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The barangay, unknown to other countries, is a unique governmental unit

of the Philippine Republic. Considered as the closest unit to the people, the

barangay is where the government meets the citizens face to face. Each

barangay is composed of one (1) Punong Barangay, and seven (7) Barangay


According to Manuel and Vigo, (2004) the barangay, being the closest

political unit to the people, ensures peace and justice through the Katarungang

Pambarangay or the Barangay Justice System. The Katarungang Pambarangay

or Barangay Justice System is a community-based dispute settlement

mechanism that is administered by the basic political unit of the country, the

barangay. As a community-based mechanism for dispute resolution, it covers

disputes between members of the same community (generally, 7 same city or

municipality) and involves the Punong Barangay and other members of the

community (the Lupon members) as intermediaries (mediators, conciliators, and,

sometimes, arbitrators).

In the Philippines, amicable settlement of disputes dates back to the Pre-

Spanish era all disputes were brought before the elders of the barangay for

mediation, conciliation, or arbitration. In those days, the system dispensed justice

efficiently and without delay. (Tan & Pulido, 2006)

The law on the Katarungang Pambarangay was originally governed by

P.D. No. 1508. However, the Local Government Code of 1991, specifically

Chapter 7, Title I, Book III thereof, revised the law on the Katarungang

Pambarangay. As a consequence of this revision, P.D. No. 1508 was expressly

repealed pursuant to Section 534(b) of the [same] Code. (Uy v. Contreras, G.R.

No. 111416, 26 September 1994)

The Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law under R.A. 7160, otherwise

known as the Local Government Code of 1991, and which repealed P.D. 1508,

introduced substantial changes not only in the authority granted to the Lupong

Tagapamayapa but also in the procedure to be observed in the settlement of

disputes within the authority of the Lupon. (Administrative Circular 14-03) By the

passage of R.A. 7160 (The Local Government Code of 1991), the Katarungang

Pambarangay was given a new mandate and has extended its reach of cases it


The Katarungang Pambarangay Law has the purpose to give each

barangay the mandate to enforce peace and order, and provide support for an

effective implementation and enforcement of justice within their area. In areas

where courts are inaccessible due to their locations or the prohibitive costs of

litigation, the Barangay Justice System has become a venue for the people to

avail of a peaceful resolution of their disputes. Lawyers are not allowed or are

barred from appearing in the barangay justice system, unless they are personally

involve, because the dispute must be peacefully settled by the disputants among

themselves. It is believed that without the intervention of a counsel, a dispute has

a higher chance of achieving an amicable settlement.

According to the records of the Department of the Interior and Local

Government (DILG), out of 461,489 total numbers of disputes across all

barangays nationwide in 2014, 76% or 350,554 of these were settled by the

lupons and only 18,199 of these disputes reached the courts. According to the

Supreme Court the estimated government cost of adjudication per case is

P9,500.00, this led to an estimated government savings of P3-billion.

The Katarungang Pambarangay has two major goals: (1) to promote the

speedy administration of and enhance the quality of justice, by relieving the

courts of case congestion; and (2) to perpetuate and continue the time-honored

tradition of amicably settling disputes without judicial recourse, thus following the

constitutional mandate of preserving the Filipino culture, and to strengthen the

family as a basic social institution. (Tan & Pulido, 2006)

The barangays are partners of the national government to respond to

development challenges because of their strategic situation at the grassroots

level especially in the effective and efficient service delivery to the community.

The synergy created by the barangays in service delivery reflects the state of

governance of the city or the municipality.

As the basic political unit, the barangay serves as the primary planning

and implementing unit of government programs, basic services, projects and

activities and as a forum in which the collective views of the people in the

community may be crystallized and considered. Through the barangay assembly,

people at the grassroots level may legislate directly on matters of local concerns,

making it the nearest conduit to direct democracy in the Philippines.

In the same manner, Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as the Local

Government Code of 1991 mandates that the barangay discharges three seminal

functions: a) as a political unit b)as a primary planning and implementing unit

and c) as a forum. As a basic political unit, the barangay is the smallest body

politic used for governance in the country being a political subdivision of the

national government. As a primary planning and implementing unit, the barangay

is mandated to plan development projects and programs and implement

government policies and activities in the community, create projects in its territory

and to deliver basic services of the government to the people. As a forum, the

barangay gets the sound views of the people on various political topics.

Moreover, it also provides a venue for settling disputes amicably.

Today, man has always encountered management challenges and

idiosyncrasies everywhere he goes. However, it does not necessarily mean that

man has to enter politics in order to serve his people. Although, the trend, that

man usually renders service to his fellowmen, if one positions himself in an

elective office. Our society is increasingly dominated by the belief of individual


This belief is that people should achieve success through hard work and

ability. This is seen as the fairest and most especially an efficient way to

distribute the social status and marital rewards within the society. We need to

have competent government leaders that can promote the general welfare of the

public especially the grassroots level.

The barangay tughan of Juban, Sorsogon is also practicing the function of

the Barangay Justice System through Lupong Tagapamayapa, the barangay has

some cases of local dispute and cases that need to be settled in the

pamahalaang barangay and as they are responsible for sustainable practices of

the system toward barangay peace and order.

Raising awareness to the constituents is also proceeding to this study so

that the delivery of services and promotion of transparency and accountability in

barangay governance is always present.

For this reasons the researcher is desirous of knowing the functions and

scope of the barangay Justice System.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempted to find out practices of The Barangay Justice System

(Katarungang Pambarangay) of Tughan; Its Effectiveness to barangay Peace

and order as anchored to The Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law under

R.A. 7160, otherwise known as the local Government Code of 1991. It also

answered the following sub-problem;

1. What are the different cases brought before the Katarungang Pambarangay?

2. How effective the Katarungang Pambarangay in terms of:

a. Their conciliation effort to reconcile parties

b. Enforcement of rules and governing laws

c. Proper application of the legal procedures for alternative dispute resolution

3. What are the implications of the barangay justice system to the barangay

Peace and Order?

4. What program can be proposed to help barangay justice system of tughan

through sustainability of Peace and order?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will cover barangay Tughan from the municipality of Juban,

Sorsogon with 5 members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa as respondents and 5

from the Sanguniang Pambarangay and 5 from local residents of the barangay.

Other members of Lupong Tagapamayapa, sanguniang Pambarangay and local

residents are not included in the study. The numbers of participants are enough

to answer the questions and give significant result to the study.

Significance of the Study

This study is undertaken with anticipation that the findings will be

beneficial to the following;

Teachers. This study will provide them a better understanding of

barangay governance and how it run through the support system of barangay

justice system.

Students. The result of this study will serve as their guide in assessing

the importance of barangay peace and order that will bring them understanding

on how person in authority must function in their barangay to help maintain

orderliness that will manifest within the people of barangay.

Barangay Residence. This will help them understand the importance of

amicable settlement that will establish harmony and good relationship within

them and will help them uplift the understanding of good relationship among


The Barangay Local Government. Outcome of this study will be

beneficial to the BLGU for them to amplify their knowledge regarding settlement

and resolution on petty dispute in the barangay and will establish resilient

governance that may help the locality to understand the importance of good

government and peace and order.

Future Researchers. The result of the study will be the springboard from

which future similar studies may be conducted to come up with new ideas and be

a benchmark regarding barangay governance.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following words are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Barangay Justice System. is a local justice system in the Philippines. It

is operated by the smallest of the local government units, the barangay, and is

overseen by the barangay captain, the highest elected official of the barangay

and its executive. It refers to the group of council in the barangay with the

purpose of settling dispute.

Effectiveness. Is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability

to produce desired output. When something is deemed effective, it means it has

an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.

Conceptually it is defined as the proficiency of the result of resolving a disoute.

Barangay.Formerly referred to as barrio, is the smallest administrative

division in the Philippine government system. It is the smallest unit in the


Peace and order . Is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the

absence of hostility and violence. Is refers to the absence of dispute and


Conciliation.  Is an alternative dispute resolution process whereby the

parties to a dispute use a conciliator, who meets with the parties both separately.

Conceptually it is a resolution made by the Katarungang Pambrangay.

Dispute Resolution. Is the process of resolving disputes between parties.

The term dispute resolution is sometimes used interchangeably with conflict



Manuel, M., & Vigo, M. (2004). Katarungang Pambarangay: A Handbook. Sentro

ng Alternatibong Lingap Panligal (SALIGAN); Philippines-Canada Local

Government Support Program (LGSP).

Gullas, J. (1947). Philippine Government: Past and Present.



Martinez, A. M. (2002). Mediation in Courts in the Barangay Justice System.

Philippine Judicial Journal, 74-80.

Tan, B. K., & Pulido, M. G. (2006). KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY LAW: ITS


INCRIMINATION. Philippine Law Journal, 427.

Uy vs. Contreras, G.R. No. 111416 (September 26, 1994).

Ercide v. Hernandez, A.M. No. MTJ-00-1265, (April 6, 2000)




To have a wide-ranging understanding of this research, the researcher

referred to several literature and studies that are related to the present study.

Related Literature

The existing law governing the Barangay Justice System is Republic Act

No. 7160. Pertinent provisions on BJS are Sections 399 – 422 under Chapter 7,

Title one, Book III; Section 17 (b) (iv); Section 389 (b) (10); 391 (a) (15); and

Section 515. Section 1117 (b) (iv) of the Code mandates the barangay to

maintain the BJS as one of the basic services. Also, Section 389 (b) (10) directs

the punong barangay to administer the operation of the BJS. Section 391 (a) (15)

grants benefits to lupon members and Section 515 prescribes sanctions to

parties who will fully refuse to appear during the scheduled hearing.

The lupong tagapamayapa or lupon is a body organized in every barangay

composed of the punong barangay as the chairperson and not less than ten and

more than twenty members. They are in-charge of conflict resolution in the


According to Szerletics (2000), the notion of good governance can be

conceived as a basket of many practices, including, for example, professional

civil service, anti-corruption policies, transparency and accountability, democratic

decision-making, the principle of the rule of law, protection of human rights and

independent judiciary.

That same thing applied to the local governance that it must apply a

democratic and humane decision that does not look for favor but rather it it in

accordance to the ruling of pair and just decision of the council.

As discussed by Stoker (2008), in his book entitled “Governance as

theory: five Propositions”, governance is ultimately concerned with creating the

conditions for ordered rule and collective action. The outputs of governance are

not therefore different from those of government. It is rather a matter of a

difference in processes. Governance is on occasions used to provide the

acceptable face of spending cuts. It is a code for less government. The rise of

governance undoubtedly reflects to a degree a search for reductions in the

resource commitment and spending of government. It involves recognition of the

limits of government. Yet its rise reflects a range of broader forces. Governance

is not the narrow product of fiscal crisis. The governance perspective works if it

helps us identify important questions, although it does claim to identify a number

of useful answers as well. It provides a reference point which challenges many of

the assumptions of traditional public administration.

Peter (1998) indicated that the old adage that "to govern is to choose"

remains true, and indicates that priority setting is a central feature of governing.

The basic argument here is that one organization, or a single government, is the

most probable source of governance in the sense of priority setting and

coordination of policies.

This argument has been made within national governments, as the need

for increased levels of priority setting through the budget process, for example,

tends to drive decisions upward to central agencies or perhaps even to chief

executives, even in spite of, or perhaps because of, continuing pressures to de-

concentrate and decentralize as many aspects of government as possible.

Such notions are connected to the present study because the

aforementioned are connected in terms of decision making that lead to

harmonious settlement with the purpose of result based governance in the

barangay through the help of barangay justice system.

Zaide (1997) , emphasized that the history of barangay administration, the

punong barangay (barangay chairperson) plays a very important role in planning

and implementing government policies, projects and programs for the people

being governed. And such certain qualifications are considered in the succession

of one person to the position of the chief. One must be a heir of the chief.

However, if there were no qualified heirs, anyone could rise to that rank by virtue

of wisdom, physical strength, power and wealth.

In section 16 of the Local Government Code of 1991, states that every

local government unit such as the barangay exercises the powers expressly

granted by law, those necessary implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary,

appropriate or incidental for its efficient and effective governance and those

which are essential to the promotion of general welfare.

There is a need for these public officials to possess a more thorough,

complete or at the very least adequate knowledge to acquire merit to the

demands of their constituencies of making them truly functional. They must also

possess the necessary professional training and competencies that will keep

them confident and knowledgeable in their duties.

Manuel and Vigo (2004) , stated that Republic Act 7160 or the Local

Government Code of 1991 expanded the scope and powers of the Katarungang

Pambarangay or the Barangay Justice System designed not merely to decongest

the courts of cases but to address inequalities in access to justice, particularly

experienced by marginalized communities.

The barangays, being the basic political unit in the country, is in the most

strategic position to facilitate resolution or mediation of community and family

disputes, alongside its mandate to deliver basic services.

The above mentioned are connected to the present study in terms of

facilitating conflict between and among the local residence of the barangay. The

purpose of the Katarungang pambarangay merely encompassed to promote

peace and order and a well-mannered society.

Related Studies

Feble (2014) , in his study stated that The Local Government Code, “any

individual who has a cause of action against another individual involving any

matter within the authority of the Lupon may complain, orally or in writing, to the

Lupon Chairman”. The law is clear in its contention in emphasizing that the

matter involved shall be between individual vs individual, while the word

Individual means the natural person, not juridical like that of the corporation or

partnership. Thus, when one party is a juridical person, the complaint may be

filed directly to the court even without undergoing through barangay conciliation.

Tan & Pulido (2006) , pointed out that true to the form envisioned by its

main exponent, the Katarungang Pambarangay seeks to achieve a two-fold goal:

(l) to promote the speedy administration and enhance the quality of justice by

relieving the courts of docket congestion caused by indiscriminate filing of cases;

and (2) to perpetuate and officially recognize the time-honored tradition of

amicably settling disputes among family and barangay members at the barangay

level, without judicial recourse, thus, implementing the constitutional mandate to

preserve and develop Filipino culture, and to strengthen the family as a basic

social institution.

Tan & Pulido, (2006) showed that mediation and conciliation necessarily

involve a "laying of cards" by the parties. In order to arrive at an amicable

settlement, the parties must feel free to talk about their problems, mundane as

they are, even those which do not have a direct bearing on the dispute sought to

be resolved.

This is a natural phenomenon in conciliation, more so in Philippine setting,

because it is person oriented. It is deeply concerned in knowing the personalities

of the disputants, on knowing what values are held by the parties, so that a trade-

off of values may be effected to restore disrupted harmonious relationship or to

create such harmony where there is none. This nature of the conciliation

process, therefore, extracts all statements from the parties as may be necessary

and sufficient to arrive at a settlement.

According to Lipson (1965), Politics involves the fundamentals of social

order with the formation of groups. Society is a system of groups which are the

breeding grounds for politics. Good governance can foster public participation in

policymaking and promote inclusion in decision-making processes. A society that

is well governed should provide maximum opportunities for every individual to

realize his full human potential.

Thus by practicing good governance in a basic political unit such as the

barangay, it can be an effective tool for the promotion of the general welfare of

the people, thus would serve as an assessment for the performance of the

elective barangay officials. This inquiry notes that good governance of a

barangay can be affected by the lack of capabilities of officials; indecisiveness

during assumption of duties as officers‐in‐charge

According to Presthus (1975), political interest permeates the whole fabric

of Government- machinery or agency in which the political unit exercises

authority and performs its functions. Public administration or governance works in

a highly political environment. Politics searches for ends as well as means for the

betterment of the society it serves: in terms of structure, political exercise,

influences and attempts to bind communities on political issues.

Accordingly, the presented discussion above are associated to the present

study since it discussed the need of the barangay to have a smooth and orderly

settlement exercised by the local authorities, all through the discussion the main

purpose of katarungang pambarangay is to convey peace and order and need

not to settle cases through courts if cases can be settled in the barangay.

Synthesis of the State of the Art

The idea of strengthening the traditional ways of settling disputes at the

barangay level was an off- shoot and alternative mechanism to the continuing

congestions of cases filed in the regular courts of the Philippines. Thousands of

cases that need immediate response were not properly acted upon due to

limited number of judges, aside from the incapacity of the disputing parties to pay

lawyers, and shoulder the burden of expensive court arraignment

According to Szerletics, Peter , and Stoker, governance can be

considered as a carrier of many practices and these practices can improve the

services given by the government which will lead to anti-corruption policies,

pellucidity and responsibility that all can enjoy democratic principle in accordance

to the rule of law, protection of human rights and self-governing judiciary. The

basic argument here is that one organization, or a single government, is the most

probable source of governance in the sense of priority setting and coordination of


Zaide, Manuel and Vigo, emphasized the punong barangay (barangay

chairperson) plays a very important role in planning and implementing

government policies, projects and programs for the people being governed. And

such certain qualifications are considered in the succession of one person to the

position of the chief and the Barangay Justice System designed not merely to

decongest the courts of cases but to address inequalities in access to justice,

particularly experienced by marginalized communities.

Feble , Tan & Pulido, pointed out that law is envisioned by its main

exponent, the Katarungang Pambarangay design to promote the speedy

administration and enhance the quality of justice by relieving the courts of docket

congestion caused by indiscriminate filing of cases; and to perpetuate and

officially recognize the time-honored tradition of amicably settling disputes among

family and barangay members at the barangay level, without judicial recourse,

thus, implementing the constitutional mandate to preserve and develop Filipino

culture, and to strengthen the family as a basic social institution.

According to Lipson, and Presthus that politics involves the fundamentals

of social order with the formation of groups. Society is a system of groups which

are the breeding grounds for politics. Public administration works in a highly

political environment. Politics searches for ends as well as means for the

betterment of the society it serves: in terms of structure, political exercise,

influences and attempts to bind communities on political issues.

It was a packaged of social development interventions aimed at promoting

family and community peace at the grassroots. It improves the awareness and

technical know-how of individuals handling disputes and cases so that they will

become more effective in their works. Further, it also enhances immediate action

of cases at the local level so that it could no longer be elevated to the municipal

level, and thus subsequently, clogging of court dockets is avoided

Gap Bridge by the Study

Some similar studies on Barangay Justice System have been

conducted which the researcher came across, they are included in the review of

related studies but he is so certain that not one study on The Barangay Justice

System (Katarungang Pambarangay) of Tughan; Its Effectiveness to barangay

Peace and order in the municipality of Juban specifically in Juban Institute. They

may be related in some aspect of the study but differ in scope and respondents.

In this study, the variables are focused on the barangay Justice system of

Tughan, its effectiveness to barangay peace and order, the intervention offered

and the plan of action. This is the gap that is bridged by the study.

Theoretical Framework

Several theories are applied to emphasize the relation of Barangay Justice

System to the effectiveness of Barangay Peace and Order.

Blue, Devanadero and Leylo concluded that training is considered

effective if this training is focused on listening, consulting, mediating and

conciliation skills rather than on formal knowledge of law. The lupong

tagapamayapa members need considerable support to keep them motivated

including continuous training, motivational meetings and some form of money


Gamboa had explained that a significant number of disputes are settled by

making unspoken accommodations required by the customs and traditions.

Historians have noted the time-honored customs of bringing disputes to the

barangay of tribal chief, of before some respected elder foe amicable settlement

of differences.

Tadiar, believed that the law states, that only natural persons may

undergo conciliation. It is also emphasized the idea that the barangays are the

smallest political subdivisions and smallest unit of government in the Philippines.

It is small in area but so big that they are actually the nearest to the people

making the easiest way to address the problems of the society. He further

discussed that administration of justice is the given mandate to the barangays

with the essential duty of conciliating both civil and criminal cases with the

qualification that penalty on the case thereto is not more than a year or has a fine

not exceeding five thousand pesos, before it may be filed before the court.

These theories considered by the researcher as the bases for building and

formulating the theory of his present study. It is conceived that Effective

Barangay Justice Systems Improve the Peace and Order in the Barangay.

Blue, Devanadero and
Leylo theory

The lupong
members need
considerable support to
keep them motivated

Researcher’s Theory

Effective Barangay
Justice Systems
Improve the Peace and
Order in the Barangay
Tadiar’s Theory

The law states, that

only natural persons Gamboa’s Theory
may undergo
conciliation A significant number of
disputes are settled by
making unspoken
accommodations required
by the customs and

Theoritical Paradigm

Figure 1

Conceptual Framework

This conceptual paradigm of the study shows how the variables are

interconnected and what intervention materials could be proposed.                 

The different variables of the study are the following: First is the is the objective

of the study to find out the Practices of The Barangay Justice System

(Katarungang Pambarangay) of Tughan; Its Effectiveness to barangay Peace

and order. Next is the process this are the methodological approach, the

statistical treatment of the data from the respondents. The output component is

the recommendations of the researcher as to the result of the study. This may

contain interventions, programs, activities and other enhancement for the

barangay to understand fully the system and have a better practice.


Alfredo F. Tadiar, Research Study on Implementation of Katarungang


Blue, Richard N., (2002). Assessment of the Centers of Local Governance:

Implementation of the Barangay Justice Service System (BJSS) Project in

Mindanao, Philippines. United States Agency for International Development

Ercide v. Hernandez, A.M. No. MTJ-00-1265, (April 6, 2000)

Gamboa, An Introduction to Philippine Law. National Book Store, 1980.

Gullas, J. (1947). Philippine Government: Past and Present.



Martinez, A. M. (2002). Mediation in Courts in the Barangay Justice System.

Philippine Judicial Journal, 74-80.

Manuel, M., & Vigo, M. (2004). Katarungang Pambarangay: A Handbook. Sentro

ng Alternatibong Lingap Panligal (SALIGAN); Philippines-Canada Local

Government Support Program (LGSP).

Ortiz, Juanito S. 2004. Handbook on KatarungangPambarangay.First Research

and Consultancy Services. Quezon City, Philippines.

Law. Ministry of Local Government, 1992. p. 55.

Tan, B. K., & Pulido, M. G. (2006). KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY LAW: ITS


INCRIMINATION. Philippine Law Journal, 427.

Uy vs. Contreras, G.R. No. 111416 (September 26, 1994).


Szerletics Antal: The role of good governance practices in the protection of fundamental

rights (2000)



This chapter outlines the strategy that adopted to answer the research

questions. Other matters, such as research design, participants of the study,

instrument, data gathering procedure and data analysis, are also described in

this section.

Research Design

This study employed a descriptive type of research. As per definition of

Sevilla, et al. descriptive research means collecting data in order to test

hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the status of the subject under

study. Since the research is a fact finding study which needs adequate and

accurate interpretation of the findings, the descriptive methods is used.

Participants of the Study

This study will cover barangay Tughan from the municipality of Juban,

Sorsogon with 5 members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa as respondents and 5

from the Sanguniang Pambarangay and 5 from local residents of the barangay.

2 male and 3 female participants from the Lupong Tagapamayapa, 3 male

and 2 female from the members of sangguniang pambarangay and 3 male and 2

females respondents from the residents of barangay tughan.

Lupong Sangguniang Residents Total

Tagapamayapa Pambaranggay

Respondents Male Female Male Female Male Female

2 3 3 2 3 2 15


Research Instrument

The researcher will prepare the questionnaire checklist as the primary

data gathering instrument. Part one is to know what is the different cases brought

before the Katarungang Pambarangay. Part two is to measure how effective the

Katarungang Pambarangay in terms of: Their resolution effort to reconcile

parties, Enforcement of rules and governing laws and Proper application of the

legal procedures for alternative dispute resolution. Part three are to know the

implications of the barangay justice system to the barangay Peace and Order.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will conduct interview and will distribute the questionnaire

– checklist. It contained checklist for the different cases brought before the

Katarungang Pambarangay. Checklist for the effectivity of the katarungang


The researcher prepares enough copies for the respondents. Letters of

permission to conduct a survey will be send personally to the punong barangay .

In the administration of the questionnaire, the researcher will explain the

instruction to the respondents emphasizing that there were no right or wrong

answers to any of the statements but their honest opinions were the only one

solicited with the assurance that their responses and other information be treated

confidentially. The questionnaire will be personally distributed and retrieved by

the researcher, thus satisfying results will be achieved.

Data Analysis

After collection, the data will be prepared for data entry. The coding of all the

information on the questionnaire will be done by assigning numbers to the

answers indicated in all sections of the questionnaire. Before the analysis of data

started, the checking of the data set for mistakes and errors was done to avoid

the distortion of the results of statistical analysis. Errors were crosschecked by

the inspection of the frequencies for each of the variables. The descriptive

statistics, including tallying of frequencies in the calculation of percentages, and

central tendency summaries were used for data analysis.


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