Understanding Healthcare Analytic Competencies

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Healthcare Analytics Academy

Understanding Healthcare Analytic Competencies

Data Champions Are the Future of Healthcare

Data-driven decisions lead to better outcomes. In

healthcare, where outcomes impact patient care and
organizational survival, it’s critical to possess the
Data Champions (n.): competencies that enable informed decision-making.
The unsung heroes of modern healthcare. They work among
many arms—leadership, clinical service lines, IT—and, of The demand for analytical thinkers continues to rise, and
course, the patient community. Through their tireless will only get more competitive. McKinsey’s Big Data
curiosity and passion for improving health, data champions Report noted that 1.5 million data-savvy [1] business
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ensure that analytic insights can effect real change in analysts are needed by 2018. Simultaneously, pundits
service of our patients, our loved ones, and each other. estimate that 50% of health systems will disappear over
the next ten years due to mergers and acquisitions.

The future of healthcare depends on data champions.

[1] http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/our-insights/big-data-the-next-frontier-for-innovation
Healthcare Analytics Competencies Fall Into Nine Domains
Serve as a subject matter expert for a
particular business domain
Strategic Thinking
Leadership Utilize innovation and systems thinking
to move the organization forward
Provide team management, thought
leadership, and mentoring

Analytical Product Analytical Thinking

Management Use statistical methods to
Implement, maintain, and monitor guide answering questions
the creation and use of analytic
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Technology Literacy Data Management

Utilize a wide variety of technology Ensure data’s availability,
to support decision making usability, integrity, and security

Data Visualization Data Exploration

Communicate data insights through the Develop structured processes to explore
art of storytelling data
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Healthcare
There is a growing recognition across industries that those analysts with a solid command of the
business workflow are those who, in turn, most effectively support their business units

Operational Workflows Provider and Care Team Roles

The analytic professional is intimately familiar with some portion of the greater The analytics profession is highly consultative in nature and has a role in every business unit.
organizational data. As a result, they should be able to recognize when practices As a result, the analytic professional is responsible for understanding the breadth of
change or oddities seep into data repositories. Accomplishing this requires a healthcare business roles so that they can build effective relationships. Capabilities indicated
sufficient understanding of business workflow. Capabilities include: by this competency include:
• Describe the personas and workflow for supported service lines • Collaborate with other healthcare workers and understand their unique
• Speak the terminology and vernacular of healthcare
• Build a circle of influence in an organization by identifying and networking with the
• Describe the role of analytics in terms of both strategic and tactical goals
data consumers
• Identify subject matter experts to consult when information about a process is
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Health IT Policy Organizational Structure

Healthcare is a highly-regulated industry with incentives and pressures supplied by The organizational charts for many health organizations are exceedingly complex. Navigation
local, state, and federal entities. These varied pressures drive significant activity in of the myriad corporate entities, departments, and affiliated groups within a healthcare
how both care workflows and health informatics solutions are chosen, rationalized, environment allows one to develop a holistic picture of the user base for data. Capabilities
and deployed. The analytic professional should understand how evolving policies indicated by this competency include:
may impact the business workflow and eventually alter the interpretation of data.
• Navigate the leadership structure across the enterprise and identify the
Capabilities include:
management responsible for business decisions
• Describe how health policy impacts the health data ecosystem
• Collaborate with staff representing a diversity of business needs and perspectives
• Make decisions surrounding the feasibility of projects by understanding to tackle complicated problems
the web of financial incentives that pressure patients, providers, and
• Work through issues of data product actionability that can arise among business
• Plan for the changes to data products given new policies that impact
business workflow
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Analytical Thinking
The Analytical Thinker is one who has a strong sense of the business and thinks through what are the
business problems that need solving and what questions can we ask of the data to solve them
Question Design Statistical and Analytical Methods
When asking questions of data, one must consider what business problem is being Creating measures, correlations, p-values and other techniques help us answer the questions
addressed and how we will be able to take action on the results. The capabilities we ask of data. Individuals with these capabilities are able to:
surrounding good Question Design include:
• Use many different statistical models against the data
• Scoping the business problem
• Apply risk adjustments
• Creating designs and methodologies that are structured
• Slice and dice the data to draw meaningful conclusions
• Using a design that fits the incoming data

Operationalization of Insights
Results Interpretation
Adapting analytical insights into a repeatable workflow is advantageous by reducing
Once the analysis is complete, the results need to be interpreted to identify what
subsequent reinvention of the wheel. This streamlines the business process and maximizes
impact they have on the business problem you are trying to solve. This requires deep
the learning health paradigm. Individuals with these capabilities are able to:
thinking and a clear and logical approach to separate assumptions from reality.
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Individuals with these capabilities are able to: • Measure and articulate the ROI business initiatives, workflow interventions, and
analytic products
• Find patterns
• Place an analytic product within a business workflow for maximal benefit
• Distinguish whether the outcome represents a “one off” or is
representative of the whole population • Communicate insights such that the organization can effectively and efficiently
operationalize the recommendations
• Understand that correlation does not always mean causation

Without a person or team driving the adoption of the product, as well as continuing to
innovate the business process, the business problems don’t get solved and the ROI
diminishes significantly. The skills needed to perform this competency are:
• Conveying the value of the analytics and the benefit it provides to the organization
as a whole
• Informing how the results can be used in other areas of the business as well as
where they are not appropriate
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Data Management
Data management focuses on data extraction, transformation, and evaluation of its suitability for use
and includes processes for governance.

Data Wrangling Data Quality

Data can come in many forms and from many sources. Restructuring the data in a Data quality directly impacts the precision and accuracy of business decisions. Individuals who
format suitable for analytics is a key first step. This requires individuals to be able to: manage data well are able to:
• Extract large volumes of data Perform data profiling and characterization routines
• Transform data to answer business questions Clean data for analytic usage using repeatable processes
• Ensure data is secured managed and stored Evaluate the impact of data quality on analytic results to make decisions surrounding time

Data Governance
Data Modeling
Appropriate use of the data, as well as documenting data structure, meaning, and
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provenance, is imperative for proper data governance. Developing a process for Working with disparate data means that the data must be joined together. Data Modeling
these tasks helps articulate why the data is used. Mastering these competencies focuses on how the different data sources relate to each other and can be connected in a
means: reusable. Individuals who excel in this area:
• Describing where the data originated Understand different data modeling frameworks
• Describing the relationship be governance and quality Create entity relationship diagrams
• Documenting methods and aligning to data standards and definitions Implement data modeling frameworks in database architecture
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Data Exploration
Data exploration entails a variety of activities to examine distinct data sets and adjudicate their
suitability for different business questions and further interrogation.

Profiling and Characterization EHR Workflows

Knowing what you have in a data set is the first step towards developing novel While the Healthcare competency domain emphasized the Operational Workflows
insights. Data profiling involves performing a variety of activities to describe the competency, good Data Exploration relies upon being able to envision how the data in front of
aggregate trends, features, and ‘personality’ of a data set. The Profiling and an analyst connects to the application that created it. Increasingly, enterprise EHRs are used
Characterization competency contains the following capabilities to learn about the in nearly all aspects of patient care. The EHR Workflows Competency contains the following
nature of the data: capabilities to model and analyze EHR processes and data flow:
• Using a structured, repeatable process to explore and summarize the • Creating and interpreting workflow processes so the path of a data element can be
personality of a data set in terms of measures of central tendency, mapped throughout a workflow system
variation, and data types
• Providing deep expertise in the workflow nuance of one or more business or
• Identifying extreme values, outliers, quality issues, and missing data values clinical roles
• Deploying a variety of chart or graphs to describe the data visually • Identifying how data feeds and values may change when model EHR workflow is
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either altered or not followed

Data Relationships and Connections

Those with strong Data Exploration skills can uncover connections and interactions
between data that may not have been previously appreciated. They will use a variety
of narrative and visual formats to explain this interrelatedness to organizational
leaders. The Data Relationships and Connections competency contains the following
capabilities to identify and model the interconnectedness of the data
• Creating a data dictionary to describe linkages between different data sets
that are joined together
• Doing extensive subset analysis to see how data values may co-vary
• Leveraging master data files to enhance connection options for data
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Data Visualization
Telling a story through graphical representations of the data is a compelling way to engage the
audience and communicate meaningful information.

Storytelling Actionability
Every story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Creating a story from Data analysis falls flat if the findings are not communicated such that stakeholders know how
data, depicting it in a visual way, and leading the audience to a shared, logical to take action. Those who embrace the Actionability capability must be able to:
conclusion takes time, talent, and a variety of skills. Some of those needed skills are:
• Verify that the results create recommendations that can be practically implemented
• Creating visualizations of the data analysis that the viewer can easily
• Lead the effort to implement the solution for the defined business problem
• Communicate results in the way that most motivates stakeholders to take action
• Crafting storyboards to take the audience from beginning to end through a
sequence of events
• Executing a structured process for story creation depending on the
business question
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Visualization Techniques Visual Design Principles

There are a wide variety of visualization software packages and design methodologies Creating visuals can be easy but creating those that adhere to sound design principles is more
available to summarize a data story. Individuals highly competent in this area can difficult. A visual design needs to convey information accurately and safeguard against the
execute the following technical processes: possibility of misinterpretation. They also should be visually appealing as to draw the viewer
into the data story. Knowing good Visual Design Principles requires:
• Choosing appropriate software package or packages
• Applying design elements of line, shape, color and other optical components
• Adopt new tools and techniques when they become available
• Applying design principles of alignment, space, balance and other area elements
• Creating multiple visualizations for the same data set using a variety of
tools • Avoiding representation practices that can mislead the viewer
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Technology Literacy
Technology is constantly evolving. An analytics professional must have a working knowledge of a multitude of software
packages and tools to be able to find the one best suited to do the job at hand for making the best decisions.
Tool Selection and Use
Analysts must have a solid understanding as to what each potential tool brings to the Security and Privacy
table as well as its limitations. Exploring and deciding on software requires:
Local, state, and federal regulations are in place to safeguard patient privacy and proper use
• Adjudicating tool suitability for the business problem of healthcare data. All healthcare professionals who use these data are thus custodians of
patient trust. Good evidence of this competency include
• Knowledge of how a tool fits into the existing organizational infrastructure
• Maintenance of secure data environments according to organizational SOPs
• Knowledge of various scripting, programming, or database languages
• Ethical use of data according to HIPAA requirements
Tool Agility and Fluency • Use of Institutional Review Board protocols as needed depending on how analytic
Tools change constantly and organizations must have staff able to adapt to new tool results are socialized
sets. To become proficient in this regard, individuals must: • Identification of Protected Health Information and patient identifiers necessary
• Stay active in learning the latest tools and technology
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• Investigate the interoperability between tools and systems

Systems Thinking
• Mentor others in how to use tools thus amplifying their impact
Many times an employee is so focused on their work that they don’t see the bigger picture.
EHR Architecture Each person is so intent on planting their tree that they lose sight of the forest. Systems
thinking engages the thought process of stepping outside the day-to-day life to illuminate the
Enterprise EHR technology has taken over the healthcare market in that nearly all whole picture. By gaining a better understanding of the entire system, an individual can make
care and business-related functions may be performed in a single application suite. better choices about their “tree.” The capabilities engaged here include:
However, this integration comes with a number of challenges as it defines many
aspects of how data can be connected and used. Having a reliable mental model of • Understanding the entire system and applying that knowledge to analysis projects
workflow model will result in a reliable data model. Individuals how excel here are • Being open to doing tasks in new ways
able to:
• Formulating a 360-degree approach that focuses on how the analytics will benefit
• Envision how analytic products can fit into EHR workflow the leaders, the analysts, the Subject Matter Experts, the customer, and the
• Articulate the impact of workflow change on an analytic system community

• Articulate how EHR data is structured in production and reporting databases

Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Strategic Thinking
Strategic thinking requires applying innovation and systems thinking to support fact-based decision
making. Experience, judgment, professionalism, and ethics all play a role in leading toward a strategic
solution that provides answers to important healthcare problems using analytics
Data-Driven Decision Making
Innovation and Design Thinking
Skilled data champions in healthcare are able to make sense of large volumes of data and turn
This involves generating a wide variety of approaches to problem solving results in them into insights that shape business decisions. Individuals possessing these skills will be
new and innovative ideas and solutions. These individuals possess the competencies able to:
• Measure outcomes and processes using health data and describe its implications
• Being creative with thinking of novel solutions
• Ensure consistency of business data processes
• Open to ambiguity during the process
• Articulate the impact of data special and common cause variability on conclusions
• Realizing that not all ideas are viable but can be used as springboards for generated from data
additional insights
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Strategic Alignment Professionalism and Ethics

All healthcare professionals must have a strategy to keep up with the latest industry Healthcare data is rife with confidential information. Misuse of this information can cause
knowledge thus avoiding risk of obsolescence. Specifically, they should: serious ethical and professional concerns. It is imperative that all members of an organization
recognize how confidential information can easily be misused, even with the best intentions.
• Create a personal strategy to stay informed on the latest events and
Within the Professionalism and Ethics competency individuals will:
advancements in health analytics
• Demonstrate respect, integrity, and compassion
• Communicate their newfound knowledge via presentations and
publications • Commit to ethical principles related to data, business practices, and analytical use
• Engage with others through social media and community channels • Commit to excellence and professionalism in all regards
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Leadership
Leadership occurs at all levels in an organization. Cultivating an environment where individuals are
encouraged to grow and mentor moves an organization forward and results in a strong, motivated
Change Leadership Collaborative Leadership
Cultivating an environment that adapts easily to change is a difficult process. Many Collaboration between individuals within a department and across departments inspires new
people are resistant to change. Ensuring that you have an environment that ideas and innovations. Creating shared, collaborative leadership fosters both individual and
recognizes change management philosophies and obtains buy-in from all levels of an company growth. This is achieved by:
organization is crucial to adopting the most suitable processes. This competency
• Brainstorming with others on how to solve business problems
implies the use of:
• Seeking input from, and actively listening to, others
• Appropriate change management processes and procedures
• Displaying a willingness to adopt to others’ views that may be contrary to one’s
• Mentoring as a way to guide employee workflow changes and expectations
initial opinion
• Analysis to estimate the impact that change will have on people, processes,
culture, and systems
Conflict Management
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Coaching and Development If everyone always agreed, the world would be a mighty dull place. Conflict Management is a
The vast majority of employees want to grow and learn. There is no “one size fits all” series of methods to help resolve differences in the workplace. The following behaviors
approach for improving in one’s field. Each employee needs a tailored plan to indicate competency in mitigating and managing conflict:
understand what their current skill sets are and where they want to go. Good • Judicious selection and deployment of conflict resolution styles
practices in this competency include:
• Identification of early intervention opportunities
• Mentoring of employees
• Use of approaches that focus on solutions and not blame
• Development of an actionable, tailored learning plan for staff
• Provision of resources to help the employees achieve their goals
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Leadership (continued)
Leadership occurs at all levels in an organization. Cultivating an environment where individuals are
encouraged to grow and mentor moves an organization forward and results in a strong, motivated
Every staff member should strive to be aware of the impact a project or decision has on the
Influence is borne not just from one’s job title but also the respect and credibility one greater health business. Instilling strong financial capabilities in each employee is crucial to
may have earned from their coworkers. Influence can be demonstrated by trusting them with decisions. Those capabilities include:
• Encouraging people to work together to problem-solve • Describing the ROI for analytic projects
• Providing valuable feedback at critical times • Documenting resources and budgets
• Listening to others and sharing credit when due • Prioritizing tasks and projects according to the business needs
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Team Leadership
Leading a team is a tremendous responsibility but also enormously rewarding as one
helps staff grow in their careers. Making sure employee goals are aligned with
company strategies results in a focused, productive team. A good team leader
exhibits the following behaviors:
• Provides timely feedback on work deliverables
• Sets expectations that are clear and reasonable
• Recognizes outstanding performance
• Identifies strengths and weaknesses among team members
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Analytical Product Management
Analytical Product Management contains the competencies needed to monitor the fidelity, health, and
wealth of the analytic product life cycle

Quality Processes Business Impact Assessment

Quality processes need a strong champion to ensure all team personas use data in In some form, business impact assessment responsibilities are shared by all members of an
the proper manner and do due diligence in considering the impact of different analytic team if there is true alignment between projects and organizational strategic goals.
analysis decisions. Without documented, robust processes, team performance and This competency interrelates analytic process to business outcomes. Capabilities include:
overall effectiveness is as risk. A high competency level in quality process indicates:
• Deployment of risk inventory and resource management methods
• Effective execution of improvement methodologies both for data quality as
• Proactive identification of unintended consequences as well as business benefits
well as team processes
• Discussion and negotiation around any data difficulties with project stakeholders
• Ensuring that proper testing and evaluation takes place before analytic
products are released to customers • Implementation of quality monitoring processes so business gains from use of an
analytic product don’t degrade over time
• Astute quantitative and qualitative cost considerations in making decisions
regarding project prioritization
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Product Maintenance and Durability

Portfolio Resource Management
Implementing a software solution has a learning curve for all who use it. Identifying
Analytic teams are hives of intense activity. Management is required not just of
technology solutions that will last longer than the latest fashion will maximize the learning and
individual projects but of whole project portfolios that may have interdependent
technology investment. It is imperative that the invested technology remains operational and
components that compete for resources. Competent resource management for
that maintenance is applied regularly to ensure continued growth and operations. These tasks
analytic teams include:
can be achieved by knowledge of how to:
• Judicious decision making surrounding the sequencing and time
• Manage software integrations and processes according to the analytic life cycle
commitment for components of an analytic project
• Maintain analytic products on a timely basis
• Making trade-off decisions to right size effort to project need
• Retire analytic products when they no longer confer benefit
• Setting reasonable milestones that satisfy customers without exhausting
the analytic team • Integrate and manage additional new technologies as needed
• Implementing agile management methods so that project and products
may evolve as new data about their impact and use becomes available
• Ensuring that team members understand the impact of a product in terms
of its usage within the leadership hierarchy of a health organization
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Analytical Product Management (cont.)
Analytical Product Management contains the competencies needed to monitor the fidelity, health, and
wealth of the analytic product life cycle

Requirements Management Knowledge Management

Building project plans requires a significant level of effort in identifying and Documentation of the process of analytics as well as any decisions made along the
coordinating subject matter experts. If you have a destination (aka a business way is key to having a team that runs on repeatable processes and not just ad hoc
problem to solve), you need a detailed map on how to get there. Someone who effort. People who excel in knowledge management will:
possesses these capabilities are able to:
• Track and document project changes in the appropriate locations
• Involve SMEs to support the project and extract information about
• Share knowledge and skills across teams to increase knowledge wealth
business needs
and reduce knowledge deficits when a team member leaves
• Document requirements for all team members so that they can be used
• Document the creation of how the knowledge is gained so it is easier for
for reference
new team members
• Create a working plan that identifies the tasks and dependencies to
manage the project and determine the effort involved
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