Database Servers Used: MySQL

Reason to Choose PHP

 Flexible and dynamic:

Being an encrypted language, which is easy to secure and full of dynamic yet
flexible features
Also, an open source language like PHP can be used to write code and combine
with different libraries for incorporating other special effects. It can be
combined easily with dynamic libraries as XML and graphics.
Deployed on almost all web servers including Apache, Caudium, Microsoft
Internet Information Service (IIS) and so on.
 High Performing:
PHP is a robust programming language and it has an extensive list of core
functionality which includes cross-platform adaptability, multi-browser
compatibility, secure web apps and so on. Compared to other web languages,
PHP is an efficient language which supports all major web servers to deliver
high performance consistently. Additionally, it is one of the secure ways of
developing a website with an extra layer of security to protect against viruses
and threats.
One of the important reasons to choose PHP for the web development is that it
takes less time in loading web pages.
 Open Source:
Available for free, PHP is controlled by a great community of users who offer
technical support. Since it is licensed under general public, the cost of
development is highly reduced and most of its related applications like MySQL
and Apache Servers are available for free. All you need to do is to hire a PHP

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developer who can help you redefine your online presence by involving the use
of this technology.

 PHP website is easily Maintained and Update:

Due to easily decipherable syntax, PHP code can be freely modified and
changed. It means, there are no problems with maintaining and updating PHP-
based projects.
And since PHP code is written in a consistent and distinct manner, maintenance
and support can be provided by any team, not obligatory the one which
developed the project.

Advantages of PHP are:

 Cross-Platform:
PHP is, an application can be run on various platforms. The most important
advantage of PHP is the developer need not have to worry about the operating
system the user is working on.

 Ease of Use:
Any individuals who are new to programming can easily learn to use them
within a short duration of time. The syntax for programming in the hypertext
pre-processor is quite similar to the C programming language. So the individual
who is familiar with C can easily create PHP website scripts.

 Speed:
A very vital side of web development is the speed. Considering the very
important fact, some individuals still struggle with the challenge of web data
speed. A quick loading website always appreciated by many individuals.
Folks use PHP because of the important fact that it’s quick.

 Open Source and Powerful library support:

Another advantage to using the PHP hypertext Pre-processor is it’s developed
and maintained by a cluster of PHP developers, this help in making a support
community, extensive extension library. PHP additionally has immense

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collection functional modules and a few of the modules available in PHP
include Graphics and PDF amongst others.

 Stable:
PHP has been in existence for about twenty-two years. Over this era, many
developers have worked on the application to enhance the usage of the
application. lots of bugs are discovered over the years and therefore the bugs
are fixed quickly by the team of developers. Based on this, the programming
language is currently very stable.

Advantages of MySQL Server:

 Data Security
MySQL is globally renowned for being the most secure and reliable database
management system used in popular web applications like WordPress, Drupal,
Joomla, Facebook and Twitter. The data security and support for transactional
processing that accompany the recent version of MySQL

 On-Demand Scalability

MySQL offers unmatched scalability to facilitate the management of On-

demand flexibility is the star feature of MySQL. This open source solution
allows complete customization to ecommerce businesses with unique database
server requirements.

 High Performance

MySQL features a distinct storage-engine framework that facilitates system

administrators to configure the MySQL database server for a flawless
performance. Whether it is an ecommerce website that receives a million
queries every single day or a high-speed transactional processing system,
MySQL is designed to meet even the most demanding applications while
ensuring optimum speed, full-text indexes and unique memory caches for
enhanced performance.

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 Comprehensive Transactional Support

MySQL tops the list of robust transactional database engines available on the
market. With features like complete atomic, consistent, isolated, durable transaction
support, multi-version transaction support, and unrestricted row-level locking, it is the
go-to solution for full data integrity. It guarantees instant deadlock identification
through server-enforced referential integrity.

 Complete Workflow Control

With the average download and installation time being less than 30 minutes,
MySQL means usability from day one. Whether your platform is Linux, Microsoft,
Macintosh or UNIX, MySQL is a comprehensive solution with self-management
features that automate everything from space expansion and configuration to data
design and database administration

 Reduced Total Cost of Ownership

By migrating current database apps to MySQL, enterprises are enjoying

significant cost savings on new projects. The dependability and ease of management
that accompany MySQL save your troubleshooting time which is otherwise wasted in
fixing downtime issues and performance problems.

 The Flexibility of Open Source

All the fears and worries that arise in an open source solution can be brought to
an end with My SQL’s round-the-clock support and enterprise indemnification. The
secure processing and trusted software of MySQL combine to provide effective
transactions for large volume projects. It makes maintenance, debugging and upgrades
fast and easy while enhancing the end-user experience.

Disadvantage of MySQL

 MySQL does not support a very large database size as efficiently.

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 It’s Got a Few Stability Issues
 It Suffers from Relatively Poor Performance Scaling
 Development Is Not Community Driven – and Hence Has Lagged
 Its Functionality Tends to Be Heavily Dependent On Add-ons
 Developers May Find Some of Its Limitations to Be Frustrating

Limitation of MySQL Server:

 The maximum number of tables that can be referenced in a single join is 61. This also
applies to the number of tables that can be referenced in the definition of a view. This
also applies to LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOINS.
 Limitations of the MyISAM storage engine
 Large files up to 63-bit file length are supported.
 There is a limitation of 264 (1.8 * 1019) rows in a MyISAM table.
 The maximum number of indexes per MyISAM table is 64. You can configure the build
by invoking configure with the --with-max-indexes=N option, where N is the maximum
number of indexes to permit per MyISAM table. N must be less than or equal to 128.
 The maximum number of columns per index is 16.
 The maximum key length is 1000 bytes. This can be changed by changing the source
and recompiling.

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1.. Problem Definition

The first step in an initial investigation is to define the problem that led to the user
request. The problem must be stated clearly, understood, and agreed upon by the user and the
analyst. It must state the objectives the user is trying to achieve and the results the user wants
to see. Emphasis should be on the logical requirements (what must be the results) of the
problem rather than the physical requirements.

3.Requirement Specification
3.1 Software requirements:
 Any Version of browser after Mozilla Firefox 4.0, Internet Explorer 6.0, Chrome.

3.2 Hardware requirements:

 Any processor after Pentium 4
 Any version of Windows XP or later.
4. Planning & Scheduling:
4.1.1 Gantt Chart

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5.Conceptual models

5.1 Modules Explanation:

 Admin

 The Admin should have all the type of authority.

 The Admin should maintain property. Admin identify property type as it is
residential or commercial property.
 The Admin user can inform their agents for regarding to property and update the
information regarding property and cancellation of property or changing buyer
 Searching

 On the basis of given input like City, Size of rooms, Budget this module will
search the property and display it in properly.

 Resale

 After successfully login user can perform following functionality.

 User/seller uploads their property details like location, society details, and
amount that he/her aspect to our property.
 Buyer check details of the property according their choice they apply to buy
 Rent

 After successfully login user can perform following functionality.

 User/seller uploads their property details like location, society details,
deposited amount, Monthly Payee and Contact number.
 User who wants to take rooms on rent he/her will contact the number provided
by room owner.
 Invoice

 If property is sale or any one take room on rent, then a mail will send on
registered email to both owner and buyer.

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5.2 System Flow Chart:

A flowchart is a type of a diagram that represents an algorithm as a process

showing the steps as of various kinds and their order by connecting these with arrows
this diagrammatic representation can give step by step solution to a given problem,
Process operation are represented in these boxes and arrows connecting them represent
flow of control.

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5.3 Entity Relationship Diagram:
An entity-relationship diagram is a data modelling technique that graphically illustrates
an information system’s entities and the relationships between those entities and the
relationships between those entities. An ERD is a conceptual and representational model of
data used to represent the entity framework infrastructure.
The element of ERD are:
 Entities
 Relationship
 Attributes

Steps involved in creating an ERD include:

1.identifying and defining the entities
2.determining all iterations between the entities
3.creting the ERD

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 This phase implies on the primary job of recognizing the problem. In this stage we
define what the problem is and study the various inputs and outputs of the system.
Recognizing the demands of the system and clearly defining the system must be the
output of this phase of software development life cycle. The output of the preliminary
investigation phase is the input to this phase. This stage aims at analytical conclusions
of developer. This phase implies at analysing whether it is feasible on the part of
programmer and for the user to build the system. The feasibility study is done in terms
of resources such as economy, time etc.

 A feasibility study culminates in a feasibility report that recommends a solution. It

helps you to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a proposed system. The feasibility study
is carried out to test if the proposed system is worth being implemented. Given
unlimited resources and infinite time, all projects are feasible. After performing a
Preliminary Investigation, gathering and interpreting data and details concerning the
project, a Feasibility Check is done which involves a series of steps to check the
Technical, Financial and Operational feasibilities.

(a) Specification of information to be made available by the system.

(b) A clear-cut description of what tasks will be done manually and what needs to be
handled by the automated system.
(c) Specifications of new computing equipment needed. A system that passes the
feasibility tests is considered a feasible system.
The implementation ability is in terms of logistics, resource availability, cost factors
and time. We did two types of feasibility study.

 Economic feasibility
 Operational feasibility


Economic feasibility can be established by cost /benefit analysis of the project

while considering both the direct as well as the indirect cost against the tangible
benefits. In software system intangible benefits are visible at the start & hence a system
analyst must try to convert such intangible benefits into measurable derivatives of such


Operation feasibility is a measure of how people feel about the system.

Operational Feasibility criteria measure the urgency of the problem or the acceptability of a
solution. Operational Feasibility is dependent upon determining human resources for the
project. It refers to projecting whether the system will operate and be used once it is installed.
If the ultimate users are comfortable with the present system and they see no problem with its
continuance, then resistance to its operation will be zero.
Behaviourally also the proposed system is feasible. A particular application may be
technically and but may fail to produce the forecasted benefits, because the company is not
able to get it to work. For the system, it is not necessary that the user must be a computer expert,
but any computer operator given a little bit of knowledge and training can easily operate. Our

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Project is operationally feasible since there is no need for special training of staff member and
whatever little instructing on this system is required can be done so quite easily and quickly as
it is essentially.

Operational feasibility can be further divided into two types: -

1). Technical Feasibility (regarding implementation)

2). Usage/ Application Feasibility


During technical analysis, the analyst evaluates the technical merits of the system, at
the same time collecting additional information about performance, reliability, maintainability
and productivity. The main technical issue raised during feasibility is the existence of necessary
technology and whether the proposed equipment has the capacity to hold required data. The
technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability, ease and data were also investigated
 In this phase, we try to design our system in latest technology and also technology
should be stable released.
 Here we think about software facilities, procedures, process, input and output. We
check that up to what extent our system is able to sustain.
 I am trying to develop a system that can be updatable for long time provide full
maintenance to customer for later updates.

This feasibility has great importance as it can outweigh other feasibilities because costs
affect organization decisions. The concept of Economic Feasibility deals with the fact that a
system that can be developed and will be used on installation must be profitable for the
Organization. The cost to conduct a full system investigation, the cost of hardware and
software, the benefits in the form of reduced expenditure are all discussed during the economic
feasibility. Return on Investment

 There will be revenue in terms of more Customer Subscriptions.

 There will be awareness among not only the Subscribers, but general public regarding
the good points of the issue.
 Subscriber satisfaction will lead to more upgrades and reduce the downgrades.
 Cost of No Change

The cost will be in terms of utilization of resources leading to the cost to the company.
Since our cost of project is our efforts, which is obviously less than the long-term gain for the
company, the project should be made.


A cost-benefit analysis is necessary to determine economic feasibility. The primary
objective of the cost benefit analysis is to find out whether it is economically worthwhile to
invest in the project. If the returns on the investment are good, then the project is considered
economically worthwhile. Cost benefit analysis is performed by first listing all the costs
associated with the project cost which consists of both direct costs and indirect costs. Direct
costs are those incurred by buying software, hiring people, cost of consumable items, rent for
accommodation etc. Indirect costs include those involving time spent by user in discussing
problems with system analysts.

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The class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an application.
Class diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing and documenting different aspects
of a system but also for constructing executable code of the software application.

The purpose of the class diagram is to model the static view of an application. The class
diagrams are the only diagrams which can be directly mapped with object-oriented languages
and thus widely used at the time of construction.

Class Name:
The name of the class appears in the first partition.
Class Attributes:
Attributes are shown in the second partition. The attribute shown after the colon.
Class Operation:
The return type of the method is shown after the colon at the end of the method
A special type of the association. It represents a “part of” relationship.
A special type of the aggregation where parts are destroyed when the whole is

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Use Case Diagram: -

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system that
shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is

Login: System

Enter Userame/ password

Forgot password


Signup(New user)

Validate user


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Activity Diagram: -

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dynamic aspects of the
system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. The control flow
is drawn from one operation to another.


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User(Seller) Rent Admin

Accepts login credential

Create an account


Already exists
SignUp No

add 100 coin

only in new user account

Uploads property details accepts details

Represent property details

User check property details

If like


Check other property

send Invoice with details on registor email

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Component Diagram: -

• A component diagram, also known as a UML component diagram, describes the organization
and wiring of the physical components in a system. Component diagrams are often drawn to
help model implementation details and double-check that every aspect of the system's required
function is covered by planned development.

• As shown in below component diagram, the main two modules are Time Table generation &
Merit List generator and other related modules are course, teachers, subject, login & more.

Sequence Diagram: -

➢ A sequence diagram simply depicts interaction between objects in a sequential order i.e.
the order in which these interactions take place. We can also use the terms event diagrams or
event scenarios to refer to a sequence diagram.

➢ Sequence diagrams describe how and in what order the objects in a system function.

➢ These diagrams are widely used by businessmen and software developers to document and
understand requirements for new and existing systems.

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2.Data Design
Table Name: Postproperty_Resale

Primary Key: sell_id

Column Datatype Description

Property_type Varchar (50) Residential or commercial property
City Varchar (50) User city name
Locality Varchar (50) Area of user
Address Varchar (50) Detailed address of User
Size_property Varchar (50) Size of property
(1RK,1BHK,2BHK,3BHK etc.)
Table1: Postproperty_Resale

Table Name: Postproperty_rent

Primary Key: sell_id
Description: To store the details of the person who rent their property

Column Datatype Description

Property_type Varchar Residential or commercial property
City Varchar User city name
Locality Varchar Area of user
Address Varchar Detailed address of User
Size_property Varchar Size of property
(50) (1RK,1BHK,2BHK,3BHK etc.)
Age_of_construction Double (20) Describe the building age
Monthly_rent Double (20) Rent per month
Deposite_amount Double (20) Deposite amount

Table2: Postproperty_rent
Table Name: Postrequirement_buy
Primary Key: login_id
Description: To store the details of the person for requirent of property.

Column Datatype Description

Buyer_id Int (20) Id of buyer
State Varchar (50) State of buyer
Size_property Varchar (50) Size of property
(1RK,1BHK,2BHK,3BHK etc.)
Budget_min Varchar (50) Minimum amount of land
Budget_max Varchar (50) Maximum amount of land
Login_id Int (20) User login id

Table3: Postrequirement_buy

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Table Name: Postrequirement_Resale
Primary Key: login_id

Column Datatype Description

Property_type Varchar (50) Residential or commercial
City Varchar (50) User city name
Locality Varchar (50) Area of user
Address Varchar (50) Detailed address of User
Size_property Varchar (50) Size(1RK,1BHK,2BHK,3BHK)
Login_id Int (20) User login id

4.2 User Interface: -

Screenshots of project

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4.3 Test Case Designs:
o Login
 If new user then sign up or login in next step
 If username and password is correct then allowed to login otherwise -
 Go to password recovery and reset password and login.

o Searching
 If all fields value provided by user then search in details otherwise
 Depends on which basis user want to search.

o Resale
 First login Uploads property details.
 If not a valid user first signup otherwise not allow.
 After login Buyer can check detail and buy property.

o Rent
 First login Uploads property details.
 Upload Monthly payee, Deposite amount, contact no.
 After login Buyer can check property and contact the seller.
o Invoice
 Invoice is sent to user if Email is register otherwise not send.

4.4 Business Rules: -

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4.5 Security Issues

With technology becoming a major component of Project Management, the protection of

project information is of the most importance. These are the most significant information
security risks that affect system.

 Login

 Login system authenticates the authorized user and allow access to work on
system. If user is unauthorized than should not allow to interact with the system.
 Login should not do by anonymous user. In case user is system user with no
account then signup will go on.
 Password recovery & change module to periodically change password to
prevent system from hackers.

 SQL Injection

 SQL Injection is a type of an injection attack that makes it possible to execute

malicious SQL statements. These statements control a database server behind
an application.
 Attackers can use SQL Injection vulnerabilities to bypass application security
measures for e.g. Login System.

 Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability

 Confidentiality refers to protecting information from being accessed by

unauthorized parties. In other words, only the people who are authorized to do
so can gain access to sensitive data.
 Integrity refers to ensuring the authenticity of information—that information is
not altered, and that the source of the information is genuine.
 Availability means that information is accessible by authorized users.

 DDoS Attack

 The robustness of DDoS attacks is growing day by day. Hackers are targeting
organizations to steal crucial data and they do it using the approach of a DDoS
attack. Common methods include flooding websites and networks with false
 Self-Propagating Ransomware
 This type of ransomware spreads via systems that are unpatched workstations.
All they need is an automated software update. The key purpose of this type of
ransomware seems to be to destroy data rather than extort money.
 The only solution is to keep data backed-up and make sure that all systems are

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 Phishing

 Phishing is a security threat that is carried out via email. The recipient is
tricked into divulging information after being convinced that the mail is from a
legitimate source. The system becomes infected when the recipient clicks a
link or downloads an attachment.
 Phishing can be prevented by training employees to identify suspicious emails
and installing security solutions that can scan emails.

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