Industry+Day+ +Discover+DevMAC+ +presentation
Industry+Day+ +Discover+DevMAC+ +presentation
Industry+Day+ +Discover+DevMAC+ +presentation
Development Multiple
Award Contract (DevMAC)
Industry Days January 2022 J.R. Oliver
For informal discussions regarding DevMAC and other HIVE opportunities, please visit our HIVE Community:
02 — What is DevMAC
03 — The Mechanics
04 — Q&A
05 — What’s Next
Modernize existing
2 technologies
The landscape of healthcare is changing. It’s no longer about a specific patient encounter, it’s about
proactive care of a person’s entire well-being. Like continuous engineering, but for people!
Streamlines interactions
between Industry and System Integrators Defense Health
& Consulting Firms Agency
Health & Human
News & Communities
Accelerates the adoption Announcements of Interest
An elite, agile team of developers and The technologies and tools needed to
engineers able to swarm on the next build cutting edge digital products
DHMS initiative
Ms. Holly Joers oversees and provides guidance to multiple program offices, including
the DOD Healthcare Management System Modernization's delivery of a single,
common, federal record; the Joint Operational Medicine Information Systems' delivery
of operational medicine capabilities; and Enterprise Intelligence and Data Solutions
targeting data innovation.
Lack of Teaming
Opportunity ...the barriers to entry
Establish and Maintain an Industrial Base
with the capabilities to create great
products that leverage and drive
innovation within a Health IT Environment,
focused on the Federal Single-Record
An elite, agile team of developers and The technologies and tools needed
engineers able to swarm on the next to build cutting edge digital products
DHMS initiative
MHS Genesis is the Continual Modifications to New solutions New concepts lead
foundation for PEO Improvements structural builds, can be designed to new technologies
DHMS Health add upon existing new designs for and built for and capabilities.
Modernization Efforts. infrastructure. low-effort fixes. immediate use.
Healthcare innovations span across a multitude of known and unknown capability areas. DevMAC will need to be able to
flexibly address needs in capabilities that are at emerging, developing, mature, and ubiquitous stages of maturation.
Data Engineering Modern Analytics Decentralized Computing
Identifying, collecting, ingesting Harnessing the hyperscale data Exploring the potential of Web3
and sanitizing data sets from sets available in the health domain paradigms to take radical new
disparate sources. to drive innovative insights. approaches to long-standing
Ubiquitous problems.
Data Models, Data Management AI, Machine Learning
Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contracts
Risk: Low Risk: Low - Medium Risk: Medium - High Risk: High
Reward: Low – Medium Reward: Low – Medium Reward: Medium – High Reward: Low – High
Who: z Product
Integrated Who: Quick-Spin Individuals Who: Full Stack Product Who: Nontraditional partners
Teams. and Teams. Teams. with new capabilities.
What: Tasks within a What: Tasks that may What: Prototypes and Proof- What: Nascent capabilities
Development Life augment IPT efforts of-Concept presented and proposals
Cycle. (development/design). to DHMS. presented to DHMS
When: Requirements are When: Low Level of Effort When: On-Demand When: Seeking new tech and
known. Project activities and requirements may capabilities that may
schedules. supplemental activities. align. integrate with DHMS.
Why: Long term, iterative Why: Supporting existing Why: Increase ROI for Gov’t Why: Maximized benefit,
returns on Gov’t development cycles or and partners with with minimal risk with
established initiatives. activities. aligned goals. high-volume
What we know:
What we do not know:
Value high performing contractors
The right number
Value speed from requirement to task order award contractors per pool
Task Order A
Task Order B
Task Order C
2 A World of Talent:
Thousands of interested companies
A “small business” is The NAICS code for Small business size for Contact your local small
determined by the this project is: NAICS code 541511: business office with
North American questions and help
Custom Computer $30M or less (average
Industry Classification getting registered:
Programming Services annual receipts)
System (NAICS) code.
Scan the QR
code for local
SBA offices.
July 2022
A draft RFP will be released on the HIVE in Industry Touch Point
the coming months which we want your
candid feedback to improve it.
Watch the HIVE, all announcements will be Initial October 2022 2022 August 2022
Evaluation Source selection Final RFP
made there. Proposals due