Roga Nidan 2

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Introduction Part I. Historical notes. .III

Part II. Note on evolu'Lion

of diseascs. xvil
l. PafrcaNiddna Laksanam t

2. ]wara Nidinarn (Fevers ) 6

3. Atisara ,, ( Diarrhoeas ) l6
4. Glahaqi ,, ( Diseaseof the duodenurn) 20
5. Ar6as ,, ( Haemorrhoids) 23
6. Agnirnindya-Ajir4a-Visocika-Alasaka-Vilambikl Nidtnam
( Dyspcpsia,Indigestionetc. ) 29
7 Klimiroga Nidanam ( Palasiticdiseases) 33
8. Pdlduroga-Kdmala-Kumbhakdmala-HaliniakaNiddnam
( Anaemia, Jaundice,I{epatitis ) 35
9. Raktapitta Nidanam ( Haemorrhagicdiseases
) 39
10. RajayakSme-Ksataksin.r
Nicilnam ( Pulmonarytuberculosis,
etc.) 42
ll. Kasa Nidanam(Caughs) 46
12. Hikka, SwasaNidananr(Hiccups, Dyspnoeas
) 4E
13. Swarabheda ,, (Hoarscness ) 53
14. Arocaka ,, (Anorexia ) 55
15. Chardi ,, (Vomitting ) 3r)
16. Tlt-il. ( Thirst )
,, 59
17. Mulcha-Bhrama Nidra, Tan,lrd, SannydsaNiclanam( Fainting,Giddiness,
Stupor and lossof consciousness
) 6l
18. Panatyaya-Paramada-Panrjirna-Pdnavibhrama
( Alcoholic intoxication ) o)
( xxvi )

19. Daha Niddnam ( Rurrringsensationof the body ) 69

20. Unmdda ,, ( InsanitY)
21. Apasmara ,, ( EPilePsY ) 77
22, Vatavyadhi ,, ( Diseasesof nervoussyst{rrn,) IJ

23. Vatarakta ,, (Gout ) 90

2+. [jrustharnbha,, ( Stiffnessof the legs ) 93
25. Amavirta ( Rheumrtism ) 95
{ula-Annacllava{ola Nirlana'l 1 Colic, Peptic ulcers)
26. Sula-Parinarma 97
etc' )
27. Urldvarta-Anaha Nidlnam ( Reversepcristalisis-flatulcr'ce 101
28. Gulma Nidanarn( Abdominal tumors ) 104
29. Hrdroga ,, of the heart )
( Diseases 107
30. Mutrakpchra ,, ( Dysurea,Strangury) 108
31. Mutraghdta , ( Suppression
ofurine ) ll0
32. Aimari ,, ( Vesicalcalculus) I13
33. Prarneha,PramehaPi{aka Nidanam (Dilbetes, Corbuncles) ll6
Nidanam ( Obesity) 121
94. Medo roga
35. Udara roga ,, ( EnlargemenL
of the abdomen) 122
36. Sotha roga ,, ( Oeclema,Anasarca) 126
37. Vyddhi roga ,, ( Swellingol'lhe scrotum) 129
38. Galaganda,Gan$a rndla, .\paci, Glanthi, Arbuda Niclanam
(Cervical lymphaclenoma, Sclofula, ()oitle, Tumors and C:rncer) l3t
39. $liparla Niddnam (F'ilariasis) 135
40. ViclLadhi ,, (Absccsses ) 136
4l. Vrala(otha ,, (Infl;rnimatotyswelling) 139
42. $ari.uu.un" ,, ( Organic ulcers) l4l
+3. Sadyovlana ,, ( Tlltrnntic trlcers) t4+
++. Rhagna ,, ( [rrrr-ctur',:s
of'lrortes) 148
45. NaQivra{ra ,, (Sinusulcers) 150
46. Bbagandara ,, ( Festula-in-ano
) 152
47. Upadarh{a ,, ( Veneraldiseases) 154
( xxvii )

Nidanam ( Diseasesof the Penis) .tf,o

48. Suka doga
49. Kuqlha , ( LeProsY,skin diseases) 159
50. $itapitta, Udarda, Kotha Nidanam ( Skin rashes,Allergy etc' ) 165
51. Amlapitta Nidanam ( Ilyperchlorhydria,Gastritis) 166
52. Visarpa ( Erysepelas) r68
53. Visphola ( Small pox ) 1 71
5+. Masorika ( Chickenpox, N{easles
) 173
55. Ksudra roga ( Minor diseases) 177
56. Mukha roga of tbe mouth )
( Diseases 184
Karpa roga of the car )
( Diseases 193
of the nose) lo"
5 8 . Nasa roga ( Diseases
59. Netra roga of the cye )
( Diseases 202
60. Siro rogu of the head )
( Diseases 2r7
6 1 . Asygdara ( Menorrhagia) 220
( Diseasesof vagina ) ,,,
62. Yonivyapat
63. Yoni ka'l da ( Vaginal tumors )
64. Modha garbha ( Abnormal pregnancy,foetal presentationetc. ) 225
65. Sttika roga ( Diseasesof peurperum ) 227
66. Stana roga of the breast)
( Diseases
6 7 . Stanyaduqli ( I)isordersof breastmilk ) 229
68. Bala roga of children )
( Diseases 230
69. Viga roga due to Poison)
( Diseascs 234
7 0 . Visay-nukramanikl ( Contentsof the treatise) 243
Appenrlix I Salient points fi'onr Madhuko3a commentary. 245
'' II Mithyihdra vihdra 264
,, III Comparisonsof leisons 281
,, IV ctfrliscases
Nlodcnr eqrrivalents 9q9

lndcx 3r5
rqqlqariilai{ ia}*qmoi Rnqrt I rt
anrgdraiqqiRqrdt sqrsd: qlaqni fHtrrtqr
dtqq-sriicfaqnib*tfiqrqi ilqlihqitsqq rrR.rr
ararcalidiarai firrenr,r'iuarq t gd ftflqqrdsqq]q q&"qfr tt 1 tt
Having propitiated to Lord Siva, who is the causefor the cr.:ation, mainte-
nanceand destructionof the Universe,bestowerof beaven and salvation and thc
protectorof a1l of the three worlds, I have composedthis treatise'Roga Vinifuaya'
on the adviseof revered physicians,containingin briet the sayingsof varioussages
on the complications, bad prognosis,causes,signs and symptoms of diseascs. This
will be ofhelp to understandthe di;easeseasilyto those physicianswho arc of poor
intellect anC henceunable to stu'ly different treatises.( l-3 )
fi<ri Ticqrfh (qtollclrzlttTql I
qrqri*+>f'aiisri ilqroriqgtTr{qaq ll B ll ( <. I )
Nidana ( causes,aetiology ), plrvarupa (premonitory symPtoms,prodromata),
rupa (signs and symptoms;clinical features,symptomatology), upa3aya(diagnostic
tests) and samprlpti ( processof manifestation,pathognesis). These five are the
meansof understandingdiseases. (4)
iiflt?tqrqaactqfttqtafl <ftr r
iilarqr utli,, ( a' t )
Nidan ( cause,aetiology) is alsoknown by its other synonymssuchas nimitta
hetu,ayatanr,pratvaya.uttlranrar,,lklrana ( 5 )
crTi Aa 6qqi tt r tt
vfiurgreii -iqfiiiornfirGa: t
lqsqa.{oqaqiqt<;qlftni cztsttqqq ll q ll ( ar. fr' a. I )
PDrvalupr ( ple monitory symptoms) are those signs and symptomswhich
to the do;as( humors)
appearcarlicr to the actualdisease,not specificallyassignable
as they are mild ( not clearly recognisable) and few in number.( 6 )

daq 6qsai znii qqfctqFrqlqt t

6*q1daaua'fla* oqloiiqacrslh: li s ll ( ar' ft 'i l )
knolln as Rupa
The sane siqnsand symptomsmanilesrirrglater, clea'rly are
( specificfcatu|esof the cliseas,t). It is alsokrlown by other tcrrnssucb as
vyafljana, lir'rga,lak;ala, cinha and akpti. ( 7 )
grrFl€q llzll"raiaq,itari+fturrq r eieurefianrurtgu'iiri ttqtt
.. k qrir{fuii r€d: r iarira}sgmft 6qtEqqFrzili\{iiaa:
t-argnwi 6qr..l:
(at.|+.a ?)
Upaiaya is thc adminislrationol'nleclicine,lborlor activity which l;r'ing
sukha ( comlort, relief of symptoms) to thc patient; ( thcleby hclping in diagnosis
'Ihey are ofthe following hinds viz:(1) viparita ( opposite) of hetu ( cause)'
vyedhi ( disease) or bolh, ( 2 ) viparitbdrthakari ( producirrg thc opposite
though not actually oppositc) to either the hetu (cause ), vyadhi ( diseasc) or
totl. Tnis is also knorvn as satrnya ( compatable). The opposiLe of upa3ayais
anupaiaya ( increasing thc cliscomfort) or asatm,v:r( incompatrblc ) to the
disease.( B-9 )
qut gin -liar <ut qgiAq'idl I
ia{ia<reatqrd} srqriddliarFlid: ll 1o ll ( ar. f<. a ? )

The process ol'manifestation of the disease,by the nrorbiddogas( hurrlors)

which are circulatingall over the boCyis knorvnassampldpti,jati or agati'( l0 )
ireqtiiqtqct{;zlEls.6laiqiqar I qr iqqe n'ixs+s sq'{esd G{tl qia ir ?.?.ll
frttori <riaraifittiistiq*oqai I trta;:qqtGl;;qtrqi a{l'i: cl'11;qq1rtlq ttt-<tt
ir*Strtqlqqiioreafiiieorq r a*f iqiiuotiaqii'r*rdl c{''rlcoqII i 1 II .
( 4 r . t { . 3 T . 1)

tfk it* fiqnri, e aq€itq?qqe | ( 1r' f4.3{.? )

Sankhyd,v.ikalpa,pradhdnya,bala antl kala arc its fivc kinds;countinsjwaras
(fcvers)as cight irr nunrberis sarikhyasampripti;to Doint''ul :r symptonlor 'listas.'
as arising from a spccific property of a partit:tllat closa is vil<alpasatnpr:ipti;to
signify a diseaseas primary ( or seconrlary) is plaiihttrv;r sanlPf,iPti,to qualily a
diseaseas severeor milcl dcpenclilrgupon the causcetc., is bala sarnprapti;to sigllify
that a diseascis scvereclLrr.inEa particular perioCOf tintc srttlt as niglit, day, season,
time of digestion of food, ctc., is kalrsanrP|:Ipti. rvill bt: clabolatecl
l a t e r .( 1 l - 1 3 )
Ch, 1, Paitca NiddnaLak;aryam 5
q{qriq it noriftqd Sfqdrcar: il (B ll
disrdlqrqg ilr iakufeaQaaq t 1 ar.ft. a. I )
iiqrarri*'ii i1ri1ifql<1cg'rrgi ll lb, ll
I l6iqqFeir(tarrqi
a zn czr(€r;?Trqrqfiiq?qi.Pia rilqeartgqfllqe ll lq ll
drariiiZqqrqat q6q€A'.r sq q t zrdi+'it3{I6tgrcj g-"eu"gtot<i tt io tl
( {iqrcqrqrREti:rcfe{qrq-.rqtqe | )
cfiqqrqr{qJ .Ftu: dlttrq dslqa q{qrI
a,ii imrz lf i {1q+a1cX'tir'{e u 1z ll s . t r . f t . . )
i xd *aor iiqt, q:ldiqd*tRor, t ( s. .{.f'r. c )
*F*ic it.ii iiwa ?q.j.tarctrtrqh r iq il
a c{trrrii qrcq:ft eqid Sthsfir a r
qd qi;Fdrrtlurt ecq;i aqtiird*rl: tt R" lt ( 'r' a lr. ' )
aeqraantriiittsk, Giugearq r araz,ilqqqi iisd' sq<r{ai iqiaaq' ll 11 lt
tfa 'irqraa+rfarfqi .tdeir';ta q'afqqrqir''rttq{ra'{ ll ? ll

'rhe causcfor all disease

s ,, ,tffiru ( i.creased) clo;as( humors)'and
the causefor.morbicl increascof the doqasis inilulgenccin differcrtkindsof
unhealthyfooclsor activities.( 11 )
Somctirnes oue diseasemislit becomea causefor anolherdiseasc; for cxample,
raktapitta (purpura ) may rcsult liom the increasccltemperaturcof jwara ( fever )
or jwara rnaymanifestclucto rakt:ilritta;both of tltenr tugttllel may cause(o5a
( colrsumption,tuberculosis);jnlhar-a roga ( cnllrgement of abdomen) may result
fiom plihii vltl.lhi ( cnl:rrqcmcrttof splccn), Sotha(occlt:ma) may result fiom jathara
( abdominalcrtlarqerlcnt), aL(as( pilcs ) rnay be rhc t:ause for the troublcsome
jalhala duliha ( abJonrinalpain )an'.[ also gulnra ( abdomirraltumor ); pratiSydya
( commoncold ) resultsIrom sleepingat day timc etc., pLatiSyaya may lead to kasa
( cough ), klsa to k;a,va( emaciation) and hsrl'a migtrt causc{o;a roga (tuberculosis,
consumption). Thc causitivccliscuscis in tlic beginninga mild symptom complcx,
but in courseof timc rnillht bccomca maiol discasc;sottrc of ihern mav drsappear
whcn tlrc:jcaonlldiscfs(]nraDifcsts, wlrr:relssomc othcrs continucto persist even
cluringthe r:ourscofthe secondrliscase,lcading to vyadhi safrkara ( co-existence of
two or more tliseascs) rvhichis very troublcsomc. (15-20 )
So, thc plrlsiciatt desilous of successsirould sr.rive hard to understand the
diagnoris of discases Jike.jwaraetc.,whiclr rvill be dcscriberllurthcl on. (2l )
Tl,us thc chaptc| called 'Paflcanidirna Lakgapa'.

qq cr{Gfqlin
sqrlqcradmq€qiirratqgrrrq: I aqisgrlt giFe;eqEflalq-gfit tqa: ll i. ll
of ( god ) Rldra rvho
Jwara ( fever ) was born, ( long ago ) from the wrath
had beeninsultedby Dakpa. It is of cight kinds; onc from ,each do;a ( valaja,
pittaja and kaphaja), one each from the combination of trvo doqas( vatapittaja,
vdtakaphaja, pittakaphaja ), one from the combination of all the thrce dos,as
( sannipataja,tridogaja)and one from lgantu ( external causes). ( I )
iqsq6rrR€r(iqi iqt atcwqrlrqr I skfi(Q *lgtfi estEt, tt (stgql: ll ? ll
Dogas (vata, pitta and kapha ) undergoing increase ( individually or in
combination) due to indulgencein improper foodsand activities,reachthe dma(a1a
( stomachand intestines,gastrointestinaltract ) expel the kosthagni ( gastric fire,
lor digestiveactivity ) to the exterior ( skin and othel tissues)
and circulating along with rasa (dhatu ) ( blooC plasma) proJuce jrvara
tiqrqilrrr q;atq: qql6cE ti a"rl t
-; gflq{atiqqcqiteqqQqqell 1ll (1.;.ta;t)
to perspiration, ilcrease
Jwara is definedas the diseasein wliich obstruction
of body temperaturc and pain all over the boCy are existing togcther
concurrently'( 3 )
srftsrti{iqqid i<td ccagq' I t;aladi ggailfir diaannatfig tt a tt
srirrs$cti uwt ifqaritstiitaq: t :rca{a afi* a uaagtli€ci} Gql ll \ ll
ierm-qit ieielr qs.rrstqqiq*tqt{ r iitsqaitqla: fi$Iqnl€iifaq ll q ll
sicqmrrqi a' kei*'aci fig, t <{b*vnau' e*q}qqdtqi u,r rr)
(1.:.r.a rt1
discolourationof the skin, bad lastc in tht: rnouth,eycs
full oftcars, alternate like and dislike for cold wind antl rvarr.nsurrlighl, ctc.,
yawnings,borlyache,I'eelingof heavinessof the body, horripulations ( borly irairs
standingon ends\, lack ol appetite,stupor,lack of interestin anything and feeling
Ch.2, Fners,Pyexia

of cold - are the syrnptoms generally appearing earlier to the actual onset of fever
( premonitory symptoms ) yawnings will be more, if vataja jwara were to manifest
later, burning sensationwill be found if pittaja jwara and lack of appetite for food
if kaphajajwara; symptoms of two or three dogas will appear in feversdue to
combinationof two or three do;as respectively.( 4-7 )
iqgiiqil iq, coalsqfidlcorqI fiqrar{r: ar{easil qnrori tqq}s q rr z rr
InitaErqtqx)<rd rrrdlqesdr | ?&srEqregrrrui q q*?qf+ai GErtr q l
Shivering( chill, rigors ), non-correspondingtime of onset and exacerbation,
sevcredrvnesgofthe throat and lips, loss of sleep,absenceof sneezing,roughness
olthe skin ( or decrcascof moisture in thc body ) pain in head, chestand body, bad
tastein the mouth, hard and clry fcces,pain in the abdomen(distentioncf abdomen)
ancl too many yewnings- alc the symptornsof Vataja jwara ( {cver due to increase
ofvlta dosa). ( 8-9 )
irrrt'lc"itslaenar iiErrqri aqr Erihr| {trisgqarqtai qr{: ra{ar wqt rr {o tr
caldl qr{Ef,I Wel E€t rrE{EtrrI q6iqcqeieiei iii* qc qq ir l q!.ll
Very high temperature,rliarrhoea, very little sleep, vomittinu, ulcersin the
throlt, lips, mouth ancl nose, perspiration, delcrium, biiter tastein the mouth,
lainting, fecling of bur.in1l scnsationall over the boCy, toxicity, thirst, yellow
colourationoffcccs, urine & eyes,ctc., and giddine s - arc lhe symptoms of pittaja
jrvara (fcverclue to increaseof pitta dosa), ( 10-l 1)
r}fid fiaf*d:t iq srror{ qg{rrq.arI gs("gilriii Fwirteii(qilfi q n q? tl
.i<d aftaqz$ititne.iisfriiqar r
I ritritit'it €rraqidqAdl o;rsrrrc? r nriqEcrrrgaEafialarqrq]siicmarrr
qiiqqpiisrfq, sr€: .Fqisqoii:{ qsaT n il ll
Feelingof stiffness/colrlall ovcr the bodv, mild increaseof temperature, rack
of enthusiasm( laziness), slveettastei. the mouth, rvhitishurinc and feces,stiff'ess
ofextrcmities,abnormal feeling of contentment, feeling ofheeviness,cold, nausea,
horripulations,cxcessi'esleep;( obstructionto ihe cha'nels, rnild pains, salivatior,
salty tasteir the mouth,- temperature not ve'y high, vomitting, saliva Ilowing out,
indigestionof food, running in the nose.,lack of appetite,coughand whirish eyes
are the symptomsof KaphajaJwara ( fever due to increaseof kapha aopa
;. 1fl_f'S)
{(urrR;Bi rrif E16:r{snr{: iirilrnr ls.ujrrq{itil arqiiea,r\sriiraq; l (B tl
qd*{al qril q staii(Gq<16ihr | ( v. 4. q. ie )
Mddhar)dNid anam

of throat and mouth, vornitting, horripulations,lossoi appctite,feeling of darkness

beforethe eycs,pailr in the joints and yawning - are the sympton):of \'.ttapitta
jwara ( fever causedby combinationof increasedvata and pitta dosas). ,l$-15)

+ic-.d q'iuriiSl fiCr .irqlq q rr(q,rr

iniqar ciiq{qr qlvr riqrrafaq t
-*. .t t
q;arit ctqaqrl qrd€qFqqs'iir ll i.q lr (9. v a.
in the body, pain in the joints, too much of slcep,
Feelingof stiffness/cold
feelingof heavinessofthe body, headacheand moCelateincreaset4 body tempera'
ture - arc the symptomso{ Vatakapha jwara (fevel ca,rscd b,v combination of
increascdvata and kapha do;as ). (15-16)
iaaihctrqarirer dta:xrdtstiirqqt t
q€Ei* qg: siiii niociinsir<tibii:ll le ll ( q. :. < 3{ 't )
Coatecl tongue, bittcr taste in the mouth, drorvsiucss,cltlusion, cough,
lossof appetite, thirst, alternate feeling of hcat and cold - are the symptomsof
Kaphapitta jrvara ( fcver caused by combination of inclcased kapha and pitta
dops ). (17)
ai qra ai rftacRqcF-triirittqr qrqra ogi <* fidn qliq Aql ll 1zll
qrqal ers\ qaiT*,ra: ?kiiiqrZ<: 16:q1ft6: slatqa;rEFI€I,srcils€iqdc: ll i,q ll
qfiqrqt (d(tqill fiar qtqt giqn
tqttq l fiat <niqttq .F<6;
diqd <tfiiqntzl I;qi'iatzr q ll
*hitficFiatq ll
larcl eJz.i EEqrrAqrardl dR eqqtlrl{{rgitqrori fsqqdaq.qsl' tr qq tt
gft{ q1lirrarori crd r,tatqa{ | *6tni {zrtq{itlai qqsani iI E{iaq ll 1? ll
q*rei dtaei qr+t g€iEgqe'r q I ii{r(qrs*r 'iqpri qiiqne€r(t6fi; ll ?1 ll
( s t s . 3 r ': )

Feelingof heat and cold altcrnate'ly,pain in the joints, headache,eyesfull of

tears,dirty, reddishancl bulging out; ringing and pain in the cars, feclineof thorns
pricking the throat, dlowsiness, clelusion, delcrium, cough.,difficuit/increased
respiration,lossof appetite, gi,ldiness,tongue angry red at its edgesand rough,
weaknessof thc limbs, expectorationof sputum mixecl rvith blood anC bile, rolling
of the head on the pillow, thirst, loss of sleep, pain in the heart ( or regiolr of the
heart ), eliminationof small quantitiesof sweat, urinc and feces at long intervals,
not much of wastingof the body, continuousrnoaning{ I'eeblesoundin the throat ),
appearanceof dark red spotsand patcheson the skio, ulceration of the orificesof
the body, feelingof heavinessof the abclomcn,tlosas undergoingpdka ( return to
Ch.2, Feurs, Pycxia
normalcy) very slowly- are the symptoms of Sunoip-ffi ( levcr causedby
ofall the threedosasincreased
together1.1 f:_ZS ;
n! &Ee aisa) vderqoiaqrur
efiqnaqitsqr;q:, q;;Fqp:qr ilsrqqr l tts l ( q. fs. er.i )
Il'the dogasare profound and deep seate<l,if
. the digestive capacity ofthe
patient is completelycliminishedand if all the symptoms
' are Ibund manifesling,
sucha_crsr of sannipatajlvara becomes incurabie;
otherwise it is curable with
difticuhv. f 24 )

qia'Tlrcqg{r;i *oiq} qErcort r

dtu' qs*; ia rfl*rie o-$<l rrrr rr ( r. iq rT : r
At the end of the courseof sannipita jwara,
sometimes there appersa pro.
lound srvcllingat the root ofthe ear u.rj
nu.aty anyboclycan get rid of it. ( 25
| 3rf$dqiqeit,iqrr,i d.firrniq rrrQ rr
Abhighata ( assaultby weapons abhicara(
), sorcer.y
and witchcraft ), abhi6apa
(cursc by gorlly rnen ancl'
) ab'igairg" ( p;;.,;;;-'ii spirits, infcction,by
micto-otganisms)producc Agantu jrvara. ""u
Even in suchfevers the symptomsof dopas
havc to be recognisi:tl.( 26
qqFr*rriTrfiqai arJrsdtq* q;r q
I rrnrriir icqrqt q dt{ry qa g3dorrt r.u rr
aitq'*rrrai q;al frrirrraq: B{q:I
Trcl fiaiqui{*arerssarqqrilqnql ?,2tl
eSi iqar qnq rrr{ q qiiarqia r
uqT( qan; ait*re uiq *ierq aqg: I
:rfiqrqrirlarqrqi itatq"orr
* ,, aa ,,
{fil\q*rgi.r} ErcqilEnsrqiq"roi | ( g. s.-. )
poison, bruish discorouration of the mouth,
ot.l:n::r: lossof appetite,tr,i,rt,
p"i" l,i,t seen; in fever causcclby
smellof'pl.nts (pollen offlowers,
etc. ), faintirg, heiduche,vomitting and sneezings
are seen;in fever clueto love
or pursiorr, m"niul aberration, stupor,inactivity
lazinessancllack of interestin or
foocJ,pain in ,n" rr.u.i ur-raemaciation of
are thc symptoms;in levers,due thc body
fear and grief the patient will be having clcle,_
rium, in fever due to anser he_will,.to.
have,r;;;:;;;;;;Jrs due to sorceryand curse,
the patient will be havins delusion
and thirsti'i, i** O* to possession by evil
wi' u". trig'tv
laughing, "-*i"""ii r;;il; ) and indulges
in excess
andshivering.( 27 _2g)
10 Madhaoa

stcdl{rrqtalg;, *r{ftqd, s{l qalr lt ?o ll

Wd\vntq$qflaqa<nt-taQrw, t ( s.
Vata getsincleascd by lust, grief and fear; pitta by anger';all the three dogas
from possessionby evil spirits ( or bacterial infection ) and show their specilic
features.( 30 )
iritsritskar{qfrc*iitqe*q qlga: lr 1!,rr
urqe-.aadcFq {'ilfi fieec<<q | ( g. 3. r. 3{.ie )
Dosaswhich have undergoneslight/mild incrcasedue to unsuitableIbo:lsancl
jrvara i ilregu-
activities,get lodgcdin othei dhatus (tissues) and pro-luceViparna
lar or intcrmittantfevcrs). ( .i1 )
q;a+ (qrfrrE:,,iqinafzla: rt ?'*rr
iiqatutiiisi}, iqRclcf,rrdrga: I
Sqiqqrisi slqta{i itrrag<qrt 11 rr (g. r. {.:{. ir l
Of such lbvels, santatajwara involvesrasa and rakta dhatus, anyedyuska
jwara involves madrsadh-tu,tritiyaka jlvala involves medas, caturthakajrvara in-
volves asthi and majja dhatus,rvhich is a clrcadful discase-complcx and is even
fatal. (32-33 )
EI I q:aiqr q}sfiefi {znq{ftTa: q fcqqi ttllrtr
qFr€ sr E{rd sr erE{rr€qsrrfr
qii<ri eaaql d oror€qii I w;iqt6.,ug1.,q q;F'anrd qqia r 1\ tl
qiilqneqfrisfh, aqdsfk qddq: r ( u. :. r. a. tt )
Santata jwara is so namcd because,thc fever continuesrvithout lemis-
sion for seven,ten, tlvelvc or everl more days;satatakajwara manileststlvice in
twenty foul hours, anyedyu;ka jrvara oncc in tlventy four hours, tritiyakajrvala on
alternaterlaysanJ caturthakajwara orr cvery fourth da1'.( 34-35 )
*fqqarFrq*eei aai fiw;n<qu ?q r (x : i. a :t )
Somc scholars opinc that visamajwaras ( intermittant fevers) are due to
bhutdbhisanga( bactcrialinfection ). ( 36 )
cqfiqiliqqt* gglaTa.tqtqir: r qrafi<{ieif ctdt fiiiq: €rrtdt{t;6r tl ls tl
Tritiyaka jwara manifestsin three ways viz, if kapha ald pitta are increased
fever startsrvith catching pain irr the lower poltion of the back, if vlta and kapha
are increased,with pain in the upper poltion of the back and if vata and pitta are
increasedit startswith pain in the head. ( 37 )
es.i,f,i cdqfi cqd fifqd c{e I
eFrlqi *fk{: gi fi'rrcilsfia<+rEr:
u iz n ( s fs.3r.r )
Ch. 2, Feters,Plrcxia ll

Caturthaka also manifestsin two rvays, if kapha is increasedfever starts with

pain in the calf musclesan.Jif vatir is increasedit startswith pain in the hcad. ( 38 )
fqqcGq( q€Ilelz;tqeldlqqqq: I
q cQ aq(q.qdi sIIEtq;i q ggia u Aq r ( q. fq. q. r )
There is yet anothel kind of vi;anrajwala krioun as caturthakaviparylrya;
fever is not found on first and fourth day but Ibunil on nvo days in tlre middle. (39)
fitd rqaat cq{r {&a{€a dqih I
€6:rHr €Ecl(iidl rr?etaqorcqii tt go tt (a. <. ft. a. r )
Vatabaldsaka jwara is producedby increase of kapha and manil-estsas mild
fever daily rvith dryness,oedema,debility and fecling of stiffnessof thc body. ( 40 )

cioscies rrtqliq fliqr rit<qqr q r

qtqcs(ii*.iiitq{ftar Qnq!T}q.6r ll sq ll ( 4. r. ft :r' r )

Pralepak:rjrvara manilests with mild fcvcl ls though tlic skin is given a thin
coating of heat, accompaniedwith a feeling ofheavincssanC cold. ( 41 )
fiq.']s*(A ii €"qini 6qq{i?re
r furii tftaai?acdquoisqlqa lt ts?.tl
{Ii gTj qqr fi+ 't}ocr qFh aqqRara't lileqrid ttit{eq {iiaid €taqEil: tt tsl tl
*li $qr q<ilgEr flq{ qFa 6q€rfisrdq. t fiaq'la rx"IuttgEsriei616q1qfi:t,tuutt
( 3{. q. t{. 3{. i )

€*rri riscrfid tftaqr+aw{qil cst I ail q{Fai: fqqq-i qd {itia q tltsqtl

tt gq tt
q I aiic{ qfl;e iiaat grar qftacr-<rir:
oifiqrd aqr fid iq+r?i qrarrdrEr
arid qrE{ftarf+{i dq.iqi t€.d rqr€q,i<q\r {q: ri€Fncqarlsl qr lt Bs tl
(g. r. 4. ir )
If the annarasa ( nutrient portion of the lood ) gets vidagdha ( overcooked
due to increaseof pitta during the processof digestion), there manilestsa fever
with half the body being hot and the other half being cold.
When pitta getsincreasedin the trunk foilowed by kapha in the extremities,
then manilcstsa fever with the trunk bcing hot and cxtremitiescolcl. When kapha
is increasedin the trunk and pitta in thc extrernities,fever mzrnifcstswith the trunk
beingcold and the cxtremities hot. \Vhen kapha and vata lo-1gedin the skin cause
fever prececledby cold ( rigors ) the pitta rnakes the body hot later. When pitta
lodgedin the skinit causcsfever first, the other t\,vodolas makc the boCycold lrigors)
later. These two types of levers (iirhapufva(preceded by heat ) and Sitapulva
( precededby cold ) are producedby the combinationof two dogas;of them dzrha.
p[rva is difficult to treat and is almost incurable. ( 42-47 )
l2 Madhaaa

g€draEdtidtrleqi o?iitq+l | <s{a d csi ieEi+d qrr?ilqqrqA

l! sz ll
ll jwara ( fevcr ) rasadhatu( blood plasma), it manifests
with Ieclingol hcavincssol r.hc boLly,nausea,debility, vomitting,loss ofappctite
and timiriity ( lteling of lrclples;ncss
). ( 1 B )
<$*i qr€-ldiaqstalsuc) | csrq: iqeil Ersrr{$cti cqt zorr{ u ga,ll
Iffcvcr invadcs/rcsiilcs irr rakta'rhtr' ( blood), thc' haemoptysis,burnirrg
delusion,vornitting girlclinest,dclcrium,appearanccs of'rashcs
(or small
boils) on the skin and thirst are scen.( 49 )
fit"solied E€qnqc(TgdciTr | $Eqr$aqlafiirqtnarii, {qFqiqir Gqi u \o ll
Il fevcr invailes/r'csicles
irr merhJarihartu( 'rusc:ulaltissue), pain in the calves,
thirst, increasedeliminaLionof urinc an,l ltces, high ternperature., bufnir.g sensation
inside,unnecessar'y ( irrvoluntrly ) rnovcincr)ts
of the handsand fect and exhausLior.r
manifest. 50 )
Ua tiErqq rFsi carqcgGtaa r iiri;':q1ftqcl.ofaii{rrt qr{rGtgirrl q,i tl
If fever invacles/residcs
irr rnedasdhatu (adipose tissue) its symptomsare pro.
firsesweati'g, thirst, faintinq, delcrium, vomitting, bad smell fronr thc boCy,loss
appetite,cxhaustionarlrl;lrolerancc(irrilabiliry ) ( 5l )
iqlsrsai qad urrl filqwQtq q r fitqui q qr{rortlaEiiqrrieqt rrq?,rr
If Ieve. invades/r'esidcs
irr asthiilh-tu ( bonc tissuc) it causessplitting pain in
the boles, lolv soundliom rhc Lliroat ( rroanirrg), increuscclrcspiration,rliarrhoca,
vomitting ancl involurrtarymov( mcntsof'handr anrl leet. ( 52 )
acrca{ri k*r qq' cird qiitaqr | -ll;aFjElcateErdiqc';A{zl c$ii u \i tl
II' fever invacles
rcsidesin majjldhatu ( bonc rnarrorv ), the s)mptoms are
appearanceof darknessbelbrc thc cycs,hiccough,cough, cokl feeling,vomitting,
burning se.sationwithin the boCy, grcatly incrcased respirationancl cuttingtype
of pain in the healt aud othcr vital spotsof the boJy. ( 53 )
cwi crgqr<q gm{qrara c€ll I
iqqr raeqaldiqr:gmra q iiiea: tr tu rr ( l. , r a. rr )
Iffevcr invarles/rcsi.Jes
in Suktadhetu( r.eproductive
tissuc), dcarhsupefvenes,
by constanterectionof thc penisand pr.ofusedischargeof sr:rncn.( 54 )
( rqtcri,ia: ql!:il qiqh4]qaa q: t
e;;F: g;fir.q{q a iq':q[h rt i tr ) ( e tr- a. : )
( It:ver invading/re
sidingin rasa and raktadhatus are easyto cure,so also
Ch.2, Fcoers,
thoseresiding in rnadrsa and meclasdhatus; those
residing in asthi and nrajja
dhatus are di{icult to curc and t}rat residing
in (ukradhatudoesnot respondto
treatrnent). ( 54-l )

qqia<as-ag emil nE;6: 5q1qI

q6als;q: €
€:€Fqr c6a*11iidlqqr \1 ( ?r. fq. q. r )
Fevcrsrvhich manilesf in varg- rtu ( rainy season
)larat 1tu ( autumn) and
va,santartu ( sprirrgsc-asoncauscdby vata,
) pitta anclkapha rcspcctivelyarc to be
called praklta ( 'orma l/co'responding to
thc season) while any othcrsare to bc
:allcrl I'aikrta ( abnormal/non cor.r.csponcling
10 the seasoll)i prakJtaarc easyto
treat but not 'aikrta; cve' in prakrta, the-fevcr
produced by vdta is clifficult to
treat. ( 55 )
aelg erta'l gs: iqqliqiliTdJ s*t{ r gdq fiti q uqii aR qrgEar i6t6r
dilrgr?qriqsqlq aq ara{ir.Rqq r qql qq;i aciq qniq*
uiag rrrs'ii
varszrftu ( r.ainvseason ) \,61a producesfeversupportecl ncxt by pitta and
kapha; in (arat rtu ( aurum'
)pitt,a prociuccslever helpecllater.,y kapha, so thcrc
is ro harrn cven i[' rbi: paticnt riocs .ot take
nny rooir;kaprra produccs ftver in
vas.tlltartu (
) bv vata anclpitta; ( 56_57)
{r} q'4r*.ieiei qia{ivia <r r ( ir. ft. :r. '
ia{FlfirZqdrdt iqqfrilqqtriqarrrqz rr ( a r . f t .)a . i )
ievcrs usually get thcir onsetor
exacerbation only at the specifiedtime,
during rvlriehthe causitivedo;a is power/u),
likewise suchof the factorsrvhich
to inc'cascthe particular dosa,a]sobring tencl
about inc.eareof fever, ,il;
sitesof'it, rnitigatcthc feveralso.( 58 ;;;;;;-
er;aqlAsis{tqrorrcarq:^eEqa.urqtI qrrzriiEr{acri_.}
sr;adqrq AfqqiiGfizqr rt qe,rr
lo*riacq<riariiaeriq r darit nf,rS'?,*u.*{ai q crdqqrrq" rr
qkiqrq iosria gqqrEzrisAq
_ i a; i,r. q 1.) saiLjto bc antarvcsa I r.csiding
" or rtranilcstinginsidc
nrinantly ) if synrptoms ,r.,1_",, l'ccline the body prcdo-
of,,g--r"r,r",,on insidc,too
t',delcr.i'm, incredsed/Jifficu'rc.,i.ation, mucli of
gial;*r., pain in thc joints
boncs,abscnccof pcrspirationan.l rron-climir.r"tio' and
of clogasantl fcccs are found;
on tlte otltcr. ltancl fevct.nranifcstirig
with vrr.v high tcmpct.aturcextcrnally,
thirst or-hc.svmptomsbcirg r'ircl, is but
saicrto b"trriro.g. ( rcsidingor manifes.
ting externally) and is easyto cure. ( 59_60

glalcis-t agrt|Eqqrgqqilq6r: il qi, tl

a;qrarqfqqt6rrqa<ei g€qrrirr I Seri Eg{Td ftti}ri 1 q?.tr
sTrqcq{tqf'awrii, c qErtda iTqa{ r ict atrAqrq qi aaaaii cEr(qu ql tl
( dt'ri, ilI*?i q qilft iawsvtq )
Profusesalivation,nauseil,hcavinessand oppressionin the region of the hcart,
lossof appetite,drowsiness, lack of e'thusiasrn, indigestion,bird tastei' the mouth,
feeling of heavinessof thc body, loss of hunger,prolusc urination, sti{fnessand
high tcmpcraturearc thc svmptomsof amajwara (unripe, carly or first stageof
fever ); dulinq this stage mcdicines( trcatment) shouldnot be given asit will cause
increaseof fever,( {odhana ( purificatory) and Samana( palliative ) therapies will
make rvayfor visama jwara ). ( 61-63 )

c{(ailsirr{tEEorrcorqr eqq;iuc; I cacEf+{idtt: q;qsrnrqaErqq l qtstl

Fever is said to be pacyamana(stageof ripeninq/middleor interrncdiarystage)
if symPtomslikc incrcasc ol' temperatur-csevclethirst, rlclerium.increasecl/di{ficult
respilation,giJ.lincss,I'requer,tcliminationof fecesand rrauscaarc found.( 64 )

gq qrlcdl ogid q qFrqri Gq(crtq{ |

{teqhrer* firrccfioqrqq tt qq' tt ( -r. iq. q I )
Appearanccof hunqcr, slight emaciationarrrl feelingof lightnessof the boCy,
tcmpera.ture dccreasi'g,climination ofdosas ( and also feces,uri.e etc. ) a'd fcver
enlering into tire eighttr day are the symptomsof Nirlma jwara ( fully r.ipcor tcr-
minal stageof lcvcr ) ( 65 )

EdqRqEqAig Fq<rqtritsgqqq: I (a.fa.a.i)

Fever affectir.rg
pelsonsof strong physique,producedby rnild causesand hav
ing no complicationsarc easilycurablc.

ioh,fgirrslil qfbfirdgcaq:tt qq rr
GE(r diqfh[.={qaKra:r sqrr qiurrq.?dnrqwftil td<risrr rrqs rr
srqp?il EraEIfdq{ +{{iic;a6cE(: t- ( q. lq. q. : )
Fevers caused by many and polverful causes,manifesting n,ith manv and
powerful symptoms,those lvhich dcstroy Lhcsensclhculties, affecti.g pcrsonsrvho
are very weak,which causcoclemaall over the body, which are clcepseatecl( in the
tissues), continuing lo1 long perio ls, irl.l t|osc causilg fur.rorvsi5 b-trvecn the
hairs of the heail-arc all rlifficult to rreat or inculable.( 66_67
rr:rrl(e'g cqit +ql a;dEEi .IEqqIl qz tl
Ch.2, Feoers,
P2rexia l5

qrdciaa qrilei eErs6rdfqh?st (q. : . d . 3 { .t t )

A garnbhirajwara is one which manifestswittr burning sensationinside the
body, thirst, severedestentionof the abdomen,increasedrespirai-ionand cough, (68)
s{rcqraqfrqrd q*r sI tri<ilim: rriq rr
dqtq qtitsatq rrs$i q€qEi:adq I fid{{apqi ruq iifididls{iqr ttsott
tftarGilstatsqq sqtsrilqi il{: I zii Ecilcr cfirEi} €ii {rE:rd?[aqr{lt s( ll
q*or *ihofqfa d'cqtt aiia cnsq I fE$reqrqq'{rgqi qd iq.Er-adfqaqrrsq.l
q;aa'rceriH afroi at eqrrr ,,aaciii{d q'iqci}qnfi,iifuaq tr sl tl
qriiirdteqiild saii-i {iassiq t,' ( s. ; i. a. '.t )
Ievcr-which is irregulnr. evcn florn its comrnenccment,continuing for long
pcriocls,affecti.;1wcak pc'sons, wbich carr;e loss of r:onscions'ess, darknessbelore
the ev€s,fainting, paticnt feeling cold extcrnallyand vcr.yhot internally,causing
frequenthorripulations,reclncss ofthe e),csanl pain ir thc hcart kills the parierrt.
Patientsof fcver rvho arc breathiug onlv thlough theil rnotrth, having hiccough,
increasecl respiratiorr,thirst, clelusion,unstcarlygazc, interrupterl respirations/more
cxpilations ancl less inspirations,vcrv cmeciated, having lossof complexionand
sensoryactivities,extrernedebility, loss of appetitc,fcver cleepseatetl,anrl having
verv higl.rtemperature-areto be refusedtreatment.( 69-73 )
Er€:tiit rrmrq'iqr+rqies$Edsil | tqd qt€qlq;rqcrdfiGddlqrd l s? tl
Thc synrptomsof fever which is subsidingar-e-burning sensation,perspiration,
gid.liness,tltirst, tremors, clirni'ationol feces,moani.q anCbad smellfrom the
mouth.( 74 )
rii agd fir<qr *'qgr qt* €€{q q I
Hqg?;rliliacqt q GqrgfiQq aE{orq sq,lt ( l. :. r. a. lt )
qla ,flqr'lEa;rf4rfst qraeftati ;atfa<rq {qrnq | | I tl

Perspiration,leeling of lishtnessof the bor1y,itcliing ol the heacl,appearance

of ulcersin the mouth, sneezinsal l rlesirefor fboc are the symptomsof the person
relievedof the ftver. ( 75 )

Thus enrlsthe chapteron Jwaras


q{i,T,-Slqq+?oriifra}; r fircnqdradidfic}a{rfi riieir rri rr
aardriag*a icear,{*iirrii,
-f5;*qioo.r 1i1611gs1r1rarfiuri, qpsa{fji, , .. ,,
earfir<cil*qfiqd, , Tori,ra-trierii ;il;i;;; ;, i;,
Over-indulgenccin foo:lswhich ere
vcry heavy ( hard to digest) very fatty,
u".tY very hot, very watefy, very rrar,l,vcry corJl
lryr rvhichcontai"nir,.o,opotitt.s,
taken in largc quantitiesvcry fri:quentrl';
which are not coolied,arrd taken at unu-
*il^,iT:r: or impropcr usageof ther.apieslike olcation
.excess ctc., poisc,rrs,
grief, drinking of polluted water' excessof alcoholic dr.inks,
changesin accustomed
habits and seasonal features, o'er-inCulge.cci'*.atcr sports,suppression
urgesof thc bod-v,anrr infestationby *o.,n, q
i'restirrar porariti., ) procrucethe dise-
aseatisara( diar.rh<,ca ), tbe syrrptomsol.rvhieharc describedheLenr.( l_3
darqlql urlrfi llqr qufic'i qrg?rs}jr:cgEr:I
qrtqdiqdiqrd aarg;zif,r a); 41; ;i
eqiia rr
q**rr e{tr*rfq iii: aJ*arq, oe .,rAa
ii*, ,, , u ( l : a v" )
Watcry elcme'ts of t'c borly unrlcrgoing
i.crcase,ilirni'ish/i.activatc thc
gastric fire ( discstivc activitics gct rnixc
), f uui,r, f.,,,"r,move rrorvnrvards( our of
thc boCythroughthc rccturn by
) rhc action o[ vata, in largcquantiticsanil ,,,cry
frequc'tly produci'g thc cr.eircrurdiscasc
callcclo, Atir,.ru. rt is or six kirrrls,or.rc
from cach cloga,onc from thc combination
of the threc dosas, togct'er, fifth fiom
gricf an I thc sixth anra ( undigcstc,-l
food ). ( a )
tEret[rS siieqararqgr:€(Iiir I q il ( 1 z a. z. 1
Pricking typc 6f
pain it the region of.tht heart, umbilicus,r.cctum,
, lowcr ab-
domen and flanks; weaknessof thc liody,
non-crimination of flatus, constipation,
distentionof thc ablomcn anrl inCigestion
ol lood are its prcmonitoly symptoms.(5)
qqd *fiiiqqirdqca,i
CgS'g,| trsqd <ermi crcAqrfeeriirrq rr
Ch.3, Dianhocas 17

Elimination of feces slightly brown in colour, frothy, viscid, lessin quantity

but expelled very frequently accompanied with pain and noise are the symptomsof
vataja atisara( diarrhoea due to irrcreaseofvata doqa). ( 6 )

t"l fqqn{ni dtacrdtki ar zsorrq;6iq6m*lwaar ( g. :. ur.v" ;

Fecesdeep ycllow, blue or red in colour; rhe patient having thirst, fainting,
burning sensationand ulcerations ( of the alimcntary tract ) are thc symptomsof
pittaja atisara( diarrhoeadue to increaseof pitta ). ( 7 )
''"' . '', gd qr.d ,tiucortduqgni fni{ {ftii €eiiet rgv: lt e tr (g. :. :{ vo )
Feceswhite, semi-solid,mixed r,vith mucousand fat, cold and the patient hav-
ing frequent horripulations ( hairs standing on ends) are seenin kaphaja atisara
(diarrhoea due to increaseofkapha ). ( 7 )
qeEdaqiergqe{i q{6f\srq I Ecp{Truqq*ertGqritqqitarrq, u z u
Elimination of fecesrcsernbling the fat of wild boar or water in which mutton
is washedand the patient having the symptoms of ali the thrce dogasare seen in
trido;aja atisara ( diarrhoea due to incrcaseof all the three dogastogether ). 'fhis
is difficult to cure. ( B )
ir*qli, ritqitseqrrarq qrri'rqr i qiHqrfiEqo.itr r
+)d.Itqr aiiriffq <d aeuratq*Itor;dtlr$ril{ tt a. tl
firi;)) 6igtlri alqsr fa.i+i qr .t-qqersl6qrr:r
rit.itqit gfEf*nitsfteri itril id, {s cE cQcr 11(o lt ( g. 3.3r.yo )
In personswho are very much affiicteclwith gricf ( due to lossof wealth, kith
and kin, etc.,) who take little or no food, the heat of the tears (and also ol the fluids
of the nose,mouth, throat) increasein quantity, getsinto the alimentary tract, inacti-
vate the digestiveactivity, vitiates the rakta dhdtu (blood).The vitiated blood resem-
bling the seedof kakaTanti ( gufrja-Abrus precatorius) gets expelledout ofthe
body either mixed with fecesor alone, rvith or rvithout bad smcll. This kind,
known as Sokatisara is consideredby physiciansas difficult to cure. ( 9-10 )
+rrq;ar+ld +qt rrrds'sr;cata{
angoi iqair err{qfid cdti?i qcii eqiia u 1{ lr ( g 3. i{. yo )
fn personsin whom the food is not properly digested,the do;asget increased
by combining with undigested food, travel in wrong channels,vitiate the dhatus
( tissues) and malas ( waste products) and cause elimination of feces of many
colours,frequentlyaccompaniedwith pain in the abdomen. This is the sixth kind
known as amAtbara ( diarrhoea due to indigestion ), ( 11 )
l8 MadhattaNidanam

iecif\{Qq ;q16qqqffiqfi r gtrd r:{IgqfiqiqGsoqndabaql {e,rl

cil;aq u lorrfi iiqtaria qrq q r arqd o iqitqqTarq cit Fiifiir( rr i? rr
Fecesis considered as arna ( uncooked,inaclequatclyproccssccl henceabnor
mal ) which has signs of contamination by the increaseddo;as sinks in watcr, it
foul smellingand very sticky; while that posscssing featuresoppositeof the above,
floating on water, is saiJ to bc p:"kva (wcli processcilan,i so normal ). ( 12_13)
qsap{q{i{rdi {riFievgii}i dg I gaitzqqrrr
iqrqrtqq}qF+ lt ls tl
qiq'rrqcalqri sroi nJaTaurqrrq r }q* fao'rx{t q-4+}q.d qnq, i,\ ll
Sqti c{qgg{ri gqGq giqd Eg I aqoTrlr€fiq;esiqk+irqlesliiq?Iiaaqr, qq 11
i*Wei{at{riiagai wedgaq I qarrrgfi e fsqnq:i+{idqrlqq u qo ti
".n*gagt {iui g<rueng'r$dq,rSaqi qd}rqprqfecrtfnor. iniq tr q,zrr,,
( 1' : a r' )
,'rar<qafi,rreii qiiuiasdidiisdq
Giiqr m Eqcalettt iearariqn qq l,' ( 1 r a :: ;
rilri {eti Gqt qtcri *'rd rsrscitqaq r I
sft qrai q i€st s egrtfter&oit<iq rr
Feces having thc coloul of' ripenccl fluit of jarntu ( Euginia jambolina
pieccsofliver; rvhichis very thin (likc watcr
),"vhich rescnrbrcs ghee,oir, muscle,
fat, marrow, mutton-broth, rnilk, curcls, rnutlo'-!v.rsh; rvlrichis black, blue,
brown or shining black; contai'ing srri'iru prr ticlcs, is scabclous,smclls like
of a dead body, brain, putrificJ natter or has even a swect srnelllthe
patient hav-
ing thirst, burning sensation,darknessbcfore rlre e1,es, incrcasecl,/.lifficult
tion, hiccough,pain in the flanks,fainting, r.csI lcsst.rcss,
rlchrsion,ulcersin the rectum
and delerium; patients whoseanal sphinclersa'e urrabrcto crose,
rvho are emacia.
ted, who have highly distended abdomcn,ulccration of thc rectum,
very low bodv
temperaturc-are symptomsof paticntsol'dia.rhoca rvho sho.ld
be refused treat_
'4ent^ Diarrhoea is going to kill patients who h:n,,: i'ci-eascrl/difficult rcspiration,
pain in the abdomen, thir st,. emaciationfcver and old age. Likewise
thtsc who
have oedema,pain in the abdomen,fever, thirst, cough, increasecl/difficult
tion, loss of appetite, vomitting, fainting :r'rl hicciughs
sliould alsobe reiected
treatment.( l4-19 )
lqq$fia zr{rsiaiiqaqpqaria .ifh'* r
aqlqfiTqi r$^tCoi {i6l?ii{rR sEilqrr lt ?.o l
Patients suffering or have suffereclfrom pittattsara ( or even others
) who
Ch.3, Diarrhoeas l9

inlulge in fools and activities causingincrease oi pitta, will develop quickly a

dreadeddisease-raktatisira( diallhoca in which heavy bleedingoccurs). ( 20 )
argr qd1 filqri qarti gqiqqarr(fEar{nrq r
cErafi$'i egril,eoni cqria*i ili c{q[:a a:fl: tt Rl r ( g. s. 3r.vo )
cqtk$r qlaiFat R{at iiir( qqrct {I:6.nt ir'$lq I
qdtihm qtfha<ilier ir arr *66tqrrqr Fdreg I
arqrcdtqK{{tQite ia* *ri Erciqqoai q il ?,?.tt ( g. r. a. v" )
In personswho indulge in unsuitable fooCs,vata gets increased,and associat-
ing with kapha produces the cliseese called by 3xpertsas pravahika. In this, the
patient will eliminate little quantiticsof fecesrnixed with mucus,frequently, only
after straining. Vataja pravahika is characterisedby elimination of feces accom.
panied with,p_ain,pittaja type with buLnirrg sensation,kaphaja having fecesmixed
with krpha ( mucui ), raktaja type with admixtuie of blood rvith more moisturcor
littlc of it as the c4semay be. The other symptomsof thls diseaseand determina-
tion of dma and pakva ( inadequate or adequate processing) of lecesare the same
as thoseofdiarrhoea. ( 2l-22 )
zr(q]stf iqar q* qrr:Erqar rFB[a I
{rqri.igst}st; f,taana$1-1.nq: || ?.1|| (9.v.3{.Y")
'-iloraq,F farlqi qr'l.ifa:r qqfEq lt 3 ll
lfr t: IlcI'[{zn

Atisara ( diarrhoea ) is said to have been cured when the patient is able to
eliminate flatus and urine independentof expulsionof feces,when he has devcloped
hungerand lightnessof the abdomen.( 23 )

Thus endsthe chaDteron Atisdra.


odi<rt iigisfi r;Eri(kdtfirir r qa: e;qfqil qiBfa"fteiirpiql lu (3.: arv.)
rn persons rvho havc bcen rcce.tly 'elievccl of cliarrhoeabut still have poor
digestion( even others having poor digcsrion induieirg in unsuitabrefoodsand
activities,the dogas undergoincreaseand alrcct thc grnhani ( de.denum clestroy-
ing further the funcrionsof agni ( digestiveacrivity ( I
). )
qdta, qdnr{ ql+{^iq'i(f+Ei, I wrgsregrilgrnrreiaiagafi rrr rr
qedqr qrd qii ggdeWfaq r eawi<i.rcr!+acig+Eiqi.,i r rr(g.:. 3T. v")
Graharli (cleodenum) so affectedby the closascither incri'irlually or in com-
bination' cause expulsionof tborJ,uncligestcdo'cligested,mixeclrvith jbul-smelline
feces,sometimessolid and sonrctirnesliquid, accompanicclwith pain i'tlre ur,.lorn.r,.
Scholarsof Ayurveda call this diseaseas Grahaniroiia.( ?-3
qd<fS atli E"ortssat4*6s1:r:I
fiqrulsqrq qrsar iq{l( srqrc ril{s{ lt ts lt ( q. fq q t r )
fts p.emonitory symptorns are-thirst, lack of e'tirusiasnr, tlebility, burni.g
sensationin the chest, rlelayediligestiorr 'l'hrrcl ancl fceling ol heavirressol' thc
body. ( 4 )
6gi+fi{qr{fifi6,.rdgefrqi: r cf]an{rarrq':qeaf}aaig*, rr r rr
nrcar5{ii qf* dsrq gn} .r1n r arqrd q;qa g:d goard ar{Tsdrl q tl
+oarcqqir.ils€ausrr iaicf,rqa, r qrrsl-qf,;frqrtqfrqrf iqqis+r rrs rr
aifiemnq''ifei i<rq qfiqfta r qf!: q{q€,.i* *"*' cqi a*rrii z rr
qtoi di,ifh <rtqd g* rqrrcqgtii a r e aragoe6qlq$aro* q clnqr u a.rl
fiaqg:d qd qud a;q1t'qaq*aeq I gqr gar qled: q;rqrarqdtilsiior( il i"rr
(s Is. 'i l{ )
Indulgencein foodswhich are pungenl, l_ritte
r., astr.ingent,clry, contaminated,
scantyor no food at all; too much of'walk, suppressionof natural
urgesofthe body,
excesssexualactivities, makc for increaseofviita whir:li in turn destroys
the diges-
tive activity and producesthe disease( v-rtajagrahar.riroga Fooclg.ts
). dig.rt.d ,iith
difficulty and undergoesI-ermentation;hardnessof' thr,rbody parts, dryness
of the
Ch,4, Diseascof thc dcodcnum,
spruc 2L
and- or,h,ubffi il;b.d;-;E
noise inthe ears, constant pain in the flanks, thighs, groins, and neck; vomitting,
diarrhoea,pain in the region of the heart, emaciation, weakness,baC tastein the
mouth, cutting pain in the rectum, desirefor foodsof all the tastes,mental depres-
sion,distentionof the abdomenduring the perioCof digestionand feelingof comfort
on taking food. The symptoms very much rcsenrbleas those of vdtagulma ( abdo-
minal tumor ), hldroga (disease of the heart ), pliha ( splenic disorder), causing
difficulty in diagnosis. The patient voids fecesafter a long time, watery or dry,
thin, frothy, irnproperlyprocessedaccompaniedwith pain and noise; he has cough
and increased/difficultrespirationsalso. ( 5-10 )
saiftoifserweRrcdr fir<ge<urq| 3rgrErzrq;izl;rti sai aairetaaa ll tl tl 7
' ',','.
,., , ifsslfifia'{tani {tanr: qr;ii eiqq | {i{so}eR€t*v5-q66iqqsf{a: tt q,r,tt
., 2".';" ( a . f e .u . t r )
Indulgence in foods rvhich are pungent, uncooked,causinghcartburn' sour
t,r and alkaline in nature, give rise to increaseof pitta which in turn inactiviatesthe
i gastricfire ( cligestiveactivity )just like hot watcr poured over burning fire and
-i producespittaja grahaliroga. In this condition the patient will be eliminating feces
lvhich is inadequately processed, bluish yellow or deep yellow in colour, watery and
qelrd; the skin is yellowish. The pelson will have baC,sour belcbings;burning
sensationin the chcstandthroat, loss.ofappetite and thirst. ( 11-12 )
g{fhi€*x{ftarQiitaar<iiritqarql gi6'€I"rq q tqstsiqfi{ 5il'a: tn: ll 1l ll -
d€rii q6qegni agie=drittqfl: i errc.ilq?amg.i +r<u'iaadtnql:ll i,s ll
aqri q;qh rizllagqt fiaieii gt r grit rg< sar(: qqn' dtEERiriqqll 1\ ll
' fl,rqrmi"-qdqegra$:nafaq I eiaatqtfi qt+E{HfCti-a*$RrI* ll lq ll
( s . f q .q . t r )
Indulgencein loods which are hard 1o digest,very fatty, cold and taken very
frequentlyisleeping immediately after micldaymcal, make for increaseof kapha'
which inactivatesthe digestivefirc and causeskaphaja grahar.tiroga' The patient
has difficulty in digestion,nausea,r'omitling, lossof appetite, coatingon the tongue
and mouth, sweet taste in thc nouth, cough, expectoration,running in the nose,
feeling of heavinessof the heart, hardness,heavinessand loss of movementof the
abdomen;bad, sweet smclling belchings, debility, lack of interest in womenl the
fecesbeing semi-soliil,inadequatel-vprocessccl, mucousmixcd and heavy, the patient
is debilitatedthougtrnot emaciaterland non-enthusiastic. ( 13-16 )
gqqnriiiaftsaEiasqcmh t
fiid fiQnad, iqi qqqdlrilreqtt qs ll ( s fq. q. tr )
,q MadhaoaNiddnam

The presenceof causesand symptomsof all the three dogastogetheris found

in caseof trido;aja grahaliroga. ( l7 )
',( a;a63qqr6r4 qi{ed q?d aqr | 4;i {irii a;i ikrd {rsfta*i tt6q l 1 tl
- 1,, wrc eg etlioar q{lci c;EiEaq.I qa{Fqr€rqflr€Iar fi?.i stscqarggla il R il
fqqr c+lit utfi rr* eriFaaie qr I gfiaqr giairtrrn iat*rcq<fitr{r rr1 rr
qt qi{Fsran dcaeasftcar t rqqa:qredit,-qld.rir-fiaqdiqiil I
i qqfia qdtq=qc€rid c€oiiq<q u .a l )
( Gurgling soundin the intestintss, malaise, wc:rkncss,
eliminationof rvatery,
cold, solirl,fatty, inadrquatcly processed,copious, sticky feces accompaniedwith
pain in thc waist, .appearing oncc in 15, 30 or l0 rlay intervalsor cven daily,
pronouncedduling day and subsiding by night, continuing for long time, are the
symptoms of sarigraha graha{'I which is due to ama anl vata and is difficult to
cure' Pain in the flanks when lying, noise in tbc ab,lomenresemblingthe souncl
of a water clock-are the symptomsof an incurabletype known as ghagiyantra
grahani ). ( l-4 )
qld erd ii<Frq iqarqariaqr<q{rr (z rr
ffi<erti caqfiiq*r;liri<'iteriq+ a feEanr
{q{q di' {€oftissritatara{ ;ia fiqdi q rriq I
The determination of ama and pakva statesof dogasanclfeces,and also easy
or difficult curability arc similar to those of diarrhoeas. Graha4iroga does not
leave the old peoplc without killing them. ( lB-19 )
( qte* qaqit qcqr {ii ?i;Fr Eriifiar I
gQ rarnqt fliqt cri }sq-aifiqq l I rr )
qle aftqrr;q+riarfs*qrusftat{ tq'irfter+ qqrgrrl y ll

( Grahar.riroga
is easily clifficult in the middre-agedand
ncurablein the senile-thus "u.uot*f*nren,
opincsDhanrvantari (
). I )
Thusendsthe c[ap1".on Grahar.riroga,
C H A P T E R5

ga'{it, eeeia aitiurarqaaeria
o r qeiii€qeS{Krioriqqrgqqiba}rr{ rr
Arsas ( pilcs, haemoiroicis) rvhich appear in the fblds of thc rectum;
is of six types, viz., one liorn eachclosa,rburlh frorn the combination of all
do;as togcther, filih j'rom r.akta ancl the sixrh which is sahaja ( congenital/
h e r i d i t o r y) . ( 1 )
.ivrrraaieiqilq s ;{':q iqiiqrFiii{ |
eiwgtnvnr{ g{-udifk arwg: n ?.rr ( ar.ft. a. o )
Ar5asis defineclas sprouts ol muscle, of difl-erentshapes appearingin the
: ectum and other placescausedby thc dosasinvolving the skin, muscleand adipose
tisues.( 2 )
Tqrq{gfamfa cndraaqia q^| qiharacr{rirfiqoirreiigaieaq rri rr
a$d {tt6rdr a dldr ;q1qn6d q r dtqt ekrrdqrq{ii?aqlarrieiqdr u ? tl
(e. fa.u. tv)
Over-indulgence in foods which are of astringent, pungent or bitter tastes,
dry, cold, vcry quickly cligestible,very scantyand non.nutritive; strong
aicoholicdrinks,excessive sex, fasting,/ starvation,cold season,living in cold place{
excessivephysical activiLy, gricl, exposure to heavy breezeand sunlightare the
causesfor Vrtaja arias. ( 3-{ )
+gr66qoi1rr41i|aqtzrrqlr;.llasqirt:I att{rorqiirfud *tft qqcqfiq lt q tl
iqqilt alqorgnsiq q{ qrqrciqqq r iidt*eorrai {iiqr cii ?q<derq rr t rr
( s. fs. aT.tx )
Ovcr-indulgencein loods which are pungent, sour,sali and hot; pbysical
exertion,exposuleto fire anrl sunlight,hot season,living in hot placeslanger,jea-
lousy,alcoholicclrinks,mc,liciLrean:l foocls which causeheart-bur.n,heat proclucing
and penetratinginto the tissues a'cl others which lead to iu,creaseof pitta are the
causesof Pittaja ardas ( 5-6 )
2+ MadhauaNidanam

cgtf-a-r{ritalii aaorragufh q I spqilqrftR{rqc, rrrznttrga {frr u s tl

qr.qtaQqt tftfl q ?aqrorei*6qq r rifhflsTi sgRciaaoriqcriqrq rrz rr
( t fa. ':t. !v )
Over-indulgencein foods rvhich arc sweet,fatty, cold, salty,sour and hard to
digest;lack ofphysical activity, sleepingat day tinre, very comfortablesolt bed and
seat,exposureto easternbreeze,cold scasonand places,absenceof worr' and such
otherswhich lead to irrcreasr:ofkapha are the causesof Kaphaja arias, ( 7_g
"?qaaurdenikaEe;et€sqdiq I ?giafrvroriqa*aiaoi eTqrrl a,r" (<. |<.a ir )
Presenceof causitivc l;rctor.sol' any tr,vcdosaswill produceDvandr.ajaar.ias
and factorsof all the three dosasprrduce Trido;aja ar(asas welr as Sahajaar3as.
gqtsq qafiar gcslflrcf*cGqar I
ratnlt qqF tqt: 16aq1iqlq1; q€qrr qt[: qo ll
fidt lqestrr €rfittf,tqorrfargifi-anar:r iqsfirsd{*+:{*Fltfiqeqiairr, rr r..(rr
*fiq rq*ogeqnrr:iiit ieer?idtqqr:I i{(rqrrii?q+rs'€ForrqF*qrlr : || i ? lI
qrqqil{ficrq€A€Itfaqqql. | .6rqlqrqrla}qr{fidnrqncrqEr:Il (l II
*<raTciqii rdJ{i q6i elarftn\ r rr*ai,reorgad fiqcgqi{qa rr ig rr
s,ropqsci\vqxasq*q erul r gev;jiii4rrgrardlqraa a:r:l
i-u1 [ _ . ,
The symptomsof Vataja arSasare the following :-
Sprouts( pile rnasses ) are dry ( non-exudative,not bleeding), itching ( tingl_
ing sensation), small in size, blue or bluish pink in colour, hard, dry, ,ough,'lu.i-
wed, eachone of different shape,curved, pointed tip, cracked, resemble- fruits of
bimbi ( Cepbelendraindica ), kharjura ( date palm karkandhu ( Zizyphus cero.
plia ), kdrpdsa ( cotton ) some like kadamba flower ( havingmany sprouis some
like mustardseeds( very smalr in size
); the personcomprainsofpain in the head,
flanks, shoulders,waist, thighs,groins, stoppa€ieof sneezing,belching,bowelmove-
ments' pain near the heart, ancrexia,cough,difficult respiration,irregular ,Jigestion,
ringing in the cars,giddiness;the patient eliminatesfeceswhich is scabulous,scanty,
associatedwith noise, straining and pain; I'rothy and semi-solid in consistence;
skin,nails,feces,urine, eyesand face appear blackish. Gulma ( abdominaltumor
pliha ( splenic enlargements), udara ( enlargement of abdomen and
) aqtlriij
( enlargementof prostate) may appear as its complications.( lO_15
fi*|rq *agq (sdtarftdcqrr I atqtttrr&oitfiqrcaai €{qr rrqrr l tq tl
{lsfiatqgt<qusqd*qxdiaqr; I qrcqt6c.rcifituq;eldir]aqrr rr {rr rr
Ch.5, Pilcs,haemhrrhoids
qteqtsriqqfi*':qfiarorcedq! i q{q!:qr aftefiourp U_uuqlqq: qz tr
pittaja ar6aswill be (ut fa' rql. v 's )
having the following symptoms,_
Sproutsare blue, red, yellow or black in colour discharging
thin blood. foetid
smell,smoothto touch, small in size, flacid (loose,
hanging ), resemblethe parrot,s
tongue,pieceof liver, mouth part of a leech;the patient
compra;.,,or nu.r,irrg,*ru-
tion, ulceration,fever, perspiration,thirst, faintings, anorexia,
del.sion; he elimina-
tes feceswhich is hot, watery, blue, yellow o. .".1ln
colour and not propcry proces_
sed;skin and othcr parts of the tody will have the
colour of *h.ot, ( yeilowish
rvhite ) or grcen, ycllow and deep yellow. ( 16_18
dnfr*eorr^rarqarEratq;<€H:kar: t siqdlqfqaibrsraaqZau.iiqrr: il
ia. tl
ftGsal: lqfiar tTqurr:it.trElr@{rr
{qdifiqrr I
*tt<qaqr{squrcaqrdlwiqfigl: l Rotl
ErFutTiGar utgaiiaafuii*ffq: r qrarqmrqagwqt{toiqffiqr: ir ?q ll
iawPfirilqraftrfh<sqrmRor' r S.crieqr{q=Bf{rruufi*rtar: I| ?? ||
q(|l,r€rq$ctqgtlqr, qqqriinr: t a qqfia a firq;h qtugfhnrriq{nEq:
l ?l tl
( ar' fl ret e : )
The symptoms of Kaphaia ar5asare :-
Sprouts are deep rooted, hard, nirh mild pain, rvhite in colour,
.. elongatecl,
big in size, smooth, not flabby, rouncl in. shapc, straight, heavy,
tight, .lt;;C
immovable and shining; rvith ievere itching, comfortJle
on ,..rrc}'i"g),ou"r,ing,
resemblekarlra ( bamboo shoot/sprout) seedof panasa, or
tcet ofcows udder.;trrc
patient may have swellingor distention in the groins,dragging
sensationin the
rectum, bladder,and umbilicus; difEcult respiration,cougrr,
rexia, running in the nose, dysurca,heavinessof the
head, fever with cold; impo-
tence,i'digestion, vornitting and other diseaseswhich are
causedby ama ( undigev
ted material )the feceswill resemblefat, mixed with mucus
und u".o.punied riith
straining;pile massdoesnot ( mucousor blood ) nor splitsor crackseven by
friction ofhard feces.( 19-24l*ld.
ct, qqlq{.Fqrgdqrd,erwfi q r
The symptoms of all the three dogas will be found
together in case of
Tridogaja ar3as.( 23 )

- r*esdrrg?+tar firrgfrq{fiqar: lt R,Btl

gsrR{cq&iTr:r isiqii gsgeoiq rrref}qrcfifuarr1 i,\ tl
qqi.q sa+rrwi ari ariaqiao, ' ;ra,i, it*a g,.*,
.ilr"e.-toi, ,i *i ,,
flaElorEati€ra ftitqt: *gqFqq: t ( +r. f4. "q1 *. . 1
26 MadhaaaNidanam

In cale of raktarSas,( haemorrhoids, bleedingpiles ) all symptomsare similar

to pittaja ar6as;sproutswill resemblebudsof vdta ( Ficusbengalensis ), guijd seed
( Abrus precatorius) or vidruma ( coral ), very hot to touch,and bleedsfrank blood
on friction by hard feces;frequent heavy lossof blood,rnakethe skin appear
a frog ( greenishbrown in colour), leadsto lossof strength,enthusiasm and valour'
sensesbecomeweak anclthc patient may later developother diseases due to lossof
blood;( 24-26 )
( astgq;'it kiiq' tiuqoit ql{a{q a | )
iez-nqtd*fu{ ue,atitargi q*i tt e'
qz'1ag<?ldo ti'i€q' aQ arl'xtq tt az tt
aE qrE6rs'i; ,iiaa qrqq{terq I
asrEir;di arara futiQ q Gqrqq,I
inlqa da,iiti q iqe fwri g€ diaoq ll 1q ll
qarici qd ilqna;gc-q qPg itiioaq t
gi q&€€i irafeti qt iar.j. q *tturq t
lrlterge=dliqiqraq ttnniqi git tt 1" tl ( v |q rqt 3{ lx )
tbat ot vata anLl
Raktarias may havc two llrore associations(of do;as )
bc black in colour, hard, dryi
kapha. In casc of va|a associa|ion;tlrc fcccsrvill
altd extrcntelvcakness'
patient has pain in thc waist, thighs artd rccttrm
cxudcs tlrick, stick1,,rvlritishyellow
in colour, frothy, hcavy arrd coltl, pilc rnlrss
immovable,Iicavy and slippery
iioo,t, ."r._ut", o pi".e cifthrcarl; it rvill bc smooth,
to touch. ( 27-30 )
(isritsqqq iitti stqitq qer q | $IEdg{rr{Ea?i qRq€le}s€qlErssiTl ll ?1 ll
qauitiqqtsgdq{rsitdlqrtqq I Rqqqfvr iaGsr.qristciszqa ll 1?.ll
( s i={.{.rr.-.,{.
1/ )
qurgling noisc ;n
Stasisof foorl in thc stoutachrvithorrt di;;estioll, rlcllility'
of tire thiglrs'scautyleces;
the abdomen,emaciation,too many belchings' lveakncss
of glalia4ido;a ( spl'uc), p-rlclu ( anacmia) alrd udara (distcn'
fr"r"r-,." of symptoms
crlul)lcratccias premoni-
tio., of abdomen) causingconhrsionlo rliagnosis-thesc;llil
tory symPtomsof ar(as.( 31-32 )
q{tisl ct€irr Frti *dt gllia"dqrd t ud qc rgcnii6 g(3[ai qgqa ll 11 ll
q1'1:Eispanlia q ll l'd ll
a{qr{difk g:qrli qg;qfrrr(rih q lei?elqarq'iia
'!' t'"ttt''"t 27
All the five Otrrtrto.r,*
layers( folds) of the rectum to procucearSas;so arias is a very painful disease,
affectsthe wholcbody, difficult for trcatment and givesriseto many otherdiseases
also.( 33-34 )
qrur{ti g qel'enr=}qElq'leqqrriiq rwdifh goun:aria a
ieitruiaaria q l ?q,ll
e;a'eili iaifiqtqi qo) qrqriararia q r u"Fqruqrii ar;qrg: qfidqisqisr q llqtl
eEsrin a"iqrfq qrh qtrq;ari qiaqr
sg-istiift dFrtq ar;qsrcqrii fikiq lt ls l ( s. f,s.rqr. oi.i r )
Pile mass located in the externallayer ( fold ) of the rectunr,arising out of
increaseof any one dopa,and whi<;his of rccrnt onsetis casily curablc.
That caused by increase of any two dogastogcthcr, locare.jirr thc middlc
layer ( fold )and cxisting for rnoie rhan a year is di{ficult to cure.
That which is congcnital( hcriditory ), born out of all the three doqasincrcas-
ing together,locatedin the inncr--mostlayer ( fold ) ol thc recturn is impossibleto
cure. ( 35-37 )
ieeqtgerarfi irl'qrqqqGqe t
ctcffe {fifr'rql}: lriqttAql;qils;cqt l 1. l ( r. i.i. {qf. 3r. I / )
Patientswho have the fortLrne of lraving long lifi:, good servicesof all thc
four limbs of treatment ( physican,rnerlicinc,nurseand patient ), having good diges-
tive capacitycan hope to livc on rvith arSls,while others (having none of the above)
are to be refusedfbr treatmcnt. ( 38 )
"ari vQg€ arlqi g? Ecur{'ttaqrr dltit6tqdq(eJq {Rqrqr}:dis{i{iiGq' rrlq.rr
Eiqtrd{Fi ddiEEBGrSrq oaq<, I E66IIgErq qrfis fia:gd{sr0rql Bo lt,,
( e . f u .r " r rw
. .l v )
ailufavr<dgmc{iikaqzGaft tt tsq,
r" ( g. q. r, )
Appearanceof oedemain the hands,feet, face,umbilicus,rectum and scrotum
pain in the region of the heart and flanksarc symptomsof bad prognosis.
Pain in the region of the heart and flanks, delusion,vomitting, diffuse pain all
over the body, fever, thirst, ulceration of the rectum-these symptomskill the pati-
ent of arbs.
Thirst, anorexia,colic. heavy bleedingfrom the pile mass,gencralisedoedema
and diarrhoeaalso kill the patient. ( .39-41)
iqrQrqfq qqfta qqrti, nli\qrft q I
fifioorfi Uqii ir il BRil ( etr. u. u )
28 MadhaoaNidanam

ArSas ( sprouts) also develop on the penis. near the umbilicus,etc.,having

the resemblanceof the mouth part of earthworm; are slipperyand soft, ( 42
6qrit zdtiqr duspi *ittqeiri{ii qfir I
didfqd ftqt<qi ad#id g afigr rrul l ( rrr. u. u )
Vyana ( a division of vata ) associatedwith kapha will invade the skin caus-
ing arsason the skin' resemblinga nail, which is firm and hard. This is also
known as Carma kila ( warts ). ( 43 )
qrla itqqreu.i fiqr{f'qaqxar r
,ticqurtihftrat ql+.rcFraid qsoial l tstsl ( ar.fq. rqr. 3{.€ )
tftfiqrqa+rf*rfqi qruefc +svrJfn.rri.
qspt{ rr 1rr

It is painlul and rough,, of blackcolourandwithan

opening in caseof pitta, and ol' the samc colour of the skin, smoothand knottv jn
caseof kapha predominancc.( 44 )

Thus endsthe chapter on Af3as,

qstficr?qrq-iqif*qRsrcqqffi qnq
q-qrdtqsirsqfiqq: qca{fh aqi{u' r qq{iqiaarirr*qrqtepqrqrgisaar
il r, rl
Thejalharagni (gastric fir'e,digestive activiry ) is of lour kincls,viz., manda,
tlkfra, \'isamaand sama. The first th'ee are clueto the predominanceof vata,
pitta and kapha respectivelyand the lourth due to the normalcy of all
three. ( I )
fiqdl qnort it rrs.diqqrfttiiiqrqn r
rftiqfinqqr e;+ lq6r(t{ssrirrqr{ rr t rr
qcr sqri(f.flilrcrcr ssqfi{q;qi I tseqrsiiiq qrqdFjqqd€g
qqlfqqq€qi qEqinErhafiwqi r
tGcr n i rr
Frrr.sfilllsrsc{rfhargd qrq fiwqi r
dlcsrt|trfildiifiarq, <mf*, *Bscqe rr c rr
Vigamagnigivesrise to vdta diseascs,tik;lagni to pitta diseases,
mand'gni to
kapha diseases.
samdgni is that rvhich digeststhe rrormal quantityof food without
any difficulty; mandagniis that^whichis incapabreof digestingeven
small quantitie*s
offood;vigamdgni digeststhe foodsometimesproperlyandsometimes
and tikgrgani is that which digeststhe usuarquantity of food or .u.r,
without any difficulty ( within a very short time ). Out of thesefour,
only ;;;;;
is said to be ideal ( conduciveto health ) ( 2-4 )
,,eili fi{ri Fc6drq.fcilfiiibf,r,
l q,l,'- ( {, t. Eqr3{.yr )
edtoi qad$:^*ftFpf-qqi(qica:
+fqfwdd Gmrfmq r qEFaqi er*.i oru,ioio_*rc.qr,i rr
Ama, vidagdhavi'labdha arethe threekindsof ajirra ( indlgestion
kapha,pitta and vEta dogasrespectively. Others include,.Jburih ) causedby
*" ,i" .ur^r.ri
ajir4a relatedto dhdrarasa ( indigestionon nutrient portion of
food ), ,ome othe.s
namea fifth one,the dinapaki ajirra in which the fold is digestedthe
next dav but
30 lvladhaaaNiddnam

without causingany difficulty, yct otbcrs cou.t a sixth-thc prativasaraajir4a which

is found every day normally immediatclyalter taking fbod. ( 5-6
ei}rKatritqslqqdqp r
qtB'sfq qrcd
%I qr{i gr,r-i a qni rrni a(tlr l s tl
iuqtqq*qqi{qia gai 1 6.}:qiq.ftleia r
qiqg*a eQ.icra{d a qsqrqf<qr{}id n z l ( g. ri. yq
{. )
qrqqlsczll{rsEd qe..iemi q dt.ila t
fi.anil*Tq*isg;er{zqustrrt: u q lr (e. fa. u. r )
Drinkinglargequantititesof rvarer,taking foodeithcrlargeor smallin quan-
tity_at unusual times, suppression of natural urgesof the body,loss of sleepat
nightsor sleepingdur.ingday-thesecauscindigestionof lood eventhough such
loodis norrnalin quantity,the accustomecl onc ancltakenat proper time.
Foodpartakcnby a personwho is affiictedwith jealousy,fear,anger,greed,
. -
grief,humilityand hrtredness, docsuot get digestedp.of".ly.
( Personsaffiicterlrvith wor.ry,grief, fear, anger,misery,(
pain ) or lorsof
sleep,though taking their normal food at propertime will not be ableto digest
aeti gwli$q: dlqit qoeriir{mr I E((ra;rqrrrgs.Ffiilq: csdh lt io tl
The syrnptomsof emajirla ire, heaviness ofthe abdomena.rd/or
l ol'the
whole body ), rr:rusca,slvelling ofrhe cheeks and cyes, belchingssimilar
to those
occuringsoonafter meals.( 10 )
ieE.i ueqoq;oir iinrq fik,rr €nr r s{rr}r qr{qrra: €* qraarqrqi l ql tl
ViCagdhajirf a manifcsts
with girltliness,,fainting,sourandthotbelchings,
ilside andother symproms of pitta ( vpadhi). ( f i j
fic"-i {lsqrqri Gii':r qraiqar, I.qdqr?TlqZkq rcrrit dtats*diqnq '
i,R '
rciis*iqi,it €sqrgl-qqt€r
Vistabdhajirla manifesrswith pain in the abdomen,tympanitis,
mcnt of flatus and dclusionand othcr symptomsof
vata ( vrcrcrhi). In caseof rasa-
sesajlr4a, aversionto food, bad belchingsand heaviness( of the
aMomen ) are
seen.( 12 )
q;sl ftrit <ng:cfrr: qqi rrq: r
vtqar ra-tll {(uiqrc{Soiar il ql il ( g { u{ vS )
Fainting, delerium, vomitting, excessivesalivation, debility,
even death are the complicationsof ajirna
). ( l3 )
sr?riml;d:qgq.Esaisccrqe, r tqrdtmrq i qaFifloi crgsfi(
ft il tB tl
dnd,allicd tliseases
Ch.6, D7spepsia,

Persons who eat large quantities of food recklesslylike cattle' will deveiop
ajirqa which is the causefcrr many other diseases.( 14 )
this <lisease
ersftoiild{ie'Ei fis.ri q q{kdq I
fiq.qaq+l dtqrfraqrfqiqaiiq-qt tt q,qtt ( g. v. o. ri )
and vilambikl ( thesediseases
\/isucika/alasaka ) arise from the three ajlr4as-
Ima, vidagdha and vigtrabdha. ( Theseneed not be respectively)' ( l5 )
qa'tflrRam*rfhqq{.dlheksfior I qtqrdliiasr idGqdtfi fiqqi rt lq tt
a ai qiifiar6(il aq;i iqkamcr:r
6u;ds{,l<iJ rII: ll qs it 5 r' 4 r'i )
rf,;oisfhqr{l Eell: iqqrq z1a) ueliuaErq{l€i: I
tqo'iwq\ aqi as,;;uq{iaatci lar<'.; irq:it 1z tl ( .r : E. q. r! )
Physiciansname the diseasevisucikain which thc patient suflcrsfrom pricking
pain as though pierced by neerlles. is due to ajirna rnanifestingin persons,
who by mad claving for food, eat rccklesslyrvithout any limitation. Fainting,
diarrhoea,vomitting, scvcrc thirst, ab'lominalpain, giddiness,trvistingofthe arms
and legs,yawning, burning sensatiolrall ovcr, discolouration,tremors,pain in the
region ofthe heart and headacheare the other s)'mptomsof this disease.( l6-lB )
gk<taaistqii catri( qii{sii r iatql qrcadq Satgqii }jllqid tl tq tl
qnsiiiiitqar q{qliqri rra(iq I
-{o ll
dqqlaq.firrEi Etoitnri q qeq g ll ( g :. a. :r. rt )
Alasakais that in which the prtiert has sevetedistentionofthe abdomen,
delusions,crying helplessly,flatus movins uprvardsbei g blockeddownwards,non-
( l9-20 )
expulsionof flatus and feces,thirst ancl L-'elching'
qqih iEdq':2t qtq t
sd E gni .Fqal€arlrli
Gaflqai ai utgfsl*irqtcwFA trl€isqr gltotl: ll ?1 ll ( g. I c. a. rl )
Ancicnt scholars define that tliseascas vilambika irr u'liich food doesnot get
out of the bocly either in upwarcl dircction or in clotvnlvartldirection; due to the
effectofkapba and vata. This is a vcry di€ficultconditiorrto treat' ( 21 )
zrerqcldtqtiqqa zri iqtr"oriq+rrari, r
itior iarqad'triit agatrrqqgqiar tr rq tt ( q. r' d a. rl )
The place where ama resides gives rise to not only pain but also becomes
the site for manifestation of many cliseases, which are due to the action ofthe
dogastravelling all over the body associatedwith ama. ( 22 )

?{:qq1qry-Sgqflsqeit qrqGd}slq;d<qrairt
q{rqrqtr I
ii.i ,, ( g.v o.w.
Blackishdiscolourationof *r )
lips and nails,tor, of
vomitting,indrawingof the eyes,feeble "orrri;*r;;,;;:r.
voiceand loos.ness of all the joints of the
body are the fatal signsin ajirla and associatecl
iir."ri, f ZSf
ser(gisq'qref sdt.qrii qriiqa: I
zgdr^€i;qqrqt q slqlar(Fq asrorq lr -<B
fqqrardisqfa: q.c'il rl
Rarqrat rqs{ar I qq} aqqqr q,i( fiq€qi q{ qlaqrl:
Pure belchings lt i\ ll
(without baclsmell o, ,ir,"
), cnthusiasm, climinationof
urfle p,"fi]rrtrightness
oeslrerrorwater are the symptoms or hunger
of pr_operdi.tcstionof rood.
Lossol sleep' restlcssncss, tremors,supprcssio'of urinc, loss
are the five difficult complications of consciousness
of visrrcikr.'iZ+_i;'r"^
srqi gorrqr a_qtiiiiqdqnrafaarrrGaqqfi qq
Ajirpa occurs mainly.due to irregulaLitics
rr rr
oI food, ajir!,a is the cause
whenitis for
cureclolh.. dir.ur.,llsoser.restroyecr
;illi;:l uuto,nuti.{iicrirurt{r€ir{airr:r fiq:ril qt
*1irai ererrq1rloiaqrorq
rrro rr
qfi ,flcr,l+.nrhrki qrrai{{r+ri{qr=ailtoikXfar;rt+TfEqft+rrk<ri
qqrrd{ , q '

Feelingof weakness( without physical

exertiorr heavinessof the body,
senceo[ movementof the abdomen, rron-climination ) ab-
of l,ecesand flatus,giddiness,
constiparionor diarrhoeaare the general
,rrn;,;;;;jrrna, ( 27 )
Thus endsthe chapteron Ajirna
3rq ftfrFq|"q
fnqqar laqt fiot qrarr*arlEar t qGdaqqrqFqe^q;ciEls-E€qli ll ll
Parasitesareof two kinds-external and internal' They are alsocounted
( feces); totally
fourkindsviz., arisingfrom external clirt,kapha,raktaand puripa
twenty-four by name( and in number)' ( 1 )
qTalta{ qolqqt; I
fiacqtqdtslaqqir +{rtrfle*ql! ll r' ll
EgqIqIz:Iqqcl2r xi5t faqrtar atcd: t
fi-.rr i dtalqe*w.ogntsR l$,ii rr a ll ( sr' |< {n 3{ lY )
External parasitesare twoviz, yuka and likqa' They resemble tila (sesa'
many legs
mum seed) in size, features and colour;reside in hairs and clotb' have
smallpimples,itchingand vesicles'( 2-3 )
and are small. They producerashes,
.{d"i,i|* cg<pafiiit qqlqq: iqsgdtqftot t
6{fiqwqdi e-kqrnqrit fia'egqdart [Mtg tt c tt
Persons indulgingdaily with the useof foodswhichare raw (uncooked)' sweet
and sour, water and watery beveragesor which are dry powders;
foods,jaggery;those who avoid physicalexercise and thosewho sleepduringday
becomevictimso1krimi roga. ( 4 )
- qtlqqtr I ciscieqgqdl<q&g*: {dlEqlt ll \ ll
fqqrdtoiu*ti: lfrfirittqr rqFa {e I ( g' " { a rx )
and leafy
Use of trlack gram, foorls which are dry, sour and salty' molasses
fisb' jaggern
vegetablesgive rise to growth of parasitesin the feces' IJse of mutton'
-ilk, f..-ented sugarcanejuice, etc, give rise to parasitesin kapha'
"urd{ rise to parasites ir'r
g.r,"" in incompatible foods' uncook"d leafy vegctables give
b l o o d .( 5 ) -^ . q
siKt tqqqal {Fi aitqt qE?' rtc: ll ll
rrffenils{icnu dsn|mf}a<oral (g 3 i3{ {/)
of ( the regionof) the
Fever, discolouration, 'fooCin the abdomen,disorders
heart,giddiness,aversion to and diarrhoeaare the symptomsof presence
parasitesinsidethe bodY.( 6 )
tf,sIErIlItA qFrI {qI: qifia q+d: tt o tt
ggasfiqlr * t*q +fie.gqio*t, t ucqFoter(*'r(t{dg{ql€qsqqr ll 4 ll
S+ MadhaaaNidanam
da nfl{qlqt:r aFRI: <eu6 t I slelTtqrsErlact Eqrttqt qatgEr: ll q ll
g<it qfsgrrt grpqpft q SiiA I agrarrtxrelqqciqqm"ctqsq tl 1" tt
r(€Ett€B€Gs<rdr€qtcq'esgftaetq r ( 4r. ft {qr 3r. lY )
The parasites arising from kapha reside in tlte stonrachalld move all over
the alimentary tract. Someresemblea thick leathertape, someothersan earthworm,
yet othersthe fresh sproutsofgrainsl are thin, long, small or round, white or coppe'
ry in colour. They are of sevenkinds aud are known asantrdda, udarave$Ia'
hldaydda, mahaguda,cDrava, darbhakusuma and sugandha. Thcy produceheart
burn, excesssalivation, indigestion, anorcxia, fainting, vornitting fever, enlarge-
ment ofabdomen, cmaciation,too many snrezingsanrl running in the nose.( 7-10 )
(fistGflqq{qla{i6dr q;iritsoFr: ll (t ll
3rqRrEirarq*r qlqlqrq *fiqqdar, t 'i;{ril tleiErtq i}ciiiqr sgrEr.r:I
q{i sB*-*qlqr sEql(scrd(: ll i?, ll ( ar. f+. r'r-r.t tv )
Parasitesarising from rakta ( blood ) are found in :.ll the organsof raktavaha-
srotas( liver, spleen, arteries, veins and blood itself ); they are very minute, have
no legs,are round, copper coloured,someare invisible bccauseof their small size.
They are of six kinds and known as ke{ada,romavidhvarhsa,romaclvipa,udumbara,
sourasa and mdtara. They proCuce kuplha (leprosy ) or such ofthe symptoms
which are seenin leprosy.( 11-12 )
qsr{ri gii"i'ttsrwrqtisrr}i}cftor: I s?qr; €griag:r i aqrssnnril.grorrlr q,lll
?r{ssefrrdi:e{qt fisq;qrgieqilia: t gggaagr'{ar: iqtqq\ilakdtfl€atttl (c ll
i q:r amr [mrq: +*e*q*Gnr: I crig(Rr Fr{gprztr}leff saqGaft rr tq tt
fiqlEqpficrqff ziqla,lqqpga(:I
icaqifirqqri gqinlgfiqFiqr: l 1q u ( ,rr.ra. iar. a. ir )
rla "*qruarrfarfs+qraaf.r<riiafcfc{r{ qqrrg l o ,r

Parasitesarisingfrom purisa ( feces) are lound in the large intestine,usually

travel downwardsbut evenupwards to the stonrachif their number increases, caus-
ing fecal smellin the mouth, belching and breath;they are big, round, thin or thick;
blue, yellow, white or black, They are of five kir,dsknown as kakeruka,makeru.
ka, sausurdda,saiUla and leliha. They produce diarrhoea, pain in the abdomen,
constipation,emaciation,dryness,pallor ( whitish-yellowdiscolouration), horripula-
tions, poor digestion and itching in the anus. They even move into other places
( organsnearby ). ( 13-16 )
Thus ends the chapter on Krimiroga,

srr wrrgrirmrrTillsrd{;6nr€rqfie+.ftErrq
qsgdrnr r€irrr qa qraiiqq*qqr t
uqri: efitrGla qgdt rrqort-qq'rr i. rr ( <. fa. r*r. ar.!r )
Pagdu roga ( cliscasecharacterisedby pallor ) is of five kinds-one eachfrom
vata, pitta, kapha; fourth from thc combinationof all three dogasand fifth lrom
6rrFrrrrcrdaqqlfi cq qi RErcqsqdiqdiclql
fiiqcrultq q*q (+ frvtrteri wog<aiaqiia tt L ll ( g. s. d. 3r.YY)
In personswho indulge in ( over ) exertion, sour and salty foods,alcoholic
drinks, eating mud, slceping during clay, use ofvery pungcnt substances ( spices,
etc.,), the dosas producc whitish y,ellorvdiscolourationof the skin by vitiating the
r a k t a ( b l o o d) . ( 2 )
iq{tdteadtqarllq€t<€fi adI}qlq tsdiqlt I
floqeftaanurfiqld qAcqara{q g(rqttfh ( g. s. a. 3r.vv )
ll ? ll
Its premonitory symptomsare, crackingof the skin, expectoration,debility'
desirelor cating mud, ocdemaof the eye sockcts(around tlre eyes),yellow discolou-
ration of fecesand indigestion.( 3 )
iqw3aqar{ini €,qisrqreqlrlar I qtaqFs--sTciitqmrqtalal'clEqr ll I ll ofvataja pandu are tlr1ness,blackish red discolourationof the
skin, urinc, eycs,ctc., pairr ( of thc borly ), tlcmors, enlargementof abdomen,giddi'
n e s se, t c .( 1 )
traqrnui*t qr€utqr:r{rGEd;r irralieg.}siadiarq:i\qqtoeslqdl at: tt q ll
In pittaja palqlu, the personwill have yellowish discolourationof urine, feces,
eyes;burning sensation,thirst, fever and deepyellow,watery feces.( 5 )
s$cQ{esqga;qrarqtiad}(i: 1qpgitrit sqt€tr}ttqqsnqan}t tt q ll
In kaphaja pa{r{u, the person will have watcry discharges ( from moutb, nose,
36 MadhaaaNidananz

eyes,etc.,) oedema, drowsiness,lack of enthusiasm,heavinessof the body and

white discolourationof the skin. uline. cyes:rnd face.(6 )
I qpgirril fliqiiittqreq, qitoiiahGqq,rrs rr
Fever, loss of appetite, neusea,vornitting, thirst, weakness,emaciationand
incapacityof t he senseorgans,are the symptonrs of triclosajapdlclu. Tbis diseaseis
incurable and so fit for refusal. ( 7 )
€fkqqmftatq Stqiq;qadi qo: | {qrqr craii fir-rrqcrr 6sq n e tl
drlhqqeriia .iqcrat q €til I Trq:{fqq;a draii<+ia<or*riq rro.rr
rii{qpri sd EisI lw} d.iies'i aqr r
qpgliiri *iltatg q.rsqiiaat{rn{ il 10 | ( a lr. :i;. a. i i )
The dogasget increasedin personswlio have tlre habit olcating mudl astrin.
gent mud increases vata, salty mud the pitta :rnci swectmucl the kapha;mud being
dry and undigestablematcrial blocks the pirssagcs( of r.asadhrLru), leading to
debility ofthe senseorgans,loss ofphvsical srrength,ojas (mater.ialresponsiblefor
natural resistance), normal colour and digcstion anC proclucespi4du roga. ( B-10 )
t1ntiqr{slueut ?&iqteffirA€ai
&Rdtslsfirer{dcii qrqssrGErf,qu i,i tl iE. a. "Tf x.q!)
Such personsheve oedema of the c, c sockets,tcmples,bloll's,legs,umbilicus
and genitalorgans;parasitcstlevelopinsi,ictlrcil alimentatytlact, eliminatewatery
fecesmixed with blood and mucus.( I I )
qp-sttqibfriqqrq{{Ai c ffru:qiir *@q;nqbErirai'it qt 'iiarfi q{qfr rl 1?.tl
c*qi i'rsfierdi r ita: €arfi iirrrsruSqef Esfqd: il 11 rl
€ atqzrgi63tq6r:1qpg: €araelrgatq r ( a. fu. r,rr. 3 r . q ! )
qFg+ilddt qrd qroglqaT'if rriq t
qpgdenqnit q qpgtlrft fia{qia tt t^gtt ( g. g. r,rr. u. ?i )
**g cti qfia'iorqteirad a'<rl$agir qErs{nl\ |
gl a itntau ge*",itsqqi latra;aeda*.lq t
pq5iftqpgi*i qdlsqfi aqrsiAqr(Gqrfrisa'q lr (\ tt (g. {. i 3T.vr)
Par.r{uroga is incurable if it is of long duration, rvhichbas made the organs
hard, in personswho have oedema for a long rime, who seeall objectsyellow,in
thosehaving constipationor diarrhoea with grcen mucoid feces,who are very weak,
whosebody is very white ( due to lossolblood r, have vomitting, faintingsand
thirst is incurable' Persons whose teeth, nails, eyeshave becomeyellowishwhite
and who see everything yellowishor white are going to die of pap{u roga. patients
Ch.B,Ancmia, Cltlorosis,
etc. JI

who have oerleml of thc extremitics,enlargement of the abdomen, or those

having both, thosewho havesvrelling of rectunr,pcnis and scrotum,who faint often
and loseconsciousuess,who arc havinrl diarrhoca and fever are also to be refused
treatment. 12-15 )
qp-giltil g {tsraii'i.r-<aria iaqqi I (r{q frl€qqsriti qntqtitqtq *€qe u iq tl
I' suchol thc paticrtr t.rl prir.iriurcga, lrlio inclulgc i'foods and habitswhich
increascpitta, the pitta gcttirg so iri'-r'eascti
iru.'s up the rakta ( bloocl) and mdrhsa
( muscletissue) and ploducesrhc ,.liscase
( known as kLtmala ( 16
). )
arREiqrq €d €r;i1iqfrtri;rn:| (india{g.qdi ii*.aoit aiGqq: rr is rr
-. \t
qr€Tiaq i
slc€r qifq+sr+.Jgarcrraqr
qarlr 1. rr
{at;d(l( (4ir{ar *z?I Fqri5rit+iFar | ( s. iE. rEr. ?r t! )
Deep yellow colour.atio'of thc i'r,cs, sl;in,nails ancl fcces;rcdclishyellow feces
and uline, skin colour. rcsemltlirrqth.rr of l'ro1;(grccnish, brorvn, or brownish
yellorv), rveakncssof senseor.cel", ltLlrrrirg sensatiorr,indigestion weakness,
debilit;', anorexi:ra.e thc syrr4rtorrsol' ktrnal.r ( jau,r.iice
). It in'olves both the
koslha ( alirncnta.y t.aci. ) :rnri rlso rirc irkh:i ( raktn blood ancl
) lother dhdtus
(tissues). If lclt untr.caterlit urakcs rhr organsharcl and turns into a difficult
disease calletlhumbhakarnala. ( 17-Il| )
g,rqq]6{g;qal €d q(<*i qlqE: || E1 tl
Q{sriargo€BGftoqii ra arrqfi I qr€rcii{srar6d;q1f1-6qqFqar
aslif,ri{r firi la *rqatqdiqqqh | ( a. i< r,{r. )
sdiqaagrsGq(sqiifiisd: lt ?.q tl
aqqik eqrq*rqra) iaeg{ lFrq$tqiii I
Blaciiishycliol fcces.anclulinc, profound oedema, bleedingin the eyesand
mouthl vomitus,fccesanrl urinc alsoirrixedrvith blooC;burning sensation, anorexia,
thirst, cnlargement of rbdornclr, stupor, delusion, lossofbody temperature and
unconsciousne ss-rvith ihesc symptolns thc patient dies soon. The patient of
kumbhakdmalaalsodies'if lLc has 'onrir ii',f, a'()iexiir, nausea,Iever,debility, incre-
coushoi. iiiarrtroca.( lg-21 )
q{t d 'rrsirioi: tqlqi{d: Ezlt;Trilain:1 -<R.ll
siiiqt€{qra;qr c;<tiaiEi €gsqrt I drqaq:lsgq{a{ qrErqcorrs€iqrjcr I
adcd aEtdrq fqaRfioiida: n 11 ll
38 Madhaoa

When the patient has yellow, green or blackishyellow colour ( ofthe skin"
nails,eyes,urine, etc. ) loss of str€ngth and enthusiasm;stupor, poor digestion,
mild fever,disinterestedness in women( sex), pain in the body,burning sensation,
thirst, anorexia,giddiness-the diseaseis to bc knownashalimaka (chlorosis)which
is dueto increased vataand pitta. ( 22-23)
( w-aril f\aqdr{qk<ia{ riia-drr
aw-gariait,ita'ta#iaEioririqrl ) ( r fa. eri. ar.ti )
qlr dfqtqE{itkrfqt qraEfc i qrosr-lqq;rsdrTrs+irciiritn+faata{cTFq Ir c rl

( Fever, diarrhoea, yellow colouration both externally and inteinally and

whitish yellow eyes-these are the symptontsof the diseasecalled ,Panaki'.)

Thus endsthe chaptcr on Paldu roga, Kamala, etc.,


qfa{qrcdlflusuqqrtrliQfi*' t dtqdleqqrr€Efr
<r}, m3f'rrtqe rr t rr
iid fiq*j rngtf$qatarg airfiraqr
aa, cqa't <cqr{ ari fiqtsii qt tt q tt ( g. e. d. u. vr )
q':i qrqrfhqoTiriiqq]figit'r,r 5lti ifrnia qqtt{diqqdi rr1 rr
Excessiveexposr-rre to sunlight,physicalexercise,grief, walking long distances,
sexualintercourse;fooJs wliich are hot, alkaline,salty,sour and pungent-all lead to
increaseof pitta in its vidagdha state ( ugqra,tikgga properties), which in turn makes
for increaseof rakta (its tiksga, uggaproperties)and causesit to flow out of the body
through upper and lower ori6ces,viv., nostrils, eycs, earsand mouth being the
upper passages; uretbra, vagina,rectum being the lower passages. In severecondi-
tions. bloodcomesout of the hair folliclesof the skin also.( l-3 )
eq?i{ita*rkd tnva{crqi qf}r I
aJaqfiqarfi:rarit qqtql€c{. rrlqrqlartg tr ( g. v. d. a. vr )
Weakness,desire for cold things ( Ibod, drink, places,etc., ) feeling as though
hot fumes are coming out of the throat, vomitting, smell of iron in the breath are
the premonitarysymptoms.( 4 )
wr;q <vrqg e*d fiGsae 6$d;qdql
qqrrnecia*i a ag qQiq qdirq rrq rr
<ofia mcrqr{ Otairit{ed{iq{ r
lamn<qeireuani q i[k*q rrq rr
{iselo* qeqlBfa* <rfHwfhtq r ( v. fa. (qr.3r.Y )
Ifkapha is associated,the blood coming out will be thick, yellowisb,white,
greasyand sticky;
Ifvdta is associated, the blood will be blackishred, frothy, thin and viscid.
If pitta alone is rhe cause, the blood comingout will be black resemblinga
decoction ofdrugs, cow,s urine, black pigment of a cyrnbal, chimneysoot or
40 J,fidanam
If combination of two or three do;as their specific symptomsare also found
together. ( 5-6 )
striri nmieEs?ifri qirdEqq I
ficrri qr.f|q lq | +r-. I g+l I "t{ l.l g q*i tr s tt ( s. fb. t'< )
The upward one ( rakta-pitta ) is by associationof kapha and the downrvard
is by associationof vlta; kapha and vdta togetherwill causefor both the upward
qtii qrucqdt xrFqcqnri grrqffi{r ( g. v. t. Bi.vr )
cqcrri soqdl afiiri ad'tRqa{tt z tt
refvc gC sre qru?isrlqwgqq | ( s. fs. t'+r.u, v )
Upward one is easy to cure, downward one p€l'sists all through iiie and that
of both directions is imposible to cure.
It is easyto treat, if bleedingis from any one passage'in personswho are
strong,if bleedingis not large, if it is of recent origin, if seenin good seasonand if
not having other complications.( 8 )
qs+'cTEri ql!:?i faql'i qtcqg€qh ll q ll
qfliqceru{i qqFq:Elrl<iiaqs( |
aqdirflq:SitoQ€tqEq{zlrdaaa{rrq ll {o ll ( <. {r. rrrr.u. v )
It is easy to treat if only one do;a is associatcd,persistsfor life if two doSas
are associatedand incurable if all the three dogasare involved,likewisein persons
having poor digestive functions, where blecding is copious; in personsdebilitated
by other diseases,who are of advanced age and who do not take any
food. (9-10 )

d&qraru*rscs(qcEqErr qpgarEr€TBl,
g* ritn {iqraragfirf'r erqr EErOEqr q disr I
dlseq isr ftr{ft a ad qfiriidlaad,
quiqrfiqml iiufh<iq rriqoicn'iqeql:lrl{lr (g.:. n. a. vv.)
Debility, increased/difficultrespiration, cou,.3h,fever, vomitting, toxicity,
yellowish-whitediscolouration,burning sensation,fainting, severeheart-burnafter
(ood,constant anxiety, severcpain near the heart, thirst, pain in the abdomen,
headache,bad smelling sputum coming out, avcrsion to food and indigestion
theseaccompanyas complications.( 1l )
Ch.9, Purpuraandotherhaemonhagic
discascs 4l

qiccqrrdani gftafit a qtotqpfr firi qr,

lqr qrre*.i q58s qfi qr qsqrqstrrqq I
, qi$oi qq dtti Encfrbqd qq ifrr flqir+
tagcf roitd g<efiugrr qq qEq'fivfi rr iR u ( g :. o. ar.v1 )
Patientsin whom the blood comingout resembleswater in which mutton has
beenwashed,a decoction, muddy water with lot of silt, fat, pus, picce of liver,
ripe fruit of jambu ( Eugina Jambolina
), which is black or blue in colour,which
smellslike a cadaver,or resembresa rainbow and who have one or more of the
complicationscited above--are to be refusetltreatment.( l2 )
ia itqadt <ai<qfiia flqq: r qliqeq?i iiqqrii aqrqrcqcd{rq\ r qi n (s.ft.3r.i)
-r dtRtistiqto qgaitirftiaqr aitkitanqdie iqqi.*d'*'^',cr,i 1g.q.r*l
qfa qrqs+rfErfsi qrr{ft<ri <rnfqafr<ri €r+d{ l q tl

The patient ( of raktapitta ) whr_ris unable to seeanything and

who vomits
bt::1 h largequantity, who seeseverythingas red, who gets belchings
with bleeding( or gersbelchingshaving smellof iron
)is going to aie. 1 fA_fi I
Thus endsthe chapter on Raktapirta.

3Iq {rcT€rqc?rdsqrfrqrqq
iqitrn(qrqtsq qt€qdiqctnatqr fe'irfi ',qi qqcrqi ideoeqrqtt t tr
Suppressionof natural urges, lossor deficiencyof tissues,over'exertionand
induigencein unhealthy foocs-thescfour will producethe diseaseyakEml causedby
all the three doSastogether.( I )
rmruri{titq uig t<atdg t erihaqqtf}ilslsii Er'iA
{c.i una: eii ad: guqid qlaq: ll ?,tl ( g. e ar.vl )
When the rasavahasrotas( channelsthrough which rasadhatu(blood plastna)
among which kapha is predominant;
r;ircuiates) becomeobstructedby the tridogas
to the loss of
o, i,-,p"rro.r, who indulge in excessivesexuai intercourseleading
the persontoo
semen,all the other dhatusof the boCyundergo deficiency,making
eqr€Isc{fr sdqqdlgtiqsrqfeqlqcq{taq{Kfiq(: i
dF uie.qid qEiid q qlli s'g:g*aq] cqk ei<ail fitgr tt 1 tt
tqirs flra+{dlsrftatsat ZlTI€a'.iq{qq: ?i6aKt6,tEII
ti qEqFa e a+{tsarat .r€"Sdtc"-qqaqcGilikirr ll'8 ll (ig s q vt )
Incrcased/difficult respiration, pain in the body, expectoration of sputum,
drynessof the palate,vomitting, poor digestion,toxicity, running in the
extesssl..p, eyesbecoming bright white; pe{son craves for meat and sexual inter-
dr"o., as ifhe is being carried away bythe crow' parrot, porcupine,peacock
vultures, monkey and charirelionl sees rivers without water, trees without leaves'
3-4 )
breeze,smokeanclforest fires-are the premonitory symptomsof this disease'(
*isqpElfvdrqs datqr q<qRitr I s.I{l al€rtsqiia 6qrol rqqqEslr ll\ll (a' ft u
( qqi* GiKreEttqrcre, eifira-<ai<q.t e<iEal stia qgd <Frqec& ll )
( mild
Discomfbrt ( pain ) in the shoulders and flanks, feeling of warnith
burning sensation) in the hands and feet, fever all over the body are the
of rajaYakqma.( 5 )
Ch.10, Pulmonarlt'fuberculosis-Conswnption 43

( Aversionto food, fever, increased/difficultrespiration, cough appearance

of blood ( in the sputum) and hoarseness of voicearc the six symptomsof rajaya'
riT<+as{idr€gaj ciT}qiqqrrd,it: I cqit qrdlsfiqr<a{ fi?r{s€ qlqcr llqll
flme' qftq.i;;rrin€E -{ qq I .FI€T:{uatq ilqEd$f fiiqr qq*qar ttstt
Hoarseness of voice,pain in tbe shoulders, constriction( deformity) of shoul'
ders and flanks due to vata;fever, burning sensation,diarrhoea,blood in the
sputum,(haemoptysis ) due lo pitta; feelingof fullnessof the bead, aversionto
food,coughand irritationin the throatdue to kapha are the ( eleven) important
symptoms. ( 6-7 )
qsrEtrlirtluqi vsjireisia qcti {d( I fl qt.iiqr(tesiftrq&r ofieqi, rt z tr
RnrqiqlGii b*: fl{reqrqrqqtqi:I qarEdlqrGti s.qfiEat giqqd q{r; tt q u
qi{ibiir{is& f'a*riiqqaq} r g*i a;'iixi*i{{rd sdc'iiscqits;qqlrt qou
qa{d eiiq{rorqtficrrii{tGaq
I atrage{1qi iq qheoiqi{qiitr, tt tl tt
g$rq{qqacrc(E{ureiirlflaq r u€sr qgia{ qqql E;di€ crasqu ql tl
Presenceof all the eleven symptomsor the six symptomsviz., cough, diarr-
hoea,pain in the flanks, hoarsenessof voice, anorexiaand fever or even the three
symptoms viz., cough, in:reased/difficult respiration, appearance of blood in
sputum -calls for refusalofsuch patientsby physiciansdesiringgood reputation.
Appearanceof all the symptoms, or half of it ( six ) or of even threc, in per-
sonswho have lossof muscles( wastingof muscles) and strengthare also indication
for refusal.
Patients of yakgmd wbo eat large quantitiesof food but .still undergo
wasting;who are having diarrhoea, swellingof the scrotum and abdomen are
also to be avoided.
Yakgma kills such personswho have whiteness of eyes,aversionto food,'
heavy and troublesome expirations and who eliminate large quantities of urine
with difficulty. ( B-12 )
elnrgirq(kd seq;* fsqr€aq t sqs}qFcqa* {Eil}csri rrrq lttql (g. s. q. vl )
Treatment can bc given to patientsof yakqmdwho do not have fever, who
are strong,able to withstand the discomfortsof treatments,of strong will, digestive
capacityand who are not emaciated.( 13 )
aqqrqdt{srdsqaqrrgrrqlriiflrrdr{| Egik:€adii qitfil aeft: e1glqsl (g.s.or.vt)
44 Madhaaa

Henceforth are described the symptomsof persons afllcted with {o;a ( con-
sumption, lvasting, cmaciation) due to sexualintercourse,grief, old age, physical
exertion,walking long distances,ulcersand injury to the chest.( 14 )
gm(q Hqio+aqqil | qtoga€Jqsqd Erlq* ql{q sriTiT:rri\il (t q
Presenceof symptomsof deficiencyof semen and yellowishrvhitediscoloura-
tion of the bocy aud subsequentrvastingol' the other tissuesof the boclyare seenin
personswho indulgc in excessivesexualintercourse.( l5 )
cE{rn{iiat qrars: il]fi{ilrqiq drsttr I
q<rtilfi s{it qS{i?igfUqeiiAq:lt iq ti
srqilsaiictdilrqnir4qlq€ftl(: I drq{i tiecortdii q)<qrriadiearlqsu
<icqattqatqtiQl:gs{6qrrTd€Bfi:rr ( g ts.3{.yr .)
Too rnuehof rvorry, loosenessand weakness
of the body are sccnin persons
who are wastcddue to excessivegrief.
Emaciation, decrease of vigour, intellect, strength ancl capacity of serrse
organs;shakingol the body parts, anorexia,voicehusky, feebleand broken as that
ofa brokcn bronzc vessel, patient trving hard to expectoratebut brings out little
or no sputum' heavincssof the body, restlessness, fluid oozing out of mouth, nose
and eyes,lossof complcxion and dryness (offeces )are the symptomsof persons
wasteddue to senility ( old age ). ( 16-17 )
eltqaitdrqlqrarg: duecaq€Bf+il l< [
qgFrllstErtq: g':m$lalana: | ( g. v. w. z1
Personswasteddue to constantlong distancewalking will be having weakness,
harcinessand lossof sensationof body parts, dryness of kloma, throat and
mouth. ( 18 )
6qlqrlfrfi TilahfiTta qcfiqdr t fa*r<rqlau*: rigqar qr*fiar 1ia,1(g
Persons wasted clue to excessphysical exertion will also have the same
symptoms as above and symptoms of injury to the chest without of coursean
actual tear'.( 19 )
{uq{qtaEalf\€iqtarcqrqortE I qfirdrq qi;alq:n qtqt}:qitil qa: 1?.o1(t.=.a. t71
wastirrg due to ulcer is causer by loss of blood, pain and control over
by, the person. This condition is dilicult to treat. { 20 .)
qglrrsszrrcriisi+ivrrgaeit gaq I grqctnrq qlaf\: qail]
fiqdlqd: lt ?,i,tl
q4 ar ar qtq;d Esdsr$d Rq6ar I icraffiruEcfiqiar{.fkqa} f"rd, *rr
Ch. 10, PulmonaryTuherculoeis-Comsuntption 45
srdiqnrq-qrsig*it ar asrdtqaqr c€F{tElaril aiai {r€ qr{dr lt -<1tl
qa*tqaal qt qoiersfi cziia: t*di\, tr€{tqr.I(€dtq
tid qt ll ?.tstl
iqai qale
qqrlq €gir{n r A€ qrfhcqmrqcqrKccindti{rc:
6qrisdaqr{. qqrr tt i.\ ll
silfiqsqisrqd irrqisq fiwqi r q{lsi ear erd grr;qg caqa tr ?.qtl
xqdt{ qd quit €ii{As aiqi r cqil 'qqr qi}i'q fiqirEriaqrrrqicrr?.srr
{trftqoi'qq' qtq{ cEde l -<ctl
gc: Eqtq;ggri;u:'fta:l {tc&iit Eg! | inr€Tcrn{q
c edt sitqistaaiaut gsilqdl: qrqtq| ( a. fa. a. ?{ )
Over-indulgelcc in archery, carrying heavy loads on the head, combating
with strongpersons,firlling from a height recklesslv,forceably stopputga running
rnighty bull or horsc,or tarning rvild animals,throrvingheavy stones,woodenrafters
or catapults, figlrting rvith enemics (using wcapons), reading rvith high pitcb,
running fast long distances,swimming mighty rivers, running along rvith horses,
suddenjumping, strenuousdancing and such otlter acts of violence and excessive
sexualintercourse,partaking ofdry, scantyand non-nutriticusfoods cause injury
to the chcst ( tear inside the lungs ). As a rcsult the patient will have cutting or
pricking pain in the chestand flanks,follorvedby emaciation.termors;lossof vigour,
strength, complexion, interest and digestive ability; appearanceof fever, grief,
helplessness, diarrhoca, indigestion,cough with bad, black,foeticl,;yellowish pellets
ofspulum in large quantity coming out, often nrixed rvith blood. This conclition
knorvn as uratgatamakes for quick loss of Sukra and ojas and leads to scvere
cnraciation. ( 21-28 )
arr td6'Tflfh r€aqil ?.qtl
The very symptomsof tnis diseaseitself is seenin mild form during the premo-
nitory period.(29 )
eitrt qiliqa;sfi, qrdi iititr: at r dtd e<mqatd trra'guardlaa:
nlol (s fq ir. tt)
Pain in the chcst,vomitting of blood, cough are prominant if trauma ( tear )
is present, while urine mixed with blood, catching pain in tbe flanks, back and
waist ( hips ) arc predominantif only cmaciation is present.( 30 )
3rEqlaser{teri: <nfi saqil asr r qfitiqtqil {cqr qiiir.d qq*ic. uti,l (n.fs.i{.rq)
qf+ qrrlq farf* qrqafqar{ rreqe-qer{eftorft{r{qqrqq | | I o| |

Uraksata is curable which has mild symptoms,seenin strong persons,of

recent origin and in whom digestive capacitylis good;that which lias remained
over one year does persist throughout life, and that which has all the symptomsis
incurable.(31 )
Thus endsthe chapteron Rdjayaksmd,
3rq fiTqfrqrdq
tdclqElknqqatif qIEI 6{[q[rr6EilqfiiqarIrE I
tiqr,irriqtq fE rilqacqiqnit'rrqaqaika+q u q,tl
ctoil aErargqarcggr rr irre*irlreaErvrilvr r
iiiia q;nrrsaqreq\,ii qn'licfk *rs qia nfler l r, rr 19.s. a. ri )
Inhalation of srnokt:,dusr, over-exercise,fo.ois which are dry, food particles
entering the wrong passage( trachea), supp.cssionof'naturalurges, control of
sneezingand such other activities cause( increaseof )prdla and udana vdta which
comeout from the mouth suddenly proclucing a soundresemblingthat comingout
of a broken bronze. This is called as kasa( cough ). ( l-2 )
q{ $ra[t {€arErafid*eqq]al]tr r qrqpiliiE{ar:
ei qiaa*irnitq(qiliil (3{.€.fq.q.r)
Kdsa is of five kinds; one each from vdta, pitta, kapha, kgata ( injury to
cbest) and kgaya ( loss of tissues). The first four, if negiected will lead to kgaya
( dhatukgaya-wastingof the tissues). (3 )
qi6,i lriivi {1ntoifldtrzrdl| *oi .5us.3rilcqnrcqilq:{ qrqe l tsn (s.fs.3r.
Premonitory symptoms( of cough) are a feeling of thorns pricking the
throat, irritation and obstructionto movcmentof food. ( 4 )
AWg{riE<qtca'11dt A1qliar A'iq-{arqtei: r
c€marrcq erii<ia f\ararr qrqia UE*iq rr\ n ( g. s. q. {r )
Person ofvrtaja kasasuffers fron-r pain in the regionofthe heart, temples,
head, abdomenand flanks;dry face ( mouth ), debility, feeble voice, lack of eniiru-
siasmand continuoushusky ( smalt) anJ dry cough. ( 5 )
sitiqqr€cqrqE6dltc.aF{airarqe{ qi+! i
ftia {tarfirait*trfi *r*evwg: qfi{aenr u q lt (g.3. eT.
{? )
Personof pittaja kdsawill havc burning sensationin the chest,fever, dryness
and bitter taste in the moutb, severe rhirst, yellowish and bitter vomittus,
yellowish-whiteskin ( complexion) and burning sensationinsidethe body. ( 6 )
cibcqqRa gda qlqr ffiagr*: ansqdaE:I
qqfi$ritq{aggffi srQq{i qt;q.[$:{+? il s il ( g. s. 3i. {R )
Mouth full with thick saliva, weakness, headache,accumulationof kapha all
over the body, anorexia, heaviness, irritation ( in the throat ) heavy cough follo-
wed by thick sputumbeing expectoratedare the symptomsof kaphaja kasa.( 7
Ch,Il,Cough,Pertusis +t

erf*qqrqqr<tt{gqre{.rfifqqer t terdl<:q{* aq{diiar qtvqrqt{ tt e tt

e qd qrsi gcqirar dt*etifhaq t *Ga EGrarsiqtfi@aiq dltqr tt q tt
qitfiriiq dtqodir{ t g:ewfia t$a }qfrer|rratf.qiltr 1" tt
qdlqcq<rsrqq"ofiirq,iiika, I qrtqa lilltwtsrcarn-qsd]fiqrq llq,lll (9.s.3{.{i)
Personswho are weak and indulge in too much of sexual intercourse,carrying
heavy weights, walking long distances,taming or fighting with elephants,horses
etc.,get injury to the chest( tear in thc lungs ) and produce cough. Dry cough
followed by expectorationof blood mixed sputum,pain in the throat and severe
pain in the chestas though pricked by needlesor cutting or knawing pain, patient
resisting touch by others,pain in the joinis, fevcr, increasedrespiration,thir:t,
voicelike that of a pigeonwill manifcstas symptomsin ksatajakasa' ( B-l I )
fiq{et;rq}itsqdiaqqtqti{inq€q I giqrailftaai 1oi 6qlqisd} {{t car t
$iiat: q16i orti Sdiaqrqcqq ll q" u
€ rnaEloc.Fqreitaq cFrad ilqaia :FId t
guefiaitdtefi g;iarq ru'iornie:l tiut eq<q t
ri e,itbii uogf*f*trd fqfqiiqaflr sqci qqfia ll 11 ll (g v' u' tr)
E?iEq{qqr*Iq, q'iiqai?Eal{n: I (|lt{t Elaqdieiltztlqlcqtiaqqdliiqar lt 1g tt
Indulgencc in irregular and untimely meals, unaccustomedfoods, excessive
,"*, ,upp."rrio.t of bodilv urges'too much of jealousy, grief, etc', causeincreaseof
alt the ihree doqas,dcstroysthe digestive functions,produce k;ayaja kasa ( cough)
ancl lcad to wastingof all thc dhatus ( tissues) of the body. Such a person will
suffer from pain all over the body, fcver, burning sensation,delusion,wasting and
drynessof the body, extremeweakness,coughs and bringsout sputummixed with
blood and pus. This diseasewith all the symptoms is very hard to treat and kills
the verv weak ones.( 12-14 )
a* firFfieliarefu vrqgorrF*S I rqai(tqli srctrfilqrqit qtcqrqft1fd": t
{ta qateuiruFqFqziqlcqitq qIqAEtt iq, tl ( g. q. 3T.{R )
qfr zflqrsEq{k{fqil qruqfqsri +refq<ti qfl.fl{ l ll tl

Cough is curable in persons who are strong, which is of recent onset;kgata

kasa and kasa of very old personscan be controlled if ail the limbs of treatment and
food are good hut it persists through the rest of life; the first three kinds are easily
curable; the chronic ones are to be controlled with suitable foods etc. ( 15 )
Thus endsthe chapter on Kasa.

iqsri€griis;i lrqrilnqfiqxlsi, r rftaqrawarrrnril,iqraqiadrrr q,rr
aqrqgrfr rtrqirrtqnuafdt r iam rqqal *r** 7"iagoqrqi tr q I ( u. , = ,.
Personsrvho indulge in loods which produce heart_burn,constipation --1
dryness;rvhich are heavy and thosewhich are harcl to digest,which block
the p::es
ol'tissues;drinking ofvery cold water(or other beverages starvation,unac.usro-
med places,exposureto dust, smoke, sunlightand. breeze,physicalexertion,Iit--i-g
or carrying heavy weights,walking long distances,suppressionof natural ,rrg..
malnutrition,become victims of hikka ( hiccoughj,- 6*eru ( difficult respirari::
and kasa ( cough). ( 1-2 )
qedgqigQia q+qii qrligarerior
tqrkqriqrqd I
< uieanrg karlqaq66a{d Gt?q{idiql g$, rra 1 ( g. v. :r. :" .
Vayu comingout of the mouth with pecularhik_hiksoundsrartingfrcm r::e
region of liver, spleenand intestinesand quickly producing tiredness
to ,h. p.r.oo
is nameclas Hikka by the learned.( 3
qsqi qcsi qJsirrrdi<iq6dt aqr r qlg: *frqrgrrdi qe
Garr 6itf} A uBl (g.:.{ {.,
VSta associaterl
rvirh kapha produceshikkt which is of five kinds viz., annejl
yamala,kqudra;gambhiraand mahati. ( 4 )
waltdi{rei q qqier $crcrarI G*ni q*rarior gt.ric q€r-r l t l (< f=. e . I
symptomsof hikka are heavinessofthroat and chest,astringenr
tastein the mouth and gurgling noisein the abdoriren.( 5
qrnr.*didg* €aer fiiHlsfiar i Ga*qairit
arqrili tqqr{E-qiftqq lQl (*. , .r. , .
Annajd hikka is producedby vata which moves upwardsby the
. effectof tak.
ing excessquantities of drinks and foods too quickly. ( 6 j
fqtq qslriiqt fiar tiqqdi I nrqq;dtfirirelri qcai at fifif{iq rrs u (s. 3 ,{ ,..)
Yamala hikka occurs in pairs, continuesfor a long time and
produces shaLing
of the head and neck. ( 7 )
Ch,l2,HiccoughandDlspnoea 49
cssrr$qt iidi: sqFr*il I gkqlirc er frer sgqar;|rrkdr r z u ( g. s. 3{.{o )
K5udrahikkastartsonly from the base of the neck,is mild in
continuesfor short time. ( B
itfirqifqr qr ftmrfrrr mfr<affi r qa.itqdffift rrrs<rarc qr
{q?il rrlrr(
Gambhira hikka starts deep inside from the umbilicus,
is very powerful,
makesheavysoundanC is accompanied
with many complicetions( g )
erlog.*erfra ved.qrqq*i I r€rGAfr cr iqr sirrr*flqdiqdt l
lo u (g. s. 3{ ro)
Ma-ha.hikkaproduces powerful feeling as though all the
L -. vital organsare
oetng pulled out' is continuouswirhout break in the middle
and causestremors/shak-
ing ofthe whole body. ( t0
enqrqi fHqtq *i gfU€]*S arsqi qrq fiiqq r
a{ioi}safiqtr}laqarfrcr$ al deriql qtiikencrdt r n lr ( {. e. u. {o)
Patientsof hikka who develop too much stretching of the body,
up, body bent always, emaciation, aversion to food anrl too ,nuny
,rr.Jing, und
those who have the last two types ( gambhtraand
mahati ) are to be r-efused
treatment,( ll )
aftdfie{tqt< r<rs}qanrrqq I 6qrft{\r qftqaa*
lt;e€rlaqqilia. u qRtl
*'qi qr qr {TgiqarG$r .'iq,g sfiaq I q{io' q ca*r{Hfi{qGorTqqnqai rrirrr
Likewise, those in whom all the dogashave increasedtoo much,
who are un_
able to take food, who are emaciated,debilitatedby orher diseases,
who are verv
aged,who indulge in exces'.ivesexual intercourse,who are having yu-ula
typ" of
hikka, have delerium, pain, delusionand thirst are going to^b
soon.( 12-13 )
tnelorutq{qar fi{rttrrm{qa{ qr r
ftq qrqflg {FTqtcfufl E:ira$qqr I lB il ( s. fs. a{.Rt )
Yamala hikke is curablein thoservhoare not emaciated,who are having a
strongrvill, whosetissuesand senses
are good,whereasit kills others.( 14 )
edn€G*""*Oltrg qgrrt r M qcaFqrf\: r{{rqfi Riqe: rr tq u (g.s.3T.
Mahatl, lrdhwa, chinna, tamaka and kgudra are the five kinds of $wasa
( dyspnoea) which is countedas a mahavy-dhi (powerful disease ( 15
). )
qnnq*r qiq gas,rurd qrqreq: r
ns-enflra6q <iqefuqe'r6: r
qil qrqrdqd s{r4d'rtrfr ftr n t?.rr ( g. v. a. rr
50 MAdhaua

Kgudra is predominantly v5t:rja, ta,nekais prcJorninantly kaphaja, chinna

is kapha vdtaja, mahat and ordhva are al o pri:dominantl,vvltaja.
qradarq Et{ter {f,6rrr}:qrnhr
ir I qardi qx'i<rd a6firilq qq q n iq l
The premonitory synrpton.)sare pairr in the region of rlre heart, abdorrrinal
colic and distention ( tympanitis ) :Lnrl cnlar.uerncrrt,irad tasteirr thc mouth and
pain in the temples.( 16 )
qEtdtaifu detq matrrin$q+{r r lqrsrasfi deEF(EIeEtrrt{{ilfk q, trqsrr.r.?,{.i i)
Vata associaterlwith kapba obstructsthe passrgcs(inside the lungs) and
beginsto move in all directionspro:lucingthr liseasc(rvrsa.( 17 )
q{tqcrdqrdf qr {F?:q-g:iqdi ar' r s*, qkfa riwJ eadu {arhrq rr tz rr
qasilaii{ra{a?r iqrErad'}qa:r filarq+ra<i nqd{.r+rl fqqfioicttrr iq rr
ft: *ati st€q(qAerqe y{rqlEEreEr{ilqqru{d iqrc;rqfqqqi rrr"tr.=.'; t -7)
Vata having increascdgrcatly, nrovesupwald constentlytiih htavv sound
and pain, like that ofa powerlul birll tit I firrnly to I pes, thc paticrrLlosesarvare-
nessand intellect, cyes begin to roll, rv.r\ terrifi: l i,rok, rviileopen;mourh also
open' no movement of feces and urine, broken voicc, hclple.sness, rhe soundof
respiration being heard even from a distance. Thcse are the syinptontsof \laha-
Swdsaand sucha patient dies quickly. ( lU-20 )
SE{ lnf*fh q'l {ri a q sizrt€(ar}r: t tr':srTa.qtqq-tar;;FqrFrjtqatfta:tt ?i ll
qgislefiqcq€q fiqrrrar qalda: I qqaq iEai'la 2gri<)srikdrisa: Ir iR rl
gqirqrQcsfii arreEr{il lqa'':qi r gr,Tararrqarit}:{
rqr+tra{aqE;iqq{ l Rl tt.
I s. ta. il )
Long expiration, inability ol inspiration, rn<.rulh:LnJothel passages filled
with sputum,great increasein v6ta causingits cther symptoms,cyes {rxed up, eye
balls rolling, terrified look, delusion,white discolourationof the moutb, restlessness,
expiration deep and inspiratioir obstructed, loss of consciousness/delusiolr-these
are the featuresofUrdhva Swdsaand this also kills the paticnt. ( 21-23 )
qqt eafi{firfiGsd siqrila friiar t a qr eqiqfr g,erfl eri=i<wfta: tl 1,8ll
cnra€Sq5slaI Eacraa qiianr I AtgirTql: uffior, raqa c*fialqa, rt ?.qtt
R*ar: qRgunreitfiqq'; caqm: r ibersaa flqiae:q diEi iqaarqq{ tt rq, tt
1 a .f r . * . t t )
He whoserespiration is often interruptedin the middle, with severedistress,
doesnot attempt at respiration for fear of pain, pain in all vital r,rgans,enlarge-
ment of abdomen,perspiration, faintings, burning sensationin the urinary bladder,
Ch. 12, Ilicuugh awl Dyspnoca 5l
eyesfilled with tears, emaciation, rednessof one eye, loss of consciousness,
drynessof the mouth, discolouration,delerium, I oosenessof all the joints_with
thesesymptomsthe Chinna6wdsa-killsthe patient. ( 24-26
r!9\1 qqr srg! $raifq cfirqqi r t'rqi in<arsirra d"fl.i eC{t,i ?r l Rstl
oifi fiad grdiq a'i4ifi q ,ard cmiftetq rrqz rr
it .A g{rd aur r
mrrqft e ita quqhq&eqitqild qrqqras qr q;sFa qa.iairrqa,rr
,tlqoqg=qqfid Ed rreli
€:fqa: r artq e fifrar* qgil arrl fr! rrr" rr
aqsr{}{t{aerua:E;pr;;ldtit {ri'rqc tiqrii aira Rqiclqn:rarqfiiqd:u lt tr
qt€ atqtq,larii qqrarq qii<q: r qrtiiir arrt r)relgeoi $erflarqtd
n 1i rr
leaar$ aaEa f,+qqrgrrrfier{ r fqgorrt,il qg: ,ari\ qessrqrr;f ii u rr
qEIrrgdIaqFErI-; €t{Aar iqqiii te qrcqretsc,r
,srq, qn.lil qt rqlqdtfil|a: rr 1g tr
V:11au66.rgoirrga change to upward movementin the passages ( of respira-
tion ) makesfor increaseof kapha in the throat and head Together they proiuce
running in the nose, bubling sound in the throat, respirationsgreatly increased
(in number and intensity ) causing darkness of vision, thirst and bouts of severe
cough, patient trying hard to bring out sputum and finds momentary
relief after its
expulsion,unablc to talk becauseof obstruction in the throat, cloes
not get sreep
when he lics down becauseof catching of breath, finds comfort in sitting posturc
only, desireswarm comfort, eycs widely opened,sweatingon the
brow., sever"pain
( in the chest), dryness of thc mourh, changesposturesevery r.nomenr,sympromg
get increasedduring clouCy days, by the usc of cold warer, breezefrom iast, and
other causesincreasing kapba. Thesc are the symptomsof ramaka swdsa( bron-
chial asthma ) which persists rhroughout the patie.ri,
rife even with suitable treat-
ment. It migbt alsogetcuredit it is of very recentonset.(27_34)

a-*<q;elviiau fiqrtqac.d <t aq, I ssrqiicq.|GftaiEf,fitqfitrlq: u ic tl

This disease ( tamaka 6wasa if caused by upward
. ) movement of ( reverse
peristalisis) alimentary tract, inhalation of dust,
indigestionof uncookedfoods,or
foodssoaked in water, suppression of urges "body
of the or wrong practice of
yoga asanas and such others causes will manifest
with fever and faintings as
additionalsymptoms. It is thcn known aspratamaka
( Swasa). ( 35 )
acsr qdhse.i{ft*aq nrwa{i I rrcrariTc{ftqr$T
fruradam.g aq n iq n
Tamaka Swdsarvhich is due to increaseof tamas
( darkness,cloudy weathcr
52 MailhaoaNidanam
( stupor )' He finds comfort
inactivity ) makes the patient to go deep into darkness
iy ,hi"g, quickly' This condition is called Santamaka' 36 )
o€rqtdtaqrolB gitqra s+qq-{r6qt{rs\ c dtsiqd g:datswtu*: lt ?o tt
qlqaqrilii i@ olattt
R"fo q rnslfola a gd qiat t a € -a111
" aqqiarfts:iqqrqrEi5n{rqql.qsntstarirqqqFqilru.
[]l ,
foods'physicai efrort'.is
Kgudra Srvasais the one which is due to use ofdry
discomlortor anxiety lilcethe
mild, doesnot causepain anyuvhere,nor causing any
others,doesnot obstructthe passages of fool or respiration' nor interfereswith the
and is curable All other
functioning of th. ,"nr" otgut' ttoi produc"s any pain
strong Persons'( 37-39 )
kinds are also cu,able when they are mild and affecting
a lqtqfia anril giar< =I ll 8o ll ,
| aq: eElt{Tt
€qr qEA redqi acmr5;p w€
to treat' and in weak per'
Kqudra $wasais curable,tamaka Swasais difficult
are incurable' ( 40 )
sonsit is incurable;the other three 6vrdsas
q Er
crriclota{ttil {*it i d e aqr I qql titrct*IGar €(d: i-ll. !,.,
gfa aftqts-4s(k(fqi qlqEfa<ri fq*+trlrvftet+ sqTrd{ ll 11 ll

Diseases which take away life are very many, but noneare as quick as
and hikke. ( 4l )
Thus endsthe chaPteron Swasa-hikka'
I R I3
C H A P 'E

wr t*clqfrc|aq
etqglrrqsr?qttqqariuqra{i{qor: c5f,qal: q{ir{qqt I
riti'g i +l<a?g rrat:c[agi-.a'g'rqt qqlh etli iE sQu' q: ll t ll
( qtaGFr:gqaeHfrqerq eiq q t )

Speakingin high pitch, effect of poisons,loud study, injury and such other
causesmake lor increaseof vdta and other dogaswhich in turn loCgein the organs
of voice,producing hoat'scness.Tliis is of six kinds' one from each of the do'as,
one from combination of all three, fifth from medas ( adipose tissue) and sixth
lrom kqaya ( depletion of body tissues)' ( I )
qtia 6cqraqilaoq**al ftd lr},isla qiurqet o t
fRc ,itaaqataaq*aal qqrdla. q q Erdqqfiseilll ? u
Eurti€*qead qq;qila, f i rri,iqid eriqlqqt fiilrq t
;da* rTqi1wiiiqr<r{qti qFqqpz{€Grrr:etiqmg: ll 1 ll ( 9 3. 3{.{l )
Blackish discolourationof eyes, face, urine and feces,voice broken' slow'
harsh and resemblingthe voice of a donkeyare the symPtomsin vdtaja type'
Yellowish discolourationofthe eyes, face,urine and feces;burning sensation
in the throat are found in pittaja type.
In kaphaja type, obstruction to the throat by kapha ( thick fluid ); slow, very
little speechand that too slightly better during day time are the symptoms'
All the symptoms of all the dolas coexisttogether in tridopja type, which is
incurable in the opinion of the sages.( 2-3 )
qc|6 ETqcr€qrsqFIq r(fq ftrErc^ qffi*ql t
*a,imqccacqqc'iqG Rs-sqleqfr Rrqqacqni: ll B ll ( 5 5 3{'{i j
hot fumescomingout of the throatl if the voice is completely lost,it cannotbe
54 MadhaaaNidanan

In medajatype, the voiceappears as though coming frorn great depth, sylla-

blesnot clear and is very slow, person will have coating ( of fat or kapha ) in the
throat and also thirst. ( 4 )
dsr€ Ewq s{Rq qlstt f*iiqif qs {€lqqrar I
iqki! qdqgfrErrr Gr<trrqilril a c lqiqlft u \ l ( g. 3. 3{.e.i )
{f,r ",i}qr'-ls;rftrki qr,.rsf+arirrr}Efteri crrrcr{ l I i tl

Swarabhedais incurable in personswho are very weak,ver.yaged,emaciated;

which is long standing or congenital,in persons who are obeseand that rvhich is
producedby all the three dogastogether.( 5 )
Tirus cnds the chaptcror Swarabheda.

erarilf\: Eiiilr{tiiitrrfi iriiiswncqq-d, r
atia-{r rg:, (e fr.+. rt )
Arocaka(anorcxia )r is ploducc.lby the thrcedopas,grief,fear,greed,anger,
and lrom fooCs,the sight and smellof which arc very urrpleasant to the mind. ( I )
qREc+d: .fiqtqqte;I c;]sii]a rt L rt
fttrpq'oi i*<ciqqia fi*a.iiurqaaui;r ErnqI
wgfti;oegriE{iiqiqcq{isqgd' t,*a rt-.(lt ( s. fr. u. rr )
Tingling insidc the gums, astringcnt taste in the mouth are seenin vataja
type; bitter anrl sour taste, warmth and bacl smell in the mouth in pittaja type;
saltyor swcet taste,mouth thiclily coatcd with kapha which is sticky and feelingof
cold arc seenin kaphaja type. ( 2 )
qitot dtflrqriadtqmiquaqrgian;ui +arqr
i*Etei i*<ti rrar lr 1 lt ( s. fs, sr.Rs)
In arocaka due to gricf, lear, grecd, anger and other mental afiectionsor
that due to bad foo:l or srnell, thc person will have rro specifictastesas in dopaja
types but in tridosaja type, many kinils of tastes arc experiencedby the
patient. ( 3 )
E€Rafrsngaqsia, iqnras?I€drcz$i,q{scar{ |
riemtqd,egrd egfir*r iqqrigoqitaqedriil(qnt s u I u ( a. |s. u. ?r )
qfn,.l'iqraq.itfq,.fqir qrqafi <r.ryl{-r,ft (r{ qqrcd{ I t tY t l

Pain in the lcgion ol thc healt is lound in vrtaja; thirst, burning sensation
and local heai in pittaja; rvalcly exutlaiiousfiom the mouth, nose,etc.,in kaphaja,
many kinds ofdiscornloltsin tridosajatypc; delusionand dullnessof the mind in the
Iast type are seenpredonrinantly.( 4 )
Thus endsthe chaotel on Arocaka,

l lnability to eat food though hungry is known as aruci ( arocaka); aversioDto

foods which werc once!iked is annAbhiuaudana,hatrednessto food evcnby its merehearing,
remembcring, srght, smellor touchis bhaktadwela. All thesethtee are.includedin .the tcrm
arocakaby both Carakaand Su$rula,-Madhukolatika.

qq sltfrcnq
gDdi, gsqq*dfqrsr*qirfifil r er{qrqe fiiqnarci
aqoqrai rrt rr
( vomitting ) is offive kinds, one from each
. .Chardi clo;a, fourth from the
combination of all the three together and fifth the sight of unpleasant
qtiq+ftm(aidqfr* tqrta qrftcr+araqls€RriEr
frei, rr?,rr
T"E1'l$alqriiq'h fsfe.Aqra:
I nr{TlaruqiqmrtrqrrsfrRrcerilr
l R' tl
- Earq r srEqqrci nioiq*hosi, ,
rrtqG.tadii(l-(r qlci q# qqtfqar tr g tr ( I ?. 3{. /{ /
Indulgence in foods are very watery, very latty, unpleasant, very
salty; taking meals at odd time, in excessquantity *i nf unaccustomedfood;
cal exertion, fear, sudden emotions, indigestion, physi_
infection by worms, pregnancy in
women. eating foodsvery quickly, sight of terrific,
learsome, ugly and such other
unptre&nt things-these and similar
-uk. Ibr rudden increase of dogasi
which fili the mouth ( with contents of "uu..,
the stomach) and come out forcebly; caus-
ing discomfort to the whole body. ( 2_4
rgrder<iir) r ri* aeorregrI aq}sqqAe ud qt'raiEiaaorqrrr rr
in thechest,
of belchings,
thin( watery
tion and aversionto foodsanddrinksare the i,T;,1;l"iil
premoni-i ,yrnpto_.of.vomitting.(5)
utcpddtqgqfrqfi,ianqfiwwc$s*t, I
E{r{{rqre?i q*i-fqf# ag* cqrrqr
ocior qre'icEare ilarfrsfiar.sihq'g,.q,, q , ( s. rs.3r.rt )
Pain in the region of the
heart and flanks;d.fess of the mouth, discomtbrt
in head and umbilicus,cough,.hoa,:seness
of voice,great soundduring belchingl
interruptedboursof vomitting,
out scanty,ifl.Urt, thin, astringentmate_
qrt.acconrpanied ,itr, p"in .x ;; bodyare the symptomsof
vataF typc of vonritting. ( 6
) ";;,

frd ud'tsoiafi<iefaa.' qd < f\ir earu'{rqqtt rr tt ( <. tu. a. * )
Fainting, severe thirst, dryrress of mouth, burntng seusation in the head,
palate a;rd eyes;darkness before the eyes, giddiness,bringing yellowish,greenish
or black with redCishtinge, very hot, bitter material with burning sensationare
the symptomsof pittaja vomitting. ( 7 )
fl riq.ilcqrt:
fiard qi €rg sqtkgq eilqacJstqada\ rr e ll ( s. fs. )
Stupor, sweettaste in the mouth, excessive salivation,a feelingof happiness
( which is abnormal ), sleepishness,anorexia, feeling of heavinessof the body, bring-
ing out fatty, thick, sweetish,white coloured material, accompaniedwith horripula-
tions and little or no pain are thc syrnptornsof kaphaja type. ( B )

{ailiqrsr€fqqraEcqrle{rrTqfracqan sqir{ |
eGiqqlqrgqurrradisqt-qJoq<<iaeailori wq ll 1 ll ( a. f+. *. rt )
Pain in the abdomen, indigestion, anorexia,burning scnsation,thirst, increa-
sed/difficult respirations, delusions,being severeand constant,vomitted material
being salty or sour, blue or red in colour, semisolid and hot are the symptoms of
tridogajatype. (9 )
F*ctiqqarsgaadi argr *aifie dttq qitdlla r
vtee-{tvtq qilki ii q},i eqqqt r(rq dlgrqr Lotl
iqoqatir+aa<emu<oi Eelatqi€ar*I?rgii sqsq.l
l;€ria<gcfi€{ha.rr<qrsQdEilg Grarrif-a u tl r ( e. rv. 3r.?l )
If the do;as invade and disturb the organs of fcces, sweat,urine and body
fluids and p.ocuce vomitting frbm deep inside the aiimentary tract, the vomitted
meterialwill have the smell and colour similar to fecesand urine; thirst, increased/
difficult respiratior and hiccough which are constant and. continuous bouts of
vomitting with great force associatedwith severe discomfort theseare the svm-
ptoms of incurablevomitting. ( I0-l I )

*lrtqqr qld<qrsscil q aqrtrqqr q hfirsr q qr ft I

tlr qsir ai e {iquiq tt,ircp}ffq qdtefld rr lR rr
{(6Egrq{garhiifl e fiiqa, r fhfrafugAn aaTiaq alqrarrrR rr
(g. v. u. vt )
Vomitting due to unpleasantsight,etc.,pregnancy,indigestion,unaccustomed
5B MadhaaaNidanam

kind' Symptoms of do;as are to

firods,parasitic infections are included in the fifth
In krimija ( causedby parasiticinlection )
Ue.rot.d in them as described earlier.
anrl nauseaare prominent and symptomsof krimija hldroga
,"t" t" ,n" abtlomen
worms ) will also be found' ( 12-13 )
ii""r, Ui.""t" producedby
diorq qI eG{icq6l dcqil eitii'raqlgn t
ii cqiqqrtqi, er:qi iii**iltqqqi q ll 1c ll ( s |e 3I rr )
persons'too many in number'associated with
Vomitting in very emaciatccl
material containin; blood' pus and white shiningparticles'
.o-pfi"iiiotr, vomittecl
onesanclthosewithout complicrrtions arc to be treated' (14)
is incurable;the curable
ftsr q.urrii+iqA{q I Eq'iq€dcs*q
( mrcqrfrscsil **ced*q7:l'Jnil
., I
{fqi qr'.Ialaari rlfl<ft:rq q{lqq
ift "ftqT'.Ta{{fa
ll lli ll

hiccough'thilst' mental torpi-

( Cough,increasedfdifficultrespiratiotis' fever'
in darkness-are the complications of vomitting)'
dity, heartache'and feeling oi S"ittg
Thus endsthe chaPteron Chardi'
C H A P T E RI 6

slr{ aEunREIqq
qqarcruqisa{iqiqul qt{ fad fitGqrl"ia{ t
fio eqrti sfid a<rqi atgwd uaiiiu'rruq r
tiiaeuierGg qfnig qlia aa. tirredias?ft: tt q,rr
Pitta associatcdlvith vata, having undergone increaseby fear, fatigue,loss
ofstrength anrl other' lactors wirich increrse pitta, etc., invade and disturb the
organsof the fluid systcmof tlre bo:ly and getting localisedin thc pirlate, produce
tf$$a ( scverethiLst). ( I )
iaq; tEartat:qrirsr=Id?iiqrqrtrerr
arqqqqqt ir t
qnilqEr €qiq*fr arci iaitq fa*r'agqrirrq lr ?.u ( 1. ?. 3r.yc )
It isol' seven kinds, one from each do;a, the fourth from ulcerations,fifth
sixth lrom dma ( accumulation of undigested
fi'om depletion or loss ol body tissues.,
material ) and sevcnthlr'ornbltl tborl; the symptomso[ theseare described further
qrHRqaIcr€ddrrsrqi it{€ert {r$iit<rg ffi 1
eitirfiit'it ie(ai q q* drafirrk:{ iq?ktfir lt i lt ( g. :. e{.ve )
Pinchedor dry l.rce,plicking paiu irt thc temples and head, obstructionof
passages ( of fluid ), bad tastein the mouth, and increaseol thirst by drinking cold
water -are the symptontsot'vdtaja tpq$a.( 3 )

q;siaiiiqiianqrq q*qrqtd cdag {itqt I

rfratiqffqt g<eiiitdl oiittF.cflqi vliqti a ll I ll ( g. s. 3I.Yc)
Fainting, avelsion tc foocl, delelium, burning sensation,reddisheyes,insati-
able thirst, cornfolt by cold, bitte| taste ilr the mouth, burning sensation( and also
yellowishurine, feces,eyes,etc. ) :irc thc symptomsof pittaja type. ( 4 )
sFqrqilqF{sdzisd euqt sarQi ira?qr O I
fiflgqtdcgqtcdr qq6qTGdrgsqf6qfiqrrqll \ tt ( g. v. ii. x. ;
ofheat of pitta inside the bodyby the
Kaphajatypeoccursby the obstruction
60 Madhald Nidanam

increasedkapha. Sleepmore than usual, heavinessof the body, sweettastein the

mouth and the personbecomesemaciatedquickly in this type. ( 5 )
qara €fiiliirdfi icrrqi E"orr*gdt waqt rar q r
(€qr{rre[ qrqdrrsr qr a{rrsfirwa{ fimfiig rr q I
Qftqlsrq: q g€ia qrfhaicfiqraGih *foqrg: r
tqqrqltdi q aaqdi irertqiiur firqraqqdqtr o lt ( g. v. a. v; )
Ksataja type is causedby pain and bleeding due to ulcerationson the body.
K;ayaja type resultsfrom loss of rasa clhdtu ( the first and predominantly
watery tissueof the body ). It persists both during day time and nights, doesnot
get relievedby any amount of water intake and manilestsothcr symptomsof rasa
kgaya( pain, tremors, feeling of drynessand emptinessof the heart,drynessof the
mouth, skin, etc. ). Some authoritie; consider this type i kgayaja tlg$a ) as
sannipltaja ( causedby all the three dosasto€iether). ( 6-7 )
fiitelaqrsscqggnr q aspaii$qn€TE{{l I
iqrriaqrsrd 6qd qg+ gdafurgEqi *irii l e l (g. z q a. )
Amaja type also presents the symptoms of all three dosas,along rvith heart-
ache,expectorationof sputum and weakness. Annaja type is produced by inges-
tion of very fatty, sour,salty and heavy foods (more in quantity or indigestible).(B)
{crqtr carsq{{ta: dg,r6q5q6iltgr I qqii eg iwrrilon q1d}lffl^6eI ttqll
( s. Is. a{.?Y )
It is very difficult to treat patientsofthirst who l.ravedevelopedfeeblevoice,
bouts of delusion, ( or unco;rsciousness ), rcstlessness,severe dryness of mouth,
throat and palate (
anci emaciation. 9 )
cs<if€tqftqs{rqrgcqga€Iarq, | ( s. fs. 3r.!.y )
qqi€?Ei(qq6t ilqg{rrai aiengttarq r dt<'tlqagoreEurr q(orn fiiqr, rr qo rr
( { ; e r 'x < , ;
qfa ,fferua+rferfs+qraaf{<ri q
ZrlTrfn{{ sqta{ | | E rl

Fever, delusion,emaliation, respirationare the

of tfsla. "ffi"..ur.d/difficult
Any type o{'t11','d,
which is very severeand seenin persons whoare debilita_
ted by other diseases,who arehavingvomittingsconcurrently, that associated
complications are to be understood ascausingdeath.( l0-1 I )
Thusendsthe chapteron TrfTa.
C H A P T E RI 7

wa q=viucfiqrmndaqrefrqraq
qflqt< qgilqtq fitqrartQiia: t irnqrarEi]rsnrqiaetqrqqr g?r tt I rl
$<ur1q6|qo,erAqrcq?alge t iiiqarh qfl itqrca{ q;dfia cnqrr rrt rr
Personswho are emaciated(debilitated ), in whom the clogashave t ndcrgone
profound increase, those tvho indulgc in incr',mpatiblefoods and suppressionof
urges,thosewho are injured and those rr,hoalc mentally rveak,becomeaffiictcd
with the diseasemurcha (lainting ), when thc dosasinvarle the external and inter-
nal organsof the mind1.( 1-2 )
drnarg ar*g f\flarcaiiorQfiT,r arilsrgtfi ar€€IgGfg:qat,ilauq
tt 1 tt
gqgrqq{f€rq n<rqdii {tusq | fiet R;ijih arqrg: qs-iqt{r{il c{iif*ar tt u rr
qnrfii\r aifhia qia q fiior q l qe-{qc}drg&ir O cgia?rqlase ll \ ti
When the sajiavaha srotas ( channelsthat carry sensations) are blocked by
the increaseddo;as,the person goes into utter darkness,without any knowledgeof
pleasureor pain ( becomesunconscious ) and falls on the ground like a log of wood.
This condition known as moha or mlrcha is of six kinds;one from eachdoga,one
from rakta, one from rnadya ( alcoholicbeverages), nert from visa ( poisons). In
all, pitta is the predominantdoga.( 3-5 )
Eifrer irsiTui.arfirdqrd,ieqiqq t qqici qriedi'r, qq€ii ar firna\ rrQrr.
( g. 'r. 3{.Yq )
Heartache,excessiveyawning,weakness,inability of senseorgansto perceive
are the premonitorysymptomsof ail kinds of murcha. ( 6 )
I qq{itacr cfi{rfir {fts' q cfigtql tt o tt
*d qr qfs qr i6'GcrrrrtrttqqirrsEorq
aqg:rtmc{rrcfrer Eqqrqq I tqd q.rlqrswlt;orrrrWeli qtadrra tt z tt
In vdtaja murcha, the person sees the sky ( or his surrourrdings) in blue,

l. ( Bxternalare thcfve senseorgans and the lnternal are thc channelsof thc miod, the
braio and ncrvoussystcm.)
6t MadhaudNidanam

black or crimson cc,lours. gocs irrto tlaiktr.'ss,f'rlls dorvrr trtrcorrs'iotts

but regains
c o n s c i o u s n e sqs u i c k l y ; t r e r n o t s , l r . i i r r a 1 l o v r r t l i e l l o d y , s L v e r ' p a i n in
the heart,
emaciation, blackish red discoloulation of tlttr i-ro;iy arc scen 7-tt )

<si aitaqoiqr isqi.iiacqtft aI i qqdFac:si{rrii qri?{ qI':qa li

( qfiqtq: <T€FiTIil{mfial$}".rqr I ) i slaql} qeia a fid q ciaXqi t )
dirrq{sir darfi} iiqdci tr (" tt
Sky ( sur-ror.rnrlirrgs ) appearin,.',in rtrl, i'ttcn ot lillolv coklurs, loss of ccnsci'
o u s n e s sa n d r c g a i n i n g i t a f t e r p t r s p i r a t i o n ; ( t h i r s t , i r r c r t - a s o cf body tcrnperature'
eyesrecl or yellorv, loss of consciousric.s zrlrl quick Itvaining ) rliatrhoea and yello-
r f pittl';a murchir' (9-10 )
w i s h d i s c o l o u r a t i o no [ ' t h e l l o l y ; r r c t ] r c s l t l l l ) 1 ' ) r r l o
iqriql{qmt{rqqd at aa}ai: I qldtaq; ciqafi iatrq ciigu{e Il i,i, ll
grf\: *1ir*riiqrdq q,iqr I qcA{: €dgt{it q;Bii {s{i}ra ll i,?.ll
In kaphaja miirchd, the pcrsc'n sccs th,: .kv {irll of thit:k clouds,lalls uncons-
rticr lorig tirnc, lrcls : I S thr-rughhis bodv is covered
cious,regains conscioust.tcss
with heavy moist leather, :xu,latious ftotn t l r e nroulh anil nauseaare the
symptoms.( 11-12 )
sqlgfir: qihqraqq{crc qqp6r I a q;d qtdq?qtgliat q'iqiqtiE}r tt ql tt
( a . 6 . f a .u . i )
In sannip-rtajatype ( dueto all thc dosrstogclhcr) thercrvill be manifesta-
t i o n o f a l l t h e s y m p t o m s t o g c t h c r , t h e p ' : t s o r t a p P r r s i 1 si l p t t i c n t o l A p a s m a r ab u t
without bibhatsa ceiltl. ( 13 )
q'la q;eiGa Ulsqgqr tt la tt
Ufwalq6;1"4 (ffiq;q+a<;qqr I a€creffi{q
{"qt.I$llEI {t}+ eEI <qiigaiir t ( q. :. :t. r" )

Rakta ( blood ) is composcCo[ Prthvi enLl''\p bhutasivhich have tamo gur.ra

predominantin thcm. So somc pcrsons I thosc possessinu more of tamo gu{ra in
their constitution) bccome uncorrsciousand lhll to tlte grounil at the sight or
smellof blood. Someattliirutcthis to thc spccifit'propcrtyofthe blood.( 14 )
qsrr€di4a{iaaRaarc1ianeaa):lt lt tr
a sI atctdtrqTiq ritairaraiqtiia) r ( 1 : a. u'.,)
ar6rrwsiE{i.rtlsr qdl€Fjr€s qG6a: il e.qll

l . F r o t h c o m i n g o u t o f l h e m o u t h , r r i n d i n g o f t e e t h , r o l l i n g o f e y e s ,h a l lu c i n a -
tions and convulsionsilre knownas bibhatsaccstaand are i n v a r i a b l ys e e ni n a p a s m A r a
( epilepsy).
stuporand lossof conscionsncss
Ch. 17, Fainting,giddiness, 63

cia fiaq=Ai asflqr;acnq: I rlrfl{h iqihqa.}(c\ H{i ql{n qdh aq Il te ll

iqgrqsEuort'tgrac>r fi'rq{*eh r ik<ad *qat qqrcdfiqoqrd' tt q,ztt
( ' J . 3 . 3 { .Y t )

In m[rchd caused by poisons anrl alcoholic drinks, the symptou's are very
profound. In raktaja murcht stiffrr,:ssof tlrc irody anrl 6xerl gazc are seen; in
madyaja(alcoholic ) inconsistentspeech,lalline on thc qrourrrirvitb iossof rnental
activitiesiin-coordinatcc{movemcnts of the bod,v, thcse symptor]rs disappearing
soonafter the drink is digestcd;in vigaja ( due to poison) t|crro|s ( rigoLs), sleep,
thirst and feclingofdarkness anrl other symptornsspecitlcto thc p]itieular poisou'
ous material will be present.( 15- 18 )
qesi iirac:qrq1 qqri?rnliialqqr I ddlEla-fisrfr;El fiql lTecalilqql ll la. ll
MDrchh is causeclbv predomin:rnceof pitta nrd tatnas, bhr''rma lly rajas,
pitta and vata; tandra bv tamas, vata at) I kaphe an I Iri''lra b1' kapha and
tamas.( 19 )
( qmsqcft rrrd1ii qak qdEI I rlqftrl Eikii't c'fiqiianics: ll 1 ll )
( The boJy reeling like a turning wlretl and Lhepersonlaliing on the ground
always is known as bhrama r.oga ( giddincss) and it is duc to prominenceof
rajas,pitta and vita. )

riiaqrcie-d€'fiitl<d er,rois'cr | ftqftiQs qtial a(4 a;4i istiGiq ll Roll

Non'perception ol thei| objects oy tltc scns'-'organs, fceling of heaviness
( ofthe body ), excessiveyawning, weaklresscvetr without physical work, person
appeai'ingas though s ceping arc thc symptortrsol taudrh ( stupor )' ( 20 )
tr ?i' tr
fri-g cq{=elqn saAirg ei€qlq,ltsqi?ilq{lsqfia i;qrqil aicif*il
( er.6.fa.a. r )
In casesof macla, murcha, etc.' ihe pctson bccomes alright soon after the
similar dise'
bout is over ancleven rvithout mcclicincs,whereassannyasa( another
ase) dt es not subsitlewitllout treatment. ( 2 I )
qniacnci letlTrfE{.qtf-aqal cal: I ti;qTqFiqsii s;!' qMrqaqF|f}Iat| || ?.R'||
q aI {Fqrc{hq16;61gl{if qftan: t
sdtig;qi efts' gr.-at{Ielrtnoik<tq tt Rl ll ( 3I'q' f<' I )
aia qlqraa-{tistfqa qtqsf{atc "{ql'rli,i;lr4'c rti{<ri irtra'1 tt ls tt
6+ fuIadhaoa

The dosas which have becomevery powrrful invade the chief seatof prdlra
and fall on the ground.
i. e., the hrdaya and rnakesa debilitatedpersonunconscious
All the organs of the speech, body and mind become lunctionlessand evenwith
quick restorative lreatment the person is sure to die quickly. This diseaseis
known as sannyasa( coma ). ( 22-23 )

Thus endsthe chapteron Murcha, etc,

C H A P T E RI 8

sr?rqFnFqqrtcrEqm*oiqnRseft Ereq.
i fiqrq got' ilmrrisli ci cfdfum:r la iie'itqg*a rrqtgdlq.{rtqq:rr L rr
All the qualities and properties presentin poisons are also found in madya
(alcoholic beverages hence its indiscrimioateuse causesmadatyaya ( intoxi-
liiig e<i tawda qiqd aqr tqaq I ergikgqi it'rp gkCd qqrs€ir{ u R tl
Itotr l1qg61r;d aEgrqr Rrettqa r fi,i lnqat aq gfhg* (qrqrq il ? tl
Alcoholic drinks are similar to food, improperly usedthey cause diseases
but usedproperly act as nectar; food sustains life if taken properly whereasit kills
if it is improper;similarly also the poison,il improperly usedit kills, but usedjudic!
ouslyit actsas a rejuvinator. ( 2_g )
iqiqarqrsqrfla fatGfqna{, r ceril q: fG;cd a{q €qtqqiqc{ r I rl
( q. fs. 3T.s ?)
ia.ital*di€ar qqta{ qa Qiiaq r uiqrg:rndr sardtqqqrqq lr \ rl
qnq(Efltiif Gmc cq q I fefir{€6<rri ai dfifiar gqrr rrq rr
Alcohol taken in accordancewith proper procedure, dose,time, combination
offood, ctc., and ofbody strength givcs happiness( joy
)and.acts like nectar.
Alcohol taken with fatty foods,meat or other eatablesrich in fat, makesfor increase
ofspan of life and strength; thosedesiringhappinessofthe mind, physicalstrbngth
and valour should take alcoholicdrinksjudiciously.( a-6
gfitqik*ii*{; gqa qtarqiiqnfirqrhar
dctarftil€qsdaarcHfsfh<rqrcqfr q+ G rrs rr
In the first stageof alcoholic effect, thereis increase
of intelligence,memory,
desire,happiness, craving for drinks, foods, sleep,greaterinterestin reading and
66 Il[adhauaNiddnant
singing and increaseof sourtd o1'specclrot voite. the lirst srageis of verv
pleasantexperiencc.( 7 )
Br€qsgflq{qldqiliqi's:rilFcrdialq;iarqqF6r t
srtat<fiqtirlail gg*r cEAn q€r g€dl caa ll . ll
Ifthe per-soncnters the intermedialv staqc'his intellcct, metnory antl speech
bccome confuscd,ph1'sical:rcLivitit:silcunrt irregular, hc aclslikc an insarrc,is
ilevelopslazinessrn'l slccpsvcly lir'..1rtently.
uncontrcllable, (8)
rr;bE{rsqtqg{*r q;ia ollqr:,itrfh q qsd€; r
4-3rqgarfi ai< ftqaria q? E.iIi g{'iistEa;q: ll a.ll
I n t h c t h i r ' , -sl t a r l c ,t h c p t ' r s o n i r l l u l q , s i n i , - - r r ; r i r i , L ci l ri jrt s r n t i i i r i u g s , d o e sn l l
c a t c l i l r c l , l , r r s ,c a t s t h i n g s l v l r i t h a f c n o l t o b e e a t c r t , l r : . r ' i r r g] o s t r t i t n t r o ls p c a k s
o u t s e c r c t sh i r t d r n i n h i s n r i n d . ( 9 )
a6ri 6 ef qit ueqrGa iafimq, I *tql*P{iEqtrit €at?cqqil €a: ll-r.o ll
+) ni arzd ffi$g;q1qfiia qtq(q I qgitqi+{t{a: {(;att tqq{: eidl ll ?.i ll
In thc lburth stagc,thc p::r'sorLlills ro thc glot-ttrl rviIir uncottscit, lilie
a cut tree, incapablcofany a,:tivitylile a clca,ll r c d r ' , u r r h l . r l tec r t l c t t t t t t i n c r l l t a t
to do:rnd what not . ShouLIlrrt'otrewisltto lrt:i n s u c h r ' t c t . r n r l i t i o tIt I t i s l i k c
desiringgoing into a lblest ( Itrllol fcar ) | 10-11 )
iiriri+r=aa qq qd fiftqqtoi cgiq iaiq{ |
qnr{irfisa{Iii4{rrnrqr?Asriq aiitiqqll ?.-{ll (1 -.. q t:)
Only sut:lr r ' r p c r s . ) r i r v i r o r l l i n k ; i a k : o h o l i c l ) c v c r ; r g c s) o n e n l p t r ' s t o t n a c l l
and in solituile d i r i l y b e c o r r t e :st v i t ; t i r r t o f v e l y r i i i f i t r L r l l i l i s e e s t -rst n i l e r ' , : t ' l o s s
of lifc. ( 12 )
rh€n *ia fiqrihta ril+firaia ggiaia t
iqteil'rt{il€aa qlfil ll li ll
ETizrlSrrqrtqadlqlor<rdioig*a a'qtsEla I
ll is ll ( r, 3
stoltfirdia q Qaqqd tftfi qq ii{iqdiq*nta. )
Alcoholic drinks proJucc many Lliseasesin llersons afflictctlrvitb anger, f'ear,
thirst, grief anJ hungcr',clcbilitatcdltv physical exercises, too mtxlh of walkiug,
thoseinCulgingin supptcssiorr o1 natulai ur'gesol the body, drinking lalgc quanti'
ties of water, eating too rnu;h qu urtity of' foo I or ralv or uncligestillle loods.
Thosc who are very weak and thoseexposeclto too much of heat. ( 13-14 )
qnriq?i qrc{ qnr$tsicqd\ ql I qrai}ircgd e iqi sqqrfi a{q{ tl qq,lt
': q xe.)
Ch.18, Alcoholic
intoxication o/

due to
Pauttyaya, paratnada, panajiqa and plinavibhralnaare thc diseases
alcoholicerccss,the symptornsof rlhich ale describedfurther. ( l5 )
ftmlqrqftrqrqrqqpi{ocqmt, I faqregcawtq qldsrri q<rqq{ ll i,Ql
t iiqlqRaeqi{q ittqtci cEEqqqll (e ll
sditeqagtqa;qrcifqtzr.ihi; t iielt;dlaqtatzl firnsrl{ cqtqqq I
Rqibitqqqrtq q,iib*dqrtqqr lt i.z lt ( q. fq. 3t.1r )
Hiccough, increased respiration, shaking of the head, pain in the flanks,
lossof slecpand ercessivctalking are svmptomr 01'palrlrtvaya in ivhichvate is the
predominant do1a.
Tbirst, burning scnsation,fever, perspiralion.,tlelusion,dirr-rhoea,giddiness
antl greenishrliscolourationof liie boCy are svmptonrsof pin-atyayain rvhich pitta
is clomin:rnt.
Vomirting, anorexi:i,nausea,stupor,Iaziness,I'eclingof heavinessand cold are
syrnptomsof panatyayain which kapha is predominartt.
Presenceof all the symptomstogetheris found in trido;aja panatyaya.(16-lB)
q f}uqaainru aiiq<ftqqq t
*.riteafrsegrar i€r({rrc{rar
ia* q<rq q cqr.q q{Gd acdr<l'ql 6qr iqrtf.q eGug adi iE, ttlqtt (g v. u vs)
Dxperts enumcratethe following as thc syntptomsof paramada-increase of
kapha(sccn:lscxccsssalivation,runningin the nose,etc.) fbelingof heaviness of
of fi:cesand urinel stupor,;rnore-
thc bcCy,bad ta;te in the mouih, norr-elirnin:rtion
xia, thirst,pain in the headand joints.( i9 )

dtii<oi iiqr€' qrisq(i qgqq@fi aqrqrrfi I

afladl{fiq{iqq{qapr gFotqf}c*qiniFcacqrcrrlt q.otl
|tr gtafiui"aiii ig tg tt lniaungu;tqi€a tii(rr | ( g. v v vs )
Profound distention of' the ablomcn, vomitting, burning sensationand the
drink not undergoingdigestionat all-are the fcaturesol'pirrajir4a.
Pain in the region of thc heart irn,l of 1ht-rvholcbody, cxcesssalivation,
running in the nose,feeling as though hot lirrrcs are coming out of the throat,
fainting, vomittirrg,levcr, hcadaclie, sevcleburrring sensationin the body, hatred-
nesscven towardsdillcrent kinds of alcoholic drinks and food are the svmotomsof
pdnavibhramaas describe,l b1'experts.( 20 )

ditciuqfh?fiacc;EErd *oqrrnqcii qra-ad iqin l Rqtl

lealuqtaclqii tqqzrrsfq.iiai ,iie q {rrq iqa dir<cfil | ( g. e. a. xo )
68 MadhaoaNillandn

Hanging down of upper lip, feeling of very cold externallyand very hot
internally ( cold to touch but very hot insidethe body ), face appearingas though
smearedwith oil, black or blue discolourationofthe tongue,lips, teeth ( gums)
and eyes very red, seen in a Patient intoxicated by alcohol should be refused
treatment.( 2l )
fterect $IaFiEFIfi q qnqd qilA ll RRll ( g. 3 3{.t., )
qfa dlrnss+rfEtfR qlsqft<r+qrqtqqqtqEqtqtdfoiqrafqnqf{Err rTqlc({ll qc ll

Hiccough, fever, vomitting, rigors, pain in the flanks, cough and giddiness
also manifest ( as complications ) in alcoholic intoxication. ( 22 )

Thus endsthe chapteron Madatyaya.



e+i crnrq qriqt fr<<erlrqFea: r qrdqgrcAi< fnrfirc tqqq tt t tt

heat of the alcoholic drinks, associatingwith pitta and rakta gets locali-
sed in the skin and produces severc burning sensation. The treatment for this
condition is similar to that of pilta. ( I )
atetargri GCfi+ E€fi {3{ | q s"qi q"qi " 6lslqqarsdr{a: ll ?,ll
alEmqr*qcitqftiqrsd'ia| (g 3 a{Ys)
The rakta presentall over the bocy getsincreasedand causesburning sensa'
tion asthoughexposedto fire nearby; tbirst' copPery red colour of skin and eyes'
smellof iron in the bodyand mouth. ( 2 )
ftrrcq<qc: lqcra qrrrcq Rfur rgtr: ll ? ll ( g' q' q' vs )
In daha due to pitta, the symptomsand treatmentare similar to those of
pittajwara. ( 3 )
q"onftnqrqsqldtdti *cr rtlrftr{l ellultqsdt li nq*mqlaer tt t tt
tigtu,.t-dale.iifiqrthtqirqffi | ( 1 : a vs )
By suppressingthirst ( not drinking water even when thirsty ) the heat of
the boily undergoirrgincreasecausesdepletion of body fluids,producingburyng
sensation-bothinternal anciexternal;reducedactivity of the mind ( semiconscious'
ness), drynessof the throat, palate and lips, prolapse of tbe tongue' the patieot
being in severedistress.( tf.-5 )
elqs: qor'frSrl {lfis:qr FII?(!$r€f: ll \ tl ( 1 3 3r'Ye )
Anotherkindofdeha is due to accumulationofblood in the variousviscera
causedby injury. This conditionis dreadful.( 5 )
lrrowiaft fi qru€a {;.elc'sGe' I Sltc*r(rRqr*ar e tfticu{rff&ft ll Qtl .
70 MddhaaatYidanam

(eafrsara ate fiqAlqraqe{'rl r Aaid{a}ic?i E.qrtrf,iBi qorqqr{ rr) (rfr +;.)

Daha causeclby depletionol thc tissuesof thc body producesfainting,,
feeblevoice, lossof all activitiesald evcn lossof life. ( 6 i
In caseofinjury in a persorr*1ro cloc-c,or ear rvcli or rvho is a{Ilicrccl with
grief, burning scnsationis expc.icr.rccclin thc interior ofthe bodv. associatcdrvith
thirst,faintingsan,l dclelium.
cciicsa.iscqf€ qJsqttqr q$il ca: r
q,i qq q asalrtg: lfraqtqtq
?Ga, rrs p ( 1 :. w. ze)
ila ,itqr'.r+rrfarfsl qrrzft;ri dr,rfq-iri 'Trricrl I ?i r

There is the seventhtype or d.rha cluc to injury to vital orgarrs*.hich is

incurable' r\ll var-iticsof daha arc to be refused rreatmenr if the body of'the
patient has becomecold. ( 7 )

Thus endsthe chaptcron daha.

C H A P T E R2 0

r qra€lsqcil aqftrrrcEala {ifaartrqtl(3.:. a 1")
c(rr;ig(ar qiqr qrcrg.qroiqtqrar,
D r , , s r sr v h i c l r I r a t , r : u n r l c r . g o n ei r r c r c i r . , l r r r l t r a v c r s i n g u p l v a r i l st h r o u g h t h e
c h a u n e l so f t h r : r n i o i g e t l o c a l i s c J i p t l i e m i r t L I a t t I c a u s ei t s a b n o r r n : r l i t v T h i s
t l i s c a s ek r r o i v t ra : r t n n l . i J t t ,i s n l l r i n l l l t i l i s t l l : , : o i t i r t r n l i r r r i .( I )
q+'ra, qira irnr:a,iqGoi, t qtaia =rg:r4ae a qgiqlil cat ll ?.ll
fiqraqfi qeza zt'qr{.i aa rrcfr{ | q EIiZqrd{uT} cqdai iqrrfi q rl a tt

o n c f r o r n c i r , i r ( i o ) a , I o u r t h l i . o m a c o r ] l b i r r a t i o no l r r l i t l i c t l r l c e , 6 f t h f | o m
g r i e f , e t c , s i r t h f r r i r t P o i s o r r sa t c i t s r , r r i c t i e s ,t l t r i r t r c a t m e n t i s a s a p p r t i p r i a t et o
t[e cause. cliseas,.: is also kuolvtt as tttrl,la, if it is llot lully developcd and is
ofrecerrt ol et. ( 2-3 )

laragurq rqq tsarfi c'rs'oi tqgrkqrarq r

etqraaSd{a'i(rii ciisiqstit iqqqta ictr ll tsll ( q fa < t )
lrrilulgenr:ein lbocls rvhich arc incompatible, spoilt and unclcan; showing
clisrespectto go,l.i, preceptors ( cld.:rs) :rncl the twice born; affectionof the mind
due to suddt:nemotions likc fear, joy, etc., and violent physical activitiesare thc
causes for unmadl. ( 4 )
i<rqqiqrq qdr: qgsr gifiiqrd E{d c*q I
q'tairq&gtq qilqatfa qdl€q-iqtg n(tq ia; ll q ll (s fs. 3{ trt )
In 1;crsons rvho ale melltallv weak, the dosas having undergone increase
i n v a r l e t h r : h r d a y a t l r e s e a to f n r i n t l , u c l l o c i g e di n a l l t h e c h a n n e l so I l h c m i n t i a n d
l r r i n s a b , r u i t h c i r r l c t ' a n q c t r r c rqt tu i c k l l . ( i r l
'ftfq.lq:,-1 aalgat efi<'r1tat a t
aalqqrri{ eqd q rud qlfiFqq;qlErlE{{ iosq. u q ll ( s. fs q lv )
Inrproper undcrstanding and unsteadinessof thc mind, in-coordinationof
12 MadhataNidanam

sight, feeling of fear, iirelevant talk, feeling of emptinessof heart ( mind ) are the
common specific symptoms of unmdda. 1 6 )
k"GgE a+i lqcq C& {€fld qrcgq€F-dEftaq rrs rr
qqrrd€rs{Wiq{ftaqrrmRircuriscrfi I
qlaEqfiEqt@rqoidrateftfr qd qrlaasa cqq il z rr ( r. fa.,v. tv )
Indulgencein foods which are dry, scanty or cold; ( frequent ) purgations
( inclusiveof vomitting ), depletion of basic tissues,fasting or srarvationand other
factors make for increaseof vata in the body. Vata, in turn getting exerted by
emotions like worry, etc,, in persons of weak mind, brings about derangement of
intellect and memory. ( 7-B )
afroiqraf|4s*irileiant ft<g{oiirrq r
Efa ftuii 1ti<E|g sqt{ rr q rr
arcGiti<rrriqaurTrqr:masafaqqofuuwirqr r
q€Blqdtrrf,qtlf\atqr ftat q lrtr fi?E-firq laSqrr qo l ( r tu. e tv )
Laughing, smiling, dancing, singing, speaking, makinq movement of body
parts and weepingat improper time and placei hardness/roughness, emaciation,
blackishred discolourationof the bo:ly exacerbationof symptomsafter diges.ionof
food-are the signsand symptomsof unmida causedby (increaseof vata. ( 7-8 )
Indulgence in foodswhich are not cooked, which are very pungenror sour, I
which cause heart-burn, which are hot etc., make for increaseofpitta, rr.hichin
tum affectsthe mind quickly, in the sameway as describedearlier,in personswho
are not selfcontrolled,leading to pittaja unmada. Intolerance,uncontrollability,
casting away the clothes and remaining naked, threatening others, running away,
feeling of burning sensation, desiring shade, cold water and foods, yellowish disce
lourationof the body are the signsand symptomsof this condition ( g-10
tiqsffd"{Rifla{q {il6cr sq} cffq drger r
Ce-yq ertgqatq &+cfr{qcd.riaG(rn{ l t t rr
erqifEiirr;qeitq*ar adtfikcflqqarsfrfiar r
oQa arct q sd q g* aqG{il${i ir rntnlarr+
errE l l-<rri'<iq q. t;)
Kaphagetting increasedalong with pitta by indulgence in over-eating,lack
of physical exercise etc., brings about derangement ofintellect and memoil,
causeskaphaja unmada. Its signsanrl symptomsare slow or weak "ncl
voice ( or ialk )
and body movementsranorexia,desireror women (or sex and soritude,
) excesir.e
Ch,20, Insanitlt 73
sleep,vomitting, saliva dribbing out, symptomspronounced immediately after tak-
ing food, whitish discolourationof nails, etc. ( ll-12 )
q! qfhqrdcqilsfidkr<S: scrhr q a iqirr; r<rq r
cqifi'r 6qrih iEqfi agfiqqci$qidqfiqc'ir n la l ( q. fs. 3{.rv)
Sannipatajaunmada is producedby increase of all the three dogastogether
by their respectivecauses. rhe symptomsof all the dosasare seenin the patient
and requirestreatment ofdifferent kinds. This conclition being prolound is to be
refusedtreatment. ( 13 )
.itidt.qga irf if irraqrs;if Hqrflqarcr qaEIFEtEIqH{TreII
qrdai qafb q flqqt fitrilqtia dtuaaii cndt fi{r(r n ts tl
fii sqlfi a eitsgrrdfiririt 'rrqtqdfaef'aiikFa qrlc q6: | ( g. j. o{.ri )
Getting frightened by ( sudden appearanccor. presence) of robbers,govcrn-
rnent officials( like police, etc. ) enemies and others ( wild animals,weaponsand
anything causingfear ), losso[ moncy ( or wealth death ol relatives( next of kin
suchas wife, lover, sons,daughters, parents etc. ) excessivedesirefor sex ancl such
other factors causegreat injury to the. mind and produce unmada. personso
affectedtalks indifferently, which he likes most,reveaiseven secrets,sings,laughs
or weepson his own accord and behavessenselesslv. ( l4-15 )
Gq{dt aaq}fiqqur gttqr qqrqnil {ierisq lriflad$ l iq n ( g. e. :r. ti )
In umddaproduced by poisons,tbe person will have red shot eyes,loss of
strength of body, sensesand complexion, helplessness,
black discolourationof
the mouth or face and lossof consciousness.
( 15 )
srErsgqe(.gdlil eirqqieq* a<rlqrrr<dl adfqg;q1qqfiacqf: rriq rr
Patient of unmrda who is found always keepinghis headbent down or bent
up, who is ernaciated,weak and alwaysawake (withoutsleep is sureto
) die. ( 16 )
qqtq'qrfi{fiq*d+ril qrarQiEilaqarGf!f,r r
srstq{Iasfiqaarrtalfrtug;wrqgqr6irq. [ (s lt ( 3T.ty )
Bhutonmatla( unmdda due to posscssionby ',spirits', is describedas the
diseasein which thc spccch, valour', strength,intelect and knowledgeof
the affec.
ted personis super-human ancrthe time of o'set of the symptomsunspecific( not
in accordancewith that of the dogas). ( 17 )
74 Mailhaoa
r*g* gfidiQencrEq{*i {tta'ft<lqaqderin{rfr |
aauq.}qq{i i(r q aqgs: 1 qz 1 ( s. 3. 3{.i" )
ilwt* Rq<qqitErsrqrar
( not expressingany desires). cleanliness ( engagedin keeping
.. 9ottr:n,rnent
his body, clress,surroundings,etc., very clean clesirefo. u.iy^.rt
), gariandi
scents,ctc., alwaysalert andfor.awake,alrvaysspeakingrcfirrcd( culture,l
) iu.,gu"ge
and truth, possessingbright complexion( on the face unwinking eyes,bestlwiig
favours and such othcr acts as seenin the symptomsof a per.son
possesscd by Deva gr.aha( gods/eoddesess ). ( lB )
driq'i fiqqeiqqlqqcr idqre* lqqaq.i fiqFiefE, r
tigdtaw{i qtacrailhdztietTi{[hq?mgqe,l Eql (1 r o .-.'
Pcrspiringheavily,always abusing brdhma4as, teachers,goJs, etc., ,listor.ted
look, absenceofany fear, critical of evcrything, never getting satisfie.-i
and drinks,indulging in sinful acts are seen in the personpossessecl
b\.:\iula irahirs
( demonsl. ( 19 )

Ecricr gla?E;rr-ailqadtrqrqr(: flqqqftftall;ssrEq:I

ZizI;+c6€fk qt€ qrcq{Ei q.qdaqqftfif* sgcqi l
".ol . - : 3i :. )
Contentment,roaming about on river banks, gardens,etc., inJul:ing in good
deeds,fond of good company,songs,scents, garlands;danceing,
merrily are the symptornsof the personpossesscd
by Gandharvagrah.l. . 20 :
arglEi: fiftIg<irErqqltf rrrfri I
EdqidrEqsrt vQrgr r
iat* eqfr a flr sqrf* qti ,it "qqrc€qftqlfiii qgrq: l ?r ri . - : !- .- )
Red shot eyes,desire for good, thin ancired coloured dress,-.leeiire;sin all
activities,walking fast,ver.y less speech, enduring any trouble,brilht conpicxion
ofthe face, enquiringothers what they want no. li. are the svmproms
of the
personpossessed by Yakga graha. ( 2l )
iani q fitrit tftatg fiogr{ -ar.crs6qli qtqqE€€r: 1
aiQtgfiaogecrqgrf\{H€dq+t irsft fieqafwge,il -. : r :o)
who is seeucngagcd in the act of offering pinda ( balls oi co .k.-
: r.iLe )
to the pitfs ( manes) at places.specifiedor othenvir"
i "u.n in rr.arer ,rrr,i,,g o,l
dresstopsy turvy, desiring p,ssparcdwith multon, sesarlr(.JdLier\. :rrl mijk
puddingsis said to be possessed by pitr graha. ( 22 )

ltq"{icqdh u'iaiqrfiqq*oq} &iaaR l}aq aiq r

mlqgri€rrugrqqnQagqlaail irqii gqsli
trq*i? sr: tltl ? 1
qE: ll .- : . - , { .q " )
Ch.20,Insanil 75
Per191 possessed by Btrujangagraha is seenmovingon the groundlying on
his chest,iicking thingsnearby with hii tonguc,getting inio uog",
jaggery, {rri.kly, ,i*ii"g
honey,milk and puddings.(23 )
ei<tqiraliugrriq*rriagfi i5frU{ciala66itsfirprr
dl'rrgFigoedtfiarfimlriatae3rEfr q rr$tddi;: I ?.r,l ( g. s. q. q. )
Personpossessed by Rakqasagraha is scen having great desirelor foodspre-
pared with mutton and blood, intoxicating thinks, total absence
of shyness,is very
cruel, very brave, angry, of great strcngth, roams about at nights
and hates
cleanliness( keepshinrselfand surroun,iingclirty ( 24
). )
sqra: F{q€ql ssfq<car di gd;'it U{cEtq{derr.siaAd:I
qar{il iiqnqnrraiqQql aqrlc{sqfh
eE{ fidlrq-gs: l l\ l ( q. s. i{. E"
Person possessedby Pi6acagraha is secnahvays keeping' himself
emaciated, talks irrelevant, emits bad smell, very clirty, very greedy
for food, eats
and drinks very heavily, runs about wceping alonc in uninhabited
places, Ibrest,
e t c .( 2 5 )
e{a5{gtrce+ e *<}a'i fiqrg, qafh q qrqi q ir E I
q{rfqie{{cqriliq;gart{r( eilscnd}rrqfeaur e,itq{Ff
rrrq rr(g.s,3{.q.)
Bulging out ofrhe cye,s,running fast, licking the fi.oth( in
the mouth ), cons-
tant tremorsand a Ibeling as thougb 'e has lalren a
mountain, elephantback
or a tree, etc.'are thc symr)tomi in,ricating incurab ity.
Likewisei, ttr" *r,.r,
the symptoms( seizure) nranifeston the l3th day of the ( "u."
month. 26 )
?ta6r fioiq1...Frg(r;{r;r'qirfi I rFrrel:qr.{iisEr4i qqrl*rlTftqersr
* -{etl
fi:qr:6"sr{i Grg:.rgrarri\q}.nr:r q{ifh <rel}trrei,uq{;i f}iF"'[';,
.. ,.
( 5. 3. 3|.q. )
Deva grahasseizethe person_on full-moon days, asuragrahas
.. in the eveningq
on the cighth day, yakgas on 6rst day, pitp grahas
-gu.n^dh_uT* during the dik
hallof ttre month, niiga grahason the fifth auy,.a'kqur".
during nights,"a"d p#;;
grahason the four.reenth rlay ( 27_2g)
Ef,o({tt q?IIsrqr fra}rui qriqfr qqr I F?cfqrllrtrr{*al qqil q
iiaGa q a ?{q;ae€Rde€sttfiq: ad a€rrn r
l ( : ..'o.=s"i'.-.'
Just as an imagc in thc mirror, experienceofheat and cold
by the body,
sunlightin thc gcm or .cat in fire are present
(but cannot be felt materially so
also the grahascannot be felt physicallyeven )
though they are plescnt irr the body
of the paticnt. ( 19 )
16 MadhavaNidanam

cfiE{crgntt G ftci g$ftq g'q61q111o I

Having enteredthe body the grahas(spirits)createintolerablesufferings.(30;
( aqifu fl-srfqatq qri e-drfiqd fiqcs s.q{ t
ig Rar 5T€Ir qrrRnsr.rqFTI{q [ 11 rl
i i c.g6i; q6 {ififFa ;rilr cEtrrFsiqniqd.a r
i rqfi*ftR qqiia it6ri rl<lqsrRcqqftar! n t?, rl
i'{i carod trfiwgql i *alvaergircq{iczrrr I
'4q{slci€gqr gftil fa{IrfoErqrlaqrssiq{|i;att 11 lt
cf.,rt'tqm-a6{fa{fq* qftrqfa-{ri srqrft<ri {qrsq r ?o rl

Observanceof austerities charity, vows, right conduct, rigid discipline,

truth, the eight extra-ordinarycapabilities*-are the qualitiesfound in the grahas,
more in deva grahasand lessin others. Hence,they by themselvesdo not enter
the unclean bodiesof human beings. Thosc who say so have no knowledge of
demonology. It is the thousands and millions of servantsor retinue ofthe grahas,
who are fond of blood and flesh, who are very terrific and who roam about at
nights who enter into the human body and take possessionof the person.( 31-39 )
Thus endsthe chapter on Unmdda.

* The eightextra-ordlnarycapabiliticsare ( 1 Anim6 (

) capacityto assumeminutesize,)
( 2 ) M a h i m e ( c a p a c i t yt o a s s u m ev e r yh u g es i z e ,) ( 3 ) G a i i m a ( c a p a c i t yt o b e c o m ev e r y
h c a v y) , ( 4 ) L a g h i m e ( t o b e c o m ev e r y l i g h t) , ( 5 ) p r d p t i( o b r a i o i n ga n y d e s i r e d thing),
( 6 ) P r a k d m y a ( f u l E l t i n ga l l d e s i r c)s, t 7 ) I $ a t w a ( o v e r l o r d s h iopn a n y t h i n g a n d ( 8 )
Vafitwa ( subjugatingor controllinganything.)
A c c o r d i n gt o a n o t h e r v e r s i o n( I ) c a p a c i t y t o e n t e ri n t o t h e b o d y o f r n o t h e r p e r s o n ,
( 2 ) e x t r a o r d i n a rsye n s pe e r c e p r i o n( ,3 ) t o u n d e r s t a n da l l s o u n d so r m e a n i n g so f a l l w o r d s /
l a n g u a g e , ( 4 ) c l p x c i t y t o s e e , ( 5 ) h e a r a n(d6 ) r e m e m b etrh i o g sw h i c h a r e i m p o s s i b bl ey
o t h e r s ,( 7 ) u n u s u abl r i g h tc o n p l e x i o na n d ( g ) c a p a c i t yt o l a n i s ho u t o I s i g h t - a r e t h e e x t r a -
ordinary powers.

( i+6t11tnr^^iter: ler 6rdtaie fiqar t 6ar qtrwd<wrert cs{i rr I rr)
asrcio: d(tril qlfii*ail€€At I qsQqr<
tla ilt qtt it<alq{*u' il 1 rr
( The dogas having become increasedby worry, griefl etc.,get lodgedin the
channelsof the hgdaya (mind), make for lossof memory (knowledge,consciousness)
and produce the diseaseapasmara), Apasmlra is known as the diseasewhich
causesfeelingof getting into utter darkness( lossof consciousness
), violent move-
mentsof the eyes, limbs ( convulsions), appearanceof other symptomsof increase
ofdosas and lossofmemory. This dreadeddiseaseis offour kinds. ( i )
ai:6?q:{&:qat€i tqrri eJBi ccsdr tfrqmru afrqr{ qR"qfi qqlqq ll ?,ll
1 9 .v . u . t t )
Palpitation, feelingof emptiness(of the mind ), perspiration,worry, fainting,
delusion,and lossof sleepare its prodromal symptoms.( 2 )
*rqe cEA+dt1hiarCt qkqfi I qretasr6cqrdicc+*rh qiliar( n i ll
Tremors, (convulsions), grinding ofteeth, frothy vomitting, increasedrespi-
ration, roughnessofthe body, seeingthings of reddish-blackcolour are the symp-
toms of vataia apasmdra.( 3 )
fra*atsqxRr: fiarq{qqda: I qEtoilqrnoaqrqdtfi{il q tk*: It g tt
Yellow coloured lroth at the mouth, yellowish skin, face and eyes, seeing
yellow or red colouredthings, thirst, feeling .of warmth of the body, the surround-
ings being seen as tho'rgh covered rvith fire are the symptoms of pittaja
rpasmdra.( 4 )
g$*irfssr$ qitausrsi gErI qci€g$ili rqrfu'tiFc*t g€qefi(rq uc u
( r . f v . : r .l r )
7B MadhauaNidanam
]Yn[lsn froth a^tthe mouth, white colour
o' .f;. il;, ";;;il;#."il:;J","'f,::
of the skin, face a nd eyes, feeling of

*-:x'lg. :: lr:,::**iT:i"
are,n.* _fi'".',.i;"",*, ##;: :5
::'::::T111..,., i
tlTlT:.i'J,'lt::t::j:-: or all thethree.closas
mara. It is incurableif fbund i'a person aresceniu rrdo$aja
*n. ir-.-,*",.*;;;i ,r_*?r.;i:;
xiirgcti <ga,$ui labaqaq r i*rrqi q
fioqiorqwqrillqapria rr,err
-*l of tremors
( convulsions
^-, eyes
and .l": seenin apas;nara ) emaciarion, fierce
meni l; .i.i.l)]
usuallykill the patient. ( i )
{ara eR{naqr
{Rrrarr&a11ar:r gdfiairi friiqura<qrrz rr
ii qdtq&
qqrad .iteriaditaq, "vrenm
*A;fhn+;;J, uo,fr.g"po,,,,< rr
( g s' 3T'qt )
qlr ,.ftqrqefirrarfq* qruqfcariscrqrrfqarq
qqr*T .. ?? ,

The dogasget aggravated (r.egularly on

) 5, .12or 30 cl:ry
duce episoJesof apasr'ira ( epileptic ,"iru.e,
), sometimcs evenapart liom these
intervals. Just as seeds sprout only
during (arat rtu ( autumn evcn
there happensto be r:rin carrierto that, ) though
so arso discasesdcvt-'loponry after . certain
period of time. ( B-9 )
Thus endsthe chaptcr on Apasrlira.

Gfl{ftaraqa€seaqqrqdhrraFri: I fiqcrgqsne ttqrqn-qqqnqfirr I rr
dEFags:rtquq6qrqrqrRf'{*iE*: r qrqai dqrqrfq:aniqtqrihryiqrq il Rtl
iqdqnorr{crqaganrqrilaarqranlerrqitqrraflaanwdearq il i tl
?i e'taifb iiarfi q<frersfidr qol r qilfh &firrq aqrfrq sql*mrsdnqr{ rrg rr
IixcessiveinCulgcncein fooCswhich are dry, cold, scanty, quickly digestible;
sexual intcrcourse, kecpin3 alvakeat nights, improper trcatnlcrlts,excessivedis-
chargeofdosas and blooC from the boCy ( during the courseof treatmentslike
emesis,purgation,bloocl lettinl{, etc. ); jumping, swinrming,long distancewalking
and such othel excrcises;loss or depletion of body tissues,worry, grief, extreme
dcbility due to protracte,:ldiseases,
habit of suppression of natural urgesof the body,
ploCuctionof -ma ( undigesteJintcrmediary metabolities), trauma, fasting or
discases of vital organs, riding fast on elephants, starvation, injury or camel,
horse or falling durinq such riding etc., causethe channels ( of vlta ) in the
body to become empty ( dry ) which later gct fillcrl with virta and producc diflerent
diseases affcctingone or more palts ofthc body. ( l-+ )
sr6,{ddqiuihvi qriwfifi r€dq | 'qr?rrqri
q q$qiwrrq{l agar ga: lr \ ri
Its prcmonitory stage is charactelisedby appealance of the symptoms of
the cliseasein rnilder form, the sarne symptoms becoming well marked and
severedenotestlre stageof manifestation;abscncc of char.acteristicsymptomsand
lightness ofthe boly (drrring the courseof specificdiseases
to be describedfurther
on ) ar-cthe signsof cure of such diseases.
(5 )
dr:fe: q{qi rarrit r+ftseri qtiqufi I tc€d: carqeavrfugufilfnar l l q l l
qFiqqtEraulsdiiq i riiissrarqiiqar I migmrqtdpl: q;qd' qFrgsirr |9 tl
otqq l z rr
firilar<rfirsnoriftqqprili g€a{ | }q€it*sf*q&fr gg*rnrrcT
qdhrrfi qcrlor{itfh giiitsfiar r lgwrafiiera uifrrrfiivsq rr< rr
B0 MadhtjoaNidanam
Contractures of body parts, rigidity of joints, fractures or breaking pain in
the bones and joints, horripulations, delerium, stiffness of the joints oi hands,
back and head, lamenessof one or both legs, curvature of the back, wasting of the
body parts, lossof sleep, loss or destruction of foetus, semen and. ovum; tremors,
lossof sensation,curvatursof head, nose,eyes,shouldersand neck; cutting or other
types of pain in the body parts, frequentconvulsionsand debility. These and
similar kinds of symptoms are producedby incresaed vata, correspondingto the
causesand sites of affection, ( 6-9 )
ar ritcrlertgi fia€'t qeeri€t: r Errirqgrcrlir crd{F q crce l to rl
If vata is increasedin the ko;1ha ( alimeniary tract there lvill be obstru.
ction to passageofurinc and feces, enlargementof the scrotum, heart diseases,
tumors ofthe abComen,heamorrhoidsand pain in the flanks.( 10 )
qffie q€ .nqrgi<qqwn{,r iEafirr v0aw r5adtaFq q;qqr [ !,1,il
Ifvata gets increasedall over the body, there will be tremors ( throbbings,
twitchings,pulsations,etc. ) cutting and other types ofpain, feelingof pain in the
joints as though bursting out, etc. ( l1 )
edl fivq*+nr<i rqanarrrwafw: rwgldi*vtCsitftild g? fiqt rr ic, rr
It vata getsincreasedand occupiesthe regionof the guda (rectum),therervill
be stoppage of movement ofurine, feces and flatus; pain anrl distention of the
abdomen, forrnation of urinaly caliculus anclgravel, pain in the calves, thigs,
pelvis,legs and back and emaciation.( 12 )
a's cre{iiq€eftrqtoitenfiqiiq1r I i6ln: fiIs4rq{ilq*t eitrq91grrrqkqirr {e tr
If increasedvdta residesin the amd6aya( stomach) pain in the flanks, abdo
men, rcgion of the heart and umbilicus,thirst, erectations,vomitting and diarrhoea,
cougb,drynessof throat and mouth and dyspnoeaare found. ( i3 )
qsr{qr*$qEd ?&aritql*i[a e 1sepqegii.itaerardla{aEatq lt lts tl
Ifit getslodged in the pakwa3aya ( large intestineand rectum there rv l
be intestinal gurglingsand pain, difficulty lor defccation and micturition, distention
ofabdomen and pain in the sacralregion. ( l4 )
,ilqrqGqFqq-{d SqiEgesilqr | ( a. fa a. rc )
I1'vdta gets increasedin the indriyas (senseoreans) it produces loss of
function of thoseorsans.
Ch.22, Diseausof nerttous 8l

ieqST {s|rdl gflr sil s6qrlq Oqa I

srrd;qe sffrr q qi€t icqesfna ll i\ ll ( q. fs. q. Rc)
If it is located in the twak ( skin ), it producesdryness,cracks, loss of
sensation,thinning,blackishdiscolouration,pricking pain, stretching,rednessand
painin the joints.( 15)
QntaIEfIr cl€;dtqt qqoq q'{IiTISQliI: I
qri sruiiq gfirq tdrqe-{qtq*sfi} ll ia ll ( s. fs. ar. ?. )
Ifvlta gets locatcd in asrk (blood ), there will be severe pain, increased
feeling of heat, discrlouration,enraciation,lossof taste,appearance of ulccrsor boils
on the skin and stiffnessofthe bo iv after rnt:rls.I l6 )

giiti gqistq.i (qsgisad qqr I q€t.,-riiaciq?i ciciirris[n] rr (s rr

If vata getslodgeI in ml4.rsa-rredas( musclesand fat ) it produces feeling
of heaviness of the body pirfts associatcdrvith severepain as though beaten by a
stick or fist and extleme exhaustion.( 17 )
iritsRqq.iqi q{iutf,a qiqqaq{q:t
:rtas' daar trr q qslfi'qsiiisiiB tt q,zll ( q. t<. a. r" )
Iflocated in the majja-asthi ( mllrorv aud bone ) \'ata causcssplitting pain in
the bonesand joints, losso[' strengthol rnusclcs,loss of sleep and constant pain
ofthe body. ( l8 )
fad gaia {sri4 Z{i .riic',rriqqr t
iqafa naiqrii g*ru: giiitsftit: ll i,q ll ( a le a. 1. ;
Ifvata affectsthc lukra ( reploCuctivcehmeuts ) there will be either prena.
ture or delayedexpulsion of scmcnand foctus or production of abnormalities of
embriyo.( 19 )
sqliiqcrrrarqpi ie{rsen$qq | ( : fla.w. t )
€ irrurlq;dttqld eeii +laiqqqfi ll ?." ll
qqi*rrgilqi,: 5aliargndlsiaa: r ( a. fa. a. ?<)
€GarrG'rqa:q;..jiq.aagr.i-l +ifi q tt r( tt
If located in tlre sitas (veins arrdaftclics) it causesplin' contracturesor
sholteningan,.lengolgement( rvith ar:,:unrulatiort o1'blood), If vata gets localised
in the sn-yu ( tendons/rrerves) thele rvill bc bowlike bcnding of the body inwards
or outwards,contractufesof the fin::ers,shorteniug of the body .by curvatureof the
back or lcgs and other discasesof cithcr the whole or any part of the body. If
B2 MadhapaNiddnam

localiscdin the joints, it causes loss of luirction, pain and cracking sound in
them. ( 20-21 )
arrla*rnFr+t q rrqrn€qrqr€iTrrsa qnqiia aiiiiorq rr)
l floitqri {TFIaa;r
wd iirqi sHqia*itqqrqh r {tir< eqi d;qr i(ri a xmrgi rt ".i tt
vqri fiqg* 1 Era)q=ai rirsrsF: t -.rriqadt
q;ir5i": rftaarq *nrgi rrr1 rr
+iq4r*w*q;ai: +g: qqrl lwd$ r r*< q* iqaqi anaoia arqi tt ie tt
"r'rrl fi<go q qr€icqd<sq{dr I
3rq:$Ia gaiFi iI rft<ar a *nrgi l l 1 ' 1 l l ( T f 4 . " { . l )
EIIAfiar1a <ta]rrrafi*qoi sq: | (a.H+ <osfizliq llg{rtiq} {$r?i. l it tl
q?r{ !rq;il:qqf: $iiiisiik qraa:I a?rssfuqiqr-q ggrigti: qgz{r:p 1\ell
ggrjgariirorrqrirartii +qa't
Prana,udanl samana,vyanaanrl apilnl thcsr frvevatas i:t tlrcir nor.mal
state sustainthc body in good health, )
Ifprdlav:rta gcts avararla( cnconrpassed,surrourrrleJ, intet.fct.r:rl,
by pitta, there will l-revomitting and bur.r.rinc
scrlsrrjor; il lry kapha thcr.cwill be
rtebility,lossofstrength, stupor and bad tasrein the rnouth.
Udinavata when encornpassed by pitta produccs burning scusation,laintiirg,
giddinessand exhaustion; if by kaphait causcsloss of pcrspir.:rtion,lossofenthu-
siasm,poor digestiveability and lceling of cold.
Samlna vuta whcn encomlr;rsscd by pitt:rgivcs ris. to pcfspiration,brnning
scnsltion, incrcaserltcnlpcratrrrc anil fainting; if b,v kaphait causcsobstruction
to elimiualion of urine ancl{'eccsanrl horr.iprrLrtionsin thr: bod1,.
Apena vata if encompasscdby pitta causcsllrrning scnsation,ilrcreasc of
temperature'elimination of urine mixed wirh blor,d arcl if by kapha, heavincssof
the lorverlirnbs and feelingofcold.
Vydna vata encompasserl lty pitta givcs rise to bur.ning serrsation,abnormal
movementsof thc body parrs a.d cxhaustion;if by kapha, stifiuessol' thc body,like
a 1og,pain and srvelling.
\{hen thc i.creaseclvatagets localisecl in ali rhc cliramanis(blooclvcssels )r
ol'the borl1, it; quick, {icquert irnd jerk' rlrovcrrcllrsof the bcclyr'lriclr
alc calleclAkScpaka( convulsions) ( 22-27 )
Tq: ti: *itdeig, rtnnr(r{ cqdi rr n ( r r{ r ? )
l . T h i s s h o u l db e s n a y u s( t e n d o n so r n e r v e s) a n d l l o t d h a r n a n i s( v e s s e l)st o b e m o r e
Ch.22, Diseases B3

riisqtas{ rriqri{r(r tr€i e dtcqq t ugd*e}anw{irQ;itai<{ tt qq ll

q q;;plgepQerfirtcoqtEi'lsqfifra* t *,ita qq 6ia iirder dlsqa;qqr lt 1" tt
a& d€diq {{i ir €iirr fiobaqeii r 6Q g* ac' tettcd qrla rik qi sar tt 11 tt
qlgal Elaoi lrgt'*' aqaantq t
qcidiqi) ga atg<rria qfi iacid ll ?Rll ( <r' ft ir' t r )
qoeqttaciriia q E +etqatnsr I (
Vdta undergoing increase by causesakin to its nature, moves upwards
atrcicausespain in the hrdaya ( hcart ), irce'1 arrd tc;rlpler; Inahesthc body to bend
like a borv; associrtccllvith cotnulsionsalt,l loss of lollsciotlsrlcss'The patient
wili be having difficulty in ltreathi'rg, eycl .'r'icleopen without movement of lids
or eyes complctelyclosed, tnakcs sountlin tirc thloat like a pigeon' This condi'
tion is known as l\J)atantraka;a similar t:onditionkr,orvtras Apatauakais described
by other scholals,i' wliich the paticnt will l;c havisg lixcd gazc in the eyes, lossof
consciousness, cooing sounrlin tlie throat, inrctnrittcnt lclief o[ sylnptomsrvhenthe
healt gets lieed from vaitabut again gettirlg back to urrcotrscit-rusness'
If in apatanaka,vata gets associatedrvith kapha, the body of the patient
rvill be stift like a log of rvooC;wherrit ir known as DandapatZinaka.( 28-32 )
{EtA€d aiatd e qgr€drq{i{fir ll 11 ll
qgdtg€$qa{adEit{odi}ra: I argq'rlacfndt q<rssiq{qfidiqqt{ tt 1g tt
'{rq;at qgiiq zl<l aqfa ctiqq ll 1\ ll
iqstqter; aa'rr€gii?qr frt6 qc{ |
aqrsrqtrq;a(rqrq' 5{a craii cdl I qTa€rgcdRtcil qtatqFi 6tlfh q ll lq ll
dcqltd3'I1:qgdarxaa.3qsa{| ({ |{ 3{ I)
Vdta making the body l-.cntlike a bow is called as Dhanulrstambha;when the
powerfuivata aftects the net-work of snlyus ( tendons, nerves) located in the
toes,heels, abdornen,r'egion of thc hcart, chcstanC throat, causing severe con-
vulsive movcmcntr, the patient develops fixcd gaze, stiffnessof the lower jaw
indrawing or collapseofthe flanks, vomitting ofmucus and bending ofthe body
inwards like a borv-is known as Abhyantl.r rdyarna (dhanullstambha); when the vAta
affectsthe tenclons/nervesofthe external pa|t ol' thc body, the patient gets an
outward bendinglike ir bow, associatedrvitli dystlophy of chest, rvaist and thighs.
This conditionknown as Behyhylima( clhauubstanrbha ), is in the opinion of schol'
ars incurable.( 33-36 )
*qiqqf;qit qqqlgts q *qd: tt is tr
qiiqralaf]r*r aitiqarlaqqls q: ll iz ll
sdqraiqqi ?a;q qdricf\qrdfiq I
afqsraf'afqnzr a fqwiqqalq6': t ( g. fa u. 1 )
B4 MadhauaNidanam

VAta associatedwith kapha and pitta or evcn alone produces a Iburth kind
of akgepakadue to trauma to thc parts of the boiiy.
Apatdnaka caused by abortions, excessivehaemorrlragcancl trauma ar.e
incurable.( 37-38 )
Z d l t q r s i a a l q l g : f k < r e r X f i a l s c q 1 11a(,I f + + 1 ;
e{e-.q.i alia qliq{;'rr{isdtF{{ | iFi€ilsdfirqrdrcrqrE{fvzil fiiaa' rrgo rr
qnlsit{i * *iit;i w*i lag: I q{i*ilqraeq qiryqil}:isfr} lts?.l(?i f4 { ly.)
\Vhi:nv rt:r affci:tstlie sira; an:l sn-ryuso l ' a n y h , r l l ( r i u l r r o l l c f t ) o l t h e
body, causing loosening of- its .joints,lossof c o r r t l o l , i n a l . i l i t y o f ' f r r n c t i o n i n r al r r d
lossof sensationin the limbs-it is callcil b,vsome as likrlirga loga ulrrl by others
as pakgava,lha.\Vhen the entile bo:l,v(l;cth h a l v e s ) i s t h u s a f i i c t c d i t i s k n o r v n
as SarvlirgavAta( 39-4 t )
Er€tt?irtq{€Bl:rgeli iir<crf:ai r rirqolionutqrfi aitciq r,qri]qd tra? ll
gqEla€d qqi 6;Fqtqari iag: t <rta+ia rigcrerud eraig*q tidiil (,r f{ 3r.l)
Ifin thc altove diseases,vatais associatc,l
with pitta, tlrcrcrvill bc l;urnirr:
sensation,increasc of tempclaturc of the aller.tcdparts anrl fainting; il as.ooietccl
with kapha, cold, swellingand heavinessof rhc afiectcclparts manilcst.
Paksavadhacaused by v;ita alone is diflctrlt to cure, llrat caLrserlbv vata
associatedwith other do;asis casyto curc ancl that rvlrich lt:adsto ernaciutionor
wastingis impossible
to cure. ( 42-43 )
( nftoii qla*rcraZqdiileeqqql r qeturd nliaiq ilar rk.r] qk tr ) ( :ft a )
( PakgaghrLta scel in prcgnant \\'om,:n,worrrctrrtrccl(l;, tii litcrcrl cltiIrcn,
old people,emaciatedpersonsaud that causerlby he:*,; blceclingrnrl that irr rvhich
the patient has no sensationat all in the allectedlimbs shoulclbc refiisecltreatmet.)
siaqladtsqti <rr{arrfAnrii qr | €trit Tr{it qrsii .rr(riacc{rriqa:
l tststl
fuitardufigraore{orqF{q: r a{*a{idt qdnf4* qaq?qir:i
q#irrqia qrrd 4iil qrczTqErfe
l B\ tl
fh<aroh qrne* lar{ai a ioaq r trrcriagr{;arai aRq;qreiia a?nrlt }jq tl
Vata funetiorrirrg
in thc rcgiorroI tlic hcntl, .osc, iips, r irir, lbrehcatlarirl
eyes,gets affectcdby acts likc spcakiugirr irigh pitch for long p31io:15 of time,
biting harJ materials,indulgingi' cxcessi'cLiuqhi.g,
loadson the hcacl, uncvenor irregular slecpingposture,ctc., proclucesthe dis-
easec.rlledAldita, The personwill have in.cgularit,vor asymrnetr.yof the flace,
the anglesof the mouth dloop, lhe neck is turned outwards, shaking of the head,
sjtstem 85
inability to talk, abnormalities of movement of the eyes, neck, chin and jaws
associated with pain. ( 44-+6 )
( qrqt:ril tiqa"ii iqgisqrliaq t arg<':{ t+[a tanriq] q;qlage€:lt )
aaf{ainfi qE€qlfqa{IfirfiqE]qrlrt qiiorcqfnfiqwrq rrqfiFzrinrrrfisr:tt tsell
q iq':atei{* qrd ieq.i qqaq q r ( r. f+. a. ? )
( IJolripulations,trcn)ors, accumulationof dilt in the eyes, l<.issof sensation
of the skir, pricking pain, stiflnessof tbc ncck aud ]ower jaw are the prodron.ral
symptornsof ardita. ) Expcrt clinicianscall this diseascas Aldita.
Ardita in emaciatcd persons,who do not rvink their eycs, lr'hosc spccchis
slurrcd and incoherentarrtl in rvhom it is pcrsisting fol molc than three year-sis
incurablc.( 47 )
rra arr uiq tltw{ q{,:qrqrqrritg tr uz ll ( rr. ti=.,i. I J.)
In all types of lkg,.:pekas( convulsir,c disorders) the patient gets periods
of health( nonnalcl ) rvlrni thc cpisoCes
of attackpassoft. (.18)
r gira} €E(6(q: qcf}tqrs{io} €g{ lt tsa.ll
+itia ialart<t<qqqr Fi1arcqafq I
€3q€: q ia tqttg;Plqdtrqlcorq tl \o tt (ar. fa. ,r. tr )
irr putting out the tongue too much for long perrods, eating
dly foodsand injurl' m;rkcsfor incrcascof vara located near the neck; rvhichin
turn, loosensthc joirttsof thc lorvcrjarv, makingthe mouth cither openor closed
tiqht a1l thc tinrc. causing difficulty irr choling and speaking. This diseaseis
knorvuasH:rnugrahr.( {9-50 )
c;4t{dr}i csaa n qq €Gcoflsstd: il \q [ ( u fa. a. t )
VIta gctting inclcascrl eithcr- alone or in associationwith kapha by sleeping
at day time, illegulal postures)lookiug in npward direction for long periodscauses
Nlanyastamlrha ( stiffncss
ofthc ncck.) (51 )
qrr{rkdiiqrrd€'.il iiai *arqqisiiar r
iialrarrr, q icrqqnqmisqdi{ral u q-{ l ( qr.lq q tr )
Likovisc vata pro:lurcs.Jihrvastambha (loss of' movementof the tonguc)
affectingthc tenrlorrs/nclvrr lclu lh. r'oiti: box ancl causeinability for. chcwing,
S r i n k i n ga n d t l l l ' i n g .( 5 2 )
{ifiqtpjizr llar gal-qrirrrr, ftq: t
GqiI: €aqaf: q;tu11r frf5q1tq: {zrTFqqnEr q,R ( Er. lc. q. qr )
ato Madhaaal\idanam

Vata inclcase(I,getting localisedin the blood and blood vesselsof the head
causesthem to shrink, become painfui and black. This condition known as
Sirdgraha( or (irograha ) is di{ficult to curc. ( 53 )
Rs*qal xftEdtqqrgqfrqtscq I .zbrdt{arqaffiti,iarfirq'Shrrgtnqtsu
qrirlarasqFl;qtriJqqrilq*rGqat | ( -'r.fq. q. r; )
( enaarqirri€l'i ?srqrii qqfiar | ilrE{eq{ddiii rswi raeqaruflq,l \q, tl
qla€Edl&srciq fifiif aGer{aq I d;er gractsar irniqra}q q n c'cll
V6ta eitl.rer alone ol associatcilrvith kapha produccs ( a discase callcd )
Ggdhrasicharacterisedby stiffirrss(i.abiliry ro move)ancl sevcr.e pain startingin the
lumbar region movi'g tlorvnrva.rlstlrrough thighs, k.ees,r'alvesa'd feet. Rigidity
and throbbings are also expericrrccdintcrnittc'tly if rlue onlv to vata and if
due to associationwith kapha, stupor, heavinessancl anorexia arc experienced.
( Pricking pain, irregular shapeol tlrc body parts, tl)r(,bb;ngsancl severestiffnessof
joints ofknce ancl rvaistarc profound jf vtta is a{rccteclalone in grdbrasi but
if rvith kapha, thcr-c rvill bc poo' rligcsrivc abilit,v, srupor, salivatio' and
aversionto food are pr.ofourrd. ) ( 54-56 )
aii *ag'aj'tai qti .60grl qrgggar \s ll
qtaJr*i{rq+('i fisr{r iia qlqqi r ( g. f,r.,r. t
Vi6vaciis afftctio. of the tc'cloirs/nervcs
of the fingcrs,the fingcrs,the arms
andthe shoulders,causing lossof functionof thc arm. ( 57 )
Elra{rliorditdlril agn',} q€rtq: \u tl
ia: mis*{ft;*a <qa' *lq-,*rfii{,aqr
( g. fa.":r.i )
Vata and rakta gctti.g affectcrl
a vcry painful srvcllingof
the knee.jointresemblingthe head.f a big {irr. He'cc k.orvn as Krostuka-(irsa.
iIIg: SE{tf}r. qlzq: qog11s1i1triqEttt qq. tr
ewraql llfq;1: q$' qrzildri}?iqrq| ( g 1; a t )
Vata affcctingthe tendons/ner.ves o[ thc waist nrakesa n.ianlame; knolvn
as Khafrja ifone lcg is affcctecland par'rguif both legs are affected.( 59
cmrc{.aqe qrd qsr&q q q€aii l qo ,,
isarqq3i {. faql;gceiirts-r;}jra{I (.t. fr. a. I )
Presenceof pain at tlrc co;nrlencemcnt of rv.ilkinq, lirnpin.l later
, on and
of the joints or the lcgsare thc featu'eso| Kar;iyakhaflja ( rameness
by ingestionof pea, lentil or masurarlala. I ( 60 )
(h. 22, Diseases
syslem 87

€nqta iqqc;qri arcEt qlqa q?l tl qq,ll

s€q Uffiqdlt?{ dqlgqlainsurn(t ( qr' fc. 3{.lr )
Impropel placing of thc feet on thc ground while rvalkingor exhaustion
due to exertiorrof rvalkingmakesfor localisationof vata in tire region of the heels,
causingscvcrcpain. This condition is ktrowtras Vataka4laka.( 6l )
qlqqJr5aA qrdfiqretcka:tsina: ll q-<ll
iqitqa;,ls:xqa,vr4qrdaerQitq t ( 1. f<. "r. I )
Virta ijctting incrcascd,asso.riatrd rvith kapha arttl lakta (blood ) causcs
bulning scnsatiorril thc solcs o1' thc leet in persous who indulge in excess
rvalk.This conclitiorris calledPidadaha.(72 )
acca q{,rr} q{{ qiai qrii{ g'.wl tt ql ll
qt{ai:qiqira,tqqracr}qdi |({ k q. i )
Irrcreaseot'r'iita :rLrrt,lwith kapha ptoduccs i)adahargarvhich is characterisecl
of pils anti uccriless
rvith a f'cclirig in the fect (ti3)
or fcclingofkrssof'sensation
'.itrittk',rit qtg: aiiqiEqq:}rn\ll qts ll
ietrat5*q asr?it naiqqqrg{q | (t fa a t)
Vhta locatcrlin the region of thc shoulclcr.causesemaciation ( cf nuscles)
of thc shoulder.joint. ( This is knorvnas Arhsa {oga.) Apablhuka is anolhcr con-
dition clueto contractiqnol thc tendons/ncrvcs of that region.( 64 )
qruiq qrg: q{s'l }rqdi: {l;Eelk{tr ll q\ ll
| ( 1. fq 3{ S )
Vata gettingincreascdalcng with kapha invadesthe dhamanis( vessels ) of
the voice box and makesrhe person ineffcctive in talking ( mute) or talk through
his nose( nasal specch) or causcstarnmerinq.( 0 5 l
-,r'il qr d'Eararla adiqeraiiirrar tt qq tt
lq;idra gq)wri qr qdi ntq qrqd: I guir{t'4lfiqat qt q cfhad qqd\at tt Qe tt
ii: q*nrd nria rliq.f,ria dreqi r ( g. f4. a. | )
;s that tliseasein rvliicli scvrrc crritingpain is experiencedin the rectum'
urinary blatldcr anclthe penis,p:rin nrovingin clorlnlvarddirection. If the pain has
at.t upwarcl movemtlnt reaclringthc lalgl: intcstiucs it lvill be called as Prati-
tnni ( 66-67 )
qrilqcige{sH i!srir4{t e-{tq ll qz ll
3rrrcrnflk ii iqqrq'tt {rdinil}ri{ l
BB A[adhaaa

Gge.rrr.iaq{ a?qrcrfl,iliiqa{rrqa.rr
qiqncdflqsrf,rqrt+naqrsfaariaaqr1r. f+ a t )
obstruction to the movcrncnt of the flatus gives
rise to the condition called
,_A'dhm1na,charactcrisedby gurgling n.isc in rhc iulestincs,severepain and,disten-
tion ofthe abdorne'; vata associatec.lwith kapha causingsuch a condition in the
region of the stomachbut away f'om thc ,"gio,.,of'
the heart anclthe flanks_is
knolvn as Pratyadhmana.( 68-69.)

atirtqtatitista: darir qiE qts-rdr u so ll

eltiiatqea] qiiqr':{crqa Eqa: I
qraujioi lqerdtqraftqlqiqil&dlq rr,sl,rr
qarlq rit't'{i q6fquq*ili'r{rq r
ftqdlafcia afs-ri iarigitu.rrq 1 eRlt 1-. io t,
A tumor, below the umbilicusmovins or.not
moving, hard like a ironsmithrs
stone'projectinguplvaradsand causiug
obstructionsto passagcsof fecesand urine
is to be understoodas VdtaSthira Thc
fou.d associatecr
with pain, obstruction
to flatus,feces and urine and lying obliquely
in the abdomen is cailed p.atya_
$hila. ( 70-72 )

eroisggil erir qd qrqt cq*d r

f,q*r<ticiqqrnrrsciaa'lc uq[.a q rr ,gl tt ( g. flq.,{. t
Vata having its normal dorvnlvar..lrnovcment(
anuloma) makes for proper
eleminationof urine from the urinary l..rladder,
but causesmany a disorderif it
becomespratiloma ( movementiu upwarrl riirciri,_,n.
) (73)
qqlstrqr inrdt qrgdqgdqfi r
cqdig qqsstrnrqarailzdt l stsl ( q fs. ,r. .c
Vepathu is that condition causedby v-ta in
rvhich all the parts of the body
including the head will have rremors.
Khalli is that co',ition i' rvhieh the'e rvill
rrec.ristortio'sof the legs, calves,
thighs,chestand arms.i 74 )
( arr: iliadl etrg:lieqqt crria qt r +ift,{rrrqrgeq{!:{qta:q
ssqi rrsq rr )
Vata getting obstr.uctcd
in i(s rlorvn,,
movemcnt either. by kapha or by
itself,beginsto movc uprvarcls:rnrl ploiluces
ltio rnan1,ercclations.'fhiscorrdition
is known as 0rdhvavata. 75
i )
Ch.22, Diseases
of nuaousslstcm B9
la$; ieriiqRQi( | q+6iegderi firil+qqaqfurrsqrr
Symptomsof the
. ,remainingkinclsof (iatavyadhisI u.. to bediagnosedin
of affectionand namc, so also the association "witi,
::.:::::: :T:lsite or uau fiuu
and other dosas.( 76)
6gtru{4o,qoq€tErrdt,raFml:| ( +. fa. or.r< )
*tlq c€<r ETtaI
qt ?i{t n ee tl
.Rr{ qaqar?+drdqPr}ii€qEsld I
Hanustambha,ardita, akfepa, pakqaghrta, apatdnaka
become severe and
difficult to cure or eve' incurablewit' tapse or i;me.
Treatment or these strouil
be attem'tecl lbr prtients w'o arc physicallystrong
and in whom .h;.; ;;;;;
complications.( 77-78 )
iqqd{Eerqsq^sok;qleqdi, rroe rr
sirqciqqd qrargGaqsrqquqrI
Vata clisorderssuch as, pak;awadhaare going to be fatal
to patients who
developvisarpa ( eryseperas burning ,".rrutio*n,
), J.ue." pui.r, non-elimination
flatus,feccs,urine, etc,, fainli:g, anorexia, poor of
dcgcstivc capacity, ;ffi;';;
musclesand lossofstrengtb.(78
tli gma;i rrd *rvltqlqiiqJf?6* ,
rsrfiqrd q ct qn6qtiqf*artriq rr eq l ( g. {. dr.i i
Swellingof. the body ( or irs parts
. ), loss ol tactrle sensation,fiacturesof
bones,tremors,flatulanceor s€vere pai. found
in vltavyadhis are alsoto be con-
sidereI as latal signs.( 79 )
er;qr€aqiidtq rqnrq: qsfrfiqa: r
.rrgr{qtiq)sfir* *iat-cifq: qqrr il zo tl
qla ,{iqrd{fi{lE{[s] qnrafcar]
er{rqrfaf{<I{ qqrnt l i1 tl

Vata,in its nornralstate,whosemovements

are not changed,remainingin
its normallocations,helpsman to live a hundredyearswithout
any disease.
( B0)
Thusendsthe chapteron Vdtavvldhi.


oqorlr(E6gqrt(i€r,ritnqn$toiioi,t lsegrttrgstleqiqft uqmq6fi: tt i rt

ll ? lt
Sdiqcgd'qg{rl{tRqa}giq: I EEqr{al6€Jiii(gi6aitg{rqar
iet<r'-nua*'ttri?<ttqscqntt t ( a fa 'i rt )
qlqflr gScKIqIi fieqrct<is€rRonqI
rgaraiEieai eriq 5'qi aneillwaq rr 1 tt ( a fa' t )
aciq'iti,t"aiuln*aq fiqrad q isqtei:{atq t
urci qd {iqatqtg aa wt* gri lrqqJafiqi q I
'r' i )
itt+g<i argarqieia arltauet5ti amtnq rt u tt ( g |<
latty' vct 'v
ove r-indulcencein foodswhich are salty' 'tout''Pungent' alkaline'
regior.rswhi,ch havc
rrot o, url.oofdal garn J"il"ts or birds of nrarshyor des':rt
"f no rnoistureat all; eata-
been soakedfor long time in lvater, or those which have
cow-pea' leafy vegctables'
bles having ,"ru-ui-t, radrlislr, 1to,,"g'ot, blackgram'
mutton, st[arcartejuice, .,rrdr, f"rrn"it"d drinks likc aranlia'
liquids )' foodsprepared
( fermentedbuttermilk ), surd, dsava ( all such [ermented
iymixing incompatables; quantity of fr-rods;^anger'
"uting-o'" other l*O]lq.Ol:t:g
awakc at night and such fooclsand ectiviltcs rvrll
dalJeep'ing-dir.ur" -unhealthy
p.ho".'u callediatarakta; speciallyin those*lo ut-",Yl1-lgq" l"::
tender orgatrsor booy
u""ortorn"d tohard ways of life and so having soft and
with hard'
parts ), who are,very obcseand who are happy always ( not experinced
for long
liip o. -ir"ry-iu,ty ki^d );idiqg -on elgphant, ho'se' camel' etc '
..rt i"n .uur. trurning sensatio' inside durittg
durations of time, indulging in Io;ds
or cata'
or after digestior\ etc.r makes for overCooking of rakta ( irypermetobolic
blood associated
bolic activity in the blood ). This improperiy processeclbad
is the predominanlolre in this ciiseasc( l-1 )
becausevlta closa.
tiitstq'.i a €rt{lsq{ tqal{id tisiatl i
qfi'riiqaqctatti qec iigdlfiq: tt q ll
qgw$l€*aiwaqlErrs{iqg r Gdlqr {S(oi it{t gai{ gfRi'q q ir q ll
Ch.23,Gout 9l

tfiqg: {II;qg €.I[.il }fqT iqeltil qfq$q I

tqo,f qo-sdtqf+qldrqF{s'aqurqlt s u ( q. fu. u. ir )
Excessiveperspiration or absence of it, black discolouration, loss of tactile
sensation,severe pain even on slight injury, loosenessof joints, lethargy, debility,
appearanceof trophies in joints such as knee, ankle, hip, shoulder, fingers and toes,
severe pain such as knawing, pulsating, cutting, heavy, troublesomeor itching;
pain is intermittent; pigmentationand appearanceof circular rashesare the prod-
romal symptomsof vatarakta. ( 5-7 )
qrisftr*sf\si ir{ q(a{gnolqqa{l dlanq fteti ouoTi.i
qqrsat{kapqr tt < tl
qy.qEibe;dtai ridt*ts*e6tsiarr. r rftaivgqtri raerrtrqggaq:l q,tl
Il'vdta is very predominant, pain such as pulsating,tearing/cutting will be
very severe,swellingofjoints will appeardry, black or blue, increasingor decreas-
ing often, contracturesof the fingers, stiftnessand severe pain, dislike for cold,
symptomsincreasingtry cold things, stiffness,trernorsand lossof sensatiorl etc., in
other parts of the boCy are seen.( 8-9 )
<* dtdtsfhr*i{€(rsibiii'qqrq} r Fq'"m*' nd ifh c-E6<eqfiqarrr i,orr
If rakta is affectedprbfbundly, the swellingwill be having severcpain, prick-
ing or a feeling of pains and needles,coppery red in colour, no relief either with
oil or dry massage,itching, presence of fluid in the joints ( exudation) are
noticed.( l0 )
fH ftq6: dfrar €q\ {;el cE,qqqt
eqillq*d aclqt {ilqr vr* g{rJeq-fllt tl tt ( s. fq. Gr.?e )
Ifpitta is predominant,burning sensationin the body, delusion, perspiration,
fainting,toxicity, thirst, the joi'ts will havc tenderness,
pain, red colour, swelling,
fornrationofpus insideand will be very hot to touch. ( 1l )
r* dhtnq€argfhfhrqtq{frildrrr
crg+"cr a €'a-ii silali q dq,{ri( n tc. n ( g. fi. a. t )
If kaphais prcdomir.ant, i'activity, hea'iness, ross of sensation,greasiness
of theskin, cold feeling all over th: body, jointswill have mild itching and pain.
If two or thrce doqasale involved tbcre will be combinatiunof syrnptoms.( l2j
lr{q'tfpffrirq fiIflq{dq\fi{ r eil(i|ftcf}q gd aiagw'ifi 1tl1 ( g. ft q. r )
The pain usually starts from the legs, sometimeseven from the hands and
spreaclsto other parts of the bocly similar to the spreading of poison of rat bite
( in other words,slowly. ) ( 13 )
qt Madhatta

ailqrg {gifid qe riud rgii a qr.('.*{: qqd cromiqsrqGlirrtt ts tt

qliKtr{qtE4 tqEllcri {TilitT<liiqaq | ( 5 f{.3{. I )
u l'q rl
dc^;aiqqenesurreq<fr€qiq* r Eanr$q-fts'iqmdiEqcScltt qqtl
:rgdramar+dtz(rcmiear{q:r qicqq*,ieditti*c qlsiqqq tt i,€ tl
qudtqqd qrcriqrudr<faqrqaq r qqiqrg.i qr:ri ad qpriflq{tvaqt
iq*qacqttri {zr1e<I q tgaqqqlr ll tz ll ( a fa. <. it )
qfa ,itqruqr;rfatfsi Tn'dafcsr*sr{lonia(r'i "rqIH{ ll 1? ll

All the joints upto thc knee getting affected, skin ovcr the joints clackcd
and exudationscoming out, presence of otliel complicationsi( cnumeratcd lurtiter
on ), muscularwasting ancllossof chief functiorrs of life found in a patient of v:lta-
rakta is impossibleto cure. Il'tirc diseaseis not more tltan one ycar of dul'atioll
it persistsfor the rest of the life and leqr-rires
Lossofsleep,anorexia,increased/difFcult putrefactionol musclcs,
headache,faintings, toxicity, pair.r,thirst, fever, delusiorr,rigors, hiccougb,latue-
ness( inability to walk ), eryscpelas ( or other skin diseases ), formation of ulcct's,
pricking pain, giddiness,exhaustion,contraclur€sof fingers( or tocs ), clackings,
burning sensation,pain iIr vital organs, lppeafanceof nodules or cys[s-arc the
complicationsof -Vatarakta.; presenceof otre or mote ol tlteseis an indication for'
refusalof such patients. The diseasenot associatedwith complicationspcrsists
for the rest of iife; that without complicationsis curable, likewisethat in which
only one dogais involvedand thai of rccentonsetis cut'able,if tlvo do;asare involved
the diseasepersistsfor life, if all the three do;as are involved and that associatcd
with complicationsis impossibleto cure. ( 14-18 )
Thus endsthe chaoter on Vatarakta'

tilituor4arigurgtf.anlfHiflt'r fiqrldiii aarrssqrqtiqi|rTrewqmt,
rr t rr
qtiuca<'qqa, eneruddiiaq r elv'qiat'iq{q itcidqqi rrr rr
q*,:qiis{r lXal.ar1iuqq1{iaf}ia q r a1rr:xrfi ifrr tarq} rfrarqiaa}rr? rr
qt#iqriie ge rnraniiqa.qq) t ':craqq{riiitqarEr=srjrfiaqt:rrg rr
eguJ qrteqaa;g)<wrgkiu:I aq-€raririiiqrgueraraeur.rt rr\ rr (er ft .r. ?{)
Inclulgence in loodsancl othcr activities lvhich arc a mixturc oppositcssuch
as cold and liot, rvateryand clry, heavy arrdlight, fatty arrdnon-fatty, cookedanti
uncciokcd,etc., severeexcrliorr,mcntal strain, over-slecpingor keepingawakewith-
out sleep and suchother factors,causefor.accumulationof iima ( improper-lyproce-
ssedintelmediarv metabolities) in the body which in turn incrcasesthe quanti-
tiesofkapha, medas (adiposetissue) and vdta. These together accumulatein
the lcg, kapha fills up thc cavitiesof the bones; mrking the limbs inactive; cold to
touch, rvith loss of control over it, the paticnt feels as though the leg is not his
own, scverc pain, grief or anxiety, pain ancl stiffness all over the body, stupor,
vonritting, ano.exia, fever',weah'essof the legs,difficulty in lifring and lossof sensa_.
tion in them. This rliseaseis known as Urustambhal someotherscall it Adhyavata
also.( 1-5 )
qqri aezrfi4rsfh':crditaiiear Gq(r| frq€Gitsaiirsfl+ifr,it'
{rEt irqrl q tl
Prodromal symptoms of this diseaseare too much of slcep, lvorry, lossof
movement,fever, horripulations,anor-exia,
vomitting and weaknessof the legs.( 6 )
qld{rRirT<qrarterarr?*a;Tr?ga: I qqil: aqri giir: E;;Ftgc{oiasl l o tl
qslcarffr<tqii aeaqRraaql t lr{ e ;tui;q{d {ftdrq{t a ilr q rre rr
qr,:ti dtci rriqi qral qF4dtlqr: r 'or;qriqG drrer* qr+ q c;qe lt q tl
\\'irhout Lnowing rhe specific features of this diseaseand suspectingir
to be a diseaseof vlta, if oil massage,etc., is done, the symptomsexacerbate
( increase)quickly, causeseveredebility in the legs, loss of sensation,difficulty in
lifting it up, quick exhaustionoflegs, lossof heat and pain. The patient getspain on
placing the foot on the ground, doesnot understandcold touch, is unable to keep
94 IVladhava

the legs in any one posture' move it or do any type of activity, feels as though it
belongs to someoneelseor feels as though it is broken in the middle. ( 7-9 )
qqrEralfrdtqn-limr goi't riq t
iF€tirlq€ql a;qF€r{+ffqqfi qqq tl {o rt ( a. fa. *. ru )
tlr "itqrtra6<f{fqt qlEslq(It s{-tdrrrft<i{qqlsq ll Rv ll

Complaint of burning sensation,severepain and tremorsin the legs are to be

'Ireatment should be done to those who have no
understoodas fatal symptoms.
complicationsanclthosewho have clevelopedthe discase vely recently.( l0 )l
Thus endsthe chapter on ljrustambha



iqrqratrierq ctqrifiaffitq q r iarq' gow\ ad aqrqnis{ataqt-tt I tt

urgoiiAA *,*, tioqrrrtdqqt{a r hartq'iiiq'dtsei"*l ll"3l 1.'l tl
ariRa*i'idt qfea, disadt <q: t q'tairqtc'q-{qia atatqqilsfifiFea: tt
qnqiqtg qli&f;id aqq{ztq t aqtflatcta'il dq qn<idlsflaqrcq:ll s ll
q q wqi tt \ tt
lno,gdorar"le*qf:qci{r6i t raeti Stil ateeteetar
activity' or
Indr.rlgence in incompatible foods and habits, lack of physical
have poor digestive *pi:itl
doirg cxcrciseaftcr taking iatty foodsatrr'lthose who
food ) in the body' Th]s
ev"rr",tor-ally also;produce -rma ( improperly digestecl
clifferentseatsof kapha in
ama, associatingitseif with vata, movesquickly to the
rvith waxy material'
the borly {illini them ancl the dhamanis ( bloocl vessels)
-- with vata' pitta and kapha
T-husthc bad cnd product of digestion associatecl
porcs and pass:rqes rvith thick waxy
assuming tlifferent colours, blocksthe tissLre
the healt' lrhich becomesthe
material. It ptodttces ouaok'la" ancl l'eavinessof
tht joints of the body- such-as
scatol'rhe diseasc. It also alI'ectssimultaneously
thosc of waist, neck, shoulc.ler, etc' This rlreadful diseaseknown as Amavata
many other diseases also' ( 1-5 i
plorlucing stiffnessof the body becomesa causeof
'3lscq15a[i{E.sll ata{d tl)('i Gq(' I 3rqt6: qf,aalsslqtqlqqtir{'r 6{rul{ llqll
body' ( joints )' iossof taste'
Clinical featuresof amavata arc pain all over the
. tlrirst' lack of entliusiasm,l.eur'iucs., fcve., intligestion ancl swellingof the body
p a r t s( j o i n t s) ' ( 6 )
q rs: sdrlflroli q?r cgiqif ual l ataqllfuitglcfaastaae':"S ll t l:
aqtsq {q Zt*lif,:lr ' rr
+ilfa etd eil.i ae {rt' cqai I q ?ril wqRstq"i
*A,Aiti#]r.i ritrtia'it3t I si<t€6-1fricd qrd=rEgq3-dlqlr a' rl
qt$ftu{qSolar aqqd iqsfi{qatq' t
sa\ *A"oi ?e.taql iiqrhqdqq r q'" ll
sl@F:ltqclald 6CiErFqIgqqqR ll
hands, feet, head'
It becomesincurabls when it affectsall the joints of the
which shifts from place to
heels, waist, knee and thighs causing painful swelling,
96 Madhaaa
place (.ioint to joint ) when the dogas move from one place to another,severepain
resemblingthat of a pecorpionsting. Poor digestion,salivation,anorexia,hcaviness
of the body, lack of enthusiasm, bad tastein the mouth, burning sensation,profuse
urination, hardnessof tlre abdomenand pain, Iossof slecp, thirst, vomitting, giddi-
ness,fainting, pain in the heart, constipation, incapacity of movement, intestinal
gurglingsand distentionand many suchdifficult complicationsalsodevelop.(7-10)
fqflGErE(r.i q eqd eaaqrrq r fiaflti grxcg ir rnrngddcriqiq n ql, tl
If pitta becomesthe predominant dosa, therc wilr be burning sensationand
rednessofthe affected part (ioint ), if vata is preclonrinant,pain will be very
severe,and if kapha is predomina.t lossof nrovcmcntanrl itching will be seen.( I I
stitqrEq: qr':q-lGidr qrq sEqe I qd?aq(: diu,< 6.p, qtiaqrfiur rrtq.rr
"jiqrqs.n{fs{fsd qrasfrqrq :.jrqqrrf,rarq{qilfc lt i{ tl

The diseaseis easyto cure if anyone dosais involved, difficult if two do;as
are involved and incurable if all the thrce dopas are involved, so also if the
swellingis secnmoving to all the joints of the body. ( l2
Thus endsthe chapter on Amavata.

srq T&'cQqnlr{tgraqqelofurdq
Sou, penwAuatau, e Nir,q oLANIDaNAM
iQ, cqqqr{ana.}: q(dtssqrrriq l qdueega}g qtior qqarqgr tt t ll
Sola (colic, pain in the abdomen) is ofeight types; one from eacb doga,
one from the combinationof all three, one eachfrom the combinationof two do;as
and the eighth from -ma. In al1 typcs, vata is the predomir.rantcausative
dota. ( I )
EqFrr{ql?r{fhi garq csrrrq;dla eailiqlarq I
rr'6rqggrr6f+*(qqqtafrqrarr{arf\flar( u ?.tl
qqlqkfi ldfi6a-erq&E-aEgrcEE$aF6rql
Re-9fiqrrfr ai.r<]rrFd*qqrcqkfl rqqFcrE || 1 II
qtgr citA oaifk c&Fiaqr"iguRwfiafi r
*fr cir,r ir q?rqc e fri q,ir.i qqifa rrrdqu ts rl
qg{ gdUtrrra}dr fagnrinarrraiu-iri, r
driqanrwe{ar*r fh.fl.orriteiartri cqrf'arr\ tt
Over-indulgcncc in physical cxercises, riding, sexual intercourse,keeping
atvakeat nights, drinking very cold water, ingestionof food articles like peas,
greengram,tuvar dal, koradUpaand others which cause dryness inside the body,
over-eating, injury, loods rvhich are astringent and bitter; germinated grains,
incompatibles,dried up flesh and leafy vegetables;supprcssionol'urges of feces,
semen,urine, flatus;griel, starvation or flasting,excessivelaugiringand speaking-
all make fcir increaseof vAta in the body which produces colic; pain is found in
the regionofthe heart, flanks,back, waist and urinary blaCder, gets exacerbated
during or after the digestion of food, in the evenings, during cloudy and cold
weather;pain increasesor decreasesof its own accordfrequently, of pricking or
tearing in nature, there is obstructionto thc movemcntof fecesand flatus, pain
gets reduced by use of hot fomentation, oil massage, fatty and warm foods and
drinks. ( 2-5 )
ar<rfit{tcoitcqk{ft*afi"qrqfi"qr{gatet{Sr I
qradfrrg<tRt,ftr fr.rnourc<l.qcaTil lr q ll
98 NtuunataNidanam

qpqrfi?ilqrE{}fi+}; fif cs.qrg 6i{i {(oq I

Eorilaqrc(*qi ft qlrqi r*{iqq;oluaitqgi6{ il s il
cleiiql s.qfr qdqi flqlsfl* qoqFqi q I
d* e afr*, <giia ar{ia g{qrgrfiifq fisilr tt z tt
Ovcr-indulgenceirr articlesoffood which are alkaline,heat producing,very hot,
causingburning sensationduring digesr.ion, oils,cow-pea,oil cake,soup of horsegram;
which are pungcnt anrl sour', fer'mcnted beverageslike sauvira,surA,etc.' anger,
exposureto fire, fatigr-re,prolonr3edexpcsure to hot solt; sexual intercourserand
irritating lboCs makc lbr increaseof pitta rvhichin turn producescolic. Thirst,
delusion,burning sensationnear the unrbilicus, pelspilation, fainting, giddiness,
localisedburning sensatiorr;pain exacerh:rtesduling midrley ol midnight, during
digestionof lboC and in lainy wcrthcr; gets rc luced by cold comforts, cold and
sweetfoodsand drinks. (6-8 )

?qirra{{iucr c*qgqqrq milih qaqtt r tt

c* eeq fEtd gdsf'aerd q'iiqisorlirlnt s'gcrqhq tl Loll
Over.indulgencein foodspreparetl out offlash of animalsof marshy land and
thoseliving in water, burtermilk ancl other milk products, mutton, suger, foods
containing powclcrsol scsamurn,blackgram,etc., and such other foods and habits
make fol increaseof kapha rvhicli irr turn pro'luces colic. Oppression. in the chest
( nausea), cough, debility, anorcria, salivation, pain near the stomach, fullness
and lossof movemcnt in the abdomerr,hcavincssof the head, pain is severesoon
after taking food, in thc morningsar sunrise,in (i6ira and vasantaTtus ( autumn and
spring seasons ). ( 9-10 )
eng ARSq siie* Fqriqqa siqii G qpq r
g{cfui Aqqq{Ed iisridtd cqlid dsqr:tl 11,tl
The colic produced by the combination of all the three doqas together will
have all the symptomsin severefor.rn,during all the times, powerful and hard to
treat like poisonor fit to bc refusedtreatment. ( l l )
wrdtrror<*frgailr)fu q+;tar€Tq
cA+: I
6s{q lo*dqcnloeqrdlaei qlog{r€d;a n {R tl
Gurgling5in the intestines,oppression in the chest (nausea ), vomitting,
feeling ol heaviness, loss of movement and distention of the abdomen, saliva'
Ch,26, Colic,PcPticulcets 99

tion and colic having the symptoms similar to those of kaphaja type are all found
in Amaja \ola (colic due to indigestion). ( l2 )

s€i E?qr"iciS er q(it: I6$€IIR$'.r gei aeriircrig eI dlar sqtkor ll {1 ll

Ecs-{€if q}rr f,a{,ir qrdEiq{: I
If pain is found in the region of the heart, flanks and back it is due to increase
of kapha and vata together; pain near the heart, umbilicus and centre ofthe
abdomenit is due to kapha and pitta, severepain accompaniedwith burning sensa-
tion and feveris due to vata and pittr ,losastogether'(13 )
qqiitliqa: qrrq: sFqrEil iaiqq; tt {s tt
e,iifrftqft d)<rqqrrir qljaqe: r
Colic producedby the increascof anyonedopais easily curable, that produced
by combination of any two dogasis curable with difficulty, that produced by combi-
nation of all three dogas,that which is very severeand associatedwith many comp'
lications is impossibleto cure. ( 14 )

dfHqri: r5fvi erg:diriqara{ rr(q tt

*niii <ttgt< tlEtrt rrae?itr grn Ffifi <;qa ai< qRurnsqll {q ll
a{q aaomdaiqsRaf\rfiqi r tit,{r"ti}qiiotaf+q;srdiaqir ll le ll
f*rricoitqtrccrd qrihqiaa?kqa. t
Indulgence in foods and activitics which cause the increaseof all the three
doqas together produccs another sevcre type of colic which comes on soon after
digestionof food. This is knorvnas Pariqamaja(Ulaand the following are its sympt-
oms. In parir.rdmaSula due to vata, distention,gurgling noisein the intestines,obstru-
ction to the movement of feces and urine, restlessness,severesuffering; pain gets
reducedby fatty and warm foods are seen.( 15-17 )
iFoIIEErdhtaE .fi$taaqoitir({ ll iz li
tqs tfra{scFi tiq'iaeieq, r
In pittaja parilama(ula, there will be thirst, burning sensation,restlessness,
perspiration,pain increases by useof pungent,sourand salty loodsbut getsreduced
by cold foods and comforts, ( lB )
eHaeredfid rqtqo{tq-.ak tt lq tt
sgfr*tr{Fii q as ari i5$Iiq:6ql
vomitting, nausea,delusion,long continuedmild
In kaphajapari{rama(ula,
parn gettingreducedby pungentand bitter foodsare seen.( 19 )
100 Madhala Ni.danam

iqca{oi gqtql iiini qliqeqiq tt q." rr

fa{fwe<tt q domiqsanaq I
Appearanceof symptomsof two or three doqastogether are seenin conditions
ofincrease of two or three dosasrespectively.The tridogaja type associatedwith
emaciation,lossof strengthand digestionis consideredas impossibleto cure. ( 20 )
eftii*,itqsld il q;eagqffci rrtl rr
qqFcqq?i'titq ftffiitslc q I ir {Triqdi ihqcrtdtsaqq sEfadr ll q.?,ll
( :ceaqrcqFg i inqirqrceznqgaI qr;dcril s{fiqt {(aclg aqitafr tt I tt )
afa t'tqrss+rfarf* qrtrrfqeri vlo.rfrorrrvlrr*aai1<laati'
tttwl tt Ri lt

Yet another type of colic known as Annadrava ([la, there will be severepain
persisting throughout and not subsiding during or after digestion, with food or no
food, use of comfotts or no comforts. ( In this type the pain is reduced only after
vomitting of accumulatedpitta. ) ( 21-22 )
Thus endsthe chapter on SDla,etc.
r €tsft;swfiEpri Etfiqrqiidqqrtt i, tt (gv.urr)
Suppressionofthe urgesof flatus, ibces, urine, yawning, tears, sneezing,
belching, vomitting, semen,hunger, thirst, r'cspirationand sleep,is the causefor
the diseaseUdavarta. { I )
ltaqrCtquri edtsqd sit qqr I qat qFqIa{FA<'FnrqqiaRcatq ll ? ll (a.g.o.u1
Suppressingthc movementof flatus leadsto difrculty for expelling flatus,
feces and urine, distentionofthe abdomen, weakness,pains in the abdomenand
other symptomsof Vata v5ddhi. ( 2 )
qriqqld qfieftnr q qs: gitvtq a*t{qtar t
gffqqrcqRqslf*fi $qAlsfirai a<ta rl 1 ll ( g. s. a{.{r, )
Suppressionof urge of fecesproCucesintestinalgurglings,pain in the abdomen,
cutting pain in the rectum, constipationand even upward movementof flatus and
fecesthrough the mouth. ( 3 )
' sRd}tair t1Fiq36€p firita'sr t findl aqorra: t<tb* qe{d ll B ll ( s g. 3r.u)
Suppression of the urge of urine causespain in the bladder and urethra, dim'
culty to urinate,headache, bendingof the body forward and distention/obstuction
of the groins.( 4 )
q;rrl.rdrrrrRr{fficra grrilnunrilir;iliBrfi't! rg: I
dqlr-sfkarqrqqiwqrar{;Fd titet: s€ rtoiifir tt \ ll
Supplessionof yawning producesstiffnessof the neck,throat, headaches,other
symptomsof VIta vJddhi and also disordeisof eyes,nose,face and ears.(5 )
eltiqi qrs.qq rilfii qr *its{ cmcggil R I
fungaci nq;rtqqrr;r mGa *qt qa tiiaQall q ll ( g.s 3I.{{ )
Suppres.ionof tears ofeithcr pleastrrcor griefcausesheavinessof the head,
disordersof the eyesand sevcrcnssalcatarrh. ( 6 )
rrzrr{drrr:fh<'qlasftarqiqi<+l r diq{pf e d{id qqfi: rqt(iqnu[q rt c tt
( s.g.q.o )
102 MadhattaNidanam

Suppressionof the bout of sneeze,gives rise to stiffnessof the neck, headache

of one side,migraine and debility o[ sensoryorgans.( 7 )
flqr noal ari<uaisnXR: t
egrcirislqai qEfid i{r (i*Rt: cqqcqal: tl z ll ( g. s. sL x{ )
Suppressionof the belchilres causesfceling of lullnessand pain of the throat
and mouth, movemcnt of air upward with mild sound or total obstruction and such
other symptomsof Vatavrddhi. ( B )
ll q ll ( s. g.q. e )
| sc{tqfasrurcPGfiq-€qr.RI:
Suppressiono[ vomitting producesirritation ( itchings) and appearanceof
rashes on the skin, anorexia, black patches, oedema, anaemia, fever, leprosy,
and oppressionin the chest.( 9 )
q:wi i U{ge*iFr Eitdttar qaGiiaa+r t
gsnr{ aitrsui{as i i iqa<r Rai a g* tt to tt
Oedemaand pain in the bladder,rectumand scrotum;formationand discharge
of gravel of semenare the effectsof suppressionof seminal discharge. ( 10 )

a;Er*'qElqdirqc*r €sriirqraFE{rarq eDrI

€qsrlei u tl n
Stupor, bodvaches,anolexia, exhaustion,weakncssand lossof eye sight are
the effects ofsuporessionof hunger; suppressionof thirst leads to dryness of the
throat and mouth, dimculty in hearing r'nd pain in the region of the heart. ( I I )
fiqdirsnEqqrsfi a'qr rr(Ru ( g. v. 3i.{{ )
Suppression of the respirationafter exertion causesheart diseases,delusion
and abdominal tumors Suppressionol'urge of sleep produces yawning, body-
aches, diseasesofthe cyesand head anci stupor'.( 12 )
<rg' *\eq,il qt: rqsqg:ftr*, r fisi, $fVd:qq qqtq* oitfi R tt {i tt
qtT$gfi'{rqisq}iqarii i r daitgar*ift git,i qI(+Td}E ll B ll
ait aaiiaqlord] F€rqr<iirftiea: I srd*{g*qftr s;}or aut a(! l t\ rl
rirrq6lqsrRtqlqqr€frEqrrGq{r{r qfiftsrfi.'rfrtrrc?r:ErqqfiuqR I
aga;{a1ovi Enr<I{ qra{lqer{ il qq il ( g. s. 3T.{\ )
Ingestion of loods which are very dry, astringent, pungent and bitter might
causesudden increaseof vata in the abdomen and r.rroduceUddvarta instantlv. The
Ch.27, Reoerse etc. 103

normal direction of movementin the passagesof flatus, urine, feces,blood, kapha

( fluids ) and medas( adiposetissue) gets reversed( or obstructed), fecesgets dried
passingof flatus,
up; pain iri the region of the heart anC biatlder;trirusea,
urine and feces with difficulty, increasedrespiration, cough, running in the nose,
burning sensation,confusion,thirst, l-ever,vomitting, hiccough' headaches,unsteady
gait, disordersof hearing and many such syr-nptomsof Vataprakopa ( increase)
are seenin this condition. ( l3-16 )
srrd{sar hfiii m}arq,it fiqsi Gggnia}at
cq*cd a qq16rii fiqr<qlaraqEr€{fia l qe tl
afiq{ rrq;?qtcqgai t ussngfi?qtr{hiE?r€rrI
qFcril gaid ai€drl] -rrKaalai q ll tz ll
rarq: 6-diEggttq(i adtsu qal fl6d'-r E'GrI
eqrq:{qifir{Flerlsfia a?rlso€tEliaq ae]qla ll qqll (9.3 3r.{s )
Gradual accumulationof ilma ( undigestedfool materials), or fecesinsidethe
alimentary tract, causesobstructionto their normal movement and producesthe
diseaseknown as Andha. If it is due to accumulationof ema; thirst, running in the
nose,burning sensationin the head, pain anil heavinessin the stomach,pain in the
heart and non.movementof belching rvill be seen; if it is due to accumulationof
feceg stiffnessof the joints ofthe waist and back, obstructionof feces and urine,
pain, faintings, fecal vomitting, difrcult respiration and other symptoms of the
diseaseAlasakawill be foun'I. ( 17-19 )
(g 3I
E6qGt.{ftfd aft"i<i<ttq-d{ | nuaridcflacl{ssrqftigi€iE ll 10 ll s. u)
afir rftqr'lq+rflfifqil qr$Efa<Ii gilq{l<Eft(rq trqrrd{ |

or severedist'
A patient of ud-avartasufferingfrom severethirst, restlessness
,err, e-u"iution, continuousobstinate abdominalpain and fecalvomitting should
be refusedtreatment.( 20 )
Thus endsthe chapteron Udevarta'

slxr gFqfrEtqq
gut qraqitsiqt ficq6nR€r(a: r gdfia vgur gcd *gFdffiqtftoq r
atq qefiri qri qqiaerf\qqdq: tt { tl
Veta and other riosasun lergoingrnorbir.lincreaseby indulgencein unhealthy
foodsand haLrits,causethe five kinds of Gulma ( tumor ) to develop inside the
abilomen. Its fiv. comuror]sitesirrc the two par'(vas( sidesof the abdornen,hypoch-
ondriul, lumbar and iliac reqions), the region of the brdaya ( epigastrium) the
region of thc ndbhi ( umbilical region ) and thr: regionof the basti ( hypogastric
gqrrfr<;at qfiq: tier<1qk qrsqa: I Zq4rzrrrqqqrdq g€c {fh *tftia: tt t tr
Gulma is definedas a massin bctweenthc r,:gionof the heart and tbe umbili-
cus,either moving ( frorn place to place) ol stationary,round in shapeand undergo-
ing increaseor decreasein size.( 2 )
q;qffqi Ai qgcmqlfip*: r greroi, arrr€jiqi iq'i <*a qtq<:nlr (g.v.a.v1;
It may be causedby anyonc olthc do;asor by combination of all the three
togetherand in women by onc more, b,v incrcascof rakta ( blood ). ( 3 )
E{r(Grrgaqldrrir;qqqqtlft q 1;aiq {sTntia I
ardlq erperacqfurkrrexgtmr s{i}d F6q u B u ( sr. fr. q. t t )
Excessive belchings,constipation,a ( molbid ) fecling of contentment,lack of
endurance, gurglingsin tlre intestines,distentionof the abdomen, poor digestive
capacityare the premonitoly syrnptomsof gulma. ( 4 )
err'lar g-pfiuqeq6615;liqqwaq I s{aradtuiqrad e{gtlg 6EiiE u \ tl
Lossof taste, difficulty lbl elirninaLionor non.eliminati<,rn
of feces,urine and
flatus,intestinal gurglings, enlarr-:ementof the abdomen, upward movementof gas
are secnin all varietiesof gulma. ( 5 )
Gqrqqri Rqctficri f*si iqiiftcarr t
dHsfirqr;tsiaqetsqer fi{qar adiogaetq: rri rr
q: rqrndtqrFr€qi iaxa,i l*graegicaq*.riqq I
qqlq6ondfirfi,'r<cqte argihqrdieiatrd q rr,srr
6iiii q'ifi tqilqi c4if.ig* qgai qgtR qarI
Elaria g€q\ iq a{ qqi q'{Iqih# {g q}qit il z il ( s. fs. ar. r )
Ch, 28,Abdominal
Indulg"n"" in Ibodsand clrinkswhich are devoidof fat' thrch.":.1"::tT:1'
unsuitablephysicalactivities' t^fR1esio,,ot""::l"lHi::
bles,in largequantities' ' ^
dcplctiorrol fcecs2nl Int k ol food are the causesof Vdta
griel, trauma, t'xecssivc' . ,---r -^- -ri-i--rinn
I'i"i".'i,l'-tir,'. '"tJ,foin 'el"rcd
:;;;t;tt;-o;i",, rnouth' blackish'red discolouration'fever
.r.r' of feces anrl
by cold,painin thelcgionof thehcart' cgigastrit:,1:U:::l::l1t:i
"""r"rp".i"a bv taking lood;u^se;of
;" '.1ig""i""''''ffooi!arrrlsubsiding;:";i;;' r.
( 6-8 ^ , / C O \
increasing the discomfort' )
fooclswhich alc chy, astrltlgent, lrittt:r:rud Putiqent
+gra:ilq-0iitqiiqtk<erdiq(hcqd garlr*qt t
.{Iqri\aft €i}i qg!4 iaca gera \h:Umt tt < tl
eq<, iqqtqt qqalH(lrl: {La q€atqia rttga iI I
ri{t iq<ral4qlqq g€qr€trtrlq€tii<xgtcelq tt {o ll ( a' tu a r )
like alkalies' hot'
Inclulgenccin footlsrvhich 'rtc Pungcnf, sour''penetrating
aliget' exccssuse of alcoholic
causi,rgburiing set.tsation,rvlLi':it;ttc 'l':voiil of faq
drinks, sunlight and fiic; at:curnul'rttiotr ol' lrna ( unJigestedfood ) insidethe body'
fol lrittaja gulma' Its symptoms
ir'r.jr.y,uitiutlon of ralita ( blood ) rrc tLc .causcs
scverepain in the abllomenafter food
ale fever, rhirst,r'cdncsso[ thc f .rt:" lrn'1bo:ly'
burning sensationresemblingthat of
and during tligestiorr, r)erspirati'lr,tccling of
an ulcel and tendcrness' ( 9-i0 l
q I
tftd go ia'ueiud a dq<ui r{qqi fisl
gEc(; aqr {q{iqqtq q{q g'it fiqqlir{tq ll i t ll
* huqdiuq<qrtqlqEglqrnlsl€fi'i<qfh t
E65Iiq6{uIll i'?'ll (<' |s er' r )
it.i tnaq miaitaati g'crq sqtlh
Foods which alc har:ilto (li{cst 31111 fatty, lack of physical exercise'eating
causesfor Kaphaja gulma' Its
large quantity of firorl,sleeping'luring tlay are the
in the chest'
il;;; u." lo.k of activity,'icut,.*ith tnltt' weaknes' oppression
body' the tumor being cold' hard'
cougtr,to,, of tastr, ieelingoi hcaviness-of.the
buljing out grcatly anclwith rnikl pain ( I l-12 )
geir G-iei itcqarqd q^'
3I t )
6qlfh{ibsiaq{a qtaidrariEi{ie'rmiqatiqtt 11 ll (q' fs
''lo;asmay also producethree other kinds
The combinatiorrof any trvo cf tbc
of provirling suitabletreatment by
of gulma. Thcy ale rccognisc'l loL thc puiposc
of tlrc dogasinvolved ( 13 )
the oresenceof atitiology anLlsvntlitorns
c€r€d 4t€qiiacqcqqftadaftqiqsrieEl{qql
1Bll (q ts 3I { )
106 MadhaaaNildnam

like stone' and bulging out gre-

Severepain and burning serrsation'masshard
utly, iuick morbidityf dreadful,producing ":.''Ylt^.ild
as incura'
of'digestive .upr.ity areseenin Tritlo;aja gulmaand
it is considered
ble. ( 14 )
qt r
aqcsotskdrilqcr qr q1qnq$ fiqiedl
qadqql€q I
slqfi a€ql: qi{lza (6 qitti gtd
i"rq fa*- qilnias iqirqoi
qrcqqt ia;itrr rr 1'r ll ( 1 ;' q Y" ;
q: 1$qh {iiisa qq al+ie{<liq?ter qqqiiias' t
at :' )
q tiq<' dtirq qq gift cR aqdii qqrl fqi*ttqr ll lq ll ( r' ls
in women who have deli-
Vata unclergoing morbid inclease along rvith rakta
in women who had frequent
vered recentlyunJ titor. indulging in unsuitablefoods'
gulma which resemblespittaja gulma
abortions or quick deliveries,f'oaut"u Rakta
slmptomsalso such as' the massinsicle
in symptoms'in addition, it tilt huu" special
hand ( ofthe pbysician) is
the abdomen resemblinga lbetus, bui the palpating
bc treatcd atter the compl-
pregnancy. This rakta gulma, specialto wolncn should
etion often monlhs.( 15-16 )
q{ {d- {ri'ti??rd:ll i'e ll
d{*a: ncal gEdt c€tqlt6qi(tra: I eiiT{q: iq<taet"
e a isrqfi rr t4 rl
I qGsrrd+tciaEqr<{vek
;HHi;is"s;ifiqK'{Ieaqr affirra€qltgrit*r'"dtuuftT1"iq-:' , ,
lq >1 ',f

steadilyand has
Gulma is incul'able, when the masshas gone on increasing
rvith vcnous cngorgement
assumedvery big size, is deeply rooted' accompanied
in the chest'
debility' loss.o['taste'oppression
resemblingu iortoit., rvhen it proJuces
running in the nose' cont'
uJ.itti.rg, restlessness,fcver, thirst' drorvsi'css'
"ougtr, fever, difficult breathing, vomitting, diarrhoca and oedemairl the umbilicus'
handsand feet are also incurable' (17-19 )
e{ret{tti ltqlqrsqiqi'il qf:qq.aatI qrqa glia?d a gi"cit Tr$rlq+ ll
qiualffiri qqta{ ll 'c ll
sfd sflqlus6{f4{fq* 5tqft<rd

itr cascsof gulma' ( 20 )
attainins hardnessand firmnessare the 1at:ilsiqus
Thus endsthe chaPteron Gulma'
eu Eat{rfrEtqq
r df*aiiq{itrt<iur AEtqq,qAgrr; rQerttl'lt
bitter; excessfatigue'
Foodswhich are very hot, hard to digest,astringentand
suppression of the urges
injury, reading loucllyIbr long hours,too much of worry,
( I
oi tt" Uoay are the causesfol the five kinds of hcart diseases' )
qoft,ut..i fret iegorr
Eqd qar: t ak qpri cgifia aeFi i cqa€ ll ? ll (g'33i Yi)
- -fha localise'
tlosas havilrg rtn leisott'' inorllicl irtclcasc,vitiatc thc
as ll1d|oga' (2)
l).riu.Ihis canCitionis knorltt
in thc hcalt
3rrqrqecr€ai eqt.i sai a'4i I kduqe {r'ii q rqtai qtaesiq q ll 1 ll (9 3 3{ tl)
picrcing' wrins-
In Vataje i't i''g', rlt''rpairi is "f thc naturc ot' constricting'
ing, burs'iiig'or t.raring ( I )
q (tsi s €qr {ili gGtt'tt ll B ll
E.loitocqraiqr,q, 'ii<l €{qSc: | {ctqi

Thir'st, increaseof body ternPerature,burning scnsation' localisedwarmth'

tiredness( rvcakness) of the hcari, ftcling of movementof hot air inside the chest,
fainting, pcrspiration and dryness of the mouth are the symptons of Pittaja
q)d rs{ietitstiq: tarilf]qdE(l ak tr \ ll.1 4 Yi)l
crg'i{ii ErtqtqrEal{Tt'raR
|eeliug ol heavirLcssof ritc borly, overflowinq of watcry secretions( fiom
mouth, nosc,cyes), anorexia, stiffnessof tile body, poor digestiveability' sweet
tastein the mouth arc thc synptorns of Kaphaja hldroga' ( 5 )
lsarleii tqii edf-e* a'tarfiiit'i fmiqd q*agq. t la f e 't ': )
| ?€iqr qq.lqisi;idlqry i}fhi rriq ttitt (g : w vi)
sr$q: gftql d|4 qii agt€t:61itq: 'Iriilo;aja hldroga'
Plcsenceof all thc abovcs; trtptourstogetheris seenin
Nausea,salivation, priching pain, oppressionin the chest,drowsiness'lossof
taste,blackish appearanceof the eyesanti oedemaare the symptoms of Krimija
hrdrora. ( 6 )
q I q61:11s tt
sc: qr{ rtq; rit'it it€wxt4qtr I inlhi imfirrf,rai *Gcilof
ii i,-ii{ia r,r;tk,.f{i .;;-r..ic ;in 6ai.rftri+ i,tqtel l l [ l l

Debility, exhaustion, giddiness,enraciation and suchother complicationsas

seenin kaphaja krimi roga will also bc secnin krimija hrdroga. ( 7 )
Thus entlsthe chapter on HYdroga.
qq qeEi$?{iErdq
6qRlqfrqdiqq6q{rrdlsrqsia?qqagsqlqlq| -, i ,.-
qrdqctqriqflarasitohrg{ao;irih zori aursu}r/rt ir
, [Iqsralr $r gfwat fiai' qisgr* *'tqita <*rt r
qnra etd qi<fieqfk qql aqt {s{dl€ a. tt ( s f-r. e. ;t )
Over'indulgcncein physical exercise,cousuming hcat producing medicirrcs,
and alcoholicdrinks;fast riding on animals ( or otlter vehiclcs) lor lonq timc, cating
Beshof anirrals ( or birds ) of marshyplaces,eating fooclstoo frequcntlv ancl indi'
gestion; theseand other causc-smake for incrcascolone ot-all the do;:rsrogether,
which in turn get localiscdin tbe urinary bla'iclerand urinarv tract proCucingdiffi-
culty for micturition. This diseasccalled as Mitraklchra is of cigltt kinds. l-2 )
frailtwqffolEfiaif etti ggdzadg araq r
ft<iwqi qtd qqd 6p gg{=na'iaftattr rr1 rl
q€: qB*tq q€iftitri {T qf!=d *r'qrg;i!' r
qqlfir qqr{i'rd qieqralfrsiid 66tgdri fi 6;Pq tt c tt i a fb. a -'i )
In vdtaja type, the pirtientexpcricnces sevcreuain in the gloins,rcgionofthe
bladder and penis,passesscantyutine liequcrrtll'. In pittaja tvpc. the urine is r cllolv,
mixed with blooil and is passedout with difficulty associatedrvith pain an i burning
sensation.In kaphaja type, the patient Ieels ltcavinessanJ srvellingof the region of
the bladder and penis and the urine is thick ancl visciC. In triJosaja tvpe, all tbe
abovesymptomsarc lbuIrd togctherand in scverefbrm. (3-4 )

WsGS trda qhsqfiraig il | (Ts;A aqtEttilldtqeu{Er€qq ll \ ll

qrdsisT qErrrii d{zl iaeria fiftitq t
Injury to the urinaly iract by Ibrcign bodicsalso causedifiicultv fbr urination,
which resemblesvataja type in its symptoms.( 5 )
rra: ll q ll
aiFiTrq srdtErlarerglqgqlai
3rrEqr{ qlir{(d q tsqF {iid q t
Obstfuction to the movement of I'ecesby supplessionof'the urge, causcsits
reverse movement, proclucin5;tlistentionof tlic itbilomcn, colic of vatajrr tr'y-lcancl
di{ficulty in micturition. ( 6 )
Ch.30, Dlsuriua,Stranguryt 109
arqc{aqaq,i qxu--Fg<El-(tt 'ell ( 1 3 3{ {E )
g* iitq€a {sclii tiqrfie r tgai qaio=euRa}raqloqntt z tt
( urinary caliculii )t
Mutrakpchra is also seen as an early symptom of aSmari
Sukra( semen)vitiated by the dqas alto'cuo"' difficulty in
of the bladder and
rvith eliminationof urine mixed with semen,pain in the region
pcnls.( /-o ,
q{c{ u*q ia gaadl1qaail r iiiqai q*qqrr rzE *liiqil cq ll q ll
-]..i if*t fti.t]"ooitt t EltgalI fag66$(r'qlal Ercdtot "tt *t111oll
aitrer aqE;ffi $c{tqi}a{gEio:t
641 qqid q;6i a qa$;p q ql€Elq. ll qq ll ( g s {s)
3r' {s
gaifi gEtt dadt geq tt 1r tt
aeffi<tafu: cnd qilkiEar | {ne1€xrr.
cft "f,Iqr-rq*rfarfqi qrEslaeri ql6igfteri sqrst ll I o | |

and symp'
ASmari ( calculii ) and (arkard (gLavcl ) are similar in their causes
toms;a6mari ( calculus) unclergoingplocessingby pitta, dehydlation by vdta
( or stickinu together) ol kepba is broken into tiny
losing the property of col.resion
parti-cle,un,l p"rr",l out. This is cellecl(arkara (gravel ) Diffi:ulty in micturition
causedby (arkara ( gravel) is associatecl with pain in the region of the heart' shi
and- great
vering, pain in the egigastrium, poor digestive capacity, fainting
of urine
a;mcJty in micturition; pain of the urinary ttact subsidesafter elin.rination
stone ( 9-12 )
ancl appearsagain rvherithc prssagcis obstructedby the gravcl ol
Thus cnds tlrc cltaPteron A6mari'
C H A P T E R3 I
srq qqlElrdrqqlaq I
erq-€ S{ti{i{qtqlarq,itqqr r rril qefeandaitgugfi6qlqq; 1,I 11
By causessuchas supplession
of natural urgcs,etc., thir.tcenkincjsof MUtra.
ghata commencing with vataku4dalikd are produced by onc or more of the
tridoqas.( I )
twriqfismat stg{tai qAEnrI qecriqtaatii iagcr scs€lsar rrq rr
{dqaq|awqEr sqd €cqdi r
€tliT!$lsfbqiiai q a<rfu ieatigqrcorq rr A rr \ g. 'r. q. rq )
Indulgencein dry foods, suppression of urges,etc,, make fbr increaseofvlta
in the urinary bladder, lvhicli moves all around rvith severepain and scantyurina.
tion, This dreadfuidiseasein known as Vatakundalika.( 2-3 )
aqisl qtg:rdtaaq I Sqlriqrfdeuiei qaGoerriitfu;iiqrru rr
Veta getting increased,causcsenlargcmcntof a;lhil-r iprostratcgland) produc-
ing distentionof the bladder and recturn, sevcrc pain and obstruction to the
passageof urine and I'cccs.This diseaseis knorvnas .,\sttrila.( ,tr)
iri fitn<futg {stqr$trA ac I fiaodU gd atq e€ri|taqalsiia: il q,ll
{qqlil rri+d qRrsfkiidika: r
qmEiia: q iqi,il aqftrr E;pq€rqn: q lt (.J. ;. ;r. r; )
In an unlvise pcrson who supplcsscstlrc urgc ol urinatiol 1br ion.q,vata located
i n t h e b l a d d e r b l o c k s t h e u r i n , r r y l r a s s e g ,,:r r u : i r r g r c r r r r i i o n o i u r i r r e a n c l p : r i n i r r t h e
region of thc bladdcr. This cliscaseknown iir Vaiabasti is ciiili:ult 1o trcat. \ 5-6 )
fit qr<qft q+ iq<qrq cqde I riaqntq c;i sr (srdldr q s€qa I s tl
Motratita is that condition in which rhe person lvhr-rhas supprcsse d the urge
of urination for a long time, lails to void thc urinc witlr lirc normal speed(force ) -
but voids it very slowly. ( 7 )
{s(q aisfv€e a€(rqi?gr:r qqra:$iqit ErrgrEiq{A.q{q l z ll
at}l(qtarqtlFrn' aacflqqsaq I
d;{{qat frorqdtqiiainitqaqil q lt ( g .,r. r.: )
Suppressionofurge of urination is the causefor udavarta. Ap6navata getting
increased,beginsto move upwards,accumulates in the atrlomen, causing distention
ofthe abdomen below the umbilicus, severe pain and obstructiorrin the urinary
bladder.This condition is known as Mutrajalhara. ( B-g )
of utine
Ch.31, SuPPression lll

q<d EIIqqgd: ll l'o ll

s€\ srscqqqfntb q"il il qrq iRar r qi n1d cia
q*ei<tqca'i <td msu *taq t
figorrfrait aqd'trrq (ittc*dkar tt il lr ( 1 s r' v: )
either in the
The disease characterise'l by obstruction to the flow of urine
flows out after
bladder, urethra or glans penis, ih" "in" gets obstructed and
with or without pain
strainingmixed with blood'ilowly and in small quantities'
is known as Mutrotsairgaanclis clueto increasecl vata' ( 10-11 )

cQTtrISFaa€{q qiinrri itclrrc* t

(sqrd qarEld waiai aqrcaqll 1?ll (q r 3I v: )
pitta and
In a personwho is habituatccl ro dry fooLlsand physicalfatigue'
for \4utraksaya ( reduction
v.1ta undeigoing incteascin thc urinary bladilel make
and burning sensation
in the quantity of urine in it, ) associatetlrvitli pain
inside.( 12 )
*a.ifkq,? qa: Ruistlr tr€Flrq}q I
'clrt'iqeqq,lcFqrieaFatq s€qa li i'? ll (EI ft 1r't )
the urinary bladder'
A round, stationary massdeveloping quickly inside
( calculus) is known as Mutra'
presenting symptoms similar to that of aSmarl
granthi.( 13 )
qflara iad qril ql1al gfigqaq I
&-r"gtiq*aa: qr{ s>rIRIc-qia tl lts tt ( ar la a t )
q{iE6qiii*rri qsgei ag€te I
in sexualintercourse suppressing the urgeof urina'
In a personlvho inrlulges
either beloreor after mict-
tion, the ..rn"., g",,i.,g rlislolged flows out of the body
a solutionof ash' This disease is knownas
urition, makingthe urineto resemble
Mutra{ukra.( 14 )
?qFltrtll=Ifatrfiq qfta cFzrTfiarfiqaqll (\ ll
efia nB^gi *scEMqlr: t
qi aREctrarqrti cclq qr ll iq ll ( g : u' t" )
6=FI{Ii: gmi.-&wonrilef:d aq I
walking and exposureto
Over-indulgencein physical exercise,long distance
associatedwith v-ata in the urinary
sun make for increaseof pitta, which getting
urethra and rectum; urine becomes
bladder causesburning sensationin the bladcler'
out in small quantities
a..ffaf"* in colourimixecl with blood or only blood flows
( 15-16 )
f.eqo.nOy.This diseaseis known as Uggavata'
ll2 MddhaaaNidanam

ffi nqit erqii sr deitsla]c la rr te tt

s€pl'qd aqtfrii riii qri qi ei( r qqrd ilqnnrsqiaoi uil a( tt tz rl
gS qcta.qoisr{qeR qEiia aq t ( ar ft. a e )
Pitta and kapha cither alone or in corrbination associatingrvith r' .ta proluce
the diseasecalled Mutras?i,la,characterised by tlifficulty for micturit: n, urine is
colouredyellow, white or red rescrnblirrEthe colorrrof oxbile (yel orr or porrder
of conchshell(white )or other differcntcol.'urs;is thick, causesburnin3 sen:ation
is non-viscid.( i7-l8 )
qE{griditqiiltaud{|uaErrr iq rr
qsdilsgqAa {ieseti a<rnr: I
fi$'ti q*ir6priiejiard iqiaFiitalr ".or i ar fi. *. e.
In a personsufferingfiom udevalta causcdb,v suppressionof urgc o: Ccfaca-
tion, the fecesgetting into the ulinary blarldcr proCucesdifficultl for rnicturition,
the urine assuming the smell of fcces.Th js conditionis knorvnas Vidvirhera. I9-20)
ildFqaFarql+{fi{qkrliqdls?rqI tqrsrlqrAfideaq:{p{a[{{sa qriq'{ rrii. tr
ilgrra{q1q1a} f€ iq-€ qa?qiq| .iriaa+1qi=rci i€efrqnf*qR rr -".-(rr
efiagosdqlg{d dlt aafi,iiaeq l qqaqqa;m,it gfiar<qkir: r
aRclicrrliqi qra:qd q:iaaoiar n r.1 tl
'1i.rrunrrld riur i6rqi qd ai laaq r €"ercfidi sfiar fqii{qii a t€Eqfal?,al
€IEil i q ar gos{}q;a: I tqtetal SvealiF qudt6: }qrcrqir q lli.q,ll
qlc qrqsftEri qznrtf.rart sqm{ n iI ||

By indulgencein fast walkine, jrurping anil otlrcl cxerciscsciusing fatigue,

injury ( by blunt weapons) cte. the vartagcttinq irrclcesetlrlisplacesthe urinary blad-
der upwardsto '"he centre of tlrc abdomen,making it to les.:mblca pregnantuterus;
urine is voidedivith difrculty, clropby dlop, accompanieI by pain, tremorsand burn-
ing sensation(insidethe bladder),urine florvs out orrlyon pressingthe abdomenhard
but stopsil pressureis released,the pain and obstluction bcing vely severedue to
predominanceof vtta. This diseaseknown as Basriku.]dala is dreadful like a sharp
weaponor poison and is incurable,If pitta also gets involveclthere will be burning
sensation,pain and discoluration of uline; if kaph: is involved, heaviness, swelling,
the urine is oily, thick and white; the diseasebecomesincur:rbleif the olifice of the
bladderis blockedby thick kapha, or if the bladder getsulceratedby pitta, or it
becomesrolled up like a ball, associated with thirst, delusionand dyspnoea.(21-25)
Thus endsthe chapter on \lotragheta.
C H A P T U R3 2

irrdiqi{+iraaradqiiTssrsqq t
qlq: ,usnl{qtr eql :rqqri,
rg.iitqqt, tt I tt
One eachfrom vata, pitta and kapha, fourth fiom
their combination together
and another one from 6ukra( semen thus Admari
); ( stonc) is offive kinds.
All of
havingkapbaasthe basicdosr. r\imarisare ctreadful
lik. th; ;;
firfrqiafiaqii agaiq* qfH qqa:{d qr I
qlrnqrsqqgiqi-r*i meor iliieas ilqil rit: || R,It
a$qlqtBlql: tTcll:, -r.
1 f+. a. tr )
Admart ( stone, calculi ) gets formecl rvhen
vdta dries up the semen,urine,
pitta or kapha storedin the urinary bladder.,just as bile
gets solidifiedin ( the Eall
bladder of ) the.cow. All types of aimaris are causedby"the

qtqrrrrd - -aqqqi: qgaqqqr

dsr<qajiig cfidlsfi€.6.rri rr
qig <ramuaf qei-g uu{tiut$ r i ur.r;
premonitory symptoms
of Ajmaris arc distention ol. the bladder,
severepain in
and aroundit, the smell of uri'e resembling that of
a goat, difficulty in micturi-
tion, fever and lossof appetite.( 3-4 )

slo3,gF . FslrnfrQq;irsfcrqig
rrr rr
Ftilqqn {q rqrnr{rrcrd fnitftra r
aaqrqFg<i ttS--B .itiqrlccqrrq rr
aiddfqrti qralcrqrcrrqrfrar,riir q.
1 e.)
#:.Ti;:T,::i:lTll:i: 1eowi"*,,,f nlin in theregion
umbilicus, of the
:::j:T.^..In.,lTq*;urinaryfl ,"n-"*i."";ffi
ffiffi :'ffi:.":T
;ill':^t?lll j:l:":r mixed
i ;;.;ffi
i;,"1'"f "i;; ;"r
I'::j::"j"^::1".:), withblood a,.,"
tJ r" il;;;;:;,;. fit#y::;
experience of severepain on movement. ( 4_5 )
il4 Niddnam

alt qKt<Ei iIIa\ qidl:( qE[h aqa ll q ll

qarfk lq;i atf,i{ dicqiqiaei' mqt t
ctfiti ggth tta;sgii€ia i<'gur tt o tt
qqrqrcollsQcttqltq {zrrfqal*o-g*liq t ( ar' fa' a' t )
to grind
Symptoms of Vataja a6tnariare ver,vsevcre pain making the person
his teeth and tremble, to wecp ancl squceze his penis and umbilicus
stone will be
fecesis expellcdalong with flatus,urine drop by drop frequently; the
black or reddishblack in coloul with thorn/sprouts'( 6-7 )
fqia qah qiia: q€cqta q{lsqqla tt z tt
qgld{lRqdrqlat <iFflalsiqalsqcii | (ar f+ a t)

In Pittaja type, thcre rvill bc scvcre bulninq sensationinsidethe bladder ( as

the stone
though smeared with aikaliest, r'esiilnol' th; llladdc| is hot to touch;
..r"-bl", the seeilof blrall;talia,(s:m';c:rrpusanacardium)having red'
qiraGqqa {q {iqcql nradl gtr tt < tt
ecE{€Iqaal 4}qolt cgqqisqql isat | ( ai' ft' a t )
In Kaphaja type pricking pain in the bladder,cold to touch, feeling of heavi'
'in size, smooth,slightly browr^or white in
nessof the bladder; the storlervill be big
colour.(9 )
cal r{€tfid slalai eqriq q tlq€|t ll i,o ll
-jrteJilqqqlaqiirrt€qlr6rd gqt: l (rr'f+'u t)
These( thc:rbovi:th'ce lyp's ) uie colnl,lonin yout'Qbrtys and girls and it is
easyto rcmove thc storrts ( by suluical opcration ) in them becauseof the small
sizeofthe bladderand the stone ( l0 )
gt6lccii O c€di fiIqe gifi'lrKqll(ll lt tt
s11p;5ae1<iG g'rt{lr;atsiia: t tilqqtgqdZagma;gmaWtl tt {r tt
eRaw.{a6;piqgtrtazrgrtRoft | dtql€(q;cgtai gmik fqdtqi tr {t tt
.iii?l tqq*risi+ct ( at.ft, u. t )
Sukraja a!:marigets lbnr.rcclin adults who witbhold the expulsionof semenin
thc mldclle ( of thc urethra ). Thus obstructed,the semen gets dried up by vdta,
inside the scrotum forming a stonc. Sucha person tvill have pain in the bladder,
difficulty for micturition, swcllinq o[' thc scroturn;] the semengetting releasedby
rubbing the ulethral pass.Ige.( l l'- 13 )
L T e s t e st o b e m o t e r P p r o p r i a l r ' .
Ch.32, VesitalCalculus ll5

3llcis q {r*{T I
eurft qtgar lrrar qr dR€qgm ll 18 ll
fit{i sa {i* cfhAn {ittqi t (ar. ft. * <)
qetilarsSt qI €fir 5algt4an tt 1r tt
qtiti cqd trc,i slq]rtaqqrcfiq t
qpgiqqurad q Eeqli a?'ftei qfi(tt !'q tt ( r . f a u . r )
Sarkara ( gravel ) is the sameas aSmari, having been broken up into minute
particlesby vata, being eliminatedout mixed along t'ith urine lf it getsbiggel and
obstructsthe passage,complicationssuch as debility, exhaustion,emaciation,pain in
the lower abJom"rr,lossof appetite,anaemia,burning micturition, thirst, pain in the
heartand vomittingwill develop. ( l4-16 )

cTlianqE cIqI sqqlEl Eilatq I

srqxrt q{qqtqtg fqcat rrdqiiqat tt to tt ( g q . - . { r. i )
gfa rfarfqt qtaaf,csrt;sqtft <ta sqr{{
I 11 ll

A3mari associatedwith gravel or without it, is going to kill the
obstruction to
developssevere distention of the umbilical region and scrotum' total
micturition and pain. ( 17 )
Thus endsthe chaPtcr on Asmarl'

wa rirgrirgfaeflfdcTrq
arrrqrgd{Esgd qdtfi qllq}qrr{q(qF qqiiq r
a{Ieqni geiuti a cHg: *+5o eiqrr t, l ( s.|q. er.u )
Indulgencein sitting on sofr cushionsfor long periods ( thus avoiding physicalj
activity ), sleepingfor long hours,useof curds,flcsh of animalsof clomestic,aquatic
or of marshy places,milk ( and its preparations), f.esh grains,freshwater, puddings
made of jaggery/sugar( an1 irs other pro:1ucrs) and all other similar factorswhiJh
bring about increaseof kapha in the body are the causesfor prameha ( polyurea/-
iqry qid
AEry qT{T iIe atrd o
Si *q] qfiarra:cqtq I
citla iarq. qgdiotg.iqaraqittapg"q ifi rrr rr
rlilg friuqqguq qr(q. d(Eq iarq.g;€esiialr r
qrqrr qdltrlqer, fiqqt: qg qpqr, ? q1p:r: qqalqgr{.r
lt R tl
qqfsqiqrfacckqrqr;saTiqqiElrq qqmd i rr ( a. tq. q. s )
Kapha undergoingincrease, vitiates the mcclas( fat
), maftsa ( muscle) and
, kleda ( body fluirls ), drarvs them 10 rhe urinary bladder and producesprameha;
similarlythe pitta aft;ctsthem, vrte alsobringsaboutvitietionin them anJ produce
prameha.The ten kinls p.o luccJ by kapha arc ersirycurrrble,six kinds by pitta
are controllableanl lour kinds by \'.rta are incurable respectivelf becauseof simi-
larity ( in respcctof the causitivedosasand the vitiatecl clhatushavins identical
properties); dissimila.iry( in respecrof causitivedo;a and vitiated dhatus
different properties) and grave consequences( vataja types giving rise to
complicationsquickly ). ( 2-3 )
i6'$: qfirt ,raau fl'q, i{tsegmrrg+<radtsr: I
csr r€lqr fi&rii q I't,, tlid fiqiatq A€r:u B l ( Er.fq. q. t. )
In all tbe tlventy varietiesofprameba, vata, pitta and kapha together
thc causitive dopasl medas ( fat asrk ( blood iukra
), ), ( semen), ambu ( body
fluids ), vasE ( muscle fat ), lasika( tissuefluicl y, rnujja (marrow
), rasa ( lymph j,
ojas ( essence ofalt the dhatus ) and pi3ita ( muscletissue are the
) dqya, (affected
Ch,33, pojurea/Diabctes ll7
{dat{ii qaraiii cqti qihqrq?il: r
{nrfaqqor ii Ee-tqiertq q crFAu \ n ( v. t. )
are accum.ulation
of dirt on theteeth( mouth,eyes,
nose'ears :lTt T'
), reeringof burningsensarion
in the palmsu.ra ,ot"r, ;;t.k*r;;;;" ,kt"
all over the body, thirst and a sr.vecttastein the
mouth. (5 )
qrcFcaqruiaT.TotFyqal r
freqeqftfrQsfi 1 q rl
{cqqltq}Tai riE-tl?g qr.qi i ( ar, fa. v. r" )
rncreasedquantity and t.urbiclityof urine
. arc the characteristicfeaLures,Due
to the combination of cioqas
and dugyas; ciiflerent colours are seenin the urine and
pramehas ( diabetcs are classified clependirrg
) upon thc colour of the urine,
etc. ( 6-7 )
qEBe-gleti did iari'qgq*iveqrrs rr
.f*kqrfiaiiGoaq t{qi} rqiiqrqri agt igiaar rre rr
y{v+< $m qF-{iaiiaiir r guidr goc.ogoi=*rit-uiq,,.,,,
itdol fii:a fuuea6a
fbaqrgir,i g"6,ji, i.a*t o+aAir c" ,,
{ala{t ts{aGdtt'q*arciuor) ean{-l siraidt gqg{ft cgi tatrftaaq 11qq11
{|;T; a: {rid6t c;{ c;{ ca€fa I
man'qg* q* aruftla fqfisaq rr qRrr ( ar.fa.q . l" )
Clear, copious, wbite, colcl, oclourlcss,with littte turbidity
_ and greesiness,
almost resemblingwater are the fe:rturesof urinc in Udakameha.
Urine, very sweetlike thc juicc of sugarcancis found in Ikgumeha.
Urine kept undisturbedfr_rrsornctime in a pot assumingthicknessis scen
In Surdmeha the urine rcsemblessur- ( alcoholic beverageprepared
flour ) with clear fluid on top anclsecliments at thc bottorn.
In Pi(tameha, the urine appears rhick as ilrough mixed with flour
and is
white in colour,the patient experienccs horripul.rtiu,,softcn.
In Sukrameha,the urine resembles semenor even be mixed with it.
In Sikatdmeha,the urine containssmall par.ticlesresemblingsanci.
ln Sitameha,thc urine is copious,swectitr tasteand very cold to touch.
In Sanairmeha,the elimination o['urine is vcry frequentand very slow.
In Lalameha, the u.ine resemblcssaliva witrr appearanceof threads and
( These ten varitiesare predominantlykaphaja. ( i_12
) )
llB Madhaaa
rr;rrqoicqrci:qrrtqqrrdicqq r {ahBa dtarri oraldl cdifiu u tl tl
€rfiqAdicgsi aRatdii$s€qI fid cr{Vgiir ef}swflodturqrrtu u
fiaguol qoq'i <upi <u*€ar | ( ar.fq. q. t. )
In KqArameha,the urine resemblessoh-rtion of alkali in smell,colour, tasieand
In Nilarnehait is blue, in Kalarnehait is like charcoal.
In Haridrameha,the urine is pungentanclcleepyellow and the patient experi-
encesburningsensation during urination.
In Manjigtrhameha, thc urine is foul smellincand resemblesdecoctionof mafrji-
stha ( Rubia cardilblia ).
In Raktarnehathe urine is having lbul smcll, hot, salty tasteand red in colour
like that ofblood. ( 13-14 )
( The above six varitics arc prcclominantlypittaja. )
sqfidt qsfpi qqrli (qiigg: u i\ u
cqrri rqlid qr n<l{r ggligr | {qri cgt qs{s{ictdel6ur rrtQ rr
6rdt qq {Erq€i (* iaieaFtaq I
qaqltsi fiqd q €fHdi cl€id tt 1s n ( u. t" )
In Vasdmeha,the urine is mixed with muscle fat or appears like that and is
voided frequently.
In Majjameha, the r:rinc is mixed with marrow or appears like that and is
voided lrequently.
In Kgaudrameha,the urine lor:kslike a decoction,is sweet,and non-sticky.
In Hastimeha,the person passcsulinc continuouslylike an elephantin heat,
slowly(without pressure) and it is mixed rvith lasikd(tisue {1uid).
( The abovc four varities are prcdorninantlyvataja. ) ( l5-17 )
e{i.n*sdiqsGfifl fie' q{laqr t sqqqr! qstqi larai qqs'cn{ tt Lz ll
Indigestion,lossof'appetite,vomitting, too much of sleep, coughand running
in the noseare the complicationsduring the coulseof I(aphaja pramehas.( 1B )
qRaitaidtqt g({Iqqwi cq(rI Erarqlorrsf}axr
qasl fiqftr fitrs'earqlt
Pain in the urinary bladder and pcnis,cracksin the skin of the scrotum,fever,
feelingof burning sensation,thirst, sour erectations,faintingsand diarrhoeaare the
complicationsof Pittaja pramehas.( 19 )
rrlacl?Ig{lirdr$rqEa€otadlt I
{tagfudt lilqr q[q, ,qrcr*rqfqi tt q,otl ( m. f<.sr.t" )
Ch.33, PoQweal
Diabetes 119
In Vataja pramehas, movement in upward direction inside the abdomen
(reverse peristalisis), tremors, heartache,desirefor eatablesof all tastes,pain ( in
the bladder and penis ), lossof slecp,emaciation,cough and increasedbreathinqare
the complications.( 20 )
qcil*iqqqdicffiqgdiq q I
fte*rdrisri qrcrqAA Efidcriqq r -<tu ( q q w. rr )
Pramehasassociatedlvith the abovc cornplications,itith eliminationof very
large quantitiesof ulinc and appearancco[ tubcrcles( or ulcers) on the body a;e
going to kill the paticnt.( 21 )
cild:c}€1 cglkit qr a{ rq sfi: {r k riie'}qr( | _,@
lt ( r. tu. a. i )
iarfi*fiigaarfi*r<rqqFaairdri(.cEE;iqqr;qr{lr ?,R.
A personwho is boln with prarrclra ( hclirlitory diabctes) ol a pelson ra,ho
is suffering from madhumchaarc said to b.r jnculallle becauseof dcfect in gcncsis
itself beloretheir bilth. Likervisc,
manv othcr hr:rirlitorvdiseases
alsoarc saidto bc
incurable.(22 )
{GT qA qq-6trT rfitanlqla;Strror: I
tgiatamatlia aErs€EqrlrsFa fe u RAtl ( g. f+. w. i )
rgll qed qrqe q [{ta iaar r 4i qrqErqreu}{tvrgaltsuar rr ru tr
All varieties of plameha,if'uot tlc:rtedin time, will ultimately become
madhumeha which is inculable. In trfadliurneha,the urine is like honey( sweetin
taste) and it is of two kin'.ls,viz., one clui: to v]ta v5ddhi causedby dhatu kgaya
( depletionof tissues) and anothcr. by vita vrJdhi causedby obstructionof the
channels ofvata by tlrc otbcr,doia-!. (2:i-24 )
srr{dl E}qiasr[i titsiifiti cqeiqdI qrqri{iiq:e:qrcXqitqqa ti;Fsrucar{ l R\ tl
cgt qq it€g n,il qi':qq ilala | (;D
<;isii ugiarcar qrgclq aile: lr it r Er f+.q. i" )
I t r c a s eo l o b s t | u " t i o t i o f c h a n n c l . , t i l e s y r r l p t o m so l , l o s a sa p p c a r s o r l ] r : t i m c s
mi.ld and sornetinrcs sevclc. :\ril valirtl' ol pianreira in which thc urinc is sweet
like honey irnd the wholc body is also srvcct, it is to bc named as Madhumeha
itself.( 25-26 )
trrti+{I in€Biqintqtladi Aaarsadr r eqi<*r a,iin+r gfzuft eiqqf{+r tt R,ett
fieitrAfh flqsqrrcidiE'eiqrq{r r
. ef:wifrg qtq;a ci€ag q qrcg lr -{zlt ( ar.ft. a. 1. )
Saravik;r,kacuh:ipikJ,jelirrr, r,irtata,alajr, rnasurikt,sarSapika,
putrinl, vidarika
and vidradhika are thc terr types ot' tubercles(colbunclcs ) in relation to prame-
has,They appcaron joints, vital parts and otirel Iicshy parts of the body. ( 27-28 )
120 Madhaoa
q;fteat q a{ql fiFcrqt {r{rfifir r .i<qf,cd{qrir aicstulrir q{* rraq rr
qEr6r tc'de?i+ iqr qserlitt g]: r wrfilft iiiqEr€rq ciqqruqcrgar lt 1o tl
arEqrd€qr$Er t; ql5cgqtsfi qr I qEdl lieqr a'iariqaar arq tTrrq-6ril iq tl
r$qqriiat Rqr flqs*tariv giiaft | {qq*fi{irqrar f*w q cqfirr l i?. tl
cq iqar rniaFar qrcorrtaafiuiq r fiqrtt*;qaatt xfiar +flq{rftqr rr11rr
firndadljcr iil iici'rtr E qr I i o-cor,r€oiiar€6Trldrcga;cqt: u ic rl
(g ia.a.\)
Saravika resernblea sauccr with elevatccl eclscsand clepressed centre;sarga-
pika is similar to white mustard seedsin colour. a.d sizc; kacchapik- resemblesa
tortoiseshelland caurcssensationof; jalini is shaped like a seiveof muscle
fibres and will have severeburninq sensatiorr.
Vinat1 appearson the back ol abdomen, rvith hard, blue, big sizcdtubercles
associated with pain and exu lation.
Putrir.riis a biggcr ulccr'with small ulccrsspreadar.ound.
N{asurikais ulcer in the shapc and sizeof masura dala (pea ), Aiaji is red
or white in colour, burstsout and very dreadlul; VidarikA is round and hard like
tuber of viddri.
Vidradhika will be having all the featuresof an abscess.
These ulcersare alsosaid to be causcdby the samedogaswhich causea parti.
cular variety of prameha ( 29-34 )
fqar.ciraq*il srt;i gsA?€: I
at{iat a aqq;e zltqat€1ui<a6:
rr1q 11 ( s. T. 3{.tr )
These ulcers miglit occur, cven without prameha ( diabetes) in persons
in whom tbe medas( lLrt/aCipose tissue) hasunderqone abnormal change; but it
cannotbe recognisedtill it gets localiseclin specificdparts. ( 35 )
gi aR ftrttdiEi edg dlfiarar:t
*eqer g{ani: fienr: cftqfiq rraql (g.f<.a.i)
{fld ,*qrqq,FrfErfsiqr44ft{ri ti4*r1Frs+rftlrt sqis{ rr qI rr

Patientswho have developedthese ulcersin tlic rectum,'region of the heart,

head, shoulders,back and vital parts of the boly, asso:iatedlvith complica-
tions and who have poor digestivccapacityare io be r.efused
treatment. ( 36 )
Thus endsthe chapter on Prameha,
C 34

I'tDD,4 RjGil NIDANAM ( OBEt;ITr )
er;qrqrqfiEr+qsduqoraRQisar r egisate: rr<; d'arlq: cerii( rr ( rr
gr:qeq;}1q,aq: I aE+qdtaiarnrqar:vd*dg rrr rr
g4rareqvrdla+awmuaarqi' r grn, €rriEdi,ir':trcqqpils<qigalrr i rr
dqtZ q{{ararglr"aitag ir,rdq | 3raairqt giq; qri'l iqiiaa} niq rru rr
nqetssgaerriiardq:alg ieiqar r qr{ q;gE{q?qiacrcd{ilqqtqii rr\ tt
aeqrqq{iiq'q(qi{tar(cl.rrr6h r fqrr<iarsi dica aiP-r1mra;ri}*cr(rrq rr
<argvqa*ilfiiqiaiLcrvii r qal c qai, r'1d aaqnilqi qailrr,err-
iqtrdiq rili ea,iariiaE,r:r iqmrrraqr{ulrdiFiEr;rnr{r;iqtg
diEaq rrz rr
Absence of physicalactiviL,v, slcepirrgd uring day, and intakc of I'ooclswhich
increasekapha, rnakcthc errrl
Prr-lrrct ol rligcstior.r
to bccornc( alrnorr'elly ) sweet
which in turn causesincreascof niecla.'( lat ). Tbis ob'tructs thc rrutr.ientchanuels
of the renraining tissuesclep'.i'irg rirernof nurrition. so only fat accumulatcsin
large quantitiesin the bo:ly r.eki.s thc prr:o. i.capablc of ail activities.Difficulty
in breathing even on slight excrtion., thilsr, dclusion,sleep, sudden catching of
breath, exhaustion,excessivchungcr, bad.smellof the body and poor physicaland
sexualcapacitygradually develop.,\s rhe abdomcnand bonesare the chief depotsof
fat, the abdomengets enlargcdin s'ch pe'sons. The channelsof vata becomeobst.
ructed by the in.;rcasccllat i'side the abdornen;vata then beginsto act last inside
the abdomcn,irlcreases the digestiveactivity,making for vo'acioushunger and crav-
ing for largc quantity o1 Ibod. In courscol time many more distressin[isymptoms
develop.Agni ( gastricfire ) and veta togethcr are very harmful.Just as the lorest
fire destroys the lbrcst, thesedcsLfoyrhe bocy. with tbe increasc offat, the three
do;asalsounde'go increase,procluce.rany s.verc complicationsancl evc' lossof life
quickly.( 1-B )
lqlcicdieqtqrsiriiqg?trdnr r erq?ilqq,iltqri atlsiar'1a wqa lqu (a. q. a. rt.)
qlr zlqrusrrfarle+ qrttaf{(r,{ qr'Ift<ri qqrctq l iy ll

A personis said to be very obesewhen his buttocks, abdomen and breasts

begin to show movement (during activity ) due to accumulationoffat in those
placesand when his body build and enthusiasmare found to be disproportiona
(to his age ). ( 9 )
Thus endsthe chapter on Meda roga.

itm: qisfi n=fsd ga<rgqdhe t srfrqbcia+arlwlq-headaatqttttt (ar'la*. tr)
Aii diseases are produccdby mandlgni ( poor cligestiveacrivity ) speciallyso
the Udara roga ( cnlargement ofthc abdomen). It occurs duc to indulgence
uncooked, tlirty or spoilcd food and accumulition of waste products in the
body. ( I )
E{Eqr€<rrxardrfiqlqrrdtaifk diqat' t
qptF;qqlaFl q(GzI qnq:tgEt ZqI{ ll ?.ll ( s. fs. ,,{.1r )
The dolas undergoing increase, obstructthc clrannelsof slveat and other
body fluicls,excite pr'5na,aplna and agni ( pitta ) an:l produce Udara roga ( enlar-
gementof abdomcn)' ( 2 )
3{Efli qcisarik,itied g'iarfirarI dtu: eqaegtaiqsl qrdgitqq}:ll 1 ll
Et€Rr;fl q €{g qdtg rlqF( k I
Distention ofthe abilorncnwith gas, inability to walk, wcakness,poor dige-
stion, inactivitY, ocdemaand debility of the extrimities, obstructed movementof
flatus and fcces, feeling of bulning sensationand stupor are generally seenin all
types of udala ( 3 - 4 )
guofrt, <etia [iIEEqFa]q+;ll 8 ll
iaiiaei gulrgE r
<i,rqrrgE11oqdt .i. ic. 3{. g )

Udara is of cight kinJs; oni: ii onr e;rch do;a, one from their combination;
plthodara, baddhoclara,k;ato:iere I nLl ud,rkoclala; the symptoms of eachwill be
describedseparatcll'f'urthcron. ( 4 )
as qraEi rifq: qtiqqtefi{5iag tt '.,tt
titqiqrearq(if,fl gg€q qq.lqaq I I T rS. r{. 1i,

g(s5rc'ls$citsdlgrar qade€' tt q tt
qglqrruriErqrsiqcifi{crgiqarqqq r e,iia,rsgqt agsEulfk(Id.rq ll s ll
qEckrsfhq€sE{ciati cqttfir q I illg*ila {r€5{r6il Gsiiq{Atqih' tr z ll (if ft 3I' 11)
In Vatodara the symptorusat c, oeilcnta oi thc hands, lbct, trmbilicus and
joints; dry cougb,
lower abdorncn; pain in thc ab:lomen, flanks, tvirist, back and
bodyaches,feelingof heavinessof the lorver pafts of the body, accurnulationof
,nurt., pro,lu.t. in the bocly,bluish or brorvnishdiscolourationof skin, etc.,
Lh. ;15,[.nlargement
of abdomen r23
or decreaseof sizeof the ablomen rvithout any apparentreason,pricking and other
typesof pain, appearanceof thin, black netlvorkof veins on the abdomen,highly
resonantsoundelicited on percussionanclmovementof gas with gurgling noiseand
pain inside the abdomen.( 5-B )

r rritsfdsrr:,liaiei tqqEtgqt €R{ n

fiqJqt sqi (=el sra€qE-m.ez.5rczrar
{laasfhqad etii elsc qah rqerr} €grqii fhcqd q{qe l lo l ( 4f f4. 3{.?r )
In Pittodara,there will be fr:ver.,fainling, feelingofburning sensation,thirst,
bitter taste in the mouth, gidcliness,diarrhoea,yellow cliscolou.ation ofskin, etc,,
aPpearsnceof network of' veins of green, yellow or red colour on thc abdomen,
perspiration, feelingof hcat anl burnins as though by movementof hot smoke;
abdomensoft to touch and painful. T'tre cou,litionis quickly progressive( to end up
asJalodara). (9-10 )

+ifrqts*sq,i rqrq:r:rqgrrl(qqr iix)$eits<flar e!rJ{T: 6r{rrg6€qdiar l ql tl

sqi ftaflii ir*nriggtrsiiad c€q I iitriirZd nf}i diarqri g€hq(t u tR u
The symptomsof Kaphoduraarc debility, lossof activity, oedemaand heavi_
nessofbody parts, too much olsleep, nausa,lossofappetitc, difficulty in breathing,
cough, whitenessof the skin, etc. . The abdomenis tense,soft, having white striae,
large in size, increasing slorvly, hartl, cokl to touch, heavy and without
movement.( 1l -12 l

ia<\5qqd aoalrqrfisfi |gjce<rg1r r: r

qti cq;B;iq(q-l q{a1 g'rrSedlf\qQqalet ll ll ll
iarg <+'siqaraliqrr gdr gqlt wat l!la-*qr
a;diaqri u{gfiii a fiiea: ScqfiEahir l q,rl ( u. tt )
q qrqit gala R cst qragr6rrt gtqfh EEurqr
q I
I'ra)qt qii{taiafe, (;
Ingcstionof harmful substanccscontainirrgnails,hairs, urine, I'eces,nrenstrual
blood,etc., administercdby wiekedrvomcn along rvith food anrl clrink to their foed;
i.gestion of polluted water, slow poisonsetc., tend to increasethe do;as which in
turn vitiate rakta ( blood ) and producea severe form of udara roga having the
symptomsof all the three dosastogetlicr. The condition exacerbateson days of cold
breezeand over'castclouds,the patient lecls severeburning sensationinside,faints
frequently,is pale, emaciatcd,and suffcrsfrom sevcrethirst. This condition is called
as Dugyodaraalso,( 13-14 )
124 MadhaoaNidanam

Sdtqt dtiiqdt fifrq u qqtt

GqraiuuqF.E(arq q;itr *gueiq,iq€t +qr{ t
Sarf,rzfq grar qei didttqiasgi qqFd tl i,q ll
aarcqtdqiizlqlia Giqa; dEii atqts* t
q;qcqqiar+cfiaio*tqar qfror<dsii'rtv-g:
Unclelstnnclthc symPtomsof PlihoCara I'ulther-in persons who indulge :ir
foodswlrich pro,.luccburnirrg sensationclu|ing digestion antl which block thc tissue
pores by greasymaterial,the rakta (blood ) and kapha undcrgo atrnormalchanges,
t}r" cnlargemcntof slrlecn anclprotlucc I)lihorlala ( splenomegaly ) Abdomen
"aor. fever, poor
is enlargecl,r,o.. on tlrt. lcli side, paticnt is vcry debilitatcrl, with mild
and severe
digestion, symptomso[ increas:d kapha antl pitta, lossof strength
anaemia.( 15-16 )
q6.Il;.Iqpii q6ia cEi a4 qgqr.gqi daq ll l'e ll ( I f'r' ?T s )
Ifthcre is sucha. cnlargc'rc't r-r1'tSelivcron the right sicle, the
to be nameclas Yakltodala ( hcpatonregrrly )' ( I 7 )
r ri<qr<iqnrii;ifiiqme c6r{. mcrqlllall (
In both thcse conditions, symPtomsol veta sucli as uprvarclmovemcnt'
of pitta suchas delusion,thirst, feel'
and distentionof abdomenrvith gas;symptorns
of kapha suchas fecling of heaviness,
ing oi burning sensationand fever; symptoms
be noticeil ( 1B )
of appetit" anclliardnessol thc abdorncnal'e to
q{{r;ac+eqafifiqi qrotqciiqifikd aunq r
d.jiqi arq rldr €Acr qtir nir d+raa arwtq tt 11tt
{it':qh atq U? giid iatih o;gtEiq Ellaqcaq{|
qEfia ll ?" ll (t.f<.u.o)
aafi{qui ciiqkifh a€JEt sqgi
h.tir'\rstones, etc , Inake for
obstrur]tion of thc intestinr:sby fooil tnatclials,
accumulationo1'rvas|cs (|eces ) insicletjrc itrle:t]tres.Tlrc f'cccsiS totally obstructed
Jr-"","a in srnell pcllcts rvirh great ditiicuity, abJomenis enlargcclbetween
as lladdhagudoclara( intestinai
tfr. and thc uinbilicus This conditionis callcd
"tr"" ( 19-20
). )
atri aqrs*qkd qE;+g+ firaqlqarqqt qt t
alcri€Tft${Rqlbacat{r; €TI.[r€Iia gEiltl-{[zrr ll ?( ll
ari<'rt'tqrifa afi iir{qi qrcqfi qriilrl{{ |
qatqfiqFgEtcQd, (r fa: * u )
Perforationof the intestinesby shalpforcignbo:lics ingestedalongwith food'
of watery materialfrom
or oerforationdue to any other cause,makesfor exuclation
Ch. 35, Enlargcnentqf abdomen 125

insideproducing enlargementof the abdomen below the umbilicus;with pricking

pain and apparent fluid movement.This conditionis knolvn as Parisravi udara
( intestinalperforationand peritonitis). ( 2l-22 )
q+tqtdriiqif fi-irs rrtc.rr
q, da,ilits.qEqrfqil qr qr-il iei(+]s.qqil fnd-6,t
fiiud diaaerg arq dtaile quaiiait dealfi ll ?,1ll
*€tqibiuq.rqrsii ig <+)<i q{aergifi r
lw.d qattqii{aatiil €crdd qoiinarrXar aI
qql eli: €rqii *rqh q lr6?tqaqrii q*lqt aq ll R,ts ll ( g. )
Understandthe symp.'toms of D:ikodara now-ilrirrking of cold water by the
therapicslikc oleation,oil encma,emesis,purga-
patient who has been adrninisterccl
tion or decoctionenema;( or by any otlrer c:ruscalso ), the channelsof fluids in the
body get obstructedby oily rnaleri:rl and lead on to the production ofdakodara.
The abdomen is greatly cnlarged rvith thc umbilicus proLrudingout, srnoothand
hard to touch, producingsoundantl movement like a leatherbag filled r.vithwater.
This conditionis known as Dal<odara ( ascitis,enlargement of the abdomenwith
fluid ). ( 23-24 )
q;cifts< q{ crqr 6;Fari qaq I Eliantaqqtellg qGT{Ed iilfi'.laq ll ?,qll
q{taqgd qtri qri sra}qEi?TqII qrii qqiqHlqlq iiar-i itqt ?qrrq ll-<qll(a.tu. sr.1.)
Generally all kinds of uclaras are, cven at lhcir onset, difficult to cure. fn
personsof strongconstitutiou, belore {brntatiotrof fluid and ofrecent onsetit can
be cured with grcat effort. Bacldhagudodara after a lapsc of a fortnight, all other
typeswhich havc procrcssed into the stagc of accumuletionof fluid, and that in
which the intestinesale perforatcd-are going to bc fatal. ( 25-21 )
q(annsiidlq{qgqiseaEiqqq I qadtfuaqi{Tli}'riidioia <$iq ll?ell ( s. fq. q. tc )
qrniqsrafias{ilutfiunfiiSaq r id arg<koi q'ieroi iaeq"iq llRzll (g. q 3r rY)
ci jffctqaiirft"fur qraafcati l1{ftiri qqfcl{ t t l v, ll

Patientsof udara rvho have clevelopedoedemaof the eyes,curvature of the

penis,smooth and thin skin, lossol' strength, loos of blood, muscles and digestive
capacityare tu be refusedtreatment. Similarly alsothosewho have pricking pain in
the flanks,aversionto food,oedema,diarrhoeaand fluid accumulatingquickly inspite
of purgationsare to be rejectcd.( 27-28 )
Thrrscnds the chaDter ou Udara.

<qfirccr{ argiifi Ser< qia:fqu:-rritrqrqqrrf'dt}f6galtlai<d*aa rrI rr
wiri da;ioritrianrgfiaarqa-,
r <ti taierrtq eqir{r*qirqrq rrR.rr
Nt gqrariq
: i r t r r q t a r i a q q i qr irr.'a.a 1:)
Vdta unclergoi.gincreasepushesor.rtthe increasedrakta ( blood pitta and
kaphato the extcrior I skin ) by blockinq their channclsand producesswellingof
the skin and muscles.It is callcd as utsedha,sarhhata a'd Sotha in view of its in.
creasedsize.Dependingupon the characteristicfeaturcsof dogasit is classifiedinto
nine kincis-one from eachcloga,one each from the combinationol two dogas,one
lrom the combinationof all three dosas together,one injury and one
poison.( 1-2 )
<E1duiqag: letatitsS.i<q tt 1 tt ( er.f+. 3{.ti )
Its premonitorysvmptomsarc milcl bur.ningscnsationof the skin ( eyes,nose,
etc. ), appearanceof venous nctrvork( engorternentof veins ) and feelinq of heavi_
nessof the body parts. ( 3 )
gGlErqRrfiEarEarii qrrrrsad^lqoil.qgsqQar r
*urrqss6ililiirgEqitqqsFiiiqui q e
rr rr
q{iirq+el c e ?aqfudc,tqarirfieer rqii: r
flcitqsn, qfla*fqi q fiqrq dC,,qq,ii, cfasr lt q tl
Improper managemeuto1' differcnt kiri,lsof pufificatory therapies,effectsof
diseasesllack of fooC,etc., will m:rkemen cmaciatedand weak, Suchweak oersons
indulging in loods which are alkaline, sour, heat producing, hot, hard to digest,
curds,uncookedfoods,mud, leafy vceetables,incompaiable recipes,spoilt and poi-
sonedfoods;presenceof haernorrhoids,absenceof physicalactivity, not unclergoing
purificatory measuresfor long perioJsof time, disordersof vital organsof the bod11
abnormal delivery in women and improper administrarionof purificatory therapies
are the causesfor systemicoedema.( 4-5 )
eqltd wRc-dRuatri *dvqtarsq f\(raE.q{ |
q qrcFqio* eEq?it:c-kEq n q tl
edfca,i*l iqqor"ar
swelli.g associatedwitli fecling of heavi.ess, increasing or decreasing
frequently,warmth, thinning of the vcins,hairs standingon encls,discolourationare
the generalsymptomsof ocdema.( 6 )
Ch. 36, Oedema,anasarcd t27
qdragi€rRqrdlseoiisiqa:gsfk€df*gislifiqa: r
qarcqfhilqcfi qq'ileit Rsrqdt q rarg: cit<ottq tt s tt
Skin on the oedematouspalt being movable, thin, rough, brown or black in
colour, insensitiveor with a fceling ofpins anclncedles inside; oedema subsiding
temporarily without any zrpparentcause, pitting orl pressulean'l the pit filling up
quickly, increasirrgduring d;ry time .!rc tl),i symptomsof V6taja {otha ( ocdemadue
to increaseof vata ). ( 7 )
qq: qrl;ritsiqatiimrrrqt{uccerra{qqcqlii{d: I
q s6qi rqcaqfh(rrrEqq iiqil'.it EEr{aqF6Er{lt c tl
Skin on the oeclematous part being soft, emitting somesmell;bJack,yellow or
red in colour; the patient having giddiness,fever, perspiration, thirst, toxicity,
severeburning sensationin the affectedpart, rednessof tlie eyesanrl oeclemaform-
ing into an ulcer quickly are the symptomsof Pitta3otha( oeJemacausedby increas-
ed pitta ). ( B )
ga, fiq{: qlugcita+rfiaar lQ*fiqnfiaftqpq5q t
q qspa;na{Ic) fidifiiit a ilaiqriqqdt $fir?rri6:ll q ll
The oedematouspart being heavy and immovable; the patient having pallor,
lossof appetite,too much of salvaticn,sleep, vomitting and poor digestion;swelling
very slow to manifestand to subside,pitting on pressureand the pit not filling up
and swellingprofound during nights are the symptomsof Kaphaja Sotha ( oedema
due to increaseof kapha ). ( 9 )
fiEntuii€eqhoqE: .qlkeiqsr I
qqlofi: qiiqnGdldt a'{fias{q: l i" tt ( r. X,a. t" )
Presenceol syrrptomsof trvo ilo;rrsand of all the three dosastogetherare to
be noticedin dvidosajaand sannip-rtaja3othasrespectivcly.( 1n )
e{irqFareriq;}qiqaarfinr: r kqriaa)erqii}riercqii*;B*r || 1i, ll
t€, qt*rr dtqti;elqE: tqrfis,isr{. I
Utrl"{ otlkatirrtT: qlqfl: fqqaqror, tt q,q.rt ( <r. fr. u. ti )
Assaultby wcnpons causirrgcutting, breakingor tearing of the parts, assault
by frost, breezc,cyclone;contactwirh fumesor oil of bhallataka( marking nut ) and
fine thorns of the pod of kapikaechu( rnucuuapruriens), irritating juices of herbs,
etc., bring about an oedemawhich spreadsquickly, associated with severeburning
sensation,rednessand other symptomsof pittavrddhi. ( 1l-12 )
{iqs: qiiqqrfhaiie'iorqeorq r q'sEr4aataunRfi'rcrihawfiu 1?[
ilcqrgml'raaea{e€d{q( r fivXailiarualeci'tm+aoiaq tt tc tt
qg:rdlsqor{ q rftit Ercrqmrr t ( sr. 14.3{.t I )
r28 MadhauaNiddnam

Poisonous animalscrawlins on the body, urinating, stinging, biting with teeth,

scratching with nails; contact with fects, ulinc, semenor coveringsof evennon-
poisonousanimals; contaminated cloth, poisonoustrees,air ( gases) and artificial
poisonousmaterialsalso produceoedema. skin over sheslvollen part is soft,
moveble,the pari is seen tL'ooping dorvnrvardlvith sevcre burning sensationand
pain manifcstingquickly.( l3-14 )
frer, ,aagqti k gd.tawtnairslirr:tl i I rl
qifiRrq(qr eQ g a*: {qilqqaRi{qr I qii€a€qgrfiErr Sdteq"et iTqr iltqt (1.fe.u. ti)
Dogasresidingin the stonach produceot:rlemain the upper part of the body,
residingin the large intestincthcy produce oeclcmain the trunk, residing in the
rectum they produccoedema in the lowcl Parts anll if'thcy are circulatin; all over
the body they producc ocdemaeverywhere. ( l5-16 )
fr ctq?i e:rqg:q 6c: q;rtrl q: r eui* iruga, tnraail':d'qkctiii tr (e tr
rarcr:fiqrqr sGsdldari G.I{qqqI q+qqt+€iqnlf+ara<"jiiiaasi}qttiatt(
3ra;dlqqq$a:dlu: urqegiiaarI ga.i Eiid nrii ;r g€di gadi aqq I
atlsgr4ar itq: qli{'tsqttq: gii(il tt 1q u ( - i r .f t ; r . t : )
fea:ii'qq<<rild q qqt.ra cd'iordi':d e t
rqar q(afii i{alaqsqJqqriii qrdrqiq{tqorni il ?.otl
qf+,;itqrra,rrfa' rJ,Tf,rlriqqra{ tr -r3 il
fii rrra-rfqtr.r

Oedema manifesting in thc trunk, that u,hich rnovcsto all the parts, that
which oresentsfatal signs,oedemaseenonly in lulf of rhc boCy,thet rvhichspreacls
upwards are to be consiclerecl as latal Paticntsol oe.l,:nr,irvho have increased/diffi-
cult respiration,severethirst, vomiting, dcbiliry, lcvcr, lack ofdesire for food are to
be refusedtreatmcnt.
Oedemanot producedby its own spccific causcs,that appearingin the feet
in men and in the lace in woncn, tblt appeafingin genital org,rnsin both are going
to be fatal.
Oedema which isofrecent onset, having no complications,is curable but
not others.
The patient who has oedemain his abdomen, r.reckand vital organs;oedema
which is very big in sizeand haril anrl that aftecting chikL.en,the very aged and
women are alsoto be rejectedfor treatment. ( 17-20 )
Thus endsthe chapteron Sotha

erii z&RcTiq
OF ttrE scRoTUM )
Zdrs1:riqi4u1a,qrtrr{f,an<ar{ I gttt .rEfota:crc{ qaitqilirqrkal: ,, ? .t l
c'ira trcdr{fq aniiftqqrrqfr, t - ) e r ei'|qar.*r c <artr lqr -<tl
qtr*en.<iioriqiqrq *aar1 r (,,sr fu. :.,t.,t7)
Vata undcrgoi'g increasc, makesa dorvnwar.clmovementto the groinsand
scrotum;derangesthevessels thereand procucesenlargenrent cf trrc scrotum-associated
with oedema and pai'. This diseaseknow' as vpclcltriroga is of sevcn
kinds, one
from each o1'1hetridogas,one from rakta ( bloocl one from
), meclas( fat ), one from
m'tra ( urine ) and seventhlrom trre intras ( intestines Even mutraja
). and antraja
are mainlv duc to vata, though named separately:rfter rlteir causes.( l_2
aragiefirtadi ser'lEraRi1rn rr ? rr
v$tgraq{i61{T, fivrqrfiuqql6qt{ r **r-did}!6: iqrq:qugerq q.fiilseqrq..rrgrr
$6or{dlsrza:firtiiiogs rcrr r *q{;i4sr zicig.aroqiiiqqr lt \ , "
qe'rr<urriiotl (f,il: q E q;sa: r zrrrilirr;qoieiaadari{ qria €as.€g:u q tl
W6;?qrr: t{rq qtaq{ qcr.:iqzil:r ( r. l.r ,r r r )
In vataja vlddhi, thc scrotum .cscr'blcsa bag fillerl rvith air both I.r sound
and touch,is roughand pairrluJrvithoutan1 ,",r.o,r.
In pittaja vpddhi,the scroturnresemblcs a ripc li.uit of uilumbara(wild fig/
Ficus- glomerata) accompanied with burning sensation, heat ar.,d"s
very rast.
In kaphajatype, the scrotuntis cold tc,touch,heavy,smoorh,itching, hard an4
with very little pain.
Raktaja type will be having all thc symptomsof' pirta and stuCdedrvith petichae.
X,Ieclajavrddhi lvill be having all the synrptcinrs
ol kapha, is soft ancl appears
( big ) like a tala fr.uit( wild palnr ).
xlutraja vyddhi occu'si. perso.s rvrroarc i'the habit ofsuppressing the urge
ofurination. The scrotum is fillerl rr,itl; fluid, resernblesa water bag produci.s
sound,is painful and soft, mictur.itionalso bcing difficult. ( ii_6
130 Madhava NidAnam

ErfrfiJfrfrT{tflt:vflirfrqr.Fndt:I te | |
qnfturqnrqffi: r Srrol:qlfirfrs*s S{r;flrrrdqqllsa I ;
f{{ufrF.etef+iwr<d r+q r Ssfr$rrsFqefrT*qrri sq{ irqrI rj I I
stqcrurs q tq-{krtwtct-{-Rnrf,fr'{ aql: I
cfiGils<:Rqar{rqrfr cqrq{+fr :FrgrTiF: | | t o | |
3|Er{krmds{ sra-d@d: t ( e{.qr)
EfnAqqcqtffi qq-qFrcri
qkf+EFisrrrRiq tit\etl

Indulgencein foodswhich increaseveta,sittinginsidecold waterfor long hours,

suppressing the urgesof the body or initiating themprematurely,carrying heavyloads,
walking long distances,doing acrobaticsand suchother tiresomeactivities,make for
increaseof vdtawhich in turn bringsdown the small intestinesinto the groin producing
a massthere.If not treatedsoon,it descendsfurther down into the scrotumcausingits
enlargement.The scrotumis painful, hasno movement,on pressureit (intestine)pro.
ducessound,recedes,but comesback againon releaseof pressure.This dntrajavrddhi
is incurableandhasall the symptonsofvatajavrddhi.(7-l 1)
Thus endsthe chapteron Vrddhi roga.
ft-cq; gttgdg gw-*mueil .rir
T6rtil qR sr 6d rroqudnqrffi( r rt r r
Galagandais definedasa swelling(tumor)in the neck,big or smallhanginglike
the scrotum.(l)
Erlr;ifi-E5Tft.rd I-Ed rri q rifs-e n*a tq: r
g;-dFilirnd m-svr:RftTS: FcF<ii ii rrrflTulrrTrg:
I t? | | (g. ii. or. qr.)
Veta and kaphaundergoingincreasebring aboutchangesin the medas(fat) and
produceswellingsin the neckand its sides.The symptorns
of the dosaswill rnanifest
gradually.This diseaseis known asGalaganda. (2)
*rr+crss q ilR sdf+rqr ilrqrrfisvftq. | (g. tr. 3r.qq)
fr<rfqtr: FEIfurtT{q: vqrdsuufrETq?Hrflaql I
qrsqgmfgrq@qr-6iT{6qr qrfifrqrtrqrfu( | | i I r
Bad tastein the mouth,drynessof the palateandthroat,swellinghavingpricking
pain,presenceof networkof black colouredveins,swelling-blue or red in colour,
rough, slow rate of growth, usuallynot forming pus, but occasionallypus getting
formed-aiethe symptomsof vatajagalaganda.(3)
fur F{uil rJ6€n-6u-{:
vft-dicgigrfr ifln'ril-*-q I tt | |
f{nnr{fti rq} frnn vu-afrsq6q, o'qrfo(r
s ilR irnlf+f,w ilrqq-fiyfrq, il\il (g. h. 3{. qq)
In kaphajagalaganda,the swellingis irnmovablehavingthe samecolour as the
skin,heavy,with severeitching,cold to touch,big in size,slow rateof growth,occa-
sionallysuppurates slowly,hasmild pain;thepatientwill be havingsweertastein the
mouth and furring of the palateand throat.(4-5)
ffi TG. l-{rra: ou-ga-a}sFqs{'s
l.eqlsagq-{tr{.d tgr{Fqwtfugffi: ! tq | |
ftrqre-m a-s rr*a wdirfds$rq V'rt s fc-€{ | (g ft. 3{.1r)
M e d a j ag a l a g a n d aw i l l h a v et h e s w e l l i n gw h i c h i s s m o o t h ,h e a v y ,y e l l o r v i s h -
1?' MadhaaaNidanan

white in coh)ur, emits unplcasantsmell with itching and mild pain, hangs like
an altbu ( pitchel gourd ), attachecl very losely,undclgoesincrcaseor decreasein
accordance to that of the boCy; the patient will have copious salivation and
makescooing sounclil the throat. ( 6-7 )
F€?'r;Eq(|;* qgsdqr* dqtqtidlmilefiftq ll s ll
efi"i Fr i?ir fldrrqsg*i fqetqr qtiq iqq*iq | ( g. fq'. 3T,t t )
Trc peticrrt o1-galaganr.lartho has dilEculty in breathing, vely soft body
palts,having it ( srvclling) lbr morc than a ycar, rvitli loss of'appetite,cnraciation
and brokenvoiceis to be rcicctcdfor tfeatmctrt.(7-B )
adog+,latqaxqcli; d,;ilrc;atq@q6ilg tl z tl,
i{q:{C6li:ci fqrtr;1'-It'ir tqt{qrrsclat agida lo?r I ( 'r f+ a. ?? )
\{o:r: tlair onc ,.j,!(la ( srlcllinl3) appeaiing in tlrc axilla, shoulders,sidcsof
the neck, flont- of nech oL thr: i1r'oin,v:rr'yinEin sizc li'onr thal of karkandhu and
kola ( lruit o1' jujLrl;e) to that ol amalaiia ( uoosc beny', phvllanthur enrblica),
having kapha anrl r,rctlas( fat ), and undelgoing suppuration altcr long period of
time is knorvnasG:rndrmalai r:hainof srvellings ). ( t! )
a q;q'{: *fqlqrvqrrr, qqfia aqqf]e qqf]a qFa lr a. ll
6rdtE;I;.j iarntqrll6 rtqtqqria cq{Fa {s6t: I
qt!:TI: r{at:'fraqqtrii?IottscE(€BGgait?qqrEqlr lt lo ll
Soi:ri ol lirr srvcllirr,gs unrltrqoirrusLrpl;uration,bLust,rlischalgetlreircontents
anCclis.rp;r,'ar arll nt:tvon{riapi)('ur,this proccsscontinuilrgfrrr'lorrg tinre-sucha
conditionis l:n rnn ,\p;rci;rnil erc culrlrl' . IJtttil tlic pitlierrt lrasltrrininq in the
nosc,lnirr i;r tlrt' fllrnks, rourilr, 1i'r,:i rtrrL vo;rtiiLirigiL rlili thcrr lrcconrcincu-
i a b l r .1 9 - 1 t l)
:rrar{{l ci{Tcrdrr. sz,g(: <iacq i{al a.rrriq(rai I
giiedfief:a;i a diri gd;iait ei:',rfiia ciis: il 1t il
\ ' 1 1 aa r , 1 o t l r c r t r v o r l o s a su r r r [ i : r ' g o i ni1r 1 r c l c : r s c , l r r i r r S l l r r u t a b n o r m a l i t i e si n
t r l r ; o ' i '1,
t h c r , s r k( ) , n r a l i r \ . r( 1 1 1 1 1 i c l t :r u c i l e sI l r r t ) r n r l ( i r ' . i s( , , ' c i r r si a n c [ p r o c l u c e
l o r r n r l r J r , , p e ,ilr i l ; r r l s s c : l i r . i o rrir a s C l a r i t h i ( t u r r r o r s) . ( 1 1 )
zltqrqa Z>ria qqra q ciq{qa c':qii irlqa q I
a.oii €q'iiiafialaazr iiTe: qisrfiarilsqq"B{ tt r.1 tt fr. q ?i)
Svnrplonrs of viitejagranlhi (tunrols) ale; different t,vpcso1' pirin suclt as
cxparrdirrq ( sLlrtr:hing
), tearing, pricking,pulling, churnirrg and cutting; massis
black in iolour, "6f1, resemhlcsa w:rter llag anrl exrrclcstirin, purc bloodif
prick.:cl.( 12 )
Ch.38,Ceroical 133

qcqodiqql{i I
E;{ae {cqie €csti s qtq€qe
rm, o.ftits.qqqlsic{i<tifi{r qagcqcdlqqlqqll i'1 ll ( 1 f+ a ti )
as though
Syrrptoursof Pittajll granthi are severe buluing sensation'feeling
yellowish"red in colour and
toucheclby firc or lly slrong alkalics; massis recl or
( 13 )
exudeslarqe amortntof rvaltn blood if piicked
ditsfiqoiisaqtitsiatug, ttlrttdlq( tl€aatqqe: I
q qqq ll its ll ('i ft a lt )
i*.ri,r€aui ncic+lqti-?sr ql;;4Sad
Symptomsof kaphaja glanthi :rre cold to touch.,not having
growth ratc and
tion, milcl pain but severc itching, ver',vhalcl like stone, slow
exuclesthick whitc pus,ii pricked.( l4 )
n{t1ke.lq?iq61f} : larril q611 h-oggilsesa{ t
( f+ a ? ? )
1q,5it q";tih qtq iirA fioqrteG' ufid q iq: ll 1i{'ll 1
in size in accorclatrcc
ot rlccrense to th2ltof
\{etlrja granlhi will havc;llcleirse
s thick {ltt'v mate-
the bocl1,,tu,'uo,i, smooth,itching' pairltss and if plickecl cxude
rial resenbling pastcof sesamescedscr ghcc ( 15 )
.qrqrqqritsfl€'r i+irfi'l'q Etr.T{Ciil(Isldlaq I
sr;,{ ifrqa iaEittcqriq I {i'a *iligaaet4 ZtT{ ll il ll
cFq: i€rcts: q q- Tg€lc'il q;rqk rctq
q q' i ? )
u<'+qqqt.qto) cdi*l cdii?qaafq Gqsidrq'il !'s ll ( f i'
In pi:rsorrs activity, r'il;-,urrlcri"oiril increasc
rvhoar.crviltli lrrrlr1: stLcitrrcns
ancl rolled into a
invacicsthc lclrvorli of v,.:itrs,rnaking thcm constrictecl,tlried
It becorncsincurable
lound big massktioivn as (ir1ja gLanthi ( tumor of veins )
rvhenit bccorncsi;ainful -ouing lf it appears on vital organs'it is to be
treatmentevcn il it is painlessand immobile ( 16-17 )
{r{rai *iq?z q}qr:iqGaar qiqcq{
qa irqt ffEtd'cat;acaiq(ii fq(Zqqq$Fq ll 1z ll
s,ifia qiq'i=aqriqqtd aEdd {1qiii.l aqFa
q€a iiia q*a q(i <*a qiia q Aq€r ll {q' rl
qqiia r ('1 f+ a ll )
asrqe arzl q aqlqlii e:at qclafi €EI
bloulln'l producc r-ourrcl'
D o s : r sr t t t , l it ' i . i r r q i t r l l ' r t s c ,i t r l l t t l i : t l t t - t r l u s c l ca n d
incrcasing' rlon-suppuratlng
immc,r'ablc, sligirtll plrinlirl, bi{, rlccp-scatcrl, slol|lf
as AllltrLla ( cancel') Thcy are^
t u m o l s o i n u l r : t r l , t t l i ' , s r t c ,t l t l l , : r l l r v t l r c l t : r t l t r t : c l
ancl nreclaja rnd cach of
o f ( s i x L i r u l s) r ' ; i L r r . j ep,i i i r . ] . r , k a p h a j r , r ' a k t a j a ,r n l r h s a j r t
typcsof glanthis' ( 1li-19 )
t h e m r v i l l l t a v c s y n r p t c ' t r tssi m i l a l t o t h e i L r c s p c c t i v c
134 Madhava Niddnam

<lv: rgd sfui frn:r {g;-q {frq-q ildRqrfi.t | | ? o | |

{I€lq5-c-dtdciTfu ciffr{t{TfsilcrqTq I
6iie-sti Fforc-{rtrmqqa-6ffi g | | ?q| |
TmerqlqF{qtGf,dr(qrugfid<fiCilq | (g.F{.3T.r s)
invadethe bloodandcausetheproductionof a exudating
big sizedrnusculartumor,studdedall over with sprouts,developingquickly and dis-
charginglarge quantityof biood constantly.This conditionknown as Raktarbuda
quickly makesthe patientto sufferfrom pandu (anaemia.),comorications of loss of
b l o o d .t 2 0 - 2 1I
gffi{irtqis* rki ggEqrt& vilqq rrrrrr
l-{Ecit-s -.rrerqrd+d-q}qiqrnrqurslt?? tr
uivr{q+cEsrqt*, (!. fr. 3r.tq)
Assaulton the body by the fist, etc,;makesfor derangement ln marhsa(muscle
tissues)andgivesriseto tumorwhich is painless,smooth,of the samecolourzrsoi
skin, non-suppurative, hardlike stoneand immovable.This is saidto be more conlmon
in thosewho arefond of eatingfleshin theirfood.This disease known as Mirnsdrbuda
is alsoincurable, (22-23)
qrffiga-Sta r
fnqti c{fur qq qrii *fr:{ ril q-E.r{Aqqm{ | t?x | | (g. fi. s{. r r.)
Even among the curableones,the following are to be rejected-thatwhich exudes
heavily'that which is in vital organsor channels,
that which is irnmovable.(24)
Tdqri iq n-qqffiEi; 1
@< aa rr+ffrq{ | | ?q I | (g.ft. ei. qs)
A s?condarbudadevelopingafter the courseof an earlier one is called
Adhyarbudaby specialists of arbuda;while a secondarbudadevelopingconcurren
with the first one is calledDvirarbuda.Both theseare incurable.(25)
c qrfiqrqri{ dqTffi+d-ddrq frtrrq r
Ehfular$wrq tsi R-{f@q trsrfilq I I ?q | | ({. ii. er,sq)
qR ArTq_**rffi qteTsf{{tirrdlrsr"sqcrrqt-rRa{fiffi qrilkq ||i. i I
Arbudas do not suppuratein view of predominanceof kapha ancimedas;by
of the dosasandby their very nature.(26)
Thus endsthe chapteron Galagandaetc.
q: qqri a-€ut-dqvflffi: vild Zqi qRrn: a.iur t
a-qfrtlt equrauffirqtsqlgR{fr if,{Er€: r r1 r r
A swellingstartingat the groinsandgraduallyinvolvingthe leg, associated
fever and severepain is known asSlipada.It may occurevenin the hands,ears,eyes,
penis,lips and nose,so sayothers(1)
ara+ 16uraq{q Wfui ffifi{ | 3Tf{fotr€liils cgvi GrTqdr? n ? rl
EE-qrSiTg I \+fui lM
ftfti m-ilq-grvi a di utu-g{6 fstt | | ?| I
In vataja variety, the sweliing is black, rough, fissured, severepain appearing
without apparentreasonand accornpanied with fever.
In Pittaja variety,it hasyellow colour, burning sensation,fever, soft to touch and
in the kaphajavariety swelling is smooth,white in colour, heavy and hard. (2-3)
qet6fr-{ qski o.u-ciruq-ffi | qqril+ T€-ira q-fqt{if{*rd: I r: | |
The swelling growing upwardslike an ant-hill with many sprouts.that which is
more than one year old and that which is very big in size are to be rejectedfor treat-
ffi+ qriqrqffi{ q.fttqsr( r rJwi s q-dii q rsTr*rfa a,$ ffir I t q t l
In all the threevarietiesof Slipada,kaphais the predominantdosa,becauseheavi-
nessandincreasein sjzecannotbe withoutkapha.(5)
gnufraSqgq: vd{E a frffcil: t n *'nft qr{r+ dqElf{ f{is-r: I ts | |
Slipada is generally prevalentin such places(areas)where water stagnatesfor
of the year.(6)
long time and which is cold in all the seasons
q-qnqdrdrTF{dRqri IiT, !-f.f,rsfr csr6rdih-Fr
cAq$i fa-+d1 r rrrr r
{rqr{c-qe"{dfui s-6-q-gr
qfd4qrr+atffi qrrffi {frcqf{Erisqqq ll3rl
Slipadaarisingout of foodsandhabitswhich increasekapha,in personswho by
. birth belongto kaphaconstitution,that which hasexudation,of very big size,with
severeitchingand with all symptomsis to be rejectedfor treatment. (7.)
T h u se n d st h ec h a p t eor n S l i p a d a .
TryD ES)
.<cfi'qisftls r-*unf+u<eriarar,r qlqr, dtai aidi{ qcq;rgGparri-ilq tr i, l
q6ITt tata;;i 1* <rsc'ruzrsszrdq
I er iqSiqftiil rqdi fiiq' reux e: rrr rr
gqrqN: {rq€-*r triarcqqrt aut rquqni,r k tei q oqot dcqqqi rrl rr
Do;as unde'goingincreascbring about abnormal changesi. the skin, blood,
muscle,fat and boncsand producea localisedswclling, slowly incr.easingin size,
deep seated,pai.ful, round or elongatcdin shape,knorvn as viclraclhi. It is of six
types,one from each clogr,onc f'om the combinalionof all thc 1hrcc, arcl onc 1ior.
rakta ( blood). Thcir fcaturtsrvill be clescr.ibecl
lirrther.on.| 1_ll )
r"oilstoil qt iiqd! ,1net<riaqa,r
iqdFqracqrq+l iiqilqlaeira:
l u l, 1. fa ;. i.
Swellingbliickor l.r't,*rr i. cc,lour',
i'c.casing or.clecreasing in sizcorit;:, r..::;.
sevcrepain anclva|iationsin rhc cluralionofonsetancltime of suppur.aiion ::e ::c
symptomsof vidradhi rlue 1o ini;rcaseof'v:rta.( 4 )
ailgrcqqglql, iqliif qr Gl{Etaqr{ |
firsifrrracqffiar iiqi'r, ficeirq: l \ ,r ( i1.f+. a. I ' iiPc'crl rr iurnba.. fruit ( rvild fig or bruei::...:.-::
associatedwith fcvel and burning scns.rtion,quick in manifestirrgand suppu::,-.-:::
are the symptomsof'virlrarlhicluclb incrcascof'pitta. ( 5
dr<I{qsflr II1vS':ftdr i6,,jisaq}IA: t
iiiltrrraeataar iaqiu: {.qdrrq: n q u ( g. fu. .{. r r
Swellinglesernblirrga saucer.,ycllorvish-whitein colour, colcl, smooih, ,,..1:;-
mild pain, slow i' manifi:sti.g and suppurating are the syntptorns
of t,i.lraiiri :.::
to increaseof kapha.( 6 )
agfialeatderettrt€rlr fiqltr r€dl: I
p u s e x u r l i n q o r r t l i o r n t i t e a b o v c t l r r e c w i ] l b c thin,
lcllorv ancl
Ch.40,Abscesses r37
?nnrqdasrqritsrerdt fiqft car{ il s ll
fiqd wzri arfi fiqfqr fffhqftql | ( g. ft. q. r )
sannipdtajavid'adhi ( dueto increase of all the ihreedogas) w l be rraving
differentkinds of colours,pain and exudation,with elevatedsprout,unstead!
in nature,very troublcsorne and with irregulartime of suppuration. ( 7)
i*rriir&ai qi qrsqcqqriioTr r < rl
qraloeraqfi€a: qr:*' ftaitriq r
cq{Fqfurrq qtaa{ilqa drq aEi; il a,tl
errq'Of$A{Hq fiafeqiuaqrwr r ( g. fr. q. r )
Personswho have bcen the victims of assault by weapons, indulging in
inappropriate activities, will make thcmselvessuitable for the heat of the
to causeincreaseof pitta and rakta and producevidradhi. Fever, thirst, t r.r.;ni
syrnptonrsglpiua vsddhirvillbe seenin thiskindof agantuja
::::ii:I,11! "ihcr abscess
vrdradhi( traumatic ). (8-9 )
i5coltdtzlZa! qqFrdl{EG-€ittfi! il qo tl
rqqt€|qilrrEsrd {frAqiqe;qi I i g. f+. ri. r )
Sympto'is of raktaja vi'lradhi are black or bluc in colour, mor.cthan
one in
number',causingscvcrcbu.ring sensation,pain and other symptoms
of pitta vlddhi
manifesting. ( i0 )
gqd-d{q il qlcr'5iiar gurfiorqn ii' tl
eat't*aqGrle'qq:ataq'fiaisqfuqr g? qfiag&arrqt sqqiagiordkaar
rr i-<rr
{*'it:gi} q+ftr-aR arstfharscau
,-eo,g.iibsrfiiraAqa-q]+,ii ii i,
.rfirgnfRqq ia* :ug iqiqar r
l)osascither alonc or i. cornl:inationundcrgoing
internally,i'diffe.ent organs resemblingan ant-hlll or
u uusr,; ih" .e.tu,r, o.ifice
ofthe urinarrybladtler, umbilicus, abdomen, groins, kidneys,
sptcen, tiver, treart,
pancreasor any o1,herplacc may be the site of the abscess;they
have all rhe sym-
ptomsof exte'nal absccsses gene.rallyand in addition ---'
have special,y-pto-.
to their sitc rvhich will i:e cGscribednow : ( t t_iiJ- ,.lut"d
g? srafiirral qrai wfliqqcdr lt {B tr
arrqi fiar aqrssirq:odt ercrrt-wq r *t'rggla+*ril agoitri Gqq\
E rr iq rr
2+'rt,urriqfa, Seq=aqtqrqiqa{ r
qaiscqart'tEir ai< - +iq:l it{e l
rardl quii Gar q o.rthi.iiq* qq, l (r, 11 ft
If llre ;lr,srr,:.s
1q. a I )
;.;in tlre rcctum, it causcsobstructionro movenrerrt
ol Ilatus,if
in the urinary bradtrcrthere is clifficultand sca.ty
urination, if it is in the umbiricus.
l3B Niddnam

hiccoughantl gurgling noise in the abdomcnmanifest, if it is in the abdomeD,there

will be symptomsof vztavlddhi ( pain, distensionetc. ), if it is in the groins,there
will bc scverecatchingpain in the waist and back, if it is in the kidney,constriction
oftheflanks is present,if in the plihf,, there is obstruction to expiration' if itis
located in tirc region ol heart, there will be severecatchingpain in all parts of the
boclyand cougb;i{ it is in t}re liver, it produces increased/difficultrepiration and
hiccoughand il'it is presentin the pancreas,the patient drinks large quantity of
water often. ( 14-i6 )
arlrqftq: :-ot qFls!:{rea{ ;s't, t
'4'1'qhg ft1 qiq.q a t'tqla tr is tt
dqtiqEiidqvqi i ig f\ig erca, t
e'iiq fitiqq gtit iatg '6qrqall ie tt ( g f'r' u t ,;
.I.hosevich.adliiswhich clevelop above thc umbilical |egion, burst and t]is'
chargc thcir contenisin upward routes; while others discharge in the
rout;l if thc coo.rcs out in thc do*nlvard route tire paticnt will sut'vivebut
if it rakesth,: upward loutc lrc rvill dic; lirose occuring in the ( region of )
umbilicusarui Jrl:ril,.lc|aIc to ire rejeclecl;thosciu n'honr thc vidradhi opensextel-
nally may survivebut rlot othcls' ( 17-18 I
qtrql flsqsq, q:l iqqcri: qllqql[46: I
arqqslqirrr?i ftqi rilqq<ti<sre li iq ll \ qr' fc t \'t' ,
srp:qtdqqf ;q;d aiiiaarqqrfiqaqr
aqlET€l€qlg$ fqaf*ralnqatq1Ro tt ( 1. q. :"; ?t )
';l.t'-itr{ia'ir;I i.i-:i.i,l ,ir+lfl..linr fiuf,:i'i 1.i :i.{ttii{ ll 'Jo ll

.ihc i:uralrlc,thtt causc,lby all tirc lltreerloses

first live kindsr-,L
as clescribed
is to be rejectcd.The unripc, ripening anrl ripencd stagcsarc thc satne
chapter )' disten'
for {otha I irrflu-*utoty oeclemato be dcscribed iu thc next
tion ol thc abdomert,obstrtictionof urinc, vomitting, hiccough, thirst,
it is going to
increascd/JifEcultrespiration, if fouud in a paticnt of viclradhi,
kill him. ( 19-20 )
cnrlsihc cltapieron Vi''1r'rrlhi'
slq aqEirrfrqr;Tq
qriftRqar dl$t soffii qtaaorqrqfi'r: rqtq guqe'i<ettrtgfiie?d: ll i ll
*r.i, -=i iitqr ctq*r .itutai, , lui1q; +:ri *qi qarq*tQfi*ri tl 1 tt
A the fo|matiorro[auu]cer is calledasVrar.ra(otha
doqa' one frorn the
( inflarnnratolyocclema). It is o[ six kinds, one l'rom cach
fi'om dgantu ( exter'
combinatir,nol all tlie tbrec, one f|om rakt:i ( blood ) and one
nal causcs). Thesc six will have rhc samc kin,J of symptonis previously
stegcs rvill bc
for Soth:r. Now only their. spccialfeatures ofunripe and rilrencrl
dcsr:r ihi ,i. ( l-2 ;
fuqci .r;qi slnr( iq+i'4slia<riera t *q:q: iqqq=e;it;1 1q1q;q€{?q: ll ? ll
typc vcry quickly'
Vhtaj:r tlpc ttndcrgocsripcriirig irtconsisttnlll" pittaja
so also thc dgantuja
kaphajt typ" vc.y slot'ly, raktaja typc sinrilar to pitta-jr'
tyPe. I 1l)
q;4iqaal iafiiiqtatqtcaqiqq ll I ll
fffrcq:{156q{iizltd'eria;d ,qaqqoiat 1
''.,"i.irr{ q w,rl r fq'iiia+iqdi-4 q'*ad igqi aqr ll r" ll
aai Ear-dq
o.,rgorr;+r ,1iwri t 'ir=ati qfqial;1: t;*\iifie aqa 'i t ll
nloa .ri 1!'r
tt s rt
Ori'+tr iiq,i' +qrqgaiqlasaa| ';Iqi trci rqll trrGa?ibtfiaq(
q=qqtatq eqlorqll ' il
- n.;lqroa, dt',i uiqtieraakaetr I Gqt{Erqlseiq}q
S)'lllPtoms ol tlie unrtpcrtagc are srvcilingis siightlywarm' sbglttly
halcl.of nornralcolour of the skin and with mild pain'
by polvcrful
Scvereburnirrgscnsationas though touchedby lire' ol corroded
beaten by baton'
alkali, bitten by u souatmof ants, cut or torD by sharpinstrurnertts'
etc ' discokrura'
,qu."r.,t b;, han:l, priilie I lry needles,suckcilor pressedl:y {ingers'
( the
tion, paticnt not tiI]:ling cornfortcither on sitting up, lyin 1 dorvn or elevatirrg
uff..t"d pa|t ), p:lin is conrinuous simila| to that of a scotpionsting' sr|clling
thirst and
rescmblesan inflnttrclbag, is u'ithout rvrinklcs, associatedivitli fever'
lossofappetitc. Tltcscarc tlrr-s)tnPtonrs rluringthc stagcof ripcning (4-B)
qdini q {i-.' atgcie{gr-ll a' ll
iqi'rqnq, s;l,itsdiiaajsrft a itaa: t elg'.*it
tt 1" tt
sq4qtqic{di fna4l (5ed iqql{ | srdliqqtrlq?1t' ta1;ilisgia{riei
q fiiea lrl6l'6lff1 qiia;Eilq'-i qEfi-{rolqll tl ll
q<ia ,iieeti*c;a';a
140 MadhaoaNidanan

io. Ur,U"r."".[[ot,
Retluct *r.r,
kles,mild pricking or itching frequently, relief from other symptoms, slight depress-
ion at the top, opening of the skin; feeling of rnovement of fluid to the finger
similar to that on a rvaterbag, rhe pus insidecan be collected to anyone place by
pressingfrom all sides;thc pirtient developingdcsire for food are the symptomsof
fully ripened stage.(9-11 )
afrsfiartr* iqat q fH qrEtrir$ qd\ fiil ? qq: I
aFcrk q'sh. qRcr{*e qqfid qilqiqq qq (lEfl:r i,R.I ( g. {. 3{.qs)
lVithout ( the incr-ease
) of v6ta there can be no pain, without pitta, no r.ipen.
ing, and no pus {brmation without kapha; so all the three do;as arc active during
the period ofripening.( l2 )
{q{ qcrcIq qdq qfkqlc*fiar dqqfr cqu r
ale q,it aiiiiredt {k qiq fkrr'€tg q qRdi€ lt ll il ( g. t.3{. r., )
Just as a snrtrllfire hidderrinsidea
hearth(or haystock)activiatedby the wincl
burus up th: lvholc rnassofhay, so alsothe pus which has not draineclout destroys
thc muscless,veins,tendons,etc, ( 13 )
3{d iq{aqd q trsq{ qS a i} i\vqr flralqr( € rr+}{r ierra{*rXra, tr r.urr
Only he deselvesto be callecla physicianwho can recognisethe uripe, ripen-
ing and ripened stages (ofthe inflammatory swellings); rvber.easali others are
only irnposters.( 14 )
qGeatqtqcetatq'i qt cmgiai I eqq=rliqq c;d6rii arqinfarasr{ioftrt iq, ri
- ( g { q' ts )
<fh dr.rraEfilf;'-{{fsl qru+fcar+a,rrei,tf{ar{ rrqra.i r / t u

Hc who cuts open the sweilingin its unripc stagc with ignorance or he who
delaysits opening though fully ripened--both are to be considered as very mean
persons,becausethcy are uncertain in their act. ( 15 )
Thus endsthe chaoter on VtanaSotha.

srq fliRsorREnq
fdqt eqr qfiiqr atii<tq:qirqa:tq]ittqra{ltq' nqtRqraqqq: tt q,tt
Vra'las(ulccrs ) ale oftrvo kinds; 3:lrira ( organic) and dgantuja (trau-
matic ); thc first one is causedby the do;asand the secondb1'rveapons,
( 1)
ra;q; +faad*qe,j q;q€rdt qEIEn: I qah egria cqdi eqil qlad{itlqr ll ll
qcqril€cs(Aq?t6gc.IqEl(il: r aci f,qtai'flqqtffb' qrs'-r qia+: ll "<ll
e.qi\;ol gtr lwru: fiafH r'Ei?a, qlogao'Istrdfiqiutvt*i ;r,q;tq:ll tsll
<til rntrrii (fiIil f'a[sq:tqtnq;q?: | ( s fs. 3r.qr )
Vraga causedby vdta is immovable, hard to touch, with scanty exudation,
severepain suchas prickingor pulsating and blue in colour. The symptomsof
vrana causedby pitta arc, the patient will be having thirst, delusion,fever, perspira-
tion, burning sensation,crackedskin, the ulcer emits bad smell and exudesfoul
discharge. Vrana causedby kapha will be having large amount of exudation,is
hard, smootb, immovable, slightly painful, yellowish-white in colour, moist and
suppuratesslowll'. Vrapa caused by rakta ( blooC) will be red in colour and
exudesonly bloocl. Vrar.racausedby the combinationof either two or three dofas'
will be having their lcspcctivesymptomstogether.( 2-4 )
iqqiqc|r gd ?il awrtqrgqqqr ll \ ll ( s. iri.:{. li )
rftqfrsirraq:od gQ qruq:grd eqr r
Ulcers which ale locateclin the skin or muscles, in a convenient place,of
recentorigin and unconrplicated;that in a strongpersonof recent onset,in appro
priatetime (season,age,etc.)are easilycurable.(5 )
gt<rqaidi"raa: qi;fl aor:r€4: r q rl
qHGdiit fiiqttqen,il q{qar r
Thosewhichpossess a few of the above qualidesare difrcult to cure; while
thosewhich are devoid of any ofthe above qualitiesand associated with severe
areincurable.( 6 )
Ch.42, Organiculcers t43

iq {qt.rq{3I rlg;i{(q?rq(dlIl il l,c rl

qai er'attqci qRr diat*r i eqtr t qoi qk<rqei qq;iq;a,.r tilaat, tt qq tt
qqi a udg lt lQ tt
cprqisE{qeqrs6lqttq{{tlea$ t lq<qttFrc aqll
qtt; ll qs ll
ffiqrfqr srqqR;q1 1 ffo;aila q i qoII: r qdiqfq aH. aqr dtaqnqit
sft ,'ft{r'r.Idrfs(f* ,nsqft<rt rrtir*qkqr{ €qrriT{ ll YR ll

Vraqas ( ulcers) manilestingon vital ore:rns, having severepain, burning

sensationinside and cold outside or vice versa, causingloss ofstrength, emaciation,
increased respiration, cough, loss ofappetitc, cli charging large quantitiesofpus
or blood, thosewhich clo not respond to trcatmcnt though wcll planned, are all to
be rejectedkeepingin rnind his reputationas a physician ( l4-17 )
Thus endsthe chapter on Sarira Vraqu.
qq S+Eqfi-ffrS
ataungd' rr$alattslnfrqrfr*rt rrqfiaaralE; i tr q,rr
Different kinds of ulcerscausedby assault with difierent t1,pesof sharprvea-
pons rvith differentkinds of' edges,in different places ol the body ar.egoing to be
describedfurther on. ( I )
{bEifird aqr lsd qd Rlba}-q q I gccEraqr qd iqi qcqrf} eerdr( l R,tl
Chinna ( incisedwound), bhinna (punctured wound ), viddha (stabbed
wound ), kfata ( laceratedwound ), piccita ( crushedwound ) and qhpsta( exco-
riated ) are the six types of ulcers,the featuresof which are as follows,( 2 )
fifqlea sqdls{i ri'taurtar<diuiq r
rTrr{rrqFrdas befitqiirSqi rri rr( g. fr. q r )
Chinna vra4a is defined as that ( causeclby a sharp cclgeclcutting instru.
ment ), in rvhichthe wound is either curved or straight, rvide anrl causingmutila-
tion of a part of the bodv. ( 3 )
{ricq;}gq*to6qtilcr{dl aar t
afi*fiqcqAdlqfirsaQ{urg;qi u B u ( g tq. :r . )
Bhinna vraqlais a puncturedwound causedby pointedjavellion, tusk, arrow,
spear,or hornsof animals, into different viscera; therebycausineclischarge
contentsto the exlerior. ( 4l
qaw dir<ea ir I E!tq-g+rg.5ea *lu qiqil{}iqi rr.\ rr
aiiq{.irri <c'qilsei {r6a;tqrqi r qacr,igqrrirh (m qrsrr€qq6afi n q l
WBI eErtF{tEtrtssEqtiqtrficB;E
ou q 1ftoqeata€Sa tiqlqt.I}sikcifial \ell
dtarriiqtEcrrqrq rrr*dri;sqiq a r 6pai qpjdl+rrii iqhq qrq i rug rr z rr
The organsof ama ( undigestedlbod i. e., stomach), agni ( cligestivejuiccs
i. e., livcl and gall bladderand pancreas! pakva ( digcsred1bodi.e,, intestines
mutra ( urinc i. e. urinary bladder ), rudhira ( blood i,c., spleen), hrdaya ( hear.t),
uq{uka ( caecum), fupfusa ( lungs), are knorvnas kostha( abCominalviscera).
A puncturedlvound into the ko;gha rvill produceaccunrulationof bloodin the
injured organ,fever, burning sensation,bleeding through urethra, anus or nosc;
Ch. 43, Traumaticulccrs 145
fainting, increased/difficutt
appetite, obstruction to movement of urine, fecesand flatus, continuous respiration,
rednessof the cyes,smell of iron from the mouth, bad smell of the bodv and pain
in the heart and flanks generally.( 5-B )
3trclilqra €iut €iiri s{qtqiq r e{Eqr{cfrcr{ q {f,aiq ullqr€qq il q ll
qinr{:qqeqrfi oar o}cqiq e I qqr$ri iqiiot dlaar q qaRE l {o il (g.fa.c. r)
If 6md(aya ( stomach) is punctured, there will be vomitting of blood, severe
distcntionand pain in the abdomen.
If pakvS6ay
a ( small and la rge intestines) is punctured there will be severe
pain, heaviness
and coldnessof the lower extrimiries.( g-10 )
qqrilrqilEqrirradq{d tqmd fiar r
safted ialr"tiqr aiaqiqla hGiq r, lt rr( g. ft. u. i )
Viddha vrar.ra'(stab rvound) is that.uur.j Uy a pointed instrument, away
from any viscera, with slight swellingand the instrument either lodged insidc or
having gone out, ( 11 )
aftGsi arfrfhegrraldesriliqaql
fiqri aurc* qrq ad ef\dtqi l 1?,n ( g. ta. a. r )
Ksata vrana ( lacerateclwound ) is that which is neither deeply incisednor
puncturedbut having mild symptomsof both of them and irregular in shape.(12)
calr{iear+qiq qE+ggdi rraq I
sflq a{ iq{iqd fioFcq<mqRaga{ r i,1 u ( g. fa. :r. i )
Piccita clushedwound ) is causeclby a blow or pressure( by a blunt
weapon ) by which a part ofthe body is flattened along with the bone and malrow
and blood flowing out. ( 13 )
q{* fiqatqeq, r
sctqrqriiqd aq EEfliqlqdtqe lt ls l ( g. fs. ? )
Ghlgta vraTa ( abrasionof the skin ) is causedby friction or mild blow; in
which the skin is pecled off producingmild burning sensationand flow of watery
fluid.( la )
EqFiqdtai iqerfi?i q ggdg, atloraqrkdq r
€{fiii gEg<CEqcid sui s{Ed €ad qEfid r t\ rl
A wounclin which the foleign body is hidden inside,will appearblue, swollen,
bulgedout, bleedingIi equently, soft, the surrounding muscles feeling frothy and
painful. ( 15 )
146 MadhataNidanam

iqdtsfriq k<r{tfi f\tr qr qi{a?qil |

€RA cfiibd qr-.'i sqlgmrgcqqrt rt lq ll (9. ft. a. r )
aqr;aalGdqrosdtilrrE'rttan{ r dtign{ <clsqrad q fiq$iq lt i,s rt
A foreign body getting lodgedinside the abdomen,injuring the slin and blood
vesselsor avoiding them, lvill have the lollowing symptoms;accumulationof blood
inside the abdomen, severepallor of the skin, cold touch of the feet, hands and face,
cold breatb, rednessof the eyesand clistentionof the abdomen. This conditionis to
be rclusedtreatrncnt.( 16-17 )

rjtq: qarr: qai qq:li faiq.i €di(dlqotar cr I

qrarfrirl q3eiaa'-iarar*qt qil qra6at*I dtQdl: ll qz ll
qidtq+ird rfqi q rrelq qifiqqriqq{aiq r
E{riid(a"qarhalg nm.lil cig b*gr6q tt la, tl ( q t .{. ?t )
General symptoms oi'n'oundsto tlrc Iivc structurcs( rnusclcs,veins,tendons'
bony joints and vital organs) are gitlrlincss,rlelicrunr, falling on the ground, delu'
sion,undesirablemovements o1 ils [lanrlsand feet, cxhaustion, fceliug of warmth,
drooping ofthc bodv parts, fainting, uprvarclttrovenrents inside the abdotnen,sevcre
typesof pain characteristicof veta, disc|argc t-'f [krod lesembling water in which
muttol has l;ccttrvasherl oi scltsc,'tgans.( lB-19 )
rtn'l l,rqsof'litrtctiotrs

rri;sdtqqi?{dn-qd<t qEate]tn*r qtg: t

a5itikilr1i{.feia'rra.qliintq. f€rg iaarcauqr q{ifig l q,oll
*ia:q atrraqqs€rq: i+,qrt;r{rinr4qattaa t
tq<rqeoii,irafaqrq *r['r ii aqfi<i gr.i ;meiq tt at tt
Special symptomsmanilesting lvhen particular structures and injured are as
follows :
IfSiris ( l;loo:l vessels) are injured there will be heavy clischargeof blood
resemblinginclragopainsect ( bright rcd in colour ) anrl vlta undergoing incrcase
producesmany disorderslater;

Decreasein hcigbt, drooping of the body parts, lossof function, very severc
pain and wound taking long time to heal are the featureswhen sndyus ( tendons/ |
nerves) alr injuredl

rilqrfuEfc€{qdr €fiar Eaq{q:qia qq aiq: r

aig <Fu.*eara*g rlrq <drclq<nll [aTt n q?,ll
Ch.43, Traumaticutcers 147
If bony joints-either mobileor imrnobile-are injured there will be increase
of the swelling,severepain, lossof strength,oedemain other parts of the body, and
total lossof functions;
rirq dt q{q iailiseg qqkqqrqq a iih eufiaqr
-<l lt ( 'r 'r. q. ?{
lqqfiqqflrlaQarriqermiiafaa gaq €qqrAatr )
The intelligent physicianrvho is well convtrsant rvith scicncc( ol wounds)
shouldrecognise a personas suffering florn injury of lltc bones by lhc lollowing
symptoms-veryseverepain continuouslythr-oughoutilay rrrrl niglrt and not {inding
reliefin any ptsture.( 20-23 )
{qteqldrfi iqqrqis fasria rfrqtqari*g t ( '' 'i :r 'i' )
qFgGqottgfuii a ift ,ir qiccfoqi.r,iiGa, {qlq ll ctsll
Similar symptomswill be lound in persons rvhosevital organsa.reinjured; if
vital spotsof musclesare injuled, there will be arraemia, tiiscoloutationand lossof
tactile sensation.' 24 )
fied: qaqnar fkqr<rrilsqata*, t
fifi;qqaorc$l cq({Esurr€ge€r l ?,\ tt (;. fq. q. r:. )
z6tqqBE(al€trl r€.f;t eElt{trqqqg: I
,itcdlqqqt q'lmt esrni s6riira*: l .<qli ( e. fa. z. i i )
qf: "*qrssarfErfq- qrLrqfq{ra 'ri tl
sqra{ lr

in the knowledge of wour:ds fnunrcrillc thc following sixteen as

the complications/sequallaeof wountls-erysepelas,lrcnriprcgia,stifincssof'the head,
tetanus,delusion,insanity,scvere pain irr the wounii, levcr, {l}irst,lockjaw, cough,
vomitting, diarrhoea.biccough,difficuity in bleathing and tremors,( 25 -26 )
Thus endstbe chaptr:ron Sadyovra4a.
qq qTfrffiTT
qr;i qcrqrRefid garr +wi q qrql q lu as s;li t
simcfefbcfiqf*d e firi.qd iqrecqar crq q lt I tl
Bhagna( fracture ) is, in briefl of two kinJs; one at the kaa{a ( shaft or body
of the bones) and the other at the sanclhi( meeting placeof two bones of them
sandhibhagras (fracture xt thc mcetingplace oftwo bones or sutures is of six
Linds,viz., utpigla, vi(li$ta,vivartita, tir.yaggata,ksipta and adhalkqip-a.( I
en {qriflse'{oriaSqr
qHt;qdr ehmarq fa*
severe pain ciuringextension,contractionand rotation; guardingagainsttouch
( tenderness) are the generalsymptomsof Sandhibhagna( fracture at the sutures).
:fiqewi: ,{qE: qc-dt{ l ?.il
fiiqit <riqrril aqr;r ffilgg * q rar q fr?qs I
fiqf*l qp$raar drsiliad.qi drerq'lqqi:a rr a rr
fuisii 11Fifiqciqqeiir tqrhtqsJ r{iqqaars€r r
In utpista type there will be svclling all rouncl and severepain at nights;in
viSligtatype, swellinganrl pain both in tlay ancl night; in vivartita type severepain
at both sidesofthc fracture site; in tiryaggata rypc very severepain; in kqiptaiype
pain and curvatureofthc bonesand in adhak;iptatype, pain and -bones riding one
over the other are seen.( 2-3 )
6r€ ?qa:cda+rrsflfii{qitti iqfoaqirqsiemrI c tl
or€g'*d afaqriH ir qiilFd e rsif,sd,irrfi.ql
fbd &qr aR{€rrsfittol qtar*ar titvecrfrgf!; rrr rr
ridtwml r{ef,tq'qaqr{c{rlqd qq-rEtrft4{tapi
vekearurg a trq'ars:tur+q fl€ eg fiaiaq rrf rr
ynd q *ro3 {gqr cqrfi qcfsfi an0rtq ilizt{ l e tl
K5r.rda Bhagna ( fi.acture of shafts or body of bones is of twelve
) kinds,
namely, karkalaka, aSvakar4a, vic[rr.rita, piccita,
asthichallika, kap{abhagnaj
atipetita, majjagata, sphulita, vakra, ancl two types
of chinna.. Inall thesekinds
general featuresfounrl :rre; drooping ofthe part,
swelling and severepain, crackling
Ch.44,Fructurs 149
without comfort in any
sound on movement' tenderness,pulsating or pricking pain'
other types also
Apart from the above twelvc types, thel'e nright occur many
understandable by similarity with its meaning' \ 4-7 )
areqrfnisarq-{dl q;ilqlatq*cq q t
sqqful qerq irti 6-'A0lfetrft tt z lt ( + t-r * )
and in thoseassociatedwith compii'
who in,iulge in unsuitablefooclsantl activities,
cations.( B )
tt q tt
qiafqrjq qdilq iqae{dlr
nrd qqd cai 6 €i':|rg+aqr;gaq t sud
*if.oru*tdq ;ae qdaqa aqr ud €dnl;at966{r*{ii a eiiiq-tt t" q . .
(c tt ) f.r.
liip boDes' utpi;1a
Fracture olthe hip bone, fiacture at thc suitlrc:s t'i tlie
Likewisethe bones
type of fracture at the felvis in its intcrior are to be lcj':ctetl
head crackedor broken to
#the forehead,chest,back, temporalsand voult ofthe
piecesare alsoto be rejectedfor treatmcnt' ( 9-10 )
{FqqiqF}raccqiiu gfiQvfie'uaq t
r{eit,riarsicqe€fifhqi au adiqll i'1 rr( f< er't: )
again due to bad
Fracture which have oncc healedbut happening again and
refusedtreatment. ( ll )
aaullTafifiarq;e ltrq;i na{lfa q I
!6qrarfi f*qoqti {gEFd €Tslii q tl i,? ll ( g fa' u t r )
qfi ,ftqrl-q{rfrr|an qtualqara ttqTE{ ll ;v I I

mitldle' flat bones

Young bones( cartilages)bcntl, long bories break in the
crack in their body and the tecth splinter off ( 12 )
Thus endsthe chaPteron Bhagna'

q: iiltrqrtrqfaqag'raisil it il sui qg{qqqqrga?: I
qrqqt ciaaid ciiqd are runrfa q,ifaiaafa ia-,
e trr: l r. l ( v ft. a. r" I
The ignorant physicianrvho cuts open an unr.ipeswellingor delaysthe open-
ing of a lully ripeneclo'c; :rr unscrupulusphysician who cloesnot drain out the pus
from an ulcer'es chance to the pus to make a sinus, deep inside to
the structuresrnentiorrctlcarlier. ( I )

atqriiqrqrrcareiifirqi d ardq qeafhia car a

qlii€fqriqid <r gurraaa dqi*ei<fqq a.qiaicqdisrqr tr (s. ic. ,i.
t ")
It is namcd 1.,Nadi thc ibrrlation of hollow passageinside
( sinus); it is ol five kirrds, one cach of the tlrree dogas,
one from the
combination of all threc togethcr an.l ;rnother from the presence
of a loreign

dtilndrq q€Grqqegdi crgar *argfieefir* qqid qlqrg I

fiqrqqraqrqtr qftErcgcr fid qqrqilr*geqrqErg qfq l
i ll
iqt *qiregqqrdqiqiiesrErr rd6rrr €ifiu-STe (qiiqgqr I
ql€cq(eilaaq;Ejaqfrdlcr qrqi rrq;iq[rGdria q
aq]qrria I
acrQiiqsafirsqc+lqraqcgErqq{ift+ EF.tFr(is{|
ad a?rfb{gqFiC{rReg
ruFg atqrfiiq qfr ciifd u c,l ( s. fa 3r.s )
vataja type, it is hard, with sntallorifice,
_ -In painlul, exuding frothy material
speciallyduring cold time ( i.e., at night
)_ In pitiaja type rhere is thirst, fever,
burning_sensatiou, dischargeof ycllorviih materiai ,p..iutty during hot time (
). In kaphaja t1'pcthe discharge is copious, thick, white, unctous;
lay the ulcer
is hard, with more itching and pain at nights, Burning
sensation,fever, difficulty
Ch.45,Sinw 151

in brcathing, fainting, dryness ofthe mouth, are the symptoms of tridofaja type,
which is going to take away the life like kalaratri ( sister ofgod of death )' ( 2-5 )
qr *RFi rf\ag*reefiefid qrd qitfi q€€( €esil q fiiqq | ( g. ft. 3Tt )
A foreign bocly hiclcleninsirle, will in courseo[ time, cfeate a sinusdue to
physicalactivity or pfessure. From its silus csuclesa fiothy, warm matelial mixed
lvith blood spontaneously, accontpaniedwitlt pain.
ardt flqi{crrqt a flq€Hcrardf,: alg qa€Gql: ll e ll ( I fa * t )
afa ,ftqtasrdErf* qru?rftEricrdtqqft{rn {{Fdq ll Y{ ll

Nacli vrala ( sinusrrlccr.) of the tLidogajakiri,l ,locs rtot rcspondto tl'eatment

rvhile the other four cau be tleatcd with dimculty. ( 6 )
Thus ends tltc capter on Na{t Vra4a.
qrr rf.f;{tfrqnrl
gqtq ag} ti qr"ia' flqe*rssf*uir
ftr*r q.F{it ia, q qtiqdi cdr l q,tl
A papule dcvelopingon cither.sirieol the :rnu., wirhirr a r.a.lius ol trvo angu-
lis. accompaniedwith pain and exuclationis knolvn as Bhaganclara( fistula-in-ano).
It is offive kinds. ( I )
sqrq6*rsRtlfHlsiioriqcnfi fismi qrlii qrq r
sQ€orrqrrngtia?tt'Ui{nr q fuersror*aqfaf,rrra rr
- . a?rrTiir{Tgirc}a?ri aor+i, oaitari al1 r
c*lqq: fiqciac*lFr;i tirla <ni iqc{i uirierarq l ? tl
Indulgencein lbods rvhich :rre astringerrt anJ rir.r., causcsincreaseol varta,
which in turn proclucesa pepulc in the anus. By its neglect, it undergoessuppura-
tion, burstsout, createsmany snrallulccls all alourrrl,through which crimsorrcolo.
ured froth, urine, f-eces
and sentcrr rnay bc coming out accompanieclwith severe
pain. This is calledas Sataponaka. ( 2-3 )
qtssgqrsdEcqidsrknTirrr;qt (giailqi qi{ il B il
Pitta undergoing increasc greatll', pr.or.luccsa r.c,-lcolour.eclpustule ir.rthe
anal region, which developspus quickly inside, which is dischiirgcd hot and with
loul smell. This type is calledrrsUstr:,3ir.odhara(us;ragriva). (4 )
fiq*qil Eriqdi 61i{1 q;qQqa: dag*ile: sqqr qliqr{i q{F?(i il ,.\ il
That which is plo,lucerllry incltesctlkupha,wiriclrhasirtrhirr.l, ti;ick cxudate,
hard, slightly painlul antl rvhitc in ctilour.i,: Lrro',vnus Par.isr.Lvi
bhagan,Jara.(5 ){<iqfl | dtr{trqd€r{rsi rtqsrqiis'i lnrr l q tl
Pustulcshaving cliflelenr ol coloulr rrndr:xuiiarss,whicfi ieserlblc tht:
teet ofthe cow, creating spi,l si.usts'cse'rbli'g.tharor seashell is k'own
as sambukavarta( this is p'oducc,iiry iricrcascoi ,rll tlrc rirrceclo;astogether.),(6)
q{ilAia: qrgrrdriqs}r'l
{terarq +g, imcq'tiqqr,ii r
q;ii miai*ur gddurqg;qrfii ril;Ef q?q 1 g tl
Ch.46, F'ano 153

Minor injury ( caused by thonrs,etc. ) at the anus, if neglected leads to the

formation of sinusesllom iniestationby germs; small ulcersget formed later. This
kind is known as Unmdrgi bhagandara.( 7 )
ritrt' <rufaq g:qt q{ qq uqiq(t: I
i.qqttqkidltal: $?rera;Ifiiqa: lt e ll ( g. ft. u. v )
All kinds o1'fistulaare dreaclluland difficult to cufe, lhosecausedby all threc
dogasand injury ale incurable.( B )
qlaqqgftclior fmqq: tlmiq q t
qrr;E{tl qff;rrE irl{Iqf;a aFlq{q ll q ll ( {. fii. 3I. ir )
:1,r ,itqiaa+rfrrfq- qia{fq ir{ -lri;llil(la dq'HrI ll /!1 ll

Whcn gas,urine, t-eces, worms and semenbegin to come out ol'the fistula, it
is goingto kill the patient.(9 )
Thus cndsthe chapter on Bhagandara.

atail\anweq-aqnrEstqarqiqRqarar r
'itiirqlrra ire{:a iflir q*qitrr fqf-qqrqqd,rr r. rt
InjLrryto thc pruir; by tlrr: harrJ, rrailsanrl tecttr; kecping it.l;ft) \\ithout
washing,indulging in excessivesexual inLeLcourse,contact with contaminatedor'
diseasedvagina and .uch other'barl habits give r.isc to the disease-UpadariaSa
( veneral diseases
) which is ol'five kinds. ( 1 )

eat{}i, c$<ft:qq;td:+qittedqdqqqftqdaqr
fi*dgiqgh' eErt: ic=ia (frr(f,qfuarsirr€,rt -<rt
rdlt: eooi dEt srq;d(nriq* fiqqql"la*q r
q+ogir ffug*f6fi: g$d*: qTqghr {*a l a tl
iqdotqid imfifli: qsrtj gcstsiri qRqilq tr g ri
In the v-taja type, there appearson the penis small papuleswhich have prick'
ing, cutting or pulsatingtype of prin and arc black in colour.
In the pittaja type, the papules discharge yellowish fluid, large in quantity
accompaniedwith burning sensation;in the raktaja type' the papuleswill be lesemb'
ling muscle( red in colour ) or black, clischargeblood and a1lother symptomsof
pitta will be present;in thc kaphaja type, therc is a big swelling,the papules ar.:
itching and exudetl.rickwhite fluid.
That produr:edby all thc three do;as togetherwill be having differentkinds
of exudatc; anrl pains and is inculable.
Conclirionin lvhieh the entirc fleshy palt has been crodcd or eatenarvay by
germsleavinq only the scrotum,is to be refusedtreatnrent.( 2-4 )
srsrdcr+a 6th qq: f,mqiait ft ftqi cqo' t
+rla aitqimfcqTEGtffi.ii{r?ir flatree Aa rtq rr
Ch.47, Vcncraldiscases IJJ

Foolish people engrossedin sexual life do not seek treatment soon after its
onset and neglecting it becomevictims of swelling, infection by bacteria, burning
sensation,pus formation, destruction of the penis and death. ( 5 )
ergtRavgrful{nft tifrui, I nlor qrqi qfi<raqsfilrfrqln lt q ll
dv*apq'i1 q;d qaiei-trqarsiq sr I
( €aEarflqfiearq gfbftttlr f]q\csr r )
laes{iifrtqrar f}nrai rfh qrqt n s u
qft {i{taa+rfsrfst qrrrsftErnsq<qfq{n' qqicdrrl '/s l

Sproutsof musculartissue,one by thc sidc of the other, resemblingthe crown

of a cock,developing insidethe prepuce or at tire junction of the glans and the
prepuce or nearby ( accornpaniedwith pain and exudation and caused by the
combination of all the rhree do;as ) is named as Liirga varti by some and Lirigar6as
by others. It is difficult to trear this diseasealso.( 6-7 )
Thus ends the chapter on Upadarhia.

qq {({+qFqnq
30Kdno{;,s, oF pENrs)
srmcrtqdl q& itsfirarsofa qari: t aarvr<rq wqti qa erd ir ?ffict: lt q,ll
Foolishpeople rvho try to increasethe sizeof their penis by unnatural methods
( by application of paste of poisonousinsects and other materials) beconreaffii-
catcd with eightcenkinds of cliscascs( ol perris), causedby gukas( poisonousworms
and othel substances )1 ( I )
'i<edqdriril {(tg{aaqfl |
ficer €nqqtanqi tq q,i[q*t a €I tt ?. tt ( g. f.r. sI. ty )
ol the sizeof'rvhitetttustai'rl,
Vesicles appearingort the penis due to increasc
of Laphaand vata by bad applicationof the pasteis knownasSar;apikl.( 2 )
*iaar fiei$i<lgnlsfria*r uiq r ( g. Fa.q. iv )
producedby increasedvd,ta known as A;lhilika will be hard and irrc'
gular in shape.
q*,fq Xfitl 1res7iirii alc dq Enrntqll 1 tl ( g. ft. 3r. I v )
Gratita is causcdby appearanccol nodulesdue ro constant application of
thc pastewas due to kapb. ( 3 )
giirr{r (t,fqt'tiarr qtesqlf<,lfarttsgrtl
| ( g. f;r. er: tv )
Kumbhika produced by increasc ofrakta and pitta, rcsembles the seedsof
jambu fruit ( Euguina janrbolina) and is black iu colour.

6<ai taadt fiqtaqFilci iaaqul: 11B lt ( 1. f{ ,r t, )

Aiaji is descrinedby expelts as resemblingthc diseaseof that name described
earlicr ( as one of the typcs of plarrrehapir.laka). ( a )

€fq?i'iiki qq ir"*.i qm*qai r ( g. f<. r. .;1 )

qrlqrai uoe'qd dqafis*r qaq lt ,,,lt ( g. fr a ?v )

l . I n a n c i e n t i n r e ss o n r ek i n d so f r n o l l u s e ss,h r i n r p s ,c r a b sw e r e n r a ( l ei o l o a p a s t ea l o n g
r v i t hs o m eh e r b sa n d a p p l i e do v e r t h e p e n i s t o m a k ei t b i g a n d s t r o n g .l t a n y o f t h e m
w e r ep o i s o n o u as n d s o c o u s e ds e p s i s .
Ch,*8, Disordcrsof penis 157

Mydita is swelling of the peniscausedby rubbing the penisafter removing

the paste;Sammodhapi{aka is appearanceof blind papulesby rubbing the penis
briskly.( 5 )
{ql s6qr{ fiecr {ii* cuqarq qlt I
ds{\q'q: ir,qrqrrqi iqadtea,iuq n q l ( !. fc q. ix )
Vesicles,long in size, bursting in their centre accompanieclwith pain and
horripulations,due to increasedkapha and rakta is known as Adhimantha.( 6 )

flq-sttfq-sqraqrrtiqrdllqatiqqr r
rrq{ft{dtqrir ier gl51iqt O crrr s rr( ,:r t r )
causedlry incrcasedpitta and rakta, rnorcthan onc in number:rnd
rcsemblingthe sproutsol a louts flower i,- knorvl as I'u$karika.( 7 )
tqdarfa { saipqjliq; ;({(i'{nq r ( ,g ia ,r ; .
Sparsahani is a conrliriorr,-,a,rsccl
by rakta inlccterl by poisonin ivhichrhere
is lossof tactile sensationorr the ncltis.

gfElc'lqcr (fir Ii6iqdldirrq qr il z tl

aqriirirlqil ar{ ?t*r*oii#irqr | ( r f,r i{ ?v)
Uttama is thc r:r'rr: rif the cliscasc
in which papulcsoi' rhe sizc ol'grcengram
or blackgram,red in colour, appcarclueto vitiate(l r..rktaanclpitta causedby
nouspastcused rcpeat:dlv,( 8 )

B;<gq*{Bri fitiqrq qq;dar r q rr

snfrfhai 6rrrftrrq iq' aa'ilc*r r ( 1. l+. a tz )
Sataponakais a diseasc caused by increased vata and rakta in which the
penis is having small holes everywhere.( 9 )
elafiqudl iqrts*qr*l cqqruitrql (o 11( 5 tr. a. iz )
Tvakpdka is causedby increasedveta and pitta, rvith ulccration of the skin
ofthe penis,burning sensationand fever. ( 10 )

ucfirrdttr qcnrfiitfieqrlufH,iticaqr
qrq €rr{d€q*ilrTrid aeiitiErori{q{ lt i,l il ( .r. fi 'T ty
Black or reddishblack vesicles.appearingall over the pcnis associated
severepain is a conditionknown as Sonitarbuda.( l l )
nie{tiar qrdiatqd{ eieiuaq | ( g. s. 3r.ry )
nftdri qtq ciqlR q{q qefat iqil: ll ?,?.
l ( s. fc. q. ?y)
l58 MadhaaaNidanan

Roni riend g q{iqwi &cq | ( g.ft.3r.ty )

firafh<flq*a qfrofila Aftt-s. u t? rr( q. fq.q. lv )
Marhsarbuda shouldbe recognisedby invorvcment ofmuscretissuelMarnaspdka
is a condition which is causedby all the three dogas,in which the fleshy portion of
the penis falls off' accompanied with pain; Vircladhi is another condition caured by
all the rhree do$as which resembles sannipdtajavirdadhi pr.eviouslyd.rcri
b e d .( 1 2 - 1 3 )
atqlfi fbqtoqlrfl qrdi efieilh sl I qrRarfi q$irTrg i{ fi<aiear rr lu rr
+larh { qisrft dri-i qtq iRa: r
elawceguirg aqftefia61amq u q\ 1 ( g. ft. q. tv )
Applicationofpasteof insects whichare blackor ofmany coloursand which
are highly poisonousappliedover the penis,causethe skin to become
to drop offand appearance of wartsresemblingthe blackmolesofthe skin. This
conditionknownas Tilakalakais due to the lncreaseof all the
three dogasto-
gether.( l4-ls )
ar cicti{ qq qiqqrq.q qt rqfdr r
iqqfirar a f€wfia i e egltaamm*rr l lq l ( u. ft. ir.
tx )
fa 4tirqEd{fs(fqil fiasisqrt q+<)vfr<r- (qfec lr vc tl

Among the above diseases,mdrhsdrbuda,

marhsapdka,vidradhi and tilakdlaka
do not respondto treatment.( 16
Thus endsthe chapter on S0kadoqa,
{ ''
r:,, ,rJ.t,!

qq Ssfiqaq
{itsrqaqntfatq.if#sgqi" q t ,rfratctttdisft i{rrst-qn.qfigatq tr 1 tr
aqnnccftq;ansfagcerfaQfeorqt ari'rewnlai q;i rftaptQiqnlq tt
:r*qrltqlaai $q q:tcqlqqfiqtq t aqmEiqc-tqtfaoqqltrafaefleortq rt a tr
, erequcf,rvrefaaEikgerlilarq.tsqqtq'qtt'rdlfrsi faqi q qniii qsl ll B ll
lqqrs.g6{ qdqai qr,iqri a gdart. t etatqaei get*;aed qiqqsT q ll q ll
qeaFf< sgni cs*l q.cqgqt t war58tfi qrqti qe iqEiq e tr q rt
(a fa a'u)
) Inclulgenceiu incorrrpatiblcfoodsand cllinks, lboJsrvhich arc ver)' watcry'
latty and hard to digcsu suppr.essing the urges of vomitting and others, heavy
physicalexerciscsand too much of cxposurcto heat irnrnediatelyaftel taking food'
immersingin cold wateL-soon after cxposurc to sunlight, harClvork causingfatigue
and incicientso[ fear; useof uncookedfoods and over eatins, improper methodsOf thc five purificatoly therapics ( em_e gatio|, ctc. ), useof fresh
grains,fish, foods uhic\ arc very salty and sourri blackgram, raddish;*dry or pow'
Jery foo,ls, ,.to*., .iii{ arrcl jaggery; over indulging 4,.tt-l:.'] intercourse,
sleepingduring claythough sufferingfiom indigcstion; showing di*rcspect to gods'
teachersand committing many other kincls of sinitrl acts)etc.)nlake for the increase
of all the three dogasancl derangement in thc tvak ( skin ), rakt:r ( l.rlood), marhsa
( musculartissue), ambu ( body fluids ) and produce kuqlha ( leprosyand similar
skin diseases ). l'his group ofseven (the th|ee do;asand four dhitus ) causes
and elevenkinds ofkullha. ( 1-6 )

scili qsqt {i' gu'a'}r qqrr+: t

ei*qftf!+ng 6qq?ltsFr{?sa:ll s ll ( 1 i"1 21 t.a)
Kuglha ( leprosy,etc. ) is of sevenkinds, one from eachdo;a, three from the
combinationof two do$as,.and one from the combination of all the three together,
This kind of naming the varicties is to indicate the predon.rinanceof the doga,
though all the three dopasare involved in the causationof all varieliesof kustha.(7)
qfhrtrqor<q<tqd€sr€aq{eqoiar' I EIE:$lFr€li +qtqilqr diil'sFadq: tt z tr
q"tilqfir* {Fi {ftnltqlqfbrfrqflart €cranfqeq{:dialqiisaQsid+}uaq tr < tt
i60 MadhaaaNidanam

ilcaniisqci, 6roii 6g6lqrorrei{ | ( q1.fc. .-{ r )

The skin either very smooLhor roughl prcsenceor absenceof perspiration;
discolouration,burning sensation,itchinq, loss oftacrile sensation,pricking pain,
appearanceo1'elevatcd patches, giddiness,severepain on irrjury, ulcer forming
quickly and remaininglbr long periodswithout healing; tbough lre.rledwith difli-
culty roughnessofskin petsisting and re-appearanccof the ulcer cr.enwith trivial
causes,fiequent horripulationsand blackishdiscolourationofthe blood are the prc-
monitory sympiomsof kuqlha.( B-9
deei oui ag lt qo tl
{rqrd dtEsgdatsd iiqd {qaq r €lqr€trrrxugirr;uftd icfisrq u i,i tl
sgrrr+EarrrrdSrelgr<t qA( r ,iii <# irqt rqri ihrq{i€qqvsaq lt i,-{tl
gepe;ft-adge 5d coc6g;ql r*dd qqsf;6p6:qe1qqaEa{1 (A tl
q€Eqiq€d{qri€rfad ag;q} r edd <rqri-d SGtkqa,}qon,, i,, ,,'
e:l€d q q<tri q gqeiid agoqi r G<iard ag q q{dl gd figvfh rr 1r rr
cwdt{b dEfkr;ecatgsgriiwq r <t*r*or{iaqTsoisqtm dtaaqnq l iq ll
ffiefb* a€d mrmqt|u lqrala | ( < fa ar.,s)
,| " The skin resemblinga brown colouredpiece of pot sherd; rough,courseand
thin; painful and intfactable afo thc featuresof Kapala ku91h:r.
Pain, burning sensation, redness,itching hairs turned to pink colour and
nodules developing resemblingthe fruits of udumbara ( Ficusinfectoriaare the
symptomsof Udumlralatype of kusrha.
Skin is rvhiteor red in r:olour, tight, thickenecl,smootl)lvith round elevaied
patchesjoined to one :rnothel are the leaturesof Maqdala type of ku;1ha.
Skin very rough, red in colour outsideand black inside, painlul and resemb-
ling the tongueol'black deer arc the featuresof RqyajihvAvariety of kus.tha.
Skin rvhite in the centreand red in tire cdgcssimilar to the petal of the lotus
flowcl with reddishelevatedpatclresare seenin Puqdarikavariety of kuplha.
Skin white or copperyred in colour',thin, scalscomilg t.rfon scratching,more
commonon the chest,resembling the florver of pitchelgour,i rrre rhe I'eatures of
Sidhma variety o1'kugtha.
That which has the coloul ofgufrja ( .\brus prccatorius), undcrgoingpus fc'r'-
mation, very painful and causeclby all the thrce dosasaurl rllrich rloesnot rcspond
to tr€atmentare the fcatulesof kuglhakrrorvnas Kakap.r.
( abovesevenvaricticsare krrown as maha kuglhas ( major leprosies),
which are incurable.) ( 10-16 )
Ch.49, Leprcs1
of lhe skin 161

q€qi qalet(o q;cirq{Ti5'al$Iq lr q,erl

aQ+grj,ecla{iqariafiaadaqr qqrj i+qTt*(tqiirrodimiiri qa{ u i.z tl
iqrf?qiqrfhqrqrgia;iaiaiqan 16cgqfh: qqirl.Niwen iiaq u q,c, rl
qqoEttrrfieqi E{qu-sagfraq I
<* c{(ai {ogqq {T{d}d qeaiqh I asd<scrGqrd druuieag;at tt r.o rr
(f,qrrl Er66t: figfl: qgqtqt qtligi6t: {E-gcizr: q{t€t: I
da rd*dtaqtltiar iqr qpfr: s;a€rT fiqit:l tt rl. tt
{dler, qqrq€'orrsrqfirq}sr: +graE?qq:r <# cqFj esrErfi trarc: €qrdgqorqrReI
qqoErfieqt qqtql irg€rrqrfiqf**r | ( a fr. ir : )
Absenceof perspiration.larqe area of skin involved,skin reseml'lingthe scales
of a fish are the featuresof Eka kuqlha;the skin becomingthick like that ofan elephant
skinis seeninCarmikhya kustha;black, roughand courseto touch and proclucingnoie
( on scratching) are the featuresof the skin in Kitibha ku;1ha;handsand leet crack-
ing and lorrning fissureswhich are painful is the leature of Vaipadika kuqtha;
nodulesrvith itchingrrnd of recl colour developing is in -alasaka kug-tha;raised
patches studdedwith snrall, itching, reddish prpules are thc features of Dadrir-
manc'lalaktr;1[ra;skin stndclcdrvith red, painful, itching nodules,rvhichdo not allow
touching ale thc featurcsof Carmadal:r kuqlhaismall, plentifrrl, exudating pustules
with itching and burning sensationarc knorvnas Parira; the same appearingin the
handsanclon tlre buttocks rvith severe pain and itching are called as-I(acchu;boils
on the skin, black or blackish-red in colour ancl the skin becominq thin are tbe
featulesof Visphola; innumerablc srnall ulcels lvhich arc led or blue in colour,
with severebulning scnsalionancl pain alc the featulcs ,rl Sataru;- nodules which
have itching, black colour and copiousc>:ridationare sern in Vicarcil(a.( 17-22 )
( The aboveelcvenkinclsare knowp as Kgudrakugthas( minor leprosies).
qt qqrqrcuirri anrig$ qaqiq I ?.4tl
{aq | .6qri6ii qi l€.ri qss-€iiqrr}(qq lt Rtstl
fiqrtcsfqd qrE(lrr€rrqr{isd
iaiasi a-aei6ci feia* qriqqriisA I
Roughness,blue or bluish-redcolour, dryni:ss and pain are due to vtta in dll
anciexuclationare due
the kinds of kusthalputurcfaction,burning scnsaticin,r'edness
to pilta; unctuousness,
thickness,greasiness,itching, coli and fccling of heaviness
are due to kapha;presenceof syrnptoms of' two d{llas anrl of'all the three will also
manifestrespectively.( 23-2+ )
5"i dq.i q qrqer 1\ rl
€r$ Aqo?ic+g
iitqtqlft itcania{€qrqrficEdiq I qogGfqmSq ge a\ihaqf}h rrq.qrr
{rgcri srtitcEr *rd'qdi\sr:ieq: r ilqr rdtu; liq<teiq SD qiqqqt|?*} rr-<sc
l2 M
162 MadhaaaNidanam

*\od.rfiErils*rai dlqr qraq'idlqt iq:rutarri lqq qtgmr{i aiq q tt r.z tt

arqtrrslsiAi(rqal aig fhiir€rrartt+itqqnar qlERqqwsqfp*i tt eq tt
qrqi?i't:iFg€rrgaaqguailfhagm{1: t aqttri a,ii*ii iri aEiq g;fbaqrt io tr
( g' f,t. er'r, )
ol the
Ilonl-v the skin (rasa dhdtu ) is involved by ku;1hr, riiscolouration
skin, roughness,loss of seusation,hairs standing on entl flequently and profuse
perspilation are seen.
When ku;1hainvadesrakta ( blood ), itching ancl appearzrnccof pustulesin
l a r g er r u n r b cs r, w i l l n r a n i l t s l .
\Vherr kuilha invlcles rriirhs:r ( rriusclc) thelr: rvill be appearanceofthick,
elevatedpatchcson tltc skin,tir;'rrcssof the ntouth,l'ouglincss, :rPpcarance
pricking.pain,fissurcsantl tightntssofthe skin.
When kuslha invacles tncdas ( lat ), Ioss r,l lirigcls, loss of movement
( difficulty to walk ;, p,.tirr,spleadilg ol tlrc ulcel will also be seenin adclition.
When kuslhairrvacles the astiri ( br-rrrcs
) anil nrajja (bone nrarrorv)' Iossof
the nose,rednessof thc ci'es, appcararl(c ol'wortns in thc ulcersatrclloss of voice
will manifest.
\{hen both thc husbandand rvife ale sufiiring fioln lcprosl', the child pro-
by thcrn rvill also be lnln with leplosv as both llrc spctnl artd ovum will havc
beenaffcctedby lr:plosy.(25-30 )
€Ed ?qn6ciq(ri qra€"qri'r* q q{ t
i<ic a-aS qrqziqG4csrft'{rci|>Taqll rl lt ll ( g. fa s. r )
Leprosy invading trak, rakta, alr(i m:tdtsaand tlroseva|ictieswhich al'ecaused
by predomin:rnceof vara anclkaplraarc easyto cure, that which irrvadesmedasand
causerlby thc combinationof two dosasto ether bccomechronic, and that which
invadesmaiia anJ asti:iis to bc re{usedtreatment.( 31 )

lmfiqqqtac; arfliee{ r ciriEicqat* q {mii Ea{inq ll iR ll

q{{dgqtdt+5d a-aiarrnqq( 1.t' er.i: ;
PLcscuce o1 worrrii iir iltc ulccrs,tirir'.t, fcclingol burning scnsatiolltpoor
digestiv.:capacity, itrvolvcmcttt oi all tlrc tltrctl dosas togethel', nrutilation and
lossof body p:rlts, r'elness of the eyes, Ltss of voice and that affecting patients
who are unsuitable [bI the fivc purificatory lreatments-afe going to kill the
patient ( 32 )
Ch.49, Lepros2
andolhcr diseases
of thc skin 163
qria sd *nraiiui*grat unrqrril rr
qosdr<dfiqril e *EzrrGdqraiirqq r efir$d kiaf iqcqraqfsqilqflr u lts tl
srd€eritqql: aluciqq€qtrarr* r gosii6' efNd qrcrqdEd iTqrrl iq tl
qH: rqrilrqi qriii* <-g-<+mqqI gostds{iq€ e carssrih trg q u ?q tl

Kapala kusthis plorluee,lby v.rta,udumiraL;r kusthatl orn pitta; mandalaand

1i9a1c!kaare liom kaplra; rsyajihr'- is by v.rta arrd pirrl; carmirkhya, eka, kilibha,
ala.a,r'ipadik:rarc t-ausetl by ,,,ataaucikapha; li onr kalrhrLand pitta are
produceddadru, Srrtaru, pu4dalilia, vispirola, punt:i ancl carmadlla; kakana is
causedby all the three do;rs togcther, The first three ( kapala, udumbara and
), riadru, kakala, purldarika,and rs,vajihv--thr:sfscvenare the Mahd-
kusthas ( 33-36 )

SBildqd fis{ Rar{i erroirriq r iif{ewfiaria ii}rrqqEd{q{ n ie tl

ilriflqEircoifittatd iFcEqr€I( t eErd iiqflu?iiq sq,Bid qi g€ u Ae ll
qqu-gtxeqeeieiqrg ailiiq I
adiiegud 6t' adtatia{q u aq r ( 4r ft. 3T.iy )
Svitra ( leucoderma ) and Kilisa i leuco with pinkish tinge ) are pro-
d u c e d b y t h e s a n r cc a l l s c sa s o f k u s t h a ( k p r o s y t h e Y a r . cn o n - e x r l , l a t i v ( :: r n d t r . i d o -
s a j a i n o r i g i n ( c e u . , i l b y i n c r e a : e o f a l l t h r : t l r r r . c d o g : r st o q e t h c f i . R o u g h n e s sa n d
p i n k r : o l o r r ra r c c l u e t o v a t r ) c o l ) l ) r r y - r e r l i k i : l l o t r r sp e t : r ) , l c . l i n q o l ' l t u r . n i n gs e n s a -
t i o t . ra n d j o s so i h a i l s a r e c l u r :1 o p i t t a ; r v h i t c r o l , r u r . , t h i r : k n , ' s s ,f i . r : l i n g o f h e a v i n e s s
a n r l i t c h i n s a r e r l u e t o k a p h a ; r n v o l v e m e n t o f r : , . k t a ( b l o o , l ) , r n a r h s e( m u s r : l e s)
a n r l r n c d a s( f a t ) c a u s e st h e i r r e s p e i : t i v et y p e s o f c o l o u r s a n d p a i n . T h e s u c c e s s i v e
k i n ' l s a r c m o r c i l c a l { u l r h r n t l r c p r c c e d i n q o n e s .i 3 7 - 3 9 )

ergsilcrsqgacifilecq) aqq l :rafleE?lrS

er:d fia+ qeicdls;qqr tr co u
gaqf'nadDg qtagcqlir<;ai\ |
qsial?iisitiqr i*ard fefqf,a;oar r Bq,l ( sr fq ;r. ?/ )
Svitra (leu,:orl,:rma
) in rvhichthe h;Lir.s;n.crrot rvhite; the skin is not thick,
patchcsnot.joincd toscthcr.,which is of reccnt or.iginarrrl that not due to the cffects
ofburns are cu.ablc,othcr kinrlssu,:has white fat(;hesseenon thc genital organs,
palmsolthe hendsand solesof thc loor and lips, that which has persistedfor long
time are to be refusedrreatmentby those clesirous of success. ( 40-4i )
164 Madhaoa

cqsrEndcq{Tllqtearqtqqailcrilt I q:nrrt II{T?tF}q qemaqrg}qirq ll ts?,ll

g$ eara dler{ aTtfiruq.Eqq q I
dcqftq,,ilqrs eimrqftaa(tlr<{ ll cl ll ( q. fa. ar r )
qf.i 4tqlsqfti{fa{fst qr:TqfqErt966ft<ri qqm{ tt Ye rl

Sexualintercourse,physicalcontact' contactwith expiretlair, dining together,

sleepi,rgon the samebcd, commonuseof clothing, garlantls, unguents,etc., are the
mecliaof transmissionof diseasesfrom one personto another" Lelllosy, feverst
tuberculosis,ophthalmiasand many otbel cliseascs arc trartsmittcdin tbis manner;
hencethey are knorvnas .\upasargikarogls ( infcctious.lcontagiousdiseascs). (42-43)
i:nrlsthe chapter on Kuslha.
qq afta&ddqHcrds
qflecrqadw{Tltlgdxsercd r fHa qa dqt eficafH,<da,
rr r. rr
By contactwith vcly cold breeze,kapha arrd vata getting increased,associa-
ting with pitta also, begin to travel exterDally( in the skin ) and irrternally( in
blood and other tissues) ( ancl produceSitapitta;. 1 1 ;
fiqrcrdbagw?aqRrs{i(sqt <rdisa(r ivi qiwra aqorqr ?,tl
Premonitary symptoms:ire-thilsl, lossaI lppetite, oppression in the chest,
debility, feelingof heavincssof the boclyanrl r.cdness
of the eycs.( 2 )
qr*Eedern: dtu: qqlq| qft: r erugrilqqgsqgGcs{Aqnqr{ll I tl
E{ififh * fiqrcFjialiqcqnl I qrdrirrdtftafiagaq\e mnrFr{rlt s tl
Elevatedpatches( rashes)resemblingthat pr.oducedby the sting ofthe wasp,
associatedwith severe itching and pricking pain, vomitting, fever and feeling of
burning sensationare the characteristicfeaturcsol Udarda, called as Sttapitta also
by others. In Sitapitta, vata is predourinantwhile in udarda, kapha is predomi-
nant. ( 3-4 )
qJte*ryettiar qo*ck+r {rs}! r ifir<: qsdt 6qrFJ€E{fa dtftar rrq rr
Elevated,reddish, highly irritating, round patches causedby kapha during
3i6iraptu (winter ) is alsoknown as Udarda. ( 5 )
3rqrqqqitdioif it:tisqtqir{t: r
qlitarfi qfic€ii {Frqf}d qE[i q I
si*dr qtgs;qa{ *ta tqfirrftqi rrq rr
qla ,ftqrqeairfErfq- qluqfa<ri sihfcfi<{TJafqEri qqrr{q l {o tl

Incompleteemesis( impropel administrationof cmeticsand other treatments),

suppression ( obstruction.
) ol the movementof pitta, kapha and anna ( food ) lead
on to the appearance of innumerable rashes, rccl in colour, Itighly itchinganrl
relapsingmany times. This conclitiotris knorvnas Kotha. ( 6 )
Thus enclsthe chrptcr on Sitapitta,etc.

fit.e gurralaqrGfearxi&ram
gdf fi1r.1q;
ftd ra€qviid gr taqrafid qsqfiaqrai rr f rr
, Indulgence irr lbods lvbich aic of i.eompatible combinations,
' spoilecl,very
sour, thosc causing l:rrrnin; st]lsatiorr jnsicle arrfl such
6ther lbod a1d drinks
l v h i r : hc a u s ei n c r c a s c . f p i t l r r , l r r , r i u r ' gA r n l a p i t t a i r r
l , e , s , ,sr i ' w h o m ' i a : r r r : r s
a l r e a d y u n c l e r u : . n ci r r c l c a s t ' s; o s a y t h c r v i s e .( I )

qflqttsriti$afiiqtrdrrtri<ir | €iquaqr€rcfifuzxraiqr
e?kqt rr r rr
, T h e c l i s c ; r s ei r r r r . h i c i r t h c p a r i r r i t h : r s i n d i g t s t i o n , c x h a u s t i o n w i l h o u t
.1 arr;,
- r , ' 1 e x e -tri o n , o a u s e a , r i c ( . ' t l l l i o r r sl r i t h b i l t t r o r . s o u r t a \ L c , I c c l i n g o f h e a v i n c s sc , f t l i c
/ b o d y , b u r n i n g s e n s l r t i " i n t h c c h e s i a n d t l r r o r t a n c l i o s so f
appetite-is to be called

cqrtq'rJsr fliiqc{r({ |
Agiqdl6laaqt{A{riqr$.itatq*i x<di* rr1 rr
Thirst,b'r'ritr; s.r*niion.ririrrtirrg,
qi r,rrriuss.Irru'iorr,'()\ cmclrr.owrw.,l.rrs
O [ c ] i f f e r e n tk i n , l s L
i o, fr lit l i . t 1 ' 1 1 i 1
6 t, r r u i l r i c c : L s i o n acli l r p u
r sion i r r t l r c c h c s t , r : L s h c os t r { i r c
skin,poor digestio', hcrrrir'rJrliors,
|crspiralic,nanrl 1,elro*,isrr
-.kinarc trrc svmp.
toms of (IEog.-.(rlor,,n',irrrl ,ii
) rrr,lpittl. )
qr;ti aiitdia{a'i.a,5rqq1q6161i{{ d\q qrsaq I
qidq?irli raiaiGaai;d *.qrgiili fqiqti
ria rrs rr
g* fi{€ iqqqrsq{g* riifi iarrraqfc aqriiq r
sencdiqqhq.6oaa;Fiqrqrd iardf ri q rr\ rr
eeiiicrfr cqt q dqiq?{ |
srqih strgqqsoiqs*,nraiciqarnatrrar{ tr Qtr
lyllpto-t q1-uriih'aua( upwerJ r rrmlrpittaare; vornirtirg o1gr.cen,yellorv,
blue' blacl:, slighrl-f rt'rl ri rrrig'r .crr cororrrcct
u..t ,o.r.,resembling
mutton \,vasl),ve.v stickr,, r^in, tollorv.rl Irr.
kaph;r; r,omittingoccuringclurin!
digestionof food or cvln
sionary, of,i.:i:,"::l;1.,Tff;l; ,Hl ,j;'::',;: ;::;,lT:J:.f;
Ch.51, Hyperchlorhydria/ gastritis ro/

upper abComen,hcaclache, lrurning scnsationin the palms and soles,feeling of great

treat,los of appetite, fever o[ liaplrapittajr 1ype, appearanceof rashcs' circular'
itching, studdedwith numet.oussmall vesiclcson rhe skin and other troublesof the
body. ( 4-6 )
it ilsqrsoiiwredl aaq iqttqi aq: t
iqitl-;qir rqzicq: {,EgFTI!:ZI:rI {rqiqt li € ll
This discascamlapitta- rvlricb is ol t eceut onset, responCsto treatmen-twith
clifficulty, that which is t,l br,g clur:rtit,nrvill bc ciironic or cuL'ablewith difficulty

cilid srfia*ci q6d aq a".rh r aJcfa*a qfdqr{ lirqsiiast k ad ll z ll

trqcatqqigififhliisqtgrqqt{?&arfn I aq{ir s{iaiq'rq&dtaaqlsqiaa*lqtqttqtt
u,ciig'iE;.il(qtrsdref.qdraqlqqiclql:I qEaqoqlqinqfanfua .fi$E{Ie ll 1o ll
s.rq{islq iqa qtta*qdqtr rrqlqr} |
( iaawtgrlar(€tslErfitrsqr€sq ll !,( ll )
qc ll
ufr q€|qfuq"3Qqatoi e firiltst r nQdl g<eerg{*nqfiqeq eErdlr(ll
rir {tqrtrq+rf*rfs- qrqEft(r-58:iirqiq<ii qqIE{ ll t I I I

physicianshoulil clcarly tecognisc the syt;rptomsof amlapitta causedby
vdta, vdtakapha ancl kapha as tlrey al'c likely to crc:ltc colifusi('nto hirn;
i Trernols, delerirtm,fairrting, fccling o{ pins and rreetlles,weaknessofthe
body parts, pain, darkriessbefcrre the c1es, gicldincss,deiu"iolr, horripilations
the symptomscausedbY vata.
Bxpectorationof lhiJi pnl.gnt, feeling of heaviness,lassitude'loss of appetite'
coldness,weakness, vollitriilg, coetiug ou thc tongue, burning sensation'
of strength,irching of thc skiu .rn,l uro|c slccr',a|e tlrc s1'nrptc.rrns causedby kaphq.
Appearanccof both tirc abovc symptoms together is seen in amlapitta in
which both vdta and kapha arc associatetl,
( Erectationshaving bittcr, sr.rutand pungcllt taslt s, burnirlr' :;':nsation in the
chest,uppet abclonletl ou,l llu.'r, l, r-jcltliils's,lairrtirll;,lr"' uJ irppetitc' vomitting'
lassitude, headachc, salivation,snecl !as1r'in thc trouih lle the symptomsoJ'amla-
pitta t:auscrl i []-il )
by kaphaatrrll.ritirrtr-r.:r't)rcl
orr "\rrriapitta'
Tltlt: trttistltc elr:,p1cr-
err fis+fiEraq
aqqrrar{uorrfitiiqtiiqaqar r iqqd: qsqr iq, eq'a,afi<dorq rr 1 rr
Ingestion of'too mucb o1'saity, sour', pungerlt and lioi_loods alrcl such other
factors which increase the thrcc dosas ploducc the seven liilcls of visarpa. It is so
c a l l e d b e c a u s eo I i t s n a t u r c o 1 ' s l t l t : a r l i r ragl l r . i v e lt l t c i t o d y . ( I )
gqtsqi€iu**t {iqql a-aqqqt I qtfain:itioAq nqqr qieqrfh{: l
qiqt( ce dtqqi qqq;i e;efitaqr t errill qrcfqqrrqic;uqtreq:.6qqteTer:
ll 1 tl
q€dq6tcr) riitr q iiaqqdrlq: r (.{. fa er3yl' '
One frorn each do;a, orrefiom all thrce logether and three from combinatiorr
oftwo dosas,viz., v-rtlj:r, pittrja, kaphaja, sannip-rtaja,agni visarpa from the
combination ol vata rurl pitta; gr':irrthi visarpa from kapha and vata; kardama
visarparvhichis drcatlfulhorr pitta and kapLa-arc i1sscvo, kinds,( 2-3 )
{fri adt{t i4f,i{i (cq qlqrq,it rrdr: lt ts ir
iqeqlori qgir{r} fii;t, <p rrriT;r;| ( q. is :r -?? ) l, ,
Rakta ( bloo,l), Lisihiii f{,r,1rfij,tvak ( skin., rlrarhs.r
(rnucles) are thc
dqyas ( tissuesinvolv,r..l) an I ilrc thr.cetlosastogctirr:rar.c the sevi. lactorsin the
causatior ol visarpa.( 4 )
dr q'rar( q diqqJ qraeq<qc-"qqr il \ ll
rrq l
riqtgiwrfira'tqiquwrfianiqu.r firr{{aqii; fiaaq<iag-}sihdtfiar
16(6.l( z6u€gat t€rrr: i5$Gq(qr itifi. I
q&qlaqqi?r*r eaiiascci:qar tr s il ( 4f. fi- .r. 1r
Vataja visalpahasiilenticalsymplomsas folncl in vala jrvara( {bvcr ) along
with swellinq;pulsatirrg, pr icking or cuning rr pc cil pain, tir.cclness,
Pittaja visarpahasquick prolress. it-lerrtical
synrptomses thosc of pittaja
jwara and the leisor.r
is r.cry i.erlin coloLrr.
Itching aui -srnoothncss
of thc leisr,rrand other s)nrptor]tsof kaphaja jwara
will be sce'iu kaphajavisar'|zr,p.esenceof all rhc symproms will be secnin sanni
pataja visarpa. ( 5-7 )
Ch.52, Erysepelas 169

srdfirrcsq<soG{;sldqwqq.qi,t cfiqiEfiq{aacqliF*dai ll z ll
cifr eaicsie qlqisnlsEiioiqq r d d ?{i iiq'iai iqsdla rriq < e' lt t tt
trFarsrqitit a'iif r* qlssg ir .iiri t erf}qq tq {dti; {iisrrsl<qd'q q llloll
enig<rtt Ge'i, tqudlsiaaaraa: t aqqisd aiidai iiqi o rEwft<iq ll 1t ll
f'ai q e {ilsq+qtiia{fi a,rl a at r *ls=Bql{ierdl qiinz<t<afqg ll i.-<ll
lsqraraa, tbit qaf?acd'taqldI geciilffs?Il fiqi €tsfe-q1e'ie;qi tr i'l rr
( , r r .F + a. ,. l - . )
Visar.pacauscdLrycornbirratiou of irrclca"crlvtita antl pitta lvill Ir:rvc the lbllo-
rvingsymptolns;li:vtr',vopil1jpp1, lairrtilrg,riiartltotlt,ttrilsl, giddincss,lrliIr in thc
joints,poor cligcstiorr,
rla|kness thc eycs, lossof airpctitc, tlle patie.ntfeclsas
thoughl,is lrorly:tncl.ptt:i:rlly thc e[Icctcilpalt is in c{)ntaclwillr burniirgcoal,the
skin hecorrresblack,bluc or.rcrl, lrlc|s flevelc'pcluieklyan I Icisonsprcacls to other
placesfast,gctslocirtc,lin vital spots(o|gans ). lrr view of prcdomirrarlce ol vata,
the affcctcdpart is ver.ypainirrl,thc paLientloses cotrsciousuess and sleep, dcvc)ops
dilliculty in breathing, hiccough,rlocsnot find tven slight lelicfby lying on the
qroulll or atry orher.posture; movement of :rny kinc is cxtremely clifficultancl the
persongoesin lor slecpl-romrvhichhc cannotlte arousedagain( dies).'rhis disease
is known as Agnivisarpa.( B-1 :f )

6+a aq, qsft firiql d lgut *mq | (t sI Eq(ffitq iq{iq(l€rgcis'rq, ll tts ll

(qfriil q q|alg1?r"{sq(rqalq I q;tllai S€e ctai q<tri dtq€Fq(Iq ll i.q,ll
eatqdl€Ifiql(ItqrilqRcntqicitfi: t ( +r' fc .,Tt: )
ftaqqod(;ainqsrisqqiziarq rr i,q rr
Eiqd Tiiri{t€'i, oqctta-d}qt:1( ar.fa. a. li )
Vata getting obstructedby kapha or by increased rakta ( blood ), associating
lvith kapha,invarlesthe skin, veins, tcndonsand tnusclesantl product's chaius of
tumors,elongatetlsrnall,round, hard, rough, rerl in coloul and vcty pain{ul; asso
ciated rvith fevcr, diffii:ulty in bleattring,cough.,diarrhot.r, drytress ol the mouth,
hiccough,vomitting, ,1irl:liness, clelusion,discolouration,lainting, pain all over the
body and pool cligestion. This cliscasc caustclbv iucreseol kapha and vata is called
as Granthi visarpa.( 14-16 )
*qfiarceqq: rmdl fiat a;ar ftil€sr tt qetl
aflqqr{lqqr,i c}qriqrqilr r q;oliearia$isrcai {iqRf}dqri(qq ll 1z ll
'.rrc'tqi{rn'}q:q}asi q q qfih I qfigtrcr{td zaiq?d a irfiar6- tt i,q tl
fic*(q*"rqilsfifradifta.rn-gt,rfh*jlsica't lq*rril qiha, dtersr{ga:n R" rl
qrrfttqtffr qlsftuurqer flilsaqtr"i t ( ar.fa. )
170 MddhaaaNidanan

qi*q€dtoiciea{ {qE€rgft<rqolr ll ?,q,ll ( ar. fa. a. tl )

{qq;dr q {rc,i' q{crreqgrtsatq r
Visalpa causcdby kaplra and pitta togethel will be having the following
features;fcvet',stiffnesso{'the body palts, sleep, stupor,headache,weakness,invo-
luntary movemcnt of the body parts, coating of the tongue, lossof appetite' giddi'
ness,feintirrg,1o.t,r1',li,y:stivclunction,pain in thc botres,thirst, dullnessofthe
pro.essetl fcccs,coalingofthitk nralerial
in thc channelsI olificrs, tis,ut-sPaces,t:cll potcs,etc. ), the lcison ntostly itrvades
the stcrnrach:uttl pleseutsIrild pain; it spleadslly forrningsmall tumots, which areof
dcep ycllon', r'ecl,whitc, lrl:r,k ol lrlLrclrlack itr r:olour',srnootb'(tirty' stvollen,heavy,
insirli:,very lri.rt,i,urstsortt discirargingthe pus, the ntusclcsltaving
lolrning 1ru,;
beconrescmi-liquidlikc silt, falls off exposing 1henctwork of'tendonsand veitrsand
emittingcadavericsrnell, fhis kjnclsis krrorvrr,ts Karclamavisarpa,( l7-21 )
qla*iti adr{ {q: q(ffi iq<qr<qt lt RR,tl ( <r. fi. a. t I )
drq'i crra, g<lqairrtrrifaaq r
+di: dlqcs<q,qRrErwi qqrsdliqlaqlr 11 rl
Ariothcrvaliety ofvisarpa causedby kgata ( external irijuly ) which causes
inclcaseol ra.ir1aaDd pttta alortdwitll vlta, rvill liave tlie following features;vesi'
cles,f' tfuesize ol' horsegLall] appcar all ovcr the body accompalriedwith swelling,
ancl dischargcol bltte colouted blood' ( 22-23 )
fev. r', paiu, bunring scrtsrrtiott
cq{(iaqd'r Ecg{tEl@itlE(si Scr | ( g. ft. 3r. t " )
irilq*rfqqm,l e fi<dorqrqer ir q,Bu
The comlrlicltiorrs o[' visarpa are fever, diarriroca, vornitting, dcpletionof
skin aucl muscles,cxltaustion,losso{'appetitc and indigesiion'( 24 )
iqrq{ia EniFf,$ii?irirr iqeqi, qqlic-{: €iTs.t:ir c fkkilf t
ft<ru*lsaaeg+I qaqq$qr EIEPtaclig rrqfid R qd qq tt * tt
1ft .ilrt c1i, i.[:l{fed qr{:Ift'.-rn feq'ifcEr{ qr{lcf,q ll {ir ll

Visarpaspro.luceCi;y any one dofa-vata' kapha and pitta arc curable' The
anrl ksata a rlo nr,t lesponclto trcatment, that pr-oduccdby pitta and that
which makcsthe body black like eyesalvearc incurable ancl those appearingon
vital spots{)r'organsalc difficult to cure. ( 25 )
Thus endstire chaptel on Visarpa'
C H A P T E R5 1

a gra*<oiluoiaqrl66asrtitqlorluq{ataiar t
aqo]iqor iaadiw g"eiia iqr, qqatqqtqtt ( tt
€qctitrtq h <tciqrcdiia qqE{rq I
q'ttr{. giita iqtdizrq cslq. GE(g{rtT{t{ll 1 ll
O v , r r ' - i r r i l L,rtl:.r i i , i n f r i o i l sw l j i , i r : r r l . l-n r r B ( n 1 , s o t r r ' , l t i : a li r ro d u c i t r 3 ' l t o t , c a u s '
i u g b u r rr i r r gs . r r s a t i c ,iui u , i r tg c l i g es t i o r t ,c h y , a l L a l i n e ,u t r i o o k t d a I t ' l i n e x c e s sq u a n t i t y ,
e x p o s u r el o s u n - l i g l i t , r ) f i r c t s O l S e z r s o nwsh i c l r a r e l o r n t a l o t a b t t o r m a l - C a u S et h e
v a t a a n d o t l r e r r . l o l a s1 o u t r r l c i g o i n c r t ' a s t - , u ' h i c l r i n t u r r l i n v a d e t h e s k i n , b l o o d ,
m u s c l e sa u c l b o n e s ,a r c l p : o , l u c c v e s i c l c so n t h c s k r n , p r e c e t l c t lb y f e v c r . ( 1 - 2 )
srflaqrqiirrl:tdlsrr qcq<t tsfiflqrr I
alqq erh qr ?? iqtda aii i r€at: ll 1 ll ( g. ft 4. sr )
VcsiclcsresemblingI'oils lormed by the touch of firc, accompaniedinvaria-
b1ylvith [i:r'er, syinptom-"of irrcleasc of r akta and .1ritta, in someor all thc parts
of the bori),-this clisrlse is knorvr'as Vispbota ( 3 )
itritqqaqi<ri'cqrrqe q*i<iq I qr'qqsial iia qniirqlzaqqrq ll !3 ll
cq{Era€irr:irqql*gro1ft1i;uoo r .iiadtGaqoi q iqaiirqlcaqlqq ll \ ll
sdiiersrwtia:nug*1ii;a'rpga1: t '-riqaibcrut*,'lq Grdfs: 6qttq{r ll q tl
qrafifl€i't qrl s€e dtsiqatq r *o-gtliitagdirsldtat*mafa*q rt o tt
qogql€l sq<q-eGtirEtq'iiqqr r
Headachc,se\'ei(' pair),fevcr', thirst, l-'ainin thc .joints alrrl vesiclcs black in
of vritaia visphota
collrr rre the svn'rpt.)ms
Fevet, butninr: sensalir-rtr, pail, exu,lationol prtr, lblnlatiott ihirst, and
vtsicles:rpp,-arus yc lorvor reclin colourale thc fcaturc-s ol pittajavisphota.
Vonritting,lossol':rppetite,lassirudc, vesiclcshaving itciring, hardness, white
colour,wi1' no p:rin rrnd1.u. folnr:itir,n vcr.' slori'l) are thc symptoms of kapbaja
s c v r l e p a i n , v : i t a k : r p h i . i :vl r r i c t l h a s i t c h i n g , h a r d -
vritaPittajava! l( ty causi-s
nessanJ t iglrlrrtss,kaphapittajavaricty has itching, buuring scnsation, fever and
vomitting. ( 4-7 )
t72 MddhaaaNiddnam

qui tidtqdts.t cf:itsrqqqEqr{ tt z il

I cdltil aqg€d;qt ilsqruq: (,{IfiAqqr ll a, ll
Vesiclt's rvitI dcprcssion itt lltc ctrtttrc arrr-lelevatiorl irr their eclgcs, hard, with
iittlc qurptity t-il pus, rvith ltutrrilg setrsatiolt ancl redtless, accolnpanied with thirst,
delusion, r,omitting, lairttiug, pain, lcvcr, rlelelium, chills andsrupor are the features
of tlirlosajavisphola arttl it is incurable.i B-9 )
{i6r {firrgi'{rar gsrfqqqqfiqt: t iRaaqrcdt+a iii+a a tqat tt l" tt
a i lelq arcrqri:alciq\qni(iq I
\ r i s p h i , i . ar . : u r s c r l l r yr . i r k t a, , v i l li i : r v c v i : s i c l e sl v h i c l r a l c r c , l l c s e t n b l i r r ! !g u i i i l
; e e c l( , , \ l t L . u s p | c c a 1i n. .i , )1 ( , r . . o r r l l t , : i l r l a r r , l i r l l i l r e s v r l ) t ( r i r s c l - i n c r c a s co f P i t t a ; i t
l o e s n o t r e s p o n t l t o t r e x l l r t c r t tc v c t t l l y l t r t t r t h c r l so f c f l i c i c n t r c c i p e s ( 1 0 )
qr{iitftqar €rrq: {i;Fslrri} iailqa' tt
qriEritii,ril ii<riqqtt.ii {tqq-q'tt ti tt
qqlcdq li {1 ll
;fr "f,tqr'tsr'rf Erfq{ qtzrfqztq tal'r'tafqar<

Visphol:rcauseclby single rlo;zr i s c u r a l ) l c , t h a t b y t l v o dosas togcther is

b y a l l t h . : t h r c c r l o s a sa t t c lthat with compli-
curable with difficulty arrdthai causecl
:ations are inculable. ( l l )
f'lrus cndst lrt:chaptcl r.irt\rispirof ir.
qq quftillaqfaq
c.g:aoeorwt<Roqt*qttatai,r gzfiwnu*ti: lguaaiq*: tt 1 tt
t<aiwtrtt{i ?i'{tqr, q{!qat: I saqfia t{ilsRe<ger*a qsal: ll -<ll
qq(rsiadtqtat, flqgsr:Fgdqf({t: I
ncc in lbods which are punllenr, sour', salty, alkaline; of incorrr'
ove r-inclulge
patiblc rratule,excessqulrntity, too litqucr''tly ol rxlt taking aly lood at all; ingesrion
cclbcans,lcafy vcgctlrbles,
of contanrirrat ]iI and watcr; antl lratl ]lliuletal) iriflucnccs
01 ccrtail ar-casof thc ((,utltly(i:r thc corr.irnunit,v oi llcolrle)e:rtrscan irtr:rcasc ot
the doqasin tlrc bodylllrich, in assoliirti()lltvitlr, ltirL'llloc,tl,liloducccruptiolls( on
the body ) r'esemblingntasula( lerrtils) in shapeand sizc.( 1-2 )
dlqi {d iq{: 6rs€qlsqs}stiaricr tt l. tt i I
tqiqdlq; eiqofr lsqrrq otqii I
This cliseaseknorvnas xlasnrikarvill have, in its plr monitory symptums;fever'
giddincss, srvcllingancl discoloulation
itching, pairr all c,vcl thc bc,dy, testlcsstttss,
o[ the skin ard redttess ofthe cycs.( 5 )
tdrst: {qlqtcult t{ldiqaqaqlsirqal: ll 'a ll
qfiariqqqmtrr qq;iqfiadirql: I s;uqitqqiiqi lqr *rc: {:qls{h: Sqr ll q ll
dlqrrcilgflarai qt6lt qttiqcigat t
Eluptiorrs,blatk t-,r9lirrl:oriitr coloul' rough,r'cry pain[il, bartl' forming pus
very slorvly,pain irr thcjt,irrts,cough,slrivcring, rcstlcssness, cxhaustion,dryness of
the palate,lips and torrgue,thirst arrd losso1 :tp|ctiLearc thc synlptomso1masirrika
causeclby vata. ( 4-5 )
cfifi {taisart tqlzt, qqrcrcft4aEal:ll q ll
qffiqflq(qF6l*I fi<+hegaat, r fieiq:lr*c{*1 qr€letsrls€iq€ql ll \e ll
gqqr*siaiqqar Gq({di4: gqEql: I
Rect.yellowishwhite eruptions,with severeburning sensationand pain, for'
ming pus quickly, diarrhoea,pain all over the body, burning sensation,thirst, loss
ofappetite, ulceration ofthe mouth, rednessof eyes' very high lever and great
distressare the symptomsof masurikdcausedby pitta. ( 6-7 )
(fislqi rrq;iie fitt<t: fiqaqqt: lt e tt
In raktaja masulik6 ( that producerlby bad bloo'1) the symptonrssimilar
those ofpittaja type will be seen,( B )
t74 Madhala Nid anam

iililt.rrte.itc{\ | E:grq:qrafqFiqt a;{torqqqFqatr lr q tl

darr fhrqr: Etr wlalr 6rlcq11 6iiqar: I
q(k*,r: *drtqrar fi<cr{Ir cslRfl: l t" rr
I n k r r p h a j a m a . U l i k u , t h c s y m p t o n l sa r e - w a t ( j y d i s c h a r g c( I o r r rt h c n i o u t l r ,
nose and eycs ), inar:tivity, ht.adache,fceling o[' hc:rv jness of thc bor,l1.,nausea, lo-.s
ofappetite, slcep, stupor anrl lassitudc, tht: eruptions are white, sc,ft, big in sizc,
itching, slightly painlul and lorming pus slowly. ( 9-10 )
itarfbftciia'isTi cQ firil q€rcir I iqrqrrrr qiierqr, q{drr qdErcqrtr qr,rl
{vailqreiqrarrrcf,rqr{tqgarrr gfui*trar: ogeu. iue*iadciflqa' rr tr rr
Eruptionsblue in col.ur', flat, broad, rlepressed.
i'iircir ce.trc (elevatedat
their edges)' hiqli! pai.lul, tbrmi.g pus slowl1,, cxuclingpus ol oil.'rsive srnellin
large quantity, bbstruction in the throat, loss of appetire, stiffnessof the body,
deleriumand restle ssnrs-s;
this condition known as Ctarmel,idaka., causedby all the
three do;astogethcr, is di(ficult to tre:rt.( 1 l-12 )
iteqrirefi<u <riqsqr{siqrqr I qtqriq{qglnr ilqr;til Ge<(fqsrtl li l
Small,red enrprionsat lhe rootsof thc hairsmakins slight elevations,
ciated with cough,lossof appctitc and precededby lever are known as Ro,nantika
( measles) anC causedby incrr:aseof kapha and pirta. ( 13
ilgEgqagrurrr?qurilrq eqRrr: | {sEq<lqr:cqrq;e flirsr{dtdqe{ia q u lts tl
{trrqr dlitaFst{rr {ftsqF6tedE;irir:
I Grlt-qt lirat cfr qqfiii q t\ tl
qiqrqt: *iiar, ihrqria{{qwr saiqq: I rrlq{aEqr?:us.qsqtitiiqqFanrrr (E
i*qr qoeor*rrT€E?{:fsiqgqar: I Fil(sqrqitar{jr'{oi ihqr: eiqar, rt is.rr
dftar{isarq' xixEr+qti iafieiq | €a-r qt'€qf rqrri*ilicr, f,*iagaarrrr iz rr
c*teil uadfraiqartfir<gar r ibefia qriqntia qrqraEla<FafE
qctftq iserin S{;iqrdtfi qda: r qsrr : fqeqr: lq.rrr: qqqrr{rtqriaqari -{o
1 tl
Gic'{fadc}atrd}-qqqcfiqar: t'grncrr{riqquji O oqrqrii qsli6 G u R.lrl
fifid *qd ftti enai a q siilaaq r frefiarrd etar iqaad, rr c.r rr
_crr.rdt(ildr*q {iflqr: drqilra?il t ,tiq{iqgarsq gqqru?r eqfi*r, rr11 rr
If masDrik-is localisedirr thc skin (aficcringthc rasa,rhetu rhc cruptions
will be like i.,ubblesof w.rter, exudethin watery fiuid o' rrl::;rr anrl wili bave
symptomsol mild inclcase of tlc,sas.
If it is localisedin rhe rakta (blood ), the cruprions wi[ be red, formspus
quickly, skin is thin and the abnormality of closasis more and eruptions bleed
heavily on pricking. Thus it is dificu'lt to cure,
Ch.54, Chickcn 175
re lra.d, greasy, forn pus
quickly, skin is thick, associatedr,r'ithpain all over the body, thirst, itching, fcver
and restlessness
If it invadesmedas(fat ) the eruptionsare in round patches' soft, slightly
elevated,large, greasy,painful and acconrpaniedwith very high fever, delusion,
restlessness, and distrcss; few personswill get ovel tltesecotrtlitiorrs( easily ).-
If it invadesmajja ( marrow ) the eruptions are small, of the same level of
the skin, rough,flat or slightly elevated and associatedrvitlt stvc|c ticlusion,pain
anclrestlcssness. | .J!'
If it invadcsasthi ( bone ), there will bc cutting p'i"^ orsalrs cndan-
il ,r-ital
gering life, ar.rdpain irt the bonesas though stung by bees.
s u k r a( s e r n e n) t l r e e t u p r i o l rasr c t i P e ,w a" x y , s m a l l t t s i z e , v e r y
l l i t i n v a r t cS
paintul, associated rvith stiffrress ol'thc botly, restlessness, dclusion,burlring sensation
ancl toxicitl' anrl the paticrrtmay s()onloschis life i
Tlre abovc seventypesmight also be having the syrllptonls ol'onc or more ol
the inereaseddoqaswhitrh arc to be recogniscd,
N'f;rsoriklwhir;h residesin thc skin and those causedby rakta, pitta and
kaphascparatclyarrdkaph;rpittiitcgcllrcrirre easyro cure.( l4-23 )
qRTil ql(fqiliqrr triomn6et:l ql: I F€f'{T|tqirqtrd*qlqdfear sqlq'q tt iu tt
af{|r{q[: ({ff, qtd}t?nqatd irq?rdh Aqqq. I
filfgq nftswqndlwl: ll 1\ lt
qori -<qtt
6J6sraqcl: rrf:l-<ae'isoililrr iunqi sgiq'r wq;i ElqirEartr
Those by vata, vatapitta, kaphavdta ale very diffictrlt to cure rnd so are to
be tleated with great effort and care.
Those causedby irtcreaseol all the three dogastogether are incurable,their
symptomsare the following: eruptions resemblingin colour the aoral beads, some
like fruits.ofjambu ( Eugeinajambolana ) somelike an iron seive,somelike fiuits of
atasi ( iinseed) ancl nranyother coloursdue to admixturc of do;as' ( 24-26 )
' q'€ll
$rdl lamr c+€,-rcqr<fia: <IqrcortI carqqrcfh*Bl qGoIIElats{i{qial ll
g*< ceiqqi adrl.sIAa rtgq I q,G g{<d Siar rskqtqdiEiq rt az tt
qqftcrflq.Idtq qtialfr f\qrd: t aaqlft q leq* a qEIET]'sGilqll cq ll
Cough, hiccough,polyureal frequentmicturition, high fevere,severedelerium'
fainting, thirst, burning sensation,curvatules ef the body, bleeding
t76 Madhaaalidanam

through moulh, nose ancl eyr s, cooing in thc th|o:tt wirh scvere difh,.ult!
'' i . , r- ' i l r u l J
. i u b r ea t b i n g - i f t h c s c s y m i r t o m s a l e n o t i c fd i t l l t l r a t i r l t t o f n r a . u ' i k . , .
z7-29 ':
.\ vcry not lle a ltnini.lcrcd nledicinc ( lrut to be rcfusr I )
nqft*r{iiqii q\ }l1i qrda f}:nrr1 t
q e-d ilgii crqrt{ Eclit qtg(icl: ll 10 ll

l l r , p a r i c r r ot l t t . . t ' u r i k i r r l r " i . L ' r ' . a t l t i l rorr r l ; e r p i r " t i u " i r t : : ' : '' :: ;

V i : ' : '-: : -:"
v c | y s h a l l o w l l r e a t h i l r g ) , $ h o i s h a v i t l g s e v e t ct l ) i l s l a n ' l l r i r " i s I l
10 )
symptons o[ vlta-at e ;;oing to rlic soon (
cqft*r;i eiiu: rlrq q'ii cfhq;q* r
aqisqqa* arfi glarRiar: gql6tl: ll ?i ll
qh 'itqtes+rfrrfqi qrdsFrqr{q{ftdifh?r'T'{crac \' 1

A profbundswellingin the elbow,rv|ist anclshouldcIjoitrrsnri:i-: :er':lr': ::

the last stagesof mastirika:rnd this is alsoincurable ( 3i )
'fhus ctltlsthe ch,rpteron lIasllLiL:

qq gfirrfrqrdq
fh.qrr squrl qfirar *rdl g{tiicqrr r
qqqra'lftrrar iqt qtaratnqqft+r: rr 1 tt ( g. fa.
A diseasechar.acterisedby appcarancc of rvaxy, non-discoloured,painless
papules(on rhe skin) of the size of green-gramcauseclby increaseof kapha
urrd uatu
together,speciallyin children, is known as Ajagallika. ( I
qsr.6Kr g5iE?r qfuil ciqdFdr r
fisfl qqqrarrqi qqcreifr chqi rr c, u ( g. fq.q. tr )
Pi{aka ( papules) ofthc sizeof barley, harrl, localisedin the muscle, caused
by kaphaand vdta togetheris known as yavaprakhyi. ( 2
qarrT{fii fiemqeai qiicosarq I
3r;erarftqiqqqi ai iqqRqqr--qFsrq il 1 il ( fr. er. n
1. )
A hard pidaka ( papule ) without an opening, round in shape with little qua_
.rtity of pus insidecausedby kapha anrl vata toliether is known as Antralajt
Andhalajt to be more appropriate 1. ( 3 ) i or

figanai q€r{reiqfrgrqtdfiuq r
llqarflfh ai iqqrf?qa'ltqieReogslq n B l ( g. ft.3r. n )
That which is having wide opening, of the sizc of a ripenecl
(Ficus glomerata), round i. shapcas:oc;iatcrlwith scver.e
bu.ning sensationand
producedby pitta is knonrras \,'ivrta.( .l )

clEafi q{ qr qest {I€orfr r;Bilqqt: t

€Fqfiarrqi iqs*r iqr: rn€Efi;6rgir l \ u g. fr. v.
1 ft )
or six piqlakas( papulcs), harcl, resernblingthe shell
. Iiu" of a tortoisecaused
by kapha and vlta togetheris named as Kacchapika
b"J,ttrewise. ( S )
178 MadhalaNidanan

frqiereilm<lr{Ai q'd rr} qrft{\iq itr r

qFqr q q-e**qqfiiqrori qr6r 6iiq rra: t1foq rr i rr
g+{a*, qfr+{qkf*q'isru'ifa itqer},-r
mitrwgftv* flqd fitlttdt,s fq<eifiirqrq rrs u ( g. fc. q. rr )
A granthi ( tumor ) resembling an anrs, hill, gradually increasing in size,
appearingat the neck, shoulders,axillae, hands,fcet,ioi'ts or throat, causedby the
increaseof l'all the three do;as together having many mouths discharging fluid;
painful, spreadingto other parts .like visarpa ( crysepelas with pointed sprouts
is .named by the wise physiciansas Valmika. This is incurablc, especiallyif
chronic. ( 6-7 )
qsqftr$cQ fisqrf\' qcrfTdrq r
rqlq-qi g ai RaaraftalFqai ii{q6-rrz l ( s. f.r.i{. i r )
Small piQakas( papules) resemblingthe central part of a lotus florver.,caused
by vdta and pitta togetheris known to physiciansas Indravidclha.( B )
c!-cFiEffgied <t i fienrfuaq I rffrtt q{n{6i ai fiaunfirarq rr1 rr
Round, elevated, red maldalas ( patcbes), studcledwith small pi{akas
( papules)causing pain is knorvnas Gardhabhikaand is due to vatapitta. (g
srir€Eqqgq{F: raqgfgsfi}rwr r fiui rqrer iw* iq, qrqmrr{q:l q,otl
A 6otha ( sweiling) whichis hard, siightlypainfuland greasy,appearingat
the joint of the lorverjaw causedby vdtakaphais knownas pasa{ragardabha.
( l0l)
qoirqrca;atoni fie*geiqarq,t flq{i mfbqi ai g fuamn+*fiqil{ l q,ltl
A pidaka ( papule ) insidethe ear, hard.and very painful producedby vlta-
kapha togetheris known as Panasika.( 11 )
ficfqte'ift rr ailutagrurmqr{
| qracErrinr:
fittre Rdlqrarr{rrrl lR tl
A thin swelling which spreadsquickly like visarpa, without the lormation of
pus or an ulcer but causingburning sensationand fevl r, clueto increase of pitta is
known asJalagardabha.( 12.)
ft-cntggcmrqi'qiTrgr€iltsir<tqI sdf.:{ni €{fbsi era'tqrfiftiibsrq, l t? tl
A round pidaka ( papule ) on the heacl wirh severe pain, fever and other
symptomsof increaseofall the three dogasis known as Irivcllike. ( l3 )
ergat$itqnts 6ssrrdei qiEqrq r{ii{dt qrilFftq&ftf*nql r.rrn ( 5. ft. q. ?3)
Blackcoloured,painlulsphola( vesicle) appearingin the sidesof the arms,
lhouldcrsor axillae,due to increaseof pitta is known as Kakga. ( 14)

Ch.55, lufinorDiuascs 179

ctrldrrtfr sgr fisfii rdziifiurq | ?Trrraifirdlii .r;qfiai reqi tt tt rt
A similar( vesiclc) marrilesringsuperficially
c.rnthe skirr which burstsout and
by increaseof pitta is called Gandhamala.( 1 5
sqrqrig i t*cr crq-.i ciq{Kqr: | -d--dElaGq({{r
{eqrq*.r*fiqrr rr qq rr
{T6EirerqtlrErerqqrrerafii cr?s{ r drcisikqrf Rqrqqr*qi
ciq]q-{r{rr qo rr
Sphotas( vcsiclesI devr:L,pingin tlrc axill.rc, which
- burrow into the muscles
and destroythem,:rssociatr.ri!\rrrrlicvcrc burrrin..]s..rrsatroni'sidt: thc body, fever
as thoughin coutactwirl.rfi,c, rvhiclr kills tirr
1,ari,rrr wilhirr scverr,twelve or
fifteen.daysis known as Agrrirohigi L is causerl
ty ir,.."o." of all the three dogas
and is incu;.abie.
( 16-17 )
nqciqclsclq q1g:fq3 ?Garqr gieiitaqrd q d aqfq ficqnhq
! rr lz rr
qad$a€sh tr i,a.1(T f{ 3i:lt
afar"vaiqTi: )
Vara and pitl,a together.undclgoing inr:r.ase,
gct localisedin the muscles
surroundingnails ancl pr.oducethe bulning scnsrtion
;nd formationof pus. This
is known as Cippa; a similar.crnrCitionis Kunakha whichis causedby mild
increaseofdosas.( lB-19
qRFqrgtq"t ai
1 fiurq;4:qqrirftq rr ?,oil ( .I. li.. q. I I )
A mild swellingon the uppcr
1;oltiono1'thc foot, developing slowly, without
any discolouratiolof'the skin arr,i orlrrcirrgpus lrorn deep inside is known as
AnuSayi.( 20 )
iiErtcr{qav .FtrqEforaf.:qg
r fiqrfi*r iriqfl q{il sq"oq{urr
r Rq'rl
pa1:ulcrnanif.stinLi,t tlr(: axill:rc.r. groins rcsembling
, o^.._1t,t'l:t,,, vidarikanda
I rcur.r]iLos
| ) {:llr\c.tbf arxl picsentinglhc svmptoms
of all tile threedo;as
togetheris known as VirLirikr.i. ( 2l )
qrcqqiqir{rr€rq. +iccr iq+autshz' qfjq
r mir;'r-i ilr".t ctTefi,{'erfauqrr aa rr'
€rqiq*[Eci?ara^T?f,qrrd: gn: I qiri ci.rieqqiqai "
trf<i aq'*d, i; iiii.
€rii'r 6ro,ol anrqr'iaa: lqtr: r
qefia r+ q€qr + isqFBd<riiqql
?Bt ( g. |a q. Ir )
K'rp^a' mcdasarrclvata unrle'q,ri.g
inc'easc ir^,arrc the mdrhsa,sirdsand
snayusand produce a grarrthi-( rurno,
), rvhicrrp'.Lrur:csan exudate resembling
honey,ghce or musclcfat. il course ol tinre, i.i", up the musclesand
ducessand like particles. TIre. pro
vcins rliscbargr:foul-smellingbloorl of different
colours,instantly. This discascis known
as $u,ior-.luJn. I 22_24|
180 Nidanam
, .- .:...::.. :'
qRmcqrftoe{ erg<t<ri<wilrt
qEitt stA erit crqqrit<ndiiq tt 1c ll ( 't |c 3{ t r )
ground without foot'
In personswho are in the habit of too much ( on rough
the soles of the feet' This
wear, etc. ) v6ta getting increasedproduces fissuresin
diseaseis called as Padadlri. ( 25 )
trdi-qfqi qti el qr *EuqtRirr: t
eGqr*loegtqd't qrqi 6qt l€ aq ll ?q ll ( g' fi a lr )
on tbe soles gradually
Treding on rough stonesor on thorns causinga wound
jt:jrrbc ( Zizyphusjr{rrba ) fruit' This
developsa sliall swelling of the sizeol ;r
condition is known as Kadara. ( 26 )
luurgtT"t qn) wgqrateGqa]t
gcsEcq{qdqad' ?i iqrrlqiqll ?g ll ( *r' ft q' li )
the toes
Alasa is a diseasc chalacteliseclbr cxudating ulccrs' betw:etr
rvith contaminated
with itching, burning scnsatiotranclpain caurcrl'bv contact
(27 )
tc$g.i f\d qria q€ {Fsaq I
cqiiqfir itctfu aa' *um qdtftra' tt ca tt
drik tcryi€e trils'ieudqe' t
aQtqgt erloai tifh q iqrtaq* ll ?q ll ( 1 ffl 3{ ti )
association with
Pitta presentat the root ofthe hairs, getting increased in
'fhen ltapha and rakta togetherblock the
vtrta, makes for falling of the liairs
condition is knowrr
follicles of the hairs not allowirrg fresh ones to grow' This
as Indralupta, Khalitya or Ruhyd. ( 28-29 )

Er€orristtg.rr€w *rqfh: cqlari I

*qmwdiQ" {iqKrcqtd q aqll 10 u (g ftr'q tl )
and itching' due to
The skin on tlle scalp gets cracked, becomesrough' dry
incrcaseof kaph-vdta together. This is known as DZirupaka 30 )
adfi ega*;rfir qcds'ifi CfF S I -'{
swsR;ft*Aa uuriiqqrqti\tr{ rl ?t ll ( q |4 ti )
scalp due to
Small ulcerswith many openingsmanifestingon the skin of the
kapha-raktaand infection by bacteria is callecl Arrrrlsika ( 3l )
firrfrqrrcua: critftnfi firifqa: t -d l: )
fid e *wrt qqfr qki ia nr{relr 1? ll ( q fi
Ch,55,Mircr Diseaes lBl

The heat produced by frequent bouts of anger, grief and physical strain,
reach the head and makcs the hairs to become grey. This condition is known as
Palita. ( 32 )
ilEqdsot{qaqt: r6$ql€a(ffiqt! |
gqn&-enr qai fiRn g<s(iqd$ ll 1? ll ( t. fi.q. ti )
Papules,resemblingthc sproutson the balk of Salmalitree ( Bombaxmalabari-
cum ) appearing on the f:rceof adolesccnlscausedby increase of kapha, vata and
rakta together is known as Yuvlnapidakd which makesthe face ugly. ( 33 )
i6qgi6(t[criT zT cqea qtq-gfiEsq I
tt 18 tt ( g. ft. q. t r )
Circular, white patches,stuclclcclwith papules,with itching, causedby increase
of kapha and vlita togethcr is called Padminikar.rtaka.
( 34 )
qqgt{rErrrcq qsga ifiq(ifiRq I
s€d aqq i'*qi oeqJqgciqrd {r: lt 1\ n ( g. fr. u. t i )
A congenital,slightly clevated, evcn and painless patch on the skin caused
by kapha and rakta is known as Lak$ma;irlsoJatumapi by others.(35 )
edqi fiqt iq qiiqtrrF c€qqa I
q$r€liEicqTqiqaqiaat=cqd g cq tt iQ ll ( g. in.3{. ci )
Painless,immovable,black, r'ounr'lnorluleson the skin resemblingblackgram
' is called Mapaka and is causedby v.rta. ( 36 )
scqrii idttclsliar dtt'aria qcfi s I
sfaiqq*dl€dlcr?rFsqliqaflost{. ll 1e ll ( g. ft. )
Black,painlessspotsrcsembling sesamurnseeds,not raisedabovethe level of
tbeskin is knownas Tilakalaka and is causedby vata, pitta and kaphatogether'( 37 )
- qEer qR il qrcri lqd sr qQ slsiqaq I
*td cqs.i qri ;q;dftiqirrdiqa ll 14 ll ( g ft. 3{.qr )
Broad or small, blue or black, painlesspatcheson skin is known as
Nyaccha.( 38 )
*ur<rungfiit qtg: iqia dga: t g<aenta qE€I qoeai fiqqtqar tt lq tt
;fttsi ag* qqrd ga aq* acfii( t ( 1 ft. u t i )
1/512un6.lglgoing with pitta,dueto angerand physical associatiou
getslocalisciIin the facr: pro.lucingpainless,thin, black patcheson the
skin. This contlititirris knownasVyauga.( 39 )
l82 MadhaoaNidanam

EsqAsgd lR gQ ar dtia# figr rrBo r, ( g. f.r. a. q:.)

similar black patchcs appearing in .rher Ir.ris of the bodv is known as
Nilika.( 40 )
q{crqfreat{flsfi atsr.qfqqraa-.r i-gf ntr srg$ai qq.d:l(q
u sq ll
a{t qrirqqwqrqqri qr ei,d r
ei<urrq*lau cfiqeior dsqi tr r?. rr ( g. fa. ar.ri )
<mi andaai at lqqrq ci=fi'rr,r{ | .rs'g: qfiar erfq &q *"c€gftqar r cl rl
By indulgencein hard fr.ictionor squeezirrg or by injury,,thc skin on the penis
becomes upturnedby the actionofvata, hants ljke:r s:rcuncler the glans,causing
pain if vlita is pretlominaritand irching and harclness
if kapha is prcdonrinant. Tbi-s
is known as Parivartikd. ( 4l-+Z )
qefrqrqr qEr€cksare*lq iedr<r r
arflFrararqicil qdqgafd+qsrq l cBrr( g. fr. er.t i )
qrtqlqqraa qri ai itqtEqqrierrq
qritcqi i{ i wd tiaqt niqq rr'sqrr
By lbrceableccitusrvith a \\,oir:.rrr-r,ir* ru.rol'vagin:r r,r.lry rrard
ion by hand, thc skin on the {larr, f ,iiri. is lorc,.i up*,arrls an{l
gets tol.n. This
conditionis knownas Avll),ifika.( 4 i-1 ;
cfhafrcaqrq qaeiidi uorfaq. farerrir aireln;1.-111qE-qi{ * cq rl
q# nn,ii q;iiriiqfqfa{a aq r
fiaqcfii iaarqvri qrairrEr{ri us ri (,;. f,,.q. tl )
T h e s k i n o v e r t h e q l a n s r ; o v e r sr l , . :q l . u r s t i g h r h . l ; v t h e
action ol. iri.rcusecl
v e t a o r o t h c r c a u s c s ,b l o c k i r i , q t h e p . r s s a g eo f u r i n c .
L r r h i s t : o i r , : c r r l cg. il a n " , t b e
u r i n a r y f l o w i s s l o w a r r d w i r i r o u t t h t : s c r r s a t i o nt;l r c q l a n s ( l o , r s
1 o t s h 1 1 , , r , t l c a r rl rL n i l
the condition is painlirl. Tlris is knorvna. Nir u.klhaprali;1(;,
c , , u r , . t 1i . , vv ; i r a .i { 6 _ 4 7 )
*ldur<orrag(*ti Sa{iFra,r iatqiq rrarrira:qqs61f*iia a rrurz
ani*a dtqprrl *;!or gfrd n-# i'
q&rq{d "*o lt ca. l ( g.
aqriqlii fi?K. gErtat{ ,r
_ f,r. II )
BI constantlyindulging i,, ,urrp."ssi-.-n'nr
. . i" ,ro" of.defecation,rhe vata
functioningin the reqion ol'rhc
g.,, in..".rJ,' irlocksthe r.cctalpessage
narrowing its lumcn. Ilecirrrse- ...cctunr
oI srr;h narr.orui,rg,lrre rnov,:nr.nt
ccs rrecornes
difficult This,;,.rr,,
i. k,,,rri',,. S"-,nniru
ldiragula. i1g_49 )
rt5.q{qerg+s'iisqrt iain$1 r iiqi arsqnccii u, n_g<mqdtqqrn ,,,o
igd tdle: qrqzJ qtq} r
. qsl{a qffqlt ii fiur{itaaqrr
\t 1( g. fr q. ri )
Ch.55, Minor Disca*s r83
In infants, *n"-; ;;"
the act of fumigrtion or bathing; there developsitching in that region due to
increaseof'rakta and kapha. Itching makesfor scratching,which in turn produces
cxudatingpustules,whichjoin togetherforming an intractableulcer. This condi-
is knownas Ahipittarr;r.( 50-51 )
ariiqrqadtarq wd't gtordRmr I qqr cbuh t*{rS q-{ qq.rl aqt n \R,tl
fhd r*g, €Ttqa;r
wqe I
crgEjcuTstsdai *.r<rc*lcqrq l c,i l ( g. fa. ar.t I )
In pcrsonswho do not take bath or oil masage regularly every day, dirt
accumulateson tbe skin ofthe scrorum, helpedby the sweat and causesitching,
Itching makes for scratching which in turn produces exudating p,:stules. This
condition known as Vysar.rakacchu, is causcd bv the increase of kapha and
rakta. 52-53 )
cqrcqrdrqRrlqifirhsfr g{ qR, r
qcgaio?arqgqu'{i acrRiq u \ts u ( g. ft. u. ri )
In personsrvho ale emaciatedancl weak,rvhoindulgein straining at stoolsor
by the effectof frequentattacksof dia'r'hoea,thc musclesof the anuscome out. This
condition is known as Gudabhrarhia.| 54 r
q{I€) roqd;ariq*qrfi *qeqar I
EFo:sqT{ Gqrst{ q q {crGQfiqFtrr il \\ lt ( g. ft. u. tr )
efd ,ilqrfa+rflsrfi* qru{ft<ri er"ar1rr|t.<i+
sqtq{ l {{ l

The diseasecharacterisedby severeburning sensation,reddishedged ulcer of

the skin with severepain, itching and accompanied with fever is known as iukura
darhglraka.(55 )
Thus endsthe chapter on Kgudra rogas.
qq gqffierrq
I qqqEi {rEr{.Sdr tcr +crr q;d1aqru 1 ll
By over-indulgence in fooclspreparedwith flcshol animals of aquatic regions,
milk, curd, fish, etc. the thrce closasrvith the Or"ion ofkapha, undergo
abnormal increaseand produ,;r:discases of thc mouth ( 1 )
c,qni qwl raad icwdiaasal rsrtii qftqrdt
"ifgl. crcadqd,rrRrr
With the increaseol vata rhc lips becornerough, hard, ,immovable, painful
and developcracks and fissules.( 2 )
dtqi fiq+riir:.r qaqriur ErqraarI
qqr€ql5iierJ.jiarrrr€i a flqqar il i il 1 q. fs. q, ls )
With the incrcaseof i,iua, th,: lir,r tL:vtlop painlul piciakas (papulcs), with
burning sensation,fornr;rtionol ult:crsarr,i ;. llolvishcliscolour.ation.
qqsriirrrIaiia fue*futiqar i
nqard s$t+sl fiiiiBal {ftdal g6 l tsl ( X.fs.."{. c\ )
with the incrcaseof kal''rra,thc lilr. rlcvr:loi;r;lir:hLir
painlul, non-cliscoloured
pi{akas (papules) ancllips lrri ult(;iuolls,col,l ar;d hcavy.(4 )
qEisEsi q6?dtdi €u;eidl atq q r
qleqfia fiiqrqlriqemris?ii rrq l ( g. f:i. e{.sq)
rncreaseof all the three rlosas toqcrhe.'rvilL rnahc the lips to appear black,
yellow or white, fi om time to time, a.rl also ca'sc ;rppcararle 01' n.tany pi{akas
( papules). ( 5 )
odrqsqqlfi, ft cfl fi?fi{tlea} r
ffi]qSci rirrt qqar nifqacfi n Q I ( {r fz. :,r 1.-;
If rakta (blood ) gctsincre:rse,-!,
pidrlirs i p.prrl.s) riscmbling fruitsof date
palm ( Phoenixsylvest.r:) iri appc...rrrte,r,-r irr er)I,.r .riril crischarging
develop on the lips. ( 6 )
gG {qa} eiegd cieiq"cqEefr r
fc .r tt )
Ch. 56, Diseascs
of thc Mouth 185
If mdrirsa( muscles)gets invaded, the lips become heavy and thick with
lumpsofmuscles,which dischargeexudates .o.rtuining *orrnr, frorn the anglesof
cfrd-cftim iqqr co-St g6 | er;eiqq'ftq.*tlrcrqr{ qq* urrqn e tl
aqlifr a iiit-Cgiri q c.r€sfi I ( g.fs. e{.rs )
If medas( fat ) gct i.volvcd, tbe lips appear like the fluid portion of the
ghee,develop itching and heaviness; exudes clear, colourlessfluid in large quantity
and lorms an ulcer which doesnot heal and the lips do not urru.. th"
Fdqrd fi{+i erdt a1firq... ', * ,,
efbd e aqr €tarqld sriF€qfi{dl | ( g. fs. BT.?s )
Ilthe lips becomethe place of assaultby weapons,etc., they wili be seen
with bleeding,cut or swellingand will be having itching also.(9
dtti'rd *aatril T€rrrmrcricrd'er g.r":tftfas66orrh c${tfi gqfi ;r 1 {o 11
+aciqrfa drfr qqfra q qttqrql
tftari crc q aqlsr csdtfindrrqr l i,l l ( g. fa. u. rr )
occasionalblceding from the gums, with foul sme , gums becoming
exudative,soft, the muscrestear up and give room to formationof pus.
This clisease
knownas Sttada is produceclby i,rcreaselkapha ancl rakta. ( l0_11
E aibg il qrqr eacgqlcrt qErl I
465"gadi arT q aq{il: iFrfi(i6-qr
1 tr. 1 ( g. fv. w. tt )
Severeswellingofthe gums of two or three teeth together, caused
by in-
creaseof kapha and rakta is known as DantapuppuJaka.
( 12 )
eqFa qguf\t irar E;atqsi:a q r
Faie: q ffiil geqit&radrrqr rr l'l tr ( )
Pus a'd blood coming out, teeth becomingshaky are the features ofa
known as Dantaveglacausedby bad blood. ( 13
esqg$aqag EqFrtq. lftFwfiq? |
atalfl{t q Riq: rifEft arc qsilr il lB il ( g. fs. 3r. tS )
A swellingat the root of the tooth, painfuland causingfreeflow of salivais
knownas Saugira causedby increased kaphaand raktatogether.( l4 )
+araaFi qirqeag qFqq*di I
qlrc{ q miit aqrFrckrdft<dtia, l
l\ l ( g. fa. :r. rl )
186 Madhaaa
getring looscfrom the gums, palatebccoming fissured ( in addition to
the other symptomso1'(augira)is a diseaseknorvnas Mahasaugi|a,which is causedby
the increaseo{'all thc threc clolastogether'.( I5 )
qraciqfa di{;h qiicC dtqid qtcqqR I
tcqtqqq* aqfrrHq: qftEil k q: ll i,s ll (g.fu u. tr )
T i r c g L t m su n d c r g o i r r gd c c o t rpr c . i s i t i o it'rl l ( l ( a u s i l r g { i e q u e n t s p i t t i n g o f b l o o d i s
a d i s e a s ec a l l e d P , r | i . l a r a , t c s u l t i r r g i i o m i r t c r c a - ' eo l p i t t : r , r ' l l k t a a n d k a p h a ( 1 6 )
iig Era,qtifi*I irtrqi q;al:{afta q I
qRq{. dlqgeit arc fqq(fisal rIE: ll is ll ( g ic' 3r' cs )
The gumshaving burlirrg sensation,ulcerson them, teeth shaky are the sym'
ptolnsoi thedisei,sc by irrcrease (17)
ol pittaand raktatogether.

Etg q-dct€g d€qJ atqi qatd t

qat q€Iirdq;dlpd€r iqii\siuqr(q, l (d u I g. |s. u. li .t
Thc gums excotiatcd,ir:rvingburrrrrtg scnsrtion and ulcers appear on them,
'Il-risdiscaseis ruc ro Lraumaanclis knorvn as \/aitlalbha. ( II )
teeth arc shaky.
{r€aari!*l q;At qtqa dtaiEa:t
<qfoqq"aqitsql qra at q q{rtrqi( ll lq ll ( g. |<. u. tl )
An ext|a tooth crupts ovcr an cxisting one causing sevcre pain du|ing its
alicrrvtLlds,is a corrditionknorvnas Khalivardhanaand
sprouting and pain srrbsiclirrg
is due to increaseof vata.( 19 )
ti: ai: c$ae stgE';dscliirdtI
t6{IalFqtfizr{ q;ald E6{la n q is!'qid ll ?.o ll ( g. fv. w' t 1 )

Vat:r getting increaic I tllahc tbe teeth to bcco,Ilc irregular and ugly over a
long perioJ of timc. This discasc knolvl as l(alala, cloes not lcspond to treat-
ment.( 20 )
€rq6Aqi+ri E;i c€t{. alq} catqw,r
orerqrft *qudt fiiqr dlsflqiqq: I ( g f". ri. I i )
A sevcresrvcllingat the siteol thc lrLstmolar tooth,highly painfuland causing
an'l is causerlby kapha.
dribbling of salivr is a tlise:rscknorvn as Adhinrarhsaka
E;d(oqar ?16r: qe itq qiiqar: r ?.?.lr ( g. fa. ,i. li )
Thcle ale fivr: kintlsol nlirli vlal'ras (sinusul,:cls) of thc gunts, similarto
thosedescribedpreviously( under the chaptcro1'Nrdi vlaira ). ( 21 )
oJthr Mouth
Ch.56,Diseascs lB7

{,iffiesq €c qtq qig sul r

qrcit atc q 6qI[!: qElrlfhfiht-q: ll c? ll ( g fr' :r' ti )
diseaseknown as Ddlana,causedby increasedvata' (22 )
sEqkrqarar qr* ed<erit c€rc 1
:riaicq€dt qmtiaiq: fhicqtaq' ll ?1 ll ( g fr' + ia )
Tooth having black holc"', dischargingblood, swollen and very painful, pain
appearing without eny apparent cause are found in the diseasecalled Krimi-
dantaka,cau ed bY vata. ( 23 )
q* q* rriertq q;alrf;al stqi t
-<s ll ( g fa q ?\
*qq165'it aqlfqr e qsatdiaa: tl )

Face assumingan irregular shape and the teeth also becoming irregular,
seen in the diseasc called
caused by the action of increased kapha'vata is
b n i tn l a n : l K a I z ' r . /
{ftaeqrqqr ratqflla-lcq€I kqt: I
ftqqraa*tta 466t: e qrrtt: ll R\ ll ( g f{' 3{ tE )
Teeth becominginr:epai)leof tolcratirs tlrc touch of cold b|ceze, sour
things,etc., is a cliseaseknorvn as Dantaharsa, lvhich is t:ausetlby incleaseofpitta
and vata. ( 25 )
cd fdqdl qed iq?qr€a{iliqdr I
qr*iq <q<+qai q1 lqr q;trtr+<I tl Rq tt ( g. fa. a. tr )
The dirt on the tcctlt gctting dried up by the action of pitta and vata, assume
hard.nessan-l accumulatc on the tccth. This condition is knorvn as Danta'
(arkara,( 26 )
tq qrdq t
{qlafiqq {tftg -'';61qi
*qilb*ii fiiqt eEt qFdfiarfudtll ?,sll ( g. ft. * lt )
Big flakesof accretionspeeling ofr a'ong rvith parts ofthe tooth and finally
knorvtras Kapalika ( 27 )
destrovingit is a cliscase
,itsefkior fuia qoril p61;qfrva: I qqlelili doai qii qar aI qqlq+rftE: ll ll
Tooth bccomingblack or blue, being bulnt up by pitta combined with rakta
is a diseaseknorvnas Syavadantaka'( 28 )
{;aciQ q}r qrdqlan;a*Eqglier I
sElaat qaflfrq! qqr€i TafiqFr: il ?,qtl ( g. f{. s{.t s )

laEtsfala rgiflat lgat caq ttrm"eqrcqrcfi t

pus and blood insideand dis'
An abcessdeveloping at the gulns, containing
and pain is known
them after burstingactornpanitdwith burning sensation
Dantavidradhi. ( 29 )
fHq Eaqqdlqi 4H' <<*fa ^{oz+atI
a'riir;pi: trrccio{sE{ti: 111o ll ( g' f< :t 11)
sdt u-garfl*or
"# afrectedby increase of vata' will l:e seen
fissured'with loss of
The tonguc
b":i:.8 t:,Tt::
sensationancl a leaf of a tree; affecteclby pitta' it will have
lanhl *,*t111:
sturldcclwith reddishthorny ieisons;af{ectecl
tion and becomes .bf of
sproutsresembling thoseon the bark
thick, grown in size and will have musculat
ialmali trec ( Bombaxmalabaricum )' ( 30 )
srlla: qilsatqti*t sq(fr"qidr: I
ftanB q, eEIqlJr
11rr( g flt u' tr )
iilil J.J,i,ii. ild, q} ; iiaruairi-qr*qrr
ot increase of
A profounclslvclling on the tolgue' having all the
as Alasa' It makes the tongue inca.
kaplra ancirakta together: is a diseasekrtorvn
root of the touguc ( 3l )
.,ub'l"of movementand causesan ulcer at the
qta: :fi${i6qar I
{kauqq, ssqgG {i€tgaq
( ft a' ti )
;;*., o'glar tift-: <t (qiqal qfiat lirqiilr: ll l? ll 5
by increaseof
A seveLe swellingunderneaththe tip of the rongueploduced
salivation'itchingand loca-
kaplraar,d.ukta tog"tlt"r,accompaniedrvith excessivc
is knownto the physicians as
i-iriJ t.rrn;rg ,.r,ruiio' as thoughtouchcclby fir'e'
Upajihvaka.( 32 )
Eclaqft?rq?61s|r I
tiectq rqi argqA c€di {tti' cilql
i*i*i"*tot?lqi:i -qrf'rqqr aqagqsliaargtil 11 rt ( g fa' a tl )
a elongatedswelling
Kapha and rakta getting increasecltogether, produce
associatedwith thirst' cough
resemblingan inflated bag at ihc loot of the palate;
by the physicians as Kaplha-
ancl difficutty in breathing. This diseaseis named
Surl{i. ( 33 )
qiil 6 I ( g ft u' ti )
ritq, t{arilqqt€lrql+rrslgnl}ali oiiq*ii
as Tupdikeri if the
The sameconciitionas describedabove will be known
sensationand formation of
swellingbecomesmore, leading to severcpain' burning
pus or ulcer. ( 34 )
qlg:aild dlGar aifihfrtrit i*srrq' tr*tt((a'teeRi{ll ?Bll ( I la a li )
Ch.59. Discascs
of theMouth 189

A soft, reddishswellingcausedby increasedrakta, accompaniedwith fever and

severepain is known as Adhru;a ( 34 )
6aled'tsi<-ftsdswfl ilft Q'qr5;5q: €ueorrq | ( s. ft. ti )
A rounded,big swelling resembiinga tortoise shell, painlessand dcveloping
very slowlyis knorvnas Kacchapaanil is causedby kapha. ( 3 5 )
qqFrd argrr.--*i riimlarq l tr rr
q airi fauramr<{d
gd cid a\tsi atgcQ *ql;Qi ci<<gtar6r | ( g. f'r. 'r. ls )
A swellingin thc ccntre of the palatc resemblinga lotus, liaving the same
symptomsas that of raktarbuda is k-nowttas Tatlu atbrrda anii is duc to increase
of rakta; a similar slvellinginvolving the nI:rrhsain thc centlc of thc palate, rvithout
pain and causedby ittcreasccl kapha is ktrownas N'Iarhsa-sarighat a. ( 35 )
;itrRturii *laqrq, {.nr(rqFiE}gmq gcgzrargaitt lq tl
eilistqri {.ii qriq arg: 'are"-i}araqdle\slnarqI
fta g<i1w*et<zidlt arg-|d argqd qqiia ll l,e ll ( g ft 3{.ts)
A papuleol'the size of a jujube ( Zizyphus-jujuba) fruit, painlessand immo-
vable developingin the palate b;'the combinationol' ir,crcascd kapha and medas
together is Talupuppula;
Drynessand fissuresof the palate assciciatctlwith difficulty in b|eathing is
krown as Talu6oga and is ploducerl by irtcrcased vata; whereaspitta getting
increasedwill producean ulcer in thc palate kuown as T'alupeka.( 36-37 )
qlsiiar &rqc) e qGoai c{Eq cid q diq dlfurdqI
qdtqdilrrqiraails$ifieiqq{6qrfq(dfe itfioit trtz rr
fiarcmar{€{+qar{q ct{TrgqrqqafiilFrft i r
qr iltpit qn6-dr cQer inarrT+lqqir.rrc:Jfirlr lq tl
ttcJ*Tr fkcfiqucr*r tiiasar f\<iifirar gt
qtdt fiitfrrrqq.ilaa q fiu<rgrr qr {${iqqr qr tt Bo tl
qr*<crR;qfiqrririiql Fitqlcw flqa?ilRsarq t
r,ittf*er fiaqilqfkfr nrtqr cfAcrafU<ti?c{to tt Bl, tt ( g. ft. 3T.lq )
Vata, pitta and kapha getting increased together invade maftsa ( muscle)
and rakta ( blood ) and produce sprouts in the throat causing obstruction of the
passageand death. This diseaseis called Rohipi. Ifvata is predominant, there
will be severepain all over the tongue and other symptoms of vatavSddhi;if pitta
is predominant, the sprouts appear quickly, undergo pus formatiirn and ulceration
quickly, accompaniedwith high fever and other symPtoms of pittavJddhi; if kapha
190 Madhaoa

is the dominant doga.the sproutsare big in sizeblocking the throat totally, immo-
vable and hard; i{'all the thrce do;as are involvcd witlr equal strength, the sprouts
will be found dcep rooted and formation oi ulcer is quick and deep and .this condi'
tion is incurable; if lakta ( blood ) is increasedpreclorninantly,the sProutswill be
having snrall, rccl papulesall ovel them and other syrnptomsof pittavJddhi will be
present;tliis condition is curablc. ( 3B-41 )
*lodirrflq, *sdqi if cGeni* i unoa*{&qqa''
q(r firK: rr€fiqmqt?:q{i zrsE{raqirrli gqfia lt s-<rt ( g. fn. 3{.ts )
A tumor of the sizeof seedofjujube fiuit proCuced by increase of kapha,
found in the throat likc a thorn, hard, imnrovableand curableonly by surgicaltreat'
ment is known as Kanthaseloka.( +2 )
iq€rqrq: eirqgtsq,w lsekRcrsfi {sfi>rr( I
i'itsf'rrka, qg itr qq fiqfisrqaqffiiaqll cl ll (g. f(. q. ts )
Kapha increasc and involving rakta, produces a swellingat rhe
root of the tongue on its top known as Adhijihva; if it is found with formaiion of pus
or ulcer it shouldhe refused.( 43 )
qarq qqlqdqHd a drqi +ittqqqfa iaqti r
* e,iiqrqfesr.i+idfiqd+td qad q{iia u gtsu ( g' fa.u. lr )
Kapha undergoingincrcascproduccslarge sizedsrvellingin the throat causing
obstructionto the passageoffood, this condition knorvnas Valaya is an intractable
diseaseand so fit to be refusedtreatment. ( 44 )
.r* q dri 5€d: cEd €"srfi6\ r{tq€itqqeq I
qriGat gta<iacrg{awdti figor Grr<q It sq,tl ( g. fr. u. ti )
Kapha and vata, together undergoingincrease producea srvelling in the
throat, causingdifficulty in breathing,pain and pain in other vital organs. This
disease, known as BaleSa,by the experts is incurable.( 45 )
?dtqis;a: e:r{rg:qEI6:qqogitsat+tqgfrar r
ari*E;q: qRdrf*itsql 6qt|q+ortr{ddqqa!lr Bq rr ( g. fa.a. n )
A swellinginside the throat, round, elevated,accornpaniedwith burning sensa-
tion, itching, hard and not undergoingpus or ulccr formation is a diseaseknorvnas
Ekavrnda and is producedby kapha and rakta togcther.( 46 )
€rgq?i U?{ctESI€ a'tecqi {:Egqr6d:a I
qfr{ qqar?qd
aefi fiqqr(ccsJqrca.i q lt Ben ( 9.ft.q. ts )
Ch.56, Diseases l9l

Elevatecl,round, swelling ( in thc thloat ) asso':iatedwith severe burning

sensationand high fever, prorluceclby the increased pitta and rakta is known as
Vrnda; it wilt be painful if vdta also gets involvcd' ( 47 )
qfif,ar *oatctf;rdt q iqatsfiqtt' fifiracftt, r
srast* cruTatt Riqtsiqt tratii q {afhsql ll cz ll ( g' ft <' ir )
A swelling obstructing rhe rhroat studde.lall over with sprouts of muscle
resemblingu $utogl,,,i( a rverpon in tlic fbrm of an iron ball rvith sharp spikes).
presentingdifferentkinclsol pain anclr:ausinsclealh is called as Sataghni. It results
from the increascofall tbe tltlec clogastogether'( '18 )

efiqri* tqrqo* t?rcts: fiqilfit'q, s$rfiqfH': I

rioqqi qqfiqrni q q qrqqllq€q qorgdar ll ?q ll ( q. ia. q ll )
swellingin the thr.o,Lt embliea),
oi tl.rcsizeof ,.ccrlsol':rnrallke(Ph;,'llontbus
immovable,very painful, ltalillg tllc othcl svll)ptolr.rsof kaph:rancl rakta' causintr
of foocl is k:iotvn as Galayu and lcquircs surgical the-
difficultv in srvallo'.vins
q{ qd aqFq qqiiq;} q, dlE\ ts' qGa q 'rs qql: t
c e,i*t,iaiqqiurE a*ie qn{rrqg edstq tt ll (g ft ct'lcs)
A srvellingthat ilevelops involving:rll thc areas of lhe thr-oat, presenting
clifferentkirrdsof pain al]clproducedbv thc increaseof all the thr€e do;as together
is the Galavidradh;,( 50 )
earnaaarqit$ drsccit argrriiaa;arr
**r qrif dlrdiela rr* rrdsr qfi#iidi q lr qq ll ( u. fa. w. tr )
A profounclswellingin the throat, carrsingobstruction to srvallorvingof food'
water and even of respiration,accompaniecl rcith severcfever is known as Galaugha
and is causedby increascdkapha associated with rakta (blood )' ( 51 )
q{tTrsqcla: Efkfh ceni flqfl{q(: gt{[iq55oar t
q' ls )
qdtqliritqfiartlg ia: q ifrr: eEqalq{q(sr ll \? ll ( e f4
Patient breathingwith rlifiEculty,seeing darkness before the eyes' broken
voice, drynessand lossof movementofthe throat, the passagesof air obstructeci
kapha ( sputum) are the svmptomsof thc diseaseSvaraghna rvhich is caused
by vata.( 52 )
qaFHF(qre{zrErg{dt rrdeiti gth m'?ort
q ci(dta: qfufts*ar{l clslcE{ q;6it fesn! ll q'?ll ( g f{' 3I l s )
r92 MadhateNidanam

A broad swelling in the throat, with scvelc painful symptoms,gradually

obstructingthe throat by hangingdown and causing death is known as Marhsatana
and resultsfrom the increaseof all the three do;as together,( 53 )
qsr€At 9aq:jgalacra'ia dhR{ftor"cicqr
fqia flqrasi Eqltt qpi fdqrEe q Ai Ae rl \B rl
rdi: vfrifq; {nq€rerrqlFdq{q<i q qraw r
<*, eq€eaglq: e,iitdtqrfqd aili < fii<tlerq t
eriqi: *rggt: qqffritqrf*i qrfi e i {*q u \\ u ( q. fq.3r.ts )
A swellingin the throat having burnin 1 sensation,pricking pain, copperyin
colour,the musclessurrounding it undcrgoing rlecompositionand falling of, the
patient lying on the affectedside only are the featureso1'Vidart, which is t:aused
by increasedpitta; ifvata is predominant in this ciisease,there will be appearance
of painful papulesall over the throat; if pitta is prcdominant thc papules will be
red or yellow in colour, thin and have burning sensationand ifkapha is predo-
minant the papulesare painless,have the same colour as of the area around and
itching. ( 54-55 )
.,its*SRqsql'rqritqcefrior<r, r q-.6qpgq-"it o Frbrrrfdfti tt qq tt
q3ig a a ltqiir qqtaqmiqsrfi:I loartlit earmq ala6is{dqdsr ll qs ll
{q(lir sadt E;tt qanrq fiqrftsr t qo\ri't qiqdra*r {radi itkoit n} tt qe tt
qqrrqr: ih'tffiindt itqr nq E*s 6 r ig afv fmqi iq, q?qlGqtq{rrlqt( ll \c. ll
( g. fi. ar. ts )
{ft dtqrss-d(flElfR qtqa|asrt qer}rrlt<ri sqlcd{ ll \q ll

Among the diseases ofthe lips, oglhaprakopaproduced by mdrhsa,rakta and

all the three do;as together are fit to be rejected; among the diseasesof the gums,
tridosaja nadivrar.raand ati3augira;atnong the disordersof the teeth, Sydvadanta,
ddlana and bhanjanaka;among the diseases ofthe tongue,baldsa;amongthe diseases
ofthe palate,arbuda; among the diseasesof the throat, svaraghna, valaya,vgnda,
balasa,vidarika, galaugha, malhsatana, 6ataghni and rohini these nineteen are
considered as incurable and the physician should consider them as rejecta-
ble (56-5e)
Thus endsthe chapter on Mukha rogas.

e|q {oiiqfr{Frq
qrii<qr diqaals.qqtq({ Errr;iTa:
Tlaea'iq*riq]; r
t.ia "ii:l zrsrr{Eqrza:< moiqJg, oiuil gttq<r r !. tr ('r j. :-{.:'o -,
Vata functioning in the ears, undergoing increase, begins to move in wrong
paths and producesseverepain in the ears,either alone or in associationwith other
dosas. This diseaseis called as KarnaSOlaand is difficult for treatment.( I )
muida:ftqi qri az.illh fiqiqrrra.rqrtq. r
it'ig{s{rg'ni aqiaE:q s€qe ll -<rt ( g |s. a R" )
\/ata affectingthe canalsolthe ears makesthe patient to hear soundsas that
producedby kettle drum, cymbal or conch. This is knorvnas Karnandcla.( 2 )
qqr fl6?qdarg, ela 3rrqiqfecfi r ger domiiadl qrsii qfb{ ia srqi rr ? l
\Vhen vlta either alorre or in associationrvith kapha blocks thc passageof
sound,the patient developscleafness.This is knorvnas Badhirya. ( 3 )
qt3; fittQiidrn] iEitq'lqd Eqaq| {iifh oofi,ii'eid aoiqie: {r E;zrar s l
Vaitain associationrvith pitta or kapha produccsa constantsoun.lin the ears
resemblingthe soundof a fiute. This diseaseis knorvnas Kar4ak;r'ecla.( .l )
lnisllrqtaqqEr fiqsa] s) xqr.firqqsrsiq
Aqi: I
e*kqduaoilsiiarQa:qqo,riqrqqfac{'if*a: il \ il iI ;. q..o)
InjLrryto the head,r'cmaining unclcru,atcr( Iirr long tintc ) or r.ipcnirrg
in 1heeals,makefor dischargcofpus fiorn thc eru.s,a.,suciatcilrvirlrotlrt-r.
symptomsof vata. 'l-his discaseis knorr.rras Karnsr.lva. ( 5 )
rrltar .fitn€igirr qoi*ug *iifi q r iitr]tc{ftfqt: €':cr Tri roiq,rqq 11r. 1q
Vata in associationrvith kapha produccsKarnakand0 ( itclring insirlt: tlrc
ears), kapha getting solidifiedby warmth of pitta proclucesKar4aguthakrr-har.Ll-
nessof the wax. ( 6

r94 MddhaaaNidanam

< toilit qqai {it qqt fiofirdt surgd-cqoi I

( q q -.r ?" )
T{I q #cRaredfidl rrifuot<' fqr<q]stii qs'q ll s tr
' (7)
lilrr rllrpratinlrlra
paniedwith partial headache,the diseasewill bc knorvl-tes
qqt q {sd-tqqqlsfi q;aq: qq;iqqiqFzlqertsfi qfe{*t' t
aaqJatir;-*qoi'tfi@qi {irqFrr{rir i*icqqi* qqr rl z ll i 1 : a )
insidethe ears ( in the decomposed oi putlifiecl mustrlcso1'thr:ears)' nr"kcs fbr tbe
catlicl plrt:.iciarts
loss of rhe senscof lrcaring. This cliseaseis call,il i-)ythe
Krimikarpaka' ( B )
-sl{fd 6qlsaiii e u-si e' tt
qtr r llaqElar eoiqlar qficq ie I 3{&a aqatqtt
*"i Argse ftq irqt${tn<tzri'r *iii atia 6s-dIaIi}eq;i e;ai{al '1.'';"ll .,. .'
tlrt cals'
If wingeclinsccts,ccntepedeor olhe| attitrialsirir|i' 6n1s11rlittto
thcy producc rcstlessness' a se,rscoffea. or \\'olry altcl scveLr:pain; Lhclc rvill
a|c cleatl
phur'soundif tlrey are alive and moving insirlervitlt sevcrcp:tin arirl i1'tl,c\'
the pain is mild. ( 9-10 )
Qratlxatalxarq 5a' t
iqqf'qdqilrr<}eud'tsnt' -t' .:r iq )
q(frftarcqFeTqHeEcaJE{ctc?El€itqqr{. ll 11 ll ('i
An abscess developinginside the ears either' 'l';e tcriLt-iuL;t-'' i''1 ir'crease
thc dogas,causesthe dischargeof red, yellorvol crimsottfluid''I'l.ris
diseaseis callecl
priching pain, burning ."nrulior, and feeling of :r lrot touch'
Kar4avidradhi.(ll )
nohmrc fRa,*tqfqSqu.Eiq t
' : :1ol
notRqlqqretarilrqeqrrgt(qTtqllt?. ll aI
and foul
Pitta undergoing increase produces Karlaplka rvirh putrefaction
dircharge, it may also from Karlavi<lradhi uudcr 'oiuq pus formation or
from accumulationofwater insidethe ears ( l2 )
qri eela qfi qr c Rq:tfr+,ia: r
If foul smellingpus is coming out of the earsit is callc'l :rs l'ittiiiarnaka'
deidfqrdEtdtlq qr*qEmaqri}'t u t? ll
Sotha, arburla or arSas might also develop irt ihe ears witli theil specific
symptoms.( 13)
oJthc Ear 195

arttsfhq-*'-ouicsr?Tnii'r: €nq{agqlnqoi q qratE I

eilsr qrrdl E(sfiiqrc: <,iiaqfieaoi q iqnrq lt lB tl
iigt<nqftu<riluggf*.ugfin rqaqesrn$lq I
qqlih sqfq q qkcrdt{ qr{al a{ftr*itGrqoir tl q'i tt ( s. fs. )
In all the diseasesof the ears, presenceoi noise, severepain, hardeningof the
wax, dischargeof thin fluid ancllossol'l.rearingare thc symptoms causedby increas.
ed vata; r'cdilishswelling., burning scns..r.tion,discharge of yellowish ofiensivepus
and putrefaciionare by pitta; hearingof abnolmal sounds, itching, hard, immobile
swelling,dischargeof white thitk tluirl arrd nril.l pain ale the symptomsof kapha;
presenceof all the symptomsif all rhe thrce rlosasare incleasecltogetherand the dis-
chargewill be having the colour belongingto thirtckrsarvhichispredominant,(14-15)
\ a. ! .
FIIS8 querliqS qaqtsiaqqtli{ I
*oieirql rrit qrcqi€€frr qiiiiieqr{ |
FcsTlaolfiirr {d6'rr {r qral{. qftfts{r 1 (q tt ( 3. f.r. r r. )
If thc artificial dilators ol' the punctulccl liole are renrrived suddenly, there
developsa swellingin tlre pinna of tlrr:ceis (c,f children ) associatedwith pain,
tearing of the skin, black oi brown in colour and hartl due to involvementof veta,
This diseaseis called Paripolaka.1 i6 )
qairrtordi.rr<rsirqdqr?fii r ailq: qrcqiirfugqrii Er6rll+;tsrfiTa!
l r.s tl
<r.i qr rri.rql!.rl1?qld: -,,
Gfll<l cq: | ,' { i ,. 3{ )
Weering of heavv onlllrn('rrts,blorv or' { the ears leads on to the
swellingof the pinna, bla,:kin lolour.( i{'r'ita is incrcasetl), r-ecl
if raktaor pitta are
incrcased,associate.lwith lrur.rri.gse.sati.n, Ibrntatio. of ulcer and pain. This
diselseis knorvnls Utpata. ( I 7 )
.fi{t ?dtAdqa: qpqi qrg' qSqqh iz
*q dqa 5€i {ild ra6trrrlqnql s;q;.qd:qroE* firrr: xqqtaq: rr !.qrl
By attcrnplsto l)i. lir, tirr' lrirrrr:r
ril rlr: c,irslrr,Iirlr.,.,v;rtagetsincrcasecl ancl
rvir.lrk rplrepro lrrcc:ir h;rrtl,rr',liirrqrvilhorrrp.rinbut ,,vithitching. This
is knolvn:rsUnlr,rnthakalvlrir:lris (:rusr{!l)v k,rp)r:r^vata togetlrer.( lS-lg )
icr:fqri gFii *'rg.rr*nariina:r
riirii ,{qia qi{rJ iq*ir grtqqdi: ti q.o tl i . f-1 4. ir.')
By in;propclpier.clring,rhe pinna ilcvelopssu.clling:rcconrpanied rvith itch-
ing, ulccration,pain anrl pus lb.mation Tiris rlise..scr:.lleri as Dukhavarrihanais
'lue to increaseo1'allthc threerlosrstoqctlro. | 2t) )
1!)f; MadhaoaJ''lidanam
tteett oagqrawftqal: tl 1{ ll
t$rqtincq: tqt: siqul lqefiiqr'r 6dFaureni
,iqrq+jmfcdTa: q fqqife-e+-aa:t
q' i{ )
fbiq eiFs?ttirdtt qRH|a q t€a: ll c? tl ( l fs
qqra{ lr ts ll
rlc 4tqraqttfErfsa qrqEft i *otrlnrft<ti

Increaseof kapha and rakta and presenceof bacteria together
spreading in nature' oo t'f," pinna, ofthe sizeoi mustard seeds'
away thc enli|e pinna'
',..,o,Dpanicdwirh itching, burning sensation,pain and eals
'flr j;
.liscascis kuowr as Palilehi. ( 2l-22 )
Tbus endsthe chapteron Karparogas'

3rq ilsrirqfrcriq
qtaae q{q figoqa q cfbqa {'qft etR arcl t
a ifr ,it {rr}rtqix q;gqida<et}<sdtaia t
;iorila€rqud fi*ri 4rrqlfrqqrlqqnfaffq, ll I ll ( q. fs q. ls )
The lter.sonrvhosenasal passageis obstructed,dried up or very moist, with'a
I'eclingls thou.,,hrvarm smokeis coming out of it, who does not understand the
smell or.tasteo['rnateria]sis to be consideredas sufferingfrom the disease Apinasa.
It ar.isesliorn the ilrcr.easeof vlta and kapha together and will also have othcr sym-
ptoms similar to that of Prati6yaya.( I )
qtifiq.i.iaarga) tiq{*oit q{q €*tof{o I
iaila vft{earttswqi d'qikarqcqqFdilqq,ll ?.ll (g. s.3r.?R)
Vata along with other do;as undergoingmorbidity (increase), getting localis'
ecl at the.junctionofthe throat and palate, producesbad smelling breath from the
mouth :Lndnose. This diseascis calledas Putinasya.( 2 )
qurlnd iqqcdfq$qiqfuc{.fAsRsadr{ qrsrI
d adnqnttiifi aqq*{Adq*lstqq€rrsfi qq ll 1 ll ( g v' u' rr )
Pitta located in the nose undergoing increaseproduces ulcerations inside the
r-rose,lvhich exuclcfluid and unclergoes putrefaction. This condition is known as
Nasikrpaka, ( 3 )
tt.ifi?'i€qrsiq q-'ftdars?isfiramq
idr t
arqr €raEqqqqiiqiqd d Xa<d n{Fa ir'rq tr u ll ( g' s a{'RR)
Continuousdischargeof pus mixed with blood from the nose either due to
increaseof the tlogasor injury on the forehedis known as Poyarakta'( 4 )
efi"r drg'it q{qrfidt allqsqffitfi I
srqrrFJa€: qrqlifiFr{rt tl q,ll ( 1 : a :1 )
\'.rl:t rtctinll itr lltr: nosc erltl vitarlorgans( the head ) undcrgoes increaseanci
irssociatiirgrvith kapha, comcsout o[tlte nosefrequcDtlyrtirh great force and noise.
This diseaseis narnedas Kgavathuby the learned.( 5 )
198 MadharaNidanan

iiqdt qr rrrqt{.qemiiattqrortet
fr efrq,itqrqirr t
q3rfiinql atofirrefogetf*s'q, aqgfitfi tt q tr ( 5. r. ,r. i-r )
Kgavathu( sneezilg ) nray also ariseirom the ingestiorr of pungent substa'
nces,smellingof spicymeterials,looking up at the sun, introductionof thread' etc',
into the noseor assaultto the caitillage and vital spotsofthe nose.( 6 )
qrtlqa a(crifrql q q{q {TFqI tEl({}rr aqulr iF$td I
cm{itiii Tifn q,iaflrii dtrd iiqgqra{fia u s n ( s. 3. ii. i? )
The previouslyaccuiuulatedkaplra inside the head undergoing liquification
by the heat of the sun, coming out o[ the noseas a thick liquid with salty tasteis
described as the diseaseBhrarhiathu. ( 7 )
ffil U{i Ercqcfiqiq ftiareiqe tia atg; t
atqlc{Rqqqtqffil6qlfqe d{egqta<fia ll z ll (11 - : ': .)
Breath comingout of thc noselike hot smoke,severe burning sensationin tlre
nostrilsas though thr: rtostrils lrrvc '.::tttqlitfiic al e tltc syrnptomsof the disease
known as DiPta, ( B )
s;Ftqqtd 4 zE6:SEtif Q;!:cIT.ct'tal6gErEt?q I
qrqlqn: {taiaa+aEaiitt, uac, utaqErEliq ll q ll ( -{. t{. rr. r:, )
Vata and kapha blolking the pessag,, oi' r'espira'.ionis termed as Platinaha;
continuousdischargeof thit:k, l trllowol uhitt- colc,urctlthirt fluid liom the noscis
known as Nasasrlva ( 9 )
sprrilt dtaie crtia rrrdj{atr .ii'ttiiica q t
Fpleail*:iiqaq q-tr.iktac n{qrqi(dl'{efr:ll (o ll ( i ,' .r i:.\
The nostrilsundcrr;oirrg rvalrtrthatrtlrlrl ing b1'thr: actionol vata ( and other
dogastogether) make both ,.:rpiratiorrarrtl irrspiration tlilllL;ult. This diseaseis
tnown as NasaPariJoga. ( l0 ,
firigrqmiqakrslEl{ag: Qr{: I Eir{r dtqtqqtq"iq,tctcqifiqatisr{ tr 1t Il
enqbflfiqa: €.sr qa, Gg iievia r (:r(qo')iigiqar qi(q$€q aecoT( ll 1?.rl
Feeling of heavinessol the hcatl, lossof appctitc, rlischargcol' thrrr fluid from
the nose,feeblevoice and 1r'eclucnt expcctoratiorrof thc sputurnarc tlre syn-rptoms of
the lma ( unripe,cariy ) :,taqco1'1lrr Pirras,r. rliscbalgcbcconriug Llritk and
remaininginsidc thc l)assilsc,fcstofa'ri1)n
ol nolrnalroicc uirtl colouralc thc symp-
torns ofpakva ( ripcncd ) stagr. ( I I -12 )
ei'rrrurr:iroiririnqlraml,l{d qrlfairiqatq. r
cqrr(riarqqnlsgdit<al<arigaerru'1i, r
of the Nose
Diseascs 199

Supplcssionol the urgesofthe body, ingestionof uncooked foods, assaultby

dust, pollen, etc., too nruchof talking, ange",abnormal conditionsof seasons,
to the head,kecping awakeat nights or sleepingtoo long during day, use of vcry
cold water, exposurcto snorvfall; heat of sexuai act', of tearsand of smoke-thcse
and other 5l6il3v qagsL::r rnakc fol accumulationof vata and other doEasin thick
lorm insiclcth,rhra.l lo 1;:orlucethc diseasecalledPlatiSy6ya.( l3-14 )
a{ rrarq'ifi qradiqq:gq1€qeatar a}e aillwaq t
sigcai{rcIrieh'.j, c{Iqd€ar qfiqqlq{q qsFd R ll tB ll ( 1 3 ai iY )
gltclrr:rlly accumulatinginsidethe hcad, and activated
\I-ra antl otircr'.li-rpas
suclclenlyb,vthcil tcspectivc cxcitiug causes,produceprati{yaya either alone or in
cornbiuation, lvith oi liLhorrt thL:association of rakta. ( l'f )
*r:t!{ia ; fa."ir sfaToiarrd3+ilssc{:qi<Ee<lq(rI
eqlqlatqqqi gqiiqqr Uori cfiEqtqg(rq{t: aqFltrll 1\ ll ( 9.3. 3{' Y1 )
Borttsol sncezing,lieling of'fullnessofthe head, inactivity, mild pain all ovcr
thc boJy, ho|riltLrlariousatr,.l trrallylLllierl symptomsarc seen in the premOnitOry
i l5 I
stagcof pratii;vdi.,r.
3rrnql iqi€ar mr€i ;ii{t{tsqAk{i I qoar"itgtr'lqa firilq: {S?il€attl ll tq lt
riqc1ifl{?'{ei'{frqre{cq.r I ui{ r{ilqqraar cfe1ldsfiarc* tt ls tt
Nostriis ol:stlucteripaitially or fully, thin fluicl dripping out, drlTressof the
tbloat, palatc arrrlli1rs,corl-stAnt pain il thc teurporal region, too many sneezingl,
clistatcin lhc nrouth rinrl blokcn voice are thc symptoms of prati{y5iya causedby
l l a .( 1 6 l 7 \
i n c r c a s evr a
sEr: rT{ra'i: qrit qr,r(( q{k ifr+ I On}sfhqps!iilit tig"orrfWk<r ll te ll
{ITqqffr €'Et{rarFdiqq cliq: I
ycllowish tlischargc, cmaciation and severcpallor of thc
Feeling of rvaLrrrllt,
body, exhaustionby heat (irigir fcver') and fecling of vomitting of smoke and fire
are the syrnptomsof pr.rtiSytyacausedby increasedpitta. ( 1B )
atqrrq T$: E;qai qita: qp-g': qaag: I
z5fq*{r({:gsl?if uaE€firtri(: il qq ll
*.o{aii-.itg|{t(aiav.giutiu{iiea:| ( g. )
In pr'.,til'i.1.L11,r,Iu,,'rl cold,whitish'
lrv kalrlrr,the patienlwill be discharging
lrisskin ar-' c)'.:sappeal rvhite,hervillhave heavincss
ihit:k flniri, l.rrq. irr clrrrurtity;
ofthe lrclrl, itclriugin thc tlrro'1.palatr .ipsand the head.( 19-20)
200 MadhaoaJ,{idanam

e'c*f qrs.qqaitqt q qdcrrq: rrtdr | ( g. y. a. tv )

Parti{yayaappearingand disappearing frequently( without any apparent
reason) either in its ripenedor unripe state is to be understoodas being causedby
all the three dosastogether.( 20 )

fgah gaalar gaz{qfigsqfi tl Rt tl

grnl"ai atsit ga{ifrti aet t
fiura\ arsRgfui ail rr;rn{a ifa q tt -{qtt
q{ geqialqFi qrftqtq s€Fqtqaq. | ( c v. 3{. iv )

Too much of fluid in the noseor too much ofdryness manifestingalternately,

blockaqe or clearancc ofthe nasal passageolits own accord, foul smellinthe
breath, lossof senseof smell-these are the features of Du91a prati6yayawhich is
difficultto treat. (21-22 )
rmi q dintti rilsrq: qq*e lt ?.1rl
arertsa;r t
gd.dForcaEit q;qraiq a iiq qr tt Rc tt ( g. : q. rY )
In pratiSy-yadue to incfeaseof rakta ( blood ) there will be bleedingfrom the
nose,rednessof thc eyes',severe pain in the ch.:st, foul smell in the breath and
mouth and lossof senseof smell. ( 23-2+ )
q€I qFI qIAqqFII a({qlsrla6ll(ql I
gcai qd.:a *tli ilqtsqrqr rrqlid G tt {1 tl
qlejfia qrs hqq: darr l6pr1p6s15qq:I
Fmiiit q' in{fitregd lars aqrqqtt Rqlt ( g B.3{.?y )
AII varietiesof pratiSyaya,if not treated at the proper time, rvill ultimately
lead on to the incurable du;1aprati5ydya. Then, therewill be appearar,ce of white,
smoothand minute worms ( maggotsor other micro-organisms ) and the patient
will develop all the symptoms of Krimija Siroioga( headache causedby bacte-
ria ). ( 2s-26)
qf':dcr;r:qcFriq'*ds aqatqqrr t
'",t )
niqtleeq+rqia Zsr: S*f;?rrfiaqr: tt Rs tt ( 1 :. 'f,
AII vancticsof peenasaneglectedwill, in course of time, produce dealness,
blindness,lossof senseof smell,severekinds ofeye diseases,swelling of the body,
door digestiouand cough.1 27 )
of tne Nose 201
qdt cs'n dlqtaliqrits{ia{ofrrrq r
aqGd ct,ftagt qrisfq alagrrr.{err ( g. v. w.rv )
{lo ifqrqq+rfarfqi qraqfneri atqr('lTrftErqttrrTciqu {c l

The sevenkinds of abruda, four kinds of (otha, four kinds of arias

and four
kinds of raktapitta describedpreviously might also manifest
in the diseases of the
( o. thesemay alsodevelop as complications/sequelae
lotl of diseasesof tt," rror" j
Thus endsthe chapteron Nasaroga.

srqrirraa+qnb qiilrqgi:Hqr1 raniiudara r
raqreilTcfiiqqrq adFisnEcafa?ilrrrqn i tl
T.iIIiTqtSq,IIFrt{I €ItqiTle lqqt"qlai.rrldq€tq I
crIfiq{rl4i$Iq{15[c6rIStgqtdt?rac€rqtnt{ [ i tl
aur +;q5i q fiqriqq 5{firqrarqidigarra r
qtiqq€rqr(Qcinirtorrq ai is*rqwaqfia iltr; rr i l ( g. 3. .{.? )
T , r k i r r g b a t l i i r r c o i c ir v a t c r .i r n n i e d i a t e l y a i ' t e r e x p o s u r ct o h e a t , s c c i o go b j c c t s
which :lre Iar ;Lrv,ry,L.:epirrg .^valir: rvitlrout slcri,, heavy perspir.arion,assault lty
dust arrd smoke, suppr. ssirriitlr,.l .l' r'ornitting or too r'any, taking
v e r ) ' w a t c r ) ' l i t o t l s a t n i g ; , i , , t l - ) l ) f (jri tsi g t h , : u r . r , ' o f ' l c c c s , u r . i n e , f l a t u s l t a b i t u a l l y ,
c o n s t a n r l y g e t t i n q i t l , , r c r r r o ' ' i o l ]os l ' ' , v r : c p i r r ga, n g t i i u r r l g r i c l l i n j u r . y t o t h c h c a c l ,
taki'g too rnuch ol irlcoh,-rlic rL irft-., lrb.orrn;rl scasorrll changes, exhaustion by
physical cxe'cisc, scxuel acr, ctc,, coLltrollin{ ol the tcars :r.r1 sceing r.ninute objects
1 b r l o n g p c l i o c i so i t i t t t c - t l n : s c r L r r tol t l t c r s i n t i l u l c a u s c sr n : r k cl b r . a b r i 6 r m a l i n c r e a s e
o f t h c c l o g a sr,v h i c h i u L u l l l , i ) r o J r r c cv a l i c i u sd i s e : r s c os f ' r h c e y e s .( 1 - 3
i{ratq iqqrq *;qtqifirqiqcc;<aof{q: r tdor Htqh :iF: qeii"rqqt*<: il B ll
Abhisyandais r.rf'lbur types-\'artaja,
pittaja, kaphaja and raktaja. It is a ver.y
distressingdiseascleading to all othcr diseasesof the eye,( .l )
. firy{'}Tlqr l{rf{qEar q qnla:tqdaqe rrqGdn ,1l ( ,1.:. rr : )
P,.ickirg pain, Liss'r .est.ictecl moverncnt,horrip,lations,irriiation ancl
roughncss irrsidetlle cyus'llcil la.ire,rtl)jencc: ol'cxclctionsin tIe eyesarnrlcolcltcaL.s
arc thc svit)ptoms ol \irhisvarrilir { ,luscilby incrc:rse
ol-vit:l. ( 5 )
? la :qtfi r 111i1
i'1fq a;it Tqlqd Etrqr{{;?qe.r I
s':qIZ. .iia;Asai q iefitiqq-{ nqi rTaFalt q I I q. ; : )
DiseasesoJ the Ele 203

Feelingof buniing sensatiort,ulceraLions,desirefor cold comforts,feelingas

florv oftears which ishot,yellow
though hot smokeis cotniugout ol tire eyc, excessive
discolourationof the eyesare the symptomsof Abhi;yanda causedby pitta. ( 6 )
S€rsiqrdfsr:*qgq?a1qkdlaatq t
adl qgr iqliso qq qrii ssrnrqi aql qqfia ll s ll ( s :' a t )
Desire for wxrm comforts, sense of heaviness, swelling, severe itching,
accumulationof dirty exeretions,very colcl,and sticky tears flowing out fi'equently-
are the symptomsof Abhi;yanda causedby increaseof kapha. ( 7 )
i atatgar dkaiqat n nlqr qq-alqiadliral?I t
iqttqlo*diqqliia{i(fl1+1cAaqlqqfiall ell (1: a i)
Copper colourecltcars,red colou| ol'thc eyes,but lvithout network of arteries
and presenccof othcr symptomj of inc|easeoi pitta are scetlin Abhigyandadue to
increaseof rakta. ( B )
{Aredu'iq;?arr'rrlctmqtqalq I
arq;driqf\c;?:rr,tg*nl a'iaiqat, ll q ll ( 1. :. r'r.i )
Any of thc above t-vpcsof abhi;yanda,il not treatcd at the propcr tirne, will
lead on to adhimanthalvhich causcssevcrcpain in the eyes.( 9 )
siqrad rqtrqci ii fd,rqi atlt t
fur,i'tsri a ii fautEiumri rqaE+iirll 10 ll ( .'' ; :'r ! )
Severepairras thouchthc c).eis bcing 1;ullcdout by iorce,or squeezed
and severepaiu of similer t1,pein halfportion of thc hcad are the characteristic
featuresof Aclhimantha, irl adclition to thc other symptoms of the predominant
dosas.( 10 )
€?41(€fi dftqr, qa.rqrq'jiq;'{il qner q5{r"I( |
qtqJrqrerii*l i fiatqq fi"qqttrq iit'6: €EI qet ll 1i, ll ( g : q i )
'Adhimantha, i{ rIOl trcatc(l cluickly,lrll dcstroy the vision-kaphajatype
within seven days, raktaja type witlrin fir'c days, vltaja type within six daysand
pittaja type very soon(rvithin tirreedays) ( 11)
e{oiiq?i ii <tq1il,t€cfisnd I
q,iiarirqslorEgfiql{Iiiad iag: tt t'r ll t
P r o g r e s s i v e l y i n c l c a s i n g p a i r l , r c d l t t s r ' , s r v c l l i n g and ilritatiop;
p a i n a n d f l o w o f t e a r s : r l e t b c s y m p t o m s c l t t t i t r q h m a ( unlipc ) stage
of eye
d i s e a s e s(. 1 2 )
204 Madhava

r{iEam srEs ri<gflgq{ttrail |

qennqoiil qrqor]:dqci
icq1fEnq 1 tR 1 ( t. r. 3r.e )
Reduction in the degreeof pain, irritation, swellingand quantity
_ of tears;
colourof the eyesreturning to normal are the symptoms during
pakva ( ripened)
stageofeye diseases.( 13 )
60gqEflgga: q*grq{ifiq1 t
r*a{t w€ q€ Acqs! s dlqsr r
dtqdqrfi farrfi *ecr* iq{ilqi l ls u ( g. y. er.r )
Eye having irritation, accumulation of exeretionand tears;
- resembling a ripe
udumbara fruit and with swellingis going to become Sadotha
NetrapaLi 1 p-us
formation and ulceration); sometimesthis may
happen evenwithout swelling.
AsothaNetrapdka.( la )
eiqruTrEfu"qErsf\FS qraliq5: etqrrfh qqu I
€qdirsarfir{qrrc qq {ilf}rFqr qg alc <-fqrl q\ u
{ 1. :. a. q: )
Vataja adhimantha, if neglectedwithouttreatment,will terminateas Hatr-
dbimantha,an incurabledisease with very severepain. ( 15 )
sriErt q qifi qqi ii q crc-d,r
agarfqfiqrrdrai q iri.t qnqdq: l i'q l ( g. v. + lt
Vata undergoing increase, causes different kinds
_ of severepain in the eye
brolvs, eyes and surrounding areas very frequently.
This condition is called
Vataparyaya.( 16 )
qq dqrii qrcorcwrfiqul qrfqaqqli qe
gOroi tq efir*)ql q grqfaqrsilq*i aqtEfu lo l ( g. r. a.
l! )
The eye lids when closed,becomingrough and dry, having
burning sensatior,
eyes full of dirty excletions, difficulty in openinu
the lids are rhe synrptomsof
S uqkaAkgipaka.( l 7 )
*Tugl c;crqir qrscqfia'fsqdlqr r
srilqd q ".FlEg{O
gtq atqaq ircqfr{RrgqE(fia [ le rr ( g. :.. q. tr
\/ata lunctioning in the nape of the neck, ears,
head,lower jaiv and sidcsof
the neckundcrgoingincreascproducespain in the
and eyes.This diseasc
is designatedas Anyatovata.( lB ) "ya.bro*,

cqtd dJfaaqd;.i
s{ er|ercq;.ti I
sEtE{ilei qtqFlq.allgfqfrsrad: il la, il ( e ;. q. ti )
Discasuof thcEye 205

produce the diseasecalled Amladh)'ufita, cbaracterisedby the eyes having ulcers,
blue with reddish broders all over, with burning sensation,ocdema and
flow of tears.( 19 ) "*..rriu"

aiqr <rsfr qaqatqr qstkqai ft rrqfiearsr:r

ggGi<ecFaq qrrq ar€raqrfs:f*tqra {i cfi$ l ?,ol ( r. r. 3r.! )
Appearance inside the eyes,bf a network of small arteries,without pain or
with pain, sometimes becoming angry red are the symptoms of the diseasecalled
Sirotpata.( 20 )
dta{iqittqn sqiha{g ada il.rrq iq<tlqd, r
irra(xtqqqEfk crrrdaqr a amJialir*f'tr{ q il Rqil ( g. r. q. i )
Ifsirotpata is neglectcdby i'diference, another disease-sirapraharEawill
developwith dischargeofred blood in large quantity and inabily to seethings. (21)

fica6.i q rrAfi o*A q;iq fid cfAqrfuqi r

ed eigawndtq qs a( q.Tqigs(m)gqredia l R?.l ( g. :. a. r )
Retraction of the cye ball, pain in the cor.ueaas though pierced by needles,
very hot tears floivingout and presenceof an ulcer ar.ethe syntptomsof Savra4a
Sukla. ( 22 )
sErqdii a iraT qs a ileqrd n q deiiq r
qi{c et a a$ aq fiiccrqdi trh?q tt -<l l ( s, 1 1t.,r.
Ulcer not very near to the pupil, not very deep rooted, not having too rnuch
of discharge,painless( or dightly painful ) not affecting both eyestogeth;r, respond
to treatment rarely ( whereasotherswill not ). ( 23 )

Fqrqrcd $,rrqii si{ n}sg5qrRmq|rrcq r

iiaraerumgr*r{cqnqi qnqd qqk rrqe l ( s. s. q. r )
The eye having fluid discharge, localised burning sensationin the cornea,
the scleraresembling the colour of conch,rnoon,lily flower and waterlesscloud up
in the sky ( all theseare clearly white ) are the symptoms of the disease-Au.o4a.
Suklawhich is easilycurable.( 24 )
mrfi<wd $g q Sd li<}lAti qrti eqfia sepq r
il qd ltqqqrftfBuq r
fiGeecrd fitra-.''rqii
Iitq'qd alkcc-ddrr kilfiqd arfi {iaridi<q n ?,\ l ( g. ir. { )
206 MadhaoaNiddnam

JGollr4qldrlqgst q aT qftq{ qq;5F[nrl q gs\ |

a(qqqtud qqqfia *fiq;qq qiifii<qaEar{ r -{q lt ( g. :. ar.r )
Avra4aSukla dcveloping from clecp inside, s,:lerirhaving becomethick and
conditionlemairrinEfirr lorrqlirnc is,iificult 11)trca,;sclcle havinga tcar, covered
by musclc,lirving mcvable thiu rretlvrrrkol veins, interf'eringwith ', ision,inv<ilving
two laycrs,ulcershaving reddishedges and con:lition persistinglol long time is to
be rc{-used
treatmentas incurable.Similarly, tirrt which has rvarm tears, appeal'ance
of white no.lulcsof the sizeo[ lrrcengllrn anrl tliat rvhich assurncsthc featurcsofa
featheroliitiheri bird (grey partlidge) is alsoirr.:ur-able.
( 25-26 )
r{1: qq141916qq t t€ EIcUTzl{qttqacsga q I
dciE{qrsft4qciiritri qqhq{i q*iqaaqq€: r ls n ( s,.a . !. t.)
Thc entire cornea bccoming rvhite by thc action ofall the three dogas
undergoing incrcaseis, an eye cliseasekrrorvn as Ak;ipikityaya which is to be
rejectedfor treatment.( 27 )
3{nrgttqqfift €il{r{ €a}RA dtfialilisarqr r
iqza uosicqdis€iid asrn;nmrdilih;zr{rt( n ?z r ( g. :r. 3r.{ )
A sliglrtlyred, pairrlul cysr-on the colrrca lesernblinsa dried pellet of excreta
ofa goat, exuding redrlish,sticky fluid, slowlyglowing in size is the characteristic
featureof the discasecallcd Ajakejeta. ( 2B )
cqi qaA Elqr qtq ggqi aqqfi'.rd1: t
sl.rriFrii {r 6r ih.6{riiqq qiqia lr -<qtl ( r :. :.r. ;. )
If the do;as xr. localisj,:lin 1hefirst pa!'rlx ( lay,:r') 6f the drglimaldala,
the persondoesnot seethe olrjectsbetole his e,vesclearly. ( !9 )
Ddri fnaait iadiq qad qd i sDrrnrriryrlt qrorrfi a {dc[i tt 1" 11
qusarii qdr#a c**t Sqcari:rq I qRgqizifiliqrc qic.iacilq e ttiltt
g{rrrfin -r qqrfus.qh €{qdiqa: I siiqrqrh gi a eudiatfiqqtq il 1?.rl
q€Tqr1qfi qriq'd qdir{rii a qqqia| ( 'r'. -. ,r. : )
Il'tire closasirrvatle tirc sccolcl palala, itis vision becomesdistolted, seesflies,
mosquitors, rretrvorks,soucefs,{la:is, iays, circirlar objects, flying olrjccts, rain, sky,
d l r k n e s s , c t c , w l r i c h i t r c n o l a c L u . r l l y p r c s e t r t ,s r r l s t h i n g s r v h i c h a r e a t a d i s t a n c e
to be vely near :tn,l nearbt' things es br:ing lar arvrv, even with great effort the
person rvill not be irblc to s€c the cyc of thc necdle arrd its thread. ( 39-32 )
sri qEqii nrq{iTrEdiriqeai rre u ?1 ll
q€r;iqfi q 6qrih o3riarr;iiqqtrqi: r
oJtheE)e 207
qsiarcrlqrdtar[iiqaadiq qqqfr tr i,a rr
qqrilniq <cla eiEfrr qdrqik r
- sT'trfiqietrqrti rqei +ilqlrirqi rri,r ,.
qr'.ffi'.riaur.qli unfrri iq qcoii I qe=da:
nqa i+ *oar+U q{qfi r lq, rl
qfEc':qi{ari ii c6{sr{ q qqlih I G,rr iiqh t},ri qEiig*rrqraqfiqi rrR,E
qlt eeerlai iirile <e..q.qhfAqr| ( 1 ;. a : )
Ifthe dosas,invaJethe third patala (la1er')rrrcpersor wir be.blc
to sec
objectswhich rlre at thc top but .oi those rvhicharc at rhc borr.m,
even rarge
objectsappearto hirn as though cove'c.rby croLh,I.ce o| c,thcr.s
appea.sto hinr is
though dcvoitl ol'ears, rosc o. eycs an'.1 rlepe'cringo, thc tios.rsrvhicrrbccome
prcdominant,corr.r:sponrl ing coloir,s alsowill ir.;,;r:err
by hirn. If rlos:rsar.clocalised
in tl.rc'lowelpoltion ol tlre lrr,er inside,oJtjectsrr.lrirlrar.encl.b,,.
rvill not be seen,
ildosasare, at the upperp!)r.tion,objectrruhi.l,nra ll'rav arc
nol sccu;if closas are
at the sidcsthe rb.iectslvhicrrare o. the sidcswi not be seen.rr'rrosas
all ovcr, olrjects will be sccn as mixeclup, i|do;as are in the centrlcof
th. i"y.r,
big objccts uPPca.srrr.rll, ir tlci;rs.r'ein trvo praces all objectsappcar.doublcani
mauy if dos.lrulc irr ntoic pleccs,it lr-caL tlrc le r.iphcr.1,
the per.son seesone
objectas two. ( 33-3/ )

iaiqrrr-i'd,u i {rvaqri qzd ar: l Rz l

tork e.ii efs iosartrcd:v<q r aiieaii ae}qi afire cErqal iq tl
q;tll4izlr oaEralq;atiiiq fiqa, r
Ingetta ir leiiq i*rfi,:q..q'q icq';T I ?o ri {\ .i. . '.t. 3 )
q qs iasnttr{q f,tian t1qdiea: r ( r :. .r ,: )
I1'the dogas are in rhe fourth palala ( laycr they producca cliscasecalled
Timira or Liirgana(a.In this, thc vision is completely lost; evcn in this cc-rndition
( blindness) if much tirne has not lapsedor.the dise:seis not vefy deep
personwill be:rDlc to see very biight objectssuchas the moon, sun,stars
lightning in the sky ir.d clcar bright objectserservherearso, This linganaia is also
knorvnas Nilika or Kaca. (38-40 )

qda Gqrfhqc;a'lq ;r qqqii rr ?r. rr

a'rriiqriic nraE:r firiariEic€-ira{rdqrqa.fbEuqrr;r.
l ts?.ll
Tirada ftriea: q{ did q qcqfi r m*a qqtaqil} farqrfi q isarii q rr a? rr
( qqlEqqqpqtqd .quiar,e,iiqq, r )
eilagrf\al*q qfieranrfi qlqq: r lqi{*a rorii'aciii{ fifiqria ;r n tststl
qrfkar;qft Ferrrii f,ar;qfi cr crqq:I efiqRa 6"ri;, iqcgadl;r qq{r{t
n B\ tl
208 MddhauaJtridanam

sgvt q fhqr qrfi eqip}q qs;aar I drnfi:qr*rq& q Fq}d5fi q qqqr 1 tsq1

(g s;
In this diseaseliigana3a-if vdta is predominautthe patient scesthe objects
before his eyesas constantly moving, not clear, slightly red in colour and irregu'lar
or borken off; if pitta is predominant, he sees the sun, glow.worm, rainbow and
sparksof fire and peacocksall as though dancing and all objectsas blue in colour;
ifkapha is the predominant do;a, he seesall objects as smooth, white in colour,
without any movcment or ai though drenchedwith water; if rakta is predominant,
he seesall objectsas red even though they are white, black or yellow; if all the
three do;asare equally dominant,he seesobjectsvery differently,with many colours
and irregularities, one as many or one as double,many mingled together, with
absenceofparts or rvith extra parts and cvcn lights burning beforchis eyes.(41-46
fiti oqlq qfirerfi q$o* fialw<r r
ftar Rqtg qdfat1 qrtrt qdi qqqi'arreo rr
iidtq"nurq eq\*Z'eririil\i,ttq er | ( g. v. a. u )
Pitta produces another kind of liigandSa knolvn as Parimlayt,in which the
patient seeseverything as yellow in colour, including the space,glow worm and the
sun; and treesas though surroundedby glow worms or fire. ( 47 )

scqrfhcl*i <n\f*lrawcd, qq r sz il ( g. :. a. e )
I will describefurthel on, six typesof lirigand6aspertainingto colours.
qifs€oit qr€air qRA rardt q diaa aia fuaq r
l[r6l(iqa: diihas, €rt6: €q16{lqq|ril fiiqq: il ee. il (g. r. a. s)
q€ui qqsd Es-qi rrda.Fliilrorcq{ I ( g, :. a. .:
In lil'rganl3rcausedby increasedv-ta, all objects will appear crimsonred, in
that ofpitta, all will appear yellow or blue, in that ofkapba all with white colour,
in that by rakta all with red colour and in that causedby all the three dosas:all
with many colours.( 49 )
The crimson red colour described( for vataja liirgand\a) rvill bc like brisht
:ircular rings as sein comingout ol a thick lens.( 50 )
qfirarfi{i iti tqpearfqdid q qoeoq rrq" rr
<:leaorqed aa qErfiqerrE c{iaq.r
In parimlayi, sometimes,the person regainssight, without any treatment,
when the dosasdecreaseof tbeir own accord( with passageof time
).( 50 )
of Elte
Diseases 209

qqqi {tr-gii qtarqgd qa'i dqr ll \1 ll

Rqr;qvcocrfid drqni.itaiq q I ?icqsrlsgd Aii n$5.i;gaw'g<qtt rr' tt
qaiq{qal tqr g$l f*gRenuqr I qE'IcIeq aql cusii afaq'ifi tt ql tt
qGfiaqqqqni cacd dtfhaFct{ t
€ft<rlif rrafqn fbsarit iiiqi t
qqn,i iqbnfi qtr*q qqi:aflqlt qg tt ( 5' : a o )
The rings that appear beforethe eyeswill be crimson,unsteadyancl irregular
in caseol increaseofvata; blue, ytllow like blonzt,n deepyellow in caset't pitta;
white, yellowish'white resernblingthrt o[ cinclt, lily, moon; the rings rnovc like a
drop of water moving on a lotus leaf rvhenthe personrubs liis eyesin cascol kapha;
if rakta is predominant,the rings will bc likc coral or lotus petal in colour; if all the
three dogasare involved together,the rings will be of mixed colours; theseare
the characteristicfeaturesregardingcoloursin respectofthe dosasinvolved. (51-54)
vqf}*awt: qEi e tqr qe-qtarqlrqe i. qeq qttqlr l ( g' 3 3r' )
Thus six types of lifrganasashave been describedtill now and six more types
will be detailedfurther on. ( 55 )
fnia gia <qt e Ef}, dat qistl a<tq fslqq ll \q, ll
ftarfi qqrlq a ia qiq q e a(: flqtiq{rqsis: t
crl edd qeaiq ii ftqr a qqiiifu lqri q: tt q,Qtt
q* a rft-arg'Ifls€f}rfiarcqirtalqii dlfi qqa( | ( 1 :. a. : )
If pitta is increasedand gets localisedin the first and second paialas ( layers)
of d5glimapdalathe personsecsall the objects yellow, if it gets into the third palala
( layer ) he canuot seeobjects during day but can seeat nights, becausethe cold
of the night makes the eye comlortable anl that pitta will be less during nights.
This condition is known as Pittavidaghba Drsli ( or divandhya'( blindnessduring
day ). ( 55-56 )
aqr il<:MrEqs{E{aF}q S$ii il c;qa q: ll \s ll
feg tMsarr lelg itv\ arFuqstqtqqiicqa t
ll '12ll ( r' : er'u )
fiar e q<futJdiogfErqniA cqtiit tn.nrcqql.Itq
Similarly when the personhas an increaseof kapha which gets locatedin the
first and second palalas, he sees all objectsas white and if it gets into the third
layer, he will become blind at night but can see objectsduring day becauseof the
help of the warmth of the sun an.l lessquantity of kapha during day. This condition
is known as KaphavidagdhaDpqli ( or naktandhya-nightblindness). ( 57-58 )
:t10 MadhaoaNidanam

dlmcq<rqtqfirtRart<rqrrarq€ i(rq cilr I

qaitru qqqihqdurqr{.< qe<rfifr rc tQe: l \q lt ( g. s. s{.,,e)
Dystimap{alagetting affectedby causessuchasgrief,fever,exertion,injury
t, tl,,: heaJ, etc.,makethe personto seeall the objectsas thoughlike smoke( or
covcredwith smoke,hazy). This disease is calledDhumadar3i. ( 59 )
,il arqsredtQ<Qgwpteredi qqfih q ia qqla r
Thc diseasein which the person secsbig objectsas small even rluring day is
knorvnas tlrasvajridya.( 60 )

i+eiiai qs a<*qcfEtlqrfiqer a!!id{zrqee l qo tl

lqqri,rrrqilh fter < wiqu i finri asar;uqGi{:I
If tlrt: incrc:rser]dosas make the pc'son tosee objer:tsin different corours
other tharr its real t,ne Llu|inrrrlay just as a rnirngoose
seesthings, it lvill be known as
Nakulandhya.( 60 )
af!6uq ea€iiqqcr d*lqe$ftf,(rd rrrid l q!, tl
rqrqrrrcrq acfhiri qr*fi*ih cq{{ia a6{r: I
Seeing things in unnatur:rl statc, tliflit:ulty irr br.eathir,.i, eye ball gone
deep insitleand awJirllvPairrlullare the syrnptoursof the clisease-Gambhirakaas
knorvnto fxDelts.1 6l )
aral gaaiiie dcfiel fiflaaatFcfifldda lt qR,tl
fiflqaraq lntsFrarwiq*,qiriuq=qfiqdar €i I
g<Gil=urinitcrruritiqdiarfi q qr$6ttq lt qa ll
a;ia elecsgerqq{q {r ibs.iTdrrisiiic?d{:I
iqdaoriiqcar q sfs: n qtsl
dsrit f,s$cicqrauria
Trlo oLhert}'pesof liirgana{a arc causcdbv cxterr)alagents, they are called
Nimittaja a.d .\nirnitta.laLiiganair. Nirnitr.ja is Lluc1o i'jur.y to the head and
rvill havc the synrptonrssiurilar ro tl.rato1' abhisyarrcla;A.imittaj:r is due to the
unusual ( sudderr) siglrt of gods,saees,gandtrarvas,clivineserpentsor the sun. In
this corr,-litionttrc eyesare as bright as no.mal or brighter like the glitter ofthe
rliarnond( llrt only they will have lost their.capacity of vision ( 6?-64
). )
1d| sfltar tr)
( So far diseases
of drstirnar,'{alawere clescribed,( further will be the diseases
of Suklarnandala ).
rcar,idre{dioiqqrdcefiri fH r
of thc Eltc 2lr

A thin, broad, black or slightly l,lackislrnrassof tissueon the sita mandala

( sclera) is known as Prastaryarma;( 65 )
qra?i€g S$rf gi aadefq(q l q\ rl
A white softmass,developingslowlyon the white portionof the eveis Sukl;r
Arma.( 65 )
qqrriC€ <orf q;cii *qi iel r
gUsafuqied qad e cg&rr{, lr
Rakta Arma is a growth ol muscle tissuc resernblirrga lotus pctal on the
sclera; the same which is soft but thick resernbling piccc of liver is Adhima-
rirsarma.( 66 ).
Rqt c€tfi ri<rai grsi €pqc' cgcq, rrtq rl
Immovable,widespread, dry, muscularor tendenoustissueis the fifth kind
known as SnayuArma. ( 66 )
qrrFrrr{g: ftfirafiqrar kqq} i 3Jirqrql! fkafiqarr q gkd{r I
q*l qr trrefRqcar f+gl
Sg'trit rqia aqtii T{Fa ll qs ll ( 1. v. :r. v )
Blue coloured papule, similar to that of a muscle,but rescmblinga shtll of
pearl on the sclerais known as Suktika;a singlepapule rcstrnblin3 the blood ofa
rabbit ( deep red in colour ) is known as Arjuna. ( 67 )
*ulrmoa+Qag$ fid <gaaq r
fiueq fied iqk sarnrqaidfruqtt Qeu ( 'r. ; * ; )
Kapha and vata getting increased make the sclci. rlirty as though
smearedwith a white paste resemblinga dust laden mirror. 'I'his ,:onditionis called
as Pigpka. ( 68 )
qff,tqr Qfiii+rtl q6r{ q(trr r dan: r€a Ia qr6{i:i{{4 r
A net-workof veins,hard, thick,slightly red,ccvelinqtlic sckra is known as
ggturr ftaf\<mr: lv<rqarqrcar{qqlkaqfrqqrr fbtqr, t I ., ' 2 . a . r )
White papulescoveredwith veins, developingvery neal l,) tll crnea but on
the sclerais known as Siraja pi{akd;
c'ierritsgg<u qffi;g+til flqiq\ aqaf* sorq€ia: rr'qq., -i. t 'r. t)
A papule,resemblinga water buble,colouredlikc th:rt ',1-i,l r:li . oC lr,r',1to
touch,developingon thc sclerais called as Balasa.( 69 )
212 MadhdoaNidanam

ftfir liq: <fiqiil qr <itq' Haq qd qfh qatawta: | (g s 3I' i )

A vesicle,at thc inner corner o1'thc eye,swollen,painful and di'"chalgingpus
is known as Puyalasaka.
qfirrle,it sfEq;qtqqta"t*o-gn{l dttorqqarar lt eo tt ( 5. s. :t. I )
A big sized tumor ( cyst ), at thc junction of cornea ancl pupil, which does
not lorm pus, itching and slightly pairrful ( or evcn painlcss) is known as
Upanaha. ( 70 )
rT?srFEftngcTdur {tvr: 5{: €{aqro}'riaima. r
ti G er.i iqardtfa ** a+qrfag. cii?iiqoiqgql ll sq tt ( g z a ' )
The dosas,undergoingincreaseanclinvading all thc joints oi'tire eye through
the channelofthe tears,cause dischargeof {luid rvith tlteir corlespondingfeatures.
This condition is knoivn as Netranaqh.( 7l )
q{|q q;}r} eeiutg qri q<rvrifs<\ rIErqdq€d I
€d er-d fif*gai q: eig Sueerritse\ fiarit {iTt{ ll s-{ rr
rmwqr dtfhfircil iisr(: qiqgd aq (+ c{aq r
afiqrf qlaguoiqani fitnqrs: dtriq efiw':ql( ll llsill ( 'i' ; 3{'r )
Poyasravais a diseasearising out of the increaseot' all the three dogas
together,at the junctions inside the eye causing dischargeof pus. If the discharge
is rvhite, thick and sticky it is called kaphaja puyasrriva; blood coming out
mixecl rvith pus due to inclease of rakta is called raktaja plyasrdva;if the
dischargc is yellow or cleep yellolv, rvaril and thin like water it is pittaja
puyasrava(72-73 )
arsTa;dt qtET(itqqf,I<mI;AqIqdofttq{t'tqr r
qnr €;qt E,sqg6.sacit{qrr{tciq reqrfqar q{ia*; Il eBll (g.e. a. 1 )
Coppery red, small round cyst,having burning sensationand pain, developing
at the junction ol cornea ancl sclera, causeclby inct'eascof t'akta, is known as
known as :\la.ii occurring at tllc salneplace wili
Parvalli; another identical clisease
be having all the syrnptomsof the diseasealaji described earlier ( under prameha
pidake ) (viz., papules are rcd or ivhitc of bursting nature and very trouble'
sorne). ( 74 )
kfiqfiqtitdar tqeuru xo$ g{: fme<: qFqilat: t
alar6(ltqidgsFa+ti q<;?q;adiad qec;a: ll sq, ll ( 'l r' -d' I )
Micro.organisms cystsor smalltumorsat
gettingentry into thc eye proCuce
the iunction of lids and lashesand of lids and sclera. They begin to move from
of theE1e
Discascs 213
placeto placeinside causing itching and such other symptoms'This diseaseis
Lnownas Krimigranthi.( 75 )
qr+a<gdt atsl qtuif qtc'qal ql I
dtru$ttqsiie*t edot tqa*u-gu ll eq ll ( g v' a 1 )
havingits openingiuto the eye,copperyrecl, increasing
A cyston the eyc-licl.,
in sizeupwards,with severeitchingis knownasUtsairgapi{aka. (76 )
qtql;R iisfl Eqlat iqq;a q €Ti{Faq I
qfiqKqlr ll es ll ( rl s q i )
Srrftttdtaciactr Srifi*tr
\"Iultiplepapules ol thc sizeof seecls of kumbhika insidethe lids, filledwith
pus,burstinganclclischalging featureof the disease-Kumbikl,
it, is tlre characteristic
caused by the increasc olall thc threedogas together. (77 )
q{!u4: *vg<r ga{i <oe,iwifirrt: t
€ q?qa;rfteqr, 'ilq+q tfi *'iftiarr ll ea ll ( q. e. 3T.: )
Pothakiis thenarncof the rliseaservhichhasmany hard papulesof the sizc
of red mustardsccrls, itchingand pain' ( 7B )
irrsklerhc lids,r,vithtlischargc,
fqs*r qt q{t t'{al qelliir{iqiqdl t
qtdtqt miq nrc q iiti atfqemr ll eq ll ( 1' 3' q i )
A hard and roughpepule,surrounded by smalleroncsinsidethe lids, distort-
ing it, is knolvnasVartma(arkarii. ( 79 )
qqiqdiscfAcr: iqq61 Fqlqql: I
ftt€qlr q<(al qairqrcaqtil*f *tttii rr 7" tl ( 5 v v i )
A papule,resen.rbling a seedof a melon, slightly painful, smoothbut hard
insidetbe lid is knownas Ar(ovartma.( B0 )
{lqi*r, <ar,*a6}il Ettoitsq;6ifqq: t -i
.qr[qt.i]siiriqqla: g$Ilii alq atciTt li zq ll ( 1 3 3r )
Sproutsbcing long, hard, immovable,very troublesome( with pain ), arising
from deep insidethe lid is known as SupkaAr3as.(BI )
sl€ft4siii alqt fisinl qtridqil t
( 3{' t )
€fi e;zr€dt qqil Aqr €nsgaal&*I ll aR ll s 3
Papulewith burning sensation,prickin'; pain, red in colour, insidethe lid,
soft with milcl pain and small in sizc is knorvnas Afrjananamika. ( 82 )
qldtwiiqi q{q ficsl[!: clffilar I
qqorlirr:iiq<r{irarfiqregastf ttq ll zl ll ( g' 'r' i{ r )
2t4 MddhaaaNidanam

Lids becomingthick by numerous, hard,'on_cliscotour.a

insideis knownas tsahulaVartma.( g3
qdritaa it r<: r
a q dsrqlqfu qsrd {..{.s;qs,,u ztsl ( g. s. ;T.t
The lids getting swollen, associateilwith itching and mild
pain and unable
to cover the eye fully is known as Vartma bandhaka.
f84 )
ard qad qcis q I
aiig,rr .\ rr( g. ;. .r. i )
The lids becoming soft, slightly painful, copper.y
- reclin colour and even,
but assumingangry red colour occasiona'ywithout
ai appa,,entreasonis called as
Kli$la Vartma. ( 85 )

fbd garfivgti cifuiiiqsiqsr r

aar igataarr*g;qi qtffc, lt lq u ( s. 3. 3{.i )
With the i.cre:rseof pitta :r',1 rakta, thc samekli;tavartma
, turns into Vartma
kardama,with the lids becomingsoakedwlth ,noirtu.".
I 86 ;
qerd qraalsaEl qand-{i e}qcs
aErgrEqFrsiiih qidiiqifiTr(qr3 il es il ( s. 3. Br.i )
El;-liclsrir"_"...,:Sblack both insirieancloutsi.e,
-experts swollenand painful is called
" as Sy6va varrma. ( g7 )
aqt' qlaa: qi ard re< ?(rzrfE I
cf*.dqtd aQrrrqfbqclq,iqra-o,rr .1. l
lX. r. a. r )
Lids slightly painful ( or painless swollen
), externaly with too much of moist.
ure underneathare knorvnas praklinna Vartma.
( Bg )
qq dar;qdarli dqtql qa: qi: I
qich{qiicsfa fqqrEf*sq* i, .< rr ( g, o. er.r )
Lids which stick togethe. often lvhether they
are washr:dor not and showing
signsof unripe stateis known as Aklinna VaLtma. (Bg
RqouFu ftllE qtf qrq a clql r
cileRirii qttr wdtqrqfhfu;T{: n a,ou ( g. v. r. I
Lids displaced from their joints
and unable to closeor open is known as
Vatahata Vartma by the specialists.( g0
Diseases 215

Eiql;il<qsiRer' aiiaqgri<aq r
qresariiqlcfi q<s'cRaFsaqll qr.ll
A tumor dcvel,-,pingfic'ur inside the lids and growing upwards, slightly
painful ( of painless) red in coloul and increasingin size quickly is known as
Vartma Arbuda. ( 91 )
iallqsf iqq qrq: qfis: q{i'qrirrqlr t
lrqrdqfi cicifn ini'i ipr af-eg:il qR ll ( g. a. a. I )
Vata gettiug inclcascci and involving the siras connected with the act of
winking, makes for too much of winking ol the lids. This condition is knorvn as
Nimega.( 92 )
q: irrrir qrf$i T d{i,ft qg(S<,I
lod sEdell c'l ll ( g. r 3{.i )
aqffii {irioranifieEi
A reddish sprout in ttre ccntre ol' thc lid inside, soft and continuously
growing evcn after excision,causedby increased rakta is known as Rakta Ar3asof
the lids. ( 93 )
3lqldl $fii: rtrdl cFa*i?dqritse'q: r
Erroilatc q aqlfqffigarqRqiifta: l qB u ( g. :. a. i )
A non.suppurating,harrl, big, painless tumor, developing inside the lids is
known as Lagana. ( 94 )
qq\ ier qkritri s:ifisqrfq qidii, r
sqiFiq;daq+ iqcqlaqqd'aq rt a.q,ll ( s. 3. 3{. t )
All the three dosas undergoing increase producea swelling on the external
surfaceof the lid, crcate holcs through which watery dischargecomes out lrom
insidejust like in the stalk of a lotus flower is calied as Bisa Vartma. ( 95 )
qrflrqrqidddlii nazrfidcEr q<r I
aqr q€ r*t{a Sg;i arc aag: l a.ql ( s. s. B{.i )
" undcrgoing increasetogether
Vata and other dosas make for contracturesof
the lids and causinginability to seethings ( inability to open the lids ). This disease
is called Kufrcana. ( 96 )
cqfaalii qFa qqctsqfh isnf:a fi I rJEq;iq{bggwfa d<rri oaqfia q l a.otl
e{H fta{fi q (a+tqr( qa;i.rfi I
qgq*tq:q RAql aqrf'q:q{cEtEor; u qz l ( g. :. :r. .. ;
The eye lashcs:rctivatedtoo rnuchby i'creased vata, get turned inwarclsinto
the eye, causing friction arrd swelling of both white and black portions of the eyes;
2i6 MadhaoaNidanam

the hairs may get dislodgedfrom their roots. This dreadful disease
is knownas
Pakqmakopa. ( 97-98 )
firi ttcrftr {trdE I w-s".s€ q $qi qqc{rd acrfRE n qq il
Pitta getting increasecland affcctingthe lids make the eye lashesto drop off,
associatedrvith itching and burning sensationlocally. This diseaseis known as
Pakqmagata. ( 99 )
( aa ettntarrtig ntrierciidtnfi: r gg'uri qi+s qtqnr qicorllrrnilr
l !, n
qqiryqt:qEE{Tsf}fl eiqiq d I sra* d qrTrtzrra} i.i q<cEr€oftn ?,lt )
('l Y.v. l)
i|a ,itqrqa+rfarfq* qrsaftrr,i izc'lqflnErq qqlqrT l {t tl

( So far have been described nine diseases of joints of the eye,twenty-one

of the lids, ten of the rvhite poltion, four ol thc black portion, seventeenofthe
entire eye, twelve ofthe vision and two external(of the lashes) which are all
dreadful in nature.)
Thus endsthe chapter on Netra R oga.

qq ffiffiErdq
$no noc.t NTDANAM
laitartq qrq'i qrafitqfrfbfil t qhqRa c*a eiq f*frfir€ql tt
qql*ala-aqnrqlqiq6{E*r tt 1 tt ( g. s. dI.R{ )
Diseasesof the head ( or headache to be specifie ) are caused by vata, pitta
and kapha individually or by their combination, by rakta, by loss or decreaseof
tissues and by krimis ( infection from micro-organisms) aod also by diseaseslike
sUryavarta,ananta vata, ardhAvabhedaand {ankhaka.( I )
qrqilifH firri tqar qsFa dt{r Rfir orRqrqq t
qrrilqeril q$rzr qq filsfiean: q qfl(Aqll R ll ( g. s, !r. ?v.)
Suddenappearance of headache without any apparentcausermore severeat
nights, getting reduced by tight bandage, fomentation and other warm techniques
are the symptomsof headachecauseCby increasedvata. ( 2 )
qqqleqqglqfi{ qiiq r1eGB* qclft afa+areq r
tftia <ni ir qaEBcElfilslrraiq, q g fi?*qE lr t u ( g s. i{. R{ )
The patient feelingas thoughhis headis in touch with burningcoalor as
though smoke is coming out of his eyes and nose;relief obtained at nights and by
cold comforts are the symptomsof headachecausedby increasedpitta. ( 3 )
fur} xiura *dtr{inri gt fawuedt Gda r
cf{ktdTqri q qtq flflisf\dtqr {I r6.tq*tnE ll B lt ( g, s. BI.Rt )
Feeling of heavinessand fullness, coldness ofthe head, swelling of the f4ce
especiallyround the eyesare seenin headachecausedby increaseof kapha. ( 4 )
iirftsfffi fla<rg* qqift fberfi qgdcfk t ( g. v. a. rr )
If all the three dolas are increased together, there will be presenceof all the
symptomsat the sametime.
{ifrirr6'r fvqqcnfetr: rc{rlq€id ftr<R rras tr c [ ( g. s. 3r.i{ )
If rakta has undergoneincrcaseand causing headache,then all the symptoms
of pittaja type will be seen.( 5 )
218 MadhataNidanam

qqr{qr€crq*<qni filtqatctica dqiol t

rdl ui3aritsiaenq r
driqr€B{dwa€qetiqq}€q iscktih tt Qrt ( g. :. :.{.it )
If the blood, muscle-fat, kapha and viita residing normally in the head
undergo decrease or loss, the headache caused theleby will be very scvere,
undergocsincreaseby thclapies suchas fomerrtirtiorr,cnrc is, riasal drops and blood
letting. ( 6 )
{irquh <ta iirttsficrd iirqqcpi rgitats sFa: I
aturteatqqf]d vXd firittiarq:fr{hiq: e dk: tt .elr ( 1. c{.iv. )
Constantpricking pain, vely severeas though thc iread is being eatena\!ay
or going to explode h'om inside, dischargeol'rvater and pus fiom the noseale the
symptomsof headachecausedby krimis ( irrlectionby micro-organisms). ( 7 )
qdqri qr qfi qeq$EcRId r*- <giia .nar t
flq.ii qigc'dr stq qqiq{nl iqiaqiii q r
qqitcs t'cai G*'n' qalqa* agqla<iiatt z rt ( 1. d, ',{.:,. /
Headachestarting at the time of sun-rise,with pain in thc cycsand eyc-blrws,
gradually increasingin severitywith the uprvarci rnuvementof thc sun and slowly
reducingby the time of sun"setis called as Suryapavalta,a dlcaded diseaseproduced
by all the three dogasundcrgoingincreasetogcther.( B )
EIER6gcrqq cs q?qiddta qrerg rii gf,tarq r
{e'ii irqfa mitiarg iqi1q6r1 rrt tr
qwrzt qrd d sitf-d mri a-gedd'tTisi:r ilqrt t
aas6q1t'6gq16qficiqqitri i1<dt f!*nq u q" n ( .l s. :r i { )
All the three dogasundergoingincreasetogcther',invadc thc areasol'the nape
of the neck, eyes, eye.brows,templesancl procluccvcrv severepain. Throbbing or
pulsationsat the top of the cheeks, stiffircssof the lol,'i' jalv ar.rdpain in the eyes
accompany. diseaseof the head is known as Anarltavata caused by all the
three do;as.( 9-10 )
qql I i.l q ltq e<{ i.l.l r. l. q | (l rqqigi: r iqiqttqtqqeqtqd: tiiiils{ia: ll i,l, tl
*qar qrdt srsri qdtiqr ftr<dt qdr I c;qr1'{r6{urii{{oalsdsiaaiilq, It 11tl
trqrfi'rfirri sqldtsi €tslrlqlqc, I nqi qrs'qrr*l*ciitdt iaaratq rr i1 tr
Ovcr'-indulgenccin dry foods,too much quant"itvo{'lirodsfrequently,cKposurc
to direct breezeau,l snowlall, scxrralinttlt:oruse,supPrr:s:;irinof rrlues,pln si,',rl
exertion, exercise and such other causes,producc im:r'eascof vata, rvhich either'
oJthc Hcad 219
alone or in association *rrn
sevele pain in the sidesof the neck, eye-brolvs,temples, ear.s,eyesand lbrehead of
anyoneside ( left or right ) Pain will be very severeas though eut(ing by a sharp
weaponor churnedby a chumcr, somerimesdestroyingthe functionsofthe eyesor
ears. This diseaseis called Ardhtvabhecla.f I l-13 )
(q'fiqt|aar ggr:{r6ii &q{€oat r f,rawqrcqriR firi SaiFaEt€qrqu ic tl
e ierit fiqqirft farrqrg qd aqt I
fi<rqrdtfiri aiia u6*l a$ntr q({ | ;qqrd'rqii iqed crqrreqtqqflirt{ u 1\ tl
qlr ,f,rqrqafirfErfs+qr.lafu{r{ f$tir]rrkil{ sqrarl l \o ll

Rakta, pitta and vdta undergoing increasegetting localisedin the temples

producevery severe pain associatedwith burning sensation,reddishswelling which
creatcsstiffnessof the head and obstructionto the throat and causesdeath within
three days. This diseasc knolv' as sarikhakais to be consideredas incurablcand
cven within tirr-eedaysit shouldbc retusedrreatment.( 14_15
Thus ends thc chapter on $iro Rogas.

{irqrqn:qqrrK*orlaricqlarEfhigqp r
qrittsiictsRs'iurtq qrq{\qnnsqalfiqr s I
ti €"cftqrhaifaqfuolmn cqt €r{ik tt I tt
Women indulging in excess of incompatable foods, ovcr'eating, alcoholic
beveragesand uncooked foods; frequent abortions, excessive sexual intercourse'
riding on animals, walking long distances'grief, exhaustion, ( emaciation ) due
*urq carrying heavy loads,trauma, sleepingat day time and other causeswill
become africted with Pradara (excessive dischargeof rnenstruatflukl ). It is of
four kinds, produceC by kapha, pitta and vata separately and by all of them
together. ( I )
ered ceqqd (|tf{d saqiql
Generalsymptoms are,achesall overthe bodyand pain in the
of this disease
abdomenduring menstrualPeriod.
atarfiqtl ql*€duit qsal cq{cq r
{fr catttr qpg-eimqt tlqlrr ilaqn ll c. ll ( g. slr. I )
If there is too muchof menstrual dischargeit producesdebility, giddiness'
fainting, toxic state,thirst, burningsensation,delerium,pallor ol thc skin,stupor
and someof the diseases of vdta origin. ( 2 )
ard e{icotcfad qqp-gga6-ilalRd rsrg t
sfril*atfqecng".i fqqd*gn:tui{ir fiqlq rr t rt
uarcqi*fraqqnccdqrdrft qrdq fiftdl{snq I
eds€ftfRaladoi' cqcqni Sutdfiitqq tt c rt
<ierqspq cqEik ac{I ? ar sdlir f\vq{if*t<tq t
{Ilitq €Tq;dtqrqdqsorEracirqFqarq t
durtti g{ai a amqn?i ffif{ftqrr r u
kapha, thc menstrual clischargewill be ama
In pradara caused by increasecl
( ill-processed), smells,heavy, mixed with mucotrs,yellowish-rvhiteirt colour and
resemblesrice washed water; if prcduced by pitta, the dischargewill bc yellow,
Manonhagia 221
bluo, black or red in colour,watrn and comesout in gushes;if produced by veta
it is viscid, primson in colour, frothy, scanty, resemblingmutton washed water and
accompaniedwith vdtaja type ofpain; if the disease'iscausedby all the three doqas
together,the flow will be like honey,ghee, orpinrentor bone'marrowin colour aod
emitting cadavericsmell, this diseaseis incurableand the physician shouldnot treat
this variety.
Likewise,il the flow is continuing for long time and the patient develop
thirst, burning sensation,fever, losso[ blooC and debility such condition should also
be consideredas incurable. ( 3-5 )
crsrfuiiqcsqr€{t qg<tqEqfiq q t
iadkrgant<twriidg<erffiq rr1 tt
Menstruationis considercdnormal if it occurs regularly every month, for a
period of Iive days,the fluid not having mucus, neither too much nor too lessin
quantity and coming out without burning sensationor pain. (6 )
flmecgRdqq qer awKdlqc{ I
aElii?ic{iqf}a q{Icg n fi<sqi tt e ll ( g. srr.3T.R)
qft ,frqr'ra{<ia{fs+ qrrsft<IisgrRft(ti (qrE{ Il El ll

The menstrul fluid which resemblesthe blood of the rabbit or a solutionof

lac ( both are red in coiour ) and the cloth soakedin it, if washed in water does not
retain any stain, is consideredto be healthy. ( 7 )
Thus endsthe chaPteron Aslgdara.

qq frhacrqfaenq
H{rfuqiq+ qla} laGeriimie? r fhcqrqRur
arrdtqi q}rdia a tr t tt
ss-i {loiqrs iar* reg arr gqi6-r ( a. fa. u. r. )
Twenty diseasesof the vaginal tract have been enumerated.Theseoccur in
women rvho indulge in unhcalthy food and habits,by disordersof menstrualion,
of the ovary anC ovum ) and by influenceof gods.( I )
due to bijadoga( diseases
er hfrag<raair<: 6$ur gdi u -r,rl
qetqi aedsi leuria:gq fiqiqar{, 1qftpgarni }raih nrqrriqr ar€rtq tt 1 tl
qTirdr$1hlr tai]fl {tafiritE{tfgaT I
qdqcqlt aerg ua;t{iaaqilr l I l ( g. s. ar.i; )
The woman in whom the menstlualdischarge comesout mixed with mucous
and with difficulty ( pain ) is known as having a Udavartdyoni; the woman who has
stoppedmenstruatingand is sterileis known as Vandhya. She,who is having pair
alwaysis known as Viplulayoni; the woman feeling severepain duling sexual interc-
ourseis said to be having Pariplutayoni,the woman having hel vaginal tract very
rough, hard and stiff causingpain is known as havirrg Vatalal,oni. In the abovethe
first four, other symptomso[vdtavrddhi will alsobc present.( 2-4 )
wcr€dtqi <d qtqi qt rilRa€q I qqKqRtdtsi qildt <qqr \ rl
cqfi{fl qse q €tiirar gccqriqa'ir Rqd fiqii a{ia qri grsil <indaqtq tt Q tr
ertqiif+f,ar ifiqlaqr+cq<diqarr
{dqtsfi qterg fiqib*;pdt lliq lt s u ( g. s.'.{.it )
The woman who bringsabout large quantitiesof menstrualflorv accompanied
with burning sensationand goes in for severelossof blooCis known as having
Lohitakqayayoni;the lady who expelsout the ovum along ivith menstrualfluid
accompaniedwith a soundfrom insideis known as having Vaminiyoni;a lady who
has frequent menstruation with difficulty and who has difficuity during delivery is
said to be having Prasrafisini Yoni, the woman who conceivs the embryo but
aborts it due to lossof blood is said to be having Putraghniyoni, the lady who has
Diseavsof thc aaginaltruct 223
severe burning sensation,ulcerationin the vaginal tract accompaniedwith fever
is known as having Pittalayoni; in all the first four ofthe above disorders sympt-
oms of pittavriddbi; will also be present.( 5-7 )
i q;ftli qllzrrrfrorq€sfh | {fqTFdqftcr dla}€lqrq.rqi q-ffqeil d tl
igisa<orr qd gwrqihfiEai t qgtr:rrfrqrsnaritffsi a fiqfia tt q rr
riuqar iqEuariia: qsqc-{arsfd{ftad r
qdqssii qtqlg *cqfb*;g,if vlqrr i" lt (g s q :q )
The r,vomanrvho iloes not find pieasure during coitus is known as having
Atyanandayoni;she r.vhohas a ring like massproCucedby kapha and rakta inside
the passagcis knorvn as K,rrniniyoni;the woman rvho withdrawsherselffrom the
man during coitus prematurely ( i. c., hefore receivingthe semen) is known as
having Pr:ikcaranlyoni; and she who continues coitus fbr long period of time is
said to bc having Aticalanayoni, both thesetwo will not retain thc seed ( do not
conceive). womau whoscvaginal passageis having severeitching and coldness
is known as posscssinrSlegrnalayoni. In the first fbur of the aboyedisorders,other
symptomsof incrcaseoi kaphawill also be preserrt, ( B-10 )
srardqrsrd;iie"-$rq(rq{fi a igl r s{{h*rqgdiatqrcaqqznriirosdr
qAE lt Lt u
fi1ar a q€ritiir qdia*rsihdgar I q{fiasqgiqm q{ttqc*Jqil u tatl
qaqEqfq qfqtg q{iaispdr qiq I
serqrrqr xq;fr€ itaq: qeiitqqt: il q,eil ( i. :. a. :c )
ife ,,itqrua,rfqrf-ii qr';sfaarq qlfla;qrqf"rti qqrc{q tr !l tl

The latly wh' is not r.e.rtru;rting, wiro has no development of breastsand

who experierrL;es liiqi.lity duLi.q coitusis knowrras $alqli; Andaltis the woman
rvhosevagira has P'ollpsccldolv. bv rnatingwith vel'ystout man, the woman whose
vaginal prssagciri r''rt' rvilc is known as Vivrtil anclshe who has ve'y narrow
passageas SiicivaktrL ( suiirnukhi ). In all the above four, other symptoms of
increaseof all the three dogastogetherwill also be found. ( tl-13 )
Thus endsthe chapter on Yonivydpat.

RqKEcRlireitrtqi6anreqiaign1 r
€atu aepariql6pl, gfnar qqr n l, tl
g*firadnni fissrofrdfiirr r
wqqfrdqErqli crgr tn;Qrq fifis: rrt rr ( g. e. q. c )
Sleepingduring day, frequent fits of anger, physicalstrain.,excessivesexual
intercourse,injury by nails,teeth and other foreignbodiesmakeforincreaseofthe vdta
and other dosaswhich produce a massin the vagina of the sizeofjujube fruit, round,
filled with pus and blood known as Yoni Kanda. ( l-2 )
qqifil'i aft* t efif*i-q I Era{Frcr(gd
fiqrq ft?rir* g dq u I rl
lSfid qqgmd
*ogsqqd61{i *.qrtci6q sdldssqrg+ qfacrdrtq,*
r Rj, rri rr
{fc dlqr{q farfit qraafqqr} *fa+;Efiqrd q{rr{Tc l !i lt

Ifthe massis rougb, discolouredand fissureditis ofvdta origin; burning

sensationored colour and accompaniedwith fever are found in that ofpitta
blue and resernblinga flower of atasi( linseed) and having itching are founj io
that of kapha origin; presenceof all the sympromsin that causedby the increaseof
all the three dogasare seenas the featuresof this disease.( 3_4
Thus endsthe chapteron yoni Kanda.


qq r{aqdfrEr;rq
uqr{iranldqdcqcrflffifR{qq t rrt wft <eqqeqd qdi lTaqrr t rr
Suddenfear, injury ( assault), ingestionof foods and drinks whicb are very
heat producing and hot make the pregnant woman to abort the embryo from
insidcthe uterus, accompanicdwith pain and heavy bleeding.( 1 )
lnrqgslca'l crqlicqa(rik{qr I ad: Rq(drr'i\Qq qrar q{qqEir u -<l
If this happens within the fi.rsi four rnonthsof' pregnancy when the uterine
contents are still in fluid srateit is known as Ga'ohasrava ( abortion and if it
happensin fifth or sixth month whe. the embryo has developed hard parts, it is
known as Garbhapdta( miscarriage). ( 2 )
rr$s&erd{AEcnratitearircd gcdis s-d qah aia r
Just asa ripe fruit falls from a tree,garbhapatatakes placeby trauma on the
abdomen,unhealthyfoods,unnecessary massageor pressureover abdomen.
qrr nttR qiFr qg qrrrii q(dr <\fiea<dig qfirtrq u I tl
If vEta gets increased,ir causesdifificultyin delivery accompaniedwith
in the uterine passagesand abilomenand obstructionto micrruition. ( 3 )
gft$*a lagia aar q rrii: dGqrqdratErgElqgifr itfi\ |
ad fiouq iimqr eatq mibqqlal;oii<qfiqfiias-E-i?arrr s'
<*a nfaqa<rg g<aia hdrait qqk miar{qrqqil$qr r
wnh5rrfttfr aie oflreiauurqfafti aqa iaql rrq rr
vata undergoing increasecreatesmany .kinds of abnormal
_ - presentations of
the foetusinsidethe vagina;chiefamong such presentarionsare following
eight; I )
obstructionof the mouth of the uterus by the face olthe foetus,
Z ) oUrtiu"fioo
by the abdomenof the foetus,3 ) obstruction by the back of the foetus
and shortened,4 ) by one shoulderof the loetus,5 by both the shoulders,
i 6 ) by
thc body of the foetus in transverseposition, 7 by the face of the foetus
) bent down,
8 ) obstruction by the flanks of the foetus. ( 4-5 )
tifanl cligr' qftitsq dtwriqre'erga<o\r
f'{rgr e dlhq, r
qfi q fr uafr<#io] er*, gi, d@ q ft qrcifr r
rnbsqacfirq: s q ds*rcit *i ft.ra, e cfisr qfihr
Ocrr:l q tl
226 MadhaoaNidanam

S imc otlrer authorities cnumeratcfour kinds of presentations,viz,, ktlaka,

pratikhula, parigha and bijaka.
Kilahr is Lhatin which the mouth of the uterusis blockedby the raisedhand
or fr:et of thc fortusl bcnding of tir,' boily of tlre foetuslike a horse'shoof with both
firn,ls antl f.'st ,:olirrg r:losel in front obstructingthe uterusis Pratikhura; the two
siroui.leis aurl hc.r,l of the {betusobstructing is Bijaka and tbe foetusin transverse
ir-rnliL: ri,,'iti,ltol a dool ilrsidethe ntcrusis Parigha.(6 )
qqaqiir(I qr g {itilsi fa<qqqrt
.fiolnaiq<r Ei;a <t rr{ q q ai aril ll s tt ( g. f.r.w. o )
'fhc in laboul ivho is unablc to keep/hold ]rer head straight,whose
body ha; becr,i'rr,cc.-,lJ, rvho has lost ller natural shyness/,irrdwho has developed
blue prornirrr:,rtveins on the abdomen,is going to kill not only the child but also
hersell'.( 7 )
qqflq;qaerdiai cutlltr qzlgqpgat I
uig;qwqfatd q&?dt$adi i{{il rr z rr ( g. fr. *. < )
Absenccol movernerrtsof the loetusanrl also of the labour pains, blue or
yellolvislr.rvhiterliscolourationol the bodv, bad ynell in her breath and abnormally
big abdomenarc thc sylnptom: ol the woman whosefoetusis dead inside.( B )
qnqln;qf\elqaqati: cfika: t rlrit aqgqe Sd aqrfirfire{fififber rt q tt
I)eatl of' the lbetusmay t:rkc place even due to niental disorders,external
injury, exccssivephysicalstlaitr for the mothel and as au effectof many diseases.
qlfitiq<qi qsr Sqi'iq.FS qs ;I | €;gr fe{ qarrrii qrilmpilgqqil: p to 1 (q f,1.i{. q)
Yonisarirvarrlu ( total obstr-uctionof the utcfus ), kuk;isanga ( dead foetus
stayinil in thc utcruslbl long tirnc ) aud makkalla.( pain after delivery) dcveloping
as complic;rtionsol nruclhagarblra are going to kill the woman. ( l0 )
rmorircq,u q n )
( aqr rgfi-a,sqiq d6rc aflt qdq I qarqrEiia<-lsfiaqri
rfr- "itqr.ra{tfsrfqi qr?rafn(iasdrldftErq qqTraqll ':, lt

( Mrkkalla ir tlelinetlas a iliseaseproducedby increaseclvita causing obstru-

ctiorl to thc rliseiralgi: of' uterirre fluicl alier. cleliverv accomparriecl
lvith pain in
the regionot the lrcart, hearland urinary bladder.)
Thus endsthe chapter on l\{udhagarbha.
C H A P T ER 6 5

!fiq qRfrTt{rRErdq
wye{ ca<r6-rq:&qrsr g€qpral t eilqr {[otfhqt<} e qfi*ritqaqraTq,ll I ll
General malaise, fevcr, tremors ( chills ), thirst, L.cling of hcavincssof thc
''ltc sympl<lmsof Sotika
body, swelling, pain in the ab'-lotllcn urn,lllialrhoci't arc
roga ( peurperal.lisolders). ( I )
&c,itq{rq(dtnrilAqcl*oidlgnr( | ttiirlnlqlzi i iqt qtq-i EI€qlrEa ll R ll
q(alalEqeqzl!:r a;qrciqcQ*tql: tqqlatndlfrql: ll i ll
qlcgqqqlrll tsll
Erqr{rrrqrG i i.n, dtqciqqatliar t h q;i qiasntfl ttqtti
qcrqc ll ! { I I
cft "ftqttTaniqt f'-r4 qi'{qft lt'i qfltrr}qft<t{

Ithy activities( improper manrgenren"ol'petrrperium), physical stfain' improper
loodsand drinks and use of uncookedloods'
Fever, diarrhoea, oedema, pain and distention of the abdomen'
stupor,lossof appetitie,excessivesalivation and other disor''lcrscauscrlby itrcrease
of kapha ^nd uei" rlio rranittst are to be co'sidere,l:rs clifficultto treat in view
of polr strenqth.lrhc and oi rligestiveactivitl'. All thesediseases derivethe
nameas Sutikl rogasor Inay evin aPPearas its cornplications' (2-a )
endsth,j i:hrptet on Sutika lLoga'

qq TiTrrtqfrqriq
ed{ ers"ag'u)q1qFqitqr ta* raqr r rqu eiert}t .oritmq caqarr
t rr
Do6as undergoingincreaseand getting localisedin the breasts
pcriodof lactationor in otherperiodsarso,producemanydiseases
ofthe breasti.0)
q{rarcfi ici G <u,diqaflirfiar r
aaqili qmarfr qruftqfiraqri:rrL rl
cf( t'trrq++rfarf* rnasft<r+ raatJqfqcri qqTcrcl q! ll

. The five kinds of diseasesof the breasts ( producedby the increase

of vtta,
pitta, kapha,all the three together and external agents
) will be having similar
symptomsas described for the correspondin types
4 &ranyu vidradhi( a'bcesses )
cxcludingof course,the raktaja vidradhi. ( 2 )

Thusendsthe chapteron StanaRoga.

e[q {dec-gGFqrTq
q*tq& rrrlg cur gaia eqqer <i1ail)*-aanagmaaorgsairr c.rr
afn tegnhririarserrEfqr aaEdnqorraqrtdaqlicq*ei c rr
Just as Sukra( reproductiveelementof the male ) thoughdescribedas present
all over thc body cannotbe seen even if any part ofthe body is cut open,but
comes out of the body of its own accordby the sight, remembrance,hearing
touchof the woman loved, sheer pleasure or the mind being thc c.ur
foi it,
discharge. Similaris the casewith stanya(breastmilk ). ( l-2 )
gre'd earne a,ii ? r e{ap(qti||il{Rd 16'.qERkqr rri rr
cwrrr rtt(€.r gmattfiaiii r dit iar-a<taelai igt;€ rru rr
Even thoughbreastmilk is in8uencedby food, (getspreparedand becomes
availablein sufficientquantity after the delivery ofthe child it will flow freely
) by
the touch,sight, remembrance and fondlingof the babyjust as semen,from the body
of males'The cause of continuouslactationis the love of the mother towards
child. ( 3-4 )
g6nftRl<id*{i' qir-eq I qftt qrg:gnrtc anrirrn wqi rr\ u
_. .Indulgencein indigestableand other types offoodsand improperactivities
which bring about increaseof the dogasin the body also bring about abnormalities
in thc breastmilk whichbecomesthe causefor many diseases of the child. ( 5 )
uvri ebagrft re"i crcatfcaq r ag:riraeoi 1 q tl
tagf ei ii Rcofh qfi;saq I fifi;5 a;asifiqrqqdfff Frfrvwqrrs rr
Milk vitiated by the increaseofvata, will be astringentin tasteand floatson
water;that vitiated by pitta will be pungent,souror salty in taste and appearsas
having yellowish threads; vitiated by kapha,it will be thick, sinksin water and
sticky;combinationof two or three dogas togetherwill producetheir corresponding
symptoms.( 6-7 )
rgd arrgfifuefuffqqfi qlug\ | eg< arEwt a re,j aq lrrwi rre rr
rlr dfqld-a-{1fqrf* qrqEft(r} K.qgfgfc(ri ttrrrw{ l \s tl

Breast milk is said to be normar when it is found to mix evenly with watcr, is
slightly yellowishwhite in colour and sweetin taste. ( B )
Thus endsthe chapter on StanyaDu91i.

qrr Er€furfrQTq
qngi ftrg: tard fuqq.qra.r{r{(: I qrrc{irr samr rqEqfiu{dqtair: tt I tl
Thc child which chinksrni k lvhich is vitiated by increaseof vdta in the lactat-
d with diseasesof vata origin. It will developfeeble
ing mother, will become:Lffiicte
voice and emaciation.( I )
fiqdt ftr*{dt qlar {'tcori'r?iqsr{ r EcorrgaEqqElsr
fi?gi qqr ftq{ tt L tt
Drinking milk whiclr is vitiated by pitta will makc the child affiictedwith
of pitta origin, it will havc perspiration, diarrhoea, jaundice,thirst and
increasedbody tcnrpcratrrre.( 2 )
{sgc f}{{ Eftt ardrg: >.isqtlqqrqI iaqiliqa} qe: ?raqx'tRqe{a:
lflgr tt 1 tt
Drinking milk 'rhiclr is vitiatc,.l by irrcreaseclkapha, will make the child
affiictedby diseasesof liaplrr oligin, it rvill havc cxcessivesalivation and sleep,is
inactive, developssur:llinqof thc fat:t';lnrl evcs;rnrl vonritting. ( 3 )
s;49 q;gd o.i qii edearorqr
v i L i a t e i il r 1 ' r . i r c i L r , ; r t . r s co l [ \ \ ( ] o r ; r l j t l r t l l r c r : d o s a sw i l l h a v e t h e i r
respect ve synrPtonls togctll.r.
firriiriiisrqalarq tEarg{iEqq tr g rr
e d qiq€d ?d qe q tqdctqc: I a" iqq;qii,qfu qd arikfi*aqtq u \ ll
dfB fisrcqcgraaitrranrir | ,rtEcl;rggnqakaiaqi(iq tr q rl
ard gi a ftcq1{qarup.rflqroirr qJairq*tii q;dta{ qqAqargg{g: tt o u
Pain or discomfort in chil,lren shoul,lbe rccognisedby its severe or mild
crying respectively.The part of the body which the child touchesby its handsor
the part which the child doesnot allorv touching by othersis to be recognisedas the
painful part or part affectedby diseases.Headacheor other diseasesof the head is
tobe un.lerstoodby the closure oftheeyes by the child: painor diseasesofthe
abdomenby the presenceol constipation, vomitting, biting of the breast,gurgling
noisei'r the intestines,abnorrnal distention,bending backwarclor forward by the
abdomen;pain or diseases of the urinary bladder or rectum by suppr.ession of urine
of Chiklrcn
Ch.68, Diseascs 231
or feces, lright anl unsteady vision; the physician should also carefullyobserve,
frequentlythe orifices,parts,.iointsand othel placesof the body ol the child. ( 4-7')
qrqa ia aid {!si q qe;gg: rl z ll
stqt; d<*qG6{tatiq qtffa I
qe, 1 q;df;f16qqrq:ll q ll
G, oqleara{b6earcn*iorqr t*t ardl'ri
KukoTaka is a cliseaseof the eyeJidsof children due to the effect of vitiated
breast milk. The eyesrvill be having itching and exudation; child will be found
rubbing its forehead, eyes aud round.about areasand nose, it is incapable of
seeingsunlightnor opcning of thc lids. ( B-9 )

Frar !6crA q{iivqr: ra;d qtq: fisqfi | 6l€f}{tl{ilcEa;qt6lqql€iqrti: ll i,o ll

gJA-*Eqwr q aqlg: qt{(q{tn( r itri q{i}rqrc'i a g=etaalisitqaq ll !,1 ll

children drinking milk of thc mothcr,$'hLrhascorxiurfrtltlvl.rccomcpfegnant,

such children will devclopcough,poor digestiveability, vomitting, stupor' emaciati-
on, lossof appetite, giddinessand enlargement ofthe abdomen. This is
Lnown as Parigarbhikaor Paribhava and should be treated with drugswhich in'
creasethe digestion.( l0-1'l )
argciQ {sr€qr 5re irlgi6qa;6{| aa atgc?{rzr fiaarq$i srql ll q? ll - .
algqKr ra?aq: 6s?q qri tI6<E€IqI Zsiii{t!.1{qqsl qlnlgti{4r qlqr tl ll
Kapha unciergoingincr.casc ill the musclcsol the palate o1'thechild pro'luce
Talukautaka. The palatc Jcvelopsa depressionin its uppe| cufvatulc or hatrgs
down. child will haveavcr.siorrto brc;rsts,dLinkswith difliculty, has watery stools'
holl the ncck ( hcad),pairrin thc cyr:,,rrcck( rlrrr.ri) anrl rrroulhinability lc-r
uprightand vonrittinq.( l2--13)
heicq firfr' ltFlal{if qRatf is: I qt[EsIJc€tqiilalqlatcsq]'asrll l'B ll
ilSrrqi r<ri qrfi aqqEt g?inlE I
Visarpa( erysepelas ) which devplopsin children on the head and the
red in
urinar.y bladder,due to incr.easeof all the three dogas togetherwill bc
colour as that ofa lotus petal and so is called as Mahdpadma' It may also
rectunl This is a
in the ternplesspreading to the chcsrand {iorn the chest to the
fatal disease.( 14 )
gain s qfqi iqqqEqflE{ile ll q\ ll
describcd under kqudrarogas
Ajagallika and AhiP[tana-the two diseases
also manifestin chilth'encotrttnotrly'( 1 5 )
cq{rfl 6{rqq:qil caai i gtRarr| {laaasii h aaktqr' 5r+: q{r ll 1qll
232 Madhaua Niddnam

Jwara ( fever ).and all other rnajor diseaseswill also afrect children and
should be recognisedby the learned ( physicians ) by their specific symptoms' ( 16 )

arailglasAqrtr! qqtt{qia itRfir r a€ri-iqkqfh qrCicr;etaAqqI ll lo ll

qIqSEu 1z ll
ctt Rtaa 6ar4<rlqnn{i ry,rt I qi lErqlaqeald*d scfh
qrdfsR fifir qrqfi {1at€l hrqfqs-H{r r qiecitfqarrf;qar n irl*tlfr qqt g<r ll qq ll
qtcF{ cqgcrai oqqi qgqlEilq,l
Child becoming suddenlyemotional ( irritable ), fretful ( affiicted by fear ) and
beginsto cry without any apparent cause,scratchesthe mother or its own self,has
an upward stare,bites it, teeth, makesa moan' yawns more, iiowns with the brows,
licks the gums and lipr, emits lroth in vomitting, becomes emaciated,does not
sleep at nights, with eyesswollen, loosemotions, broken voice, body emiting bad
smell like that o[ fleshanC blood and not taking fool as before.theseare the general
symptomsseenin casesof posse ssionby Grahas ( evil spirits). ( l7-19 )
qfiaetq ql:rtq €[iI: tq:Ea{rwr{ l Ro tl
srd ecqr fiqlata qmrcft(6{Frr{: I E;at{qKlh iqq€r €;ti iffiqqfr 1111 11
{{;qeEgdtaFi ilEd qrcqiq q t
by Skandagraha,it will be having flow of tears in
Ifthe child is possessed
one eye,heavy perspiration,shiveringand convulsions,gaze fixed up, irregularity
of the face,smell of blood from the mouth, biting of the teeth, fretfulness,doesnot
relish the breastmilk and criesmildlv. ( 20-21 )
acdft qlq*i dsrqrafhifQiirr qaailfhanfiuidrin;E$ttqnoqrqqll RRll
Frothy vomitting anC fainting and crying too much on gaining consciousness,
oody emitting the smell of pus antl blood are the features of the child possessed
Skandipasmara.(22 )
qrar*f lr{qkdt fia*qfu: I alqlq;rqrqfidtftar<*ratq t
tdttar rRaag, sqr€cr*fiAft xlft fugr sir: 15rq11111 11
Drooping of the limbs, fretfulness,body emitting of smell of birds, exudative
ulcerson the body, skin stu'lded with papuleswhich.form pus and having burning
sensationare the symptomsof the child possessedby Sakunlgraha( 23 )
nt, rcitifbd qri cair|;dqa{stl &qqel c{t qra t{frqraaqq ll ?,8ll
Skin wirh boils and ulcers exuding blood having the smell of sil! watery
motions, fever and burning sensationin the body are the symPtoms in a child
possessed by Revatigraha. ( 24 )
Ch.6B, Discascs 233

Diarrhoea,fever,thirst, body bent sidewards,crying, lossof sleepand irrita'

bility are seenin the child possessed by Putanagraha'( 25 )
sl;qtaaqr qaq ll 1q tl
sHr mt<ilc.r(rq6olrEqrrFlilsfhiEaq r ra-aiisftetral
Vomitting, cough,fever, thirst, body emitting smellor musclefat, with too
much of crying, aversion to breastmilk and diarrhoeaare seenin child possessed
by Andhap[tana.( 26 )
iqi qrei ddt trffi RqFlrdr I Bqidqrcgsrr tftaqaaw R@r ll 19 ll
Abnormal movementsofthe bodyparts,cough, emaciation,disordersof thc
eye,bad smellfrom the body, vomitting and diarrhoeaare seenin childrenpossesscd
by Sitaputana.( 27 )
c(f,soiq(ir le<rftnfildgar | (:tffrfi rr Ea!{ft gqsFsGFqI rriq tt rz tt
Brightnessof the face,appearanceof veinsprominently on the body' smellof
urinefrom the body and child eating too muchof foodare seenassymptomsof
Mukhamap{ikagraha.( 28 )
sftrq(tq ;Earuateno\eq;oliirrGvar:
qui qriqi+aq iqilqqd qaq rrRqll
in the neck,drynessof the mouth, fainting bad
Vomitting,visible pulsations
smellfrom the boCy,gazefrxeJup anCbittingof teethareseenin childrenpossessed
by Naigameyagraha. ( 29 )
s{at}{qilrdaafrgae erfrd ggr t
d qroqfi{cfia qar dqoiaqrqr ll 10 ll
qfr {tqras+tkrfst qr;afdelt Erqr}qftEln sclcn{ ll lc ll

Lossof movement o[ tbe eyes, aversionto the breast, frequent faintings

an1 appearanceof all the symptomstogetherare fatal signsin children posessed.
evil spirits. ( 30 )
Thus endsthe chapteron Bela Rogas.

qq fqqilrrf.iqraq

tqtqt cfd *q fiftd fiog.oa t qararn*erri r<rqqt qqlfidrrc{ rr q,rr

Poisonsare of two kinds; Sthavara and Jafigama.Roots and other parts of
plants are Sthavaraand poisonfrom animals like snakesareJaflgama.( I )
frqi a'ai si <raqqniAqadoq,r rftd *qrflcrt q qsd $€eficq u -+u
Sleep, stupor, exhaustion, burning sensation, indigestion, horripulatiotts,
swellirrgand diarrhoeaare thc gcn,:raisytuptomsr:ausedby .JafrgamaVi$a ( animal
rqrqt q aE{ftai +aq,i rratra{,r fra;oeirfqlat{iq;di q sqi E?rr{,
u I ll
SthdvaraViga will generallyproduce fever,hiccough, thirigling of'thc gunrs,
pain or difficulty in the throat, liothy vomitting, lossol'appetite, difhculty in breath-
ing and fainting. ( 3 )
rlkait cgsqpi arrturg<eaotrI srdtqrlaqqnl{nl,rtE*udkcq tt c tt
i EErqttt git fiqgdanfa -I t srqlsiqg ddlqi {rqi qdi {ctq rr\ rl
E<iqtrqrq rsJeqiqgalfriia&c*q. r iqart< q{[h qtaa{r;q:Fqfrari tt Qtt
Rqafrs* uqrss q*r fhfefieatqic | E'irrnior a filittaq tt o tl
q<ii iqq{ti q fqq{nt iqiaar t ( '; 'r ' ,r. 2 )
An intelligentpcrsurr( plrysici.Ln) ean ti,r.l out the Vi;rddta ( persor:who is in
thc habit of administeringpoisonsto othels) by his Lalk,actionsanJ lacial expression;
such as-does not quickly answerthe questiotr, fcigns ignorance,gives wt'ongand
irrelevant replies,talks like a fool, laughsrvithout any reason, makesknuckleslronr
his frngers,scratchesthe ground by the toes,sbivers,l'earsothers,looLsat othels for
support,weals ,lirty cloths' puts r-rnbad expressiotlon the face, te:rt's cloths,etc , by
his nails,acceptsa se.rrrvith tirnidity:rnI h.:sitatiorr,lrullsouLlri-.[,rirs by the hands
and behavesin a very unusualnlatllet. (4"7 )
zizi qaiai, cat'if lita q? E tl 4 ll
grgoi aqi vqt€td'ta:'rrii'r,l 1 t g':af1q: siaia"{<l{ts'7a'{q,qq ll e' rl
tlucto Poison
Ch,69, Disaascs 235
rrar{,S"cFft{dG<t€{rieErqqq ir I iEFrttt(R<l<R*rag*riefiafi tt t" tt
urrqEl.l'uqqrwqloteqsdqqrr| +nrn: drfitf*e$t g€rrrar u {t tl
adtc;i urg&tdcal <raueig{i t
cfiorilasrdfi frqroiarfifiGit tt li, ll ( g +.e{.I )
Poisonousroots consumedwill produce pain all over the body as though hit
by a stick, delerium and delusion; poisonousleaves will produce excess yawning,
chills, difficulty in breathing and delusion, poisonousfruits will causeswelling of the
face,r burnine sensationand aversion to food; poisonous flowers will cause vomitt-
ing, distentiol o[ the ablorn:n an,1 difficulty in bleatbing;poisonous barks,gum,
extract, etc.,will proJucebad smell in the mouth, roughnessofthe body, headache
and exudation of fluid from mouth, nose,etc, poisonous latex ( milky juice of
plants) will cause [r'o[h 1t the mouth, diarrhoea and lbelingof heavinessofthe
bodyl p,-risonous rniner,rl.i,ofes,etc., will proJuc,: pain iu the region of the heart,
fainting and burning sensationin the palate.
All tbe abovekinds of poisons are generally Kalagbatt-kill the personafter
long period of time. ( B-12 )
qer: Et* wqi q*q s;it: qaqm qGqAqFqfiqotq. I
waftti igxetariqia qiar;qid fi,it qriq qer I {1 u
ElqI {;BI sq(qta it q{q {btrraai ti gw 6qqAE r
lberiariq $qlqiq+dilflq,ictq Ed qrRrq u Lc rr
eq'iti qaqqrd gtt,i isiirvrrii r
hagari erit lqqdtdacrQi{ u lc u ( g. r" 3{"r )
The rvounC ur.riicr';oingpus formation imrnecliately,dischargeslot of blood
again and again and under goes decomposition,black coloured with too much of
exudate,emitting foul smell and the surrounding musclesfalling off by decomposi-
tion are thc signsof lvounCscausedby weapons smearedwith poison;the person
with suchwounds will be having thirst, faintirrg,fever and burning sensationalso
in addition.
Sometimesenemieswill put poisonsinto ordinary woundsof persons, or makc
the woundedpersondrink poisonby forcel even in these conditionsalso the above
signsand symproms will be founcl. A pc'sou who eliminates stools which is yellow
or black in colcur rescmblingchimney soot and bringsout frothy vomitting is to be
consideredas administerctlpoison.( l3-15 )

l, lt ls moreappropri.rteto read.Mukha' insteadof Mugka in this stanza.

236 MailhavaNidlnan
! ! i : -

areliq-ccrrcri fiFrcosf}trfiarr I qqt$d qcrcqltrr, q€q;irq a;e6fior: tt lQ tl

Snakeswith a hood,thosewith patchesantl the oneswith stripesare'classified
the propertiesand qualitiesof vata,pitta and kapha respectively'
aspossessing The
will be having
hybrid snakes mixedqualities of two or more (
dogas. 16 )
,idt ritfiroa,6(qrrq{eraii{Ksq | {A qcsfoq: dlrit qg, iiT{lqrr<er{ ll qo ll
q&duQ rri(ar fiq<dlq:r {ifisa: t
aug: kaf15ftqr;alqqsi*6c[qi6l(F( tl iz ll
The site of bite of a hooded snake will be black and it causesall the sylnPtoms
of vatav5ddhi ( increaseof vdta ) to manil'est;that of the mal{ala ( snakcwith
patches)will be yellow in colour, with soli swellingand producesall the symptoms
of pittavgddhi( increaseolpitta ); that ofthe rajila (striped snakes) will be having
a hard swelling, sticky and exudeswhitish, sticky and thick blood from the wound
and causesthe appearanceof symptomsof increasedkapha. ( 17-18 )
q1;Eqtg sZGqdg I
qrQ q qctrqRqddtqr*ir ftr<rcdg i a qet' tt 11 tt
Biting by snakes happenins trear an Asrvattha tree ( Ficus religiosa)' in a
temple,crematorium and ant hill; iIr thc evetriugs, at c16ssroads,i1 the constellation
of bharar.rland if the bitc is on sirlmarmas (vital spotson the body having promi'
nenceof veins) shouldbe rejecteclfor treatment.( l9 )
q{l*<ui fiengudk qql{h;iloi figoirwfk r
The poisonof hooded snakesis an instatrt killer and that of othersbecomes
twice powerful if associatedwith hcat ( tou:h of fir'e,hot objects,fomentation,hot
season,etc. ). ( 20 )
erfio'ift<nq{tlchgqr}g cig gglaig tr ?."tt
q'tqreiiGR 6cg*uiis€ rr$adg arii r
Likewisethe cl{ect o[poison wiil be doubly poivelful in pclsonssufferingfrom
iodigestion,diseasesdue to increase ofpitta, exposureto sun; in children and the
aged, who are hungry, wounded,suifcringti'cm cliabetesantl leplosy, who are ill'
nourished, and women, specially the prcgnaut' ( 20 1
flaqre q€qa <cifr qGil adrfirq a cilrq{iart at tr
diarirr<iiasa itqaql fierlxqi eRasiita r
fid gd q{q q +iltttif ;ltalElrlr{q q.FEElrR:ll RL ll
6(ur: Gr(iE:esqg4r{il qeitr f}errid q iqqddtqr r
q{driar qrq fitft q*rqs.'aiqu{q'1"d qrq tt ?.1tl
Ch.69, Diseatcsducto Poison 231
qgrfawara6t* qcc ii qIfr iw qftqsiiq r
qrwqrq.igqq* eI *a<q( qrscqqqT ie'eoiqrrru rr
erftsriqtiqiftd q sftqt ai qri a aa 5alq t
Blood not flowing out even if a cut is made,marks of blow not appearingon
the skin even il beaten by a stick or rope, sprinkling o{ cold water ( on the face )
not causinghorripulations( not arousinghirn to consciousness ), if found in a person
bitten by snakesshouldbe relusedtreatment.
Irregularity of the face,falling of hairs ( or pulling out the hairs by force by
the personhimself) deformity in the nosc, inability to hold the neck stlaight, black
blood oozing out and swellingat the site of bite, stiffnessof the lower jaw seenin
the patient, he shoulclalso be rejected.
Similarly,saliva, coming out of thc nrouth likc a thick rvick, blood coming
out of the body through both upper and iower orifices, lack of expertiseof the
physicianto removethe poison,such patientsshould also be refusedtreatment,
He who has lost the balance of mind, who has many complications,who has
fceble voice and discoloulation, who has developed siensofdeath and wbo is not
having the urgesof the body ( urge or sensationof urination, defecation,etc., in
other wordsfully senseless) if seenin a patient, he shouldalso be rejected.(21-24)
*oi fiqsiciqfu€d qt qrqfsqnnc{it{id qr n ?.\tl
{qnrqif il gqiqcdii ii,i G qdiae-rrgila I ( 1. +. a. r )
Poisonoussubstanceswhich arc very old, which have been mixed with anti-
poisonousdrugs, wh ich have been dried up by forest fire, breezeand sunJight and
those which by nature are not having one or more (powerful ) properties of
poisons-all theseare given the name Dugi vila. ( 25 )

ftqleqrlqrafiwalaq *sriiad nfaung<FlrrtQ rr

iafiit firqg{iqsoitiq'lqieqga: &vrd r
{-E i qF rr{qsFEflc q fi*ccr+s{iaqFgqrerr ?,eu ( g. 6. sr.R)
Becauseof its poor potency it doesnot kill the person(either suddenlyor
evenlater ), but gets associaredwith kapha and remains insidethe body without
undergoing digestion. The person who is afllicted with such poison will be having
diarrhoea, discolouration.,bad smell from the body, bad tastein the mouth,
thirst, faintings, giddiness, stamntering, vomitting, unnatural movements and
(26-27 )
238 MadhaoaNidanam

emrrq{A $$qrat'ft, qfifl{eisMtiifi |

tiqtg<*aR'rituarfr f*qaqqqg qqr haT: l ?.2lr ( g. o. w. r )
It it is loclgedin thc stomach,the pelson becomesa patient of diseases of
lapha-vdta;if it is in the intestines,he becomesa patient of diseasesolvdta and
pitta, losesall the hairs of the head and the body ancl lppears like a bird whose
wings have been pulled otr ( 28 )
qdoq t.ith qr<lqyqqfinrrd I
Rqti <
*,i q nftartiegftlg <rcrg, td ag arq qqq n 1q r ( g. $. 3{.R)
If it is lodged in the rasa and other dhatus ( tissues) of the body,lit produces
those diseaseswhich are likely to develop in those tissues;the symptomsbecome
severeor troublqsomeby exposureto cold wind and on cloudy days Firsr, note its
signs.( 29 )
fr{tg€ni q fiqrqor q fq*vqqiqqqlsrqiq. I
rcr cil-.qeesdiqmntlq+ q!-qd6l6q:c il eo ll
eia6ri'qatllfrri q;eii aw sfiicqtfhqr<q I
(c'tRd rqrqqqrv<ia gqlqqE& qa<rq qdi u ?t u ( g. n. q. 1 )
Excessivesleep, leeling of heavinessof the body, yawning, loosenessof joints,
horripulations, mild pains in the body, toxicity alter meals, indigestion, lossof
aPPetite, appearanceof rashes and papules on the skin, emaciation, profound
swellingof the feet, fainting, vomitting, diarrhoea, difficulty in breathing,thirst,
fever and enlargement of the abComen-are the symptoms causedby Dugl
v!a. ( 30-31)
$Rl-{crqwn}q qsaRrdlErrs?r?Etrirgma r
qr(qqrqtriis Si attdrfkor<tar.r![c6rrr{ il lc, il ( g. +. u. i )
Somekinds ofdiigt viga will produceinsanity,someothers enlargementof the
abdomen, some other causeloss of semen, yet others cause stammering and some
othcrsproduceleprosyand many other diseases. ( 32 )
(fcd ?n*r6rqfi{trqd<,if Frr, r
qREr(dtQqq{ ae{r{t{lfid aqd{ ll At ri
t|Grnricqnredt qpq'ie€ilfiqat r
lftfiwcrud eqqa'lqrqrficQaiarir tc n ( g.{. 3r.i )
Dugtviqais so called because
it vitiates the dhatus ( tissues) often and on,
iniuenced and supported by de3a(habitat ), kela ( season ), anna( food ) and
divSsvapana day sleep). It is curable,if it is of recent origin and in personsof
Ch.69, Discavsdueto poison 2Zg
strong will; it beconrcs
ch.orricafter one year and ir is incur.ablein personswho are
emaciated,weakanl who inlulgc in unhcalthy fbcds and a,:rivities.(gl-24
dlrr.qr?iiqqr rai Git ilnrsqr{ qsr{ |
{I1cgilia q{r{ qzr;gtqsfqlz*atarr1\ rr
i' rqtqwg, uo:istqfedrarcilqqsl r
cq"qqqan:fli E{iT:i}r fiq66orq il Aq tl
wat aauitqlft qq g€q: qrril cq<: r
q;iRqtq qr;qrq 6zlriftsrfi qri\ rr is rr
expectingwealth ( or other benefits ) or in<.lucedby lbes, adnrinister
. ^ -\fomen
artiEcial poisonto men consistingof sweat,polvderof parts of the body,
fluid and excretions (ofpoisonous o, ,ron-poirorous animals mixeci
) with food"
These poisonsare known as Gara viqa (homicidalpoison).The pcrson becomespale,
emaciated,of poor digestion, pain or other difficultiesin vital organs, distention
of the abComen, swellin.q of the hands, or becomesiaffecte cl with udara roga
(.enlargementof abdomen graharli (deodenal disease yaksma( tuberculosii,
), ),
guima.( abdominaltumor k;aya ( emaciation, consumption jwara ( fever
), ), ) and
other diseases with allied syrnptoms.( 35-37 )

qeFraqdqoi crsr gi: triqf*qq: r

aemqarcd rTrr4;ari€qqr ars +sa il lc il ( g. fi. 3r.r )
The dropletsof s$'eatof' the sage ( Vasislha who had become angry with
Viswimitra at the abrluctionof K'nradhenu, the colv rvhich fell on
) lthe gras
becomeconveltedinto LEtis ( spiclers) rvhich are ol sixteenkinds. ( 3g
arii{{i Eclrt'lq,lruikr qrdqrq q r
;qif qdlslacr<a {fl: rqar f}iqilr rr iq rr
lcerr fqiqqr*rrr qtreiilF qar{h q I
dfqt cat.ii €qq'lrql: qzrlqralart<wr Boll
€tqt;d q{iz(drarhaAatqagq | ( {. n. vr.R)
Ifbitten by thescspidr:r's,thcr.ervill be putrefactionat the site of the bite,
flow of blood, fever, burning sensation,diarrlroeaand other symptoms causedby
the increaseof all the three doqastogether. Papulesof different kinds, big patches,
profound . srvelling rvhich is soft, red or. blar;k in colour and movable are generally
scenin spiderbites. ( 39-40 )
240 Madhasa

{qcri g q.(qssi cqr?iiil ila?hlFcrdqll 81 ll

srqitf( wi qn" $qfiqaq<Gqaq t
( f<' u' rr )
$Rvfiraf5rfirtaqefffi hRiE rt ut tt <'
Black or blue colour at the centre of the bite, appearance of n:t work,
elevation of the skin, severepus formation, exudation, swelling, fever are the feat'
ures if bitten by spiders whosepoison is said to be slow acting' ( 4l-+2 )
ritqr €at, lsil (fir ftat qt fircd Eq<lt
cTuflFanlarctqri rqrcf*et|rrt{{t: ll B?ll ( s fs al ?{ )
Swelling,aPpearance of papulesof white, red or yellowin colour' fever'
difficulty in bieathing, hiccougb,headacheare producedquickly if bitten by spiders
whosepoisonis saidto be quick actingand fatal. ( 43 )
qr€rrteitlqri qrrsqwilft sciseFr t
ait{'ddqqru:rlqlg{ftRqtGi ll sBll ( s Fs'3I it )
of white patcheson the skin,fever'
Bleedinglrom the site of bite, appearance
lossof appetite,horripulation and burning sensationare the symptomsof poisoning
causedby Rat bite. ( 44 )
Wehft qiqqq'$q6q12Rroqttrt
fhtgwi Efiaqtg{tarr€F:qqlt*: lr c\ ll ( s. |<' * ir )
Fainting, swelling, discolouration,perspiration, deafness,fever, feeling of
heavinessof the head, excesssalivation,vomitting of blood,are the incurable
syrnptoms if bittenby a poisonous rat' ( 45 )
rnrq{ rqtq?Ef,qil qrat{oiiqAq qI I
;615q qrid tql qi tqr(o*61s*: ll tsqu ( s fe er' tr )
Black or bluish discoloufationor appearanceof different colours on the
skin, delusion,and diarrhoea are the symPtomscausedby the bite of KlkalEsa
( chamelion). ( 46 )
6tqlaR<r{ a f\adlitrirrg a t qfb*tq ftd qrfi ii cari fisli tt us tt
qdtssrq{ Eqsprtt{itqf&a<:.I
qitr qafie{iq?i iEan\ qattqqt ll sz ll ( s fs '{. "l,. )
Severeburning sensation as though touched by fire, severepain as though
the part is coming off constant pain at the site are the symptoms of Scorpion sting'
If the scorpionis very poisonous,the patient will develop distressin the heart, loss
of function of the noseand tongue, falling off of the muscles( after putrefaction )
aud cven death by severepain. ( 47-48 )
Ch.69, Discacsdueto poison 241
asoi qqiqE dqldqgeflqfhrrBqrr
Ulcer spreading from. placeto place,swelling pain, fever, vomitting
rashesat the siteof bite are tbe symptomsif stungby a ka{,abha (
wasp). ( 46 )
asdrdtfuE*qragqbsl €arfficrt I
qgr$*{+eq fbtnrq$fl F;qA n \o tl
Horripulations, lossof consciousness
ancl severe pain are the symptomsif
bitten by a Ucchitinga ( poisonouscrab ( 50
). )
er{qrQar?lir q€s: fia*.r sea r sG{ier e ofiiq.oe*{eaqorqI \l tl
caqnq efqerrSdSIErici t.siaqr r *q€ dfri eqt q;ell <fiwq qdmq, rr$, rr
Swelling,pain and yellow discolourationat the site of bite, thirst, vomittiag
and excessive
sleepare the symptomsproducedby bite of poisonousfrogs,
Bite by poisonousfiih will cause burning sensation,swelling
and pain; hy
poisonousleeches will causeitching,swelling,
feverand fainting.( 5i_52 )
fi<rd 'qwJa\{ €{;r sad'tfirryr
di €{ qt qrdsqfuBaq{ifiqqn \i rl
6!gcr{ ca+ftq;dtq: rcFFEiEar i F{mqraq* \B tl
qqr[qrfiuft cqril qr6q;B,lcqqi]{at I
fYeqr cfb{r*A atqi q {rrfirnrsga( u q\ tl
Biteby house lizardwill cause.severe
burningsensation, prickingpain
andperspiration;biteby the centipeclewill causl pl.rpirurion,pain andburning
Bileby ordinaryrnusquitoes
will causeirritation,slightswellingand mild
pain and bitten by poisonousmusquitoes,the symptoms
similarto that of bite of
poisonous insectswill devclop.
stings,it prorlucesbleeding,black colourat
lfa lee the site and brrrning
sensation; fainting, feverand papulesdevelopif the
beeis of sthagikavariety,ii
bite rvill be fatal.( 53-55 )
qorckGqkar qqqsdRd q
cq r {&qe o=qi qrfi qsii Gftqiqfi * \q u
Swelling,putrefactionand cxudationfrom
the siteof bite and feverare the
bv the clarvsanclteethof animalsof fou, l"gror.
ililiiil',tt two
242 Madhaoa

,E En-dd<8cqiqTqr{aiq{ls{ia: r €qsgA gcurrfr{iri dilqET&dr u qo ll

?r{-cq{?rotq{ilqgtrritsflaamqr{ r wqecfir$sar dsfi;qcf\rrrqfi rr\z tr
s{61$caqriacieqliryfiurela r liFqia sErqiigqi aRor q rrqc.rr
grar w<i s'i u*i qiliqqrqqq-r fiq.*rf{qrqfla*icrqrdtqafhd: n qo tl
q.i qrfi trAqc{ircq
ia srtE rraqc{ilrq€ci sd'ae Ir qgqT:rfrgaloTr f*qrdi} fqcqcii rrql rr
tci ad.ils
dfqqrna T3 d{d q<gredh r ag erqrik a il mq afieqrfiiq iirr rr
egrrggsfi i{rqd{ r saeRtg d fierfd aqii +lfiaq trtrrr
vata undergoing increaseand associatingwith increasedkapha,invade and
destroythe nervous systemof animalssuchas dogs,fox, hyena,bear, tiger, etc,,and
makesthem rabid. such rabid animalswill have thcir tail, lowerjaw and shoulders
drooping down' eliminate iarge quantities of saliva, becorneblincl and deaf, run
amuck everywhere,fight with other animalsand bitc all others senselessly. If bitten
by such rabid animals, there will be lossof sensationat rhe site of bite, black blood
flows out freely, the ulcer will have the symptornsol a rvounclcaused by poisonous
weapon' the patient imitates all the actionsof the rabid animal, criesor shoutsin
the samemanner,becomesunconscious and dies.sight ofthe animal lvhich bit him
in water or in the mirror is a fatal sign; the bitten person becoming afraitl of sight
or touch of water is also a fatal sign known asJalatrrsa ( hydrophobia
). ( 57_6t)
q<d .n saqrdt a qsiqa lewfi I
srgif iftqrfr ersfi rqrqqrdl a iqwii l .o,str
He, who developsthis fear of water even though not bitten by rabicl animals
or who gets it soonafter getting up from sleepor who getsit cven if he is a healthy
person-are all to be consideredas incurable.( 64 )
cfl rai,i naft r'ouEemixnrri<nqaf+u5q r
c€eqilfiqqlqtiri idsqq-.bqlaniegerqll qq 11
qla aftqrqs-d(fs{fs* qrqsfnsr4 lsqfqsr;i {{lrcd{ l it l

All the increaseddogasgetting back to normal, all the tissuesbeing in normal

condition, developing desire for food, elimination of urine, feces, etc., properly,
baving the normal pleasantcolour and complexion, functioning of the senseland
mind, with normal activitiesand behaviour-are to be observedby the physician,
as those of the person fully relieveclof poison. ( 65
Thus endsthe chapter on Visa,

srq frqqtExqfqtl

c*itsfrcrit qaoftqruits,*qiiiqfimr r
effiqar fiarft q fafirqqpgtlqotr ti l, ll
adtcd <mfi< <rqqqqt s{:qrirq I
*rd ker qri qrtr tq<lqtiqitqrr rr q,rr
eGt{ourt a q;sfqr itm: qnrqqrqq, r
Etf1;qRrqc€r(r mf\ftsqrRinqqr nI u
qliT{mqerrell -"rHqrfrsq {f,dql
qfud {lacrnu sqr+dsq gere+irerr
ae),it q*o;$ a q:rararavrs{etit
qHt eglaa fisrra{ cl€qr rrq rr
iqradtqt ri?it Ekq rTa$'s.T!|
rrqscrarsqdt aiiur{q' lfiqt aqr rrq rr
Rqi'rriqdtq*r ei aoft waarfu*r
r{rtt<ifqEd q ?[nilqft{.Trqq: lt s ll
tftaftagq{i{ *a*qpafia+\r
fiqdal cf'qq\ar q<]iqFtit qqfi*r: rra rr
gqrcq+oiarqtiafirr:q'iqrqurcqr: r
t+i *r<giid} etrEfia+ilqqq€r ll a, ll
Jwara,Atisara,Grahali, Ar5as,Ajtrpa, Visucika,Alasaka,Vilambika,Krimi-
roga,Pa4du,Kdmala,Halimaka,Raktapitta,Rajayakgma, Urahkgata,Kasa,Hikka,
Swdsa,Swarabheda,Arocaka,Chardi.Tr94i, \{urcha, etc., panatyaya,etc.,Daha,
Unmdda,Apasmlra,Varevy.rrlhis, Vatarakra, Urustambha, Am,rvdta,Sula,paktija
SOla,Andha, Udav:rrta,Gulmaroga,Hrdroga,M0trakrchra,Mitraghata,ASmart,
Prameha,Iladhumeha,Pramehapidakas,Nledoroga,Udara roga,
Sottu, Vfaali
Gaq{amtlii,Apaci,Gr..rnthi,Arbuda,S[puau, Vidradhi, Vrasa6otha,
Two kinls of Vragas, Bhagna, Naglivrapa,Bhag,rndara,
UpadarhSa,Sol, aq",
Twak rogas ( kusfha), Sitapitta, Udarda, I(o1h, Amlapittu, Virurpu,
V isptoia,
244 MadhaoaNidanam

MasurikS,Romdntikd,Kgudra rogas, Asyarogas, Karqa rogas, Nasd rogas, Akgi

rogas, Siro rogas, StrI rogas,Bala rogasand Vi;a rogasare the contents of this
treatise-RugviniScaya. ( l-9 )
g{&ii cq rcfi( f*lq?isffians qarq r
RfuNn qd€-qt aqod dtcrsi*gqqrrfu rr t" rr
The best descriptions.found in different places( texts ) have been compiled
herewith great effort, by sri Madbavason of Indukara, for understandinsof all
man is heir to. ( l0 )
rcd gut f,tffid rFehaaqr
gArit q?ar€" fhwreg<ffi{1l 11 11
{flddtsrqEs{ffik qrqqftqr{sqreqrr

With the hopethat'.Any work donewith goodintentionis boundto be good,'

this Rugvini3cayahas beenwritten; by its help, let all beingsget ricl of the chain of
Thus endsRoga Vini{cayaof Madhavakara.


Chaptcr l-Pafrca Niddna ltkpapam

Sloku No. 4 Niddna, Purvampa, Rupa, Upaiaya and Samprapti-these five

help in the diagnosis of iliseascs, each one separatelyand all of them collectively.
Even though a diseasecan be understoodby anyone,it is better to make use of the
othersalso in view of many advantages:
If Nidana ( cause) is not mentioned, how can any one be able to 'avoid the
causet? 'Avoiding the cause'is a part of treatment itself. Hence its mention in
diseases,for example, eating mud as a causefor Pandu roga ( anaemia ), swallowing
a fly as a cause for Chardi ( vomitting ) etc. Hence knowledge of Nidana is
It will not be possibleto understand all diseases by Nidana ( cause) only
becauseit may be the same for many diseasesifor example, jwara (fever) and gulma
( abdominal tumor ); sometimesthe nearest causemigtrt not produce the disease
but a remote cause( not mentioned in the text ) might have produeedit...Hence
Vlpyacandra stressesthe necessity of mentioning Purvarupa ( prodrornal sym-
ptoms ) etc. If Purvarupa is not described;... the difierencebetweenRaktapitta and
Prameha cannot be known becausein both Prameha and Raktapitta the yellow
coloured urine is found; but in Raktapitta the plrvariiPa ( charectoristic
prodrornata) of Pramehaare absent.
If Rupa is not described, then no knowledgeof the disease,its curability or
incuribility, etc., is possible. If Upa3ayais not described it will be impossibleto
diagnose diseases which have too many symptomseither mixed up or concealcd.
If Samprapti is not'described,it will not be possibleto know the do;as and dhatus
involved, the time of cxacerbationor mitigation etc. and to plan proper treatment'
So all these five are to be describedin the text for better understanding of
Hence all the five are together known as 'Nidana', in the sense t'q:I[ir{'
hassaid,'IQg aqrorFHtrtE
cclaE aqrtgiqfh dir ?"gtti fiqn tt;N{l;q}". Su6ruta
246 foIadhaaa
fu{rarfi"andthedefinition will be,,fifiwi sqrf$tfr fiqrii,lrh"
of Nicrana
is applicable to mean both the urr,l olro to this group of.five. It is
also applicableto the text which clescribesdiseasesin thesefive aspects.
Sloku5-Het[ ( cause are of clifferentkinds
_ ) as fbllows :
I-According to Haricandra thcy are ol. four
types, viz., SannikSgta,Vipraklg.ta,
Vyabhicari and pradhanika.
a ) Sannikyqla( nearest, immeciiate
)__the time ol. night and dav and of food
etc, causingPrakopa (increase)of dosasquickly
w.ithout the stage of Caya; likewise
the use ofRukga loodsas the causeofJwara (fever
b ), Viprakrsta ( farthest, remote
)__Kapha undergoing increasein Hemanta
ftu a Kapharoga in Vasanta rtu after u
-causing i Lpr. of. two months) or
Rudrakopaas a causeofJwara ( fever
c ) vyabhicari ( milcJ,inef'cient incapable
^ ) of procrucingthe diseasebecause
of poor strength,and requiring help of other.
d ) Pradhanika( strong, efficicrrr,potenr
^ ) producing discaseby itself quickly,
as for example,Vi;a ( poison ).
II-Three.fold causes viz,, Asatnrverrrlr i
1,ur.tha Sarnyoga, pr.ajiiipar.ddhaand
a ) Asritmyendliyar.thasaml,oga__Irrrproper
correlation (hyper, hypo or
perverse) of the senses
with their ol)iects.
b ) Prajnaparadha*-Violation
of the usualphysical, rnentaland vocal activ-
ities,becauseof improperunrlerstanding.
c ) Paril1ma-Hyper, hypo or pel.versefeatures
ot seasons.
Ill-Another three-foldcause,viz., Doga hetLr,
\ryadhi hetu anrl Ubhaya hetu.
a ) Dogahetu-Ingestion of N,Iadhurar.asa,
etc.,causingthe prakopa(increase)
of dogasprimarily.
b ) Vyadhi hetu-Eating mucl as causingpanduroga,
c ) Ubhaya hetu.*Riding on elepltants,horsrs,
camel etc.for long periodsand
also indulging in vidahi foodstogethercausc
IV-Two-fold causes,viz Utpridaka and
, Vyaijaka
a utpadaka ( primary, potent
. ) )-usc of tr{adhura rasa in Hemanta rtu
causingPrakopa of Kapha independently.
SomesalicntpointsJrom MadhulalaV2Akhla 247

b ) Vyafrjaka( secondary,assisting,exciting)-The heat of the sun in Vasa-

nta 1tu causingPrakopaof Kapha, acting as exciting cause.
V-Another two-foldcause,viz., Bahyaand Abhyantara.
a ) Bahya( external)-Foods, activiries,seasons,
b ) Abhyantara( internal )-The doqasand dugyas.
Vl-Another two.fold causefor Dosa prakopa, (increase)viz., Prdkrta and Vaikpta.
a ) PrakJta( normal, usual)-Prakopa of Kapha in Vasanta, Pfutain $arat
and Vata in Prdvlt, ltus are normal.
Vaikrta ( abnormal, unusual)-Prakopa of Pitta or Vatb in Vasanta, Kapha
or pitta in Vars-; Kapha or Vata in Sarat rtus are unusualto theseseasons.

Vll-Another two fold cause,viz., Anubandhya,Anubandha.

a ) Anubandhya-Powerful. indepenJent,efficient.
b ) Anubandha-mild, lbllower,inefficient.
VIII-YeI another two foh.lceuscviz.,
a ) Praklti ( Constitutional)-Vatarogasin personsofVitaprakpti areincurable.
b ) Vikrti ( non-constit[tional)-the same Vatarogasin personsof Kapha or
Pitta Prakptiare easilycurable.
IX-Aiayapakar;a (disiodgcment)is also a causefor disease-the do;a though in
its normal quantity, if driven alvay from its rrormalsite to another site by vata,
tends to prt.rduce
X-Gati ( state ) of rlos:rs-is alsoa causeof disease,the stateof dosasare three,
a ) Sthlrna-normal
b ) Vrddhi-increase
c ) K;aya-decrease.

All the abovecausesare summarisedin the followinq verses-

q?qrft aqirrqrir ((in6E crlriaEisq ga:
iscrtriiiqqqreigrqi<ofa c{rrrlqrficq I
wttitrrqsKurr?ii iTerr, a}-qsfi?qE6}
Erwrrzl;a(tqilsficlqar *fr, c}{t .rfr rr
itqeq q crsaasdwqi i{}5ge;tzrqit irrgiFqr{ |
aqr q$iqcqifiiqitfiiTsltss{qE+s{Kes *ltl
SomesalicntpointsJrom MadhulalaV2Akhya 247

b ) Vyafrjaka( secondary,assisting,exciting)-The heat of the sun in Vasa-

nta 1tu causingPrakopaof Kapha, acting as exciting cause.
V-Another two-foldcause,viz., Bahyaand Abhyantara.
a ) Bahya( external)-Foods, activiries,seasons,
b ) Abhyantara( internal )-The doqasand dugyas.
Vl-Another two.fold causefor Dosa prakopa, (increase)viz., Prdkrta and Vaikpta.
a ) PrakJta( normal, usual)-Prakopa of Kapha in Vasanta, Pfutain $arat
and Vata in Pr6v1t,ltus are normal.
Vaikrta ( abnormal, unusual)-Prakopa of Pitta or Vatb in Vasanta, Kapha
or pitta in Varst; Kapha or Vata in Sarat ftus are unusualto theseseasons.

Vll-Another two fold cause,viz., Anubandhya,Anubandha.

a ) Anubandhya-Powerful. indepenJent,efficient.
b ) Anubandha-mild, lbllower,inefficient.
VIII-YeI another two foh.lceuscviz.,
a ) Praklti ( Constitutional)-Vatarogasin personsofVitaprakpti areincurable.
b ) Vikrti ( non-constit[tional)-the same Vatarogasin personsof Kapha or
Pitta Prakptiare easilycurable.
IX-Aiayapakar;a (disiodgcment)is also a causefor disease-the do;a though in
its normal quantity, if driven alvay from its rrormalsite to another site by vata,
tends to prt.rduce
X-Gati ( state ) of rlos:rs-is alsoa causeof disease,the stateof dosasare three,
a ) Sthlrna-uormal
b ) Vrddhi-increase
c ) K;aya-decrease.

All the abovecausesare summarisedin the followinq verses-

q?qrit 6qirrqrir ((in6E crlriaEisq ga:
is<rtriiiqqqreigrqi<ofa c{rtrl}rdictrt I
wttitrrqsKurr?ii iTerr, e}-qsfi?qE6}
ErErrzl;a(tqilsficlqar *fr, ck .rfr rr
itqq q crsaAsdpqi D{f5ge;tzrqii irrgiFqr{ |
aqr q$iqcqifiiqitfiiTsltss{qE+s{Kes *rtl
248 MadhauaNidanam

$lokuG-Puruurupais of two kinds;samanya( general and viSista( special,

SamanyaP[rvarupais definedas-

ieqw drqsiiatseqrqfric HIR sq<1Q

cr* qdtqhn e qRrG qfiaa(!
The symptoms producedby the interactionof abnormal do;as ancl d[;yas,
wblch indicate the future diseasebut not its do$icvariety.
ViSiSlaPurvarupa is defined as-
qaqsi o€ot a{q qrkcfhih {qdq I
The very same symptomsof thc future rliseasemanifesting early in a mild
form is called as ViSi;ta PUfvarupa;as in the casc of Uraksata,the symptomsof
increased Vata alone manifest. The symptomsof Samanya prlrvarupa need not
necessarilybe presentin the Rupa stagervhereasthc symptomsof ViSigtaporva_
r[pa, themselvesbecomepowerful and manifcst as symptomsin the RUpa stage.
Someothers'definePirvarllDa :rsfollows-
{qtntirriqqr Tqt irr& 64riq c6ilrr.6q I
qlvr: s{Fa qisd Sdqd a€;qi rr
"The symptoms ploduced by the dosaswhich havc unclergoneincreaseand
attained the stage of sthanasamSraya
anrl heralrling the future disease,are known
as Piirvarupa.,,
"This definition is not; l,.ecause
the secing ofgrass, hairs, tvorms,
etc., in the food by a patient ol Rajayak;rna,even though thev ale actually not
presentthere, cannot bc said as due to the closas.,,
$bku 7-A clisease is unclerstood
by its symptoms,if no syrnptoms ar.e found
there is no diseaseat all; Aruci ( a.o.exia and other syrnptoms togcther is
) Jwara
); Kasa ( cough) and ten otber symptoms together. is RajayakEma
( pulmonary tuberculosis)-is the argumentof some. But, it is not
correctl Jwara
and other diseases,are the products of interaction of cloqas and doqyas;while
Aruchi (anorexia ) and other symptomsar-ethe e{Iectsof that clisease; Mcre groups
of symptoms arc not diseases,abnornral chanses in the dhatuscausilg duhkha
( discomfort) is only to be takcn as the disease.Aruci (
anorexia) etc. are also
diseases but when they indicatc othcr diseascs, they arc known as Lakqanas(sympt-
oms ) only anclnot as Amayas ( diseases ),
salicntpointsfron MadhukoiaVlakh2a
Sotno 249

SlokuB-9-A".ording to Vapyacandra,the two terms Dogapratyanikaand

Vyidhipratyanlkaare to be distinguishedasfollows:
qilqctqflqi aqFtd{i 6{TlflrratqI
.-that which rnitigates the dogas, need not mitigate the diseases.For exam-
ple, Vamana ( enresis) and Langhana ( lasting ) though Kaphahara do not cure
Kapha Gulma.
qg aqrfuat a<qcd {eu<q" r
-that which cures the diseasedoes certainly mitigare the dogas, for, when
the diseaseis curcd the dogaswhich staried it should alsohave been mitigated.

According to othersthis propositionis not correct. Becauseit is not definite

whether the dogasare SamavEyi( i'here't carrse) or Nimitta (exciting, seconclary,
cause), Union of mauy piecesof potsherdseven though Asamavayi ( non-inherent
cause), when destroyed, causesthe absenceof the pot; Sirnilarlythe destructionof
the union of Lak;alas ( symptomi ) and Samprapti ( pathogenesis causesthe
absenceoftbe disease.The doqasget mitigated either by themsclvesor by other
treatments' Ifwe accept that Vyadhipratyanikadrugs will also mitigate the dogas
necessarily,then the usageof the term, ubhayapratyanikabecomes
the doqasare nor samavayi. If do5ls are consideredas Nimitta I(rr.aqa, how can
we accept that do;as are removed out ofthe body by Vamana (erncsis etc.
Absenceof the stick or the potter doesnot causcthe absenceor destructionof the
pot. so it can be said that so far as an effectis solelydepenclenton the Nimitta
K6raqas,destruction or absence of such Karaqas makesfor.lossor absenceof the
effect;for example,the loss or absenceof the wick and oil causesabsenceor loss
of the flame; likewisealso is the role of thc dopasin relation to disease.

The following are the different kinds c,f Upaiayas along with examples:
I. Vipartta-( opposite).
A ) Hetuviparlta ( oppositeof the cause
a ) Ou;adha use of_$unti which is ushnavirya ( hoi in potencv
I ) in
( drug ) i Jwara ( fever ) cau.,cdby shita ( iold
b) useof Mimsarasa and rice in fever causedby Vata due
( tood ,) )
i to uver_exertion.
c ) Vihara
. I Avoiding sleepat riglrr [o rcJucc the over accumulated
( actrvrty) j kapha due tu sleepingduring day.
250 Mad,hattaNidanam

B ) Vyadhi Viparlta ( oppositeof the disease)

a ) Ousadha-Use of, Palha which is sthambhanain the diseaseAtisdra;
so also Siri(a in Viqa, Khadira in Kug1ha.etc.
b ) Anna -Use of soup of Mas[ra dhal in the diseaseAtisira;
c ) Vihara -Prav-ahaqa ( straining) in the disease Udavarta; use of
mantra,maqi ouqadha,homa, bali, yajfra, prdya6citta,etc',
in other diseases'
C ) Ubhaya Viparita ( oppositeof both causeand disease)
a ) Ougadha-Use of Da;am0la in Vataja3otlra which is both Vatabara
and Sothahar a.
b ) Anna -Use ol'Takra in VatakaphaGraha{rr.
c ) Vihara -Avoiding sleepat night to mitigate the drolsiness caused
by day-sleepand fatty foods.

II. Viparita Arthakari (producingthe oppositeeffect though not actually opposite).

A ) HetuviParitdrthakdri
a ) Oupadha-Application of hot poulticein a caseof Vra4aSothacaused
by pitta,
b ) Anna -Use of Vidahi foodsin caseof Pacyamina Vra4adotha.
c ) Vihara -Threatcning thc patient sufferingfrom Vataja Unmdda'
B ) Vyadhi Viparitarthakari
a ) Ou;aclha-Use of Madanaphala, an emetic drug in caseof Chardi
( vomitting )
b ) Anna -Use of milk which is a purgative in case of Atisdra
( diarrhoea)
c ) \zihira -Pravdhata ( straining) in case of Chardi ( vomittinr ) to
induce more vomittings,
C ) Ubhaya Viparitarthakari
a ) Oupadha-Application of a pasteof Aguru which is of usnaquqaon i.
burns causedby 6re,
b ) Anna -Use of intoricating drinks in cases of \Iad,it'. a1'a
( alcoholism).
salientpointsfrom MadhukolaV1d.khle
Some 251
c ) Vihara -Mild exercises
like swimming, in casesof stiffnessof the legs
causedby over-exertion.
Sloku l2-A*,iEmSa Kalpant is explained as follows :
rlkga, 3lta, laghu, vai(adya,eic,, are the properties of VatA. Vata might
get increasedby one or more of suchproperties.For example, the use of
rasa and kalaya ( peas) which possessall the properties oi vata might
VatavSddhi, then it is Vatavgddhi by all its properties. Tatduliyaka causes
Vitavgddhi by three gunas, viz., rukla, jita and laghu; Kindekgu
by two
gunas viz., rlkga anC 6ita; Sidhu by only ritksa guna; similarly
kalu rasa
and madya possessingall the propertics of pitta, make ror its increasein a
qualities. Hifigu by ka1u, u;qa anci tik;na gunas; Dlpy:ka by tiksla
us+agunasand Tila by only madliura resa and buffalo's
milk cause increase of Kapha by all its properties,fruit of Rajadana by its
sneha,gouravaand mddhurya; Ka{eru by its {aitya antl gourava, fruits
of Kglra
VJkgasby Saityaonly.
well; while e'umerating the varietiesof sampr:rpti, car aka has mentiont:ri
vidhi samprapti. How is it that Vidhi samprapti is not menrioncdhere ? The
answerfor this is, Vidhi is included in sarikhya sarnprapti itselt Vidhi indicares
varietieswithin anyonething; for eg. urdhrvega and Adhoga kinds in the disease
Raktapitta; whercas safrkhyd indicates number of different kinds, eg :
Jwara is of
eight kinds,-etc.
$loku 13-l+-The causesof any diseasear.etwo :
a ) ViprakrEa ,( farthest, remote, distant which arc the unsuitablefoods
and activities,b ) Sanniklpla( nearest,immediate that is the dogas_vdta,
) pitta
and kapha. These are essentialcauses( Avyabhicaritakarara in all diseases...In
caseof Aganturogas, though do;ap.akopais not present at ttre commencement
is sure to dcvelopsoon.
Well : what is this ,ilera, of Vata and other clo;as To this questioq
' '1q16elu I some
say qtr*,ci A,{iq-it is their ability to vitiate others inaepenientty.
The term qqTa;riq ( independently) is to exclucreRasa and other crhatus.for
vitiate each other only after getting vitiatcd by the clogas.To this term,.o,,'"
question,is it independencedevoid of any relation between
one another or is it
independencedcvoid of relationship with other causes rf ir is the first meaning,
then Vata only will have to be called do;a becauseof irs ability to
vitiate indepeni-
,q, MadhaoaNidiinam

ently but not rhe other two dogasbecausethey act as directed by Vata. If it is the
second meaningeven Vdta can not be a dogabecause,it also requiresother causes
to become vitiated, Hence '{tw{' is to be defined as "c$tqKrR{.i efi gfE 6did
iq€{,'-Th" tendency to cause vitiation even though they are the progenitors of
the constitution( ol the human being ).'..
The differance between, Prakyti ( normal constitution, the do;a responsibleto
produce it ) and Roga ( disease,the doga which producesit ) is; ( the doga of the )
Prakpti does not give troubles to the body inspite of the use of unwholesomefood, etc.
just as a worm born in a poisonousmaterial doesnot die ofthat poison, so also the
body doesnot sufferor perish.
lVell; if thc cloqasare the causesof diseases,then man should have been
alwaysa sick personbecauseLhecloqasare always presentin the body. It is not so,
becauseit is specifiedthat'(only when they get aggravated ( increased) they cause
Well; is their ( dosas) becorningagqlavatednatural ( of their own accord) or
due to other causes? ( The answerto this is ) it is not the former but only the
latter i. e. only due to other causes.lVhat are these other causesi They are the
various unhealthy foods and activitiesunderthe three headings,vig. Asdtmyendri-
yartha sarnyoga,Prajfraparadhaand Pari4dma.

Chdptet 2-Jwdra Niddna

Sloka l-Rudrakopa ( anger of god Rudra ) is mcntioned here as the cause

ofJwara ( fever ), Sinceit is ploduced by anger it is Agneya ( hot ) and invol-
vement of Pitta do;a is to be implied thereby. Secondly,becauseit is of divine origin
it deservesworship also in the form ol zrnimage ( of fever god ), as a part of its
Sloku 2 , 'Mithyahara' means fooCs which are not in accordancervith the
eight kinds of qualities of foods menrioneJ by Calaka; such as ,sqiiis<q riritq<rih-
irrrdtq,itqr{,iixgurdi' ( a. fla.I ).
The use ol'the term 'e{fgt{qtTql;' is to inclicatethat Dosaswill not produce
Jwara unlessrhey come to Arnliaya ( r'eccprielcol un,Jigeste,lfoo.l, stomacir). For.
the increaseof'temperatureof thc body, the causeis koslhtgni ( digestivefire ) itself
now displaced.
SomesalientpointsJromMadhukolaVlakh2a 253
Sloka l4-When two or all the three dogas combine togetherto producea
disease,the symptomsmanifestingthereonwill be of two typesviz.,

a ) PrakytiSama SamavdyaLaksanas-the effect being similar in nature to

the white colour of a cloth weaved with white colouredyarn,
The charectoresticfeaturesof the combining dogasbeing sern as symptoms
of the disease.
b ) Vik;ti Vi;ama Samavlya Lakpalas-effect being different in nature to the
cause,eg; red colour produced by the combination of yellow coloured
turmeric powder and white coloured limewater. The symptcms of the
diseasenot assignableto the combiningdo;as.
(In the texts, Drvandwa and Sannipata varicties are described only when
VikStivisamaSamavdyaLakgaqasare seento developin the courseof the disease.)
Slokas18-23-1'he three doqasare having properties oppositeof one another.
So each one should destroythe other as seenin the caseof water and fire. How
do they produceJwara and other diseases? The answerto the questionis furnished
by Dhrdabala who says-

fit*fq a tii gff$if:d qqtr<q I

qlvt eqeerrriqr{ {i'si fir c{tfiq rt ( s. fs. rq )
Dogas,even though they are oppositeof one another,do not undergo mutual
destructionbecausethey have a natural immunity; similar to the presenceof poison
in the snakedoesnot kill the snake.
Cakrapdli also states Sahajasitmya ( natural immunity ) as the lone cause
but Gayaddsaadds Daiva (providence ) also and statesas follows-

iqt*qrqirrqw {terori erlqqrfi* r

fqq*r eqgt: qfardlqqrar q<tq(q rl
Sloku3l-'fh. worcl'Alpa' here denotes,poorstr.ength, and so
of the dogas,
waitsfor time,etc,,to producethe diseaseJwara ( fever),
Slukug+-3S-Visama Jwaras are so called becausethey haveboth Mukti
( relief) and Anubandha( recurrence) duringtheir course,
Slokas61-62*Samata ( presence of Arna ) is of two kinds,viz. ( a ) that in
the Rasadhatuindicated by symptoms like bad tastein the mouth,etc.,and ( b )
that in the Dogasindicatedby the early stagesof disease,The purposeof knowing
25+ MadhaaaNidanam

them distinctly is to plan out trcatment, if Sdmatais presentin the do;as( as in

early stages ofdiscase)no mcdicinc need bc administered but if it is lbund in
Rasadhdtu,then pacanadrugs have to be given.
Slokas66-71)-Jwara anclother diseaseseither cause death ofthe patient or
get cured by two processes, viz Dhatupakaand Qogapdka( malapaka); the former
causesdeath and thc lattel produces cure ofthe diseaseloccurrenceof either
Dhatupakaor Malaprrkais dependentupon Daiva ( providence). A steadyincrease
of severity of tlie diseascand decreaseof strength and quantity of the dhltus
( tissues), urine, facces,etc,, arc the symptomsof Dhatupaka,Further, alscl

fiqranit afitallr] fiFdi .i(qrs€ql I

miheiaariiar urqai qF6 aqrolqll
Well; Diseases
will not disappearwithoutthe decrease
of thedofas.Then,
how does a dosa which is very weak by decrease,produce powerful symptomsat the
terminal stagesof the disease? It is possible; sometimesa very weak object exhi-
bits its full strengrhat its end; as seenin the flame burning brightestat its end. It
may occur in anotherway, the symptomslike daha, k;obha, etc,, might occur when
the do$assuddenlyget out of the dhatus,as seenin the example,the top portion of
a slender tree swings very much even if a little monkeyjumps from it to another
nearby tree.

Chapter 3-Atistua Niddnam

Sloku +-Ap dhatu here means Rasa, Jala, Mutra, Sweda, Medas, Kapha,
Pitta, Rakta anclall others which are fluid in nature.
lVell, the sixth kind of Atisara is named here as Amatisdra separately. It is
said that the carly stagesof all varietiesof Attsaxais to be consideredas Amdtisdra
and the later stagesas Pakwatisara. Then why a separateclassificationas Amau-
sdra ? The answerto this will be that Ama here is indicative of improperly digested
food associatedwith morbid dosasand dhatus This Ama by itself is capableof
causingAttsala independentof dogas.Hence a separateclassification.
Stoka 2l -Th. clifferenceberween Atlsara and PravihikD is that in Atisdra,
differentkinds of liquids ( tissues,wastes,etc., ) are eliminated whereasin pravE-
hika ontv kapha is expelled out. qdtqrt arcffAq qs sti! q$rq citl|atfi.rci g
'Fnclaq(qrfhRiqr ).
SomcsalicntpointsJron Mad.hukolaV7dkhya 255

Chapter 4 -GraharyzRogal,lidanam
Stoku t t-12- ,Pitta is Agneyaor in orher words Agni itself. l'hen how is it
said herethat Agni is diminishedin case ofPittaja Grahali, in which pitta should
have necessarilyundergone v5ddhi to producethat disease? The answeris clear
from the example of hot water which can extinguish fire. Here pitta undergoes
vrddhi only in its dravam6a( fluidity ) whic.'rin 'turn diminishesthe ulma (rl{ru
and ttk;{ra ) gula of Agni which is necessarylor digestion.Hence it is describedas
diminishingthe Agni.
Sloka I7-By Graharli dugli ( abnormality of graha{ri) .is implied the dugli
of Agni ( abnormalityof digestivecapacity) alsosinceAgni is locatedin grahar.ri.

Chaptcr5- Agnimdnd2a
Slokas5-6-Gadadharasaysof Rasa(esa
Ajirna as.
<Qifr <eiq,, srr€r{qiiA rQ tq srrar(qail el-glf}ritsaqqqmd(.il(frq
({l tlqt-
Well; What is the difference betweenother Ajirnas and this ? The other two
are producedby food, whereasRasa3esa Ajirla is from the end product of digestion.
Sloka 2l-In both, Alasaka and Vilambika the symptoms such as non-
movementof food either upwardsor downwardsis common, Then, what is the
differencebetweenthe tlvo ? In Alasaka,there will be severepain in the abdomen,
etc.,while in Vilambika it is not so.

Sloka1-Pa4duroga is the diseasecharectorised
by panqlutwaqpgri iqAlqal
ilq: qa-gitqr-( Paldutwais morbidpallor,ye)lowish-white discolouration
Sloka18-Kamala is of two kinds a
viz. ), in
koslhairaya-localisedthe kog1ha
(abdomen)and b ) SakhaSraya-residi (tissues).
ng in the Sakhas
Kamalacan alsooccurindeoendentlv.

Chapter 9- Raktapitta Nidanam

$loku t-Z -Is Rakta vitiatedby Pitta-theabnormaliry
in Raktapitta.If that
is the casethen,the name should havebeenPitta rakta.Or is it ihat the vitiated
Rakta and vitiatedPittatogethercauseRaktapitta.It is the latter that shouldbe
256 MadhaoaNidanam

Chapter 10- Raja2ah;maNidAnam

sloka i -The four causitivelactors like Vegarodha,etc., are going to increase
Vata dogaonly. Thcn how Rdja-yak;mi is described as Tridogaja ? It can be stated,
in answerto the question,that Agni undergoesabnormaiitybecauseof Vttaprakopa
and next, the other two dogasalso undergo Prakopa due to Agnidugfi. Hence Rdja-
yak;ma becomesTridogaja.
Sloku 2 -Dhatukgaya can take place in two ways viz., a ) Anuloma
(downward )-starting from lossof Rasa all the succeedingdhatusu.dergo wast-
ing, b ) Pratiloma ( upward )-starting from Sukra all the preceding dhatus
undergowasting.can Pratiloma be accepted? How can we say that destructionof
the efrect will destroy the cause? The answer to the objection will be that Sukra
ksayacausesVatavrddhi and that in turn, causeswasting of Majja and so on. An
examplecan be given of "a heatediron ball which driesup the moist mud surround-
ing it."

Chapter1L-Kdsa Nidanam
Druaal-The term 'Klsa'
rerm 'Aasa' rs derived
derrvedlrom the verb 3kas' meaning .gati
from the
( movement "(
),. nu-rrd tqtfl{ sttfh ftnr +oarqrt rrssti qrgftR rr<r V"ata
moves upwardsto the throat and head ) will be thi definition of Kasa.

Chapterl4-Arocaka Nidanam
sloka4-Both carakaand sudrutahave groupedthreeconditionsunder
term Arocaka,viz.,
a ) Aruci-inability to eat even thougha person hasgot hunger,
( lossof
b ) Anannabhinandana-inability to eat with relish
even thoush supplied
with food that is liked ( lossof appetite
c ) Bhaktadwega-hatreciness towardsfood by even the sound,sight, smell and
touch of food ( aversion to food ).

Chapter17-Marchddi Nidanam
$loka l-4-Samlfiavaha Nadishererefersto the
sira, dhamani and srotas
throughwhichthe mind travclsto the senseorsans.
&mc saliat pointsfion Madk*ola VlAkhTa 257
Stota t g-sttrUhatsaceftarefersro appearanceof froth in the mouth,grinding
of teeth,abnormalgazewhich precedeunconsciousness and falling on the ground,

Chaptcr Z0-Unmada Niddnam

Sloka 5-Manovaha Srotas ar€ the ten dhamanis connected to the heart,
Even though manas( mind ) travcls irr all the srotasof' the body, in the presenr
context, it is the ten dhamanis,
SloLu29 -The term 'l)eva' here refersto the attenrlants of goJs who have
some qualitiesof goJs, bui not actually to the godsbecausethey do not touch the
humanboJy.This is specifically statedby Su(ruta(Su. Utt.60 ) :
iq q.ia ils aqtqtgqi iq e}rctoit'Ia+,
asrii sgq mltongEar dqaltqrqr( tl

Chaptu 22-V atuafidhi Nidanam

Slokas1-A-!Vhy is this diseasecalled as Vatavyadhi ? Is it that Vdta is the
disease? or is it the diseasecausedby Vata ? If the first propositionis accepted
then it becomes valid evenfor healthy state;if the secondpr.opositionis accepted,
then Jwara and all other diseasesare also causedby Vara. This anornolycan by
solvedby interpreting as'(that diseaservhichis causedby the abnormal ( increased )
Vata which producesseverediscomforts ..6qfirqqqqlatlq{{qqtE flqE;dl gr<e+dt erit
qf<sqlF{1"lh, that peculiardiseasecausedby Vata is to be called as V6tavyddhi.
"qnsRs€FrKqr aq1[\:q1a;rftRfla fiivuft<q' r
Caraka has classified diseasesinto two kinds : Samanyajaand N6nltmaja;
Sam-anyajaare those diseases which are produced by one or more of the dogas
like Jwara, etc, Nanatmajaare thosewhich are produced specifically by any one
do;a itself without the help of other dogas; For example Akqepaka, etc., are
producedby Vata only, and not either by pitta or kapha; O9a and Cosa are
produced only by pitta and not by vdta or kapha; Tripti, etc., are produced by
kapha only and not either by Vata or Pitta.
In the light of the above proposition, how is it that there is mention of Vata.
vyidhi but not Pittavyadhi or Kaphavyddhi ? The reasonfor this is, vdta being
very powerful and quick acting, proCucesmajor diseaseswhich are very troublesome,
incurable, causing emergency danger to life, and requiring specialkinds oftreat-
258 Madhava NidAnam

[lent, but the other two dosasdo not have the abovequalities;hencethey are not
describedseparatelyby both Carakaand susruta.c.andrikakarastatesthus -pitta
and Kapha possessingrlpa, rasa, etc., and combining with the dhdtus produce
symptomswhich are different from their own characteristics.Just like combina-
tion of turmeric and lime water producesred colour. vdta on the other hand not
possesslng rDpa,rasa,etc., and not combiningwith the dhatusproducesAk.sepaka
and suchother symptomswhich are not very different from its own propertiesand
actions;hence a separatedescriptionfor disordersof veta but not for those of
kaphaor pitta separately.

Chapt er 23 _V at arakta N idanum

Slokas 1-3-severe pain, increaseof heat, etc., being the symptoms of
Rakta-gatavata was describedin the chapterof Vatavyadhi,why then u ,.pu.ot"
chapteras vatarakta?It is not like that; vetaraktais a distinctdiseaseproducedbv
increasedvata and vitiated rakta having a specific samprapti.In Raktagatavata,
the changeis only increaseof veta but rakta will be nomral. This is the difference
betweenVetaraktaand Raktasatavata.

Chapter25-Amavatc Nidanam
Slokas1-5-Ama is improperlydigestedfood materialsremainingover,in
theendproductof digestion.It is described
by differentauthorities
gwrcTw rii RTqFI rs{a il (31.
E.{ st)
The first dhatu(Rasa)not properlydigested(processed) because
of theweak-
nessof the u sma(Jatharagni-the digestiveactivityin the alimentarytract)accu-
mulatingin the Ama6aya(stomachandintestines) in knownu, Arnu.
sTrcryr{da,qri elffi{fr: r
arensdR{r(d:q 3nc Ffr afifitc:tl
The meaningof this verseis sameas above.
oTidrffiTrigih ghi e6frfvel r
qr6i Fdrrr*rutisnc trflfrTftqi ll
Undigested,improperly processed,foul smelling, very sticky material causing
(or otherdisorders)of all thepartsof the body is spokenof as Ama.
Somesalientpoinls from MadhukoSaVyakhya 2s9

3rr6rrFrrc: tfr ril c q*lsfTmrr{K t

r 1ai u-ffrrnuf sTrq FdrfiTfrqi tl
The remnant of the food, not properly digested_because of the poor Agni'
w h i c h b e c o m e st h e c a u s eo f a l l d i s e a s eiss k n o w n a s A m a
3Tr{ce-{{i+rq-( iFiq-{ nd {gq1 1
luci <ls qfit a *i{qr{ u-sqrirr
Some say that Ama is the end product of food (improperly digested),others
say it rs accumulationof wasteproducts,yet others,that it is the primary increase
of Dosas.

Chapter 28-Guima N idanam

i n d G u l m a d e v e l o pi n t h e s a m ep l a c e ;
S l o k a sl 7 - 2 0 - B o t h A n t a r - V i d r a d h a
then what is the dil'lerencebetweenthern? The differenceis, Vidradhi undergoes
paka (pus fonnation) while Gulma does not, becauseit is not having any recep-
ticle (tissueto support): Again, anotherpiont of order; Carakahas said (Ca. Ci. 5)
that Gulrnaalso undergoespus formation.Then the answerwill be; sometimedue
to the effect of the exciting causeit finds a dwelling in the tissueslike Mamsa,
etc.,Then treatmentssuchas swedana(sudation),etc., done to mitigate veta,pro-
duce Raktadusti(vitiation of rakta) and causesan abcessin which pus formation
might happen.Hence the propositionthat Vidradhi undergoespdka (pus forma-
tion)but not Gulma.

Chapter 3 I -M ut raghata Nidanam

Sloko 1-Th. differencebetweenmutrakrchraand MDtreghatais, in Mutra-
krchra, difficulty to eliminate urine is great and obstructionis less whereasin
mutraghataobstructionis more and difficulty of eliminationis very less.

Chapter 3 3-P rameha Nidanam

Slot<a2-3-The term qffis in this verse should not be taken to mean de-
creaseof dosaslessthan normal but lessin quantity as comparedto the increased
o n e s( d o s a s ) s, u c ha s k a p h a ,p i t t a a n d e v e no t h e rd h a t u si n v o l v e d .
260 MadhaoaNidanan

Samakriyatwa means similarity between kapha the dopa ( the vitiator and
medas,etc., the dUpyas(the vitiated) in respectof their qualities,treatment
and the
use of Ka1u, Tikta and Kag-ayadrugs acting on both the dogas
and dugyas
Vigamakriyatwameans dissimilarity between pitta the doga( vitiator and
mcdas etc,, the duqya ( the vitiated ) in respect of their qualities and treatment,
Madhura rasa drugs administeredto mitigate pitta causethe increaseof the dusya
lite medas; drugs containing katu rasa, etc, administeredto
etc., causethe increaseof pitta the do;a, so the clifficulty in treatment.
Sloku 22-Th. term .Kulaja, means heredirrry or inheritedfrom father or
grand-father (paternal or maternal. If rhe grancllaiher
) is a pramehi (a person
sufferingfrom polyuria or diabeter will his son alsobe born
) as a pramehi ? No.
The son ol such a person need not be a diabetic by birth itself. He mav
prameha( diabetes) anytime in his rire by indulgenccin the causes
of diabetes.
Sloku 36-Sorne opine that women do not become victims of orameha
( diabetes) becausethey get rid of dogasevery month by
the menstrualflorv. This
view is incorrect as it is contrary to rearity. women arso suffer
( diabetes).

Chapter 34-Mcdoroga Nidanam

sloku l-g-P..sons suffering from N4edoroga are crescribedas having
Tlkg4agni ( hyperactivedigestion), then how it is said that in thosepersonsthe
food will all be turned into madhura ( sweet
)which in other words meansAma 3
The answerto this doubt is that Ama is brought abcut by ingestionof roodscausing
Kapha vrddhi ( increaseof kapha ) in large quantities or irregularity ir, respecl
of time of food, etc.' will cause for production of Ama or alr the channers( or
pores) of the alimentary tract become cloegedrvith juice ofsweet foods,so
that all the other foodscontaining other rasas( tastes will also get converted
) to
sweetnessonly which may lead to Ama accnmulation.

Chaptcr 44-Bhagna Niddnam

Sloka I -Bhagnas ( fractures) are of trvo kinds viz. a Savra4a (
) with a
wound and b ) Avrala ( without a wound ).

Kanda bhagnamighthappenin all the five kindsof bones.

salint points
Somc JromMadhukolaVtakUa 261

Chaptcr 49 - KuS[haNiddnam

Slola t-6 'It is seenthat the dogasand dugyasin Visarpa and Ku;1ha are
the same. Then what is the difference between them ? The answer is "Kuglha is a
diseaseof long duration causedby hard and less powerful vitiation of rakta and
pitta. lVhereas as Visarpa is quick manifesting ( spreading) and causedby very
profound vitiation of rakta and pitta; insulting elders and stealing the wealth of
others are mentioned as thc causesof Kuplha but these are not mentioned as the
causeof Visarpa.
Slokas17-22-It is seenthat Caraka and Su6rutabave no uniformity in classi-
fying the kinds of Ku;iha; for example, Caraka includes Sidhma in Mahaku;fhas
while Sudrutaputs it in KquCrakusghas.Wby this differance? Gadadharastatesthat a
dcep rooted Sidhmais includedin Mahakuqthaby Caraka whereas Su(rutaincludes
Sidhmapuipika which is not deep-rooted,under Kgudrakuitha (the criteria of classifi-
cation is the nature of symptoms). fejjata explainsthat the gamediseaseis given
different namesby different scholars,cg : the very sameSidhmaof Caraka is called
as Dadru by Suiruta. Naming diffcrently is the causefor differenceof opinion. Both
the above viewsare not acceptablebecausethere are many other differences also
with regard to Kuglha. For exarnple Alunakugtrha mentioned by Su3'uta is not in
Caraka, Mandalaku;fha of Caraka is not found in Su{ruta; Kgudrakqghas like
Carmdkhya, Alasaka, Sataru,etc., enumeratedby Caraka are not mentioned by
Su(ruta,while Rakasa;etc.,of SuSr'uta are not found in Caraka.[Ience it is wise to
saythat Kuglha being a diseaseof a lalge nurnberof varietiessome are mentioned
by Su6rutaand someothersby Caraka.
Slokas37-99 The diseaseKildsa is included in this chapter itself because
of similarity in their causesand methodsof treatment.
Kilasa is called Arurla and Switea Aruga and Switra when residingin mamsa
and medasdhatusrespectivcly.Kilasa is mainly locatedin the twak (skin),henceit is
describc.las non-exudative.Exudation occurs only when the deeper tissueslite
rakta, mamsaand medasare afiecicd.

Chapter 5|-K;udraroga Niddnam

in this chapter termedas'K;udra'?
Sloku 1 On what basisare tlre cliseascs
if it is on theil fcw ntunber of c:ruscs, milcl and few symptoms and simple
treatments,diseaseslike Agnirohipi and Valmika, etc.,cannot be consideredunder
262 Madhava NidAnam

this group; somesa)/,becausethesediseasesare not very common,they are called

k s u d r a ,s . m e o t h e r so p i n e ,b e c a u s et h e r ea r e n o t m a n y v a r i e t i e si n t h e s ed i s e a s e s
as found in Vrana, Jwara,etc.; evenif thereare varietiestheir number being few,
t h e s ed i s e a s eas r ec a l l e da s K s u d r a ;s o m eo t h e rs a y ;t h a tt h e t e r m ' K s u d r a 'm e a n s
b o t h a l p a ( f e w ) a n d r o u d r a( d r e a d f u l ) y; e t o t h e r s . o p i n eK, s u d r a i s t o b e u n d e r -
stoodas applicableto children and all theseare diseasesof children;if this rrrean-
i n g i s a c c e p t e d i s e a s eos t h e rt h a nA j a g a l l i k a ,A h i p u t a n a ,e t c . ,h a v et o b e e l i m i -
natedfrom this group.
Slokas32-In this verse,it is said,that both sarirosmaand pitta togetherwill
make the hairsgrey; why this anomalywhen it hasbeenrepeatedlydeclaredby all
the aurhorities,tharpitta itself is Agni and apartfrom pitta thereis no other agni in
the body; in conditionsof weaknessol'Lgni, drugslike maricarvhicharepittakara
h e l p t o i n c r e a s et h e f u n c t i o n s o f a g n i a n d d r u g s p o s s e s s i n gS i t a g u : r aa n d
madhurarasa which mitigatepitta make for decrease of the functionsof agni; if we
acceptpitta and agni are difl'erent,then, the above activities of drugs cannot be
e x p l a i n e de; x i s t e n c o
e f h o t t h i n g si n t h e m o o nn o r c o l d t h i n g si n t h e s u nc a nn e v e r
b e i m a g i n e d .S o i t i s a m i s t a k eh e r et o h a v em e n t i o n e db o t h a g n i a n d p i t t a s e p a -
As a counter to the above argumentit can be explained as fo ows - even
though thereare [lany evidencesto say that pitta and agni are one and the same,a
subtledifferencebetweenthe two has also been indicatedby authoritiesin some
places;for examplein rhe statementnriq: Fqrfug.......pittais includedin the term
dosabut still agni is mentionedseparately; secondly,ghrita is going to lessenpitta
but producesdipana(increasesthe activity of agni); peya and other foods increase
agni but do not mitigate pitta; during the stageof pitta saiicaya(mild increaseof
p i t t a ) t h e r ei s n o i n c r e a s eo f a g n i - b y a l l t h e s e i, t c a n b e a s s u m e dt h a t A n t a r a g n i
(internaliire, digestivefire) is different from pitta. pitta is a product of combina-
tion of drava (fluid) and tejas(heat)and it is the tejas(hear)portion that shouldbe
understoodas agni; it is not in the form of burning coal and ash as we find in the
external fire. Becausethis tejas portion is presentin pitta, categoricallyagni is
also called as pitta; hencethe statementthat thereis no agni other than pitta.
Somesalientpoints from MadhukoSaVydkhya 263

Chapter 5 B-N asarog a N idanam

Sloka7-ln this verse,prakopaof Kaphapreceeded by safrcaya is mentioned,to
differentiateit from the other kind i.e., prakopawithout safrcaya;for it is said :
r +dd T{i srq tqr: g;qfa ttr+r{ r
srqdlsfrSqF{ i{ dril€-d E-dr(tl
It is not that the do.sasundergoprakopa(profound increase)alwaysprece<ieC
by safrcaya(mild increase);sometimesby the effect of more number or effective
causesthey undergoprakopaimmediatly.

Ayurveda, emphatically statesthat, diseasesare the outcome of indulgence in
Mithya-Ahara-vihera or Ahita Aharavihara ( unwholesome or unhealthy 'foods
and activities). 'Ahara' means foods and drinks, and Vihara refersto all other
humanactivities.Tlrey arc mainlythreeviz,
( a ) Kryak4(ariraka ( activitiesof the body including the five senseorgans)
( b ) Manasika-activities of the mind.
( c ) Vacika-activitie s of speech.
Vihera alsoir.rcludesother factorssuch as effectsof Kala ( time ) the changes
in the atmospberc clurirrg day, night and seasons.Thus, the scope of the term
Mithydhanvihtr,r is vt:ry wide and all its cornponcntshave been visualisedand
explaineclwith exernplesin rletail in thc Caraka Sarhhita,tas the three chief causa-
tive factorsof rliseases,
as lbllorvs-
l. AsIt rnyendriyaltha Samyo.1a iml)ropercorlelationof the five senseorgans
rvith tbeir rcspectivcobjects.It is also called'Artha' in short.
2. Prajiitparadha '-transgression or violation of usualor normal proceduresof
all activities, either by misunderstandingor ignorance. This is called as
'Karma' in short.

3. Pariqlrna is the e{Iectof changesin the environmentsuch as sunlight,

breeze, cold etc., occuringduring day, night and seasons.This is, in short
called as 'Kdla'.
Each one of the aboveis having three Vikalpas (subdivisions) viz, (a)
Atiyoga-excess ( indulgence ) ( b ) Hinayoga or Ayoga-deficient or absence( of
indulgence) and ( c ) Mithyayoga-improper, unusualor irregular (indulgence).All
thesethree are Viqamaor abnormaland tend to produce Roga (disease.) : There
is anothersubdivision,thc Samyagyoga -the norrnalone.whichis conduciveto health
or spokenof as Arogya ( health ) itself.

L C a . S u , l l ; C a . S a ,I
Mith2a-Ahara-Yihara 265

All the tbree subdivisionsof each of the three major heads,are eloborated in
further pages. The explanation and examples found in the original texts arrd the
commentary are given on the left hand side of the page and their modern parlance
and few present-dayexamplesare furnished on the right hand side, to fecilitate the
Present,day readers.
I Asdtrymhiylrtha Samloga ( Improper correlation of the senseorgans with their
respectiveobjects )

l. Calcsarin&fia ( eye) arthurrpa ( sight ) Examplcs

A ) Atiyoga-Atimdtra darSana Excessive
use ofthe eye for seeing
a ) Ati-prabha, Atidtpta (seeingvery Arc welding, smelting of metals, ores
brigtrt objects, bright light etc. ). etc. Flash light photography etc.l
b ) Ati sokgmavikga4a( seeingvery Use of microscope,Micro art (draw-
minute objects). ing, writing, etchingetc.
B ) Ayoga/Hina yoga-
a ) Apravrittil Not using the eye at
b ) Adar$ana I all due to any :edson
C ) Mithya yoga-Viqamapravritti
Improper use of the eye to see
a ) Sight of Atiflistra ( very close by,
nearby )
b ) Sight of AtiviprakJqla( very far
away )
c ) Sight of Roudra ( terryfying ) F'orest fire, volcano, collapse of
buildings, trces etc., fire, atomic expl-
osion etc.
d ) Sight of Bhairava ( threatening ) Sight of wild animals etc.
e ) Sight of Acibhuta ( unknown, Flying soucers etc. creatures from
unusual) other planetsifany, etc.
f ) Sight of DwiSta ( disliked, Sight of torture, rape etc.
hated )
g ) Sight of Bhibhatsa ( emotional ). Seeingothers being tortured, murd.
ered, engaged in sexual acts. etc.
266 Madhaaa

h ) Sight of Vikrta ( abnorrnal) Seeing animals and merl with
unusual features, such as monsters,
cyclops,with extra parts, absenceof
Partsetc' (not
i ) Sight of Vitrasana ( creating Seeinqrobbers,decoits, officialsrvith
anxieiy or fear ) authority ( Policemen, tax collc-
2, Srotrendriya( car ) artha--labda ( sound)
A ) Atiyoga-AtimdtraSrava4a Dynamite exploding,
a ) Atistanita (abda ( htarirrg of Nlachinesmakin.q loud noises.
very loud sounis for long peri
as phat-phat,chat-chatetc. )
B ) Avoga-A-"ravana ( nclt hearing any Closureof carr as part of trcatntcnt,
sour.dfor lolg l.reriods) scientificcxperinlentation etc.
C ) Mithya Yoga -Le aring of sounds
which are
a ) Parusa( harsh, r'ough) l}.ayirrgof donkcy, barkina ofdogs,
soundof nrachines.
b ) I;alvinaia ( loss/cleatl'rof the LIcar.ingthe news ofdeath of close
most liked ) relative, li.iend etc,, of loss of
c ) Upaghata ( soundof injury ) Soun,iof vciling, suffer.inghelpless,
(abuse, reJicule)
d ) Pradharsar.ra Sound of abusing,scolding hurniliat-
ing, insulting.
e ) Bhipala ( cmotiorral) Exciting ( ar.ousinganger ), discour-
aging ( arousingIiuslration ) threa-
tening ( arousing I'earor anxiety )
_,.!:Y*Y:--:.- --
3. Ghra4cwlrila ( nose) artha-gandha(smell)
A ) Atiyoga'Atinratra ghrala-excessive
smelling such as :
a ) Tikpqa ( penetrating, causing Frying or powdering of chillies
watering ofeyes,noseetc. ) ( capsicurn), pepper, soapnut and
b ) Ugra ( strong ) Smell of many flowers'
c ) Abi(yandi ( intoxicating/causing as of rtrong alcohol, acidsand many
fainting ) chemicals'
B ) Ayoga -Aghra{'ana - not sme}ling
any thing at all.
C ) Mithyayoga ( smellssuch as )
a ) Puti ( putrifying, clc-composing
) Smell of cadcver of man and ani-
mals floatirrg irt lvatcr etr,.
b ) Dwiqta ( tlislikcd,hatc,-l) Unrtccustotnerl bad or good smell.
t: ) Amedhya ( d i;guisting/unplca- Silk rv,:aving, tanninq, powdering
sanl to thc nrind ) bolrcs.ctc.
d )Klinna (soaking,nloistoning ) Iitoving,et':.
e ) Visa pavana poisoncd ) air' P'rllutedait'as liorn chenlicallumes,
gascs,pett ol ancltlicselfutnes,spray-
iug of pcsticiilcs, burning of garbage,
f ) Kur.rapa( cadaveric) Itish and other sca lbod processing,
boiled silk moth disPosaletc.
4. Rasancndriya ( tongue) artlu'rasa ( taste)
A ) Ariyoga -At,r,adana of Rasas Dxcessiveintake of articles of sweet,
( excessive indulgencein any one or soucand pungenttastesetc,
all the tasteslor long Periods )
B ) Ayoga-Anadana (non-indulgence
in any taste)
C ) Mithydyoga ( non-ohservanceof For details sce under Viruddha
rules of food. Intentional/unavoida- Ahata.
ble transgressionof the eight factors
concerningfood ).
268 i,ladhaw Niilanam

5, Sparlanendrja ( skin) ailho-spdlld (tlwh)
A ) Atiyoga-Atisevana ., excessiveindul-
gence in Ati3ita ( very cold ) Exposure to cold breeze, working
in ice making factories and others
with subzerotemperatures,
Ati u;r.ra( very hot ) Slast furnace smelting metals, and
many other industrial works, expos-
ure to open fire, sunlight, electri.
city etc.
Snana ( bathing ) abhyanga ( oil Excessiveindulsence
bath ), Utsadana ( massagingthe
body ) etc.
B ) Ayoga-Anupasevana ( nonindul- Intentionally or unavoidablv.
gencein any of the above ),
C ) Mithyayoga-
a ) Viruddha sevana( improper ind-
ulgence, voilating the regimen,
massage after bath; bathing
in cold water immediately after
exposureto heat ).
b ) vigama sthana-- improper pracing Very tight dress.,
irritating and other
(sitting, gait, posture, dress, kinds of uncomfortable dress,
vehiclesetc ). rynthetic fibres etc. hard seats,
rough Vehiclesetc.
c ) UtkutakaSana( sitting on heels).
d ) Abhighata ( injury ) Injury, pinching, pricking, scratch-
ing, radiation exposureetc.
c ) ASuci ( uncleanliness) Oirty cloth, headwears, helmets,
shoesl not taking bath for many
days etc.
f ) Bhotaspar3a( assaultby animals Wild animals,domesticanimals,pets
etc. ) etc., micro-organism,(bacteria,viius)
Mithla-Ahara.Vihara 269

lI. Prujftaparadha
( transgrasionof rcgimen)
l. Kayaka( physicalactivities)
a ) Ativyayama (excessive physical
activity ) for long periods,suchas,
for example Adhwa (walkinglong
distances ) Bhdravdhana(carry-
irg heavy loads) yyav-aya
( sexual intercourse) Drutaydna
( fastridine ), Uccabhd6ala ( spea-
king in high pitch ),

b ) Sahasa( activitieswhich produce Gymnastics and athletic feats, wei-

quick exertion) Such as Balavad ght lifting.
Vigraha ( wrestling with stronger Mountain climbing,sea swimming,
persons ). sky diving, horse and motor cycle
Dhanurakarga{ra ( archery) Matta raceetc.
prE{ridamana( restrainingan ani.
mal whichis in heat) Mahanadi-
taraTa ( swimmingacrossmighty
Saha Dhdvana ( running along
with horses,dogs,bullsetc ).
firowing heavyobjectslike stones, Throwing discus, hammer, iron
log of wood etc. fast dancing) etc. shot etc.
B ) Ayoga-SarvathE Apravritti-Ace5ta
( not doing any physical activity )
AvyayAma( absenceof exercise)
C ) Mithyayoga ( improper, irregular
a ) Vegadhara4a (suppression of
urgesof urine,feces,flatus etc ),
b ) Vegodira+a ( voluntary initiation
of theseurgesprematurcly)
270 Madhaoa

c ) Viqama ceqta ( improper acts ) Acrobatics.
Skhalana ( sliding ) patana ( fall-
ing from a height, jumping ancl
suchactiviticsimproperlydone ).
d ) Prdqoparodha ( activities which Magical feats.
require control of brcath arrd risky Air flights $'ithout oxygen etc.
to lil'e ) Yogic exercises.
e ) Ariga pradusa4a (scratchirrg)
Sndna/Abiryanga (oil massageand
batli ).prahdra( blows) rnardana
( massaging ) etc., of the body.
f ) Sankle{anadi kdryds ( :rcti<.,ns
which produce severeexertion )
2. Manasika( Psychologicalactivity )
A ) Atiyoga -Atipravritti ( excessive Excessivemental work, effect of
mental activity ) drugs etc.
B ) Ayoqa--Apravritti ( absence of Inaderluate or absenceof mental
mental activity ) work, effert of drugsetc.
C ) Mithyayoga ( improper activity )
a ) Manodwegafrom bhaya ( fear ), By the effect of psychodelicsubsr
soka (grief), krodha ( anger ), lobha ances like hashish, charas etc.
( greed), moha (-passion), kama many other chemicalsand drugs,
( lust ), irgya (jealosy), dwe;a ( hat- Brainwashing and suchother met-
red ), mana ( pride i, mada ( infatua- hods.
tion ) etc. and many more mental
b ) Mithyadar{ana ( improper underst-
arrdingand inrproper responsc).
3. Vacika( Vocal ) activity ol spcech.
A ) Atiyoga -Talking lbr long pcrioJs.
Uccabhdqa+a ( speaking in high
pitch )gayana ( siuging) etc.
B ) Ayoga Apravritti-Nfouna(observing vow or any other cause,
silencefor long periods).
Mithla-Aharu.Viharu 27r
C ) Milhyayoga-improper speech such
as sucaka( pointinq mistakes) anrta
( falsehood) akala ( untimely ) kal-
aha (quarrelsorne) apriya ( unpl-
easant) abadha (irrclevant) anupa-
clra ( uncourteous,inrpolite) paruqa-
vacana ( harsh rvords,abuses) etc.
List o/ Causescommonllmentionedin nijority of thediseases
in Madhata Niddna
I. Ahara : Foods
A. Gttnas-Nature of foods Prcsentday examples.
a ) Atiqulu /verv herd for digestion) Larqe quantity, uncooked, sweet,
fatty, fried in oil. meat, egg, black-
gram, bengal-gram, peas, unripe
banana; potato and other tubers,
b ) Ati.laghu ( very light fol dieesti. Diluted milk., buttermilk, whey,
on) soups,steam-cooked,double.cooked,
lruit juices,syrupsetc.
c ) .\ti-snigdha( vcry latty ) Butter, ghee,cheese,
oil, foods mixed
with these, fatty meat, bone
mauow etc.
d ) Ati-ruksa or Su;ka ( nonfatty, Fried grains,puffed corns etc.
dry, powdery )
e ) Ati-u9na( verv hot ) Coffee, tea and other drinks, soups,
f ) Ati-6ita ( verv cold ) Cooled beverages,ice, ice cream,
salacl,freezedfruits, fish, meat etc.
g ) ,\ti-:th0l;r ( ka[hina) (very hard) Unripe fruits and nuts, uncooked
h ) Ati-drava ( very liquid ) Syrups, fruit juices, milk, butter-
milk, broth, whey etc,
i ) Aiuci ( dirty, unclean)
272 MadhaoaNitlnnam

j ) Ajiraa ( uncobked)
k ) Asdtmya ( unaccustomed) Coffee, tea and other drinks,
tabacco, opium, ganja, bhang,
hashish, etc, arsenic, alcoholic
drinks etc.
1) Praklinna ( soaked in water for
Iong time, remoistened)
rn)Paryu;ita ( kept over-night,stale ) Fermenteddough,idli, dosa, bread
and bakery products.
n ) Du;ta ( contaminated ) Adulterated foods, chemicals such
as D. D. T & other particides, harm
f,ul colours etc., being the contami-
o ) Abhisyandi ( thosc causing in- Curds, unprocessedsugarcanejuice,
creaseof secretions which block wines etc.
the passages, cell poresetc.,;
p ) Vidahi ( those causing burning pungent and sour food, spices,
serrsationinside the abdomen ) chillies etc.
q ) Viruddha (incompatable in respect
of Rasas (tastes): madhura
( sweet), tikta (bitrer), madhura
sweet) and lavana (salt); Guna
qualities )+nigdha and riikga
fatty and powdery ); Virya ( pet-
ency ( uqpa and 6ita - hot and
cold ); Kala ( season) (cold foods
in winter, hot ones in summer ); -
Prakriti of the person{ natural
dislike,unsuitabilityetc ).
B ) Rasa( Tastes)
( Excessiveuse of foods of
a ) Atikatu-( very pungent ) Chillies ( green and dry ) peppcr,
ginger (grcen, dry ) garlic, onion,
raddish, pickles and other condim-
Mithya.Ahara-Vihara 273
b ) Ati Amta-( very sour ) Tamarind, lemon and other
fruits, curds; wines, toddy and other
fermente beveragesrtomato, myrobal-
ans, unripe mango, vinegar', citric
acid etc.
c ) Ati Tikta ( very bitter ) Bitter gourd ( karella ), Nlethi (fenu
greek ) etc.
d ) Ati lavana and Kghara ( vcr.y Excessiveuseof saltsand alkaliesetc.
e ) Ati Madhura ( very sweet) Sugar'-cane juice and all its products,
beetroot,fruits,jams, honey,sacchr.irre,
I ) Ati Kaqaya(very astringent) Unripe wood-apple, dates, rn.,,,oba-
lans, arecanutetc,

C. Cutain ArticLesoJ Didt :-

A. Dhan2a( grains )-
1. Navanna ( Nava dhdnya
)-Just harvested/acutelyfreshgrain.
2. VirUqlhadhanya-Germinating grains.
3. Adaki-Cajanus indicus,Spr"igl
4. Ctnaka*panicuar miliaccurn.Linn.
5. H-yanaka-A variety of rice, Oryza sativa Linn.
6. Kalayl-pisum sativumLinn.
7. Koraduga-paspalumscorbiculatum. Linn.
8. Kulattha-Dolichos biflorus.Linn.
9. Nladholaka-Triticum sativum. Lam.
10. Masura-Lens culinaris_rnedic.
I L N{apa-Phaseolusrnungo.Linn.
12. Mudg;r-phascolus qur.eusRoxb.
13.Nispiva-Dolichos lablab Linn.
14. Sargapa-tsrassicacampestrisVar.
I5. Tila-Sesarnum indicum. Linn.
16. Uddalaka-pasapalum scorbiculatum.
I 7. Yavaka-Horde um vulgare. Linn,
274 MadhaaaNiddnam

B. Sakas( kaf) Vcgctabks)

l. Sqka Saka-dried leaves.
2. Bhutrila-Cymbopogon citratus.DC.
3. Gaqdira ( Bhandira )-Arnaranthus spinosus.Linn.
4, Kdkamaci-Solanum rrigrun. Linn.
5. Kdlamdla..-Ocimunsancturn.Linn.
6. Karanja-Pongamia glabra. Vcnt.
7. Karavira-Narium olorum. soland.
8. K;av aka-BrassicaJuncea Lirrn.
9. Kugeraka-Ocimum basilicurl. Linn.
10. La(una-Allium sativum Linn.
I 1. Madhusigru-Moringa Pterygospenna. Geartri.
I2. Phaaijjaka-Oliganum Majorana.Linn.
13. Rohiqri( Kalukarohini ) Picrorhiza Kurroa. Rovle.
14. Sargapa-Brassicacampestris.Linn.
15. Sigru-Moringa Pterygosperma.Geartn
16. Sumukha-A variety of Ocimum sanctum.Linn.
17. Surasd-Ocimum sanctumLinn.
C. Kotda, Iufrla ( Tubcrs, Roots,Rhizomes)
l. Bisa-Rhizome of Nelumbium speciosumwilld.
2, Kaseru-Scirpus kysoor Roxb.
3. Kroufrcddanalotus stalk
4. LaSuna-Allium sativumLinn.
5. Mulaka ( Ama )-Tender Raphanussativus.Linn.
6. Pindalu-Dioscorca alata. Linn.
7. Slingataka-Trapa bispinosa.Roxb.
D. Phala ( fuuits )
I. Badaca-Zizyphus Jujuba, Lam. ( large sizedfruit )
2. .fambu , EugeniaJambolana.Lam.
3. Kuvala ( kola )-Zizyptrus jujubc ( moderaresizedfruir )
4. Lakuca-Artocarpus lakoot:ha.Roxb,
E. Mamsa( ncat,fsh etc.)
l. Anupa mdmsa-Flesh of animalsand birds living in marshy regions.
2, Oudaka mdmsa-Flesh of a.nimalsarrdbirds livine in water.
Mith2a-Ahan-Vihan 275

3. Grdmyamdmsa-Flesh of domesticanimalsand birds.

4, Supkamarnsa( vallura )-Dried meat.
5. Poti mamsa-meat which smeils bad.
6. Vi6akta nramsa-.Poisorredmeat, or of animalskilled by poisoning
7. Aja mdmsa-n)eat of goat
B. Avi mamsr-lneat of sheep
9 Go miimsa-mcat of cow, ox, bull.
I0. Kanakapota-meat of'dove
ll. Mahiga mamsa-meat of buffalo
I 2. Matsyarnanrsa-fish, in genclal
13. Cilicirna fish-a kind of red colouredfish.
14, Varaha mDmsa-flesh of boer, hog.

F. Drau ( Liquids )
1.Jala Atipana-drinking of large quantitiesof water.
2. Navdmbu ( Freshwater )-In rivers, brooksetc., which are muddy.
3. Ati6ttambu ( Very cold water )-Oooled with ice, or by refrigerator.
4. Dugtlmbu ( Poilutedwater )-Contaminated by sewage,sullage, industrial
5. Triqla Nigraha Ilis a Vis-Jale Varjana Controlling of thirst or avoidance
of drinking water.

G. K;tra and Kptra Vikrti ( Mclk and Milk Products)

l. Ama kqira-urrcookedmilk
2. Dadhi-Coagulat milk
3. Kilata-Residue of clotted milk after filtering
4. Kuroika-Re sidueof butter-milk
5. Mandaka-Inaclcquately felmented culds
6. Takra-Buttelmilk diluted
7. pinda-Solid portiou of buttermilk
8. Uda(wit-Dilutcd butter-milk

H. lkshuRasaand Vikyti-( Sugar canejuice and its products)

I . Iksburasaati pane-Drinking large quantititesof canejuice
2. Gu{a-Jaggery i molasses / treacle
276 Mdtlhala Nidanam

3. Phalita-Half cookedmolasses
4. Sarkara- Sugar

I , Tailas ( Oils )
l. AtasiTaila-Oil ol' [,irrurnusitrlissimum,
2. Kusumba Taila-Oil of' OartharnustinctoriusLinn
3 SarsapaTaila-Oil of Brassicacampestris.Linn.
4. Tila Taila-Oil of Scsamurnindicum D. C.

.J.Madya( Wincs,Drinking alcoholic

l. Ati madyapdna-Too much indulgencein alcolrolicclrinks
2. liquols.
3. Nava rnadya-Fresh hquor.s
4. Asava ( arig1a) -F er.mentedinfusionsdecocrions.
5. Badardmla (Sour liluirl. - presenrday,s alcoholic beverages
i wrth.yulube Preparcd
- i li.uits) suchas Beer
6. Kuvalamla) Rum
T.Maireyai Intoxicating alcoholic Gin
! oeveraHc prepared rvith
B. i\{edakaI grain.,how..r,, ;rqg"ry lVhiskt'
.9. Sagu I Confecronrr.y pr.cprr.eclwith Brandl'
lU, )adava j Sweet, aci,l an.l saline
substances Champagne
I l. Souvira .\,,,
preprrecl Toddy
12. Sukta I with srains LrKeI rcc' r':rrrey Arrack
it: 5;; l ;,;.' "''""

K. PrcparcdFoods:-
Plthuka -Rice made intu flirkt,s
Pigta FIour
Krsara -Ricecookcil:rlorrrl qram
w;tll 1.r..(.rr
Sa3kuli- Pastr.y
lric,l irr oil
Upadamda ( Vyanjana -pickles, fried
eatables, side-dishes,condi
Mith2a-Ahara-Vihara 277

L. BhojanaKroma ( Naturc oJ Dining, Eating habits)

I. Adfrya3ana-Eating large quantity and too liequently ( gluttony )
2. Alpa6ana/Ana6ana -Eating very lessquantity of food
Pramita6ana,Upavdsa Fasting,starving
3. VilamaSana-Eating foods which is a mixture of suitable and unsuitable
articles,incompatablefooCs;contaminated,dirty foods etc.
4. Atidruta bhojana -Eating very fast, gulping'
5. Akdla-eating beforc the usual timc.
6. Kalatita--eat ing after the lapsc of usual time.
7. Akrama eating violating the regimen ofdining.
B. Asltmya eating footls c.g. mud, chalk, hairs.
Mridbhakshana( eating mud ) etc.

Il. MitfuaVihara( Unhealthl Activitics)

A. Sanraka--
l. VegaLlharala( vega niqraha, Supprcssion of the urges of urine, feces,
vegarodha.) natus,sncezing,tliirst, hunger,sleep.brea-
tlting, yalvning,tears, vomitting, seminal

2. Veiga u.liragr( Utklelana, Ptcnraturcinitiationof the urges

Pra'ullrar.ra by li 'r, t .

3. Ativyaydma,slhas;r Exccssivcphysicalactivity, cxertion

Ati Adhwagamana walking long distauces,
Ati Bharavahana lifiing hcavy wciglrts'
Ati clruta yana ( Sigtrrayana ) Fast r i'ling
Ati l)ruta nartana Fast clancing
Ati Uccha bha;ar1a,Adhyayana, Speaking, reciting singing etc'' in high
()ay;rna,llalavad Vigralrrr pitch Fight with strongerperson'

4. Visamaccata
Larrgha0a,Apatanrsan:r Irregularjurnping, Falling from height
Kayanirorlha Restrainingthe body
Swasanir-orlha Stopping the breath
278 Madhaaa
Vigamaiayana Irregular postureof slceping
Va;ama Asana Uncomfortablepostureetc.
Utkutaklsana sitting on heelslor long time
VigamaYena Uncomfortable vehicles, bicycles, motor
cycles,tractors,lorries ctc.
Ati Jymbha,Hasana excessiveyawning,laughingetc.
Ati Kalinadravya Khddana Biting very hard ryaterials
Jivha-ati nirlekhana Extendingor scrapingthe tonsuetoo much
Ttk;na ganrlhaghrdlra Smellingstrongori,,rlrs
Urdhwa niliksaga Gazing up too long
Arka naksatrddinirikgalra Gazingat thc sun,srarserc.
Ati sukshmadravya ninksapa Vie wing very minute objects
Ati pradipta darsana Viewing very bright objects,light etc.
5. Avydydma-Ace{ta Poor physicalactivity or inactivity.
Asyasukha Comlolt of sitting.
6. Ati Vyavaya ( Atimrithuna ) Excessivcindulgencein sexualintercourse.
7. Avyavlya Total abstaining fi'om sexualintcrcourse
lor long tlme.
B. Ati-swapna Indulgence in excessivc dreaming and
Swapnasukha enjoyingthe comfort of sleep.
9. Diwdswapna sleepingduring day.
10. Aswapna/Ratrijagara Abstainingfrom sleep,keepingawakeat

I l. Abhighata-/ghata( gastradi) Injury by instruments,weaponsetc.,

Anya prani assaultby other animalsfrom their
( nakha,danta, damstra claws,tceth, sting, touch,
parisarpana,mutrana etc. ) urination on the body etc.
Vidyut,Agni-Dhtlma-Rajas. Lightning,thunder-bolt,fire,smoke,dust,
electricity,radiation. etc.
12. Abhiqanga( Bhutabhiganga)
Krimi - Bahya External parasites
Abhyantara Internal parasites
Sukqma Micro-organisms, bactcria,virus etc.
Graha-pid-ca, Possessionby evil spirits.
Mithya-Ahata-Vihara 279

Cursesby gods,elders, saints,asceticsetc.

II. ManasikaCe;la ( Mcnlal Activitics )

l. Manobhighdta due to udwegas- Injury to the mind by emotions suchas
such as bhaya, krodha, 3oka, fear, anuer, grief, jelousy, hatred, worry,
lrgya, dwega,chinta, dainya and and humiliation and loss of the most
I;gavinaSactc. belovedetc.
2. Pradhar;ana Abusing or rcdiculing gods, elders,
3. Pepa karma Committing sirrfulacts
4. Htna Satwa Mental deficiency, ldiocy, mental
5. Achintana Absenceof any mental activity
6, Indriya Mithyayoga Excessive,inadequateor perverseusageof
lne scnseorgans.

IIL fttu Vrparya2a:-( Irregularities of the seasons)

l. Ati Sitavata Very cokl breezc
2. Ati Sita Kala Winter
3. Ati Avasyava( Tusana). Snow-fall
4. Prlgvdta ( Purovata) Breezefrom east'direct breeze.
5. Ati atapa ( Gharma ) Excessivesunlight,heat.
IV. Dcsa ( Habitat )-
l. Anupa Marshy regions
2. Ati3tta Very cold regions
3. Ati u5rla Very hot regions

V. DchaVikTtis( Abnormalitiesof the body )

1, Apatarpana Lack of nutrition
2. Santarpa4a Overnutrition
3 Dourbalya,( Balana3a) Debility due to any cause
4. Dosa Atisafrcaya Excessiveaccurnulationof dogas
5. Dosa Atisrlvana Bxcessiveelimination of do;as
6. Dhatu-Atitsaya I Excessive specially
depletionof tisssues,
especially-RaktakgayaI Lossof blood
2Bt) MddhaoaNidanant

Rasak!irya Lossof chyle, lymph and other fluids.

Sukra ksaya Lossof semen
Bijopaqhata Damageto thc seads
( spermentozoon and ovum )
7. Mala Ati kqaya Excessiveelimination/loss
tl. SrotasDusti AbnormalitiesoI channels,pores
9. Amaya ( Roga ) Diseases-one discaseacting as cause for
Nidanlrthakara Roga anotlrerdisease
10. G arbha/Douln'itla Plcguancy,Longinqs ol pregnancy
Prasava( Atidruta ) Vely quick delivery, hastenedlabour,
Visama prasDti Irregular delivel.y
Garbhasrdva/pata Abortion, miscarriage
Mudha garbha Impactedor obstructeddelivery
I l. Sahaja,Kulaja Vikrti Genetic,and heriditarydelects
VI. CikitsaVikyti : ( Abnormatiticsof therapies
I. Viqamayogls Impropel
( Atiyoga, Ayoga, Excessive, inadequateor improper
Mithya,voga) proccdurein therapieslike
of snchana/swedana oleation,suciation,
Sodhanakarma Purificatory procedures,
R akta Moksana' Blood letting
$astra Surgicaloperation and
( and others) other therapics
VII. PuroaKarmalDaiua Actionsof previouslives,
providence,acts of gods.

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282 A{adhdtaNidanam


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284 MadhaoaNitlanam

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ListoJ Substanus 285


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286 Madhaoa

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List oJSubstances
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2BB MadhaaaNidanam

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List of Substances
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290 Madhau Nidanam


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1.Jwara-Pyrexia, Fever.
A. SantaJwara -Regular fevers(Or.ganic fevms ).
a ) VatajaJwara .,Feverdue to increaseof Vata
b ) Pittaja Jwara-Fever due to increaseof pitta
c ) Kaphaja Jwara ,Fever due to increaseof Kapha
d ) Vata PittaJwarar-Fe ver clueto increaseof Vlta pitta together
e )Vdta Kapha Jwara Fever due to increascof Vata and Kapha together
f) Kapha pitta Jwara -Fever due to incrcaseof Kapha and pitta together
g ) SannipdtaJwara-Fever due to increaseof all the three dogastogether
B. Agantu jwara -Fever due to external causes
a l AbhighatajaJwara-Fever duc to assaulr,trauma
b ) AbhicharajaJwara -Fever due to rvitchcraft,sorceryetc,
Abhi(apaja Jwara -Fever due to curses,abusesetc.
d AbhipangajaJwara -Fever due to worms, pathogenicbacteria
e VigajaJwara .fever due to poisorrs
f Oqadhigandhajajwara-Fever due to inhalationof pollel
Manasika - Udwega( emotions) 1 Psychic{cversdue ro
( ( fear ) .l emorionalbouls
5?rnu lus-t.).Bhaya
Soka ( grief ) kopa ( anger ) t suddcnly.
C. Vi;ama Jwara-Irregular, intermittant fevers
a ) Sailtatajwara -continuous for 7, 10, 12 days lollowed by r.emissiouand
b ) Satatajwara -double quotidian fever
c ) Anyedugkajwara-Quoticlian fever
d ) Tritiyaka jrvara-Tertian fever

l. Further on, in all diseases,thosevarities which are causedby increaseof any two dosas
togetherare designated as Dwandwaja ( D,vidosajr ) and those crusedby increaseof all
the threedosastogethcras Sannipetaja( Tridosaja)
Mcntioned 293

e ) Caturthakajwara-Quartan fever
f ) Caturthakaviparyaya -Ro'ersed quartan fcver.
g ) Vatabalasakajwara-Fcver in Beribcri,hclmenthiasisetc.
h ) Pralt:paka.jwara tubcrculosis

' 2. Atlsara -Diarrhoca

A. a ) Vataja b ) Piuaja c ) Kaphaja d ) Sannipataja e) 3r-,kaja/Bhayaja-diarr-
. hoea causedby excessoi grief, fear | ) Amaja-diarrhoea causedby eating
uncookedlundigested food.
B. Pravahika-Dysentery
a ) Vataja b ) Pitta.iac ) Kaphaja d ) Sannipatajac ) Raktaja ( $onitaja.) due
to viriationo1'bkrod
3. Grahani Rogl Discaseo1'thcduoJe;rum,sprue,Malabsorptionsyndrome.
a ) Vataja b ) Pittaja c ) Kapha.jad ) Sannipftaja
c ) S a n { r . , l rgr r a l r r r r r i l
4. Ardas- Haemorrhoicls,piles
a ) Vataja b ) Pittajr c ) k.rphajad ) Sannipatajae ) So4itaja( Raktaja)
f ) Sahaja congenital
5. Agnirndndya-Dvspcpsia,we:rk digcstivcactivity.
A. a ) Mandagni-Feeble or very weak digestivefunction
. b ) fiksnAgni -ir.rtcnseor vcry powerfuldigestivefunction
c ) Visamagni Ellatic cligestivefunction
B. Ajirt a-Indigestion
a ) Amajirna-rlue to incleaseol kaph:r
b ) Vidagdhajir4ra duc to incr-casc of Pitta
c ) Vistabdhajirna-rluc to irrcrelscof V:rta
) Rasa(esajir'la -tlu,: to inr:r'case of undigestedf
improperly processedAhara
R asa
e ) \/isucika,-Gastlo-r:ntcriris,
f )Al;rs.rk.t )-
g ) V i l . r n r l , i kr I r " " l l ) r ' r s ( ' n r n g '
6. Krimiroga cliscases cluc tL.rperasites,helmenthiasis.
a ) R i l r ) . r - - c x l e r r : r lp r r a s i t e s
b ) A b h v a n t al a - I n t c l n aI 1 r : r r a s i t e s
a ) Kaphaja (b ) Purisaja(born in feces) ( c ) Raktaja ( born in blood )
254 LladhaaaNidanam
7. P5n{uroga-Anacmia
A. a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja
e ) Mrid bhakqalaja anacmiadue to eating of mud
B. Karnaia-Jaundice,l lepatitis.
a ) Kogtha6raya-residingin the abdomer,
b ) Shakha6raya-residingin the tissues
c ) Kumbhakamala 'cirrhosisof the liver with iaundice
d ) H a l i m a k r I ^unlorosrs
a ^_ ,. I
e I rana Kl I

B. Rakta-pitta-Haernorrh:rgic diathesis,polycythcmeaVera ?
Urdhwaga-bleeding from upper orifices
D Adhoga-bleeding from lowcr oriRccs
C Tiryagga -bleedingfrom all directions includingskin pores
9. Raja yakpma pulmonarytuberculosis
A. a ) Trir[pa with three symptoms
b ) $a 1rtrpa-with six symptoms
c ) Ekada6aropa-with elevensymptoms
B. Soga-consurnption,wasting,emaciation,
a ) Vyavaya-duc to exessivesexualintercourse
b ) Soka due to excessof grief
c ) Vardhikya due to old age
d ) Vyeyama-due to excessof physieal activity
e ) Adhrva due to excessof walkinq long distances
| ) Vrala- -due to plotractedulcer/lvound
g ) Urakgata clueto injury of chcst(lungs )
I0. Kasa-cough/pertussis/llronchitis
a ) Vataja (b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja (d ) Ksataja-due to injury to lungs
e ) K;ayaja-due to wasting,depletiorrof tissues.
I l. A. Hikkd-Hiccuo
.\nrraja-Jue to irnproper lood
b Yamala-hiccup in pairs
c Kgudra-mikl hiccup
d Gambhira-cleep seated
c Mahati-powe rful, with gre;rtforce
DisewesMcttlionul 295

B. Swasd-Dyspnoe;r
Maha Swdsa-powelful, long, painlirl breathing
b [irdhwa Swisa-br cathingouLwarcls with pronouneclexpirations-
Chinna (wdsa--iliscontinuedbrearhing
d Tamaka {wasa-breathine associatedwith darkness. BronchialAsthma
e ) Kgudra Swdsa-mild dyspneaof exertion
' 12,Swarabheda-lossofvoice,hoarseness;Laryngitis/Pharyngitis
a ) Vataja ( b ) Piuaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d) Sannipataja
e ) Medaja-due to excessof iat, obesity
f ) Ksayaja--due to consumption,pulmouary tuberculosis.
13. Arocaka-Loss of appetitc.lossol taste,Anorexia, Aversion to food.
a ) V a t a j a( b ) P i u a j a( c ) K a p h a j a ( d ) S a n n i p a t a j a
e )M6rrasika-,luc to liricf, fear',jcalosy,anger, foul smell etc.
I 4. Chardi-Vornir ting.
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaplraia ( d ) sannipataja
e ) Agantuja-othcr causcssuchas
Bhibhatsaja-fcar and othel ernotiorrs
Asatmyaja.--unaccustomeiI fcrocls,
Krimi ja- pzrlasitcs,
15. Tr;{ra-Thirst
a Vataja ( b ) Pirt:rja( c ) Kaplr3.j1
d KSata.ia-rluc to bleetlingrvorrnrl
c Ksayaja*-rluc to lossof Rasa ( lyrnph ) and otber body fluids.
i Amaja- due to inrligr:stion
ti Bhaktodbh.rva-rlr rc:to sour and heavy foods
16. Ivlulcha-Faintinr, :yncope.
A . a V-t:rja r b ) Pittej.r (c ) Kaphaja (d ) Raktaja
c Nladyaja,,tlut: ro ali oholic drinks
l - ) V i s aj a - . l u c t o p o i s o r r
ts. Bhrarna.-Girlcliness,
C. Tandla-stupor, sleepyness.
D. Samnyasa-Corna,Lossof conceiousness.
296 trIadhataNdanam

I 7. l'dndtyaya-i)aramaila-pinajirna_panavib[12p2_
diflererrtdegrccsof alcoholism
18. Daha-Feeling of bur.ningsensation
a ) Madyaja due to alcoholiccxcess
b ) Raktaja-due to vitiation ol blood
c ) Pittaja-due to increaseof pitta
d ) Tpsr.rJni
rodhaja-due to rupp..rrio., of thirst
e ) Raktapurnr kogghaja-dueto accumuliationof
blood inside the abdomen
from injur-yto viscera.
f ) Dhatuksayaja-due to lossof depletionof tissues

g) Ksataja-du.,",":rt
I9. Unmada--Insanitv
a Varaja ( b ) piuaja ( c Kaphaja ( d
) ) Sannipdta3a
e Manasika-duc to violent errotionslike fear,
grief etc.
f Vi;aja-due to poison
o Bhitonmada-due to possession by evil spir.its.
20. Apasmara-E pilcpsy
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pirtaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d) Sannipataja
2l, Vatavyadhi-Diseases causeclby increasedVata ( Nervousdiseases
Koslha(rita-increasedVata localisedand actins in the abdomen,
Sarvar.'ga-incre aseclVata luL:aliselarrtl actirrgin the whole body.
Guddirita-Increased Vata localisedand actirrgin the rectum.
Amadayaga ta-Increased Vata localised,ncl aiting in the stomach,intestines
Pakwd(ayagata--increasecl Vdta localiscclu,rd in the large intestine
Indriyagata-increased vata localisedancl acting ".ting
ir the senseorgans
Twakgata-Incr.easc(lvata localisecl:ind
actinqin the skin
Raktagata-increascdvata localisecl ^.rtl actin"gin the blood
_incrcased vata local,.cdand actine in the
ruedogata I musr.lesarrdfal tissu.:s
Majjasthigata--increasedvar:r localised
and acting in the

Sirigata-incr"casedvata localisedand acting in
the veins, arteries
Sndyugata-increased vata localisedund a"ti.,g in
the trendons,nerves
DiseasesMentioncd 297
Sandhigata-increasedvata localisedand acting in the bony joints
Aoaranaalla-Function ofvata obstructedby otber do;as or by other divisions
ol vata itsell
Akshepaka Convulsious,Fits
Apatantraka -do-
Apatdnaka -de
Dar.r{5pat-naka-Stiffnessof the whole body.
Dhanusthambha-tetanus.tsodv bent like a bow,
Ardita--Facial paralysis.
Hanugraha-Trism us, Lo, k-jarv.
Manydsthambha-Torticollis, wry neck, still ncck.
Jihwasthambha-paralysisof tire tongue,rrossalpalsy.
Sirdgr-aha-catchingpain in the veins
ViiwSchi-Monoplegia brachialis.
Kroqtuka(irsa--Inflammationofknee (Tubercular, syphilitic,gonorrhoealetc)
Khanja-Lameness by one lcg
Phangu-Lamenessby both legs
Kalaya khanja-Lathyrism
Vataka'ltaka--Sorain of the foot, ankle.
Pada daha-Burning sens:rtionof thc solcs
Pdda har;a-Itcelir.rgof pins and nccdlesin the solcs.
Amsa (oga-Emaciation/wastirrgof the shoulder
Mukatwa-Mutism-inability to speak,aphasia
Minminatwa-Nasal voice
Tuni-pain of the urinary blad,ler-downwards.
Pratituni-pain of the urinary bladder-upwarcls.
Adhmana- Distcntiorr of rhc :rb,lomcn-lowcr.
Pratyedhmdna-distention of the abcl.onre n-upper
As{ila-Pain of th'' prostategland-dor^rnwards.
Pratyastrla-pain r.'' rhc prostatcgland-uprvards.
298 Nidanm

Khalli-contractures of' fingers and toes

22. Vatarakta-Gout
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaia ( d ) Raktaja ( e ) Sannipataja
23. Urustiraml;ha/Adhyavata-Stiffness ancllossof control of the leg'
24. Amavata-Rheumatic fever, Rheumatism,
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja
25. Suta-Colic. pain in the abdomen.
a ) Vataja (b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja(cl ) Dwandwaja (e ) Sannipataja
| ) Amaja-due to intligestion.
g )Parindmaja iula-Colic due to gastrities,gastriculccr, duodcnal ulcer etc'
h ) Annadrava 6ula Colic due to chronic peptic ulcers'
of natural urgesr-.,lrlre botlT
26. Udavarta-upward movementelucto suporession
Andha-ab,lominrl distqntion
27. Gulma-Abdominal tumor
a ) Vataja(b) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja
e ) Raktaja-Ute rine tumor
28. HJdroga-Discase of the heart
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sanuipstaj.r
e ) Krimija-infe ctive diseases of the heart, helmenthicdisearr:
29. Mutrakpchra-Dysulia, stranguray,
a ) Valaja ( b )pittaja (c ) Kaphaja (d ) Sannip;itaj;r
e ) Ghzitaja-tratrn:.rtir'
| ) Vidrodhaja- -.lue to accumulationo[ faeces
g ) A(rnariia-Cue to urinaty caliculus
h. ) Sukraia-Llue to obstructionby semen
30. \{trtragltata-r-rbstluctionto micturitiou'
a ) Vdtakuldalika-radiating pain of the bladder
b ) Aslhila-obstruction due to enlargedprostate
c ) Vatabasti-obstruction due to suppression of'the urge
rl ) Motratita-obstruction due to slow elirnination
e ) Mltrajalhara-obstruction duc to distendedbladder
f ) Mutrotsanga-obstructiondue to urethral stricture
g ) Motrak;aya-obstruction duc to non-productionof urine
Discascs -
- _: =- =-
i M[rtra(ukra-obst
) cystltls
to inflamationof bladder'
j ) Ug4avata-obstructiou due biadder'
due to inflamation^of
k ) Mutt asada-ob't"lction
by impacted laeces'in the rectum
I ) Vidvigliata-obslruction
tp*uta displacementof bladder'
m) Bastiku4{ala-"";;t;;;i',"'to
31. ASmari-Urinary caticulus'stonein the bladder
"'' ". pitt^j" ( c ) Kaphaja( d ) sannipatala
ivt,ti"-lu i
! Suk'a(mari-seminal
" j tuot.u (arkara-urinarY gravel
32, Prameha-PolYuria'diabetes'
KaPhaja :-
a; Diabetesinsipidus
i i rn" meha-Alimentaly
d Sura Meha- ?
e Pi$ta meha- ? a r
w i t h s em e u , s P c r l l l a l o rl n e
f ) $ukra meha Urine mixed
o ) Sikatameha ClYstalluria
h] $ita meha- ?
Sanairmeha- ?
i\ L6la meha-Alb'rnrinuria?
a ) Nila Nleha - r
b ) Kala meha- ?
c ) Haridra mehe-- ?
a lManilrtu nrcha
j Rut,u meha--Haematuria ?
Vataja :-
a ) Vasl meha- ?
b ) Majja meha- ?
c ) Ksoudra meha- ?
rt i Hastimeha.-Diabetcstuniflu"''
p."-.ft" Pidaka--Diabetic ulcers' corbuncles
300 A[adhaua

a ) Sardvika-ulcer resemblinga soucer.

b ) Kachhapika--ulcer r.escmblinga tortoiseshell.
c ) .]alini--ulcer rescmblinga seivc.
d ) Vinata-ulcer with edgesbent inwarcls.
e ) Alaji--pale red vesicles.
f ) Masurika--ulcer resemblinga small lenril
g ) Sargapika--pustulcresemblinga mustardseecl.
h ) Putrini--ulcer surroundedby small ulcers,
i ) Vidarika--lacerated ulccr.
j ) Vidradhi--Abscess.
33. Medoroga-Obesity
34. Udararoga-Enlargemcnt of the abdomen
a Vataja (b ) Pittaja(c ) Kaphaja (d
) Sanoipataja
e Plihodara-spr enonteualy; y:ikr.itodara-Hcpatomegaly
f ) Baddhagudrl:ua---inrcstinalobstruction,olrstr.uction
g ) Parisravyodalaor K;atodara-L.rtestinal perforation, peritonitis.
h ) Dakodara/Jaloilara-Ascities
35, Sotha -Oeclema, non-in{lamrnatory swellingtL-opsy
a ( b ) Piuaia (c ) Kaphaja ( d Dwanrlwaja
Ydtaja )
d Sarrnipdtaja
f Abhighat:{a-due ro rrauma
g Vigaja*due to poison
36, Vriddhi-Scrotal enlargernenr.
V . r t a i r( b ) P i r t a j r ( c ) K r p t r a j . r
d ) Raktaja-Hacmrocclc
c ) Mcdaja-Fatty swclling
f ) Nlatraja-Flydrocele
g ) Antnfa-srrotal hernia.
37. A. Galagal{a. Cervical lymphadenoma
a) Veta.ja( b ) Piuaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( rl \,It:ttaja
B. Granthi-BeniEn turnor.s
a V a t a j a( b ) p i t t a j a( c ) K a p h a j a
d \'lc, Iaja--fatry rumor, Iipoma
e Sireja-vericocele
Mentiorud 301

C. Arbuda-Malignant tumors,Cancer,Carcinoma.
a ) Vataja ( b ) Piuaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d 1 Raktaja
Adhya.rbuda-superimposed cancer
38. Slipacla-Filariasis
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja
39. Vidradhi-Abscess
a V.rtaja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipdtaja
e Kqataja-traumatic abscess.
f Aspja-due to vitiated blood

40. Vrana Sothl-Inflamnratory oetiema

a ) Vataja 1 b ) Pittrja ( c ) Kapheja ( d ) Sanuipetajr
e ) L{aktaja--.lueto vitiaterl blood
{ ) Agantuja-due to externalagents
41, Sarira vrana-olganic ulccrs
a ) Vataja ( b ) Prttaja (c ) I(aphaja ( d ) Drvandrvaja
e ) Sannipataja( f ) Raktaja-rlue to vitiated blood
42. Sadyovra4a-Traurnatic ulcer
a ) Chinna-excised wound
b ) Bhinna-incised wound
c ) Viddha-punctured wound
d I K;ata-irregulally cut wourrd
e ) Piccita-crushed wound, flattened parts
f ) Ghrigta-lacerated wound
43. Bhagna-Fractures
A. Sandhimukti-dislocation of joints
a ) Utpista-two bonesr ubbirrgwith one another
b ) Vi(lista-Droopilg, ptosisof any bone or joint
c ) Vivartita-bones or joints twisted, irregular shape
d Tiryakgata-joints displacedsidewards
e Kgipta-joints displacedupwalds
f Adhaksipta-Joints displacedclownw:rrds
3o2 MadhaoaNidanam

B. Kandabhagna-Fracture of bones
a ) Karkataka-swelliog ( tumor ) of the bone at the site of assault,blow
b ) A6wakarqa-bone projecting out like a ear of a horse
c ) Vicur4ita-bone broken to pieces
d ) Piccita-bone flattened
e ) Asthi challika-lracture with separationo{ the periosteum
f ) Ati patita-bone destroyedfully
g ) Majjagata-one bone getting into another with dischargeof marrow
h ) Sphu.tita-chipped off
i ) Va-kra-shortencd
j ) Eka-Chinna-broken at one place
k ) Bahu-Chinna-broken at many places
44. Nadi vra4a--sinus ulcers
a ) Vdtaja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipdtaja
e ) Salyaja-due to presenceof lbregign body
45 Bhasandara-Fistula-in-ano
a j Sataponaka-multiple fistula
b ) U;tragrlva-tortous fi,stula
c ) Parisrdvl-exudative fistula
d ) Sambukavarta-spiral fistula
e ) unmdrgi-fistula with multiple openings
46. Upadam(a-Veneral diseases, sexuallytransmitteddisease,chancres'
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja
e ) Raktaja-due to vitiated blood
47. $Okadosa-Diseasesof the penis due to application of poisonousmaterials.
a ) Sargapika-Mustard sized pustules
b ) A;tilika-Stony hard Pustule
c ) Gratitha-Thorny, spiked growth
d ) Kumbhtka-growth resemblingseedof jambu
e ) Alaji-resembling Alaji describedin pramehachapter
( R eddish-blackPustule)
f ) Mridita-Scratched
g ) Sammudhapidaka-Scratched and abrasive
h ) Adhimantha*Multiple, elongatedpustules
i ) Pu$karika or padmdbirita -Pustules resembling sprouts of the lotus
DiseascsMcntioned 303

j ) SparSah-ni-anaesthetic pustules
k ) Uttaml-reri prrstulesof the sizeof grcen or black gram
I ) $ataponaka--with multiple holes
m ) Twak oaka--with ulcerationof the skin
n ) So.,ita.L,,,la--blackish-redpustulesfilletl with blooi
o ) N{amsarbula--papule with musculartissue
p ) Mamsapzika--gangrene of the penis
q ) VidraChi--abscess of the Penis
r ) Tilakalaka--ulcerating,putrifying warts/moleson the genitals'
48. Kugta--Leprosyand other skiu cliseases
A. Mahaku;1a--Major lcProstes.
a ) Kapala--Erythcmatousleprosy
b ) Ou lumbara--glandular/no-lularIcplosy
c ) Munclala--patchLd leProsy(angry reil )Patchescoaleased together
d ) Rsyajihw:r--ltoughslightly black, paintul patches,resemblirrglotus
e ) Siriirrna--whitcol coppely Patch on the chest castingscalesin scratching
I ) Kakapa--Black patchesrvith angry red edgeslike a seedof gunja
( -\brus Precatorius
B. Kludrakusla--Minor leprosies,allied diseases'
of fish
a Eka ku$ia--Sealy,large,non-sweatingpatchesresemblingscales
b Carmikhya--Skin thick like that of an elephant
a Kilibha--skin, black, rough creatingclry soundon scratching,
d Vaioddika--Fissuresor cracksof handsand feet
e ) Alasaka--Red irritating papuleson the skin' Lichen simplex'
pustularpatches,irritating; Ring'worm'
f j Dad..rma,lclala--Raisecl,
g j Ca.madala--pustules cxu:lating,and causingpeelingof the skin'
h ) Pama/Kacchu--Scabies
i ) VisPhota--ImPetigo,Vesicle,
j ) Satlru--MutiPle ulcers
ng eczema
i j u--Exudating, higly itching pustules-weepi
C. $witra ( Leucoderma) Kilasa ( Vitiligo-with reddishtinge )
49. A. $itapitta-Allergic rashes-Urticaria
B. Udarda--Neutotic ocdema
C. Kolha--ErYthema
30! MddhaaaNidanam

50. Amlapitta-Flyperchlorhydria, Increasedgastricacirlity

a ) Urdhwaga--upward
b ) Adhoga--downward

51. Visarpa--Erysepelas
a Varaja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipetaja
e Agni visarpa--
f granthi visarpa--Erysepalas nodosum
g Kardama visarpa--Cellulitis
h Kgata visarpa-Traumatic erysepelas
52. Visphota--Small pox
a ) Vataja ( b ) Piuaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Dwandwaja ( e ) Sannipataja
53. Masurika--Chicken pox
A. a) Vataja ( b ) Pitraja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja( c) Raktaja
B, Romdntika*Me asles.
a) Yataja ( b ) Vatapittaje (c ) Kaphavataja
d ) Sannipataja
54. Kgudra rogas--( Nlinor diseases
a ) Ajagallika--Seborrhoea
b ) Yavaprakhya--Hard mole
c ) Antralaji ( :\ndhalaji )--hard pupulewithout opening
d ) Vivrita-pustular ulcer
e ) Kachchapika--Multiple cystsadheringtogether
f ) Valmrka--Madura foot, Actinomyco,,is
g ) Indraviddha--ulcerrvith small cystsin its centrc
h ) Gardhabhika--parotitis
i ) Pa(apagardabha--Mumps
j ) Panasika-Pustule inside the ear
k ) Jala gardabha--Lymphangitis
I ) Irivellika-Pustule of'the head
m Kak$a-Pustule of the axilla, nrultiple, Lymphadenitis
n Gandham6la--Pustuleof the axilla, solilary.
o ) Agnirohint--Bubo of plague !
p ) Chippa--lVhitlow
q ) Anusayi--Deep abscess ofthe foot
d 305
r ) Vidarika-Babo of axillae or groin
s ) Sarkararbuda--Exudative tumor of veins. Varicocele ?
t ) Pedadari-Fissures of the foot
u ) Kadara --Corns of thc soles
v ) Alasa--Ulcer in betweentoes
w ) Indralupta--Alopacea aereata
x ) DaruTaka--Cracks in the scalp.Dundruff I
y ) Arum{ika-Ulce rs of the scalp
z ) Palita--greying of hairs
aa ) Yuvanapidaka-pimples on the face Acne
bb ) Padminika4taka-Papitlomaof the skin
cc ) Jatumani--congenitaldiscolouredpatch. Birth mark
dd ) MaSaka-Black moles ( big )
ee ) Tilakalaka-Black moles ( small )
ff ) Nvaccha--Black pigmented parch
gg ) Vyanga--Black pigmented patcheson the face
hh ) Ntlika--Blue coloured patches
ii ) Parivartika--Paraphirnosis
ij ) Avapatika--Laceration of the prepuce
kk ) Nirudtthapraka(a--Phimosis
ll ) Sannirurldhagu4a--Stenosisof the rectum
mm ) Ahip0tana-ulcers in the anus
nn ) Vri;a4a kacchD--I)errnatitis of the scrotum
oo ) Gudabbram(a--prolapseof the rectum
pp ) Sukaradamqtraka--mastoidcyst
55. Mukha roga-diseasesof the rrrouth
A. Oplarogas-diseases of the lips
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kapbaja ( d ) Sannipataja
e ) Raktaja( f ) Mamsaja( g ) Medaja (h Abhighataja(traumatic
) )
B, Dantamula rogas--diseases
of qums
a ) Sitada--spongygums, scurvy
b ) Dantapuppugaka--Gingivitis
c. ) Dantavesta--Haemorrhagic eingivitis, pyorrhoea
d ) lougira )^.
e i Mali; Sourira I Gingivitis with cavitation

306 Niddnam

f ) Paridara-Lacerated gingivitis
g) Upaku3a-Ulcerative gingivitis
tt ; Vaidarbha--Traumatic gingivitis
i ) Khalivardhana--I mpacted tooth
j ) Karala--Irregular teeth, ugly teeth
k ) Adhi-a*t"k6-Impacted molar tooth
I ) Dantanadi--Dental sinus/sinusof gums
ul the teetlr
C. Danta logas--,1iscases
a) Dalana--Toothaclre
b ) Krimi lantaka--caries of the tooth
c ) Bhanjanaka--chippingoff of the teeth
d Dantaharsa--Tingling sensation
Danta Sarkara--Accumulation oI tartar
I Kapdlika--Thick tartar
c) Syavadantaka--Black discolouredteeth
h ) Danta vidradhi--Abscess of the

D. Jihwa rogas-diseases of the tongue

a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) KaPhaja
d ) Upajihwa--SalivarY cvst
ol the palate
E. TAlugata rogas--diseases
a ) Kanla Sundi--enlargementofuvula
b ) Tuqrlikeri--Hard swellingof the palate
c ) Arlhruga-soft swelling ', ,,
d ) KachaPa--Palatal tumor
e ) Taluarbuda--cancerof the palate
f ) Marnsasanghata--Benigntumor
rl ) Talu PuPPuta--FattYcysts
h ) TlluSoga--DrYness
i ) pak r--ulccls

F. Ka4tha Roga--discasesof the throat

a ) Rohini--Diphtheria I
Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipdtaja, Raktaja
DiseascsMentioned 307

b ) Kanta {aluka--small turnors

c ) Adhijihwd--Adenoids
d ) Valaya--Tumor
e ) Balasa--Sarcoma
f ) Ekavrinda-tumor
g ) V:inda-Large haemorrhagic tumor
h ) Sataghni Malignant growth
i Galayu-Tonsillit is
j Gala virlradhi--Pharynqealabscess
Galougha--Sore throat
I Swaraghna--Laryngitis
m ) Mdmsatdna Inflammatory swelling
n ) Vidari.-Inflarnrnatory swelling
o ) Sarvzrsara- Pustulesall over the buccal cavity

56. A. KarTaroga--Diseasesof the ears

a ) Kar! asula--Earache
b ) Kar4an-ada--Tinnitus, Ringing in the ears
c ) Bddbirya--Deafncss
d ) Karlakgwc{a--Ringing sounrl
e ) Karla sr6va--rlisi:harges
f ) Kart.'a kardn--Itching
Karqa guthaka--impactcdwax
h ) Karf a pratinaha-Fistula of the internal ear
i ) KLimikarlaka-Growth of maggots
j ) Karr.rakita--insectsentering into the ears
k ) Karna vidradhi-Abscess in the ear
I ) Kar4a p-ka-ulceration
m ) smell fiom the ear due to foul dischrr'{te
n ) Karqa {otha-swelling
o ) Karla x1bud2-c211cg1
p ) Kar4a ar3as polypus

B. Karnapdli rog-diseasesof the pinna of the ear

a ) Paripota-inflammatory swelling
b ) Utpata-Traumatic srvelling
308 Ndanam

Unmanthaka-swelling due to quick piercing

d Dukhavardhana--ulceration
Parilehi-- pustules

57. Nasa Rogas-diseascsof the nose

a ) APtnasa- \troPhic rhinitis
b ) Putinasa-Ozeana
c ) Ndsa Ptrka-ulceration
d Nrsa poyzrrakta-ulccration with bleetlirrq
Kgavathu -excessivesneczing
f BhramSathu-Rhenorrhoea
Dipta-Burning sensation
h Prattnaha-Obstruction of nasal orifice' Deviated septum
i ) Nasasreva-Exudation
j ) Nasa pari(oqa-DrYness
k Ptnasa-Rhinitis
Prati{ydya -Coryza, common cold, nasal catarrh
( Raktaja
u ) Vatuju ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannip?rtaja e )
m ) Dufta prati3yaya Chronic coryza
n ) Nasarbucla cancerbf the nose
Ndsa ArSas-Nasal PoIYP
p Nasr Raktapitta Epistaxis,Haemorrhagicdisease

of the eyes
58, Netra Rogas--Diseases

A. Sarvanetra-affecting all parts o[ the eye

a ) Abhigyanda-conjunctivitis,ophthalmia
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Raktaja
b ) Adhimahtha' Glaumcoma
a ) Vataja ( b) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Raktaja
c ) I{atddhirnzrntha Panophtholmitis
d ) Vataparyaya Supra orbital neuralogia( Neuralgia)
e ) Suqkaksiplka-Ophthalrnoplegia
f Anyatov,rta Neuralo3iaof fifth cranialnerve
Amlddhyuqita Laceration
h ) Sirotpata -pannus' Hyperaemia
i ) Siraharqa Haemorrhagic
DiseasctMutioncd 309

B, Krishna mandala rogas-Diseases of tbe cornea

a ) Savrana Sukla--corneal ulcer
b ) Avrana 6ukla-healed ulcer
c ) Akgi pekatyaya 'White discolourationdtte to metnbrane
d ) Ajakajata - StaPhYloma

C. Drilti ma4dala rogas -Diseasesof the rctina

a ) Prathama patala
b ) Dwitiya patala
c ) Tritiya patala
d ) Caturtha patala-Timira/Linganasa/Kaca/Nilika = Blindness
a ) Vataja (b) Pittaja (c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja e ) Raktaja
e ) Parimlayi -seeingblue colour all over
f ) Pittavidagdhadrigti -Retinitis pigmentosa,Hemonalopia'seeing
colour all over
g ) Kapha vidagdhadrgti seeingwhite colourall over
h ) Dhumra dar3i -seeing smokY
i ) Hrasva jaglya-seeing small olrjectsonly during day timc
like that of a mungoose'Seesthings irregularly
I i nututananyu-Ey. ,hint'
i ) Gambhira-Wasting and sinkingof eye-ball
I ) Agantu Lingani(a -Blindnesstlue to injury' assarrlt
D. Suklamandalarogas-f)iseasesof the sclera
a ) Prastariarma -PtcrYgium
b ) Sukh arma-cicatrical pterygium
c ) Rakta arma-Pannus
d ) Adhimdmsaarma-wider pterygium
e ) SndYuarma -SYmblePheron
f ) Suktika-cYsts
Arjuna cyst
h Pislaka- CYstof the conjunctiva
i Sirajala-Venous engorgement
j Siraja pidaka-Venous cYst
Baldsagratitha-hard cYst

E. Sandhi gata rogas-Diseasesof the joints of the e1'c'

a ) Puy6lasa-DacrocYstitis
310 MadhaaaNidanam

b ) Upanaha -Lacrymal cyst

c ) Netranadi/Sr-va -Lacrymal sinus,fistula.
i ) Poyasrava
ii ) Slegmasrdva I
iii ) Raktrsrdva I Lacrynralfluid exudation.
iv I Pittasrdva I
d Parvani Phyctinule
e Alaji-Episcleritis
f Krimigranthi -- Blepharitisacarica

F, Vartrna logas -Diseasesof the eyelids

a Utsangapidaka--conjunctivalcyst
D Kumbhika .Follicular conjunctivitis
c Pothaki Trachoma
d ) Vartma {arkara - Follicularconjunctivitis
e ) ArSo vartma polypusof the lids
f ) Su;karia vartma--Drynessof the lids
g ) Anjana naurika--Hardeolum,stye
h ) Bahalavartrna--Blcptraritis-thickeye lids
i ) Vartrna bandhata--non closirrglids
j ) Kli;ta Vartma--exurlative lirls
k ) Vartma kardama--Hacmorragiclid
I ) Sydva Vartrna--Blackdiscolouration
m ) Praklinnavartma--Exudative lids
n ) Aklinla Vartma--lon-exudative lids
o ) VatAhataVartma--Ptosisof the lids
p ) Vartmdrbuda--canc€rof the lid
q ) Nime;a--Blephorospasm
r ) Sopitar6:r--Bleeding
s ) Laga4a--Chalazion
t ) Bisavaltma--conjunctivitis
u ) Kuncana-Atrophy

G . Pakgma rogas--Diseasesof the eye lashes

a Pak;nrakopa--inflammation of roots of lashes,Trichiasis

o Pak;ma Sata--Falling off of eye lashes
M.ntion d
Discascs 3l l

59. Siro roga--Diseasesof the head

$ira{ola -Headache
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja
e ) R.aktaja--due to vitiated blood
f ) Kgayaja--due to depletion of tissues
g ) Krimija-due to bacterial infection
h ) SEryavarta--Migraine
i ) Anantavata-Facial palsy-wryneck
j ) Ardhavabheda--Hemicrania
k ) Sankhaka--TemPoralheadache

60. Aslgdara-Menorrhagia
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipritaja

61. Yoni vy6pat- Disordersof the genito-urinarytract

A. Vataja
a ) Udavarta yotri- Dysrnenot
b i Vandhya yoni- Amenorrhoca/stclility
c ) ViPluta Yoni-D Ysmenorrhoea
d ) PariPluta Yoni-DYsPerunia
e ) Vatala yoni--Drynessof Vagina

B. Pittaja
a ) Rakta k;aya yoni-due to lossof blood
b ) Vanrinl yoni-Habitualy abortive
c ) Prasramsiniyoni Habitualy abortive "
d Putr-ghniyoni-Habitualy abortivc
e Pittata yoni-Vaginitis.
C. Kaphaja
satisfactionof copulation
a ) Atyananddyoni-Not obtaining
U I Kar+i"i yoni-l\less irr tlrc vagirraltlact
c Acaraqa- Premirturelibiclo
d AticaraPa-Late libido'

D. SanniPdtaja
a ) Altdali-ProlaPsed vagina
312 Madhaoa

b ) Vivrita-Highly dilated vagina

c ) Sttcivakra-pin hole vagina
d ) Atisamvrita-Stenotic vagina.

62. Yonikanrla-Tumors of the vagina; cer.viciris,cancer.

a ) Vataja ( b ) piuaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sanniparaja

63. Mudha garbha-obstructerI delivery due to abnr,rmalposition,

a ) Kilaka
b ) Pr:itikhura
c ) Parigha
d ) Bijaka
64. Sutika roga-diseasc o[ thc peurpuram

65, Stanarogzrs-Diseases of the breasts

a ) Vetaja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d S.rnlipataja(e Raktaja
) )
66. Stanyadu;1i- Disorders/abnormalitisof breastrnilk
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja( c ) Kaphaja ( d Dwandwaja ( c Sannipataja
) )
67, Bala rogas-I)iscasesof childrcn
A. a ) Vdtaja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d Dwanchvala
e ) Sannipataja
f ) Kukur.raka-Ophthalmia
g ) Parigarbhika or
falrbhava I Disorderscauscdby mitk of the
i pregnant mother.
h ) Talukappka-Ade noids
i ) Taluplta-Adenoids
j ) Maha padma-Eczema
k ) Ajagallika-Seborrhoea, rashes
I ) Ahiptrtana-Sore burtock,napkin rash

B. Bala graha -possessionby evil spirits

a ) Skandagr.aha
b ) Skanddpasmira
c ; Sakunigraha
d ) Revatl graha
Mcntionctl gl3
_ - _ j 1 : : : :

e ) htana graha
f ) Andhapl*and graha
g ) SitapUtanagraha
h ) Mukhamandikagraha
i ) Naigameyagraha
68. Vipa roga-poisons
A, Sthavaravisa-vegetable and mineral poisons.
a ) Patra ( b ) puppa ( c ) phala ( d .fwak-$ara_Niryasa
e ) Kgira ( f ) Dhatu vi;a_Minerals and metals
B. Jangama viga-Animal poisons
a ) Sarpa-snakes
Darvikara-HoodeC snakes,cobra etc.
b ) Akhu/Mufika-Bandikoot, poisonousmice, rats
c ) Krikaldsa-chameleon
d ) VriSchika-scor.pion
e ) Kapabha-wasp
f )Uchchitinga--crab
, g ) Mapqluka--poisonousfrogs
h ) matsya__poisonous fish
i ) Ja louka--Poisonousleechcs.
j ) Grihagodhika--houselizarcr
k ) Satapadi.cen rcpede
I ) Ma{aka- -Musqrrito
m Makqika--Bce
n Chatulpadi--other quarlrupods
o Dwipadi-other bipeds
p )Jala santrasa--Hydrophobia due to
bites of rabiddog, fox, jackal.
porcupine,bear, tiger etc.
C. Du;ivi9a--Impovcrishcd,slow acring,
mild poisons
D. Kritrima visa--.Artificialpoisorrs.
Gara--Homicidal poisoning.

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