Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Cambridge Police Station was identified as one of the contributors and was
producing the expected desired result on performance especially on the operational
programs. Main drivers of poor performance were explored focusing on Visible
Policing and Detective Components; the reasons for the employee low morale and
the relationship between employer and employee. The study also takes into
consideration the work environment with regard to resources and skills required for
the members to perform their duties with the aim to maximize their performance. In
any company or organization it becomes imperative to consider return on
investment, to ensure that resources utilized are yielding the desired outcome.
Quantitative research approach was followed utilizing an interpretive descriptive
design to obtain the information. Structured questionnaires deemed to be relevant for
data collection for this study. The response to the study was marginal with 70%
[n=30] responses received. Data analysis included identifying and comparing
existence of factors that affect the members personally and work related factors that
threatens turnover intensions. The study participants composed members working at
the Community Service Centre, Complaint attendance and Investigating Officers in
the Cambridge Police Station precinct regardless of levels.
The results revealed various factors that affect the performance of the station. The
study findings showed a problem with regard to management aspects in terms of
effective communication, lack of resources, implementation of performance appraisal
system, recognition of good performance done by members and members’ views are
not given recognition. These aspects played a negative effect on member’s morale
that adversely affected the overall performance; hence the members lacked
motivation and recognition by managers.
It was also evident that the poor performance regulatory policy was either unknown
or very little knowledge by members who heard about the policy. The results
indicated that the policy was not correctly implemented instead managers showed
less interest for
members welfare. Management dealt with members in accordance to disciplinary
procedures without giving the employees a chance to explain their perspective.
Based on the results of the findings, the researcher conclusively formulated the
conclusion and recommendations to bridge the gaps identified.
Keywords: Performance, Human Resource Management, Physical Resources, Quality
of Work Life, Performance Appraisal System, Motivation, Good Leadership,
Organizational Factors and Communication.
The study originated from understanding that Cambridge Police Station was viewed as
not performing at an acceptable standard when evaluated as per performance chart.
Performance Chart being the monitoring tool of the organization, this tool concentrates
on all aspects of the SAPS such as Operational and Administration components. The
study then focused on one dimension being Operational field which deals with Crime
Prevention, Complaints attendance and Investigation thereof. Without highly motivated,
skilled personnel and enough physical resources the organization cannot function
properly and effectively.
It is widely recognized that the police are not providing the desired output in relation to
the set standards. Other provinces are having the similar situation with the current
status regarding performance as per performance chart and crime statistics recently
released nationwide by the Minister of Police. It transpired during the course of this
study that a number of factors are affecting the performance and members are
concerned hence they raised their opinions. The literature review revealed some actions
and solutions to remedy the situation so that the organization can achieve the desired
outcomes, improving work conditions, motivating members, improving management
styles of the supervisors, development and strengthening of skills through sufficient
training of investigators, remuneration and enhancement of teamwork.
The operational components are very much important in the SAPS due to their field of
work. Detectives and Community Service Centre are Front Office fields, which mean
members working there must portray professionalism and must be well equipped to
perform their duties. These two offices are the core business of the SAPS, hence they
are crime fighters and always on the frontline to ensure that South Africa is safe and
secure at all times. They are also to be self-motivated and be client oriented to be able
to perform at a high standard. This solely means the community of South Africa
depends on the hands of SAPS for their safety. Their performance is therefore of critical
nature for successful provisioning of effective and efficient performance at all costs.
This study therefore aimed at establishing the causes of poor work performance and the
possible solutions to remedy the situation with specific focus on operational component
at Cambridge police station in the Eastern Cape. The study involved the members from
the station to get their views and opinion on this topic hence they are based at this
station. This chapter therefore presents the conclusions obtained from the results of the
study and the recommendations to improve performance of Cambridge Police Station
and later the recommendations will be piloted to other stations within the province.
The findings are organized in relation to the questions that assisted the study to obtain
the responses for the participants. Questions were directed mainly to the members
functioning operationally in the Visible Policing and Detective environment at the
Cambridge Police Station on both commanding and grassroots positions. The
participants were complaint attendants, investigators or data capturers.
The sample focused on one station as a study field out of twelve Brigadier level within
the Eastern Cape Province. The choice for Cambridge police station was due to its
location and vastness of the area as well as the combination of the station precinct
being urban, rural and semi-urban environments including farm area. At least fifty
questionnaires were distributed though only 51% was reverted back to the researcher
and some of the questionnaires were either partially answered or not answered due to
lack of knowledge regarding how to deal with poor performance. This became clear that
members are not familiar about some policies with the organization except the
knowledge of disciplinary procedures for misconduct.
Females 13 Males
14 48% Females
Age of Respondents
The age of respondents is an important aspect during the interpretation of the results
also for this study. Figure 4.2., below show that most of the respondents are in the well
mature group between the age of 40 and 49 years old.
50-59 Years,20-29 Years ,
3, 0,
11% 0%
30-39 Years
10 20-29 Years
30-39 Years
40-49 Years
50-59 Years
40-49 Years
[11%] 00,[,
[8%] Matric
Undergraduate Degree
Honours/Btech Degree
6 16
[22%] [59%] Masters
with members being bored of working in the same environment without growth and also
the fact that some members get too acquainted with the environment in so much that
there is no challenge anymore.
10 11
0-1 Year
8 9 9 9
8 8 1-5 Years
6 5-10 Years
5 5 10-15 Years
4 4 4 15-20 Years
2 3
20 or More
0 2 0 0 0 0
SAPS At Cambridge Current Rank
Figure 4.: Number of Years in the Organization, Station & Current Rank
This question looks at the number of respondents from the two components of
operational environment at the station. This indicates a bigger percentage to be Visible
Policing with 78% and the remaining 22% for Detective component.
Visible Policing
0, 0%
15, [12%] Detective Support
Data Capturer
Crime Prevention
Complaint Attendance
The first object of the study was to determine factors causing employee poor work
performance in the Cambridge Police Station, Eastern Cape. The aspects that emerged
from the study include a broad spectrum of negative [demoralizing] and positive
[Motivating] factors which are embedded within the individual or the organizational
processes and those factors are discussed below.
Without training performance of high quality and standard is totally impossible, that is why
every organization have human resource development component to ensure that their
personnel acquire the necessary skills to perform their jobs. Most of the respondents
indicated the lack of necessary skills especially on the investigation skills. As an
investigator one needs to have the necessary training besides the tertiary and basic
training as a police officer. On personal information obtained it was clear that almost half
of the members managed to accomplish grade 12 and no further education thereafter.
Only one third of the members acquired a diploma education level and only a mere 10%
at honors/Btech level [Figure 3]. A huge percentage [70%] of respondents reported that
they required necessary skills to perform their current job to be able to improve their
performance. Also another enormous gap of [90%] was reported by the respondents with
regard to clarity on what was expected of them at work.
Members also came strongly about the senior management leadership skills in the
station to the point of suggesting changes of the station senior managers. Some
members went to the point of preferring the previous leadership due to how things are
currently. Some respondents also suggested in-service training and on the job training to
overcome the training challenges. Members performing detective duties indicated they
are lacking investigation course and yet they are overloaded with dockets and that puts a
lot of pressure on their shoulders.
Therefore, performance of high standard and quality solely depends on well skilled labor.
Lack of knowledge can be dangerous to the employee’s career; this was clearly indicated
by lack of understanding of the availability of the necessary policies and procedures to
deal with poor performance in the SAPS [Table 3.]. Also, the respondents were asked
about the meaning of poor performance and to distinguish whether it was misconduct or
lack of discipline, the responses indicated they were not having a clear understanding
about the subject.
Highly motivated members equals to performance of high standard whilst on the other
hand members with low morale equals to poor work performance. This becomes clear
that members’ well-being is always important for the organization’s performance. In this
aspect respondents reported approximately 43.33% of their responses that members
lacked motivation due to several aspects. These included personal needs not being met,
treatment by the commanders that was not appropriate, lack of appreciation by
commanders, performance appraisals, lack of recognition, and scarcity of promotions,
favoritism, low salaries and poor communication.
Johnson [1997:106] says “our basic social nature demands that we seek out
communication with other people”; furthermore, “What prompts communication is our
desire for someone else to know what we know, to value what we value, to feel what we
feel, and to decide what we decide”.
Almost 90% of the respondent [86.67%] reported that they are not satisfied with their
current commanders. Members does not feel the sense of satisfaction in their job,
respondents indicated intentions to search for other greener pastures given the
opportunities [Table 1& 2.]. Respondents reported that poor performance had a big effect
on their morale and makes them not to be associated with the station at times or to be
seen wearing uniforms within the premises of the Cambridge Police Station. Employees
need self-fulfillment, self actualisation, job security and self-motivation to have a driving
force to perform effectively.
Labor Relations Act and Public Service Commission toolkit documents deals with what is
expected of each and every employee. SAPS as an organization, agreement 3/2005 is in
place to regulate poor performance and to give clear guide what to do when a member
does not perform as required.
Poor performance has negative consequences in the organization and also to the image
of members. It also transpired from the respondents that poor performance should be
addressed with immediate effect hence if it is not dealt with it has bad consequences.
100% of the respondents strongly indicated that poor performance should not be left
unattended because it can lead to unfixable situation leading our clients to lose
confidence causing them to take the law to their hands. Poor work performance tarnishes
the image of the organization and runs the work place unruly and demotivate members
that are hard workers. It will also lead to increase in crime levels. Over and above
members get embarrassed to be associated with the poor performing station or any
organization. Hence the stations performance is rated on the performance chart and then
compared to other stations, that brings the shame to that specific station management
and members for the station will be seen and the worst performing station. Poor
performance also demoralizes member’s morale and paints a bad picture because crime
statistics goes up.
Factors Relating to Recommended Issues to improve employee work
Communication plays a big role in the organization to ensure that members understand
their roles and responsibilities the organization they are working for. The manner in which
the instructions are given to members is also important to curb misunderstanding. It also
transpired in the study that sometimes communication is not clear causing members to
execute wrong instructions.
Highly motivated members produces good end product and performs at a high level.
Motivation is one of the interventions to encourage high level performance, as adapted
from Swanepoel et al [2000:353]. Managing for maximum performance as the need to
manage performance effectively at the level of either individual or the work team
subsequent lessons stay focused on the overall objective while recalling information
about performance that builds on the foundation of the earlier lessons [Cascio 1998:299-
300]. Taking into consideration the respondents views, it transpired that building a strong
team, building trust and commitment, managers are to ensure the employees are highly
motivated by acknowledging the effort they put to uplift the performance standard.
The findings revealed that the factors affecting the performance of the members of the
Cambridge Police station. These factors therefore need to be addressed with immediate
effect and be monitored over a period of time to ensure gradual sustainable progress in
improving the performance of the members appointed on operational environment.
Interventions are to be implemented to educate, motivate and encourage the members
thereby boosting their morale. Immediate intervention from Cluster and Provincial level
will also be recommended with the involvement of the Employee Health and Wellness
Services for morale boost activities, Labor Relations for information sharing with regard
to labor related matters such as disciplinary procedures, and Legal Services for legal
principles to educate the personnel inclusive of the station management about.
The involvement of the following components from Provincial level can play a big role in
ensuring the organizational procedures are being kept by the station management.
The components are-
Human Resource Utilization – to establish if the personnel placed at
Cambridge are they properly utilized and has the correct
performance management measurements.
Human Resource Development – to establish whether the necessary training
for the members placed in the environments of Visible Policing and
Detectives is provided and to develop a strategy to overcome the short
comings discovered.
Organizational Development – to conduct and efficiency study to
establish whether the station resources are equivalent or sufficient
enough for the precinct being policed or serviced is appropriate.
Provincial Senior Management to revisit the appointment of station
senior managers.
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Agreement 3/2005 dated 20/05/2005
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