Physical Education

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H$moS> Z§.

Code No. 75/C

amob Z§. narjmWu H$moS >H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð
Roll No. >na Adí` {bIo§ &
Candidates must write the Code on the
title page of the answer-book.

(I) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV (I) Please check that this question
n¥ð> 15 h¢ & paper contains 15 printed pages.

(II) àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS (II) Code number given on the right
>Zå~a H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na hand side of the question paper
{bI| & should be written on the title page of
the answer-book by the candidate.
(III) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| (III) Please check that this question
>34 àíZ h¢ & paper contains 34 questions.

(IV) H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go (IV) Please write down the Serial
nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Number of the question in the
Adí` {bI| & answer-book before attempting it.
(V) Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m (V) 15 minute time has been allotted to
g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU read this question paper. The
nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & question paper will be distributed
10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to
10.30 a.m., the students will read the
àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ question paper only and will not
do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo & write any answer on the
answer-book during this period.

emar[aH$ {ejm (g¡ÕmpÝVH$)

{ZYm©[aV g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 70
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

.75/B 1 P.T.O.
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e :
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo ~hþV gmdYmZr go n{‹T>E Am¡a CZH$m g»Vr go nmbZ H$s{OE :
(i) Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ 34 àíZ h¢ &
(ii) g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢ &
(iii) àíZ g§»`m 1 go 20 VH$ àË`oH$ àíZ 1 A§H$ Ho$ ~hþ{dH$ënr` àíZ h¢ &
(iv) àíZ g§»`m 21 go 30 VH$ àË`oH$ àíZ 3 A§H$ H$m h¡ & BZ_| àË`oH$ àíZ H$m CÎma
80  100 eãXm| _| Xr{OE &
(v) àíZ g§»`m 31 go 34 VH$ àË`oH$ àíZ 5 A§H$ H$m h¡ & BZ_| àË`oH$ àíZ H$m CÎma
150  200 eãXm| _| Xr{OE &
1. qgJb brJ Qy>Zm©_|Q> _| _¡Mm| H$s g§»`m H$s JUZm H$aZo H$m \$m°_y©bm Š`m h¡ ? 1
(A) N–1
(B) N(N – 1)
(C) N(N – 1)/2
(D) 2N – N

2. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm amC§S> am°{~Z Qy>Zm©_|Q H$m bm^ h¡ ? 1

(A) A{YH$ g_` bJZm>
(B) A{YH$m[a`m| H$s A{YH$ g§»`m
(C) _h±Jm
(D) dmñV{dH$ _µO~yV Q>r_ H$m {ZU©` H$aZm
3. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-go Amhma _| ‘dgm’ H$s _mÌm A{YH$ hmoVr h¡ ? 1
(A) g§Vao>
(B) ~«oS>
(C) bmb _m±g
(D) Q>_mQ>a
4. Ob _| KwbZerb {dQ>m{_Z h¡ 1
(A) {dQ>m{_Z gr Am¡a ~r
(B) {dQ>m{_Z Ho$ Am¡a B©
(C) {dQ>m{_Z S>r Am¡a E
(D) Cn`w©º$ g^r
.75/B 2
General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
(i) This question paper contains 34 questions.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Question nos. 1 to 20 carry 1 mark each and are multiple choice questions.
(iv) Question nos. 21 to 30 carry 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not
exceed 80 – 100 words.
(v) Question nos. 31 to 34 carry 5 marks each. Answer to each question should not
exceed 150 – 200 words.
1. What is the formula to calculate the number of matches in a single league
tournament ? 1
(A) N–1
(B) N(N – 1)
(C) N(N – 1)/2
(D) 2N – N
2. Which one of the following is an advantage of round robin tournament ? 1
(A) Time consuming
(B) More number of officials
(C) Expensive
(D) Decides the real strong team
3. Which one of the following is a food that is high in ‘fats’ ? 1>
(A) Oranges
(B) Bread
(C) Red meat
(D) Tomatoes
4. The vitamins soluble in water are 1
(A) Vitamin C and B
(B) Vitamin K and E
(C) Vitamin D and A
(D) All of the above

.75/B 3 P.T.O.
5. Bg ~r_mar go J«{gV ì`{º$ H$mo dO«mgZ Zht H$aZm Mm{hE : 1
(A) h{Z©`m
(B) no{ßQ>H$ Aëga
(C) AñW_m
(D) J§^ra KwQ>Zm| H$m XX©
6. edmgZ ({dlm_) go bm^ h¡/h¢ : 1
(A) `h EH$mJ«e{º$ ~‹T>mZo dmbm AmgZ h¡
(B) `h hmB© ãbS> àoea _| Amam_ {XbmZo dmbo AmgZ h¢
(C) `h VZmd Xÿa H$aZo _| ghm`H$ h¡
(D) Cn`w©º$ g^r
7. SPD H$m empãXH$ ê$n Š`m h¡ ? 1
(A) goÝgar àmogoqgJ {S>gAm°S>©a
(B) goÝgar ng©Zb {S>gAm°S>©a
(C) goÝgar àm°ãb_ {S>gAm°S>©a
(D) goÝgar nagmoZm {S>gAm°S>©a
{Xì`m§Jm| (CWSN) Ho$ gmW ì`dhma H$aVo hþE g~go _hÎdnyU© h¡ : 1

(A) g_`
(B) ghmZw^y{V
(C) Y¡`©
(D) Cn`w©º$ g^r
8. Amo.S>r.S>r. H$m nyam Zm_ h¡ 1

(A) à{VamoYH$ {dÐmohr {dH$ma

(B) _moQ>mnmJ«ñV Ý`yZ {dH$ma
(C) {damoYr AbJ {dH$ma
(D) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht
.75/B 4
5. Vajrasana should not be performed if an individual is suffering from 1
(A) Hernia
(B) Peptic Ulcer
(C) Asthma
(D) Chronic Knee Pain

6. The benefit/s of Shavasana is/are 1

(A) It increases concentration power
(B) It provides relaxation in High Blood Pressure
(C) It is helpful in reducing stress
(D) All of the above

7. Expanded form of SPD is 1

(A) Sensory Processing Disorder
(B) Sensory Personal Disorder
(C) Sensory Problem Disorder
(D) Sensory Persona Disorder

What is the most important, while dealing with CWSN ? 1

(A) Time

(B) Sympathy

(C) Patience

(D) All of the above

8. The full form of ODD is 1

(A) Oppositional Defiant Disorder
(B) Obese Deficient Disorder

(C) Opposite Different Disorder

(D) None of the above

.75/B 5 P.T.O.
9. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr EH$ _{hbm {Ibm{‹S>`m| H$s VrZ g_ñ`mAm| _| Zht AmVr ? 1
(A) G$VwamoY
(B) ImZo H$m {dH$ma
(C) _moQ>mnm
(D) ApñWgw{faVm (Am°pñQ>`monmoamo{gg)
10. gyú_ Jm_H$ {dH$mg gå~pÝYV h¡ 1
(A) ~‹S>r _m±gno{e`m| go
(B) ~mOy H$s _m±gno{e`m| go
(C) N>moQ>r _m±gno{e`m| go
(D) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht
11. 4  10 _rQ>a H$s eQ>b Xm¡‹S> H$m CÔoí` Š`m h¡ ? 1
(A) J{V
(B) emar[aH$ {Z`§ÌU>
(C) \w$Vu >
(D) Cn`w©º$ g^r
12. hmd©S>© ñQ>on Q>oñQ> H$m OZH$ H$m¡Z h¡ ? 1
(A) _yba
(B) {_ba
(C) ~«mohm
(D) O¡ŠgZ
nw{îQ> ({\$Q>Zog) B§S>oŠg H$s JUZm H$m ghr \$m°_y©bm h¡ 1
100  goH$ÊS |m> _| >narjU H$s Ad{Y
2  ( 1, 2 Am¡a 3 Y‹SH$Zm> | H$s g§»`m H $m Omo> ‹S )
100  {_ZQ m>| _|narjU
> H$s Ad{Y
(B) >
2  (1, 2 Am¡a 3 Y‹S H$Zm
> | H$s g§»`m H$m Omo‹S >)
200  goH$ÊSm>| _| >narjU H$s Ad{Y
2  Y‹SH$Z
> 1  Y‹SH$Z > 2  Y‹SH$Z
> 3
goH$ÊS |m> _| ì`m`m_ H$s Ad{Y  100
5·5  ì`m`m_ Ho$ níMmV² 1 – 1 {_ZQ m>| _| Y‹SH$Zm
> | H$s g§»`m

.75/B 6
9. Which one of the following is not a female athlete triad ? 1
(A) Amenorrhoea
(B) Eating disorder
(C) Obesity
(D) Osteoporosis
10. Fine motor development is related to 1
(A) Large muscles
(B) Arm muscles
(C) Small muscles
(D) None of the above
11. What is the purpose of 4  10 m Shuttle Run ? 1
(A) Speed
(B) Body control
(C) Agility
(D) All of the above
12. Who developed the Harvard Step Test ? 1
(A) Muller
(B) Miller
(C) Brouha
(D) Jackson
The correct formula for computation of fitness index is 1
100  Test duration in seconds
2  (Sum of pulses 1, 2 and 3)
100  Test duration in minutes
2  (Sum of pulses 1, 2 and 3)
200  Test duration in seconds
2  pulse 1  pulse 2  pulse 3
Duration of exercise in seconds  100
5·5  Pulse count of 1 – 1 minutes after exercise

.75/B 7 P.T.O.
13. h{È>`m| H$m EH$ go A{YH$ ^mJm| _| Qy>Q> OmZm H$hbmVm h¡ 1
(A) ~hþIÊS> ApñW-^§J
(B) {dd¥Îm ApñW-^§J
(C) gmYmaU ApñW-^§J
(D) H$ƒr ApñW-^§J
H$m{S>©EH$ AmCQ>nwQ> Š`m h¡ ? 1
(A) EH$ {_ZQ> _| n§n H$s JB© aº$> H$s ‘mÌm
(B) EH$ Y‹S>H$Z (~rQ>) _| n§n H$s JB© aº$ H$s _mÌm
(C) EH$ ñQ´>moH$ _| n§n H$s JB© aº$ H$s _mÌm
(D) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht
14. {H$gHo$ {bE ‘àmBg’ (PRICE) CnMma {H$`m OmVm h¡ ? 1
(A) ApñW-^§J
(B) aJ‹S> `m {N>b>Zm
(C) _moM
(D) Iam|M
15. Ý`yQ>Z H$m J{V H$m àW_ {Z`_ Bg Zm_ Ûmam ^r OmZm OmVm h¡ 1
(A) O‹S>Vm H$m {Z`_
(B) ËdaU H$m {Z`_
(C) {H«$`m-à{V{H«$`m H$m {Z`_
(D) grIZo H$m {Z`_
16. ES>ŠeZ Ho$ Xm¡amZ hmW H$s {H«$`mE± hmoVr h¢ 1
(A) eara H$s Amoa
(B) eara go Xÿa
(C) N>mVr Ho$ gm_Zo
(D) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht
.75/B 8
13. When the bone is broken into more than one piece, it is called 1
(A) Comminuted fracture
(B) Compound fracture
(C) Simple fracture
(D) Greenstick fracture

What is cardiac output ? 1
(A) Blood pumped in one minute
(B) Blood pumped in one beat
(C) Blood pumped in one stroke
(D) None of the above

14. PRICE treatment is for 1

(A) Fractures
(B) Abrasions
(C) Sprains
(D) Lacerations

15. Newton’s First Law of Motion is also known as 1

(A) Law of Inertia
(B) Law of Acceleration
(C) Law of Action and Reaction
(D) Law of Learning

16. During adduction the arm moves 1

(A) Towards the body
(B) Away from the body
(C) In front of the chest
(D) None of the above

.75/B 9 P.T.O.
17. dh ~b Omo {H$Ýht Xmo dñVwAm| Ho$ ~rM hmoZo dmbr gmnoj J{V Ho$ {dnarV {Xem _| H$m`©
H$aVm h¡, H$hbmVm h¡ : 1
(A) Kf©U ~b
(B) JwéËdmH$f©U ~b
(C) à`wº$ ~b
(D) `mpÝÌH$ ~b
O§J Zo ì`{º$Ëd H$mo {ZåZ{b{IV àH$ma go dJuH¥$V {H$`m h¡ : 1
(A) A§V_w©Ir Am¡a ~{h_w©Ir
(B) em§V Am¡a pñWa ñd^md>
(C) _m§gb (noerÝ`mg) g§aMZm
(D) A§V_w©Ir Ed§ CXmg
18. B§S>mo_m°{\©$H$ bmoJ/ì`{º$ hmoVo h¢ 1
(A) ñWyb
(B) D$Om©dmZ
(C) _µO~yV eara dmbo
(D) Omo{I_ CR>mZo dmbo (gmhgr)
19. g{H©$Q> Q´>oqZJ {H$gHo$ {dH$mg Ho$ {bE EH$ à^mdr VarH$m h¡ ? 1
(A) J{V
(B) e{º$, ghZ j_Vm Am¡a bMrbmnZ
(C) \w$Vu
(D) Cn`w©º$ g^r
20. pñWa Xrdma H$mo YŠH$m XoZm {H$gH$m CXmhaU h¡ ? 1
(A) EŠgopÝQ´>H$ ì`m`m_
(B) AmBgmo_¡{Q´>H$ ì`m`m_
(C) AmBgmoQ>m°{ZH$ ì`m`m_
(D) AmBgmoH$mBZo{Q>H$ ì`m`m_
.75/B 10
17. The force which opposes the relative motion between the surfaces of two
objects is known as : 1
(A) Frictional force
(B) Gravitational force
(C) Applied force
(D) Mechanical force
Jung classified the personality in the following ways : 1
(A) Introvert and Extrovert
(B) Calm and Even-tempered
(C) Musculature Structure
(D) Introvert and Melancholic

18. Endomorphic people are 1

(A) Obese
(B) Energetic
(C) Solid body
(D) Adventurous

19. Circuit training is an effective method for developing 1

(A) Speed
(B) Strength, endurance and flexibility
(C) Agility
(D) All of the above

20. Pushing against a stationary wall is an example of 1

(A) Eccentric exercise
(B) Isometric exercise
(C) Isotonic exercise
(D) Isokinetic exercise

.75/B 11 P.T.O.

21. _moQ>a {\$Q>Zog Q>oñQ> H$s Q>oñQ> ~¡Q>ar H$s {H$Ýht Xmo _Xm| Ho$ Zm_ ~VmBE & \w$Vu _mnZo Ho$ Q>oñQ>
H$s {d{Y H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 3
am°H$nmoQ>© Ho$ EH$-_rb narjU H$s à{H«$`m H$s MMm© H$s{OE & 3

22. AnZo {dÚmb` _| ñdmñÏ` Xm¡‹S> Am`mo{OV H$admZo Ho$ {bE {H$Ýht VrZ MaUm| H$s ì`m»`m
H$s{OE & 3

23. OrdZ-e¡br go gå~pÝYV gm_mÝ` amoJm| H$s amoH$Wm_ _| AmgZm| H$s Š`m ^y{_H$m h¡ ? 3

24. _ZmoJ«{gV ~mÜ`Vm {dH$ma (>r.) Š`m h¡ ? BgHo$ H$maUm| H$mo {dñVma go g_PmBE & 3

25. ‘Jmob H§$Ym|>’ go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢ ? CZH$mo gwYmaZo Ho$ H$moB© Mma ì`m`m_ gwPmBE & 3

26. h_mao D$Om© ñVam| Ed§ à{VamoYH$ (Bå`yZ) àUmbr H$mo ~‹T>mZo Ho$ {bE {dQ>m{_Z AË`§V
Amdí`H$ h¢ & {Q>ßnUr H$s{OE & 3
~¥hV²² nmofH$ VÎdm| _| go ‘àmoQ>rZ’ Š`m| g~go _hÎdnyU© h¡ ? MMm© H$s{OE & 3

27. _wbm`_ (_¥Xþ) D$VH$m| H$s MmoQ> Ho$ {bE ‘àmBg>’ (PRICE) à{H«$`m H$mo g_PmBE & 3

28. Ord-`mpÝÌH$s go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢ ? Iobm| _| Ord-`mpÝÌH$s Ho$ _hÎd Ho$ H$moB© Xmo {~ÝXþ
g_PmBE & 3

29. eoëS>Z Ho$ ì`{º$Ëd Ho$ àH$mam| H$s {dñVma go MMm© H$s{OE & 3
‘{~J \$mBd Ï`moar’ Ho$ AZwgma ì`{º$Ëd Ho$ {H$Ýht VrZ Ad`dm| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE & 3

30. J{V H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE >& J{V H$mo {dH${gV H$aZo dmbr {H$gr EH$ {d{Y H$m dU©Z
H$s{OE & 3

.75/B 12

21. Write any two items of the test battery of motor fitness test and explain
the procedure of a test to measure agility. 3
Discuss the procedure of Rockport One Mile test. 3

22. Explain any three steps to be followed for organising a Health Run in
your school. 3

23. What is the role of asanas in preventing common lifestyle diseases ? 3

24. What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) ? Explain its causes in

detail. 3

25. What do you mean by ‘round shoulders’ ? Suggest any four exercises as
corrective measures. 3

26. Vitamins are essential for our energy levels and boost immune system.
Comment. 3
Discuss why protein is among the most important macronutrients. 3

27. Explain PRICE procedure as a treatment for soft tissue injury. 3

28. What do you mean by Bio-mechanics ? Explain any two points of

importance of Bio-mechanics in sports. 3

29. Discuss the Sheldon types of personality in detail. 3

Elaborate any three components of Big Five Theory of personality. 3

30. Define speed and elaborate any one method to develop speed. 3
.75/B 13 P.T.O.

31. Iob Qy>Zm©_|Q> H$mo gwMmê$ ê$n go Am`mo{OV H$admZo _| {d{^Þ Iob g{_{V`m| H$s Iob go nyd©,
Iob Ho$ Xm¡amZ d Iob Ho$ ~mX H$s {µOå_oXm[a`m| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 5
ghZ j_Vm H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & ghZ j_Vm {dH${gV H$aZo H$s {H$Ýht Xmo {d{Y`m| na
àH$me S>m{bE & 5

32. Aj_Vm Ho$ àH$ma Ed§ H$maUm| H$m {dñV¥V dU©Z H$s{OE & 5

33. e{º$ {ZYm©[aV H$aZo dmbo {H$Ýht Mma eara{H«$`mË_H$ H$maH$m| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & {Z`{_V
ì`m`m_ go _m±gnoer V§Ì na Š`m à^md n‹S>Vo h¢ ? 5
^moOZ AghZerbVm Am¡a S>mBqQ>J Ho$ ˜Vam| na g§jon _| {Q>ßnUr {b{IE & 5

34. A{^àoaU Ho$ {H$VZo àH$ma h¢ ? A{^àoaU H$s {H$Ýht N>… VH$ZrH$m| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 5

.75/B 14

31. Explain pre-, during and post-game responsibilities of officials of various

committees for organising a sports tournament smoothly. 5

Define endurance. Elucidate any two methods of developing endurance. 5

32. What are the types and causes of disability ? Explain. 5

33. Explain any four physiological factors determining strength. What are
the effects of regular exercise on the muscular system ? 5
Write a short note on food intolerance and pitfalls of dieting. 5

34. What are the types of motivation ? Explain any six techniques of
motivation. 5

.75/B 15 P.T.O.

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