SEX EDUCATION Sex education is the provision of information about bodily development, sex,
sexuality, and relationships, along with skills-building to help young people
communicate about and make informed decisions regarding sex and their sexual
LATE CHILDHOOD Late childhood is generally defined as ages 9 through 12. It is best to educate
students at this stage as according to Sigmund Freud, latency period happens in
this age group in which learning rather than sexual interests is more facilitated by
the student.
CLASSROOM SETTING It is a physical set-up facilitated by a teacher for education. This is the chosen
environment to not make students with ADHD feel any different from students of
their age despite their differences.
The education process After the session, the An interactive lesson compromising Materials (All must be Facilitate another game to check the
contains these elements: target students are students with ADHD together with interestingly designed to understanding of the students paying
expected to: other students to facilitate integration of get the attention of special attention to those with ADHD,
Strengthening the students with ADHD with the students with ADHD) our target group.
supportive Learn normal students. The lesson will center PPT presentation.
environment for comprehensively in sex education paying particular Visual aids. ‘Pass the ball’ and ’15 seconds
students with ADHD about sex attention towards students with ADHD Print outs. blablabla’ could be used to
while facilitating the education. containing the following sequences: Props for games. elicit opinions about the lesson
learning process. Understand the from the students. Each
Provide a logical value and care Set rules to facilitate student’s Manpower: student will receive an award
model of approach in that must be focus and give them a list of Teachers of for participating.
consideration of given to their circumstances once the rules respective
students with ADHD bodies. are broken. classes. Tasks will be left to the teachers to
for sex education. Bring desirable Provide a logical sequence of promote repetitive evaluation for
Assess relevant needs responses once ideas in an attention catching Facility students with ADHD. Activities such
and assets of the target asked about manner to keep the target group A room free of as small quizzes or interactive and
group. sexual health interested. distractions visual tests regarding the topic. Notes
Promote health being queries despite Lesson must have both written which makes and reports must be documented and
the center of the the ADHD and oral instructions that go children focused sent to assess progress of the target
education process. condition. hand in hand to facilitate only on the group.
Be able to understanding for the target lessons.
pronounce their group. If little to no progress is found,
discomfort about Set up a reward type of program communicate again with the officials
the topic and be (either games or just normal and teachers of the school to locate the
able to accept recitation type of discussion) problem and to provide a proper
feedback once which gives opportunity to the solution. Another program may be
discomfort is target group to participate devised until goal is reached.
addressed. without feeling ashamed and
out of place.
Discover and Lesson will focus in human To keep the knowledge intact and be
emulate the sexual anatomy providing emulated properly by the target group,
various precise and concise an annual sex education program for
circumstances of information. students with ADHD is suggested.
ignorance about Lesson will also tap on clear Keen attention and observed
sex and sexual health goals- use of increasing knowledge over the years
health. contraceptives, and condoms to will serve as marks for success of
avoid pregnancy and STDs. education plan.