Invest Digest 2022 1st Sem
Invest Digest 2022 1st Sem
Invest Digest 2022 1st Sem
The Official Newsletter of the Central Luzon Growth Corridor Foundation, Inc.
CL ROLL-IT Projects CRK Launches New
Reach ₱2B in 2022
Passenger Terminal
The Clark International Airport (CRK) officially launched
its new passenger terminal building envisioned to be Asia’s
next premier gateway.
The convergence program The new terminal has contactless features for passenger
of the Department of Trade safety and autonomy which include self-service check-in
and Industry (DTI) and the kiosks and bag-drop systems. On top of these, they also
Department of Public Works have all-gender restrooms, nursing stations, multi-faith
continued on page 2 continued on page 5
2 Invest Digest | 2022 1st Semester
and Highways (DPWH), more commonly within the Duterte Administration from 2016
known under the banner ROLL-IT, was to 2022.
established in 2016 through a Memorandum
of Agreement (MOA) between the two Since 2018, when the first batch of projects
agencies to develop infrastructure projects endorsed by Region 3’s ROLL-IT Regional
leading to key industries and priority Technical Working Group (RTWG) were
economic and manufacturing zones in the approved and implemented, the program
country. The MOA established the working saw the completion of seventeen (17)
arrangement between DTI and DPWH for road projects worth ₱1,012,077,000 from
the joint undertaking which envisioned to the provinces of Aurora, Bataan, Bulacan,
fuel the surge of domestic and foreign direct Pampanga and Tarlac.
investments through road projects funded
*Source: DPWH-3
Sixteen (16) projects remain to be completed from Dinalupihan, Bataan and San Felipe,
this year with a total amount of Zambales. A total of ₱700 million have been
₱315,061,000 approved under the General used to fund eleven (11) of these projects
Appropriations Act (GAA) for fiscal year in previous years, with the ongoing projects
2022. Most of the projects are continuing amounting to ₱1,015,061,000 to include
appropriations classified for multi-year the amount approved under the GAA for this
funding while five (5) are new projects year.
*Source: DPWH-3
Through the ROLL-IT program, six out of the country. The amount spent on the industry
seven provinces in Region 3 have benefitted road projects in the region is just a fraction of
from the accelerated infrastructure the ₱8.2 trillion or 7% of the country’s Gross
development and inclusive economic growth Domestic Product (GDP) allotted for public
which the program intended as part of the infrastructure expenditure from 2016 to
Build Build Build project which aims to 2022. - Rya Bianca G. Artates, DTI-3 Regional
address the huge infrastructure backlog in the Office
The sun had not shown itself yet when we decided to start our
journey on the way to one strong proof of the beauty of nature in
ANZAP Falls:
A Majestic Natural Wonder of Tarlac
By Leyana Seacor, Provincial Government of Tarlac
Wilcon Depot, one of the country’s leading The Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan
home improvement and construction supply (AFAB) contributed ₱233.1 million to the
retailer, opened Wilcon Depot Gapan City on national government from its dividend and
April 29, 2022. Located on an 11,670-square- taxes collected in 2021.
meter property at Purok Proper II, Santo
Cristo Norte in the said town, this is Wilcon’s In a news statement posted on AFAB’s official
75th store nationwide and the second store Facebook page, it stated that if broken down,
in the province after the company’s first AFAB remitted ₱73.5 million of this as part
entry with the opening of Wilcon Depot of its dividends, ₱23.2 million came from
Cabanatuan in 2017. income tax and ₱136.3 million from other
The new store opening is part of the
company’s ongoing 5-year store expansion “This success is the result of the combined
campaign, #FlyingHighTo100, which aims to diligence and dedication of the investors,
have 100 store-network nationwide by 2025, workers, and management of FAB,” AFAB
barring any unexpected external factors. Administrator Emmanuel Pineda said. “It is a
testament that although the challenge to our
With an investment amounting to ₱87.9 economy caused by the pandemic continues,
million, the retail outlet was able to generate AFAB does not stop fulfilling its goal of
122 employment opportunities for the locals. providing meaningful assistance for the town
of Mariveles and the province of Bataan,” he
Residents of Gapan, nearby towns, as well as added.
Bulakenyos can now shop in its 7,000 square
meters of selling room filled with thousands The Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB) is the
of large, high-quality and extensive solution only freeport in the Manila Bay area and is
alternatives ranging from tiles, sanitary wares, considered as the fastest-growing in the
plumbing, home furniture, residence-making Philippines. It is an ideal transshipment hub,
materials, hardware, electrical, appliances, strategically located at a prime transit point
and other do-it-yourself goods coming from for domestic, regional, and global shipping.
regional and worldwide manufacturers.
The FAB is 90.6 kilometers away from Subic
The ribbon-cutting ceremony was graced by Freeport which is equivalent to a one-hour
Wilcon Depot President and CEO Lorraine drive. Clark Freeport is 117 kilometers away
Belo-Cincochan and Wilcon Depot SEVP- from the FAB, a quick hour and a half’s trip by
COO Rosemarie Bosch-Ong together with land. It takes less than 20 minutes to travel
industry partners. - Honeylen Marie Fernando, by air to these freeports from FAB. - Mhike
DTI-Nueva Ecija Cigaral, Bataan Provincial Information Office
12 Invest Digest | 2022 1st Semester
Chinese Ambassador
H.E. Huang Xilian Visits Bataan
The Ambassador of China to the Philippines,
His Excellency Huang Xilian, visited the
Chinese companies located inside the
Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB) in Mariveles
and paid a courtesy visit to Bataan Governor
Albert Garcia at The Bunker at the Capitol,
Balanga City on April 18, 2022.
Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, vital in promoting the region and in providing
the Central Luzon Growth Corridor assistance to investors looking at Central
Foundation, Inc. (CLGCFI) headed by Tarlac Luzon as a destination for business.
Governor Susan Yap, in partnership with the
Department of Trade and Industry-Region 3 As of May 2022, the initial set of updated
(DTI-3) and the Board of Investments (BOI), data has been submitted to the BOI for
spearheaded the updating and completion of inclusion in their national databases. It has
the business and investment-related data of also formed part of the IMPACT I.D. (Impact,
the region. This was first agreed upon during Innovation, and Digitalization) project of the
the CLGCFI’s 1st Quarter Meeting for 2021 Industry Development Division (IDD) of the
held on March 18, 2021 via Zoom. DTI-3 under the Establishment of Provincial
Investment Databases for investors.
This project includes the updating and
completion of the Cost of Doing Business The regional network of Central Luzon
(CODB) of the cities and municipalities of the Investment Promotion Officers is tasked
region, Ready for Occupancy (RFO) Location to regularly update the data to ensure that
Database, Project Offers with proposals, business and investment-related information
Provincial Fact Sheets and Provincial of Region 3 is readily available for prospective
Investment Promotion Plans. These data are investors. - Rona O. Dizon, CLGCFI
Some Chinese companies were among the The governor also mentioned the creation of
first locators at the Freeport Area of Bataan the Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge that will
and became one of the biggest employers in bring further economic development not only
the freeport. to Bataan and Cavite, but also to neighboring
Governor Garcia also highlighted how China’s
efforts at alleviating poverty have become With its strategic location, Bataan as a
an inspiration. “Their rapid economic growth peninsula is an ideal launchpad for different
made a hundred million people in their industries to thrive. - Mhike Cigaral, Bataan
country level up and become the working Provincial Information Office, and Bataan
class,” he added. Provincial Tourism Office
14 Invest Digest | 2022 1st Semester
Professional Category
Jherard Balgos | Lampshade Mountain 1st Place, People’s Choice Moncada
Joselito Sulayao | Bluetooth Speaker 2nd Place Camiling
Michael Rafael | Bamboo Mahogany Clock 3rd Place Camiling
Nick Corpuz | Vase TPBIDC’s Choice Camiling
Randy Lindo | Emperor’s Lounge Governor’s Choice Tarlac City
Amateur Category
Breih Pascua | Daloy 1st Place Victoria
Mark Brian Pascual | Isa and Hiraya 2nd Place, TPBIDC’s Choice Pura
Oscar Tanedo | Likha ni Ka-Oca 3rd Place, People’s Choice, Governor’s Choice Gerona
Central Luzon Growth Corridor Foundation, Inc. 15
The main produce used for wines made in In the coming year, DTI aims to have
Zambales are the Roselle and Mango. Roselle Zambales-made wines available in all resorts
is a species of flowering plant in the genus in the province. - Kevin L. Nacabuan, PTIPO-
Hibiscus and is native to Africa. Flower buds Zambales
16 Invest Digest | 2022 1st Semester
Tarlac LEIPO
Workshop with
The Provincial Local Economic and Investment established as a government agency primarily
Promotions Office (LEIPO), together with the tasked in promoting investments, providing
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) assistance and facilitating incentives for
and the Subic-Clark Alliance for Development investors and firms within the Special
(SCAD), conducted a workshop-forum for Economic Zones.
the 18 Local Government Units of Tarlac at
the Bulwagang Kanlahi of the Diwa ng Tarlac “A few weeks ago, I also attended and
on May 19, 2022. welcomed our guests from the different
international and multi-national companies
The forum entitled “Developing Economic as part of the World Trade Tourism Council
Zones in Tarlac Province” was participated Investment Tour in Clarkfield, Pampanga. It is
in by the Investment Promotions Officer, a great opportunity for provinces like Tarlac
the Planning and Development Coordinator, and Pampanga to showcase our investment
the Assessor, the Tourism Officer, the potentials, strengths and capabilities
Business Permit and Licensing Officer, the including untapped resources that will
Legal Officer, and the Council’s Committee promote and provide an additional tourism
Chairmen on Agrarian Reform, Zoning and investment niche,” she said in her message.
Land Use, Trade Industry, Commerce and
Economic Affairs, and Appropriations and For her part, PEZA Director General Charito
Ways and Means of each local government B. Plaza, in her video message, thanked
unit. Yap and the organizers of the forum for
being invited to discuss the importance of
In Governor Susan Yap’s message read economic zone development to our growth
by Board Member Joy Gilbert Lamorena, and progress.
she mentioned the “Ambisyon Natin
2040”, a long-term vision of the Duterte Frances Margaret Canlas, the LEIPO Head
administration aimed at empowering every of the Provincial Government of Tarlac,
Filipino to achieve individual excellence. thanked PEZA Director General Plaza, PEZA
Yap likewise said that the economic zone Deputy Director General for Policy and
development is focused on the liberalization Planning, PEZA OIC-Zone Administrator
and the involvement of the private sector. of Baguio City Emmanuel Cortero, PEZA
Division Chief for Regulation and Processing
Republic Act 7916, also known as the Special Ludwig Daza, SCAD Executive Director Atty.
Economic Zone Act of 1995 enabled Carmina Fabros and other SCAD and PEZA
the private sector to participate in the participants for their support to the activity.
development and management of economic - Arvin Cabalu, Tarlac Provincial Information
zones. It is through this act where PEZA was Office
Central Luzon Growth Corridor Foundation, Inc. 17
Corporation of China Ltd. take charge of the solar Hon. Gerardo A. Noveras
Governor, Aurora
plant’s first and second phases while Ronmark
Hon. Albert Raymond S. Garcia
Corporation is in charge of the sub-station. Governor, Bataan