Pbot E-Scooter 01152019
Pbot E-Scooter 01152019
Pbot E-Scooter 01152019
Assessing the Potential of a
New Transportation Technology
Using Data and Community • E-scooter users preferred riding on low-speed streets
Engagement to Drive Decisions and in bike lanes. Many of the highest utilized
streets were part of Portland’s bikeway network. Staff
PBOT instituted data-sharing requirements as one tool to observations also found lower rates of sidewalk riding
assess the impact of e-scooters. Through the 120-day pilot on low-speed streets or those with dedicated space for
period, companies were required to provide data that included non-motorized users. Users ranked bike lanes as their
real-time availability, trip starts and destinations, routes, and preferred road type, and sidewalks last.
safety information as a condition of the permit. With this data
in hand, PBOT could understand where and when e-scooters • E-scooters attracted new people to active transportation.
were used and monitor compliance with East Portland 74 percent of local users reported never riding BIKETOWN and
deployment requirements. Data enabled City staff to see 42 percent never bicycling.
e-scooter riding patterns and miles traveled. Technical data
collection was supplemented by a rider survey, citywide poll,
Pilot Findings: Challenges Include Riding,
focus groups, an online complaint form, and community
and stakeholder input. Parking, and Equitable Access
The e-scooter pilot showed the potential of a small, light,
electric shared vehicle to move people quickly and easily
Pilot Findings: 700,000 Trips without adding to Portland traffic. At the same time, the pilot
and Lots of Potential revealed several areas where more work is needed to integrate
Tens of thousands of Portlanders and visitors alike e-scooters safely and smoothly into the fabric of our city.
enthusiastically embraced scooters. During the four-month Despite an increase in scooter-related injuries during the
period, people took 700,369 trips covering 801,887 miles on pilot period, most injuries seen by emergency rooms across
2,043 e-scooters. Trip data analysis and PBOT’s user survey Multnomah County were not severe enough to warrant
data revealed more about ridership trends: emergency transport. E-scooter injury visits accounted for
• A majority of Portlanders viewed e-scooters about 5 percent of total traffic crash injury visits during the
positively. In a representative citywide poll by DHM pilot period. PBOT additionally received 43 reports of collisions
Research, 62 percent of all Portlanders viewed e-scooters during the pilot period.
positively at the end of the pilot. Support was even We heard from Portlanders throughout the pilot period about
higher among Portlanders under 35 (71 percent), from illegal sidewalk riding and incorrect scooter parking. With
people of color (74 percent), and those with incomes speeds capped at 15 mph, scooters are appropriate for bike
below $30,000 (66 percent). lanes or low-volume streets, but they are too fast for use
• Portlanders primarily used e-scooters for on sidewalks, where they make it unsafe or uncomfortable
transportation. 71 percent of Portlanders reported for people walking or using mobility devices. And while staff
that they most frequently used e-scooters to get to a observations showed most scooters parked properly in
destination, while only a third of respondents (28.6 the sidewalk furnishing zone, improperly parked scooters
percent) said they most frequently used e-scooters for negatively impacted accessibility and created a hazard for
recreation or exercise. people with visual impairments.
New Mobility
and Context
E-scooters are an emerging technology and new mobility
service. Like bike share and car share, the service provides a
shared vehicle – in this case, a small electric-powered scooter
– to rent for one-way trips. This new service makes use of an
existing technology – the scooters themselves – and adds app-
based technology that provides the ability to share the devices
using a short-term rental business model. To begin a rental,
users unlock a scooter through the company’s smartphone app.
Some companies offer a call or text service to unlock for those
without smartphones. To end a trip, users park the scooter on
the sidewalk close to the curb and out of the pedestrian travel
zone. Many companies require riders to confirm they have
parked the e-scooter correctly by submitting a photo through
the company’s app in order to end their rental. E-scooters are
powered almost exclusively by an electric motor, after an initial
kick-off to start the device. E-scooter technology is rapidly
evolving. In 2018 multiple companies introduced new e-scooter
models and several new companies entered the market.
1. Irfan, Umair. (2018, Sept. 7). Electric scooters’ sudden invasion of American cities,
explained. Vox. https://www.vox.com/2018/8/27/17676670/electric-scooter-rental-bird-
lime-skip-spin-cities. Accessed 5 Nov. 2018.
City of Portland
2018 E-Scooter Pilot
Against a national backdrop of unforeseen and unpermitted of 2018. The framework enabled Portland to set out
launches, City of Portland officials took a proactive approach regulations and put consumer protections in place. It
to managing this new mobility service. In spring 2018, virtually also required participating companies to agree to a set
every major e-scooter company contacted PBOT, requesting of comprehensive data sharing requirements.
information about how the City might allow the new service.
Portland’s pilot began July 23 and ended November 20,
In May, PBOT presented the concept of an e-scooter pilot
2018. Five companies applied for permits, and three were
program to the bureau’s Pedestrian Advisory Committee,
permitted: Bird Rides Inc., Lime, and Skip Transport Inc. All
seeking input on how the City should account for the needs of
three companies were operating e-scooters on Portland
people with disabilities and others who depend on sidewalk
streets by early August. Each company started with 100
space. PBOT advised e-scooter companies that it would
scooters to introduce Portlanders to the new technology
provide a permit application process in June, and a pilot
and increased the number of e-scooters to their full
program to start in July. PBOT warned the companies not to
permitted fleet quota by August 15. From August 15
start service until a pilot program could begin.
through the end of the pilot, each company was permitted
PBOT worked quickly to establish a permitting framework to to have 683 scooters available for rent each day, for a total
run a 120-day e-scooter pilot from July through November of 2,043 permitted scooters.
7/25 8/1 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/17 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14
Public Engagement
and Education
In the context of e-scooter launches around the country, time
was of the essence in developing Portland’s permit program.
With a rapid rollout came the need for a significant amount of
public education and engagement. To share information about the
pilot and e-scooter rules of the road, PBOT developed education
materials on e-scooter laws and proper riding and parking in five
languages, distributing over 5,000 physical copies. Viewed more
than 50,000 times, PBOT’s project website extended the reach of
e-scooter safety messages.
E-Scooter Company
Education and Engagement
1. Listed e-scooter laws, rules, and safety
information on the scooter, in the app,
and on flyers and social media
Data Sources
and Methodology
This findings report is informed by quantitative
and qualitative data collected throughout the pilot.
Sources of data included:
250 1000
2018 E-Scooter
Pilot Findings
This Findings Report sets out to answer four key
Transportation System Plan (TSP) goals:
QUESTION: Do e-scooters reduce private motor vehicle use and traffic congestion?
ANSWER: E-scooter trips replaced private motor vehicle use. However, the extent
of motor vehicle use in managing e-scooter fleets is unknown.
• Portlanders reduced or considered reducing their Finally, e-scooter operations likely added personal motor
auto ownership due to e-scooters. Six percent of users vehicle trips to the transportation system, to deploy and
reported getting rid of a car because of e-scooters and retrieve e-scooters each day. The extent and overall impact to
another 16 percent considered it. the transportation system and traffic congestion is unknown.
Trip Start Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Grand Total
12 AM 1280 765 723 786 720 840 1470 6584
1 AM 989 517 475 518 545 575 1010 4629
2 AM 704 348 361 392 412 475 723 3415
3 AM 361 233 202 228 215 192 316 1747
4 AM 261 230 196 179 186 229 256 1537
5 AM 281 298 355 361 374 401 331 2401
6 AM 495 791 980 964 986 910 591 5717
7 AM 860 1839 2218 2354 2451 2187 950 12859
8 AM 1781 2942 3377 3640 3665 3430 2038 20873
9 AM 3515 3208 3408 3342 3579 3602 3730 24384
10 AM 5806 3746 3431 3552 3674 4110 5897 30216
11 AM 7935 5591 5188 5285 5611 6242 8081 43933
12 PM 9564 6958 6690 6654 7027 8058 9644 54595
1 PM 10584 7345 6614 6669 6952 8097 11120 57381
2 PM 10698 7731 7132 6796 6994 8726 12278 60355
3 PM 10754 8149 7855 7191 8204 9612 12175 63940
4 PM 10129 8677 8813 8532 8956 10125 11773 67005
5 PM 8485 8855 9235 9599 9468 9816 10165 65623
6 PM 6834 7477 7928 7923 8366 8516 8294 55338
7 PM 5303 5795 6231 6278 6709 7410 6474 44200
8 PM 4246 4526 4978 4838 5196 6330 5212 35326
9 PM 2112 2252 2439 2402 2539 3189 2579 17512
10 PM 1480 1478 1576 1510 1594 2124 1995 11757
11 PM 1007 1162 1110 1094 1299 1750 1620 9042
TOTAL 105464 90913 91515 91087 95722 106946 118722 700369
QUESTION: Do e-scooters prevent serious traffic injuries and fatalities? What are the
safety impacts of e-scooters?
ANSWER: During the pilot period, scooter-related injuries increased however most
scooter injuries were not severe enough to warrant emergency transport. There were
no e-scooter-related traffic deaths during the pilot period. Eighty-four percent of
emergency room visits were the result of an individual falling off a scooter.
The high number of public complaints regarding sidewalk riding, coupled with the 3
percent of injuries resulting from collisions with pedestrians, suggest an impact to
pedestrian safety and comfort.
National data has found that when vehicle miles decrease, serious injuries and
fatalities also decrease. With 34 percent of Portland scooter riders stating they
replaced car trips with e-scooter trips, an increase in e-scooter use has the potential
to contribute to a reduction in serious injuries and fatalities.
Device Issue - 38
Helmet Issue - 1754 1%
Injury - 33
7/26 8/2 8/9 8/16 8/23 8/30 9/6 9/13 9/20 9/27 10/4 10/11 10/18 10/25 11/1 11/8 11/15
Submitters Complaints
FINDING: Sidewalk riding reduced pedestrian comfort. FINDING: Users demonstrated a strong preference for
bikeways and other protected infrastructure. In their
We heard from Portlanders throughout the pilot that illegal
absence, or on higher-speed streets, sidewalk riding
sidewalk riding made sidewalks feel unsafe or uncomfortable
for people walking or using mobility devices.
In the PBOT user survey, respondents ranked the bike lane as
• 1,622 reports of sidewalk riding were submitted to PBOT’s
their preferred place to ride and sidewalks their least preferred
online form, 26.9 percent of all reports.
place to ride.
• Sidewalk riding was a key concern voiced by the
To better understand on-the-ground practices, PBOT conducted
Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC), TriMet’s Committee
user riding observations. Staff observed 128 e-scooter users at
on Accessible Transportation (CAT), and the Portland
seven locations across the city. Five of the seven locations had
Commission on Disabilities (PCOD).
bike lanes on at least one street. All user observations were
At TriMet’s CAT, one committee member spoke to their fear conducted during two-hour periods from 4 to 6 p.m., over eight
of getting hit by a scooter rider: “I have to be really careful when days between October 2 and October 12, 2018. PBOT staff
stepping out of buildings now… scooters riding on the sidewalk is a tallied the number of individual users, perceived gender, helmet
safety issue for me and for others I know with disabilities.” use, facility type used (bike lane, with traffic, etc.) and took
note of violations, such as riding in a park or riding the wrong
With speeds capped at 15 mph, scooters are appropriate for
direction with traffic. Observations showed that sidewalk riding
bike lanes or low-volume streets but they are too fast for use
was lowest on streets designed for people walking and rolling.
sidewalks, where they make it unsafe or uncomfortable for
people walking or using mobility devices. • When riding on a street with a neighborhood greenway,
zero percent of riders used the sidewalk.
Reduced safety and comfort of our most vulnerable road users
undermines our citywide goals to prioritize people walking over • When riding on a street with a protected bike lane,
all other modes. PBOT’s Transportation System Plan (TSP) calls for 8 percent of riders used the sidewalk.
decisions to consider the needs and safety of each group of users,
• When riding on a street with a bike lane, 21 percent of
and to ensure that “changes do not make existing conditions
riders used the sidewalk.
worse for the most vulnerable users” (see Appendix C).
• When riding on a street with no bike facilities, 39 percent
In response to the public’s concerns raised about sidewalk
of riders used the sidewalk.
riding, PBOT conducted additional user education and on-
the-street engagement and user observations. When posted speed limits are 30 MPH or higher, most users
rode illegally on the sidewalk.
FINDING: Helmet use is rare. • 5.3 percent Completely blocked pedestrian movement
(In middle of a sidewalk)
PBOT staff observed 90 percent of riders do not wear helmets.
Of all complaints received by PBOT, 1,754 (29.1 percent) were • 8.1 percent Partially blocked pedestrian movement
regarding users not wearing helmets. (placed partially outside the furnishing zone or parked
next to a building)
FINDING: While the majority of e-scooters are parked
correctly, more work is needed to assure safety and • 0.6 percent Parked within 30 feet of a bus stop, on a
access for pedestrians and people with disabilities. MAX or Streetcar platform (measured from the bus stop
PBOT staff conducted scooter parking observations from counter flow to traffic)
October 19 through November 20, 2018. Staff observed and • 10.4 percent Other (parked next to bike racks, in a park,
recorded 357 parked scooters across the city with 67 percent on a street with no sidewalk or furnishing zone, or on
observed in Southwest Portland, 17 percent observed in East private property)
Portland and 16 percent in other quadrants in Portland.
Improperly parked scooters after a user’s ride presented
Parking observations showed: a challenge, especially for people with disabilities. This
• 72.8 percent Properly parked in the furnishing zone (not challenge increases in areas of Portland where the sidewalk
blocking bike or pedestrian movement) is narrow or there is no sidewalk. Anecdotally, as the pilot
progressed, staff received fewer complaints and saw better
• 2.8 percent Impeded ADA access (blocking access ramp, compliance to these rules.
handrail, or curb cut)
FINDING: While many Black Portlanders and East Out of 22 Portlanders who participated, less than half (eight)
Portlanders expressed enthusiasm and support for had ridden an e-scooter. Focus group participants expressed
e-scooters, focus group participants also expressed enthusiasm as well as an overall concern for traffic safety and
an overall concern with traffic safety and being being targeted for racial profiling and harassment.
targeted for racial profiling and harassment. The
prohibitive cost of renting and a lack of knowledge One individual spoke to the historical and current
of e-scooter laws and low-income plans also criminalization of people of color, stating, “it is not in our
presented barriers to use. culture to pick up something off the street, ride it, and leave it
for the next person.” For some focus group participants, the
In a citywide representative poll, 74 percent of people of color
overall threat of an escalating incident outweighed the desire
viewed e-scooters positively. People living on low incomes also
to try e-scooters.
held positive views of e-scooters (66 percent).
Other stated barriers to e-scooter use included needing to
PBOT hosted two focus groups in early November 2018.
transport children, not having a helmet, not having a safe
Portlanders from Black communities and East Portland
place to learn to ride, age restrictions, a reluctance to link
communities participated in two focus groups, one with 10
a credit card to the app, and fear of being overcharged.
participants and one with 12 participants. Both focus groups
Nearly all focus group members expressed a desire for more
were facilitated and hosted by Self-Empowerment Inc (SEI).
information, including what the e-scooter laws are and how
to use the service.
Parents, youth, and single adults had differing views on “I LOVE having the scooters be part of the mix. They're fast, fun
e-scooters. Adults who did not have children were most and convenient (when available, there needs to be a lot more).
enthusiastic. This group viewed e-scooters as another great I live on 114th & E Burnside and have been pleased to see
transportation option, and a way to save money on Uber, reasonable distribution of the scooters as far east as 150th.
Lyft, and taxis. Parents were the least likely to have ridden Keep and EXPAND the scooters!”
and did not see e-scooters as a way to transport their family.
“I'd really like to see fewer cars everywhere, but the major
Youth expressed that e-scooters were fun and helpful to
thoroughfares are especially dangerous for non-driving travelers
get to after-school activities, especially in the summer when
(peds, bikes, and now scooters).”
their free youth bus pass is inactive. About half of the focus
group members didn't know they could make money charging Comments from users and trip statistics show the desire for
e-scooters, and most expressed interest in this kind of work. safer infrastructure and additional transportation options,
such as e-scooters.
According to reports from e-scooter companies, only 47 users
were on low-income plans. While two companies stated they FINDING: Among people with disabilities, we heard
offered cash payment plans, they did not report that any users that while e-scooters hold promise as a transportation
option, improperly parked scooters impact access and
signed up for those plans. These small numbers, along with
safety for people with visual impairments and people
staff observations, suggest that companies did not adequately
who use mobility devices.
promote their low-income fares.
Seven Portlanders with disabilities and two City staff with
FINDING: East Portland deployment led to
disabilities participated in one focus group in early November,
e-scooter utilization.
facilitated by staff in Portland’s Office of Equity & Human
East Portland has historically been underserved by the Rights. The participants represented a wide range of mobility,
transportation system, and PBOT was interested in hearing, and vision abilities.
understanding the utility and value of e-scooters in East
Among people with disabilities, we heard that while
Portland. On average, 243 e-scooters were deployed to East
e-scooters might not be a good fit for everyone, having more
Portland (9.8 percent of the total fleet). Though this was
transportation options is a good thing for Portland.
significantly under the 300-scooter minimum requirement,
44,155 trips originated in East Portland during the pilot period. While e-scooters hold promise, several individuals with
(See additional information in East Portland deployment disabilities expressed concerns about safety and user
compliance finding section.) This demonstrates demand for behavior enforcement. One participant, who is blind, said it is
additional transportation options. One significant difference challenging to walk and that they bump into scooters often.
in e-scooter use in East Portland was the average trip length. Parking issues were the most challenging and concerning for
Trips in East Portland averaged 1.6 miles, while in the Central focus group members when scooters blocked ADA access at a
City, trips averaged one mile. transit stop or access to ADA parking spots.
In our user survey, we heard two distinct messages from In the focus group, two individuals who had ridden e-scooters
East Portlanders. Many community members expressed used them as a transportation option. For people in the focus
appreciation that they had access to this new transportation group who haven’t ridden, balance and blindness were stated
option, and others expressed a concern for a lack of safe barriers. For people who cited balance issues, a three- or four-
infrastructure: wheeled scooter could be a good accommodation.
Based on our preliminary analysis of the available data, that would have been traveled in single occupancy vehicles
it is uncertain if e-scooters help advance Portland’s and other shared vehicle trips (see Appendix F). Given
Transportation System Plan goals and policies by contributing the geographic distribution of e-scooter rides during the
to a reduction in air pollution, including climate pollution. pilot, it is reasonable to expect that many of those miles
However, early findings show that e-scooters reduced would have occurred in the Central City and inner eastside
automobile trips. neighborhoods, areas which experience traffic congestion
issues. Using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s
Analysis of the PBOT’s user survey suggests that e-scooters
average CO2 emissions per vehicle mile, we estimate that
facilitate mode shift, most notably away from walking, single
during the pilot, e-scooters prevented automobiles from
occupancy vehicles, and ride-hailing. Comparing these
emitting approximately 122 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to
percentages to the total number of scooter miles traveled
removing nearly 27 average passenger vehicles from the road
during the e-scooter pilot (801,887 miles), we estimate that
for a year.
e-scooters replaced approximately 301,856 vehicle miles
While these findings are promising, it is important to note operations, frequency of scooter replacement, their waste
three key limitations to this analysis. First, whether survey stream, or more. Without these data, it seems reasonable
respondents would behave in accordance with what they to assume that if those emissions were accounted for, then
stated in the survey is unknown. Second, without occupancy they could potentially reduce or eliminate the greenhouse
data on the number of shared Uber and Lyft rides (i.e., gas benefits modeled above. Understanding more about
two or more riders), we assumed that 10 percent of those e-scooter-related emissions would also help evaluate the
rides would have been shared and 90 percent would have climate impact of e-scooter trips replacing walking and
been single rides. Third, we simply do not have the data personal bicycling trips (42%) as reported in the user survey.
necessary to account for the emissions associated with Clearly, more data are needed to determine whether or how
e-scooter companies’ business models. This includes data e-scooters contribute to Portland’s adopted policy goals of
about emissions associated with e-scooter companies’ supply reducing air pollution, including climate pollution.
chains, manufacturing processes, charging and deployment
FINDING: The companies’ compliance with the permit’s FINDING: Two companies complied with the citywide
data requirements varied. All companies supplied APIs fleet requirement.
to PBOT, however some key terms were not universally
Companies were required to make 90 percent of their
used and defined, which led to inaccurate data
permitted fleet available per day. Data shows that Bird
reporting by the companies.
and Lime performed the best, deploying almost 100
PBOT required a robust suite of Application Programming percent of their fleet on average throughout the pilot.
Interfaces (APIs) including device availability, trips (start, end, Skip averaged below 90 percent of the citywide fleet
and route data), collisions, complaints, and enumerated values requirement.
that are referenced in the API specifications (Appendix B). This
Skip consistently deployed fewer devices due to a
set of data was a primary source for both the findings report
misunderstanding of the requirement, which the Bureau
and company compliance.
clarified after identifying the compliance issue. Later in the
The pilot revealed that participating companies categorize pilot, Skip chose to temporarily halt deployment due to rain,
their device information differently and adapting to permit which has been accounted for in this compliance report.
API specifications wasn’t as straightforward as originally
Compliance was calculated based on data received
speculated. For example, it was discovered toward the end of
through the API from all companies and historical data
the pilot that Bird’s availability data, which was informing our
provided by Bird
compliance dashboards, was underreporting their Portland
fleet. This issue appeared to be the result of undefined terms, FINDING: Only one company complied with the East
thought to be universally understood, which was ultimately Portland fleet requirement.
corrected. To rectify this discrepancy, PBOT asked for historical
PBOT required companies to deploy at least 100
data to supplement what was collected during the pilot to
scooters or 20 percent of their fleet (whichever is less)
produce a more accurate reflection of the pilot for the purpose
in East Portland. Data shows that Bird performed the
of this report.
2018 E-Scooter
Pilot Financials
The Purpose section of Portland’s New Mobility Shared The Fee Schedule in the Shared Electric Scooter
Electric Scooter administrative rule, TRN-15.01 states that Permit included:
“1.D. Shared Scooter fees, surcharges and penalties will be
• Permit Application Fee: $250
placed in a New Mobility Account to be used by PBOT for
administration and enforcement; evaluation; safe travel • Pilot Permit Fee: $5,000
infrastructure; and expanded and affordable access.” • Per-Trip Surcharge: $0.25
Conclusion and
E-scooters have the potential to advance Portland’s sidewalk riding was lower along streets with lower speeds
transportation goals. This is one of this report’s key or designated bikeways. For us, this clearly demonstrates
findings. This report demonstrates that as Portland how important it is to have protected facilities that minimize
grows and traffic congestion gets worse, e-scooters conflicts between pedestrians, e-scooters, and cars.
can move more people safely and efficiently in the
For all of the positives about scooters that emerged during the
same amount of space. This helps reduce reliance on
pilot, we also learned valuable lessons about the challenges
automobiles and shift trips to an efficient, potentially
related to making scooters a permanent part of Portland’s
less-polluting travel option. We believe there is a
transportation ecosystem.
preliminary indication that e-scooters are a less-
polluting travel option. However, we need more data Given the scale and scope of these challenges, we believe it is
– especially regarding e-scooter operations and lifecycle advisable to conduct a second pilot in 2019. This pilot will be
costs – before we can definitively say how much or even longer to give us more time to test innovative solutions to the
whether e-scooters directly contribute to a reduction in challenges that emerged this past summer and fall. We will
greenhouse gasses. specifically focus our efforts on improving equitable access
across the city and ensuring safe and legal riding and parking.
During the pilot, riders took more than 700,000 e-scooter
trips on various types of streets. Throughout the city,
Next Steps
With the release of this report, PBOT plans to conduct additional public and stakeholder engagement through February
2019. Public engagement will inform a revision of PBOT's administrative rule and permit application. PBOT anticipates having
e-scooters on the ground again in early spring.
E-Scooter Findings
Report Appendix
The E-Scooter Findings Report Appendix is available online at: E. Data Analytics Process
F. Climate Reduction Methods
A. New Mobility Shared Electric Scooter Administrative
G. User Survey Results
Rule - TRN-15.01
H. Complaint Form Questions
B. Permit Application
I. Multnomah County Health Department Injury Data
C. TSP Goals
J. DHM Research E-Scooter Pilot Project Survey Report
D. API Data Methodology and Limitations / Assumptions
Pilot Project Team Dave Benson, John Brady, Catherine Ciarlo, Mike Crebs, Eric Hesse, Peter Hurley, Aubrey
Lindstrom, Josh Lynch, Steve Hoyt-McBeth, Mike McDonald, Corrine Montana, Jacob Sherman, Mark Williams
Special thanks to Tosin Abiodun, Josiah Barber, Nicole Cheron, Corinne Kotter, Mary Everson, Mary Christine
Manaois-Meneses, Irene Marion, Aeron Polly, Dylan Rivera, Self Empowerment Inc.
Graphics by Josh Lynch, Aubrey Lindstrom, Sarah Petersen, Portland Bureau of Transportation; HUB Collective
Contributors DHM Research, Multnomah County Health Department, Portland Police Bureau, Portland Fire &
Rescue, Portland Parks & Recreation
It is the policy of the City of Portland that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits
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the City of Portland ensures meaningful access to city programs, services, and activities by reasonably providing:
translation and interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, and auxiliary aids and
services. To request these services, contact 503-823-5037, City TTY 503-823-6868, Relay Service: 711