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Online Real Estate Property Management

Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

degree of

Bachelor of Technology.


Information Technology

under the Supervision of

Dr. Yashwant Singh


ShubhamGupta(111455 )


Jaypee University of Information and Technology

Waknaghat, Solan – 173234, Himachal Pradesh


This is to certify that project report entitled “Online Real Estate Property Management”,
submitted by Shubham Gupta (111455) in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering to Jaypee University of
Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan has been carried out under my supervision.

This work has not been submitted partially or fully to any other University or Institute for the
award of this or any other degree or diploma.

Date: Dr. Yashwant Singh

Department of Computer Science

Engineering and Information

Jaypee University of Information




I would like to acknowledge our sincere thanks towards my Project Guide Dr. Yashwant Singh
for his valuable guidance and suggestions, Mr. S.P. Ghrera for his moral support and our
Computer Science Faculty for their teaching and undivided attention to us during our B.Tech
course from which I have been able to successfully complete my 4th year project.

I would also like to acknowledge my thanks towards the facilities provided by the University
which has helped me in my project.

I am grateful to all those who have directly or indirectly helped me in completion of the project.

Date: ShubhamGupta(111455)

Table of Content

S. No. Topic Page No.

Abstract 1

1. Introduction 2

1.1 Motivation 2

1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Scope 3

1.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 4

1.5 Literature Review 6

1.6 Objectives 9

2. Requirement Specification 10

2.1 Business Requirements 10

2.2 User Requirements 11

2.3 Operational Requirements 12

2.4 System Requirements 12

2.5 Specific Requirements 13

3. Design 14

3.1 Project Perspective 14

3.2 Software Interface 14

3.3 Modules 16

3.4 Software Engineering Design 21

3.5 System Architecture 28

3.6 Databases 29

3.7 Test Plan 30

3.8 Design Goals and Constraints 32

4. Screenshots and Coding 33

4.1 Database Code and Screenshots 33

4.2 User Interface Screenshots and Code 36

5. Conclusion and Future Work 45

List of References 46

List of Figures

S.No. Title Page No.

1. Use Case Diagram 21

2. Context Level DFD 23

3. Level 1 DFD 24

4. Level 2 DFD 25

5. Level 3 DFD 26

6. Level 4 DFD 27

7. High Level Solution Architecture 28

List of Tables

S.No. Title Page No.

1. Definition Table 4

2. Event Table 22

3. Registration Table 33

4. AddProperty Table 34

This website is a complete end to end solution to cover all aspects of real estate. Property buying
selling procedure for small and large organization and individuals.

It is basically a user friendly contact and property manager for real estate professionals and
property buyers. The main role of the project is

Real estate system serves the server operator when user is searching the properties to buy,
uploading the property details, uploading information of users who are either buyer or seller. It
also serves customers to search about the property through the web. It focuses on main operation
like selling, buying and searching but the financial operation is out of scope.


The online Real Estate Property Management is a web portal helping the clients seeking to sell
their property and the clients seeking a property for their use easy by providing them an easy
platform. The clients just need to register on the portal and he/she will get options to add a
property or search a property according to the location and other parameters. Thus reducing their
time to go places in search of a property and moreover the need to register their property with the
local agents which indeed is a very tedious task.

1.1 Motivation

Technology plays a very important role in today’s life. Everything from regular routine work to
big industry operations are getting digitized. Computers today are making everyone’s life much
easier than before. Everything nowadays is online from buying clothes, travel ticket reservation
to booking movie tickets etc. E-commerce is becoming a competitive industry and according to
experts it is still in its infant stage and has a very good future to look forward to.

The real estate properties have always been a point of interest among the people and after
technological revolution people have started trading properties over the internet. Due to the
advantage of large data storage and easy access people can now easily browse through wide
range of properties easily over the internet with minimal effort and then can invest or buy more
conveniently. The internet has changed the real estate business drastically and will continue to
revolutionize it with new concepts.

This project is another step in that direction. It will enhance the real estate market even more by
providing a website which will take care of all users’ needs and will help them in every possible
way to buy and sell properties online. It will become a point of contact between the interested
buyers and property sellers.

Each user will be able to register him/herself on the website and then will be able to either buy a
property posted by another user or post a property on the website for the purpose of selling it.

1.2 Problem Statement

 It is a basic system that will keep record of housing properties available on sale,
and will work as connecting bridge between customer and property sellers.
 The information of various properties in various locations can be accessible at one
 It will also keep record of contact information of customer to inform them about an
event related to their property.
 It will manage the properties effectively and efficiently.

1.3 Scope

 The project will deliver an altogether new version of online real estate property
management with an added feature of home page displayed properties.
 Will reduce the work and improve efficiency as a user will be having everything on
one website.
 The portal will provide a facility of notifications to the user.(Eg: A user wants to
share some property details with his friend, then he view his contact info and send
him the required details).
 Daily feeds will be provided to the user when he logs in. A person can directly start
browsing the properties from there itself.
 FAQ’s and other interactive features will make website more user friendly.
 Feedback option will be available.
 Loan provider details will also be available.
 Important support Email Ids will be displayed on the website.
 The website administrators contact details will also be available.

1.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Terms Definitions
User User of the system
Admin The administrator and the moderator of the system.
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented client/server protocol
between web browser & a Web Server.
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
JSP Java Server Pages
Eclipse Eclipse is a toolkit which is designed for the creation of more complex
projects, providing fully dynamic web application utilizing the J2EE
technology and providing the facility to connect it with different databases.
CSS Cascaded Style Sheet
JS Java Script
FAQ Frequently Accessed Questions
DB Database

 JSP (Java Server Pages)

It is a technology thst helps software developers create dynamically generated web pages
based on HTML,XML or other document types.

It allows Java Code and cartisan predefined actions to be interleaved with static web
markup content, with the resulting page being compiled and executed on the server to
deliver a document.
A Java Server Pages compiler is a program that parses JSPs, and transforms them into
executable Java Servlets. A program of this type is usually embedded into the application
server and run automatically the first time a JSP is accessed, but pages may also be
precompiled for better performance, or compiled as a part of the build process to test for

 Servlets
A Java Servlet is a Java Programming language program that extends the capabilities of a
server. Although servlets can respond to any types of requests, they most commonly
implement applications hosted on Web server.

 Process or store data that was submitted from a HTML form.
 Provide dynamic content such as the results of a database query.
 Manage the state information that does not exist in the stateless HTTP protocol,
such as filling the articles into the shopping cart of the appropriate customer.

In short, it is an object that receives a request and generates a response based on that

1.5 Literature Review
 99


 Most property listings and great listing information are given in their website.
 You can go into a deal negotiation feeling comfortable and educated.
 Includes in-depth neighborhood statistics and usual property types.
 It has very minute details of every real estate property listed in their website.
 They have an instant property search option in their homepage.

 Magicbricks

 To really improve the user experience they have some of the most common searches
in their area accessible through a single click.
 They have blog based website.
 They post regularly in there blog.
 They have a great search interface for their clients, so that they can find it easily on
the internet.
 They are using mysql as their backend database to store all their data.

 Makkan

 It has a clean, captivating traditional design.

 It is very simple and user friendly especially good for a first time buyer of real estate
 It presents a housing locator to visitors in the top half of the home page.

1.6 Objectives
 To make user know information about the customer before signing the deal to know if
there is any unpaid money or if it using the property is bad.
 To link with a network and share information in a central data base that gives the user
beneficial information like:-
1. All properties those are available.
2. Details on all the properties those are available.
3. Information about the sellers.
 To make user interface where user can either buy or sell a property according to his/her
 To give administrator unlimited access to all the website’s operation and function.
 To give administrator the rights to edit, delete or modify any user’s detail or property
detail in the website from the central database.
 To make buyer directly contact the seller to sign the deal on the property he/she is
intending to buy.
 To make user modify details about the property uploaded by them in the website.
 To make he home page that have new and featured properties displayed for sale.


Requirement Specification

The main basic requirement of this real estate management property system is to provide a user
friendly interface and manage all the property management tasks efficiently and effectively.

The following preliminary list are the main requirements:

2.1Business Requirements

The business goal for the application is to increase efficiency of registration process and
powerful search facilities and capable of matching property with client’s requirement while
increasing the productivity and managing it effectively.

The main business requirements are as follows:

 Improve the search facility and all the users of Property Management System should get
all the information in a second.
 The application should support the capability to use multi user environment.
 Administrator should be able to view all types of profiles as and when required by the
 System should store all the property details in the database which should be easily
 Improve client’s ability to analyze property and easily find what they need.
 The system should be refreshing and updating the database from time to time and should
be able to identify the best properties for the featured properties section.
 The system should also update properties in the new property section and also in the
feature ads section so that users and the administrator can view the new and featured
properties on the website.
 The system should display all the property details instantly when the user clicks on the
 The images should not take time to display.

2.2 User Requirements

User requirements are categorized by user type:

1. Visitor:
 Able to browse through the website.
 Register himself as the user.
 Should be able to perform quick search.
 Should be able to view featured properties.

2. User:
 Able to search and view his or her own read only information.
 Able to register himself quickly.
 Should be able to login and view his profile easily.
 Should be able to view his posted profile on the website.
 He/she should experience a user friendly environment when browsing the website.
 He/she should be able to change and edit its own profile information.

3. System Administrator:
 Create new user, assign role and privileges.
 Database backup and maintenance.
 It should be able to view all the user profiles that exist in the database.
 It should be able any user profile if it wants to.
 The administrator should be able to edit and even delete any user profile.
 The administrator should be able to edit and delete any property posted on the website.
 It should have unlimited access to the user profile, the property details and the website’s

2.3Operational Requirements

The following requirements provide a high-level view of how the system will run:

 A full weekly backup is required to WORM drives.

 The server should be monitored from time to time.
 The website should have a quick access time.
 Application should run in Client-Server architecture.

2.4System Requirements

These are additional constraints from a system perspective:

 The administrator must be able to monitor everything from the IT department.

 The administrator should have unlimited access to the websites operations and its

2.5Specific Requirements

Following are the functional and non- functional requirements:

1. Functional Requirements:
 The home page to consist of features like: featured properties, new properties.
 Database to be maintained.
 Feedback to be supported to enhance the user experience.
 Guests can view the featured properties.
 Prevent standard automated software from filling out a form.
 Any person can register as members.
 Registered members can perform their required functions.
 File can be downloaded in various formats.
 File can be downloaded in various formats.
 File can be uploaded in various formats.
 Registered users and Administrator will have their own profile, where they can
perform their work.

2. Non Functional Requirements:

 Secure access of confidential data (user’s details).
 24 X 7 availability.
 Better component design to get better performance at peak time.
 Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension.



3.1 Project Perspective:

The website will provide the means for the users to use the services at their own convenience.
The website will automate the whole system of Real Estate Property buying and selling and
sharing it easily, all online.

3.2 Software Interface

Server Requirements:

 Operating System – Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

 Database – Oracle Database


 J2EE( Java Enterprise Edition)


Client Requirements:

 Operating System – Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

 Browser – Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Pale Moon

Front End :


Platform :

 J2EE( JAVA Enterprise Edition)

Backend :

 Servlets

Web Servers :

 Glass Fish Server 4.0

Communication Interface:

 Client on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

 Client on Intranet will be using TCP/IP protocol.

3.3 Designed Modules

 Master Modules
1. Property Registration
2. User registration
3. Website Login
4. Change Password

 Administrator Modules
1. Matching Properties
2. User detail
3. Seller’s Detail
4. Storing Details
5. User’s post

 Search Query Modules

1. Instant Search
2. Extensive Search
3. Update keyword

 User Modules
1. User Registration
2. User Login
3. User Requirements
4. User Records
5. User Properties

 Master Modules
1. Property Registration:
 A user can register his property.
 An option would be displayed to upload property images.
 An address bar would take the address and store it in the database.
 A property document option would store the property details.
 The property details would then be validated.
 The property details would then be stored in the database.

2. User Registration:
 This module will be available at the home page.
 The user has to register by filling up the User Registration Form.
 The user has to give the following details
1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone
4. State
5. Pincode
6. Email-ID
7. Password
 Ten he would get a registration confirmation and then he can start buying and
selling or dealing properties by logging in to the website.

3. Website Login
 This module will ask for username and password.

4. Change Password
 The user can change to his desired password.

 Administrator Modules:
1. Matching Properties
 It will match the properties with the clients.
 It will be done by using the instant search.
 After a successful match it will wait for the user response.
 After the user gives his response he would then store the user response.

2. User Details
 The Database will store the user details and it will be readily available for the
operator and the user.
 It would also store the user activity on the website.
 It would also store the property search preference for new properties.

3. Seller’s Detail
 The user can view the property owner’s details.
 A notification would also be generated to the operator.

4. User’s Post
 It would store all the properties posted by the user.
 And his/her details.
 And his/her activities.

 Search Module

1. Property Locator:
 It is an instant search which would search for property details.
 It will ask the details of the property to be searched.
 Enter an Appropriate keyword to search.

2. Extensive Search
 It would ask for more details for a specific type of property as follows:
1. The Property location.
2. The building’s characteristics.
3. The property size.
4. The land rate for a building.
5. The purpose of the property that is if it is a commercial or a residential
 The details filled would be more exact and matching very closely to the
property desired.

3. Update Keyword
 The user with the help of this function can update a keyword to change his
 The search will then again start from the beginning.
 The update keyword could be used in normal search and also in extensive

 User modules

1. User Registration
 The new user can register his details in form available in the home page.

2. User Login
 The user can login from the homepage will his user name and password.

3. User Requirements
 The user can give his requirements and then the search algorithm will search
for the property for the user.
4. User Records
 All the user details will be stored in Database.

5. User Properties
 The user’s properties will be stored since his/her registration would be stored.
 Property suggestions would be made according to his/her activities.

3.4 Software Engineering Design

Use case Diagram:

Use Case Diagram

Event Table:

Event Trigger Source Activity/Use Response Destination


Client New System Create User Show User System

Registration User User User

Match Match System Manage Show System

Property User Transaction Transaction User
With Client
Seller New System Create User Show User System
Details User User User

Property New System Property Show System

Registration Property User registration Registered User

Context Level DFD:

The four objects which are client, seller, property and offer letter would perform their functions
which are registration done by client/ seller which then registers their property and if it is
matched with the client demands offer letter is generated.

Level 1 DFD:

(To match property with Client)

Fig. 3

For Matching property we will get the property and client details from the database and then the
matching algorithm would match the property and after a successful match an offer letter would
be sent to user.

Level 2 DFD:

(Client Registration)

Fig 4

The client would enter his/her details and the type of property he is looking and after this the
details would then be stored in the database and a client id would be generated and after
successful generation of client id the match property functions would them be executed.

Level 3 DFD:

(Seller Registration)

Fig. 5

The Seller would register himself/herself by giving his/her details and the property he/she is
selling. After the generation of the Sender Id the details would then be stored in the database.

Level 4 DFD:

(Property Registration)

Fig. 6

The Property details would be registered by the Seller and then stored in the Database and it
would be assigned a Property Type.

This Property would then be available to view in the website.

3.5 System Architecture

High Level Solution Architecture

Fig. 7

High Level Solution Architecture of Online Real Estate Property Management

3.6 Databases

A Database is a structured collection of data. The data are typically organized to model
relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring the information.

Database Design:

 Database design is done before building it to meet needs of end-users within a

given application information- system that the database is intended to support.
 The conceptual level is designed, which defines the over-all picture view of the
database, and reflects all the real-world elements(entities) the database intends to
model, as well as the relationships among them.
 A common way to carry out conceptual level design is to use the entity
relationship model.


 Statement of the Problem

 Data Requirements
 Transaction Requirements
 Domain Objectives

Database Design Objectives:

 Represent the data and the relationships between data required from the database
 Provide a data model that supports any transactions required on the data.
 Specify a minimal design that is appropriately structured to achieve the stated
performance requirements for the database application.

Relational Database Design Phases:

 Building the logical/ conceptual data model.

 Building the physical database design.

3.7 Test Plan

The complete test strategy for the Real Estate Property Management System is to perform
the following kinds of tests, in sequence.

1. Component Testing of each component that makes up the Property Management

2. Integration testing of the Property Management System, to ensure the correct
interworking of its components.
3. Validation Testing of the Property Management System, to ensure that it works
correctly in a pseudo-live environment.
4. User acceptance Testing of the Property Management System, to ensure that its
function is acceptable to its users.


The following items are required before testing can take place:

 A complete and coherent functional specification of the Property Management

System expressed as use cases and usage scenarios.
 Sufficient, suitable resources to carry out the testing.
 A proper collection of test cases for each of the testing phase.

Rules and Responsibilities:

The following rules are defined:

 A person responsible for planning and ensuring the smooth running of the test
 A person who is a tester who carries out the tests according to the test plan, and
then reports the results.
 A person who ensures that the tests are carried out successfully from a user

Threats to Testing:

Potential threats to the testing process are as follows:

 Insufficient Resources Available for Testing: Testing Resources might lack to the
real-world testing requirement of the website.
 Unavailability of Professional Tester for testing.
 Lack of test cases to carry out the testing.

Final Testing and Implementation:

Rigorous Testing is crucial to the implementation and maintenance of a reliable system

that will create customer confidence.

Test Results:

Summarized Results of the system test, Include the completion status of each test case
associated with the tests.

Test Analysis:

Summarizes the results of tests already conducted and identities testing that remain to be
conducted. Provide a brief summary of the project objectives, and identify the System
Proponent and users.

3.8 Design Goals and Constraints

 Performance
 No more than a 5-percent degradation in average query response is allowed while
all concurrent user are using the system.
 Processor utilization should not exceed 80 percent during all concurrent users are
using the system.
 Availability
 Because the system is accessed by more than one concurrent users so their should
not be any single point of failure.
 Reliability
 The system should be reliable to all the users.
 Scalability
 Security
 Every resource in the system are defined by the role and privileged. System
administrator assigned user role and privileged for their access rights.
 The system should have anti-hacking programs.
 The communication should be done with the help of encryption and decryption
 Interoperability
 The system should be interoperable that is able to use and exchange information
efficiently between large heterogeneous networks.
 Setup/Installation
 Setup and Installation must not interrupt the system user’s daily tasks and work


Screenshots and Coding

4.1 Database Code and Screenshots

 Registration Table:

Query: Select * from Registration

This table is used to store the details of every user who is registering onto our website and later
the same information is used to Log in that user.

 AddProperty Table:

Query: Select * from AddProperty

This table is used to store the details of the property that is put on our website by any registered
user. Property can only be put by registered users only. Later the same table is used to fetch the
property for any buyer who enters the location he /she wants the property in.

Query: Used in Registration Servlet to check if any user using the same
Username Exist.

ResultSetrs = st.executeQuery("select * from registration where username='"+ username +


Query: Used in Registration Servlet to add the information about the user
registering into the Registration Table

int r = st1.executeUpdate("insert into registration


Query: Used in Login Servlet to check if any user using this name exist to
allow Login

ResultSetrs = st.executeQuery("select * from registration where username='"+ username +


Query: Used in AddProperty Servlet to enter the details of the added property
to the AddProperty table in the database.

int r = st.executeUpdate("insert into addproperty


4.2 User Interface Screenshots and Code


Login Page:

Registration Page:

User’s Page:

AboutUs Page:

ContactUs Page:


Registration Servlet;;













public class RegistrationServlet extends HttpServlet {protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest

request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {

String firstname =request.getParameter("firstname");

String lastname =request.getParameter("lastname");

String phone =request.getParameter("phone");

String address =request.getParameter("address");

String state =request.getParameter("state");

String pincode =request.getParameter("pincode");

String username =request.getParameter("username");

String password =request.getParameter("password");

String confirmpassword =request.getParameter("confirmpassword");

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();



try {

Connection c =

Statement st=c.createStatement();

Statement st1=c.createStatement();

ResultSetrs = st.executeQuery("select * from registration where

username='"+ username + "'");




int r = st1.executeUpdate("insert into registration



request.setAttribute("lastname", lastname);

request.setAttribute("firstname", firstname);




} catch (SQLException e) {

out.println("SQL Exception " + e.getMessage());






Login Servlet;;














public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

String username = request.getParameter("username");

String userpass = request.getParameter("password");

String date = new Date().toString();

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();



try {

Connection c =

Statement st = c.createStatement();

ResultSetrs = st.executeQuery("select * from registration where

username='"+ username + "'");

String firstname=new String();

String lastname=new String();

String user=new String();

String password=new String();

String full=new String();

while ({

firstname = rs.getString(1);

lastname = rs.getString(2);

user = rs.getString(7);

password = rs.getString(8);

full = firstname+" "+lastname;}

if (userpass.equals(password) &&username.equals(user)) {

HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);

session.setAttribute("S3CRET", "S3CRET");

session.setAttribute("full", full);


return; }

else { request.getRequestDispatcher("loginfail.jsp").forward(request, response);


} catch (SQLException e) {

out.println("SQL Exception " + e.getMessage());




Chapter 5

Conclusion and Future Work

5.1 Conclusion:
 All the literature survey regarding the project has already been completed. The project is
now under the implementation phase. Basic modules i.e. The Registration Module, Login
Module, Add Property Module are implemented to completion. Other module such as the
Search Property Module have been implemented with a single type of search i.e. using
the location of the property.

 Session Management has also been implemented in the project to take care that nobody is
able to access any page without getting into the session. Also if some registered user is
out of the session then he/she has to login again to access the options available on the

5.2 Future Work:

 The work to be done is to implement searching in the website using different filters or
using multiple filters at the same point.

 While adding the property the user should be able to upload images related to the
property because till now he/she is just able to upload the URL having the link of the
image associated with this property, that I have to implement.

 Agent Service will also be provided by the company running the website so that if a
property related to a location comes it goes to the respective agent only.

 Security Feature to send passwords in encrypted form will also be implemented.

List of References

[1] Retrieved October 15, 2014, from 99acres A Real Estate Portal:

[2] Retrieved October 15, 2014, from Real Estate Property in India:

[3] Retrieved October 25, 2014, from Makaan:

[4] CMC Limited. (2014, June 3). A TATA Enterprise. New Delhi, Delhi, India: CMC India.

[5] Schildt, b. H. (n.d.). The complete Reference JAVA. Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private

[6] sql/ (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2014, from

W3Schools Website:


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