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A company of Space Marines, being able

“ to strike anywhere swiftly, can do more
to win a war than 100,000 Imperial
Guardsmen fighting on the battlefield.
Liber Apocalyptica is an irregular series that provides
ideas and inspiration for your games of Apocalypse. This
month Jervis Johnson takes a look at some of the battle
formations adopted by the lightning-fast strike forces of
the Adeptus Astartes.

n the 41st Millennium humanity has brought into action. Space Marine tanks
reached the stars and spread across the and armoured fighting vehicles are geared
galaxy. The sons of Terra inhabit over a towards this role, with the Predator and
million worlds, in colonies that range from hulking Land Raider battle tanks providing
mining outposts on desolate moons with a heavy support for the assaulting infantry.
population of less than a hundred souls, to Even their artillery, the Whirlwind, is rapid-
hive worlds where the population moving, laying down a cover of supporting
numbers in the tens of billions. But vast fire for the advancing Space Marines.
though this empire is, the galaxy is larger In addition to these operations Space
still, and Mankind is beset on all sides by Marines excel at all sorts of special
hideous alien threats and heretical missions, such as lightning raids behind
elements far too numerous to mention. enemy lines, infiltration attacks to capture
The Space Marines of the Adeptus and hold vital positions, and tunnel fights
Astartes are humanity’s first and best line in enemy-held cities. They fight with
of defence against these innumerable surgical precision, using their swift Rhinos,
enemies, although, when compared to Drop Pods and Thunderhawk Gunships to
humanity’s teeming billions, there are very strike at the heart of the enemy, eradicating
few Space Marines indeed. They are an the opposition and carrying out the tasks
elite and highly mobile fighting force, and they are called upon to perform with
this more than makes up for their lack of ruthless efficiency.
numbers. Genetically engineered to be the As well as being terrifying shock troops,
ultimate human warrior, protected by Space Marines excel in defensive
adamantine armour, equipped with the situations. Their heavy power armour and
best weapons humanity can produce, special training allows them to withstand
trained and indoctrinated to fight without attack after attack against seemingly
fear or mercy, and fiercely loyal to the overwhelming odds. On other occasions
Emperor and their Chapter, they are the the Space Marines will fight alongside
unshakeable defenders of Mankind in a troops from the Imperial Guard, the armies
galaxy that knows only war. Without them, of the Ecclesiarchy, and the Titan Legions
humanity would surely have perished of the Adeptus Mechanicus, adding their
many millennia ago. considerable might to the vast combined
forces of the Imperium.
Space Marine Battle Tactics In a major campaign all of these
Space Marines are divided into Chapters of qualities will be called upon. Space Marine
about 1000 warriors – each a small Battle Companies will be used to lead
independent army with its own spacefleet important assaults, while at the same time
and everything it needs to function. The detachments will be dropped behind
Chapters are scattered throughout the enemy lines to carry out special missions
Imperium so that wherever danger or to capture important positions and hold
threatens there will always be Space them until relieved. It’s not surprising that,
Marines nearby. Although they are far too when used wisely, the presence of just a
few to form the sole fighting force of the small number of Space Marines can have
Imperium, the speed and fury with which an effect on the battlefield out of all
Space Marines can react means that very proportion to their numbers.
often they can crush an attack before it has
had a chance to develop into a major Battle Formations
threat. At the very least they can contain it The organisation of the fighting units in the
long enough for the ponderous might of Adeptus Astartes was laid down in the
the Imperial Guard to arrive and obliterate Codex Astartes following the Horus Heresy.
any remaining resistance. However, during the ten thousand years
In large-scale battles the extraordinary since the original Codex was written, many
fighting qualities of the Adeptus Astartes Chapters have introduced their own
mean that they are often called upon to variations. In some cases their organisation
spearhead an attack, or to fill a vulnerable and equipment differs completely from the
gap while the larger and less mobile rigid dictats of the Codex. In other cases
formations of the Imperial Guard can be newly rediscovered equipment or the
Liber APOCALYPtica
arrival of a deadly new foe has led to the of the 10th Scout Company be issued with
widespread use of new battle formations,
such as the Suppression Force created by
jump packs, so that they could fulfil the
role instead. Despite suffering casualties in
Jagrveli Skyhammer of the Storm Ravens excess of 90%, the Scouts overwhelmed POINTS: 750
Chapter and the Armoured Spearhead the defenders of the Obsidian Tower, and
formations first used by the Iron Hands and the fortress fell. At the outset of the 41st Millennium the Imperial hive There are no records that establish who first developed the
Imperial Fists Chapters, both of which have world of Jeghan rose in revolt. The roots of the rebellion lay Hellstorm combined-fire tactic that was employed by the
been adopted right across the Adeptus New Datasheets in resentment at what were felt to be excessive demands Knights of the Raven as part of this campaign. All that can
Astartes as a whole. We’ve included three new datasheets with for tithed troops to fight in the campaigns being fought be said with certainty is that it was an effective tactic that
In addition to these standard force this article for Space Marine battle against the Great Tyrant of Jagga. These flames of was quickly adopted by Land Raider Redeemer squadrons
organisations, it is not uncommon for formations. These datasheets can be used resentment were fanned by subversive elements in the throughout the Chapter. The tactic relied on split-second
Space Marines to adopt unique battle in any game of Apocalypse if you wish to population, leading to outright rebellion. The Knights of the timing to launch a simultaneous attack by all of the
formations for a single campaign. do so. Raven Chapter acted quickly to crush the rebellion, which flamestorm cannons in the squadron against a single target
Sometimes these formations will be forced In addition, the background and history was quickly suppressed everywhere with the exception of point. The resulting inferno of fire was so intense that
upon the Space Marines because of high of the Adeptus Astartes make a fantastic Jeghan Hive Secundus. It was here that the rebellion had nothing was capable of withstanding it, no matter how
levels of battle casualties, or due to a lack starting point for story-based Apocalypse started, and where the rebels were strongest. The Knights well armoured or protected it might be. Within weeks of
of a piece of vital equipment, and at other games. Recreating such a battle is best of the Raven soon found themselves embroiled in a the tactic being developed Hive Secundus fell and the
times a unique formation will be devised taken on as a group project with friends or protracted siege against a tenacious and well dug-in foe. rebels capitulated.
by a commander to fulfil a specific the members of your gaming group, with
battlefield role. During the Scouring of different members of the group supplying
Hexdragon XXIV in 345.M38 a situation the models for the different armies taking
arose where all three of these part, and helping to make the terrain that
circumstances occurred in a single battle. will be needed. For example, you could

Elements of the newly arrived Iron Shield refight the Battle for Macragge, where the


Chapter had suffered severe casualties valiant warriors of the Ultramarines
amongst their Assault Marines during the defeated Hive Fleet Behemoth, or you
assault on the Despot of Hexdragon’s battle might want to refight the Dark Angels’ epic
The Master of the Arsenal, fortress. With all members of the Chapter’s defence of Piscina IV against Ork invaders
part of the Masters of the
Chapter datasheet from the Battle Companies fully engaged, led by Ghazghkull Thraka. The possibilities
Apocalypse Rulebook. Commander Shakirax ordered the troops are endless.


You will find the following Apocalypse datasheets useful for Apocalypse battles that include Space Marine forces.
What follows is a list of all such datasheets that we’ve published to date, and where they can be found.



In the Apocalypse rulebook: - Space Marine 1st Company In White Dwarf 344:

- Armoured Spearhead - Space Marine Scout Company - Blood Angels Thunderhawk
- Battle Company - Ultramarines Honour Guard Assault Force
- Line Breaker Squadron

- Masters of the Chapter In Imperial Armour: Apocalypse: On the Games Workshop website:
- Suppression Force - Ancients Assault Force - Grey Knights Redeemer Force
- Thunderhawk Gunship - Automated Defence Force - Land Raider Ares
- Damocles Rhino - Legion of the Damned
In Apocalypse: Reload: - Deathwind Drop Pod - Predator Assassin Squadron
- Deathknell Orbital Strike Force - Drop Pod - Sternhammer’s Wulfen Guard
- Deathwing Redemption Force - Siege Dreadnought - Terminator Titanhammer Squads
- Land Raider Terminus Ultra - Strike Eagle Drop Pod Assault
- Skyhammer Orbital Strike Force - Thunderhawk Transporter
3 Land Raider Redeemers.

Squadron Formation: The Land Raiders in a Hellstorm Assault the template. Within these restrictions, you can place the
Force operate as a vehicle squadron (see page 64 of the template at any angle you like, covering as many enemy
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). units as you like. All models that are fully or partially under
the template are hit. The Strength of the attack is equal to 4
Hellstorm Attack: As long as the squadron has at least two plus the number of flamestorm cannons that could shoot this
flamestorm cannons capable of firing in the Shooting phase, turn. So, if all six of the squadron’s flamestorm cannons are
the squadron can make a single Hellstorm shooting attack still operational and able to shoot, then the attack will have a
instead of firing any other weapons. Take a Hellstorm Strength of 10, for example, while if only three can shoot,
template and place it so that the whole of the template lies the attack will have a Strength of 7, and so on. Hellstorm
within 18" of all of the vehicles in the squadron, and so that attacks are AP3 and ignore cover saves, no matter what the
all of the flamestorm cannons in the formation capable of Strength of the attack.
shooting this turn can draw a line of sight to at least part of


Liber APOCALYPtica
Drop Pods have been used by the Adeptus Astartes since ammunition and more powerful sensors for these weapons
POINTS:100 + MODELS before the Horus Heresy. They allow the Space Marines to that greatly increase their range and firepower. The Drop
The Thunderfire is an excellent light-artillery piece that is normally used to strike quickly and without warning from their orbiting Pods will then be launched in a coordinated pattern aimed
provide close support fire for a detachment of Space Marines. However, in Battle Barges, landing exactly where needed, and usually to land right in the heart of the enemy army. As the Drop
exceptional circumstances a Battle Company’s Thunderfire Cannons can be where they are least expected. However, Drop Pods are Pods crash to the ground, their landing ramps fly open, and
combined into a massed battery capable of delivering an intensive barrage. These supremely flexible vehicles that can perform a wide variety their deathwind missile launchers blanket nearby enemy
massed batteries can be used to fire devastating barrages to support an attack, of tasks beyond simply delivering troops to the battlefield. troops under a barrage of fire.
and are also highly effective at laying down a final protective barrage designed They can be used as boarding torpedoes to assault enemy
to disrupt an enemy assault. space craft, or they can be fitted with stealth fields to land
single squads behind enemy lines undetected. But most
During the Battle of Doom Gorge, the 3rd Company of the Black Guard Space devastating of all is when they are used to unleash a *Yo u m a y f i e l d a s i n g l e D e a t h w i n d O r b i t a l S t r i k e
Marine Chapter was heavily engaged by Tyranids belonging to a splinter fleet Deathwind Orbital Strike. Element at a cost of 50 points plus the cost of
from Hive Fleet Kraken. As the Tyranids swarmed forward they were confronted the models, or a complete Deathwind Orbital
a massed battery of Thunderfire Cannons, commanded by Master of the Forge The Drop Pods that make up a Deathwind Orbital Strike S t r i k e F o rc e a t a c o s t o f 1 5 0 p o i n t s p l u s t h e c o s t
Germanicus. Under his expert control the battery annihilated three successive Force do not carry any troops. Instead they are equipped of the models.
waves of Tyranid bio-creatures as they attempted to force their way through the with deathwind missile launchers and packed with extra
narrow gorge. Once the Tyranid attack had been broken the battery provided
supporting fire for the Black Guard’s counter-attack, leading to the complete
destruction of the Tyranid battle force. Black Guard casualties were minimal.
Deathwind Orbital Strike Force





Prepare to unleash
Thunderfire barrage on
my command... wait for
it… wait… FIRE!!!



Master of the Forge Germanicus,



Battle of Doom Gorge, 295.M41


3 Drop Pods, each armed with a deathwind missile launcher. 1 Locator Beacon Drop Pod.
One Drop Pod must be designated as the command Drop Pod. 3 Deathwind Orbital Strike Elements.
FORMATION: The Locator Beacon Drop Pod must have a deathwind missile
1 Master of the Forge. launcher. This has been upgraded in the same manner as the
3+ Thunderfire Cannons. SPECIAL RULES deathwind missile launchers in the Strike Elements.
Coord i n a t e d A s s a u l t : When the element arrives,
determine the Deep Strike arrival point of the command
SPECIAL RULES Overwatch: During the Movement phase, the Defence Battery pod first. The other Drop Pods in the element must Deep
may go into Overwatch, as long as it is more than 18" away
Battery: All of the models that make up a Thunderfire Strike within 6" of the command pod, and do not scatter.
from any enemy models when the action is declared. The
Defence Battery are treated as a single unit. SPECIAL RULES
battery is not allowed to move, shoot or assault in that turn.
D e a t h w i n d M i s s i l e L a u n c h e r s : All Drop Pods in the Strike Force: When the strike force arrives, determine the
Instead they must make an Overwatch shooting attack after
T h u n d e r f i re B a r r a g e : When the formation fires its element carry extra ammunition and more powerful Deep Strike arrival point of the Locator Beacon Drop Pod
the enemy has had their Movement phase, and before the
Thunderfire Cannons, you may unleash a Thunderfire Barrage sensors for their deathwind missile launchers. This greatly first. All Drop Pods in the strike force must arrive within
enemy take their Shooting phase. The Overwatch attack is
with the following profile instead of firing individually: increases the missile launcher’s range and firepower, 24" of the Locator Beacon Drop Pod.
carried out in exactly the same manner as a normal shooting
allowing them to use the following weapon profile:
attack, except that it occurs during the enemy turn.
Range STR AP SPECIAL Strategic Assets: A player’s army containing a Deathwind
60" 6 5 Apocalypse Barrage Range STR AP SPECIAL Orbital Strike Force automatically has the Careful Planning
(2 per Thunderfire Cannon) 24" 5 - Heavy D3, Barrage strategic asset.


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