Early Christian Writin17
Early Christian Writin17
Early Christian Writin17
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Nag Hammadi Coptic Text Funk's Parallels
Isa 64:4, Luke 10:23-24,
Matt 13:16-17, 1 Cor 2:9,
1 Clem 34:8, 2 Clem
11:7, Turfan Fragment M
789, Acts of Peter 39,
of the Apostle Paul 25-
(17) Jesus said: I will give (17) Jesus said, "I shall give 18 [17]. Jesus says: "I will 29.
you what no eye has seen you (plur.) what eyes have give you what eye has never
and what no ear has heard not seen, what ears have not seen, and what ear has
and what no hand has heard, what hands have not never heard, and what hand
touched and what has not touched, what has not come has never touched, and what
entered into the heart of upon the human heart." has never entered into the
man. heart of man."