2. How can effective communication and language use contribute to the creation of a
truly global society?
Effective communication and language use contribute to the creation of a truly
global society by working together. We are able to comprehend one another's
perspectives on the various social problems that exist in our society. Also,
camaraderie may be built with other nations to create a global society.
We now could organize and take collective action together to deal with the
issue or an injustice that we want to deal with, and I believe that this makes this a
unique age in human history. It all started with the creation of a truly global society. I
think, we can now instantly communicate with people on the other side of frontiers.
We must use transmitters to increase the effectiveness of communication in the
regions where messages are sent, while also ensuring that the recipients will not only
understand the message's goal and purpose after receiving it and responding
positively to it.
The effectiveness of the area where messages are well sent by transmitters
and the receivers not only receive and interact positively with that message, they will
also detect and receive the transmitter's feelings that will emphasis positively and
create that alignment between both parts, is unquestionably the most important factor
that will contribute to the creation of a truly global society.