Nursing Care Plan For "DYSRHYTHMIAS"
Nursing Care Plan For "DYSRHYTHMIAS"
Nursing Care Plan For "DYSRHYTHMIAS"
A cardiac dysrhythmia is any disturbance in the normal rhythm of the electrical excitation of the heart. It can be the result of a
primary cardiac disorder, a response to a systemic condition, the result of electrolyte imbalance or drug toxicity. Dysrhythmias
vary in severity and in their effects on cardiac function, which are partially influenced by the site of origin (ventricular or
Generally, minor dysrhythmias are monitored and treated in the community setting; however, potential life-threatening situations
(including heart rates above 150 beats/min) usually require a short inpatient stay.
Heart failure: chronic
Myocardial infarction
Psychosocial aspects of care
May report: History of previous/acute MI (90%–95% experience dysrhythmias), cardiac surgery, cardiomyopathy,
rheumatic/HF, valvular heart disease, long-standing hypertension, use of pacemaker
Pulse: Fast, slow, or irregular; palpitations, skipped beats
May exhibit: BP changes (hypertension or hypotension) during episodes of dysrhythmia
Pulses may be irregular, e.g., skipped beats; pulsus alternans (regular strong beat/weak beat);
bigeminal pulse (irregular strong beat/weak beat)
Pulse deficit (difference between apical pulse and radial pulse)
Heart sounds: irregular rhythm, extra sounds, dropped beats
Skin color and moisture changes, e.g., pallor, cyanosis, diaphoresis (heart failure, shock)
Edema dependent, generalized, JVD (in presence of heart failure)
Urine output decreased if cardiac output is severely diminished
May report: Feeling nervous (certain tachydysrhythmias), sense of impending doom
Stressors related to current medical problems
May exhibit: Anxiety, fear, withdrawal, anger, irritability, crying
May report: Loss of appetite, anorexia
Food intolerance (with certain medications)
Changes in weight
May exhibit: Weight gain or loss
Changes in skin moisture/turgor
Respiratory crackles
May report: Dizzy spells, fainting, headaches
May exhibit: Mental status/sensorium changes, e.g., disorientation, confusion, loss of memory; changes in usual
speech pattern/consciousness, stupor, coma
Behavioral changes, e.g., combativeness, lethargy, hallucinations
Pupil changes (equality and reaction to light)
Loss of deep tendon reflexes with life-threatening dysrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia, severe
May report: Chest pain, mild to severe, which may or may not be relieved by antianginal medication
May exhibit: Distraction behaviors, e.g., restlessness
May report: Chronic lung disease
History of or current tobacco use
Shortness of breath
Coughing (with/without sputum production)
May exhibit: Changes in respiratory rate/depth during dysrhythmia episode
Breath sounds: Adventitious sounds (crackles, rhonchi, wheezing) may be present, indicating
respiratory complications, such as left-sided heart failure (pulmonary edema) or
pulmonary thromboembolic phenomena
May exhibit: Fever
Skin: Rashes (medication reaction)
Loss of muscle tone/strength
May report: Familial risk factors, e.g., heart disease, stroke
Use/misuse of prescribed medications, such as heart medications (e.g., digitalis), anticoagulants (e.g.,
warfarin [Coumadin]), benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam [Valium]), tricyclic
antidepressants (e.g., amitriptyline [Elavil]), or antipsychotic agents (e.g., fluphenazine
[Prolixin], chlorpromazine [Thorazine]), or OTC medications (e.g., cough syrup and
analgesics containing ASA)
Stimulant abuse, including caffeine/nicotine
Lack of understanding about disease process/therapeutic regimen
Evidence of failure to improve, e.g., recurrent/intractable dysrhythmias that are life-threatening
Discharge plan DRG projected mean length of inpatient stay: 3.9 days
considerations: Alteration of medication use/therapy
Refer to section at end of plan for postdischarge considerations.
ECG: Reveals type/source of dysrhythmia and effects of electrolyte imbalances and cardiac medications. Demonstrates patterns
of ischemic injury and conduction aberrance. Note: Exercise ECG can reveal dysrhythmias occurring only when patient is
not at rest (can be diagnostic for cardiac cause of syncope).
Extended or event monitoring (e.g., Holter monitor): Extended ECG tracing (24 hr to weeks) may be desired to determine
which dysrhythmias may be causing specific symptoms when patient is active (home/work) or at rest. May also be used to
evaluate pacemaker function, antidysrhythmia drug effect, or effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation.
Signal-averaged ECG (SAE): May be used to screen high-risk patients (especially post-MI or unexplained syncope) for
ventricular dysrhythmias, presence of delayed conduction, and late potentials (as occurs with sustained ventricular
Chest x-ray: May show enlarged cardiac shadow due to ventricular or valvular dysfunction.
Myocardial imaging scans: May demonstrate ischemic/damaged myocardial areas that could impede normal conduction or
impair wall motion and pumping capabilities.
Electrophysiological (EP) studies: Provides cardiac mapping of entire conduction system to evaluate normal and abnormal
pathways of electrical conduction. Used to diagnose dysrhythmias and evaluate effectiveness of medication or pacemaker
Electrolytes: Elevated or decreased levels of potassium, calcium, and magnesium can cause dysrhythmias.
Drug screen: May reveal toxicity of cardiac drugs, presence of street drugs, or suggest interaction of drugs, e.g., digitalis and
Thyroid studies: Elevated or depressed serum thyroid levels can cause/aggravate dysrhythmias.
ESR: Elevation may indicate acute/active inflammatory process, e.g., endocarditis, as a precipitating factor for dysrhythmias.
ABGs/pulse oximetry: Hypoxemia can cause/exacerbate dysrhythmias.
1. Prevent/treat life-threatening dysrhythmias.
2. Support patient/SO in dealing with anxiety/fear of potentially life-threatening situation.
3. Assist in identification of cause/precipitating factors.
4. Review information regarding condition/prognosis/treatment regimen.
1. Free of life-threatening dysrhythmias and complications of impaired cardiac output/tissue perfusion.
2. Anxiety reduced/managed.
3. Disease process, therapy needs, and prevention of complications understood.
4. Plan in place to meet needs after discharge.
Hemodynamic Regulation (NIC)
Palpate pulses (radial, carotid, femoral, dorsalis pedis), Differences in equality, rate, and regularity of pulses are
noting rate, regularity, amplitude (full/thready), and indicative of the effect of altered cardiac output on
symmetry. Document presence of pulsus alternans, systemic/peripheral circulation.
bigeminal pulse, or pulse deficit.
Auscultate heart sounds, noting rate, rhythm, presence of Specific dysrhythmias are more clearly detected audibly
extra heartbeats, dropped beats. than by palpation. Hearing extra heartbeats or dropped
beats helps identify dysrhythmias in the unmonitored
Monitor vital signs. Assess adequacy of cardiac Although not all dysrhythmias are life-threatening,
output/tissue perfusion, noting significant variations in immediate treatment may be required to terminate
BP/pulse rate equality, respirations, changes in skin dysrhythmia in the presence of alterations in cardiac
color/temperature, level of consciousness/sensorium, and output and tissue perfusion.
urine output during episodes of dysrhythmias.
Determine type of dysrhythmia and document with Useful in determining need for/type of intervention
rhythm strip (if cardiac/telemetry monitoring is available): required.
Atrial dysrhythmias, e.g., PACs, atrial flutter, atrial PACs can occur as a response to ischemia and are
fibrillation (AF), atrial supraventricular tachycardias) normally harmless but can precede or precipitate atrial
(i.e., PAT, MAT, SVT); fibrillation. Acute and chronic atrial flutter and/or
fibrillation (the most common dysrhythmia) can occur
with coronary artery or valvular disease and may or may
not be pathological. Rapid atrial flutter/fibrillation
reduces cardiac output as a result of incomplete
ventricular filling (shortened cardiac cycle) and increased
oxygen demand.
Ventricular dysrhythmias, e.g., premature ventricular PVCs or VPBs reflect cardiac irritability and are
contractions/ventricular premature beats commonly associated with MI, digitalis toxicity, coronary
(PVCs/VPBs), ventricular tachycardia (VT), vasospasm, and misplaced temporary pacemaker leads.
ventricular flutter/ fibrillation (VF); Frequent, multiple, or multifocal PVCs result in
diminished cardiac output and may lead to potentially
lethal dysrhythmias, e.g., VT or sudden death/cardiac
arrest from ventricular flutter/fibrillation. Note:
Intractable ventricular dysrhythmias unresponsive to
medication may reflect ventricular aneurysm.
Polymorphic VT (torsades de pointes) is recognized by
inconsistent shape of QRS complexes and is often drug
related, e.g., procainamide (Pronestyl), quinidine
(Quinaglute), disopyramide (Norpace), and sotalol
Provide calm/quiet environment. Review reasons for Reduces stimulation and release of stress-related
limitation of activities during acute phase. catecholamines, which can cause/aggravate dysrhythmias
and vasoconstriction, increasing myocardial workload.
Demonstrate/encourage use of stress management Promotes patient participation in exerting some sense of
behaviors, e.g., relaxation techniques, guided imagery, control in a stressful situation.
slow/deep breathing.
Investigate reports of chest pain, documenting location, Reasons for chest pain are variable and depend on
duration, intensity (0–10 scale), and relieving/aggravating underlying cause. However, chest pain may indicate
factors. Note nonverbal pain cues, e.g., facial grimacing, ischemia due to altered electrical conduction, decreased
crying, changes in BP/heart rate. myocardial perfusion, or increased oxygen need (e.g.,
impending/evolving MI).
Administer supplemental oxygen as indicated. Increases amount of oxygen available for myocardial
uptake, which decreases irritability caused by hypoxia.
Class Ib, e.g., lidocaine (Xylocaine), phenytoin These drugs shorten the duration of the refractory period
(Dilantin), tocainide (Tonocard), mexiletine (QT interval), and their action depends on the tissue
(Mexitil); moricizine (Ethmozine); affected and the level of extracellular potassium. Drugs of
choice for ventricular dysrhythmias, they are also
effective for automatic and re-entrant dysrhythmias and
digitalis-induced dysrhythmias. Note: These drugs may
aggravate myocardial depression.
Class Ic, e.g., flecainide (Tambocor), propafenone These drugs slow conduction by depressing SA node
(Rhythmol), encainide (Enkaid); automaticity and decreasing conduction velocity through
the atria, ventricles, and Purkinje fibers. The result is
prolongation of the PR interval and lengthening of the
QRS complex. They suppress and prevent all types of
ventricular dysrhythmias. Note: Flecainide increases risk
of drug-induced dysrhythmias post MI. Propafenone can
worsen or cause new dysrhythmias, a tendency called the
“proarrhythmic effect.” Encainide is available only for
patients who demonstrated a good result before the drug
was removed from the market.
Class II drugs: e.g., atenolol (Tenormin), propranolol Beta-adrenergic blockers have antiadrenergic properties
(Inderal), nadolol (Corgard), acebutolol (Sectral), and decrease automaticity. Therefore, they are useful in
esmolol (Brevibloc), sotalol (Betapace); bisoprolol the treatment of dysrhythmias caused by SA and AV node
(Zebeta); dysfunction (e.g., SVTs, atrial flutter or fibrillation).
Note: These drugs may exacerbate bradycardia and cause
myocardial depression, especially when combined with
drugs that have similar properties.
Class III drugs: e.g., bretylium tosylate (Bretylol), These drugs prolong the refractory period and action
amiodarone (Cordarone), sotalol (Betapace), potential duration, consequently prolonging the QT
ibutilide (Corvert); interval. They are used to terminate ventricular fibrillation
and other life-threatening ventricular
dysrhythmias/sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias,
especially when lidocaine/procainamide are not effective.
Note: Sotalol is a nonselective beta-blocker with
characteristics of both class II and class III.
Class IV drugs: e.g., verapamil (Calan), nifedipine Calcium antagonists (also called calcium channel
(Procardia), diltiazem (Cardizem); blockers) slow conduction time through the AV node
(prolonging PR interval) to decrease ventricular response
in SVTs, atrial flutter/fibrillation. Calan and Cardizem
may be used for bedside conversion of acute atrial
Class V drugs: e.g., atropine sulfate, isoproterenol Miscellaneous drugs useful in treating bradycardia by
(Isuprel), cardiac glycosides: digoxin (Lanoxin); increasing SA and AV conduction and enhancing
automaticity. Cardiac glycosides may be used alone or in
combination with other antidysrhythmic drugs to reduce
ventricular rate in presence of uncontrolled/poorly
tolerated atrial tachycardias or flutter/fibrillation.
Prepare for/assist with elective cardioversion. May be used in atrial fibrillation or certain unstable
dysrhythmias to restore normal heart rate/relieve
symptoms of heart failure.
Assist with insertion/maintain pacemaker function. Temporary pacing may be necessary to accelerate impulse
formation or override tachydysrhythmias and ectopic
activity, to maintain cardiovascular function until
spontaneous pacing is restored or permanent pacing is
Insert/maintain IV access. Patent access line may be required for administration of
emergency drugs.
Prepare for invasive diagnostic procedures/surgery as Differential diagnosis of underlying cause may be
indicated. required to formulate appropriate treatment plan.
Resection of ventricular aneurysm may be required to
correct intractable ventricular dysrhythmias unresponsive
to medical therapy. Surgery, e.g., CABG, may be
indicated to enhance circulation to myocardium and
conduction system.
Prepare for implantation of cardioverter/defibrillator This device may be surgically implanted in those patients
(ICD) when indicated. with recurrent, life-threatening ventricular dysrhythmias
unresponsive to tailored drug therapy. The latest
generation of devices can provide multilevel (“tiered”)
therapy, that is, antitachycardia and antibradycardia
pacing, cardioversion, or defibrillation, depending on how
each device is programmed.
NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Poisoning, risk for digitalis toxicity
Risk factors may include
Limited range of therapeutic effectiveness, lack of education/proper precautions, reduced
vision/cognitive limitations
Possibly evidenced by
[Not applicable; presence of signs and symptoms establishes an actual diagnosis.]
Knowledge: Medication (NOC)
Verbalize understanding of individual prescription, how it interacts with other drugs/substances, and
importance of maintaining prescribed regimen.
Recognize signs of digitalis overdose and developing heart failure, and what to report to physician.
Cardiac Pump Effectiveness (NOC)
Be free of signs of toxicity; display serum drug level within individually acceptable range.
Explain patient’s specific type of digitalis preparation and Reduces confusion due to digitalis preparations varying in
its specific therapeutic use. name (although they may be similar), dosage strength,
and onset and duration of action. Up to 15% of all patients
receiving digitalis develop toxicity at some time during
the course of therapy because of its narrow therapeutic
Instruct patient not to change dose for any reason, not to Alterations in drug regimen can reduce therapeutic
omit dose (unless instructed to, depending on pulse rate), effects, result in toxicity, and cause complications.
not to increase dose or take extra doses, and to contact
doctor if more than one dose is omitted.
Advise patient that digitalis may interact with many other Knowledge may help prevent dangerous drug
drugs (e.g., barbiturates, neomycin, cholestyramine, interactions.
quinidine, and antacids) and that physician should be
informed that digitalis is taken whenever new medications
are prescribed. Advise patient not to use OTC drugs (e.g.,
laxatives, antidiarrheals, antacids, cold remedies,
diuretics, herbals) without first checking with the
pharmacist or healthcare provider.
Review importance of dietary and supplemental intake of Maintaining electrolytes at normal ranges may prevent or
potassium, calcium, and magnesium. limit development of toxicity and correct many associated
Provide information and have the patient/SO verbalize Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, unusual drowsiness, confusion,
understanding of toxic signs/symptoms to report to the very slow or very fast irregular pulse, thumping in chest,
healthcare provider. double/blurred vision, yellow/green tint or halos around
objects, flickering color forms or dots, altered color
perception, and worsening heart failure (e.g., dependent/
generalized edema, dyspnea, decreased amount/frequency of
voiding) indicate need for prompt evaluation/intervention.
Mild symptoms of toxicity may be managed with a brief
drug holiday. Note: In severe/refractory heart failure, altered
cardiac binding of digitalis may result in toxicity, even with
previously appropriate drug doses.
Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, liver function studies. Abnormal levels of potassium, calcium, or magnesium
increase the heart’s sensitivity to digitalis. Impaired kidney
function can cause digoxin (mainly excreted by the kidney)
to accumulate to toxic levels. Digitoxin levels (mainly
excreted by the bowel) are affected by impaired liver
Administer medications as appropriate: Other May be necessary to maintain/improve cardiac output in
antidysrhythmia medications, e.g., lidocaine (Xylocaine), presence of excess effect of digitalis. A digoxin/digitoxin
propranolol (Inderal), and procainamide (Pronestyl) antagonist that increases drug excretion by the kidneys in
Digoxin immune Fab (Digibind). acute or severe toxicity when standard therapies are
Prepare patient for transfer to CCU as indicated (e.g., In the presence of digitalis toxicity, patients frequently
dangerous dysrhythmias, exacerbation of heart failure). require intensive monitoring until therapeutic levels have
been restored. Because all digitalis preparations have long
serum half-lives, stabilization can take several days.
NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Knowledge, deficient [Learning Need] regarding cause, treatment, self-
care, and discharge needs
May be related to
Lack of information/misunderstanding of medical condition/therapy needs
Unfamiliarity with information resources
Lack of recall
Possibly evidenced by
Questions, statement of misconception
Failure to improve on previous regimen
Development of preventable complications
Knowledge: Disease Process (NOC)
Verbalize understanding of condition, prognosis, and function of pacemaker (if used).
Relate signs of pacemaker failure.
Knowledge: Treatment Regimen (NOC)
Verbalize understanding of therapeutic regimen.
List desired action and possible adverse side effects of medications.
Correctly perform necessary procedures and explain reasons for actions.
Assess patient/SO level of knowledge and ability/desire to Necessary for creation of individual instruction plan.
learn. Reinforces expectation that this will be a “learning
experience.” Verbalization identifies misunderstandings
and allows for clarification.
Be alert to signs of avoidance, e.g., changing subject Natural defense mechanisms, such as anger or denial of
away from information being presented or extremes of significance of situation, can block learning, affecting
behavior (withdrawal/euphoria). patient’s response and ability to assimilate information.
Changing to a less formal/structured style may be more
effective until patient/SO is ready to accept/deal with
current situation.
Present information in varied learning formats, e.g., Multiple learning methods may enhance retention of
programmed books, audiovisual tapes, question-and- material.
answer sessions, group activities.
Provide information in written form for patient/SO to take Follow-up reminders may enhance patient’s
home. understanding and cooperation with the desired regimen.
Written instructions are a helpful resource when patient is
not in direct contact with healthcare team.
Reinforce explanations of risk factors, dietary/activity Provides opportunity for patient to retain information and
restrictions, medications, and symptoms requiring to assume control/participate in rehabilitation program.
immediate medical attention.
Encourage identification/reduction of individual risk These behaviors/chemicals have direct adverse effect on
factors, e.g., smoking and alcohol consumption, obesity. cardiovascular function and may impede recovery and
increase risk for complications.
Review normal cardiac function/electrical conduction. Provides a knowledge base to understand individual
variations and to understand reasons for therapeutic
Explain/reinforce specific dysrhythmia problem and Ongoing/updated information (e.g., whether the problem is
therapeutic measures to patient/SO. resolving or may require long-term control measures) can
decrease anxiety associated with the unknown and prepare
patient/SO to make necessary lifestyle adaptations. Educating
the SO may be especially important if patient is elderly,
visually or hearing impaired, or unable or even unwilling to
learn/follow instructions. Repeated explanations may be
needed because anxiety and/or bulk of new information can
block/limit learning.
Identify adverse effects/complications of specific Dysrhythmias may decrease cardiac output, manifested by
dysrhythmias, e.g., fatigue, dependent edema, progressive symptoms of developing cardiac failure/altered cerebral
changes in mentation, vertigo. perfusion. Tachydysrhythmias may also be accompanied
by debilitating anxiety/feelings of impending doom.
Instruct and document teaching regarding medications. Information necessary for patient to make informed
Include why the drug is needed (desired action), how and choices and to manage medication regimen. Note: Use of
when to take the drug, what to do if a dose is forgotten herbal remedies in conjunction with drug regimen may
(dosage and usage information), and expected side effects or result in adverse effects (e.g., cardiac stimulation,
possible adverse reactions/interactions with other prescribed/ impaired clotting), necessitating evaluation of product for
OTC drugs or substances (alcohol, tobacco, herbal remedies), safe use.
as well as what and when to report to the physician.
Encourage development of regular exercise routine, When dysrhythmias are properly managed, normal
avoiding overexertion. Identify signs/symptoms requiring activity should not be affected. Exercise program is useful
immediate cessation of activities, e.g., dizziness, in improving overall cardiovascular well-being.
lightheadedness, dyspnea, chest pain.
Review individual dietary needs/restrictions, e.g., Depending on specific problem, patient may need to
potassium, caffeine. increase dietary potassium, such as when potassium-
depleting diuretics are used. Caffeine may be limited to
prevent cardiac excitation.
Review safety precautions, techniques to Promotes self-care, provides for timely interventions to
evaluate/maintain pacemaker or ICD function, and prevent serious complications. Instructions/concerns
symptoms requiring medical intervention, e.g., report depend on function and type of device, as well as patient’s
pulse rate below set limit for demand pacing or less than condition and presence/absence of family or caregivers.
low-limit rate for rate- adaptive pacers, prolonged
Allows for appropriate evaluation and timely intervention,
Recommend wearing medical alert bracelet or necklace especially if patient is unable to respond in an emergency
and carrying pacemaker ID card. situation.
POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS following discharge from care setting (dependent on patient’s age, physical
condition/presence of complications, personal resources, and life responsibilities)
Activity Intolerance—imbalance between oxygen supply/demand.
Therapeutic Regimen: ineffective management—complexity of therapeutic regimen, decisional conflicts, economic difficulties,
inadequate number/types of cues to action.