As Above - So Below The Ymir
As Above - So Below The Ymir
As Above - So Below The Ymir
Phil Tortorici, Rick Priestly, the Warhammer 40k Wiki, and the Yaktribe Necromunda Community.
The race known to outsiders as “Squats” faced near extinction at the mercy of a Tyranid hive fleet. This defining
moment forced them to make an exodus through warp space. Their retreat led them to a new system, where they
were isolated from the rest of the galaxy by warp storms. Each ancestor ship suffering from the harsh travel are
forced to spread out with each seeking refuge on a different planet.
With such a drastic change in to their society and galactic circumstance, their history entered its sixth age, the Age
of Sanctuary. During this time, their eldest living ancestors call on the members from all ships. Though each
group was on different worlds They emerged from their exodus with stronger ties, and have begun to let the
universe know their true name, the Ymir.
As Above - So Below
Ambition drives change, and one of the main ambitions
for this revitalization is the inclusion of all the current Fueled by the Necromunda Community
“space dwarf” miniature lines in one source. Each Edition, this Rules Addendum like the others
manufacturer is honored with their own Clan World, before it, envisions old material for the current
game era. These rules endeavor to bring the
and incorporation of their lines history into that of the macrocosm that is the Warhammer Universe
Ymir. (the Above) down into the microcosm of the
Underhive (the Below).
Ymir comes from Norse mythology, and references the
Previous: Sisters of Battle
primordial giant that Odin and his brothers slew and
used his body to create different aspects of the Next: Da Orks In The Underhive
universe. From the grubs that swarmed Ymirs carcass
Future: An exploration of the mid-levels of a
the dwarves were made. This myth of life from death
hive, that area I like to call The In Between.
parallels the intent of this document.
Society The Ymir Star System
Prior to the Age of Sanctuary, Ymir society was based The Squats were not expecting what they found as
they traveled through the warp storms they dubbed
on the social unit known as the stronghold. In the Ymir
the Twin Princes. Sorely unprepared to face another
system the concept of the stronghold has been extended age of isolation trapped behind warp storms an Age
to the global scale. The Eight ancestor ships that of Sanctuary was written into their history.
retreated from the Tyranids attack each fared differently
than the other. Forced through warp storms each ship Unique forces of the void and the warp caused
descended upon and began colonization of a Clanworld, extensive damage to both ship and crew. In quick
the Grymn however maintaining their continual response to their shared mechanical distress the
eldest living ancestor ordered all ships to find
vigilance over their fellow Ymirs safety decided to
sanctuary on a planet in the system. Together they
continue their life aboard ship and guard the system. would find strength, but first they had to survive
alone against whatever their new world presented.
Each Clanworld is ruled by a hereditary Clan Lord and
an aristocratic class made from living ancestors. If The results of their rate of speed and ships decay
anything on the Clanworld could be considered a reflect in where they put down their ships. Each
stronghold, it would be the ancestor ship that now planet and Clan bears the name of the ship that bore
them to the surface of their Clanworld.
serves as the Clanhold.
Shadowed by the cascade of two giant warp storms,
Long ago the stronghold could be compared to a city a dozen or more planetary and asteroid bodies orbit
state of early Terran cultures, now it is a mere echo in a white star.
time. Due to their joint exodus away from the Tyranids
they maintain a historical co-existence in the same star Clanworlds are presented in their order of orbit
system. around Ymir.
Notable Living Ancestor: Feres Shale Notable Living Ancestor: Hogan Thrain
Tunnel Runners
The B’dass can be found all over the Ymir system, Very few Ymir are spread throughout the Imperium.
checking the quality of prospected ore, state of a Their remaining home worlds annexed outright, they
Clanworlds natural resources, or bolstering defenses of struggle at survival in estPistols settlements The
a Clan Hoard, they are in the business of developing a honored few, called Runts, have a life of service in
Clans wealth. They act as the Ymirs Guilders, and the Regiments of the Imperial Guard.
have become protective and imperious, in the defense
of Ymir holdings. Some are even called to form special units within the
ranks of the Adeptus Arbites. No matter their posting
All of these actions reveal their new purpose; to secure their endless hatred for xenos that lasts generations is
the future survival of the Ymir. Actions they welcome in the Imperium’s campaigns to destroy
graciously coordinate with their closest brethren, the Orks and Tyranids alike.
The B’dass and Grymn protect the Ymir from
themselves, outsiders, and extinction.
Clan Skills: Agility / Combat / Ferocity / Techno
Ymir Warriors are the gangers Longbeards need Craftsman are the Ymir equivalent of Juves.
to secure and work their territories as efficiently During and after the Age of Sanctuary they may
as possible. It also helps to have a few extra guns be called upon by their clan leaders to be
about. organized into squads ready to fight.
3 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 7 3 2 2 3 4 1 3 1 6
Having nearly escaped genocide at the hands of the Example of a B'dass Skill Tier
Tyranids, or according to the whispers of the Grymn
another unseen perhaps Imperium based baleful force, Craftsman Agility / Combat
the Ymir are ever vigilant to prevent such a fate Warrior Agility / Combat / Techno
happening again. Longbeard Agility / Combat / Techno / Ferocity
The following scenarios from a time when the Ymir When an outlaw Ymir gang pays off its guild price it
were merely Miners can also be played: can now generate five new pieces of territory for the
gang on the normal Territory Table. The gang's
The Hit, Loot and Pillage (defender only), The landing site may be discarded or kept as one of the
Hunters, Caravan (defender only), Scavengers, Hit and five territories. They may now collect income from
Run (defender only), Ambush, Raid (attacker, if these new territories.
opponent has Mine Workings: defender, if owning
Mine Workings), and Rescue Mission. Runts in service to the Imperium are never
considered Outlanders.
Territory, OUTLANDER
INCOME, trading & Selling
STATUS, and Income
Ymir collect income from their territory(s), like any
Questions will be raised and attention garnered once other gang. If Outlawed it will need to pay off its
the Ymir make their presence known to the denizens guild price, then it will generate income normally.
of a hive or to the greater universe.
Trading & Selling are done as per the respective
Trading Posts section of the Necromunda
Community Edition Rulebooks.
Ymir start with one piece of territory generated on the
standard Territory Table. This becomes the Ymir’s Captured enemies
landing site on the edge of the hive. If the Territory
generated is Mine Workings, Holestead, Mineral Though they maintain some hatred towards xenos,
Outcrop, Spore Cave or Tunnels, they have landed in the Ymir are honorable and based on due to their
the Wastes and are considered Outlanders. experiences during the Age of Sanctuary, will never
sell captive fighters to Guilders as slaves.
Normally they cannot hold more than one territory at a
time, unless they have captured it. The Ymir can Captives who are ransomed forfeit their equipment
decide to move their site after any game, by annotating to the Ymir gang as payment.
it on their territory list at the end of the post battle
It's unfortunate that the Squats were removed from Blackcat Bases
Warhammer 40k. My conversations with the authors
and progenitors of the Squats via email and social
media have echoed this feeling of loss. A tremor was
felt in the Imperium when GW decided to end the Fenryll
Squats with such an impact that the term "squatted"
has been adopted for any redacting of rules.