Chapter 4 Malwa
Chapter 4 Malwa
Chapter 4 Malwa
The principles of democracy empowered the public to construct its destiny. To fully
garner the fruits of democracy the citizens require to be aware not only of their role and
responsibility but also of the various administrative provisions they are entitled to receive
as the services from the administrations. The only aware citizenry can actively participate
in the political and administrative activities and make this participation a virtue of
democracy. In the era of Good Governance, citizens are treated as clients of the
administration, to whom the administration is bound to deliver the service qualitatively as
a right.
Analyzing the User’s perception and awareness at the ‘micro’ level i.e. at
SUWIDHA Kendra, a single-window center for applying and delivery of basics services
Unegbu, Vincent Enyeribe, “Perceived Effect of Local Government Knowledge of Citizens Awareness
of Local Government Income on its Utilization in Nigeria”, Arabian Journal of Business and
Management Review (Oman Chapter), Vol. 2, No. 10, May 2013, p. 14.
Bello et al, “Municipal Awareness as a Tool for Enhancing Citizen Satisfaction in Municipal Councils
of Malaysia”, European Journal of Social Sciences Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 5, 2017, p. 112.
Malwa is a region of Punjab south to river Sutlej. The river Satluj separated it
from the other regions of Punjab. This largest geographical region of Punjab comprises of
the majority of the land area and consisting 14 districts (out of total 22) of Ludhiana,
Patiala, Sangrur, Bathinda, Mansa, Firozpur, Faridkot, Fazilka, Shri Mukatsar Sahib,
Moga, Barnala, Fatehgarh Sahib, Rupnagar (formerly Ropar), and Sahibjada Ajit Singh
Nagar (formerly Mohali). Modern days politically significant Malwa region is also
famous for cotton farming.
For the present study, two districts namely Patiala and its adjoining one, Sangrur
were selected from Malwa Region. According to the 2011 population Census of India,
Patiala and Sangrur districts have a population of 4,06,192 and 16,55,169 respectively
with a respective literacy rate of 85.78% and 67.99%. This chapter attempts to study the
implementation of the SUWIDHA project in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur districts
of the Malwa region of Punjab and explore the impact of e-governance on service
delivery and find out turn-around time in the receipt, processing, and delivery of services
in these districts. The users’ awareness of various provisions of government service
delivery and their perception about the new system of service delivery is also assessed.
Users’ opinion about the attitude of the SUWIDHA officials and the degree of users’
satisfaction from e-practices is also investigated.
At the time of the field survey (2015), Suwidha Kendra Patiala was providing a
total of 38 services to the clients, i.e. citizenry of Patiala District. There were 28
operational service counters with an additional one counter dedicated to issuing tokens.
Server Room, Accountant Room, and Form Sale Counter also were part of Suwidha
Kendra’s complex area. The sitting capacity of the complex was of 50 clients inside. The
staff included 01 Accountant, 01 Network Incharge, 30 Data Entry Operators, 01 Helper,
and 01 Security Guard. All these were supervised by an Administrative Officer (District
SUWIDHA Administrator) with the direction of an Executive Magistrate. Deputy
Commissioner acted as an ex-officio CEO of Suwidha Kendra. The complex was under
CCTV surveillance.3
As told by SUWIDHA officials of Patiala and observed during field survey.
As received through RTI reply by DC Office Sangrur vide letter no. egov/19/499 dated 13/09/2019 and
as told by SUWIDHA officials of Sangrur and observed during field survey.
Table 4.1. Awareness Level about Right to Service Act, 2011 in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Completely Know Upto Unaware Total
Aware Some Extent
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 25 31.25 26 32.50 29 36.25 80 100.00
Sangrur 17 21.25 20 25.00 43 53.75 80 100.00
Total 42 26.25 46 28.75 72 45.00 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.1 indicates the awareness level of citizens about the earlier RTS Act,
2011 in the Malwa Region, specifically in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur. As figures
show that a majority of 36.25 percent in Patiala was not aware and 32.5 percent of
respondents were aware upto some extent about the Act. A minority of 31.25 percent was
Overall in the Malwa region, as figures show that a majority of 45 percent was not
aware of the Act and only 28.75 percent of respondents were aware upto some extent
about the act. A low minority of 26.25 percent was completely aware of the Right to
Service Act, 2011. Though the Government of Punjab initiated the RTS Act, 2011 with
great fanfare, it seems that the government failed in publicizing it to the citizens
Table 4.2. Awareness Level about Time-bound Service Delivery under Right to
Service Act, 2011 in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Completely Know Upto Unaware Total
Aware Some Extent
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 19 23.75 21 26.25 40 50.00 80 100.00
Sangrur 07 08.75 23 28.75 50 62.50 80 100.00
Total 26 16.25 44 27.50 90 56.25 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.2 indicates that the awareness level of users about the provisions of time-
bound service delivery under RTS in the Malwa region, particularly in the districts of
Patiala and Sangrur. As figures show in Patiala, 50 percent of users were not aware of
this provision of the Act and only 26.25 percent of respondents responded that they
listened about it from here and there that government started delivering services with a
temporal dimension. A minority of 23.75 percent of respondents were aware of this
provision of temporal dimension attached to the service delivery by SUWIDHA. On the
other hand, in Sangrur, a high majority of 62.5 percent was not aware of this provision of
the Act and only 28.75 percent of respondents responded that they knew about it from
here and there. A very low minority of 8.75 percent of respondents were aware of this
provision of temporal dimension attached to the service delivery by SUWIDHA.
The above figures reflect that despite drafting a good law, the government is
visibly failed in publicizing it; that’s why people were not aware of this provision of
time-bound service delivery.
Table 4.3. Number of Times Respondents Already Received from the SUWIDHA
KENDRA in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District 1st Time 2nd Time 3rd Time More than 3 Total
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 22 27.50 24 30.00 06 07.50 28 35.00 80 100.00
Sangrur 28 35.00 13 16.25 21 26.25 18 22.50 80 100.00
Total 50 31.25 37 23.13 27 16.87 46 28.75 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.3 states the number of times the respondents of this study received the
services from the SUWIDHA Kendras of Malwa region specifically in the districts of
Patiala and Sangrur. At SUWIDHA Kendra of Patiala, 27.5 percent of respondents
visited the SUWIDHA Kendra for the first time; 30 percent of total respondents were
receiving the service from SUWIDHA second time and 7.5 percent of clients were
receiving the service third time. 35 percent of respondents have received services more
than three times from the SUWIDHA Kendra Patiala. In Sangrur, 35 percent of
respondents were visiting the SUWIDHA Kendra for the first time; 16.25 percent of the
total respondents were receiving the service from SUWIDHA second time and 26.25
percent of clients were receiving the third service. 22.5 percent of respondents were
received more than three services from the SUWIDHA Kendra Sangrur.
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Overall in the Malwa region, 31.25 percent of respondents were visiting the
SUWIDHA Kendra for the first time. 23.13 percent of total respondents were receiving
the service second time from SUWIDHA and 16.87 percent of clients were receiving the
service third time. 28.75 percent of respondents were received more than three services
from the SUWIDHA Kendra. The majority of respondents in the Malwa have been
already received service from the SUWIDHA Kendra.
Table 4.3 (a). Number of times the Users, who already received the services, had to
visit SUWIDHA Kendra for the single service in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Two Visits Three Visits Four Visits More than Total
Four Visits
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 12 20.69 11 18.97 23 39.66 12 20.68 58 100.00
Sangrur 12 23.08 24 46.15 11 21.15 05 09.62 52 100.00
Total 24 21.82 35 31.82 34 30.91 17 15.45 110 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.3a states the number of times a user had to visit SUWIDHA Kendra for a
single service in the Malwa region precisely in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur. This
table is connected with Table 4.3 and only those respondents were considered in its
figures, who have already availed the services from SUWIDHA Kendra of respective
districts. As the table shows that in Patiala, that the 20.69 percent of users had to visit
SUWIDHA only two times, once at the time of applying for the service and then for the
collection of the service. 18.97 percent of users had to visit three times and 39.66 percent
of the users had to visit four times. 20.68 percent of the users had to visit more than four
times. In Sangrur, 23.08 percent of users had to visit SUWIDHA only two times, once at
the time of applying for the service and then for the collection of the service. 46.15
percent of users had to visit three times and 21.15 percent of the users had to visit four
times. 9.62 percent of the users had to visit more than four times.
Overall in the Malwa region, 21.82 percent had to visit SUWIDHA only two
times, once at the time of applying for the service and then for the collection of the
Table 4.4 states the users’ perceptions about getting informed by the
administration in case of any discrepancy in documents via Telephone/SMS/email/Letter.
The table states that in Patiala, an absolute majority of 100 percent of respondents stated
that the authority didn’t inform them in any manner of communication if any discrepancy
reported in their documents. Not even a single respondent responded that they got
information about it. Similar results were visible in Sangrur District also.
Overall in the Malwa region, it was shocking to find that an absolute majority of
100 percent of respondents stated that the authority didn’t inform them by SMS regarding
the ‘ready for delivery’ status of the requested service. Not even a single respondent
responded that they got information about it.
Table 4.6. Users’ Perception of the method of applying for the service in Malwa
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Absolutely Easy Enough Complicated Very Total
Easy Complicated
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 23 28.75 11 13.75 24 30.00 22 27.50 80 100.00
Sangrur 21 26.25 23 28.75 16 20.00 20 25.00 80 100.00
Total 44 27.50 34 21.25 40 25.00 42 26.25 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.6 indicates the users’ opinion about applying for the service at
SUWIDHA Kendra in the Malwa Region. The table states that in Patiala, 28.75 percent
of users felt that it is very easy and 13.75 percent of users felt it as easy enough process,
whereas 30 percent of users found the method of applying for the service is complicated
and 27.5 percent of users found it too much complicated to apply for the service at
SUWIDHA Kendra. Similarly, in Sangrur, 26.25 percent of users felt that it is very easy
and 28.75 percent of users felt it as easy enough process, whereas 20 percent of users
found the method of applying for the service is complicated and 25 percent of users
found it too much complicated to apply for the service at SUWIDHA Kendra.
Table 4.7. Users’ Perception of the Improvement in the Quality of service delivery in
Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Improved Very Much Not Much No Total
Improved Improved Improvement
at all
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 14 17.50 17 21.25 22 27.50 27 33.75 80 100.00
Sangrur 16 20.00 17 21.25 23 28.75 24 30.00 80 100.00
Total 30 18.75 34 21.25 45 28.12 51 31.88 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.7 indicates the perceptions of users about the improvement in the quality
of service delivery at the SUWIDHA Kendras in the Malwa Region. At the SUWIDHA
Kendra of Patiala, only 17.5 percent of users felt that the quality is totally improved and
21.25 percent of users felt that it is very much improved. On the other hand, 27.5 percent
of users felt that it is not much improved, whereas the majority of 33.75 percent of users
stated that there was no improvement at all. Similarly, in Sangrur, 20 percent of users felt
that the quality is improved and 21.25 percent of users felt that it is very much improved.
On the other hand, 28.75 percent of users felt that it is not much improved, whereas a
majority of 30 percent of users stated that there is no improvement at all.
Overall in the Malwa region, only 18.75 percent of users felt that the quality is
improved and only 21.25 percent of users felt that it is very much improved, whereas
28.12 percent of users felt that it is not much improved, while the majority of 31.88
percent of users stated that there is no improvement at all. Thus, it is to be noted that the
Table 4.8 indicates the perceptions of users about the SUWIDHA Project in
comparison to the previous system of government service delivery in the Malwa Region
specifically in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur. As Table shows, in Patiala, a
significantly high majority of 43.75 percent of respondents felt that the old system was
better than SUWIDHA in terms of convenience and 23.75 percent of respondents felt that
the new system is convenient to some extent. Only 15 percent of respondents felt that
SUWIDHA is the most convenient and 17.5 percent of respondents stated the new system
of service delivery is convenient as compared to the traditional system. Similarly, in
Sangrur, a significantly high majority of 43.75 percent of respondents felt that the old
system was better than SUWIDHA in terms of convenience and 26.25 percent of
respondents felt that this new system is convenient to some extent. Only 13.75 percent of
respondents felt that SUWIDHA is the most convenient while 16.25 percent of
respondents stated a new system of service delivery is convenient as compared to the
traditional system.
Table 4.8. Users’ Perception of the SUWIDHA System as compared to Old System
in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Most Convenient Convenient Only the Old Total
Convenient to a large to some System was
extent extent Convenient
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 14 17.50 12 15.00 19 23.75 35 43.75 80 100.00
Sangrur 13 16.25 11 13.75 21 26.25 35 43.75 80 100.00
Total 27 16.87 23 14.38 40 25.00 70 43.75 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.10 indicated the users’ opinion about how much transparency comes into
the system through the SUWIDHA Kendra in the Malwa region, specifically in the
districts of Patiala and Sangrur. As the figures state, in Patiala, a high majority of 48.75
percent of respondents felt that there is no impact on transparency, whereas 26.25 percent
of users indicate that it has an impact on transparency, but only up to some extent. 20
percent of respondents felt that SUWIDHA Project brings transparency to a large extent,
whereas only 5 percent of respondents believed that it has enhanced the transparency in
government service delivery. On the contrary in Sangrur, 22.5 percent of respondents felt
that there is no impact on transparency, whereas 13.75 percent of users indicate that it has
an impact on transparency to some extent. 30 percent of respondents felt that SUWIDHA
Project brings transparency to a large extent, where 33.75 percent of respondents believed
that it has absolutely enhanced the transparency in government service delivery.
Overall in the Malwa Region, a majority of 35.63 percent of respondents felt that
there is no impact on transparency, whereas 20 percent of users indicate that it has an
impact on transparency, but only to some extent. 25 percent of respondents felt that
SUWIDHA Project brings transparency in the public service delivery system to a large
extent, whereas only 19.37 percent of respondents believed that it has enhanced the
transparency in government service delivery.
Table 4.11 specified the users’ opinion about how much accountability came into
the government service delivery process with the SUWIDHA Project in the Malwa region
specifically in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur. The figures in the above table
identified that in Patiala, a majority of 53.75 percent of respondents, who believe that
SUWIDHA doesn’t make the bureaucracy accountable in any term, whereas 23.75
percent of users pointed out that it has a minimal impact on accountability. 18.75 percent
of respondents felt that SUWIDHA Project made government accountable up to a large
extent, where 3.75 percent of respondents were of the view that it has an absolute impact
on enhancing the accountability of government. On the other hand, in Sangrur, only 25
percent of respondents believe that SUWIDHA doesn’t make the bureaucracy
accountable in any term, whereas 17.5 percent of users pointed out that it has a minimal
impact on accountability. 26.25 percent of respondents felt that SUWIDHA Project made
government accountable up to a large extent, whereas 31.25 percent of respondents were
of the view that it has undeniably boosted the accountability of government.
Table 4.12 indicates the users’ perception about the level of application
processing on the turn at the SUWIDHA Kendras of Patiala and Sangrur and overall in
the Malwa region. As the table shows that in Patiala, the majority of 46.25 percent of
respondents felt that the application was processed on turn absolutely, whereas 43.75
percent of respondents replied to it to a large extent. Only 8.75 percent of respondents
stated that it to some extent only and 1.25 percent of users denied it in absolute terms.
Similarly, in Sangrur, 60 percent of respondents felt that application was absolutely
processed on turn absolutely, whereas 36.25 percent of respondents replied to it to a large
extent. Only 3.75 percent of respondents stated it to some extent only but not even a
single user denied it in absolute terms.
Overall in the Malwa region, a clear majority of 53.12 percent of respondents felt
that application was absolutely processed on the turn, whereas 40 percent of respondents
replied to it to a large extent. Only 6.25 percent of respondents admitted it to some extent
only and just 0.63 percent of users denied it in absolute terms.
Table 4.13. Does SUWIDHA curb the agent system in Malwa Region?
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Not at all To Some To a large Absolutely Total
extent extent Yes
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 05 06.25 12 15.00 32 40.00 31 38.75 80 100.00
Sangrur 03 03.75 07 08.75 28 35.00 42 52.50 80 100.00
Total 08 05.00 19 11.88 60 37.50 73 45.62 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
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The SUWIDHA project was started to eradicate the middlemen and establish a
direct link between the administration and people and Table 4.13 indicates the success
level of SUWIDHA Kendra in the Malwa region in controlling the agent system. In
Patiala, 38.75 percent of respondents confirmed the abolition of the agent system,
whereas 40 percent of respondents felt that it got curbed upto a large extent with the
advent of SUWIDHA. 15 percent of respondents responded that the agent system got
limited up to some extent and only 6.25 percent of respondents admitted that it still
exists. Similarly, in Sangrur, the table 4.13 states that 52.5 percent of respondents
confirmed the abolition of the agent system, whereas 35 percent of respondents felt that it
got curbed upto a large extent with the advent of SUWIDHA. 8.75 percent of respondents
responded that the agent system got limited to some extent. However, 3.75 percent of
respondents confirmed that it still exists.
Overall in the Malwa region, as table 4.13 states that a high majority of
respondents responded positively to the elimination of the agent system in SUWIDHA.
45.62 percent of respondents confirmed the abolition of the agent system, whereas 37.50
percent of respondents felt that it got curbed upto a large extent with the advent of
SUWIDHA. 11.88 percent of respondents responded that the agent system got limited up
to some extent and only 5 percent of respondents felt that it still existed.
Table 4.14. Need for Assistance in applying for and collecting the Services at
SUWIDHA in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Not at all To Some To a large Absolutely Total
extent extent Yes
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 17 21.25 14 17.50 24 30.00 25 31.25 80 100.00
Sangrur 11 13.75 15 18.75 22 27.50 32 40.00 80 100.00
Total 28 17.50 29 18.13 46 28.75 57 35.62 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.14 indicates the perceptions of users regarding the need for assistance in
applying for and collecting the services at SUWIDHA in the Malwa Region, specifically
the districts of Patiala and Sangrur. The table states that in Patiala, only 21.25 percent of
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respondents stated that they did not need help and they can do it on their own, whereas
17.5 percent of respondents felt the need for assistance to some extent. A total of 30
percent of respondents specified that they required assistance up to a large extent,
whereas a majority of 31.25 percent of respondents felt that they absolutely need
assistance at SUWIDHA. Similarly, in Sangrur, only 13.75 percent of respondents stated
that they can do it on their own, whereas 18.75 percent of respondents felt the need for
assistance to some extent. A total of 27.5 percent of respondents specified that required
assistance up to a large extent, whereas a high majority of 40 percent of respondents felt
that they absolutely need assistance at SUWIDHA.
Overall in Malwa, only 17.50 percent of respondents stated that they can apply for
and collect services at SUWIDHA Kendra on their own, whereas 18.13 percent of
respondents felt the need for assistance to some extent. A total of 28.75 percent of
respondents specified that they required assistance up to a large extent, whereas a high
majority of 35.62 percent of respondents felt that they totally need assistance at
Table 4.15. Users’ Perception about Inquiry System at SUWIDHA in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Not Satisfied Satisfied To Satisfied To Absolutely Total
Some extent a large Satisfied
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 34 42.50 21 26.25 18 22.50 07 08.75 80 100.00
Sangrur 06 07.50 16 20.00 13 16.25 45 56.25 80 100.00
Total 40 25.00 37 23.13 31 19.37 52 32.50 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Overall in Malwa, 32.5 percent of respondents were happy from the inquiry
system and 19.37 percent of respondents were satisfied up to a large extent. 23.13 percent
of respondents opined that they were satisfied up to some extent whereas only 25 percent
expressed their absolute dissatisfaction from the inquiry system.
The reason for these extremely opposite findings in both districts of the Malwa
region was that in Patiala, the highly dissatisfied perception was obvious due to the
absence of the reception counter. On the other hand, in Sangrur, there was a dedicated
reception counter established at the SUWIDHA Kendra. Moreover, SUWIDHA
Administrator in Sangrur was very much accessible to the users and they could directly
approach him in any case of need.
Table 4.16 specifies the clients’ opinion about the time-bound service delivery at
SUWIDHA Kendra in the Malwa region, regarding districts of Patiala and Sangrur. The
table specifies that at SUWIDHA Kendra Patiala, 28.75 percent of respondents registered
their absolute dissatisfaction, whereas 30 percent of respondents felt satisfied up to some
extent about the time-bound service delivery. Only 26.25 percent of respondents felt
Table 4.17. Is SUWIDHA System being beneficial for illiterate users in Malwa
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Not at all To some To a large Absolutely Total
extent extent Yes
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 16 20.00 28 35.00 25 31.25 11 13.75 80 100.00
Sangrur 06 07.50 14 17.50 37 46.25 23 28.75 80 100.00
Total 22 13.75 42 26.25 62 38.75 34 21.25 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.17 stated the users’ perception of the benefits of SUWIDHA to illiterate
users in the Malwa region of Punjab, specifically in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur.
Overall in the Malwa region, the table stated that a majority of 38.75 percent of
respondents felt it was beneficial up to a large extent, whereas 21.25 percent of
respondents believed that it was beneficial for illiterate users. Only 13.75 percent of
respondents felt that the SUWIDHA system was not beneficial for illiterate users,
whereas 26.25 percent of respondents stated that it was beneficial up to some extent.
However, providing all administrative services under the single roof has reduced
the harassment of a common man who had to run here and there to various administrative
blocks, sometimes one used to be located far away from another. But still, an illiterate
user has to face some obstacles in getting his administrative works done, as he is unable
to gather knowledge about the documentation required and also when he has to visit
various counters. Much confusion remains in their minds.
Table 4.18. Is Online Tracking System of Application status being helpful in Malwa
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Not at all To some To a large Absolutely Total
extent extent Yes
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 80 100.00 00 00.00 00 00.00 00 00.00 80 100.00
Sangrur 80 100.00 00 00.00 00 00.00 00 00.00 80 100.00
Total 160 100.00 00 00.00 00 00.00 00 00.00 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Hence, overall in the Malwa region, all of the respondents were in the same
league when they unanimously denied the presence of an online tracking system of
application status. Researchers found that although there was a provision of such an
online tracking system of application enlisted in the SUWIDHA facility but no such
system is get implemented to date of fieldwork (2015) by the district administration of
both the districts.
Table 4.19. Has the harassment of common user decreased with SUWIDHA System
in Malwa Region?
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Not at all To Some To a large Absolutely Total
extent extent Yes
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 35 43.75 19 23.75 19 23.75 07 08.75 80 100.00
Sangrur 19 23.75 13 16.25 23 28.75 25 31.25 80 100.00
Total 54 33.75 32 20.00 42 26.25 32 20.00 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.19 states the users’ opinion about a reduction in the harassment of
common user SUWIDHA system in the Malwa Region, specifically in the districts of
Patiala and Sangrur. The table indicates that in Patiala, 43.75 percent of respondents felt
that the SUWIDHA project did not have any impact at all on the reduction of harassment
of common users, whereas 23.75 percent of respondents felt that it decreased the
harassment up to some extent. 23.75 percent of respondents felt it decreases the
harassment up to a large extent and 23.75 percent of respondents opined that harassment
decreased as compared to the traditional system. On the contrary in Sangrur, the table
indicates that 31.25 percent of respondents felt that the SUWIDHA project reduced the
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harassment of common users, whereas 28.75 percent of respondents felt that it decreased
the harassment up to a large extent. 16.25 percent of respondents felt it decreases the
harassment up to some extent and 23.75 percent of respondents opined that harassment is
continuing as such in the traditional system.
Overall in the Malwa region, 33.75 percent of respondents felt that the
SUWIDHA project did not have any impact on the reduction of harassment of common
users, whereas 20 percent of respondents felt that it decreases the harassment up to some
extent. 26.25 percent of respondents felt it decreases the harassment up to a large extent
and 20 percent of respondents opined that harassment decreased as compared to the
traditional system.
Overall in the Malwa region, the table indicates that 20.62 percent of respondents
felt satisfied with the behavior of SUWIDHA employees, whereas a majority of 45
percent of respondents satisfied up to large extent in this context. Only 18.75 percent of
respondents felt satisfied up to some extent and 15.63 percent of respondents expressed
their absolute dissatisfaction with the behavior of SUWIDHA staff.
Table 4.21 states the users’ perception of their satisfaction from sitting
arrangements at SUWIDHA Kendras in the Malwa region, specifically in the districts of
Patiala and Sangrur. The table indicated that in Patiala, 25 percent of respondents are
highly satisfied with the sitting arrangements at SUWIDHA Kendra Patiala, whereas 32.5
percent of respondents are satisfied up to a large extent. It was found that 26.25 percent
of respondents registered their satisfaction up to some extent and only 16.25 percent of
respondents said that they were highly dissatisfied with the sitting arrangements. On the
other hand, in Sangrur, a significant majority of 57.5 percent of respondents were highly
satisfied with the sitting arrangements at SUWIDHA Kendra Sangrur, whereas 36.25
percent of respondents were satisfied up to large extent. Only 3.75 percent of respondents
registered their satisfaction up to some extent and only 2.5 percent of respondents said
that they were highly dissatisfied with the sitting arrangements. The reason for such high
satisfaction visible at SUWIDHA Kendra of Sangrur was that there were sufficient
arrangements for sitting in the complex, where daily nearly 500 people visit for various
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Overall in the Malwa region, a majority of 41.25 percent of respondents were
highly satisfied with the sitting arrangements at SUWIDHA Kendra, whereas 34.37
percent of respondents were satisfied up to a large extent. Only 15 percent of respondents
registered their satisfaction up to some extent and just 9.38 percent of respondents said
that they were highly dissatisfied with the sitting arrangements.
Table 4.22. Satisfaction from basic amenities such as Drinking water, Ventilation,
Air-conditioning Washrooms, etc. in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Not Satisfied Satisfied To Satisfied To a Absolutely Total
Some extent large extent Satisfied
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 37 46.25 28 35.00 05 06.25 10 12.50 80 100.00
Sangrur 05 06.25 09 11.25 39 48.75 27 33.75 80 100.00
Total 42 26.25 37 23.13 44 27.50 37 23.12 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.22 displays the level of users’ satisfaction from basic amenities such as
drinking water, ventilation, air-conditioning washrooms, etc. in the SUWIDHA Kendras
of Malwa region, specifically in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur. Table indicated that
in Patiala, 46.25 percent of respondents are highly dissatisfied with the basic amenities
such as drinking water, ventilation, air-conditioning, washrooms, etc. at SUWIDHA
Kendra Patiala, whereas 35 percent of respondents are satisfied up to some extent. 6.25
percent of respondents expressed their satisfaction upto a large extent, whereas only 12.5
percent of respondents expressed their absolute satisfaction. Conversely in Sangrur, 33.75
percent of respondents are highly satisfied with the basic amenities such as drinking
water, ventilation, air-conditioning, washrooms, etc. at SUWIDHA Kendra Sangrur,
whereas 48.75 percent of respondents are satisfied up to large extent. 11.25 percent of
respondents expressed their satisfaction upto some extent, whereas only 6.25 percent of
respondents expressed their absolute dissatisfaction. The reason for such high satisfaction
is visible at SUWIDHA Kendra of Sangrur, as there was a water-cooler installed there for
the users and washroom facility was also available near the complex and air-conditioners
were properly working.
Table 4.23 shows the users’ opinions regarding applying for service at
SUWIDHA in comparison to the previous system in the Malwa region, specifically in the
districts of Patiala and Sangrur. It is clear that in Patiala, 15 percent of respondents felt it
very easy and 18.75 percent of respondents felt it easy to apply for the service at the
SUWIDHA as compared to the previous system, whereas a high majority of 43.75
percent of respondents felt it difficult and 22.5 percent of respondents felt it very difficult
to apply in comparison to the previous system. Quite the opposite in Sangrur as 28.75
percent of respondents felt it very easy and 38.75 percent of respondents felt it easy to
apply for the service at the SUWIDHA as compared to the previous system, whereas
26.25 percent of respondents felt it difficult and only 6.25 percent of respondents felt it
very difficult to apply in comparison to the previous system.
Overall in the Malwa region, 21.88 percent of respondents felt it very easy and
28.75 percent of respondents felt it easy to apply for the service at the SUWIDHA as
compared to the previous system, whereas 35 percent of respondents felt it difficult and
only 14.37 percent of respondents felt it very difficult to apply in comparison to the
previous system.
Table 4.24. Users' Opinion for receiving service at SUWIDHA in comparison to the
previous system in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult Total
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 18 22.50 19 23.75 34 42.50 09 11.25 80 100.00
Sangrur 23 28.75 31 38.75 21 26.25 05 06.25 80 100.00
Total 41 25.63 50 31.25 55 34.37 14 08.75 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.24 depicts about the users’ opinion about receiving service at SUWIDHA
with comparison to the previous system in the Malwa region, specifically in the districts
of Patiala and Sangrur. The table shows that in Patiala, 22.5 percent of respondents found
it very easy and 23.75 percent of respondents found it easy to receive the service at the
SUWIDHA as compared to the previous system, whereas a majority of 42.5 percent of
respondents found it difficult and only 11.25 percent of respondents found it very
difficult to receive the service in comparison to the previous system. Contrarily in
Sangrur, 28.75 percent of respondents found it very easy and 38.75 percent of
respondents found it easy to receive the service at the SUWIDHA as compared to the
previous system, whereas 26.25 percent of respondents found it difficult and only 6.25
percent of respondents found it very difficult to receive the service in comparison to the
previous system.
Overall in the Malwa region, 25.63 percent of respondents found it very easy and
31.25 percent of respondents found it easy to receive the service at the SUWIDHA as
compared to the previous system. On the other hand, 34.37 percent of respondents found
it difficult and only 8.75 percent of respondents found it very difficult to receive the
service in comparison to the previous system.
Table 4.25 indicates the users’ opinion about the time taken for receiving token at
SUWIDHA Kendra in the Malwa region, specifically in the districts of Patiala and
Sangrur. The table indicates that in Patiala, 37.5 percent of respondents stated that it took
more than an hour to receive the token, whereas a high majority of 57.5 percent of
respondents stated that it took nearly 30 minutes to one hour for receiving the token. Only
5 percent of respondents stated that it took them just 15-30 minutes to receive a token for
applying for the service, whereas none of the users stated that it took less than 15 minutes
to receive the token. The finding was exactly in contrast at Sangrur, where 100 percent of
respondents unanimously replied that it took less than 15 minutes to receive the token
number from the counter.
However, most of them took a jibe in stating that token window is just an
eyewash, where the user got the impression that the work will get done in seconds on
every counter as it happens on the token counter, but actual struggle starts after receiving
the token!
Overall in the Malwa region, 18.75 percent of respondents stated that it took more
than an hour to receive the token, whereas a high majority of 28.75 percent of
respondents stated that it took nearly 30 minutes to one hour for receiving the token. Only
Table 4.26. Total Time taken for the Submission of Application in Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Less Than 1 1-2 Hours 2-4 Hours More than 4 Total
Hour Hours
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 11 13.75 07 08.75 56 70.00 06 07.50 80 100.00
Sangrur 19 23.75 38 47.50 20 25.00 03 03.75 80 100.00
Total 30 18.75 45 28.13 76 47.50 09 05.62 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.26 indicates the users’ opinion about the total time taken for the
submission of application in the Malwa region, specifically in the districts of Patiala and
Sangrur. The table indicates that in Patiala, 13.75 percent of respondents stated that it
took less than one hour for the process, whereas 8.75 percent of respondents stated that it
took one to two hours for submitting the applications. A significantly high majority of 70
percent of respondents stated that it took two to four hours for applying. Only 7.5 percent
of respondents stated that they have to spend more than four hours for a single
application submitting. Quite the reverse in Sangrur, 23.75 percent of respondents stated
that it took less than one hour for the process, whereas 47.5 percent of respondents stated
that it took one to two hours for submitting the applications. 25 percent of respondents
stated that it took two to four hours for applying. Only 3.75 percent of respondents stated
that they have to spend more than four hours for submitting a single application.
Overall in the Malwa region, 18.75 percent of respondents stated that it took less
than one hour for the process, whereas 28.13 percent of respondents stated that it took
one to two hours for submitting the applications. A majority of 47.50 percent of
respondents stated that it took two to four hours for applying. Only 5.62 percent of
respondents stated that more than four hours are used up for a single application to be
Table 4.27 shows the users’ perception of the fee charged for services in the
Malwa region, specifically in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur. The results indicated
that in Patiala, 15 percent of respondents felt that fees were genuine and only 6.25
percent of respondents believed that the fees should be more. 48.75 percent of
respondents expressed that it should be less and 30 percent of respondents stated that it
should be free. However, in Sangrur, a significant majority of 56.25 percent of
respondents felt that fees were genuine and only 2.5 percent of respondents believed that
the fees should be more. 23.75 percent of respondents expressed that it should be less and
17.5 percent of respondents stated that it should be free.
Overall in the Malwa region, a high majority of 35.63 percent of respondents felt
that fees are genuine and only 4.37 percent of respondents believed that the fees should
be more. 36.25 percent of respondents expressed that it should be less and 23.75 percent
of respondents stated that it should be free. Thus a divided opinion can be seen in the
Malwa region regarding service charges.
Table 4.28 shows the awareness level of users about filing complaints or giving
suggestions with the SUWIDHA authority in the Malwa region regarding the districts of
Patiala and Sangrur. The table indicates that in Patiala, 46.25 percent of respondents were
aware of the filing of complaints and giving suggestions to the administration about the
working of SUWIDHA, whereas 53.75 percent of respondents were not aware of it. Even
in Sangrur, 57.5 percent of respondents were not aware of the filing of complaints and
giving suggestions to the administration about the working of SUWIDHA, whereas 42.5
percent of respondents were aware of it.
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Table 4.28. Users’ Awareness about filing complaints or giving suggestions in
Malwa Region
Users’ Perceptions
Region District Yes No Total
No. %age No. %age No. %age
Malwa Patiala 37 46.25 43 53.75 80 100.00
Sangrur 34 42.50 46 57.50 80 100.00
Total 71 44.38 89 55.62 160 100.00
Source: Primary Data
Overall in the Malwa region, it was sad to see that a majority of 55.62 percent of
respondents were not aware of the filing of complaints and giving suggestions to the
administration about the working of SUWIDHA, whereas 44.38 percent of respondents
were aware of it.
When asked about whether the users filed any complaint or gave suggestions to
the administration about the working of SUWIDHA Kendra in the Malwa, as stated in
Table 4.29 in Patiala, only 16.25 percent of respondents stated positively, whereas 83.75
percent of respondents never registered their formal complaint or gave any suggestion to
the administration. Similarly, in Sangrur, only 22.5 percent of respondents replied
positively, whereas 77.5 percent of respondents never registered their formal complaint
or gave any suggestion to the administration.
Overall in the Malwa region, it can be seen that a significantly high majority of
80.62 percent of respondents never registered their formal complaint or gave any
suggestions to the administration, indicating their less active role.
Table 4.29a is a connected table with 4.29, in which only those respondents were
considered who had filed any complaint or given suggestions to administration in the
Malwa Region. When asked about the officials’ attitude towards complaints/suggestions
from those respondents who filed them, in Patiala, all of them unanimously stated that
officials dilly-dally about their complaints, whereas in Sangrur, the majority of 61.11
percent of respondents stated that officials dilly-dallied and delayed replying or resolving
their complaints, whereas 27.78 percent stated that they ignored them. Only 11.11 percent
of respondents stated that officials were sympathetic towards their complaints. None of
the users confirmed the problem-solving attitudes of officials.
Summing Up
The present chapter presents the users’ perceptions and awareness level regarding
e-governance at the SUWIDHA Kendra of the Malwa Region of the Punjab state of India
specifically in the districts of Patiala and Sangrur. The primary data collected during the
field survey at these districts were presented in tabular form. The issue of user awareness
is currently prominent in the development agenda of Good Governance. The only aware
citizenry can make informed choices, voice its needs, preferences, and concerns and can
The study also found some stark differences in the perceptions of the users of both
districts of the Malwa region. It was observed that the users’ perception and level of
satisfaction are determined not only by the convenience he enjoyed during following the
procedures laid down by the administration but also by his readiness to accept the
change. Users at Sangrur District were found keener to accept the impact of SUWIDHA
on transparency than the users of the Patiala District. Overall, the SUWIDHA project in
the two districts of the Malwa region under study show mixed and interesting results with
meaningful narrations of possibilities so far as the users’ awareness and perceptions were
concerned. However, the SUWIDHA project is claimed by the government as a ray of
hope in the successful implementation of governance reforms.