Paper MARWA BOUAZIZ - Industria Textila 5 - 2020

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Multi-objective optimization of extraction of Tunisian Washingtonia filifera

fibers for technical textile applications

DOI: 10.35530/IT.071.05.1716




Multi-objective optimization of extraction of Tunisian Washingtonia Filifera fibers for technical textile applications
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of extraction treatment method on the properties of WPF (Washingtonia
palm fibres). The employed treatment is a combined mechanical and chemical sodium hydroxide. The treatment
processes was described and evaluated. The physical properties (linear density, diameter and extraction yield), and the
mechanical properties (tenacity) of WPF were measured. The optimum extraction condition has been determined by a
statistical study using desirability function. Obtained fibres under optimal conditions were characterized with
morphological test (SEM), chemical tests (FT-IR spectra, X ray diffraction) and thermal test (TGA). Fibre obtained can
be employed on technical textile applications and in particular drylaid nonwoven.
Keywords: chemical properties, fibre extraction, factorial design, palm fibre, physical properties

Optimizarea multi-obiectiv a extracției fibrelor de palmier Washingtonia filifera din Tunisia pentru utilizare
în textile tehnice
Scopul acestui studiu este de a investiga influența metodei de tratament prin extracție asupra proprietăților WPF (fibrele
de palmier Washingtonia). Tratamentul utilizat este unul combinat, mecanic și chimic cu hidroxid de sodiu. Procesele de
tratare au fost descrise și evaluate. Au fost determinate proprietățile fizice (densitatea liniară, diametrul și randamentul
de extracție) și proprietățile mecanice (tenacitatea) ale WPF. Condiția optimă de extracție a fost determinată printr-un
studiu statistic, care se bazează pe funcția de oportunitate. Fibrele obținute în condiții optime au fost caracterizate cu
ajutorul testului morfologic (SEM), testelor chimice (spectre FT-IR, difracție de raze X) și testului termic (TGA). Fibra
obținută poate fi utilizată pentru textile tehnice și, în special, la nețesutele cu fixare uscată.
Cuvinte-cheie: proprietăți chimice, extracția fibrei, proiectare factorială, fibre de palmier, proprietăți fizice

INTRODUCTION enzymatic treatment on the properties of doum palm

Palm tree is a monocotyledonous plant belonging to fibres and composites [6]. Most of these papers were
the family of Arecaceae. This family varies greatly concentrated in the application of palm fibres on
and has an incredible morphological diversity [1]. In composite and plastic reinforced material but no
recent years palm fibres have been the subject of attempt has been made to search for the use of palm
numerous research studies with the main focus on fibres in technical textile applications, particularly dry
environmental impact and biocompatibility of rein- nonwovens where specific properties of fibres (diam-
forced biocomposites. Especially, oil palm was attrac- eter, strength, stiffness) are required.
tive and usage of palm based fibres reinforcing poly- The process of extraction of fibres is of great impor-
mers has undergone a dramatic increase [2, 3]. tance, since the quality as well as the quantity of
Sreekala et al. focused on oil palm fibre as an impor- extracted fibres is strongly influenced by the methods
tant lignocellulosic raw material for the preparation of of extraction employed [9]. The template vegetable
environmentally friendly composite materials [4]. fibres can be extracted by various methods ranging
Aldousiri et al. used extracted oil palm in reinforcing from mechanical, chemical and microbial action pro-
of high density polyethylene (HDPE) [3]. Date palm cesses [10, 11]. Several studies have revealed how
and doum palm fibres were studied also [5–8]. various methods such as silane, alkali, peroxide, and
Mohamed et al. focused on thermal characteristics isocyanate treatments affect the properties of natural
and microstructure of a new insulation material fibres [12, 13]. Out of these methods, it has been
extracted from date palm trees surface fibre [7]. observed that one of the simplest, most economical
Djoudi et al. studied the performance of date palm and effective forms of treatment with least environ-
fibres reinforced plaster concrete [8]. Essabir et al. mental impact, is alkali treatment particularly using
studied dynamic mechanical thermal behaviour of NaOH [14].
doum fibres reinforced polypropylene composites [5]. In this paper, a combined mechanical and chemical
Zbidi et al. analysed the influence of alkaline and process was elaborated for the extraction of

industria textila 411 2020, vol. 71, no. 5
Washingtonia Palm Fibres (WPF). A multi-objective The factor levels were chosen based on literature
method based on Deming desirability function was first and thereafter adjusted based on our preliminary
used to optimize process yield and important fibre tests results. Indeed, in most of the references e.g.
properties (extraction yield, fibre diameter, linear den- [17–18] 100°C temperature is the most widely adopt-
sity and tenacity). This study is completed by an ed value for palm fibre extraction. In our study it was
advanced characterization with morphological, ther- proved respectively that: at 80°C the extraction is no
mal and chemical tests were made for the fibres longer possible and at 120°C the fibre was hydrol-
extracted under the optimal condition. Our final ysed [19]. After treating the foliages of palm leaves,
objective is to evaluate the potential of using these they were rinsed in hot water several times, then they
fibres in technical textile application and in particular were mechanically brushed using a metallic brush;
Drylaid Nonwoven. the brush is moved in the longitudinal direction of the
edges of sheets in order to separate fibres. Finally,
MATERIAL AND METHODS the obtained fibres are dried to the ambient air for
Material 48 h. The treated fibres were physically, mechanical-
ly and chemically characterized in order to measure
Palm fibres were collected from the palm termed
their properties. The tests carried out on a batch of
“Washingtonia filifer”. This biomass was chosen due
conditioned fibres in a normal atmosphere (relative
to their abundance in the roads and the green spaces
humidity: 65% ± 4%, temperature: 20°C ± 2°C).
of Tunisia as an ornament tree. The source of these
fibres is the foliage of the palm tree in particular from Physical fiber tests
the leaflets. The leaflet is a constituent of the leaf of Yield of fibers (R %) is measured by the weight per-
the tree. Indeed, the leaf consists of several parts: the centage of final mass of the fibres after extraction
blade and the leaf axis, the latter is itself divided into process (Mf) with respect to that of the palm folioles
a sheath encircling the stem, leafstalk and rachis before extraction process (Mi). The measurement of
bearing leaflets [1]. the mass is performed using the gravimetric method
Fiber extraction in accordance with standard NF G 08-001.
In this study, we first extracted the palm fibres and Mf
R (%) = × 100 (1)
remove non-cellulosic materials using an alkali treat- Mi
ment [15] using NaOH. An experimental design Diameter was measured using an optic microscope
scheme was followed for optimizing the extraction Leica, in accordance with the French standard NF G
process (table 1). All statistical analyses have been 07-004 (1983). The test is carried out on 300 fibres
carried out using the statistical software minitab [16]. chosen at random.
An experimental database has been constructed The linear density was measured by weighing fibres
summarizing the palm extraction parameters. In this of known lengths using the gravimetric method and
database (27 tests), we used as input variables the according to the standard ISO 1973(1995).
temperature (T), the extraction time (d) and the soda The tensile tests of the fibres were performed under
concentration (C). The outputs are the extraction standard conditions with a LLOYD dynamometer
yield (Y), the fibre diameter (D), the fibre linear den- according to NF G07-002 standard. The length
sity (LD) and the fibre tenacity (T). between clamps was taken equal to 20 mm; the
crosshead speed was 20 mm/min and the load was
measured using a 100 N load. The values are report-
Table 1 ed as the means of 50 measurements.
The density measurement of the WPF was carried
FEATURES OF THE FACTORIAL DESIGN out using a gas pycnometer which is recognized as
Levels one of the most reliable techniques for obtaining den-
Factors sity. That was made using The AccuPyc II 1340.
1 2 3
Time d (min) 60 90 120 Morphological fibre tests
Temperature T (°C) 80 90 100 The technical WPF obtained are morphologically
Soda concentration C (N) 1 2 3 characterized. The specimens were observed using
a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to character-
ize the morphology of treated and untreated fibres.
The raw fibres were immersed in a digital water bath
according conditions below: Thermal and chemical fibre tests
• 10 g of leaflets of palm tree; Crystal phase characterization was carried out using
• Liquor ratio = 1/40; XRD and ATR -FTIR analyses. X-Ray Diffraction
• Temperature T (°C) ranges from 80°C to 100°C; (XRD) analyses patterns were recorded using a D8
• Duration d (min) of treatment ranges from 60 to Discover diffractometer (Bruker) equipped with a
120 min; LynxEye detector. Cu Kα radiation (l = 1.541 Å) with
• Sodium hydroxide concentration C (N) ranges from a tube voltageand amperage set at 40 kV and 40 mA
1 N to 3 N. respectively was used as reference configuration.

industria textila 412 2020, vol. 71, no. 5
Compressed fibre samples were placed onto a flat- density against hydroxide treatment. In fact, the
frosted glass and analysed at room temperature with untreated fibres present a diameter of 511 µm.
a step of 0.04° (2) and a dwell time of 0.5 s from 3 However the diameter of treated fibres ranges from
to 60° (2). The use of XRD counts offers an easy 384 to 109 µm. This increased fibre fineness could be
way to evaluate the crystalline index of fibres, which attributed to the removal of gummy materials present
can be calculated from Equation below [20]: on the surface of fibres and between the ultimate
I002 – Iam fibres [21]. The lower diameter was obtained in the
Crl (%) = × 100 (2) combination (100°C, 120 min and 3 N) which con-
I002 firms result obtained from the linear density analysis.
where Crl (%) is the crystalline index, I002 – the max- In order to obtain a fine structure, extraction condi-
imum intensity of the 002 lattice diffraction plane at a tions need to be cruel. In fact, treatment duration,
2 angle between 22°and 23°, Iam – the intensity soda concentration, and temperature, favour the sep-
diffraction at an angle 2 close to 18° representing aration of WPF and their cleanings while removing
amorphous materials in plant fibres. impurities. These impurities, such as pectin, lignin,
ATR-FTIR spectra of the WPF were recorded using a hemicelluloses, wax, and fat materials, held the
Nicolet iS10 Thermo Scientific connected to an ATR fibres in bundles. This reduction in fibres fineness
accessory. The analysis of the samples is carried out (diameter and linear density) could be proved by the
on the surface and up to a beam penetration depth of results shown for the yield extraction.
a few micrometres. As revealed in main effect plot for yield (figure 3), the
The thermal stability of fibres was evaluated by ther- yield decreased when engraving extraction condi-
mo gravimetric analysis (TGA).The WPF were placed tions. The highest extraction yield is obtained while
proceeding in the least severe conditions of treat-
in a NETZSCH TG 209 F1 Libra thermo gravimetric,
ment which confirms the important fineness of fibres
under argon and were heated up to 800°C, with a
resulted in this case (diameter = 384 µm; linear den-
heating rate of 5°C/min.
sity = 40 Tex). Therefore, in such condition, the alka-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION lization was not effective to remove foreign sub-
stances bundling fibres. When temperature, soda
Effect of the treatment processes on the
concentration and duration of treatment increased,
physical properties of WPF fibres
the elimination of non-cellulosic components became
To better visualize the effect of extraction conditions faster and more important, however yield decreased
on physical properties of palm fibres, the effects of and consequently fineness.
the main parameters were graphically illustrated. As
shown in figure 1, the fibre’s linear density decreases Effect of the treatment processes on the
when aggravating treatment conditions (concentra- mechanical properties of WPF fibres
tion of soda, temperature, duration of treatment). In The mechanical properties of textile fibres are very
fact, the linear density of untreated fibres amounts to interesting properties. They define the behaviour of
41 Tex whereas that of treated fibres ranges from 40 fibres during different transformation processes and
to 13 Tex. This reduced mass per unit length could be the properties of the finished products made from
attributed to the removal of waxy and gummy materi- these fibres. Depending on the significance of their
als deposited on fibres. The lower linear density was characteristics, the lignocellulosic fibres such as
obtained under T = 100°C, treatment duration of 120 those of the palm fibre can be used in various appli-
min and soda concentration of 3 N. This confirms the cations [22]. The tenacity is defined by the ratio of the
result obtained of diameter. maximum load a specimen can support and its linear
Moreover, as shown in diameter plot (figure 2), the density. As shown in the main effect plot for tenacity
diameter revealed the same behaviour with linear (figure 4), the tenacity of fibres has changed after the

Fig. 1. Main effect plot for linear density Fig. 2. Main effect plot for diameter

industria textila 413 2020, vol. 71, no. 5
Fig. 3. Main effect plot for Yield Fig. 4. Main effect plot of tenacity

alkaline treatment. The fibres obtained at the mild significant influence on the fibbers’ property [22, 24].
condition of treatment (temperature, soda concentra- Results of the p-values are shown in table (2).
tion and duration) have a low tenacity while the From this table, we can notice that the most influenc-
removal of impurities from fibres was ineffective in ing parameter on the measured properties was tem-
this case. When aggravating treatment conditions, perature and duration which was predominant.
the tenacity was improved. This can be explained by
the fact that the soda treatment in this condition, Optimization of treatment conditions
favoured arrangement of macromolecular chains of In order to optimize the treatment conditions we have
cellulose while eliminating lignin and hemicelluloses used the desirability functions in which we took into
deposited on the fibre. This increases the crystallini- account the target “Y target”, and the importance of
ty of the fibres and subsequently their resistance [23]. every property “Yi” in the definition of global desir-
In fact, the fibres tenacity achieved a threshold (53, ability [25]. In this study, it was used two types of
55 cN/Tex) in the combination (2 N, 100°C and 90 desirability functions “di”: desirability function to max-
min). When aggravated the extraction conditions, the imize and to minimize. Thus, to maximize a property
tenacity of fibres declined (< 23.5 cN/Tex) as a result “Yi”, such as the yield, strength and elongation, the
of destruction of cellulosic structure and greater desirability function had to be used, where di was
impurity removal. calculated as follows:
d = 0 if Yi ≤ Ymin;
Degree of control factors influence on the
physical and mechanical properties Yi – Ymin
di = if Ymin ≤ Yi ≤ Ytarget; (3)
In order to conclude on the importance of extraction Ytarget – Ymin
conditions, a statistical analysis of the effect of tem-
di = 1 if Yi ≥ Ytarget
perature, soda concentration and duration of the
treatment on the various properties was developed. To minimize a property “Yi”, the desirability function
The p-value is used in hypothesis tests to help you had to be used, where di was calculated as follows:
decide whether to reject or accept a null hypothesis. d = 1 if Yi ≤ Ytarget ;
The p-value is the probability of obtaining a statistic
test that is at least as extreme as the actual calculat- Yi – Ymax
di = if Ytarget ≤ Yi ≤ Ymax; (4)
ed value, if the null hypothesis is true. A commonly Ytarget – Ymax
used cut-off value for the p-value is 0.05. For exam-
di = 0 if Yi ≥ Ymax
ple, if the calculated p-value of a test statistic is less
than 0.05, you reject the null hypothesis. This null For each property affecting the global desirability, it
hypothesis in our case is the factor that has no was calculated the satisfaction degree “dg” and we

Table 2


Dependent variables Linear density (Tex) Diameter (µm) Yield (%) Tenacity (cN/Tex)
significant influence significant influence insignificant influence significant influence
Soda concentration (N)
(p<0.05) (p<0.05) (p>0.05) (p<0.05)
significant influence insignificant influence significant influence insignificant influence
Temperature (°C)
(p<0.05) (p>0.05) (p<0.05) (p>0.05)
significant influence significant influence significant influence insignificant influence
Duration (min)
(p<0.05) (p<0.05) (p<0.05) (p>0.05)

industria textila 414 2020, vol. 71, no. 5
attributed a relative weight to indicate the property’s The statistical study determined the optimum treat-
importance. These different satisfaction degrees ment conditions which are: 100°C as temperature,
were grouped by using the Derringer and Suich 2 N as soda concentration and during 90 min.
desirability function [26] defined as follows:
Characterization of fibres treated with optimum

dg = d1w1 × d1w2 × ... × d1wn (5) conditions
where di is the individual property’s desirability Morphological properties
function Yi i  [1,…,n], wi – the weight of the proper- Figure 5, a and 6, a represent the longitudinal views
ty Yi in the “dg” desirability function, w – the sum of of untreated and treated WPF respectively. As shown
wi and n – the number of properties. The compromise in the figure, the untreated fibres were covered by
between the properties (minimize fibre linear density gummy and waxy material on their surfaces. After the
and diameter, maximize yield and tenacity) was bet- combined treatment, SEM micro-graphics show an
ter when “dg” increased; it became “perfect” when improvement in surface morphology. Application of
“dg” was equal to 1. When the satisfaction degree “di” soda treatment helped removing large impurities
of the property Yi was equal to 0, the response had a amount of from the fibre surface and causes fibrilla-
value outside of the tolerance of the function “dg” was tion. It was observed that a dimensional variation of
equal to 0 and so the compromise was rejected. To the fibre upon transverse cut (figures 5, b and 6, b).
define the desirability function, we had to set the The structure of the technical WPF fibre was similar
objective for every property. These different objec- to that of natural fibres: sisal, esparto [5]. It repre-
tives are reported in table 3. The results of desirabili- sented a natural composite in which the ultimate
ty for each property and the optimum values for the microfibrils of cellulose constituted the reinforcement
independent variables are presented in table 4 and and the ligneous substances constituted the matrix
table 5. [17]. Ray et al. [27] reported that the progressive
increase in the time of treatment causes the reduc-
Table 3 tion of the mass of the fibre until stabilization; that is,
the treatment eliminates only the residual impurities
THE OPTIMUM LEVELS OF PROPERTIES and does not attack microfibrils of cellulose. As
shown in figure 6, b, the treatment eliminated waxy
Objective Min Max substances present on the surface of untreated
fibres. The treatment decreased the amorphous cel-
Linear density (Tex) Minimize - 30 lulose quantity to the detriment of the crystalline
Diameter (µm) Minimize - 250 quantity [28]. According to the morphological survey
Yield (%) Maximize 28 - made date palm fibre (DPF), the external layer is the
Tenacity (cN/Tex) Maximize 18 - lignin [28].
Figure 6 shows an increase of pore number in fibres
after alkali treatment. The result agrees with previous
Table 4
studies conducted on the date palm fibre (DPF) [28].
By using aqueous solution, a large number of regu-
VARIABLES larly distributed holes appeared on the fibre surface.
These holes were caused by the reaction between
Dependent Desirability
Value Weight the aqueous solution and the outer layer of fibres;
variables di (%)
these holes originated from the removal of the fatty
Linear density (Tex) 17.34 100 1 deposit already existing on the surface. This large
Diameter (µm) 128.84 100 1 number may also tend to decrease the mechanical
Yield (%) 32.07 82 1 properties of single fibres.
Tenacity (cN/Tex) 30.73 100 1 Physical properties
Global desirability (dg) - 95.04 - Similar to other lignocellulosic fibres, the chemical
treatments used in this study induced variation in the
Note: di denotes individual desirability of dependent variables (lin-
fibbers’ physicochemical properties. The density of
ear density, diameter, yield, and strength).
WPF treated at optimum conditions was found
between 1.50 g/cm3 and 1.53 g/cm3, very close to
Table 5
that of other natural fibres: the ramie, the jute, the
flax, etc. Table 6 summarizes the densities for the
VARIABLES natural fibres. The treatment increased the density of
WPF. The lower density of untreated palm fibre when
Value Real value compared to treated fibres could be attributed to
large fibre diameter after treatment, which resulted in
Temperature (°C) 3 100
an increase in the diameter of the central void
Soda concentration (N) 2 2 (lumen). Al-Khanbashi et al. and Josef et al. reported
Duration (min) 2 90 similar concerns with date palm fibre (DPF) and sisal

industria textila 415 2020, vol. 71, no. 5
Fig. 5. SEM of untreated WPF (a) longitudinal and (b) cross-sectional views

Fig. 6. SEM of treated WPF at the optimum conditions (a) longitudinal and (b) cross- sectional views

Table 6 Table 7

Fibers Density (g/cm3)
Linear density Apparent
Banana tree 1.4 – 1.45 Fiber
(Tex) diameter (µm)
Sisal 1.45
Doum palm leafstalk
Jute 1.44 45.67 315.4
Ramie 1.56
Kenaf 12 123
Flax 1.54
Typha fiber 31.3 205.1
Alfa 1.35
Agave Americana 1.36 Esparto 21.95 -
Untreated WPF 1.15 Untreated WPF 41 511
Treated WPF 1.50 – 1.53 Treated WPF 19 132

fibres [28–29]. The alkali treatment affected the cen- Treated WPF had an apparent diameter of approxi-
tral voids and contributed to the gradual elimination mately 131 µm. The apparent diameter of untreated
of microvoids, which may have resulted in an WPF was 511 µm. The exterior area of the fibre
increase in fibre density. increased due the elimination of impurities of lignin
The linear density values obtained from the various and hemicelluloses. Equally the experimental result
for diameter is in good agreement with the statistical
palm fibre types and other natural fibres are present-
result (table 4). The apparent diameter of technical
ed in table 7. It was observed that the experimental
WPF approximated that of the other natural fibres; it
result for linear density is in good agreement with the was always lower than 1000 µm and close to that of
statistical result (table 4). It was varied from 41 Tex of the kenaf fibre.
raw material to 19 Tex of optimum treated WPF. Their Mechanical properties
linear densities are less than fibres extracted from Non cellulosic material, constituting a part of natural
leafstalk of doum palm [4] and typha fibres [30]. But fibres [35], could be removed by appropriate alkali
they are close to fibre extracted from esparto [31]. treatments, which affect the tensile characteristic of

industria textila 416 2020, vol. 71, no. 5
the fibre [36]. To assess this hypothesis, tensile prop- appear in the pattern corresponding to crystalline
erties of the chemically extracted fibres were deter- phase. The characteristic main peaks of cellulose at
mined by a LLOYD LRX tensile tester. Figure 7 illus- 2θ = 16°, 23.43° and 34.5° can be observed. These
trates load elongation diagram of treated WPF at peaks are indicative of the presence of cellulose [37].
optimum condition and untreated WPF. We notice According to several authors [38–39], these two
that treatment improved the mechanical properties of peaks can be attributed to cellulose I and IV, both
WPF markedly the tensile strength but not the elon- having a monoclinic structure. The XRD pattern of
gation to the break. There was an increase in the treated WPF has similar features to that of untreated
breaking strength to an average of almost 50%. It WPF but with a higher diffraction peak at 22.90°
could be linked to the increase in the degree of which may be attributed a crystalline cellulosic peak.
arrangement of the cellulose (crystalline regions), the The height of this peak can be due to the contribution
reduction of the lignin rate in the fibre, the removal of of both the amorphous and the crystalline fractions
the amorphous matter and the lumen reduction of according Sreenivasan et al. [35]. The increase in
concentration of NaOH treatment increased the crys-
fibres. This disagrees with the work of Sghaier et al.
tallinity index due to the removal of amorphous
who proved an improvement in tensile strength as
phase. Similar effects were observed for sisal fibre
well as elongation to break [17].
[40]. This is supported by the improvement in crys-
talline index (CrI) values (38 % for untreated fibre and
62% for treated fibres) which was calculated accord-
ing to the method of Segal. This value is higher than
that of the Wrighitia tinctoria seed fibre (49.2%) and
ramie (58%); it is close to the value for cotton (60%)
and smaller than that for raffia textilis (64%), sisal
(71%), jute (71%), flax (80%) and hemp (88%) [39,

Fig. 7. Load elongation diagrams for treated WPF

The quality of any textile fibre largely depends on its

two important properties, namely fineness and tenac-
ity. The WPF have important mechanical properties.
The WPF obtained have a better tenacity than the
other vegetable fibres such as cotton, jute and agave
Fig. 8. X-ray diffraction spectra of raw and treated WPF
Americana L (table 8). We note that the experimental
result of tenacity is in good agreement with the sta-
tistical analyses (table 4). Fourier transforms infrared spectrometry
The chemical structure of WPF and the effects of
Table 8 NaOH treatment on the fibre’s surface were also
studied using FTIR. The FTIR spectra for WPF are
TENACITY AND ELONGATION OF VEGETABLE FIBER presented in figure 9. The band positions vary
between studies. When the variability of the position
Elongation Tenacity is taken into account, the bands at 3400 cm–1 and
(%) (cN/Tex) 760 cm–1 can be attributed to cellulose Iβ [44, 45].
Cotton 7–8 26 – 44 The bands at 1740 cm–1 and 1510 cm–1 are attribut-
ed to lignin [44]. The CH stretch at 2838 cm–1 and
Jute 1.5 – 1.8 26 – 51
Alfa 1.5 – 2.4 -
Agave americana.L 49.64 28.3
Untreated WPF 4.5 13.2
Treated WPF 2.9 34

XRD analysis
The crystallographic structure and chemical compo-
sition were carried out by X-ray diffraction technique,
for treated and untreated fibres. The XRD patterns of
the treated and untreated WPF are shown in figure 8.
Fig. 9. FT-IR spectra’s of raw and treated WPF
It can be clearly observed that the diffraction peaks

industria textila 417 2020, vol. 71, no. 5
2905 cm–1 are present in the spectrum. The carbonyl CONCLUSION
band at 1720 cm–1 can be seen in the spectrum. The Vegetation associated with agriculture and forestry is
band at 1720 cm–1 is also attributed to the C=O a large source for extracting fibres, which has been
stretch of the acetyl groups of hemicelluloses largely under-utilized. The Washingtonia palm fiber
[35–46]. The band at 1060 cm–1 is a stretching vibra- (WPF) is vegetable fibre which derives from of the
tion of C-O. palm “Washingtonia filifera”. This plant does not need
Thermal stability
particular attention on cultivating them but their main-
The thermal properties of palm fibre were carried out
tenance of the plantations produces a great amount
by TGA under argon in the range of 25–800°C at a
heating rate of 5°C/min. The TGA curve for WPF is of waste material. For that reason, we aimed to val-
presented in figure 10. orise it. The process of extraction of WPF results in
The fibre mass decreased from about 93% (at an excellent quality of fibre. The optimum extraction
100°C) to 89% (at 250°C) and to 32% (at 350°C). conditions were found to be the average parameters
Different regions can be associated with the loss of of the extraction process with 2 N soda concentration
retained water at 100°C, hemicellulose degradation and 100°C for 90 min. In this study we have investi-
in the 200–260°C region, cellulose degradation at gated the physical, mechanical, morphological chem-
240–350°C and lignin degradation at 280–500°C ical and thermal properties of this fibre. The treatment
[43, 45]. Between 100 and 250°C, degradation eliminated the residual impurities. Therefore it
turned the ligno-cellulosic fibre into a brownish colour decreased the diameter, the linear density and
material, losing its strength, although this was not increased the density of fibres. WPF presented a nat-
quantified. At higher temperatures, up to 500°C, car- ural composite in which fibrils of cellulose constituted
bonization occurred with accentuated loss of materi- the reinforcement and the ligneous and gummy sub-
al. The degradation reactions of lignin and cellulose stances constituted the matrix. The fibres had some
become exothermic at about 270 and 300°C, respec- morphological properties similar to those of other nat-
tively. Pyrolysis of a cellulose occurred at about
ural fibres such as the esparto. The FTIR spectra
300°C and of lignin at about 400°C, while hemicellu-
revealed the cellulosic structure of these fibres and
lose decomposed at a considerably lower tempera-
their modification after chemical treatment. This
ture [36]. The TGA curve profile for the untreated
change in structure is due to the increase of the cel-
fibres was similar to previous work [19].
lulose amount exposed on the fibre surface, which
increases the number of possible reaction sites (OH
and CH groups). X-ray diffraction analysis performed
to evaluate the variation of crystallinity index in
dependence of the treatment, showed how the treat-
ment improved the properties of the fibre. Finally, it is
possible to consider the alkali treatment as a useful
step in the production of WPF, since a significant
improvement in quality was observed which opens
the opportunity for using this kind of natural fibres in
Fig. 10. Thermogram (TGA) curve of untreated eco-friendly and low cost textile materials, in particu-
and treated WPF
lar nonwoven materials.


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1Laboratory of Textile Engineering, University of Monastir, Tunisia
2Transformation and Agroresources Research Unit, Institut Polytechnique Unilasalle, Rouen, France
3College of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering,
Taibah University, Saudi Arabia

Corresponding author:

e-mail: [email protected]

industria textila 420 2020, vol. 71, no. 5

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