Shared E-Scooters A Review of Uses Health and Envi
Shared E-Scooters A Review of Uses Health and Envi
Shared E-Scooters A Review of Uses Health and Envi
Shared E-Scooters: A Review of Uses, Health and
Environmental Impacts, and Policy Implications of a New
Micro-Mobility Service
Alberica Domitilla Bozzi and Anne Aguilera *
Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport (LVMT), Université Gustave Eiffel and ENPC, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée, France;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +33-01-81-66-88-60
Abstract: Shared e-scooters refer to a micro-mobility service that enables the short rentals of e-
scooters. The rapid growth of e-scooter sharing has sparked a heated discussion about its role in
the urban mobility sector. This article presents a systematic review of the current knowledge on
its uses and users, health and environmental impacts, and policy issues. The analysis is based on
academic literature, identified with Google Scholar by using keywords and publication years from
2017, and relevant gray literature. Firstly, we highlight that the profiles of e-scooter renters seem to
highly match the characteristics of other micro-mobility services users. Secondly, e-scooters are often
associated with a high perception of risk from the public and an increasing occurrence of related
road accidents. Thirdly, even if promoted as a green mobility option, the true environmental impact
of shared e-scooters has only started to be investigated. Early studies point out negative impacts
around their production, usage, and maintenance. Fourthly, the integration of shared e-scooters into
the existing transport systems requires policy changes, both at the local and national level, including
Citation: Bozzi, A.D.; Aguilera, A. traffic regulations, safety rules, and physical infrastructure. Finally, this paper reveals the ambiguity
Shared E-Scooters: A Review of Uses, of the term “e-scooter” and stresses the need for more research, as the future of cities is tied to the
Health and Environmental Impacts, development of low-car lifestyles.
and Policy Implications of a New
Micro-Mobility Service. Sustainability Keywords: shared e-scooters; micro-mobility services; users and uses; health impacts; environmental
2021, 13, 8676. impacts; public policy
1. Introduction
Received: 7 July 2021
Accepted: 30 July 2021
Standing electric scooters (henceforth e-scooters) are electrically powered vehicles
Published: 4 August 2021
with a handlebar, deck, and wheels. They are light (less than 35 kg), travel at a relatively low
speed (about 25 km/h), and usually carry only one person (the driver). While e-scooters
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
have been around for years, the possibility of rental is quite recent. Since the launch of the
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
first shared e-scooter schemes in late 2017, e-scooters have become an increasingly popular
published maps and institutional affil- means of transport for urban residents across the globe [1,2]. In late 2019, shared e-scooter
iations. services were available in almost three hundred cities [3].
E-scooters are part of the broad family of the new mobility services supported by
information and communication technologies [4]. More precisely, they belong to the
micro-mobility modes [5]. According to the International Transport Forum [6], the word
“micro” can refer both to the vehicle type (light, with a small footprint) and to the distance
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
travelled (usually short). The term “micro-mobility” encompasses a range of personal,
This article is an open access article
light, low-speed vehicles [7]. Some, such as electric bikes, e-scooters, and hoverboards,
distributed under the terms and are propelled by an electric motor, while others, e.g., conventional bicycles, skates, skate-
conditions of the Creative Commons boards, and standing scooters, are solely powered by human energy. Micro-vehicles are
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// often described as new sustainable travel modes with low economic and environmental impacts [8]. Notably, they can contribute to reducing travel time on congested roads, speed
4.0/). up short distance trips, and do not require any driving license.
Figure Selectionprocess
processofof thecorpus
the corpus (PRISMA
(PRISMA flow
flow diagram).
In the end,Table471.peer-reviewed
Summary of main sources and 23 non-peer-reviewed sources (mainly re-
ports) were selected. A descriptive synthesis was used to compare and analyze the data
Topic Source Type North America Europe Oceania Asia Global
from these studies. In particular, we performed a structured tabulation to find similarities,
Bai and Jiao, 2020;
differences, and
Caspi et al., research gaps. Table 1 gives an overview of this corpus, organized by
2020; Hardt and
of source, geographical
et al., 2019; location of the
Bogenberger, Curlstudy area, and topic(s). It shows that, while
and Fitt,
Peer-reviewed Mathew et al., 2019; 2019; Laa and 2020; Fitt and Zhu et al., 2020 Davies (in
et al., 2020
no geographical
McKenzie, 2019a, restrictions were applied in advance, the selected literature English)
Leth, 2020; Curl, 2020
2020, 2019b; Noland,
mainly covers North America and Europe and, less frequently, Oceania and Asia. As
Ruhrort, 2020
2019; Sanders et al.,
Uses and users
2020; mentioned
Zou et al., 2020 in the previous section, shared e-scooters are currently available mainly
in the US and
Chang et al.,in Europe, which
2019; might explain the higher number of publications focusing
de recherche,
on these regions.
Clewlow, 2018; 2019; Berge, 2019; NUMO, 2020;
Not Espinoza et al., 2019; Civity Lime, 2018;
peer-reviewed Hall, 2017; Lee et al., Tillemann and
Table 1. NACTO,
2019; Summary of main Management
2019, sources. Feasley, 2018
Consultants, 2019;
2020 Giles, 2020
Topic Source type North America Europe Oceania Asia Global
Bai and Jiao, 2020; Caspi et al., 2020;
Hardt and Bogen- Curl and
James et al., 2019; Mathew et al., Zhu
berger, 2019; Laa and Fitt, 2020; Davies et
Peer-reviewed 2019; McKenzie, 2019a, 2020, 2019b; et al.,
Leth, 2020; Ruhrort, Fitt and al., 2020
Noland, 2019; Sanders et al., 2020; 2020
Uses and users 2020 Curl, 2020
Zou et al., 2020
Chang et al., 2019; Clewlow, 2018; 6t-bureau NUMO,
Not peer-reviewed Espinoza et al., 2019; Hall, 2017; Lee de recherche, 2019; 2020; Lime,
et al., 2019; NACTO, 2019, 2020 Berge, 2019; Civity 2018;
Sustainability 2021, 13, 8676 5 of 17
Table 1. Cont.
Finally, it is worth mentioning here that our keyword search revealed a terminological
clash. In English, the term “e-scooter” can be used to identify two different vehicles:
standing-type e-scooters, which look similar to children’s kick scooters but are electric
powered, and moped-type e-scooters, which are similar to motorbikes on which the rider
sits and were excluded from our analysis. Nonetheless, this terminological ambiguity
generated confusion in both academic and non-academic literature. For instance, Degele
and colleagues [33] wrote about potential users of shared moped e-scooters in Germany
and were cited in a couple of academic papers focused on standing e-scooters [34,35].
Similarly, a paper on injuries associated with e-bikes and moped scooters [36] was cited in
an article focusing on the impact of standing e-scooters on pedestrian safety [37]. Various
attempts have been made to overcome this ambiguity by introducing new classification
systems for vehicle types. For instance, a report by the International Transport Forum [6]
developed a micro-vehicle taxonomy based on speed and weight.
European cities calculated the average trip length to be about 1.8 km [38]. Another report
found that half of e-scooter trips in France last less than 15 min [39].
According to the US-based researcher Button and colleagues, shared e-scooter services
“often meet a demand that current services do not, or only do so in a second-best way”
([22] p. 3). In fact, the distance travelled by e-scooters is generally perceived as too short for
hailing a taxi or taking public transport, and it can also seem too long for walking. Shared
e-scooters might, therefore, fill this gap in sustainable transport options for short-distance
trips [22,40], which represent an important share of current travel practices by car in North
American, British, and German cities [41].
From a temporal perspective, emerging evidence suggests that shared e-scooters are
more intensely used in the afternoon rather than the morning [35,42,43]. Moreover, some
studies in North America show that average daily usage is higher on weekends and on
special days such as public holidays [35,42,44,45]. Finally, while the hourly distribution
of e-scooter rides shows a long afternoon plateau, the distribution of shared bike usage
displays a two-peak pattern, during morning and evening commuting times [45–47].
Spatial patterns of e-scooter trips have been analyzed in more detail in several studies
in the US. Mathew et al. [42] studied the origins and destinations of e-scooter trips in
Indianapolis. They reported that downtown areas and universities showed heavy e-scooter
traffic, and usage peaked in the afternoon. A report in Atlanta [44] analyzed the point
of interest (POI) associated with the start and end point of e-scooter trips in order to
identify the purposes of travel. The results indicated that e-scooters are primarily used in
the afternoon for business and leisure activities. In Austin, a spatio-temporal analysis of
e-scooter trips suggested that commuting is not the main trip purpose and that ridership is
greater in areas with more students [47]. Finally, Bai and Jiao [40] compared e-scooter use
in two major US cities and concluded that, while similarities exist, usage patterns tend to
be city-specific.
For the rest of the world, only a few studies are available. A recent study in Singa-
pore [17] found that trips completed by e-scooters have a spatially compact and quan-
titatively denser distribution compared with shared bikes, and high e-scooter demand
correlates with places such as attractions and metro stations. Moreover, while dockless
bike sharing is predominantly used for commuting, dock-based e-scooter sharing is mainly
used for recreation or tourist activities in the downtown area. Interestingly, the authors
noted that the trip purposes for shared bikes and e-scooters are similar in Singapore and
Washington D.C., despite the fact that the two cities have inverse operational systems
(dockless e-scooters and dock-based bikes in Washington versus dock-based e-scooters and
dockless bikes in Singapore).
The evidence regarding trip purposes is mixed, with surveys suggesting that com-
muting is important, whereas spatio-temporal analyses suggest otherwise. For instance, a
survey in France reported that the majority of users hired e-scooters for commuting [39].
Similarly, data from a survey in Vienna suggest that people mainly use e-scooters for
work and educational purposes [14]. However, as discussed in the above paragraphs,
spatial analyses from different countries indicate that e-scooters are also or even more used
more for recreational activities and tourism. The discrepancy between survey results and
analyses of trip patterns may be partly explained by considering local specificities, such as
land-use patterns [40].
Overall, the literature reviewed reported that e-scooter users tend to be younger and
disproportionally male relative to the general population [2,14,20,39]. For instance, a study
in Vienna found that the majority of e-scooter users in Vienna are male, young, and highly
educated [14]. Similarly, shared e-scooters in New Zealand seem to appeal more to younger
males [48]. Non-academic work in the US [20] and in France [39] showed similar patterns.
Moreover, some studies highlighted a positive correlation between e-scooter use and higher
levels of education [48,49].
Although these findings show similarities between shared e-scooters and e-bikes,
some studies suggest that shared e-scooter services could attract new users to micro-
mobility services. Notably, e-scooters do not require any physical effort to operate, while
electric bikes need to be pedaled, which has been proven to be a significant entry barrier
for some users [34]. Overall, at least according to one report [11], compared to bike sharing
services, e-scooter services might achieve greater gender parity and attract new users
among people who are not able (or are reluctant) to make physical effort. Despite these
optimistic expectations, initial data on gender distribution of shared e-scooter users show
substantial differences according to the local context. For instance, the share of male e-
scooter users is about 56% in New Zealand [2] and 66% for French cities [39]. Elsewhere,
the gender gap is more pronounced: in Vienna, 75% of shared e-scooter users are men and
only 25% are women [14]; similarly, in the city of Tricity in northern Poland, about 62% of
e-scooter riders are men and 37% are women [50].
Interestingly, visitors seem to represent a significant proportion of users. According
to a report in France [39], one in four e-scooter users are non-residents. A significant
proportion of shared e-scooter use by non-residents has also been reported in other cities
such as Washington D.C. [35] and Singapore [17]. This finding is important since local users
in general value time-saving factors, while visitors are more attracted by the recreational
aspect of e-scooters. In this context, the development of e-scooters is starting to be seen as
a way to make some tourist destinations more attractive and to offer a greater diversity of
micro-mobility solutions for tourists [51], for instance by replacing certain taxi trips [52].
However, some factors remain unexplored. For instance, there are scarcely any data on
ethnicity. In the US, the ethnicity of e-scooter users can vary greatly from city to city [20]. A
recent study in Arizona [49] noted that African American and Hispanic respondents were
significantly more likely than white respondents to express the intention to try e-scooters,
because they were unhappy with existing transport options. According to the authors,
these findings underscore the potential role of e-scooters in filling a transport gap and
increasing equity in access to transport.
4. Health Impacts
Injuries, perceived safety, and physical activity are the three main health issues con-
sidered in current academic and non-academic work.
4.1. Injuries
A considerable amount of the academic literature on e-scooters looks at physical
injuries relating to their use, especially in the US, Australia, and New Zealand. Overall,
several articles highlight a sharp increase in the number of injuries from e-scooters since
the introduction of shared schemes [53–56]. However, Lipovsky [57] noted that this is not
unusual considering that the number of users suddenly surged.
While sparsely examined, the most common cause of injury was a loss of balance
or falling [1,53]. Injuries to the upper limbs and head were the most common [16,56].
Even in countries where the use of helmets is mandatory, e-scooter riders rarely wear
protective gear [16,55,58]. A recent study in the US examined the official Instagram account
of Bird, a leading shared e-scooter company with over 66,000 followers, to determine how
much emphasis it placed on safety in its posts [59]. The paper concluded that the lack of
protective gear in the company’s official postings (both in pictures and comments) had a
negative impact among its customers, as it tended to normalize risky behavior.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 8676 8 of 17
From hospitalization records, Trivedi et al. [56] found that 90% of patients with e-
scooter related injuries sustained them while riding. As evidenced by the profile of e-scooter
users discussed in the previous section, patients tend to be young men [53,56,58,60], a
demographic group with a statistically proven propensity for risky behavior (e.g., [48]).
Besides the riders themselves, other road users are exposed to e-scooter-related injuries.
Sikka et al. [37], for example, investigated how e-scooter use affected pedestrian safety.
The authors found that certain categories of pedestrians, such as children, seniors, and
people with disabilities, might be more vulnerable to this new micro-mobility vehicle. In
another study [1], elderly people were found to be disproportionately at risk of tripping
over an e-scooter.
Finally, a report by Santacreu et al. [6] looked at data on fatality and injuries related
to various vehicles. The authors found that a trip by standing e-scooter or bike in a
dense urban area is less likely to result in a traffic fatality than a car or motorcycle trip.
Additionally, a trip by shared e-scooter is no more likely to result in a road traffic death
than a bicycle trip, although the risk of hospital admission may be higher for e-scooters.
On the other hand, some studies have suggested that e-scooters might promote
infrastructural changes and, thus, create an environment and culture that facilitate cycling
and walking [65]. Moreover, a recent report [39] suggested that users do not necessarily
walk less when they start using e-scooters.
Overall, more research is required to find out which modes of transport e-scooters
replace and complement, and to illustrate the physical health effects of the adoption
of e-scooters.
5. Environmental Impacts
The environmental impacts of shared e-scooters have so far received little attention,
especially in academic research. However, a growing body of research has revealed
that, contrary to initial expectations, shared e-scooters may have negative impacts on the
environment [13,15,68]. Our corpus encompasses two categories of analysis. The first
category compares the environmental impacts of shared e-scooters with other transport
modes. The second category assesses which aspects of e-scooters life cycles are the most
damaging to the environment and suggests potential areas for improvements.
6. Policy Issues
The sudden introduction of e-scooter services brought new and urgent challenges for
policymakers at the national and local scale [71]. Most challenges, such as sharing data with
policymakers and data use by private companies, are relatively similar across the range of
micro-mobility services, especially dockless services [72,73]. However, shared e-scooters
also raise specific challenges, for instance, regarding safety. Our corpus provides some
insights into current e-scooter policies in different countries, as well as recommendations
for policymakers. Four main aspects are considered: legal framework, safety, parking and
street design, and data sharing and privacy.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 8676 11 of 17
6.2. Safety
Cities need to seek a balance between three key aspects of safety: vehicles, users, and
infrastructure [6]. First, it is critical to ensure that these vehicles have the necessary safety
and visibility equipment, and that they are regularly inspected. For instance, e-scooters in
Germany must be fitted with two independent brakes, a horn, and front and rear lights [76].
Second, several cities have tried to shape user behavior by regulating maximum
speeds (around 20–25 km/h), the use of personal protective equipment, and minimum user
age. For instance, a recent study in New Zealand found that the introduction of mandatory
helmet wearing could increase the perception of safety among non-users and, thus, attract
new users [64]. However, as many medical reports have shown, helmet wearing on e-
scooters is fundamental and yet very rare, even in cities where it is compulsory (e.g., [56]).
In this case, critics suggest that awareness campaigns might be key (e.g., [6]). Moreover,
although the learning curve for these devices is short, it is not non-existent. Training might
help inexperienced riders to learn how to drive e-scooters in a less threatening environment
and under less time pressure [62].
Third and last, creating a safe micro-mobility network has a positive impact on the
safety of all road users, including pedestrians (e.g., [6]). As we discuss in the next paragraph,
this would require both investments and spatial redistribution.
have to take a photograph of the parked vehicle before completing the trip. An initial study
on e-scooter parking practices in four US cities notably found that motor vehicles impede
access far more (24.7%) than bikes (0.3%) and e-scooters (1.7%) and suggested that policy
makers might adopt a more comprehensive approach to parking reform for all modes on
city streets [77].
According to Transportation for America [78], cities should set clear guidelines on
where these vehicles can be used and provide the funding or infrastructure necessary
to improve safety. However, confusion remains about the best environments for their
use [62]. In Germany, Austria, and France, for instance, e-scooters are supposed to travel
in bicycle lanes or, if not available, on roads [76]. In New Zealand, by contrast, e-scooters
can be used on pavements but not in designated on-road cycle lanes [2]. Despite these
discrepancies, several academic papers [1,53,62] have suggested that in order to protect
pedestrians, e-scooters should operate not on pavements but in bicycle lanes.
Space allocation for new micro-mobility services is increasingly discussed in the
academic literature. Notably, Gössling [21] analyzed news items on e-scooters in ten major
cities and found that conflicts over space were the most salient issue after safety. In order
to minimize the spatial conflicts created by e-scooters, he suggested a set of regulations,
such as use restricted to bicycle infrastructures alone and parking only in designated areas.
However, in order to support the modal shift to micro-mobility, Gössling [21] recommends
that cities should take certain measures, such as dedicating entire road systems to micro-
mobility and lowering car speed limits. Building on this, Laa and Leth [14] propose that
more space in Vienna should be allocated to cycling infrastructure and traffic-calmed zones
to promote micro-mobility.
The findings show that shared e-scooter services, similar to other micro-mobility ser-
vices, are used predominantly by young men, especially in North American and European
cities (but also on the other continents, with the exception of Africa), for both commuting
and recreational purposes. In particular, they seem to serve the needs of the tourists in
many cities. Moreover, similar to other micro-mobility services, shared e-scooters meet the
public need for efficient and flexible ways to quickly cover short distances from origin to
destination or to/from public transport hubs. For this reason, they might contribute to
multimodal and car-free behaviors [85].
However, e-scooters also have some limitations. The most important outcome of
this analysis is the mismatch between the benefits that shared e-scooters could bring in
theory (disruptive, green vehicle for short distances) and their negative impacts (e.g., road
accidents and pollution). E-scooter-related injuries are increasing rapidly and affect not
only riders but also pedestrians. The high accident rate also helps to produce a sense of
insecurity. As for environmental issues, shared e-scooters generally pollute more than the
transport modes they tend to replace (notably, buses, cycling, and walking) because of
unsustainable manufacturing processes, the rental companies’ profit-centered business
models (e.g., the use of petrol-based vehicles for rebalancing), and the short lifespan of the
vehicles. With respect to regulation, the focus is probably on the safety and behavior of
riders to a greater extent than with other micro-mobility services. The literature suggests
the urgent need for a more holistic, strategic, and collaborative approach, and most of all, a
need for these rules to be enforced. In particular, action needs to occur on different fronts,
such as developing and implementing rules for good practices in e-scooter production and
use, but also adapting our built environment to create spaces that are less car-centered and
more friendly to pedestrians, bicycles, and e-scooters.
owners also show a considerable shift away from car trips. In addition, the influence
of MaaS platforms on shared e-scooter usage seems highly significant [90]. Finally, in
terms of health impacts, while the physical injuries associated with e-scooter use are well
documented, little is yet known about the long-term effects of e-scooter riding: does it
promote sedentary lifestyles? Is it linked to increased obesity? Are riders more exposed to
air pollution? Future studies should also consider new safety issues such as the impact of
banning e-scooter use on pavements.
Some authors (e.g., [91]) wondered whether shared e-scooters services represent a
temporary trend or a lasting phenomenon. According to a study in the US [40], it might be
premature to suggest a definitive answer. The authors argue that the success of e-scooter
programs might be linked to specific local factors and notably to residents’ demand for
car-free mobility. Moreover, the rapid rise and decline in dockless bike companies in China
have shown how disastrous it could be for both cities and private investors to introduce
new micro-mobility services without proper management strategies [92]. However, an
international study [21] suggests that the importance of e-scooters is expected to grow and
that they could challenge existing transport systems. Overall, in the pre-pandemic world,
e-scooter usage seemed to be on the rise but their future in the mobility landscape was
still unclear. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the e-scooter market need to be
analyzed, since many US-based companies have had to suspend their services for several
months [22].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.A. and A.D.B.; methodology, A.D.B.; software, A.D.B.;
validation, A.A. and A.D.B.; formal analysis, A.D.B.; investigation, A.D.B.; resources, A.D.B.; data
curation, A.D.B.; writing—original draft preparation, A.D.B.; writing—review and editing, A.A. and
A.D.B.; visualization, A.A. and A.D.B.; supervision, A.A.; project administration, A.A. Both authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: The data of this study are available from the authors upon request.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the “Urban Planning and City Branding”
program at the EIVP, Université Gustave Eiffel, and especially Eugenia Llamas-Hernansanz for her
valuable support throughout the project.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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