Hexa Helix Stakeholder Model in The Management of
Hexa Helix Stakeholder Model in The Management of
Hexa Helix Stakeholder Model in The Management of
Abd. RACHIM ¹*
Prof. Dr. Yopie WARELLA ²
Dr. Retno Sunu ASTUTI ³
Dr. Suharyanto SUHARYANTO ⁴
¹ Diponegoro University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Public Administration, [email protected],
*Correspondent Author
² Diponegoro University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Public Administration,
³Diponegoro University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Public Administration,
⁴Diponegoro University, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department,
1. Introduction
Indonesia is a disaster-prone country, because it faces disasters The Disaster Management Law regulates responsibilities based
either at any time or in a certain time. Disaster management must on values, institutions and the distribution of authority. Although
be handled in an integrated, holistic and comprehensive manner. the implementation of disaster management has been regulated
Overcoming the problem of disaster various parties have been by law and its implementing regulations, there are still many
involved, but the important role of the state cannot be ignored. issues that need to be reviewed, related to harmony to the role of
mandate is that the government together with the House of business administration studies (Brugha and Varvasovszky,
Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) in 2007 2000), this research developed and was applied in broader
established the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of scientific studies, such as in political science, public policy,
2007 concerning Disaster Management as a legal basis for the development studies and environmental studies. The concept and
or perceptions of the scientists who research them (Billgren and government, uses a tax base to fund knowledge institutions in
Holme, 2008). The researchers clarified their views in line with researching innovative technologies and products, especially the
their beliefs and positions about who can be seen as stakeholders technology and innovation of war armanents. The business sector
so that there is no bias in identifying stakeholders (Stoney and yields the results of research and innovation and finally the public
Winstanley. 2001). The opinion of Christopher Stoney and Diana sector, namely the government, gets results through tax
Winstanley regarding the definition and concept of stakeholders collection. Another theory of the triad partnership is known as the
is very dependent on the viewpoint of the researcher. "iron triangle" theory and the "Advocacy Coalition Framework"
theory (AFC). The iron triangle theory is based on the thought of
Freeman stated that stakeholders are a group of people or Ralph Pulitzer (1919), which explains that there are three very
individuals who influence each other and are influenced by the influential forces in the administration of government namely the
achievement of certain goals of the organization (Freeman, 1984). legislative, executive and interest groups (Reynolds, 2015). The
Biset believes that stakeholders are people with an interest or basic concept of this theory is actually based on the idea that the
attention to an issue (Azheri, 2012). Steve Rowlinson and Yan Ki bureaucracy always tries to build its power like any other
Fiona Cheung define stakeholders as each individual or group that organization. Whereas the most influential interest groups are
can influence the performance and achievement of organizational business and industry groups who lobby for the executive and
or project goals (Rowlinson and Cheung, 2008). Derek Walker, legislative branches. Quadruple helix is a stakeholder concept that
Arthur Shelley and Lynda Bourne define stakeholders are perfects the previous concept by incorporating the fourth
individuals or groups who have interests, rights or ownership in dimension, each of which has a very valuable contribution in an
the project, and can contribute, influenced by the project, both activity. The fourth dimension, namely "users" from the
work or project results (Walker et.al., 2008). perspective of the company (economy), seems to be treated as a
consumer rather than a partner for the creation of shared
Some of these definitions indicate that stakeholders are innovation. Several studies have shown that this fourth dimension
individuals or groups who have an interest in the problem or is interpreted as a stakeholder of a non-governmental
activity to be resolved. Stakeholders who will be examined in the organization that has a stake in solving a problem. Quadruple
management of floodplain of Lake Tempe are individuals or helix brings the actors closer and brings the conversation to the
groups/institutions involved and either directly or indirectly lowest level of stakeholders.
affected by the flood disaster.
The latest development of the stakeholder model is penta helix.
The penta helix stakeholder analysis model is a comprehensive Penta helix goes far beyond, technology and science enter the
stakeholder theory. The concept of penta helix defines dimensions of space involving previously existing models. The
stakeholders into 5 (five) groups, namely (1) government; (2) fifth stakeholder is the media. The media is considered capable of
business world; (3) universities; (4) non-government influencing and becoming a part that must be taken into account
organizations (NGOs); and (5) mass media (Mohr and Spekman, in stakeholder mapping. The penta helix concept is an ideal tool
1994). Collaboration of 5 (five) stakeholders is expected to for mapping the complexity of stakeholders, for example in the
synergistically interact with each other so as to realize a quality economic world the penta helix concept is able to provide a
policy and oriented to the public interest. The penta helix concept solution to the consumer market-based business innovation
was built and developed on two previous stakeholder models of model.
the triple helix theory and the quadra helix theory. Triple helix
theory consists of government (government), business (business) Figure 1. Triple Helix Stakeholder Concept, Quadra Helix and
and university (academician), while quadra helix stakeholders are Penta Helix
added by one stakeholder namely civil society or civil society
organizations (non-government organizations). The penta helix
stakeholders are perfected to 5 (five) by adding mass media.
the penta helix model is very useful for solving multi-stakeholder Figure 3. Lake Paparan Tempe Flood Conditions in 2019, South
problems in which stakeholders represent various interests in one Sulawesi Province – Indonesia
location or one case (Sturesson et.al., 2009). Other researches
conducted by Muhyi, Chan, Sukoco, and Herawaty, show that the
concept of penta helix can help analyze and map "relationship
problems" between stakeholders (Muhyi et. al., 2017). Whereas
the research of Halibas, Sibayan, and Maata explained that the
involvement of penta helix stakeholders can show the
stakeholders who are able to encourage and make innovation
(Halibas et. Al., 2017).
Figure 2. Location Map of Lake Tempe, Wajo Regency, South 2. Research methods
Sulawesi Province, Indonesia The method used in this research is the mixed method. Qualitative
methods as the main method and quantitative methods as other
methods (secondary). The research began with a complete
mapping of the stakeholders involved based on the penta helix
theory. The second stage, the researchers collected existing
documents both official documents from the government and
other documents related to the management of floodplain of Lake
Tempe. The third stage, in-depth interviews with parties who
understand the flood management of floodplain of Lake Tempe.
The selection of informants was based on the criteria of
individuals who were directly involved in flood management
and/or are victims of flooding. At this stage observation was also
carried out by observing each stage of floodplain disaster
management. Observations were made to obtain in-depth and
comprehensive information about stakeholders.
3.1 Stakeholder Mapping disaster. Another stakeholder from the government element is the
The results of research applying the penta helix theory in Disaster Preparedness Team that is actively involved with other
stakeholder mapping for floodplain management can be volunteers to participate in disaster management (Perka-BNPB,
flood management. The government is the main role because it is to disaster casualties. Funding support as an embodiment of
supported by the ability of funding, regulation, number of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and (charity) from
personnel and adequate infrastructure to be involved in disaster entrepreneurs. CSR is provided in the form of logistics to disaster
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2007 concerning distributes the aids directly to the community.
BNPB and/or BPBD for provincial/district/city governments). show that national scale companies up to local businessmen are
BNPB / BPBD as the coordinator communicates in preparing involved in charity activities around flooded areas. National scale
action plans that need to be taken especially in the case of an companies pay attention by channeling aid through CSR as a form
emergency including in preparing the command of all of corporate social responsibility with the environment in which
stakeholders in disaster management (Perka-BNPB, 2008). the company is located. Local entrepreneurs individually or
Specifically in the case of Lake Tempe flooding, the BPBD at the collectively channel aid in the form of charity.
internet media. Access and dissemination of information related (2) culture, religion, customs and language; (3) livelihoods; (4)
to disasters can open opportunities for disaster casualties to get social facilities and public services; (5) social norms; (6) legal and
attention and assistance. Internet media, especially social media, customary rules; (7) settlements and (8) have long lived [22].
is very instrumental in providing information quickly and
accurately to other stakeholders. The use of social media was the Statistical test results show that 6 (six) mapped stakeholders
most effective and efficient means. represent 94.8% of the stakeholders involved. F test results prove
that 6 (six) stakeholders who have been mapped jointly influence
3.1.6 Affected Communities: Object or Subject? the management of the flood disaster exposure to Lake Tempe.
In each stage of the disaster cycle it is always associated with very The results of the t test statistic indicate that the affected
complex stakeholders (Brilly and Polic, 2005). The penta helix communities as stakeholders have a high level of significance and
concept is a mapping of the involvement of external stakeholders. ranks second which influences the management of Lake Tempe
External stakeholders tend to view affected communities as flood exposure after the government (see the attachment of the
objects worthy of assistance. The results of the research through results of statistical analysis). The statistical test results show that
in-depth interviews, direct observation strengthened by statistical in the management of Lake Tempe flood exposure, affected
tests showed that stakeholders who have a very strong influence communities should not be placed in positions as objects but
on the disaster management of floodplain of Lake Tempe flood subjects that must be involved as stakeholders. This finding
disasters other than the government are the affected communities means that the use of the Penta Helix concept in stakeholder
themselves. mapping for the management of the tempe lake flood disaster
needs to be updated to six stakeholders namely the government,
Significance test to determine the effect of each stakeholder on the private sector, NGOs, universities, mass media and affected
from quantitative data. Quantification was likely to ranking have an independence in managing floods, so that if a
purposes (Tashakkori and Teddlie, 1998). "catastrophic" flood comes they are ready to deal with taking
various actions at each stage of the disaster. The community does
Statistical test results show that 6 (six) mapped stakeholders not fully view floods as mere disasters, but as an annual routine
represent 94.8% of the stakeholders involved. F test results prove that brings blessings to the economic life of the family. The
that 6 (six) stakeholders that have been mapped jointly influence income of the fishing community will increase when the flood
the management of the floodplain disaster of Lake Tempe. The arrives. Flooding makes Lake Tempe become more widespread.
results of the t test statistic indicate that the affected communities This condition means the area of fishing becomes wider. Flooding
as stakeholders have a high level of significance and ranks second also provides an opportunity for fish to develop properly because
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APPENDIX of Statistical Analysis Lake Tempe.
The framework of the conceptual model of statistical
analysis testing the results of stakeholder mapping is as Figure 6. Percentage of Stakeholder Engagement with
follows: Management of Floodplain of Lake Tempe
Source: Researcher Analysis Results stakeholders) included in the model have a joint
(simultaneous) effect on the dependent variable (disaster
The results of multiple regression tests were carried out with management). The results of the F test calculation, in the
the help of SPSS application version 25. The test results in following table:
1. Determination Coefficient
The determination coefficient is to measure how far the
ability of the model in explaining the variation of the
dependent variable. The following table is the coefficient of
determination generated in the research:
Sum of Mean management of floodplane of Lake Tempe because of the
Model df F Sig.
Squares Square value (significance level> 0.05). While the government,
business world, NGOs, and affected communities have a
1 Regressio 100.74
59.170 6 9.862 0.000 significant influence in the management of Lake Tempe
n 1
flooding (significance level <0.05).
3.230 33 0.098
62.400 39
B Error Beta