G20 Trade and Investment Ministers Meeting
G20 Trade and Investment Ministers Meeting
G20 Trade and Investment Ministers Meeting
25th AUGUST, 2023
G20 Trade and Investment Minister’s Meeting
24th – 25th August, 2023
The Outcome Document comprises the entire text, which was unanimously agreed by all the
G20 members, except for Paragraph 32, which pertains to the Chair’s Summary
1. We, the G20 Ministers responsible for Trade and Investment, met in Jaipur on
24th – 25th August 2023, under India’s G20 Presidency theme, “One Earth, One
Family, One Future.”
3. We note that near-term prospects of global trade and investment look uncertain.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has predicted that growth in cross-border
trade will remain subdued at 1.7% in 2023. In this regard, trade and trade-related
investment initiatives that foster resilient, diversified and sustainable GVCs,
promote integration of MSMEs in global trade. The use of technology for the
facilitation of cross-border trade can play an important role in improving the
prospects of inclusive and resilient growth. Therefore, we will continue to take joint
actions for strengthening global trade and investment.
Trade for Growth & Prosperity
10. We underline our adherence to the rules and foundational principles of WTO, and
reaffirm our commitment to fulfilling its objectives, underscoring the need to ensure
that gains from trade are shared by all, and that international trade and investment
can help to bridge inequalities, promote greater resilience and address economic
vulnerabilities. We acknowledge the need for WTO to tackle trade issues important
to our people, and promote inclusivity and fair competition, thereby contributing to
the fulfilment of SDGs.
WTO Reform
11. We reaffirm the essential role of the multilateral trading system with WTO at its
core. We also acknowledge the challenges the multilateral trading system is facing.
In this regard, we remain committed to work constructively towards necessary
WTO reform to improve its functioning and to strengthen trust in the multilateral
trading system, while reaffirming the foundational principles and objectives set out
in the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing WTO (Marrakesh Agreement).
12. We appreciate and reaffirm the outcomes of MC12, where all WTO members
committed to working towards the necessary reform of WTO to improve all its
functions. We reaffirm the guidance of the MC12 Outcome Document, including on
the need to pursue WTO reform through a member-driven, open, inclusive and
transparent process that must address the interests of all its Members, including on
development issues. We encourage the wider WTO membership to continue
advancing all WTO reform efforts. We note the ongoing discussions on Dispute
Settlement reform, and remain committed to conducting discussions with a view to
having a fully and well-functioning Dispute Settlement System, accessible to all
members by 2024.
13. We note the importance of deliberations at WTO on all issues impacting the
multilateral trading system, including intersection between trade, investment and
industry-related matters and on efforts to make trade transparent, open, fair, more
inclusive and accessible for all. We stress that the development dimension should
be an integral part of such deliberations.
17. GVCs have become increasingly complex over time. This has contributed to
increased dependencies and heightened vulnerabilities to disruptions. GVCs in
some sectors face significant challenges in responding quickly and effectively to
significant disruptions. We thus underscore the importance of open, inclusive,
resilient, sustainable, diversified and reliable GVCs. We underscore the importance
of work towards GVC mapping, and believe that a mapping framework can help
members identify opportunities for building resilience within GVCs. We thus
endorse voluntary and non-binding “G20 Generic Framework for Mapping GVCs”
(Annex A). In this regard, we recognize the value of cooperation to enhance the
transparency of the measures affecting GVCs.
Making GVCs work for sustainable and inclusive development
18. We acknowledge that by expanding their participation in GVCs and moving up the
value chain, including through sustainable and inclusive investment, countries,
particularly many developing countries can spur their economic growth.
19. We note that there exists a significant gap between some developing and
developed countries in GVC participation. We further acknowledge that
participation in GVCs also partially depends on the capacity of countries to attract
global production, including by promoting and fostering linkages between foreign
enterprises and domestic companies, particularly MSMEs. Therefore, recalling
recent G20 Trade Ministers’ statements, we reiterate the importance of promoting
open, inclusive, non-discriminatory, predictable and transparent conditions that
foster sustainable investment. We recognize that sustainable and inclusive GVCs
require investment, and hence, underline the positive role investment facilitation
may play in enhancing relevant investment flows in this regard.
20. We highlight the importance of identifying solutions, including digital solutions that
can help sustain high level of GVC participation and can revive GVC growth. We
recognize that this goal can be accomplished through enhanced regulatory
cooperation, capacity-building efforts, provisions for accessible information,
transparency in rules and regulations, and streamlining of administrative
21. We believe that MSMEs are central to inclusive growth and development. However,
they face disproportionate challenges while striving to increase their participation in
world trade. Recalling the G20 Policy Guidelines on Boosting MSMEs’ International
Competitiveness from the Saudi Arabian Presidency and the G20 non-binding
MSMEs Policy Toolkit under the responsibility of the Italian Presidency, we
acknowledge the role and importance of digital technology and technology-based
tools, along with appropriate policy and institutional measures in enhancing
MSMEs’ access to information, finance and markets.
22. We recognize that MSMEs, particularly in developing countries, often lack the
requisite resources to collect and analyse all the relevant information for their target
markets. In this regard, we issue the Jaipur Call for Action to enhance MSMEs’
access to information (Annex B). We believe that its successful implementation
through an upgrade of International Trade Centre’s (ITC) Global Trade Helpdesk
will support the accessibility of trade-related information and will spur the
integration of MSMEs in world trade. In this regard, G20 members note that it will
also be conducive to other ongoing international efforts on MSMEs, including at
WTO, UNCTAD and other fora.
24. We acknowledge that MSMEs across the world, especially in developing countries,
face significant impediments, particularly access to technology, finance and
markets, while leveraging enhanced business opportunities. In this regard, we note
the ministerial decision on the work programme on E-commerce. G20 participants
in Joint Statement Initiative on E-commerce encourage and support the active
participation of all WTO members in the initiative, and look forward to meaningful
progress in the lead up to MC13. We note the concerns that have been expressed
on rule-making by some G20 members that are not part of Joint Statement
Initiatives. To ensure rapid digital enablement of MSMEs, we underscore the
importance of lowering entry barriers for them on digital platforms.
25. We acknowledge that reliability and predictability of international trade and cargo
operations, promoting international paperless trade transactions, and developing
logistics infrastructure through targeted investments are vital for rejuvenating global
trade demand. We also highlight the important role that the rules-based multilateral
trading system plays in logistics for trade.
26. We believe that the widespread adoption of paperless trade will drive productivity
gains and economic growth by reducing trade costs and lowering barriers to entry
for MSMEs, including women-owned or women-led MSMEs. Recognition of
electronic trade documents as equivalent to their paper counterparts will support
such a transition. We thus endorse non-binding, “High-Level Principles on
Digitalization of Trade Documents” (Annex C). We, as G20 members, will make
efforts to implement them and encourage other countries to consider these
27. Participants in global trade, especially MSMEs are vulnerable to disruptions and
cost increases in logistics services. While acknowledging that service disruptions,
shortages of containers and other critical equipment and cost variations in many
cases are caused by operational and market conditions, we recognize the
importance of enhanced domestic monitoring to minimize the effects of such
disruptions on world trade. We acknowledge the importance of more stable and
predictable transport freight rates.
Geopolitical Issues
32. This year, we have also witnessed the war in Ukraine, which has further adversely
impacted global economy. There was a discussion on this issue. We reiterated our
national positions as expressed in other fora, including the UN Security Council
and the UN General Assembly, which in Resolution No. ES-11/1 dated 2nd March
2022, as adopted by majority vote (141 votes for, 5 against, 35 abstentions, 12
absent) deplores in the strongest terms the aggression by the Russian Federation
against Ukraine, and demands its complete and unconditional withdrawal from the
territory of Ukraine. Most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine and
stressed that it is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing
fragilities in the global economy by constraining growth, increasing inflation,
disrupting supply chains, heightening energy and food insecurity crisis, and
elevating financial stability risks. There were other views and different assessments
of the situation and sanctions. Recognizing that G20 is not the forum to resolve
security issues, we acknowledge that security issues can have significant
consequences for the global economy. 1 2
33. It is essential to uphold international law and the multilateral system that
safeguards peace and stability. This includes defending all the Purposes and
Principles enshrined in the Charter of the UN and adhering to international
humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians and infrastructure in armed
conflicts. The use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible. The peaceful
resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue
are vital. Today's era must not be of war.
34. With a view to ensure that international trade and investment can effectively
contribute to resilient GVCs, spur integration of MSMEs in global trade, foster
global growth & prosperity, and promote logistics for trade, and to advance WTO
reform, we jointly recommend our Leaders to consider these important priorities at
the New Delhi Summit.
35. We compliment the Indian Presidency for its concerted efforts and leadership, and
will continue our cooperation towards Brazil’s G20 Presidency in 2024 and
Annex-A G20 Generic Framework for Mapping GVCs
GVCs consist of intricate production networks that are fragmented across multiple firms
and countries for cost optimization and for achieving production efficiency. However,
these networks may contain hidden vulnerabilities that are exposed during disruptive
events. As the global economy continues to be more connected and GVCs adopt new
technologies, the frequency and magnitude of these risks is likely to increase.
Therefore, it is crucial to identify the hidden vulnerabilities within GVCs and develop
resilience strategies to mitigate the impact of external shocks.
● Data: GVC resilience framework should be based on collecting timely high quality
sector level data and voluntarily provided firm level data.
● Analysis: The complexity of GVCs necessitates the use of models and indicators,
which can provide key insights from such GVC data.
By incorporating these building blocks, the framework can help in the identification of
the sectors and products critical to GVC resilience.
● Volatility of trade volume and value: GVCs that are subjected to a high degree of
uncertainty in terms of supply and demand experience outsized volatility in terms of
both volumes and value of trade.
● Upstreaming of an industry or product: An industry or a product that is situated
upstream of a GVC has the potential to disrupt the entire chain through spillover
● Product attributes: Products with long lead times in the production process or with
limited shelf life can be critical from a replacement/timing perspective.
Consulting with stakeholders, including industry can provide additional insights and
expertise that can further augment GVC mapping efforts.
G20 members can come together to address the need for keeping critical GVCs
resilient and robust. A few high-level principles that can guide these efforts are:
● Analysis: Data-driven analysis is particularly relevant for GVCs, where the inherent
complexity generates a large amount of data and warrants careful data analysis.
Such an evidence-based analysis can help individual countries take the necessary
steps to make GVCs resilient and robust.
● Preparedness: Being well-prepared is crucial for reducing the severity and impact
of any disruption. G20 members, in collaboration with their private sectors can
engage in proactive measures by regularly reviewing trade bottlenecks,
vulnerabilities and other challenges to overcome these effectively. By taking pre-
emptive action, countries can significantly minimize the adverse consequences of
disruptions in GVCs and bolster overall resilience.
These guiding principles can serve as a reference for countries to pursue relevant policy
actions in coordination with their counterparts to enhance GVC resilience.
We also note the importance of working together to strengthen and improve the rules-
based multilateral trading system to support members’ efforts in this.
Annex-B Jaipur Call for Action for enhancing MSMEs’ access to
The G20 members have recognized the critical role, which MSMEs, including women-
owned or women-led MSMEs play in economies. MSMEs’ ability to significantly
contribute to economic growth can depend on their capacity to integrate into global
trade. The G20 members have also recognized that limited or inadequate access to
information, finance and markets are three key challenges faced by MSMEs.
Acknowledging that there are several domestic, regional and international portals, such
as the Global Trade Helpdesk, Trade4MSMEs and government sponsored platforms
that seek to provide trade-related information, we recognize that there is a need to fully
address the information gaps faced by MSMEs.
In this regard, seeking to promote the integration of MSMEs into international trade,
G20 members recognized the importance of taking necessary steps towards increasing
the availability of trade and market-related information to them in an accessible manner.
Against this backdrop, the G20 members:
3. Agree that Global Trade Helpdesk implemented by ITC, UNCTAD and WTO
is suited for such an upgrade considering its inclusivity and veritable
information provided to MSMEs.
b) Providing access to data or information publicly available on such
portals through appropriate technological frameworks pursuant to
existing domestic rules and requirements.
6. Look forward to an annual progress report by ITC to its Joint Advisory Group
on the efforts made in this regard beginning from 2024.
Such consultations should be done in accordance with Memorandum of Understanding among the ITC, the
UNCTAD and the WTO for a Global Trade Helpdesk.
Annex-C High Level Principles on Digitalization of Trade Documents
1. In the current global trade environment, the reliance on paper-based
documentation processes is prevalent across most jurisdictions. While such practices
have traditionally served the needs of the sector, they are now recognized as time-
consuming, labour-intensive and prone to errors. Digitalization of trade documents and
processes to facilitate their exchange, therefore presents a transformative opportunity. It
promises significant productivity and efficiency gains for businesses and governments,
and reduced challenges to global trade for MSMEs, which in turn could increase GDP
growth and improve supply chain resilience.
The Trade Documents covered by these Principles relate to international commercial transactions pertaining to
transport, payments, insurance, storage, and related logistics services; the principles do not necessarily apply to
government documents issued, controlled or required by a government authority for cross-border trade.
High Level Principles for Digitalization of Trade Documents
Digitalization initiatives for trade documents should remain unbiased towards any
specific technology, software or system. The initiatives should ensure the immutability
and interoperability of data for seamless communication and exchange across diverse
To ensure the security of data related to electronic trade document(s), the utilized
technologies, including their related digital infrastructure should adopt robust encryption
and other security protocols to protect data and the infrastructure concerned against
physical damage and information security threats or data theft.
Technologies/frameworks based on transparent domestic rules and procedures should
enable confidence, accountability and authentication for the generation and
exchange/transfer of the electronic trade documents.
The utilized technologies, including their related digital infrastructure should aim to
ensure interoperability and seamless exchange of electronic trade document(s) and
related data between or among the transacting parties and other stakeholders. The
desired interoperability should enable the use of a variety of existing technological
systems, standards, document formats and frameworks.
The utilized technologies, including their related digital infrastructure should ensure the
authenticity, immutability and validity of electronic trade documents.
Sharing of electronic trade documents and related data should be voluntary with the
informed consent of economic operators supplying data and only limited to the minimum
data exchange necessary for the generation and exchange of documents, and
execution of business transaction between the transacting parties in compliance with
applicable domestic rules and regulations.
The utilized technologies should provide adequate flexibility to facilitate reliance on the
same electronic trade document by governments and competent authorities concerned,
financial institutions, transacting parties, technology providers and other stakeholders.
The utilized technologies should provide a comprehensive audit trail of the
transaction(s), in accordance with domestic regulations of electronic trade documents.