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Aleck Joy G. Carpio

11 A -Information Coummunication Technology

Dane Julius Daang

JANUARY 18 2020

The Human Person as an

Embodied Spirit

What does it mean to be an embodied person?What is the meaning of human person

as an embodied spirit?How do you fully embodied?How do you live embodied life?

One of the dominant themes in the course Introduction to the Philosophy of

the Human Person is the idea that the human person is an embodied spirit. Thus,
when we say embodied spirit we mean that the body is not separate from the soul, just
as the soul is not separate from the body.In this view, it is expected to understand the
human person as an embodied spirit as well as distinguish his/her own limitations and
the possibilities of his/her transcendence.If you embody someone, you put him or her
in-body, as when an actor gives a complete and compelling representation of a
character. You can also use embody to describe character traits you see in a person,
like, He embodies truth, or, She is the embodiment of goodness. Definitions
of embody.

At the heart of Hinduism lies the idea of human beings’ quest for absolute truth,
so that one’s soul and the Brahman or Atman (Absolute Soul) might become one. For
the Indians, God first created sound and the universe arose from it. AS the most
sacred sound, The Aum (Om) is the root of the universe and everything that exists and
it continues to hold everything together.

According to Hinduism, human beings have a dual nature: one is the spiritual
and immoral essence (soul); the other is empirical life character. Between the two
natures, however, it is maintained that it is the soul that is ultimately real. The
existence of the body, in fact, is considered as nothing more than an illusion and even
an obstacle to an individual’s realization of one’s self.

The Biblical God and Humanity

New Body of philosophical writings that sets forth new problems is discussed.
In the 5th Century, Augustine’s writing is considered to be the most influential in the
early medieval period. This section looks at the reasonable of belief in God’s
existence. In doing so, we shall treat the statement of “God exists” as a hypothesis,
which we call the theistic hypothesis. This means we shall ask whether or not the
existence of God provides that best explanation of the existence of God provides the
best explanation of the existence of the world, as we know it.

For St. Augustine (354-430 CE), philosophy is amor sapiential, the love of
wisdom; its aim is to produce happiness. However, for Augustine, wisdom is not just
an abstract logical construction; but it is substantially existent as the Divine Logos.,
Hence, philosophy is the love of God: it is then religious. Teachings of Christianity are
based on the Love of God: it is then, religious. Teachings of Christianity are based on
the love of God, which Augustine’s, Aquinas’, and Anselm’s arguments are basically
For St. Thomas Aquinas, of all, human beings have the unique power to
change themselves and things for better. His philosophy is best grasped in his
treatises Summa Contra Gentiles and Summa Theologica. Aquinas considers the
human beings as moral agent. We are both spiritual and body elements; the spiritual
and material.

Evaluate own Limitation and the Possibilities for their Transcendence

Many of us would experience any of the following; for emerging from deep
within and felt a sense of being in tune with the mystery of our own being, and with the
mystery of life that transcends us. Let us consider the following examples (Edwards

In this lesson,I have learned what is The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit is.
I learned  to understand the specificity of the human person as an embodied
spirit is important because aside from the fact that it enables us to know our
potentialities and limitations, it also exposes us to a thorough and deeper
understanding of ourselves as a unique creature united by body and soul. And about
Embodied spirituality regards the body as subject, as. the home of the complete
human being, as a source of spiritual insight, as a microcosm of the universe and the
Mystery, and as pivotal for enduring spiritual transformation.

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