Understanding Healthcare Analytic Competencies
Understanding Healthcare Analytic Competencies
Understanding Healthcare Analytic Competencies
ensure that analytic insights can effect real change in analysts are needed by 2018. Simultaneously, pundits
service of our patients, our loved ones, and each other. estimate that 50% of health systems will disappear over
the next ten years due to mergers and acquisitions.
[1] http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/our-insights/big-data-the-next-frontier-for-innovation
Healthcare Analytics Competencies Fall Into Nine Domains
Serve as a subject matter expert for a
particular business domain
Strategic Thinking
Leadership Utilize innovation and systems thinking
to move the organization forward
Provide team management, thought
leadership, and mentoring
Operationalization of Insights
Results Interpretation
Adapting analytical insights into a repeatable workflow is advantageous by reducing
Once the analysis is complete, the results need to be interpreted to identify what
subsequent reinvention of the wheel. This streamlines the business process and maximizes
impact they have on the business problem you are trying to solve. This requires deep
the learning health paradigm. Individuals with these capabilities are able to:
thinking and a clear and logical approach to separate assumptions from reality.
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Individuals with these capabilities are able to: • Measure and articulate the ROI business initiatives, workflow interventions, and
analytic products
• Find patterns
• Place an analytic product within a business workflow for maximal benefit
• Distinguish whether the outcome represents a “one off” or is
representative of the whole population • Communicate insights such that the organization can effectively and efficiently
operationalize the recommendations
• Understand that correlation does not always mean causation
Without a person or team driving the adoption of the product, as well as continuing to
innovate the business process, the business problems don’t get solved and the ROI
diminishes significantly. The skills needed to perform this competency are:
• Conveying the value of the analytics and the benefit it provides to the organization
as a whole
• Informing how the results can be used in other areas of the business as well as
where they are not appropriate
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Data Management
Data management focuses on data extraction, transformation, and evaluation of its suitability for use
and includes processes for governance.
Data Governance
Data Modeling
Appropriate use of the data, as well as documenting data structure, meaning, and
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provenance, is imperative for proper data governance. Developing a process for Working with disparate data means that the data must be joined together. Data Modeling
these tasks helps articulate why the data is used. Mastering these competencies focuses on how the different data sources relate to each other and can be connected in a
means: reusable. Individuals who excel in this area:
• Describing where the data originated Understand different data modeling frameworks
• Describing the relationship be governance and quality Create entity relationship diagrams
• Documenting methods and aligning to data standards and definitions Implement data modeling frameworks in database architecture
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Data Exploration
Data exploration entails a variety of activities to examine distinct data sets and adjudicate their
suitability for different business questions and further interrogation.
Storytelling Actionability
Every story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Creating a story from Data analysis falls flat if the findings are not communicated such that stakeholders know how
data, depicting it in a visual way, and leading the audience to a shared, logical to take action. Those who embrace the Actionability capability must be able to:
conclusion takes time, talent, and a variety of skills. Some of those needed skills are:
• Verify that the results create recommendations that can be practically implemented
• Creating visualizations of the data analysis that the viewer can easily
• Lead the effort to implement the solution for the defined business problem
• Communicate results in the way that most motivates stakeholders to take action
• Crafting storyboards to take the audience from beginning to end through a
sequence of events
• Executing a structured process for story creation depending on the
business question
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Coaching and Development If everyone always agreed, the world would be a mighty dull place. Conflict Management is a
The vast majority of employees want to grow and learn. There is no “one size fits all” series of methods to help resolve differences in the workplace. The following behaviors
approach for improving in one’s field. Each employee needs a tailored plan to indicate competency in mitigating and managing conflict:
understand what their current skill sets are and where they want to go. Good • Judicious selection and deployment of conflict resolution styles
practices in this competency include:
• Identification of early intervention opportunities
• Mentoring of employees
• Use of approaches that focus on solutions and not blame
• Development of an actionable, tailored learning plan for staff
• Provision of resources to help the employees achieve their goals
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Leadership (continued)
Leadership occurs at all levels in an organization. Cultivating an environment where individuals are
encouraged to grow and mentor moves an organization forward and results in a strong, motivated
Every staff member should strive to be aware of the impact a project or decision has on the
Influence is borne not just from one’s job title but also the respect and credibility one greater health business. Instilling strong financial capabilities in each employee is crucial to
may have earned from their coworkers. Influence can be demonstrated by trusting them with decisions. Those capabilities include:
• Encouraging people to work together to problem-solve • Describing the ROI for analytic projects
• Providing valuable feedback at critical times • Documenting resources and budgets
• Listening to others and sharing credit when due • Prioritizing tasks and projects according to the business needs
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Team Leadership
Leading a team is a tremendous responsibility but also enormously rewarding as one
helps staff grow in their careers. Making sure employee goals are aligned with
company strategies results in a focused, productive team. A good team leader
exhibits the following behaviors:
• Provides timely feedback on work deliverables
• Sets expectations that are clear and reasonable
• Recognizes outstanding performance
• Identifies strengths and weaknesses among team members
Competency Summary
Domain Detail: Analytical Product Management
Analytical Product Management contains the competencies needed to monitor the fidelity, health, and
wealth of the analytic product life cycle