Roga Nidan 2
Roga Nidan 2
Roga Nidan 2
lndcx 3r5
rqqlqariilai{ ia}*qmoi Rnqrt I rt
anrgdraiqqiRqrdt sqrsd: qlaqni fHtrrtqr
dtqq-sriicfaqnib*tfiqrqi ilqlihqitsqq rrR.rr
ararcalidiarai firrenr,r'iuarq t gd ftflqqrdsqq]q q&"qfr tt 1 tt
Having propitiated to Lord Siva, who is the causefor the cr.:ation, mainte-
nanceand destructionof the Universe,bestowerof beaven and salvation and thc
protectorof a1l of the three worlds, I have composedthis treatise'Roga Vinifuaya'
on the adviseof revered physicians,containingin briet the sayingsof varioussages
on the complications, bad prognosis,causes,signs and symptoms of diseascs. This
will be ofhelp to understandthe di;easeseasilyto those physicianswho arc of poor
intellect anC henceunable to stu'ly different treatises.( l-3 )
fi<ri Ticqrfh (qtollclrzlttTql I
qrqri*+>f'aiisri ilqroriqgtTr{qaq ll B ll ( <. I )
Nidana ( causes,aetiology ), plrvarupa (premonitory symPtoms,prodromata),
rupa (signs and symptoms;clinical features,symptomatology), upa3aya(diagnostic
tests) and samprlpti ( processof manifestation,pathognesis). These five are the
meansof understandingdiseases. (4)
iiflt?tqrqaactqfttqtafl <ftr r
iilarqr utli,, ( a' t )
Nidan ( cause,aetiology) is alsoknown by its other synonymssuchas nimitta
hetu,ayatanr,pratvaya.uttlranrar,,lklrana ( 5 )
crTi Aa 6qqi tt r tt
vfiurgreii -iqfiiiornfirGa: t
lqsqa.{oqaqiqt<;qlftni cztsttqqq ll q ll ( ar. fr' a. I )
PDrvalupr ( ple monitory symptoms) are those signs and symptomswhich
to the do;as( humors)
appearcarlicr to the actualdisease,not specificallyassignable
as they are mild ( not clearly recognisable) and few in number.( 6 )
qq cr{Gfqlin
sqrlqcradmq€qiirratqgrrrq: I aqisgrlt giFe;eqEflalq-gfit tqa: ll i. ll
of ( god ) Rldra rvho
Jwara ( fever ) was born, ( long ago ) from the wrath
had beeninsultedby Dakpa. It is of cight kinds; onc from ,each do;a ( valaja,
pittaja and kaphaja), one each from the combination of trvo doqas( vatapittaja,
vdtakaphaja, pittakaphaja ), one from the combination of all the thrce dos,as
( sannipataja,tridogaja)and one from lgantu ( external causes). ( I )
iqsq6rrR€r(iqi iqt atcwqrlrqr I skfi(Q *lgtfi estEt, tt (stgql: ll ? ll
Dogas (vata, pitta and kapha ) undergoing increase ( individually or in
combination) due to indulgencein improper foodsand activities,reachthe dma(a1a
( stomachand intestines,gastrointestinaltract ) expel the kosthagni ( gastric fire,
lor digestiveactivity ) to the exterior ( skin and othel tissues)
and circulating along with rasa (dhatu ) ( blooC plasma) proJuce jrvara
tiqrqilrrr q;atq: qql6cE ti a"rl t
-; gflq{atiqqcqiteqqQqqell 1ll (1.;.ta;t)
to perspiration, ilcrease
Jwara is definedas the diseasein wliich obstruction
of body temperaturc and pain all over the boCy are existing togcther
concurrently'( 3 )
srftsrti{iqqid i<td ccagq' I t;aladi ggailfir diaannatfig tt a tt
srirrs$cti uwt ifqaritstiitaq: t :rca{a afi* a uaagtli€ci} Gql ll \ ll
ierm-qit ieielr qs.rrstqqiq*tqt{ r iitsqaitqla: fi$Iqnl€iifaq ll q ll
sicqmrrqi a' kei*'aci fig, t <{b*vnau' e*q}qqdtqi u,r rr)
(1.:.r.a rt1
discolourationof the skin, bad lastc in tht: rnouth,eycs
full oftcars, alternate like and dislike for cold wind antl rvarr.nsurrlighl, ctc.,
yawnings,borlyache,I'eelingof heavinessof the body, horripulations ( borly irairs
standingon ends\, lack ol appetite,stupor,lack of interestin anything and feeling
Ch.2, Fners,Pyexia
of cold - are the syrnptoms generally appearing earlier to the actual onset of fever
( premonitory symptoms ) yawnings will be more, if vataja jwara were to manifest
later, burning sensationwill be found if pittaja jwara and lack of appetite for food
if kaphajajwara; symptoms of two or three dogas will appear in feversdue to
combinationof two or three do;as respectively.( 4-7 )
iqgiiqil iq, coalsqfidlcorqI fiqrar{r: ar{easil qnrori tqq}s q rr z rr
InitaErqtqx)<rd rrrdlqesdr | ?&srEqregrrrui q q*?qf+ai GErtr q l
Shivering( chill, rigors ), non-correspondingtime of onset and exacerbation,
sevcredrvnesgofthe throat and lips, loss of sleep,absenceof sneezing,roughness
olthe skin ( or decrcascof moisture in thc body ) pain in head, chestand body, bad
tastein the mouth, hard and clry fcces,pain in the abdomen(distentioncf abdomen)
ancl too many yewnings- alc the symptornsof Vataja jwara ( {cver due to increase
ofvlta dosa). ( 8-9 )
irrrt'lc"itslaenar iiErrqri aqr Erihr| {trisgqarqtai qr{: ra{ar wqt rr {o tr
caldl qr{Ef,I Wel E€t rrE{EtrrI q6iqcqeieiei iii* qc qq ir l q!.ll
Very high temperature,rliarrhoea, very little sleep, vomittinu, ulcersin the
throlt, lips, mouth ancl nose, perspiration, delcrium, biiter tastein the mouth,
lainting, fecling of bur.in1l scnsationall over the boCy, toxicity, thirst, yellow
colourationoffcccs, urine & eyes,ctc., and giddine s - arc lhe symptoms of pittaja
jrvara (fcverclue to increaseof pitta dosa), ( 10-l 1)
r}fid fiaf*d:t iq srror{ qg{rrq.arI gs("gilriii Fwirteii(qilfi q n q? tl
.i<d aftaqz$ititne.iisfriiqar r
I ritritit'it €rraqidqAdl o;rsrrrc? r nriqEcrrrgaEafialarqrq]siicmarrr
qiiqqpiisrfq, sr€: .Fqisqoii:{ qsaT n il ll
Feelingof stiffness/colrlall ovcr the bodv, mild increaseof temperature, rack
of enthusiasm( laziness), slveettastei. the mouth, rvhitishurinc and feces,stiff'ess
ofextrcmities,abnormal feeling of contentment, feeling ofheeviness,cold, nausea,
horripulations,cxcessi'esleep;( obstructionto ihe cha'nels, rnild pains, salivatior,
salty tasteir the mouth,- temperature not ve'y high, vomitting, saliva Ilowing out,
indigestionof food, running in the nose.,lack of appetite,coughand whirish eyes
are the symptomsof KaphajaJwara ( fever due to increaseof kapha aopa
;. 1fl_f'S)
{(urrR;Bi rrif E16:r{snr{: iirilrnr ls.ujrrq{itil arqiiea,r\sriiraq; l (B tl
qd*{al qril q staii(Gq<16ihr | ( v. 4. q. ie )
Mddhar)dNid anam
Pralepak:rjrvara manilests with mild fcvcl ls though tlic skin is given a thin
coating of heat, accompaniedwith a feeling ofheavincssanC cold. ( 41 )
fiq.']s*(A ii €"qini 6qq{i?re
r furii tftaai?acdquoisqlqa lt ts?.tl
{Ii gTj qqr fi+ 't}ocr qFh aqqRara't lileqrid ttit{eq {iiaid €taqEil: tt tsl tl
*li $qr q<ilgEr flq{ qFa 6q€rfisrdq. t fiaq'la rx"IuttgEsriei616q1qfi:t,tuutt
( 3{. q. t{. 3{. i )
ioh,fgirrslil qfbfirdgcaq:tt qq rr
GE(r diqfh[.={qaKra:r sqrr qiurrq.?dnrqwftil td<risrr rrqs rr
srqp?il EraEIfdq{ +{{iic;a6cE(: t- ( q. lq. q. : )
Fevers caused by many and polverful causes,manifesting n,ith manv and
powerful symptoms,those lvhich dcstroy Lhcsensclhculties, affecti.g pcrsonsrvho
are very weak,which causcoclemaall over the body, which are clcepseatecl( in the
tissues), continuing lo1 long perio ls, irl.l t|osc causilg fur.rorvsi5 b-trvecn the
hairs of the heail-arc all rlifficult to rreat or inculable.( 66_67
rr:rrl(e'g cqit +ql a;dEEi .IEqqIl qz tl
Ch.2, Feoers,
P2rexia l5
q{i,T,-Slqq+?oriifra}; r fircnqdradidfic}a{rfi riieir rri rr
aardriag*a icear,{*iirrii,
-f5;*qioo.r 1i1611gs1r1rarfiuri, qpsa{fji, , .. ,,
earfir<cil*qfiqd, , Tori,ra-trierii ;il;i;;; ;, i;,
Over-indulgenccin foo:lswhich ere
vcry heavy ( hard to digest) very fatty,
u".tY very hot, very watefy, very rrar,l,vcry corJl
lryr rvhichcontai"nir,.o,opotitt.s,
taken in largc quantitiesvcry fri:quentrl';
which are not coolied,arrd taken at unu-
*il^,iT:r: or impropcr usageof ther.apieslike olcation
.excess ctc., poisc,rrs,
grief, drinking of polluted water' excessof alcoholic dr.inks,
changesin accustomed
habits and seasonal features, o'er-inCulge.cci'*.atcr sports,suppression
urgesof thc bod-v,anrr infestationby *o.,n, q
i'restirrar porariti., ) procrucethe dise-
aseatisara( diar.rh<,ca ), tbe syrrptomsol.rvhieharc describedheLenr.( l_3
darqlql urlrfi llqr qufic'i qrg?rs}jr:cgEr:I
qrtqdiqdiqrd aarg;zif,r a); 41; ;i
eqiia rr
q**rr e{tr*rfq iii: aJ*arq, oe .,rAa
ii*, ,, , u ( l : a v" )
Watcry elcme'ts of t'c borly unrlcrgoing
i.crcase,ilirni'ish/i.activatc thc
gastric fire ( discstivc activitics gct rnixc
), f uui,r, f.,,,"r,move rrorvnrvards( our of
thc boCythroughthc rccturn by
) rhc action o[ vata, in largcquantiticsanil ,,,cry
frequc'tly produci'g thc cr.eircrurdiscasc
callcclo, Atir,.ru. rt is or six kirrrls,or.rc
from cach cloga,onc from thc combination
of the threc dosas, togct'er, fifth fiom
gricf an I thc sixth anra ( undigcstc,-l
food ). ( a )
tEret[rS siieqararqgr:€(Iiir I q il ( 1 z a. z. 1
Pricking typc 6f
pain it the region of.tht heart, umbilicus,r.cctum,
, lowcr ab-
domen and flanks; weaknessof thc liody,
non-crimination of flatus, constipation,
distentionof thc ablomcn anrl inCigestion
ol lood are its prcmonitoly symptoms.(5)
qqd *fiiiqqirdqca,i
CgS'g,| trsqd <ermi crcAqrfeeriirrq rr
Ch.3, Dianhocas 17
Atisara ( diarrhoea ) is said to have been cured when the patient is able to
eliminate flatus and urine independentof expulsionof feces,when he has devcloped
hungerand lightnessof the abdomen.( 23 )
odi<rt iigisfi r;Eri(kdtfirir r qa: e;qfqil qiBfa"fteiirpiql lu (3.: arv.)
rn persons rvho havc bcen rcce.tly 'elievccl of cliarrhoeabut still have poor
digestion( even others having poor digcsrion induieirg in unsuitabrefoodsand
activities,the dogas undergoincreaseand alrcct thc grnhani ( de.denum clestroy-
ing further the funcrionsof agni ( digestiveacrivity ( I
). )
qdta, qdnr{ ql+{^iq'i(f+Ei, I wrgsregrilgrnrreiaiagafi rrr rr
qedqr qrd qii ggdeWfaq r eawi<i.rcr!+acig+Eiqi.,i r rr(g.:. 3T. v")
Graharli (cleodenum) so affectedby the closascither incri'irlually or in com-
bination' cause expulsionof tborJ,uncligestcdo'cligested,mixeclrvith jbul-smelline
feces,sometimessolid and sonrctirnesliquid, accompanicclwith pain i'tlre ur,.lorn.r,.
Scholarsof Ayurveda call this diseaseas Grahaniroiia.( ?-3
qd<fS atli E"ortssat4*6s1:r:I
fiqrulsqrq qrsar iq{l( srqrc ril{s{ lt ts lt ( q. fq q t r )
fts p.emonitory symptorns are-thirst, lack of e'tirusiasnr, tlebility, burni.g
sensationin the chest, rlelayediligestiorr 'l'hrrcl ancl fceling ol heavirressol' thc
body. ( 4 )
6gi+fi{qr{fifi6,.rdgefrqi: r cf]an{rarrq':qeaf}aaig*, rr r rr
nrcar5{ii qf* dsrq gn} .r1n r arqrd q;qa g:d goard ar{Tsdrl q tl
+oarcqqir.ils€ausrr iaicf,rqa, r qrrsl-qf,;frqrtqfrqrf iqqis+r rrs rr
aifiemnq''ifei i<rq qfiqfta r qf!: q{q€,.i* *"*' cqi a*rrii z rr
qtoi di,ifh <rtqd g* rqrrcqgtii a r e aragoe6qlq$aro* q clnqr u a.rl
fiaqg:d qd qud a;q1t'qaq*aeq I gqr gar qled: q;rqrarqdtilsiior( il i"rr
(s Is. 'i l{ )
Indulgencein foodswhich are pungenl, l_ritte
r., astr.ingent,clry, contaminated,
scantyor no food at all; too much of'walk, suppressionof natural
urgesofthe body,
excesssexualactivities, makc for increaseofviita whir:li in turn destroys
the diges-
tive activity and producesthe disease( v-rtajagrahar.riroga Fooclg.ts
). dig.rt.d ,iith
difficulty and undergoesI-ermentation;hardnessof' thr,rbody parts, dryness
of the
Ch,4, Diseascof thc dcodcnum,
spruc 2L
and- or,h,ubffi il;b.d;-;E
noise inthe ears, constant pain in the flanks, thighs, groins, and neck; vomitting,
diarrhoea,pain in the region of the heart, emaciation, weakness,baC tastein the
mouth, cutting pain in the rectum, desirefor foodsof all the tastes,mental depres-
sion,distentionof the abdomenduring the perioCof digestionand feelingof comfort
on taking food. The symptoms very much rcsenrbleas those of vdtagulma ( abdo-
minal tumor ), hldroga (disease of the heart ), pliha ( splenic disorder), causing
difficulty in diagnosis. The patient voids fecesafter a long time, watery or dry,
thin, frothy, irnproperlyprocessedaccompaniedwith pain and noise; he has cough
and increased/difficultrespirationsalso. ( 5-10 )
saiftoifserweRrcdr fir<ge<urq| 3rgrErzrq;izl;rti sai aairetaaa ll tl tl 7
' ',','.
,., , ifsslfifia'{tani {tanr: qr;ii eiqq | {i{so}eR€t*v5-q66iqqsf{a: tt q,r,tt
., 2".';" ( a . f e .u . t r )
Indulgence in foods rvhich are pungent, uncooked,causinghcartburn' sour
t,r and alkaline in nature, give rise to increaseof pitta which in turn inactiviatesthe
i gastricfire ( cligestiveactivity )just like hot watcr poured over burning fire and
-i producespittaja grahaliroga. In this condition the patient will be eliminating feces
lvhich is inadequately processed, bluish yellow or deep yellow in colour, watery and
qelrd; the skin is yellowish. The pelson will have baC,sour belcbings;burning
sensationin the chcstandthroat, loss.ofappetite and thirst. ( 11-12 )
g{fhi€*x{ftarQiitaar<iiritqarql gi6'€I"rq q tqstsiqfi{ 5il'a: tn: ll 1l ll -
d€rii q6qegni agie=drittqfl: i errc.ilq?amg.i +r<u'iaadtnql:ll i,s ll
aqri q;qh rizllagqt fiaieii gt r grit rg< sar(: qqn' dtEERiriqqll 1\ ll
' fl,rqrmi"-qdqegra$:nafaq I eiaatqtfi qt+E{HfCti-a*$RrI* ll lq ll
( s . f q .q . t r )
Indulgencein loods which are hard 1o digest,very fatty, cold and taken very
frequentlyisleeping immediately after micldaymcal, make for increaseof kapha'
which inactivatesthe digestivefirc and causeskaphaja grahar.tiroga' The patient
has difficulty in digestion,nausea,r'omitling, lossof appetite, coatingon the tongue
and mouth, sweet taste in thc nouth, cough, expectoration,running in the nose,
feeling of heavinessof the heart, hardness,heavinessand loss of movementof the
abdomen;bad, sweet smclling belchings, debility, lack of interest in womenl the
fecesbeing semi-soliil,inadequatel-vprocessccl, mucousmixcd and heavy, the patient
is debilitatedthougtrnot emaciaterland non-enthusiastic. ( 13-16 )
gqqnriiiaftsaEiasqcmh t
fiid fiQnad, iqi qqqdlrilreqtt qs ll ( s fq. q. tr )
,q MadhaoaNiddnam
( Grahar.riroga
is easily clifficult in the middre-agedand
ncurablein the senile-thus "u.uot*f*nren,
opincsDhanrvantari (
). I )
Thusendsthe c[ap1".on Grahar.riroga,
C H A P T E R5
ga'{it, eeeia aitiurarqaaeria
o r qeiii€qeS{Krioriqqrgqqiba}rr{ rr
Arsas ( pilcs, haemoiroicis) rvhich appear in the fblds of thc rectum;
is of six types, viz., one liorn eachclosa,rburlh frorn the combination of all
do;as togcther, filih j'rom r.akta ancl the sixrh which is sahaja ( congenital/
h e r i d i t o r y) . ( 1 )
.ivrrraaieiqilq s ;{':q iqiiqrFiii{ |
eiwgtnvnr{ g{-udifk arwg: n ?.rr ( ar.ft. a. o )
Ar5asis defineclas sprouts ol muscle, of difl-erentshapes appearingin the
: ectum and other placescausedby thc dosasinvolving the skin, muscleand adipose
tisues.( 2 )
Tqrq{gfamfa cndraaqia q^| qiharacr{rirfiqoirreiigaieaq rri rr
a$d {tt6rdr a dldr ;q1qn6d q r dtqt ekrrdqrq{ii?aqlarrieiqdr u ? tl
(e. fa.u. tv)
Over-indulgence in foods which are of astringent, pungent or bitter tastes,
dry, cold, vcry quickly cligestible,very scantyand non.nutritive; strong
aicoholicdrinks,excessive sex, fasting,/ starvation,cold season,living in cold place{
excessivephysical activiLy, gricl, exposure to heavy breezeand sunlightare the
causesfor Vrtaja arias. ( 3-{ )
+gr66qoi1rr41i|aqtzrrqlr;.llasqirt:I att{rorqiirfud *tft qqcqfiq lt q tl
iqqilt alqorgnsiq q{ qrqrciqqq r iidt*eorrai {iiqr cii ?q<derq rr t rr
( s. fs. aT.tx )
Ovcr-indulgencein loods which are pungent, sour,sali and hot; pbysical
exertion,exposuleto fire anrl sunlight,hot season,living in hot placeslanger,jea-
lousy,alcoholicclrinks,mc,liciLrean:l foocls which causeheart-bur.n,heat proclucing
and penetratinginto the tissues a'cl others which lead to iu,creaseof pitta are the
causesof Pittaja ardas ( 5-6 )
2+ MadhauaNidanam
Persons who eat large quantities of food recklesslylike cattle' will deveiop
ajirqa which is the causefcrr many other diseases.( 14 )
this <lisease
ersftoiild{ie'Ei fis.ri q q{kdq I
fiq.qaq+l dtqrfraqrfqiqaiiq-qt tt q,qtt ( g. v. o. ri )
and vilambikl ( thesediseases
\/isucika/alasaka ) arise from the three ajlr4as-
Ima, vidagdha and vigtrabdha. ( Theseneed not be respectively)' ( l5 )
qa'tflrRam*rfhqq{.dlheksfior I qtqrdliiasr idGqdtfi fiqqi rt lq tt
a ai qiifiar6(il aq;i iqkamcr:r
6u;ds{,l<iJ rII: ll qs it 5 r' 4 r'i )
rf,;oisfhqr{l Eell: iqqrq z1a) ueliuaErq{l€i: I
tqo'iwq\ aqi as,;;uq{iaatci lar<'.; irq:it 1z tl ( .r : E. q. r! )
Physiciansname the diseasevisucikain which thc patient suflcrsfrom pricking
pain as though pierced by neerlles. is due to ajirna rnanifestingin persons,
who by mad claving for food, eat rccklesslyrvithout any limitation. Fainting,
diarrhoea,vomitting, scvcrc thirst, ab'lominalpain, giddiness,trvistingofthe arms
and legs,yawning, burning sensatiolrall ovcr, discolouration,tremors,pain in the
region ofthe heart and headacheare the other s)'mptomsof this disease.( l6-lB )
gk<taaistqii catri( qii{sii r iatql qrcadq Satgqii }jllqid tl tq tl
qnsiiiiitqar q{qliqri rra(iq I
-{o ll
dqqlaq.firrEi Etoitnri q qeq g ll ( g :. a. :r. rt )
Alasakais that in which the prtiert has sevetedistentionofthe abdomen,
delusions,crying helplessly,flatus movins uprvardsbei g blockeddownwards,non-
( l9-20 )
expulsionof flatus and feces,thirst ancl L-'elching'
qqih iEdq':2t qtq t
sd E gni .Fqal€arlrli
Gaflqai ai utgfsl*irqtcwFA trl€isqr gltotl: ll ?1 ll ( g. I c. a. rl )
Ancicnt scholars define that tliseascas vilambika irr u'liich food doesnot get
out of the bocly either in upwarcl dircction or in clotvnlvartldirection; due to the
effectofkapba and vata. This is a vcry di€ficultconditiorrto treat' ( 21 )
zrerqcldtqtiqqa zri iqtr"oriq+rrari, r
itior iarqad'triit agatrrqqgqiar tr rq tt ( q. r' d a. rl )
The place where ama resides gives rise to not only pain but also becomes
the site for manifestation of many cliseases, which are due to the action ofthe
dogastravelling all over the body associatedwith ama. ( 22 )
?{:qq1qry-Sgqflsqeit qrqGd}slq;d<qrairt
q{rqrqtr I
ii.i ,, ( g.v o.w.
Blackishdiscolourationof *r )
lips and nails,tor, of
vomitting,indrawingof the eyes,feeble "orrri;*r;;,;;:r.
voiceand loos.ness of all the joints of the
body are the fatal signsin ajirla and associatecl
iir."ri, f ZSf
ser(gisq'qref sdt.qrii qriiqa: I
zgdr^€i;qqrqt q slqlar(Fq asrorq lr -<B
fqqrardisqfa: q.c'il rl
Rarqrat rqs{ar I qq} aqqqr q,i( fiq€qi q{ qlaqrl:
Pure belchings lt i\ ll
(without baclsmell o, ,ir,"
), cnthusiasm, climinationof
urfle p,"fi]rrtrightness
oeslrerrorwater are the symptoms or hunger
of pr_operdi.tcstionof rood.
Lossol sleep' restlcssncss, tremors,supprcssio'of urinc, loss
are the five difficult complications of consciousness
of visrrcikr.'iZ+_i;'r"^
srqi gorrqr a_qtiiiiqdqnrafaarrrGaqqfi qq
Ajirpa occurs mainly.due to irregulaLitics
rr rr
oI food, ajir!,a is the cause
whenitis for
cureclolh.. dir.ur.,llsoser.restroyecr
;illi;:l uuto,nuti.{iicrirurt{r€ir{airr:r fiq:ril qt
*1irai ererrq1rloiaqrorq
rrro rr
qfi ,flcr,l+.nrhrki qrrai{{r+ri{qr=ailtoikXfar;rt+TfEqft+rrk<ri
qqrrd{ , q '
srr wrrgrirmrrTillsrd{;6nr€rqfie+.ftErrq
qsgdrnr r€irrr qa qraiiqq*qqr t
uqri: efitrGla qgdt rrqort-qq'rr i. rr ( <. fa. r*r. ar.!r )
Pagdu roga ( cliscasecharacterisedby pallor ) is of five kinds-one eachfrom
vata, pitta, kapha; fourth from thc combinationof all three dogasand fifth lrom
6rrFrrrrcrdaqqlfi cq qi RErcqsqdiqdiclql
fiiqcrultq q*q (+ frvtrteri wog<aiaqiia tt L ll ( g. s. d. 3r.YY)
In personswho indulge in ( over ) exertion, sour and salty foods,alcoholic
drinks, eating mud, slceping during clay, use ofvery pungcnt substances ( spices,
etc.,), the dosas producc whitish y,ellorvdiscolourationof the skin by vitiating the
r a k t a ( b l o o d) . ( 2 )
iq{tdteadtqarllq€t<€fi adI}qlq tsdiqlt I
floqeftaanurfiqld qAcqara{q g(rqttfh ( g. s. a. 3r.vv )
ll ? ll
Its premonitory symptomsare, crackingof the skin, expectoration,debility'
desirelor cating mud, ocdemaof the eye sockcts(around tlre eyes),yellow discolou-
ration of fecesand indigestion.( 3 )
iqw3aqar{ini €,qisrqreqlrlar I qtaqFs--sTciitqmrqtalal'clEqr ll I ll ofvataja pandu are tlr1ness,blackish red discolourationof the
skin, urinc, eycs,ctc., pairr ( of thc borly ), tlcmors, enlargementof abdomen,giddi'
n e s se, t c .( 1 )
traqrnui*t qr€utqr:r{rGEd;r irralieg.}siadiarq:i\qqtoeslqdl at: tt q ll
In pittaja palqlu, the personwill have yellowish discolourationof urine, feces,
eyes;burning sensation,thirst, fever and deepyellow,watery feces.( 5 )
s$cQ{esqga;qrarqtiad}(i: 1qpgitrit sqt€tr}ttqqsnqan}t tt q ll
In kaphaja pa{r{u, the person will have watcry discharges ( from moutb, nose,
36 MadhaaaNidananz
When the patient has yellow, green or blackishyellow colour ( ofthe skin"
nails,eyes,urine, etc. ) loss of str€ngth and enthusiasm;stupor, poor digestion,
mild fever,disinterestedness in women( sex), pain in the body,burning sensation,
thirst, anorexia,giddiness-the diseaseis to bc knownashalimaka (chlorosis)which
is dueto increased vataand pitta. ( 22-23)
( w-aril f\aqdr{qk<ia{ riia-drr
aw-gariait,ita'ta#iaEioririqrl ) ( r fa. eri. ar.ti )
qlr dfqtqE{itkrfqt qraEfc i qrosr-lqq;rsdrTrs+irciiritn+faata{cTFq Ir c rl
qfa{qrcdlflusuqqrtrliQfi*' t dtqdleqqrr€Efr
<r}, m3f'rrtqe rr t rr
iid fiq*j rngtf$qatarg airfiraqr
aa, cqa't <cqr{ ari fiqtsii qt tt q tt ( g. e. d. u. vr )
q':i qrqrfhqoTiriiqq]figit'r,r 5lti ifrnia qqtt{diqqdi rr1 rr
Excessiveexposr-rre to sunlight,physicalexercise,grief, walking long distances,
sexualintercourse;fooJs wliich are hot, alkaline,salty,sour and pungent-all lead to
increaseof pitta in its vidagdha state ( ugqra,tikgga properties), which in turn makes
for increaseof rakta (its tiksga, uggaproperties)and causesit to flow out of the body
through upper and lower ori6ces,viv., nostrils, eycs, earsand mouth being the
upper passages; uretbra, vagina,rectum being the lower passages. In severecondi-
tions. bloodcomesout of the hair folliclesof the skin also.( l-3 )
eq?i{ita*rkd tnva{crqi qf}r I
aJaqfiqarfi:rarit qqtql€c{. rrlqrqlartg tr ( g. v. d. a. vr )
Weakness,desire for cold things ( Ibod, drink, places,etc., ) feeling as though
hot fumes are coming out of the throat, vomitting, smell of iron in the breath are
the premonitarysymptoms.( 4 )
wr;q <vrqg e*d fiGsae 6$d;qdql
qqrrnecia*i a ag qQiq qdirq rrq rr
<ofia mcrqr{ Otairit{ed{iq{ r
lamn<qeireuani q i[k*q rrq rr
{iselo* qeqlBfa* <rfHwfhtq r ( v. fa. (qr.3r.Y )
Ifkapha is associated,the blood coming out will be thick, yellowisb,white,
greasyand sticky;
Ifvdta is associated, the blood will be blackishred, frothy, thin and viscid.
If pitta alone is rhe cause, the blood comingout will be black resemblinga
decoction ofdrugs, cow,s urine, black pigment of a cyrnbal, chimneysoot or
40 J,fidanam
If combination of two or three do;as their specific symptomsare also found
together. ( 5-6 )
striri nmieEs?ifri qirdEqq I
ficrri qr.f|q lq | +r-. I g+l I "t{ l.l g q*i tr s tt ( s. fb. t'< )
The upward one ( rakta-pitta ) is by associationof kapha and the downrvard
is by associationof vlta; kapha and vdta togetherwill causefor both the upward
qtii qrucqdt xrFqcqnri grrqffi{r ( g. v. t. Bi.vr )
cqcrri soqdl afiiri ad'tRqa{tt z tt
refvc gC sre qru?isrlqwgqq | ( s. fs. t'+r.u, v )
Upward one is easy to cure, downward one p€l'sists all through iiie and that
of both directions is imposible to cure.
It is easyto treat, if bleedingis from any one passage'in personswho are
strong,if bleedingis not large, if it is of recent origin, if seenin good seasonand if
not having other complications.( 8 )
qs+'cTEri ql!:?i faql'i qtcqg€qh ll q ll
qfliqceru{i qqFq:Elrl<iiaqs( |
aqdirflq:SitoQ€tqEq{zlrdaaa{rrq ll {o ll ( <. {r. rrrr.u. v )
It is easy to treat if only one do;a is associatcd,persistsfor life if two doSas
are associatedand incurable if all the three dogasare involved,likewisein persons
having poor digestive functions, where blecding is copious; in personsdebilitated
by other diseases,who are of advanced age and who do not take any
food. (9-10 )
d&qraru*rscs(qcEqErr qpgarEr€TBl,
g* ritn {iqraragfirf'r erqr EErOEqr q disr I
dlseq isr ftr{ft a ad qfiriidlaad,
quiqrfiqml iiufh<iq rriqoicn'iqeql:lrl{lr (g.:. n. a. vv.)
Debility, increased/difficultrespiration, cou,.3h,fever, vomitting, toxicity,
yellowish-whitediscolouration,burning sensation,fainting, severeheart-burnafter
(ood,constant anxiety, severcpain near the heart, thirst, pain in the abdomen,
headache,bad smelling sputum coming out, avcrsion to food and indigestion
theseaccompanyas complications.( 1l )
Ch.9, Purpuraandotherhaemonhagic
discascs 4l
3Iq {rcT€rqc?rdsqrfrqrqq
iqitrn(qrqtsq qt€qdiqctnatqr fe'irfi ',qi qqcrqi ideoeqrqtt t tr
Suppressionof natural urges, lossor deficiencyof tissues,over'exertionand
induigencein unhealthy foocs-thescfour will producethe diseaseyakEml causedby
all the three doSastogether.( I )
rmruri{titq uig t<atdg t erihaqqtf}ilslsii Er'iA
{c.i una: eii ad: guqid qlaq: ll ?,tl ( g. e ar.vl )
When the rasavahasrotas( channelsthrough which rasadhatu(blood plastna)
among which kapha is predominant;
r;ircuiates) becomeobstructedby the tridogas
to the loss of
o, i,-,p"rro.r, who indulge in excessivesexuai intercourseleading
the persontoo
semen,all the other dhatusof the boCyundergo deficiency,making
eqr€Isc{fr sdqqdlgtiqsrqfeqlqcq{taq{Kfiq(: i
dF uie.qid qEiid q qlli s'g:g*aq] cqk ei<ail fitgr tt 1 tt
tqirs flra+{dlsrftatsat ZlTI€a'.iq{qq: ?i6aKt6,tEII
ti qEqFa e a+{tsarat .r€"Sdtc"-qqaqcGilikirr ll'8 ll (ig s q vt )
Incrcased/difficult respiration, pain in the body, expectoration of sputum,
drynessof the palate,vomitting, poor digestion,toxicity, running in the
extesssl..p, eyesbecoming bright white; pe{son craves for meat and sexual inter-
dr"o., as ifhe is being carried away bythe crow' parrot, porcupine,peacock
vultures, monkey and charirelionl sees rivers without water, trees without leaves'
3-4 )
breeze,smokeanclforest fires-are the premonitory symptomsof this disease'(
*isqpElfvdrqs datqr q<qRitr I s.I{l al€rtsqiia 6qrol rqqqEslr ll\ll (a' ft u
( qqi* GiKreEttqrcre, eifira-<ai<q.t e<iEal stia qgd <Frqec& ll )
( mild
Discomfbrt ( pain ) in the shoulders and flanks, feeling of warnith
burning sensation) in the hands and feet, fever all over the body are the
of rajaYakqma.( 5 )
Ch.10, Pulmonarlt'fuberculosis-Conswnption 43
Henceforth are described the symptomsof persons afllcted with {o;a ( con-
sumption, lvasting, cmaciation) due to sexualintercourse,grief, old age, physical
exertion,walking long distances,ulcersand injury to the chest.( 14 )
gm(q Hqio+aqqil | qtoga€Jqsqd Erlq* ql{q sriTiT:rri\il (t q
Presenceof symptomsof deficiencyof semen and yellowishrvhitediscoloura-
tion of the bocy aud subsequentrvastingol' the other tissuesof the boclyare seenin
personswho indulgc in excessivesexualintercourse.( l5 )
cE{rn{iiat qrars: il]fi{ilrqiq drsttr I
q<rtilfi s{it qS{i?igfUqeiiAq:lt iq ti
srqilsaiictdilrqnir4qlq€ftl(: I drq{i tiecortdii q)<qrriadiearlqsu
<icqattqatqtiQl:gs{6qrrTd€Bfi:rr ( g ts.3{.yr .)
Too rnuehof rvorry, loosenessand weakness
of the body are sccnin persons
who are wastcddue to excessivegrief.
Emaciation, decrease of vigour, intellect, strength ancl capacity of serrse
organs;shakingol the body parts, anorexia,voicehusky, feebleand broken as that
ofa brokcn bronzc vessel, patient trving hard to expectoratebut brings out little
or no sputum' heavincssof the body, restlessness, fluid oozing out of mouth, nose
and eyes,lossof complcxion and dryness (offeces )are the symptomsof persons
wasteddue to senility ( old age ). ( 16-17 )
eltqaitdrqlqrarg: duecaq€Bf+il l< [
qgFrllstErtq: g':m$lalana: | ( g. v. w. z1
Personswasteddue to constantlong distancewalking will be having weakness,
harcinessand lossof sensationof body parts, dryness of kloma, throat and
mouth. ( 18 )
6qlqrlfrfi TilahfiTta qcfiqdr t fa*r<rqlau*: rigqar qr*fiar 1ia,1(g
Persons wasted clue to excessphysical exertion will also have the same
symptoms as above and symptoms of injury to the chest without of coursean
actual tear'.( 19 )
{uq{qtaEalf\€iqtarcqrqortE I qfirdrq qi;alq:n qtqt}:qitil qa: 1?.o1(t.=.a. t71
wastirrg due to ulcer is causer by loss of blood, pain and control over
by, the person. This condition is dilicult to treat. { 20 .)
qglrrsszrrcriisi+ivrrgaeit gaq I grqctnrq qlaf\: qail]
fiqdlqd: lt ?,i,tl
q4 ar ar qtq;d Esdsr$d Rq6ar I icraffiruEcfiqiar{.fkqa} f"rd, *rr
Ch. 10, PulmonaryTuherculoeis-Comsuntption 45
srdiqnrq-qrsig*it ar asrdtqaqr c€F{tElaril aiai {r€ qr{dr lt -<1tl
qa*tqaal qt qoiersfi cziia: t*di\, tr€{tqr.I(€dtq
tid qt ll ?.tstl
iqai qale
qqrlq €gir{n r A€ qrfhcqmrqcqrKccindti{rc:
6qrisdaqr{. qqrr tt i.\ ll
silfiqsqisrqd irrqisq fiwqi r q{lsi ear erd grr;qg caqa tr ?.qtl
xqdt{ qd quit €ii{As aiqi r cqil 'qqr qi}i'q fiqirEriaqrrrqicrr?.srr
{trftqoi'qq' qtq{ cEde l -<ctl
gc: Eqtq;ggri;u:'fta:l {tc&iit Eg! | inr€Tcrn{q
c edt sitqistaaiaut gsilqdl: qrqtq| ( a. fa. a. ?{ )
Over-indulgelcc in archery, carrying heavy loads on the head, combating
with strongpersons,firlling from a height recklesslv,forceably stopputga running
rnighty bull or horsc,or tarning rvild animals,throrvingheavy stones,woodenrafters
or catapults, figlrting rvith enemics (using wcapons), reading rvith high pitcb,
running fast long distances,swimming mighty rivers, running along rvith horses,
suddenjumping, strenuousdancing and such otlter acts of violence and excessive
sexualintercourse,partaking ofdry, scantyand non-nutriticusfoods cause injury
to the chcst ( tear inside the lungs ). As a rcsult the patient will have cutting or
pricking pain in the chestand flanks,follorvedby emaciation.termors;lossof vigour,
strength, complexion, interest and digestive ability; appearanceof fever, grief,
helplessness, diarrhoca, indigestion,cough with bad, black,foeticl,;yellowish pellets
ofspulum in large quantity coming out, often nrixed rvith blood. This conclition
knorvn as uratgatamakes for quick loss of Sukra and ojas and leads to scvere
cnraciation. ( 21-28 )
arr td6'Tflfh r€aqil ?.qtl
The very symptomsof tnis diseaseitself is seenin mild form during the premo-
nitory period.(29 )
eitrt qiliqa;sfi, qrdi iititr: at r dtd e<mqatd trra'guardlaa:
nlol (s fq ir. tt)
Pain in the chcst,vomitting of blood, cough are prominant if trauma ( tear )
is present, while urine mixed with blood, catching pain in tbe flanks, back and
waist ( hips ) arc predominantif only cmaciation is present.( 30 )
3rEqlaser{teri: <nfi saqil asr r qfitiqtqil {cqr qiiir.d qq*ic. uti,l (n.fs.i{.rq)
qf+ qrrlq farf* qrqafqar{ rreqe-qer{eftorft{r{qqrqq | | I o| |
iqsri€griis;i lrqrilnqfiqxlsi, r rftaqrawarrrnril,iqraqiadrrr q,rr
aqrqgrfr rtrqirrtqnuafdt r iam rqqal *r** 7"iagoqrqi tr q I ( u. , = ,.
Personsrvho indulge in loods which produce heart_burn,constipation --1
dryness;rvhich are heavy and thosewhich are harcl to digest,which block
the p::es
ol'tissues;drinking ofvery cold water(or other beverages starvation,unac.usro-
med places,exposureto dust, smoke, sunlightand. breeze,physicalexertion,Iit--i-g
or carrying heavy weights,walking long distances,suppressionof natural ,rrg..
malnutrition,become victims of hikka ( hiccoughj,- 6*eru ( difficult respirari::
and kasa ( cough). ( 1-2 )
qedgqigQia q+qii qrligarerior
tqrkqriqrqd I
< uieanrg karlqaq66a{d Gt?q{idiql g$, rra 1 ( g. v. :r. :" .
Vayu comingout of the mouth with pecularhik_hiksoundsrartingfrcm r::e
region of liver, spleenand intestinesand quickly producing tiredness
to ,h. p.r.oo
is nameclas Hikka by the learned.( 3
qsqi qcsi qJsirrrdi<iq6dt aqr r qlg: *frqrgrrdi qe
Garr 6itf} A uBl (g.:.{ {.,
VSta associaterl
rvirh kapha produceshikkt which is of five kinds viz., annejl
yamala,kqudra;gambhiraand mahati. ( 4 )
waltdi{rei q qqier $crcrarI G*ni q*rarior gt.ric q€r-r l t l (< f=. e . I
symptomsof hikka are heavinessofthroat and chest,astringenr
tastein the mouth and gurgling noisein the abdoriren.( 5
qrnr.*didg* €aer fiiHlsfiar i Ga*qairit
arqrili tqqr{E-qiftqq lQl (*. , .r. , .
Annajd hikka is producedby vata which moves upwardsby the
. effectof tak.
ing excessquantities of drinks and foods too quickly. ( 6 j
fqtq qslriiqt fiar tiqqdi I nrqq;dtfirirelri qcai at fifif{iq rrs u (s. 3 ,{ ,..)
Yamala hikka occurs in pairs, continuesfor a long time and
produces shaLing
of the head and neck. ( 7 )
Ch,l2,HiccoughandDlspnoea 49
cssrr$qt iidi: sqFr*il I gkqlirc er frer sgqar;|rrkdr r z u ( g. s. 3{.{o )
K5udrahikkastartsonly from the base of the neck,is mild in
continuesfor short time. ( B
itfirqifqr qr ftmrfrrr mfr<affi r qa.itqdffift rrrs<rarc qr
{q?il rrlrr(
Gambhira hikka starts deep inside from the umbilicus,
is very powerful,
makesheavysoundanC is accompanied
with many complicetions( g )
erlog.*erfra ved.qrqq*i I r€rGAfr cr iqr sirrr*flqdiqdt l
lo u (g. s. 3{ ro)
Ma-ha.hikkaproduces powerful feeling as though all the
L -. vital organsare
oetng pulled out' is continuouswirhout break in the middle
and causestremors/shak-
ing ofthe whole body. ( t0
enqrqi fHqtq *i gfU€]*S arsqi qrq fiiqq r
a{ioi}safiqtr}laqarfrcr$ al deriql qtiikencrdt r n lr ( {. e. u. {o)
Patientsof hikka who develop too much stretching of the body,
up, body bent always, emaciation, aversion to food anrl too ,nuny
,rr.Jing, und
those who have the last two types ( gambhtraand
mahati ) are to be r-efused
treatment,( ll )
aftdfie{tqt< r<rs}qanrrqq I 6qrft{\r qftqaa*
lt;e€rlaqqilia. u qRtl
*'qi qr qr {TgiqarG$r .'iq,g sfiaq I q{io' q ca*r{Hfi{qGorTqqnqai rrirrr
Likewise, those in whom all the dogashave increasedtoo much,
who are un_
able to take food, who are emaciated,debilitatedby orher diseases,
who are verv
aged,who indulge in exces'.ivesexual intercourse,who are having yu-ula
typ" of
hikka, have delerium, pain, delusionand thirst are going to^b
soon.( 12-13 )
tnelorutq{qar fi{rttrrm{qa{ qr r
ftq qrqflg {FTqtcfufl E:ira$qqr I lB il ( s. fs. a{.Rt )
Yamala hikke is curablein thoservhoare not emaciated,who are having a
strongrvill, whosetissuesand senses
are good,whereasit kills others.( 14 )
edn€G*""*Oltrg qgrrt r M qcaFqrf\: r{{rqfi Riqe: rr tq u (g.s.3T.
Mahatl, lrdhwa, chinna, tamaka and kgudra are the five kinds of $wasa
( dyspnoea) which is countedas a mahavy-dhi (powerful disease ( 15
). )
qnnq*r qiq gas,rurd qrqreq: r
ns-enflra6q <iqefuqe'r6: r
qil qrqrdqd s{r4d'rtrfr ftr n t?.rr ( g. v. a. rr
50 MAdhaua
Diseases which take away life are very many, but noneare as quick as
and hikke. ( 4l )
Thus endsthe chaPteron Swasa-hikka'
I R I3
C H A P 'E
wr t*clqfrc|aq
etqglrrqsr?qttqqariuqra{i{qor: c5f,qal: q{ir{qqt I
riti'g i +l<a?g rrat:c[agi-.a'g'rqt qqlh etli iE sQu' q: ll t ll
( qtaGFr:gqaeHfrqerq eiq q t )
Speakingin high pitch, effect of poisons,loud study, injury and such other
causesmake lor increaseof vdta and other dogaswhich in turn loCgein the organs
of voice,producing hoat'scness.Tliis is of six kinds' one from each of the do'as,
one from combination of all three, fifth from medas ( adipose tissue) and sixth
lrom kqaya ( depletion of body tissues)' ( I )
qtia 6cqraqilaoq**al ftd lr},isla qiurqet o t
fRc ,itaaqataaq*aal qqrdla. q q Erdqqfiseilll ? u
Eurti€*qead qq;qila, f i rri,iqid eriqlqqt fiilrq t
;da* rTqi1wiiiqr<r{qti qFqqpz{€Grrr:etiqmg: ll 1 ll ( 9 3. 3{.{l )
Blackish discolourationof eyes, face, urine and feces,voice broken' slow'
harsh and resemblingthe voice of a donkeyare the symPtomsin vdtaja type'
Yellowish discolourationofthe eyes, face,urine and feces;burning sensation
in the throat are found in pittaja type.
In kaphaja type, obstruction to the throat by kapha ( thick fluid ); slow, very
little speechand that too slightly better during day time are the symptoms'
All the symptoms of all the dolas coexisttogether in tridopja type, which is
incurable in the opinion of the sages.( 2-3 )
qc|6 ETqcr€qrsqFIq r(fq ftrErc^ qffi*ql t
*a,imqccacqqc'iqG Rs-sqleqfr Rrqqacqni: ll B ll ( 5 5 3{'{i j
hot fumescomingout of the throatl if the voice is completely lost,it cannotbe
54 MadhaaaNidanan
erarilf\: Eiiilr{tiiitrrfi iriiiswncqq-d, r
atia-{r rg:, (e fr.+. rt )
Arocaka(anorcxia )r is ploducc.lby the thrcedopas,grief,fear,greed,anger,
and lrom fooCs,the sight and smellof which arc very urrpleasant to the mind. ( I )
qREc+d: .fiqtqqte;I c;]sii]a rt L rt
fttrpq'oi i*<ciqqia fi*a.iiurqaaui;r ErnqI
wgfti;oegriE{iiqiqcq{isqgd' t,*a rt-.(lt ( s. fr. u. rr )
Tingling insidc the gums, astringcnt taste in the mouth are seenin vataja
type; bitter anrl sour taste, warmth and bacl smell in the mouth in pittaja type;
saltyor swcet taste,mouth thiclily coatcd with kapha which is sticky and feelingof
cold arc seenin kaphaja type. ( 2 )
qitot dtflrqriadtqmiquaqrgian;ui +arqr
i*Etei i*<ti rrar lr 1 lt ( s. fs, sr.Rs)
In arocaka due to gricf, lear, grecd, anger and other mental afiectionsor
that due to bad foo:l or srnell, thc person will have rro specifictastesas in dopaja
types but in tridosaja type, many kinils of tastes arc experiencedby the
patient. ( 3 )
E€Rafrsngaqsia, iqnras?I€drcz$i,q{scar{ |
riemtqd,egrd egfir*r iqqrigoqitaqedriil(qnt s u I u ( a. |s. u. ?r )
qfn,.l'iqraq.itfq,.fqir qrqafi <r.ryl{-r,ft (r{ qqrcd{ I t tY t l
Pain in the lcgion ol thc healt is lound in vrtaja; thirst, burning sensation
and local heai in pittaja; rvalcly exutlaiiousfiom the mouth, nose,etc.,in kaphaja,
many kinds ofdiscornloltsin tridosajatypc; delusionand dullnessof the mind in the
Iast type are seenpredonrinantly.( 4 )
Thus endsthe chaotel on Arocaka,
qq sltfrcnq
gDdi, gsqq*dfqrsr*qirfifil r er{qrqe fiiqnarci
aqoqrai rrt rr
( vomitting ) is offive kinds, one from each
. .Chardi clo;a, fourth from the
combination of all the three together and fifth the sight of unpleasant
qtiq+ftm(aidqfr* tqrta qrftcr+araqls€RriEr
frei, rr?,rr
T"E1'l$alqriiq'h fsfe.Aqra:
I nr{TlaruqiqmrtrqrrsfrRrcerilr
l R' tl
- Earq r srEqqrci nioiq*hosi, ,
rrtqG.tadii(l-(r qlci q# qqtfqar tr g tr ( I ?. 3{. /{ /
Indulgence in foods are very watery, very latty, unpleasant, very
salty; taking meals at odd time, in excessquantity *i nf unaccustomedfood;
cal exertion, fear, sudden emotions, indigestion, physi_
infection by worms, pregnancy in
women. eating foodsvery quickly, sight of terrific,
learsome, ugly and such other
unptre&nt things-these and similar
-uk. Ibr rudden increase of dogasi
which fili the mouth ( with contents of "uu..,
the stomach) and come out forcebly; caus-
ing discomfort to the whole body. ( 2_4
rgrder<iir) r ri* aeorregrI aq}sqqAe ud qt'raiEiaaorqrrr rr
in thechest,
of belchings,
thin( watery
tion and aversionto foodsanddrinksare the i,T;,1;l"iil
premoni-i ,yrnpto_.of.vomitting.(5)
utcpddtqgqfrqfi,ianqfiwwc$s*t, I
E{r{{rqre?i q*i-fqf# ag* cqrrqr
ocior qre'icEare ilarfrsfiar.sihq'g,.q,, q , ( s. rs.3r.rt )
Pain in the region of the
heart and flanks;d.fess of the mouth, discomtbrt
in head and umbilicus,cough,.hoa,:seness
of voice,great soundduring belchingl
interruptedboursof vomitting,
out scanty,ifl.Urt, thin, astringentmate_
qrt.acconrpanied ,itr, p"in .x ;; bodyare the symptomsof
vataF typc of vonritting. ( 6
) ";;,
frd ud'tsoiafi<iefaa.' qd < f\ir earu'{rqqtt rr tt ( <. tu. a. * )
Fainting, severe thirst, dryrress of mouth, burntng seusation in the head,
palate a;rd eyes;darkness before the eyes, giddiness,bringing yellowish,greenish
or black with redCishtinge, very hot, bitter material with burning sensationare
the symptomsof pittaja vomitting. ( 7 )
fl riq.ilcqrt:
fiard qi €rg sqtkgq eilqacJstqada\ rr e ll ( s. fs. )
Stupor, sweettaste in the mouth, excessive salivation,a feelingof happiness
( which is abnormal ), sleepishness,anorexia, feeling of heavinessof the body, bring-
ing out fatty, thick, sweetish,white coloured material, accompaniedwith horripula-
tions and little or no pain are thc syrnptornsof kaphaja type. ( B )
{ailiqrsr€fqqraEcqrle{rrTqfracqan sqir{ |
eGiqqlqrgqurrradisqt-qJoq<<iaeailori wq ll 1 ll ( a. f+. *. rt )
Pain in the abdomen, indigestion, anorexia,burning scnsation,thirst, increa-
sed/difficult respirations, delusions,being severeand constant,vomitted material
being salty or sour, blue or red in colour, semisolid and hot are the symptoms of
tridogajatype. (9 )
F*ctiqqarsgaadi argr *aifie dttq qitdlla r
vtee-{tvtq qilki ii q},i eqqqt r(rq dlgrqr Lotl
iqoqatir+aa<emu<oi Eelatqi€ar*I?rgii sqsq.l
l;€ria<gcfi€{ha.rr<qrsQdEilg Grarrif-a u tl r ( e. rv. 3r.?l )
If the do;as invade and disturb the organs of fcces, sweat,urine and body
fluids and p.ocuce vomitting frbm deep inside the aiimentary tract, the vomitted
meterialwill have the smell and colour similar to fecesand urine; thirst, increased/
difficult respiratior and hiccough which are constant and. continuous bouts of
vomitting with great force associatedwith severe discomfort theseare the svm-
ptoms of incurablevomitting. ( I0-l I )
slr{ aEunREIqq
qqarcruqisa{iqiqul qt{ fad fitGqrl"ia{ t
fio eqrti sfid a<rqi atgwd uaiiiu'rruq r
tiiaeuierGg qfnig qlia aa. tirredias?ft: tt q,rr
Pitta associatcdlvith vata, having undergone increaseby fear, fatigue,loss
ofstrength anrl other' lactors wirich increrse pitta, etc., invade and disturb the
organsof the fluid systcmof tlre bo:ly and getting localisedin thc pirlate, produce
tf$$a ( scverethiLst). ( I )
iaq; tEartat:qrirsr=Id?iiqrqrtrerr
arqqqqqt ir t
qnilqEr €qiq*fr arci iaitq fa*r'agqrirrq lr ?.u ( 1. ?. 3r.yc )
It isol' seven kinds, one from each do;a, the fourth from ulcerations,fifth
sixth lrom dma ( accumulation of undigested
fi'om depletion or loss ol body tissues.,
material ) and sevcnthlr'ornbltl tborl; the symptomso[ theseare described further
qrHRqaIcr€ddrrsrqi it{€ert {r$iit<rg ffi 1
eitirfiit'it ie(ai q q* drafirrk:{ iq?ktfir lt i lt ( g. :. e{.ve )
Pinchedor dry l.rce,plicking paiu irt thc temples and head, obstructionof
passages ( of fluid ), bad tastein the mouth, and increaseol thirst by drinking cold
water -are the symptontsot'vdtaja tpq$a.( 3 )
wa q=viucfiqrmndaqrefrqraq
qflqt< qgilqtq fitqrartQiia: t irnqrarEi]rsnrqiaetqrqqr g?r tt I rl
$<ur1q6|qo,erAqrcq?alge t iiiqarh qfl itqrca{ q;dfia cnqrr rrt rr
Personswho are emaciated(debilitated ), in whom the clogashave t ndcrgone
profound increase, those tvho indulgc in incr',mpatiblefoods and suppressionof
urges,thosewho are injured and those rr,hoalc mentally rveak,becomeaffiictcd
with the diseasemurcha (lainting ), when thc dosasinvarle the external and inter-
nal organsof the mind1.( 1-2 )
drnarg ar*g f\flarcaiiorQfiT,r arilsrgtfi ar€€IgGfg:qat,ilauq
tt 1 tt
gqgrqq{f€rq n<rqdii {tusq | fiet R;ijih arqrg: qs-iqt{r{il c{iif*ar tt u rr
qnrfii\r aifhia qia q fiior q l qe-{qc}drg&ir O cgia?rqlase ll \ ti
When the sajiavaha srotas ( channelsthat carry sensations) are blocked by
the increaseddo;as,the person goes into utter darkness,without any knowledgeof
pleasureor pain ( becomesunconscious ) and falls on the ground like a log of wood.
This condition known as moha or mlrcha is of six kinds;one from eachdoga,one
from rakta, one from rnadya ( alcoholicbeverages), nert from visa ( poisons). In
all, pitta is the predominantdoga.( 3-5 )
Eifrer irsiTui.arfirdqrd,ieqiqq t qqici qriedi'r, qq€ii ar firna\ rrQrr.
( g. 'r. 3{.Yq )
Heartache,excessiveyawning,weakness,inability of senseorgansto perceive
are the premonitorysymptomsof ail kinds of murcha. ( 6 )
I qq{itacr cfi{rfir {fts' q cfigtql tt o tt
*d qr qfs qr i6'GcrrrrtrttqqirrsEorq
aqg:rtmc{rrcfrer Eqqrqq I tqd q.rlqrswlt;orrrrWeli qtadrra tt z tt
In vdtaja murcha, the person sees the sky ( or his surrourrdings) in blue,
l. ( Bxternalare thcfve senseorgans and the lnternal are thc channelsof thc miod, the
braio and ncrvoussystcm.)
6t MadhaudNidanam
l . F r o t h c o m i n g o u t o f l h e m o u t h , r r i n d i n g o f t e e t h , r o l l i n g o f e y e s ,h a l lu c i n a -
tions and convulsionsilre knownas bibhatsaccstaand are i n v a r i a b l ys e e ni n a p a s m A r a
( epilepsy).
stuporand lossof conscionsncss
Ch. 17, Fainting,giddiness, 63
In m[rchd caused by poisons anrl alcoholic drinks, the symptou's are very
profound. In raktaja murcht stiffrr,:ssof tlrc irody anrl 6xerl gazc are seen; in
madyaja(alcoholic ) inconsistentspeech,lalline on thc qrourrrirvitb iossof rnental
activitiesiin-coordinatcc{movemcnts of the bod,v, thcse symptor]rs disappearing
soonafter the drink is digestcd;in vigaja ( due to poison) t|crro|s ( rigoLs), sleep,
thirst and feclingofdarkness anrl other symptornsspecitlcto thc p]itieular poisou'
ous material will be present.( 15- 18 )
qesi iirac:qrq1 qqri?rnliialqqr I ddlEla-fisrfr;El fiql lTecalilqql ll la. ll
MDrchh is causeclbv predomin:rnceof pitta nrd tatnas, bhr''rma lly rajas,
pitta and vata; tandra bv tamas, vata at) I kaphe an I Iri''lra b1' kapha and
tamas.( 19 )
( qmsqcft rrrd1ii qak qdEI I rlqftrl Eikii't c'fiqiianics: ll 1 ll )
( The boJy reeling like a turning wlretl and Lhepersonlaliing on the ground
always is known as bhrama r.oga ( giddincss) and it is duc to prominenceof
rajas,pitta and vita. )
The dosas which have becomevery powrrful invade the chief seatof prdlra
and fall on the ground.
i. e., the hrdaya and rnakesa debilitatedpersonunconscious
All the organs of the speech, body and mind become lunctionlessand evenwith
quick restorative lreatment the person is sure to die quickly. This diseaseis
known as sannyasa( coma ). ( 22-23 )
sr?rqFnFqqrtcrEqm*oiqnRseft Ereq.
i fiqrq got' ilmrrisli ci cfdfum:r la iie'itqg*a rrqtgdlq.{rtqq:rr L rr
All the qualities and properties presentin poisons are also found in madya
(alcoholic beverages hence its indiscrimioateuse causesmadatyaya ( intoxi-
liiig e<i tawda qiqd aqr tqaq I ergikgqi it'rp gkCd qqrs€ir{ u R tl
Itotr l1qg61r;d aEgrqr Rrettqa r fi,i lnqat aq gfhg* (qrqrq il ? tl
Alcoholic drinks are similar to food, improperly usedthey cause diseases
but usedproperly act as nectar; food sustains life if taken properly whereasit kills
if it is improper;similarly also the poison,il improperly usedit kills, but usedjudic!
ouslyit actsas a rejuvinator. ( 2_g )
iqiqarqrsqrfla fatGfqna{, r ceril q: fG;cd a{q €qtqqiqc{ r I rl
( q. fs. 3T.s ?)
ia.ital*di€ar qqta{ qa Qiiaq r uiqrg:rndr sardtqqqrqq lr \ rl
qnq(Efltiif Gmc cq q I fefir{€6<rri ai dfifiar gqrr rrq rr
Alcohol taken in accordancewith proper procedure, dose,time, combination
offood, ctc., and ofbody strength givcs happiness( joy
)and.acts like nectar.
Alcohol taken with fatty foods,meat or other eatablesrich in fat, makesfor increase
ofspan of life and strength; thosedesiringhappinessofthe mind, physicalstrbngth
and valour should take alcoholicdrinksjudiciously.( a-6
gfitqik*ii*{; gqa qtarqiiqnfirqrhar
dctarftil€qsdaarcHfsfh<rqrcqfr q+ G rrs rr
In the first stageof alcoholic effect, thereis increase
of intelligence,memory,
desire,happiness, craving for drinks, foods, sleep,greaterinterestin reading and
66 Il[adhauaNiddnant
singing and increaseof sourtd o1'specclrot voite. the lirst srageis of verv
pleasantexperiencc.( 7 )
Br€qsgflq{qldqiliqi's:rilFcrdialq;iarqqF6r t
srtat<fiqtirlail gg*r cEAn q€r g€dl caa ll . ll
Ifthe per-soncnters the intermedialv staqc'his intellcct, metnory antl speech
bccome confuscd,ph1'sical:rcLivitit:silcunrt irregular, hc aclslikc an insarrc,is
ilevelopslazinessrn'l slccpsvcly lir'..1rtently.
uncontrcllable, (8)
rr;bE{rsqtqg{*r q;ia ollqr:,itrfh q qsd€; r
4-3rqgarfi ai< ftqaria q? E.iIi g{'iistEa;q: ll a.ll
I n t h c t h i r ' , -sl t a r l c ,t h c p t ' r s o n i r l l u l q , s i n i , - - r r ; r i r i , L ci l ri jrt s r n t i i i r i u g s , d o e sn l l
c a t c l i l r c l , l , r r s ,c a t s t h i n g s l v l r i t h a f c n o l t o b e e a t c r t , l r : . r ' i r r g] o s t r t i t n t r o ls p c a k s
o u t s e c r c t sh i r t d r n i n h i s n r i n d . ( 9 )
a6ri 6 ef qit ueqrGa iafimq, I *tql*P{iEqtrit €at?cqqil €a: ll-r.o ll
+) ni arzd ffi$g;q1qfiia qtq(q I qgitqi+{t{a: {(;att tqq{: eidl ll ?.i ll
In thc lburth stagc,thc p::r'sorLlills ro thc glot-ttrl rviIir uncottscit, lilie
a cut tree, incapablcofany a,:tivitylile a clca,ll r c d r ' , u r r h l . r l tec r t l c t t t t t t i n c r l l t a t
to do:rnd what not . ShouLIlrrt'otrewisltto lrt:i n s u c h r ' t c t . r n r l i t i o tIt I t i s l i k c
desiringgoing into a lblest ( Itrllol fcar ) | 10-11 )
iiriri+r=aa qq qd fiftqqtoi cgiq iaiq{ |
qnr{irfisa{Iii4{rrnrqr?Asriq aiitiqqll ?.-{ll (1 -.. q t:)
Only sut:lr r ' r p c r s . ) r i r v i r o r l l i n k ; i a k : o h o l i c l ) c v c r ; r g c s) o n e n l p t r ' s t o t n a c l l
and in solituile d i r i l y b e c o r r t e :st v i t ; t i r r t o f v e l y r i i i f i t r L r l l i l i s e e s t -rst n i l e r ' , : t ' l o s s
of lifc. ( 12 )
rh€n *ia fiqrihta ril+firaia ggiaia t
iqteil'rt{il€aa qlfil ll li ll
ETizrlSrrqrtqadlqlor<rdioig*a a'qtsEla I
ll is ll ( r, 3
stoltfirdia q Qaqqd tftfi qq ii{iqdiq*nta. )
Alcoholic drinks proJucc many Lliseasesin llersons afflictctlrvitb anger, f'ear,
thirst, grief anJ hungcr',clcbilitatcdltv physical exercises, too mtxlh of walkiug,
thoseinCulgingin supptcssiorr o1 natulai ur'gesol the body, drinking lalgc quanti'
ties of water, eating too rnu;h qu urtity of' foo I or ralv or uncligestillle loods.
Thosc who are very weak and thoseexposeclto too much of heat. ( 13-14 )
qnriq?i qrc{ qnr$tsicqd\ ql I qrai}ircgd e iqi sqqrfi a{q{ tl qq,lt
': q xe.)
Ch.18, Alcoholic
intoxication o/
due to
Pauttyaya, paratnada, panajiqa and plinavibhralnaare thc diseases
alcoholicerccss,the symptornsof rlhich ale describedfurther. ( l5 )
ftmlqrqftrqrqrqqpi{ocqmt, I faqregcawtq qldsrri q<rqq{ ll i,Ql
t iiqlqRaeqi{q ittqtci cEEqqqll (e ll
sditeqagtqa;qrcifqtzr.ihi; t iielt;dlaqtatzl firnsrl{ cqtqqq I
Rqibitqqqrtq q,iib*dqrtqqr lt i.z lt ( q. fq. 3t.1r )
Hiccough, increased respiration, shaking of the head, pain in the flanks,
lossof slecpand ercessivctalking are svmptomr 01'palrlrtvaya in ivhichvate is the
predominant do1a.
Tbirst, burning scnsation,fever, perspiralion.,tlelusion,dirr-rhoea,giddiness
antl greenishrliscolourationof liie boCy are svmptonrsof pin-atyayain rvhich pitta
is clomin:rnt.
Vomirting, anorexi:i,nausea,stupor,Iaziness,I'eclingof heavinessand cold are
syrnptomsof panatyayain which kapha is predominartt.
Presenceof all the symptomstogetheris found in trido;aja panatyaya.(16-lB)
q f}uqaainru aiiq<ftqqq t
*.riteafrsegrar i€r({rrc{rar
ia* q<rq q cqr.q q{Gd acdr<l'ql 6qr iqrtf.q eGug adi iE, ttlqtt (g v. u vs)
Dxperts enumcratethe following as thc syntptomsof paramada-increase of
kapha(sccn:lscxccsssalivation,runningin the nose,etc.) fbelingof heaviness of
of fi:cesand urinel stupor,;rnore-
thc bcCy,bad ta;te in the mouih, norr-elirnin:rtion
xia, thirst,pain in the headand joints.( i9 )
Hanging down of upper lip, feeling of very cold externallyand very hot
internally ( cold to touch but very hot insidethe body ), face appearingas though
smearedwith oil, black or blue discolourationofthe tongue,lips, teeth ( gums)
and eyes very red, seen in a Patient intoxicated by alcohol should be refused
treatment.( 2l )
fterect $IaFiEFIfi q qnqd qilA ll RRll ( g. 3 3{.t., )
qfa dlrnss+rfEtfR qlsqft<r+qrqtqqqtqEqtqtdfoiqrafqnqf{Err rTqlc({ll qc ll
Hiccough, fever, vomitting, rigors, pain in the flanks, cough and giddiness
also manifest ( as complications ) in alcoholic intoxication. ( 22 )
r qra€lsqcil aqftrrrcEala {ifaartrqtl(3.:. a 1")
c(rr;ig(ar qiqr qrcrg.qroiqtqrar,
D r , , s r sr v h i c l r I r a t , r : u n r l c r . g o n ei r r c r c i r . , l r r r l t r a v c r s i n g u p l v a r i l st h r o u g h t h e
c h a u n e l so f t h r : r n i o i g e t l o c a l i s c J i p t l i e m i r t L I a t t I c a u s ei t s a b n o r r n : r l i t v T h i s
t l i s c a s ek r r o i v t ra : r t n n l . i J t t ,i s n l l r i n l l l t i l i s t l l : , : o i t i r t r n l i r r r i .( I )
q+'ra, qira irnr:a,iqGoi, t qtaia =rg:r4ae a qgiqlil cat ll ?.ll
fiqraqfi qeza zt'qr{.i aa rrcfr{ | q EIiZqrd{uT} cqdai iqrrfi q rl a tt
o n c f r o r n c i r , i r ( i o ) a , I o u r t h l i . o m a c o r ] l b i r r a t i o no l r r l i t l i c t l r l c e , 6 f t h f | o m
g r i e f , e t c , s i r t h f r r i r t P o i s o r r sa t c i t s r , r r i c t i e s ,t l t r i r t r c a t m e n t i s a s a p p r t i p r i a t et o
t[e cause. cliseas,.: is also kuolvtt as tttrl,la, if it is llot lully developcd and is
ofrecerrt ol et. ( 2-3 )
sight, feeling of fear, iirelevant talk, feeling of emptinessof heart ( mind ) are the
common specific symptoms of unmdda. 1 6 )
k"GgE a+i lqcq C& {€fld qrcgq€F-dEftaq rrs rr
qqrrd€rs{Wiq{ftaqrrmRircuriscrfi I
qlaEqfiEqt@rqoidrateftfr qd qrlaasa cqq il z rr ( r. fa.,v. tv )
Indulgencein foods which are dry, scanty or cold; ( frequent ) purgations
( inclusiveof vomitting ), depletion of basic tissues,fasting or srarvationand other
factors make for increaseof vata in the body. Vata, in turn getting exerted by
emotions like worry, etc,, in persons of weak mind, brings about derangement of
intellect and memory. ( 7-B )
afroiqraf|4s*irileiant ft<g{oiirrq r
Efa ftuii 1ti<E|g sqt{ rr q rr
arcGiti<rrriqaurTrqr:masafaqqofuuwirqr r
q€Blqdtrrf,qtlf\atqr ftat q lrtr fi?E-firq laSqrr qo l ( r tu. e tv )
Laughing, smiling, dancing, singing, speaking, makinq movement of body
parts and weepingat improper time and placei hardness/roughness, emaciation,
blackishred discolourationof the bo:ly exacerbationof symptomsafter diges.ionof
food-are the signsand symptomsof unmida causedby (increaseof vata. ( 7-8 )
Indulgence in foodswhich are not cooked, which are very pungenror sour, I
which cause heart-burn, which are hot etc., make for increaseofpitta, rr.hichin
tum affectsthe mind quickly, in the sameway as describedearlier,in personswho
are not selfcontrolled,leading to pittaja unmada. Intolerance,uncontrollability,
casting away the clothes and remaining naked, threatening others, running away,
feeling of burning sensation, desiring shade, cold water and foods, yellowish disce
lourationof the body are the signsand symptomsof this condition ( g-10
tiqsffd"{Rifla{q {il6cr sq} cffq drger r
Ce-yq ertgqatq &+cfr{qcd.riaG(rn{ l t t rr
erqifEiirr;qeitq*ar adtfikcflqqarsfrfiar r
oQa arct q sd q g* aqG{il${i ir rntnlarr+
errE l l-<rri'<iq q. t;)
Kaphagetting increasedalong with pitta by indulgence in over-eating,lack
of physical exercise etc., brings about derangement ofintellect and memoil,
causeskaphaja unmada. Its signsanrl symptomsare slow or weak "ncl
voice ( or ialk )
and body movementsranorexia,desireror women (or sex and soritude,
) excesir.e
Ch,20, Insanitlt 73
sleep,vomitting, saliva dribbing out, symptomspronounced immediately after tak-
ing food, whitish discolourationof nails, etc. ( ll-12 )
q! qfhqrdcqilsfidkr<S: scrhr q a iqirr; r<rq r
cqifi'r 6qrih iEqfi agfiqqci$qidqfiqc'ir n la l ( q. fs. 3{.rv)
Sannipatajaunmada is producedby increase of all the three dogastogether
by their respectivecauses. rhe symptomsof all the dosasare seenin the patient
and requirestreatment ofdifferent kinds. This conclition being prolound is to be
refusedtreatment. ( 13 )
.itidt.qga irf if irraqrs;if Hqrflqarcr qaEIFEtEIqH{TreII
qrdai qafb q flqqt fitrilqtia dtuaaii cndt fi{r(r n ts tl
fii sqlfi a eitsgrrdfiririt 'rrqtqdfaef'aiikFa qrlc q6: | ( g. j. o{.ri )
Getting frightened by ( sudden appearanccor. presence) of robbers,govcrn-
rnent officials( like police, etc. ) enemies and others ( wild animals,weaponsand
anything causingfear ), losso[ moncy ( or wealth death ol relatives( next of kin
suchas wife, lover, sons,daughters, parents etc. ) excessivedesirefor sex ancl such
other factors causegreat injury to the. mind and produce unmada. personso
affectedtalks indifferently, which he likes most,reveaiseven secrets,sings,laughs
or weepson his own accord and behavessenselesslv. ( l4-15 )
Gq{dt aaq}fiqqur gttqr qqrqnil {ierisq lriflad$ l iq n ( g. e. :r. ti )
In umddaproduced by poisons,tbe person will have red shot eyes,loss of
strength of body, sensesand complexion, helplessness,
black discolourationof
the mouth or face and lossof consciousness.
( 15 )
srErsgqe(.gdlil eirqqieq* a<rlqrrr<dl adfqg;q1qqfiacqf: rriq rr
Patient of unmrda who is found always keepinghis headbent down or bent
up, who is ernaciated,weak and alwaysawake (withoutsleep is sureto
) die. ( 16 )
qqtq'qrfi{fiq*d+ril qrarQiEilaqarGf!f,r r
srstq{Iasfiqaarrtalfrtug;wrqgqr6irq. [ (s lt ( 3T.ty )
Bhutonmatla( unmdda due to posscssionby ',spirits', is describedas the
diseasein which thc spccch, valour', strength,intelect and knowledgeof
the affec.
ted personis super-human ancrthe time of o'set of the symptomsunspecific( not
in accordancewith that of the dogas). ( 17 )
74 Mailhaoa
r*g* gfidiQencrEq{*i {tta'ft<lqaqderin{rfr |
aauq.}qq{i i(r q aqgs: 1 qz 1 ( s. 3. 3{.i" )
ilwt* Rq<qqitErsrqrar
( not expressingany desires). cleanliness ( engagedin keeping
.. 9ottr:n,rnent
his body, clress,surroundings,etc., very clean clesirefo. u.iy^.rt
), gariandi
scents,ctc., alwaysalert andfor.awake,alrvaysspeakingrcfirrcd( culture,l
) iu.,gu"ge
and truth, possessingbright complexion( on the face unwinking eyes,bestlwiig
favours and such othcr acts as seenin the symptomsof a per.son
possesscd by Deva gr.aha( gods/eoddesess ). ( lB )
driq'i fiqqeiqqlqqcr idqre* lqqaq.i fiqFiefE, r
tigdtaw{i qtacrailhdztietTi{[hq?mgqe,l Eql (1 r o .-.'
Pcrspiringheavily,always abusing brdhma4as, teachers,goJs, etc., ,listor.ted
look, absenceofany fear, critical of evcrything, never getting satisfie.-i
and drinks,indulging in sinful acts are seen in the personpossessecl
b\.:\iula irahirs
( demonsl. ( 19 )
( i+6t11tnr^^iter: ler 6rdtaie fiqar t 6ar qtrwd<wrert cs{i rr I rr)
asrcio: d(tril qlfii*ail€€At I qsQqr<
tla ilt qtt it<alq{*u' il 1 rr
( The dogas having become increasedby worry, griefl etc.,get lodgedin the
channelsof the hgdaya (mind), make for lossof memory (knowledge,consciousness)
and produce the diseaseapasmara), Apasmlra is known as the diseasewhich
causesfeelingof getting into utter darkness( lossof consciousness
), violent move-
mentsof the eyes, limbs ( convulsions), appearanceof other symptomsof increase
ofdosas and lossofmemory. This dreadeddiseaseis offour kinds. ( i )
ai:6?q:{&:qat€i tqrri eJBi ccsdr tfrqmru afrqr{ qR"qfi qqlqq ll ?,ll
1 9 .v . u . t t )
Palpitation, feelingof emptiness(of the mind ), perspiration,worry, fainting,
delusion,and lossof sleepare its prodromal symptoms.( 2 )
*rqe cEA+dt1hiarCt qkqfi I qretasr6cqrdicc+*rh qiliar( n i ll
Tremors, (convulsions), grinding ofteeth, frothy vomitting, increasedrespi-
ration, roughnessofthe body, seeingthings of reddish-blackcolour are the symp-
toms of vataia apasmdra.( 3 )
fra*atsqxRr: fiarq{qqda: I qEtoilqrnoaqrqdtfi{il q tk*: It g tt
Yellow coloured lroth at the mouth, yellowish skin, face and eyes, seeing
yellow or red colouredthings, thirst, feeling .of warmth of the body, the surround-
ings being seen as tho'rgh covered rvith fire are the symptoms of pittaja
rpasmdra.( 4 )
g$*irfssr$ qitausrsi gErI qci€g$ili rqrfu'tiFc*t g€qefi(rq uc u
( r . f v . : r .l r )
7B MadhauaNidanam
]Yn[lsn froth a^tthe mouth, white colour
o' .f;. il;, ";;;il;#."il:;J","'f,::
of the skin, face a nd eyes, feeling of
*-:x'lg. :: lr:,::**iT:i"
are,n.* _fi'".',.i;"",*, ##;: :5
::'::::T111..,., i
tlTlT:.i'J,'lt::t::j:-: or all thethree.closas
mara. It is incurableif fbund i'a person aresceniu rrdo$aja
*n. ir-.-,*",.*;;;i ,r_*?r.;i:;
xiirgcti <ga,$ui labaqaq r i*rrqi q
fioqiorqwqrillqapria rr,err
-*l of tremors
( convulsions
^-, eyes
and .l": seenin apas;nara ) emaciarion, fierce
meni l; .i.i.l)]
usuallykill the patient. ( i )
{ara eR{naqr
{Rrrarr&a11ar:r gdfiairi friiqura<qrrz rr
ii qdtq&
qqrad .iteriaditaq, "vrenm
*A;fhn+;;J, uo,fr.g"po,,,,< rr
( g s' 3T'qt )
qlr ,.ftqrqefirrarfq* qruqfcariscrqrrfqarq
qqr*T .. ?? ,
Gfl{ftaraqa€seaqqrqdhrraFri: I fiqcrgqsne ttqrqn-qqqnqfirr I rr
dEFags:rtquq6qrqrqrRf'{*iE*: r qrqai dqrqrfq:aniqtqrihryiqrq il Rtl
iqdqnorr{crqaganrqrilaarqranlerrqitqrraflaanwdearq il i tl
?i e'taifb iiarfi q<frersfidr qol r qilfh &firrq aqrfrq sql*mrsdnqr{ rrg rr
IixcessiveinCulgcncein fooCswhich are dry, cold, scanty, quickly digestible;
sexual intcrcourse, kecpin3 alvakeat nights, improper trcatnlcrlts,excessivedis-
chargeofdosas and blooC from the boCy ( during the courseof treatmentslike
emesis,purgation,bloocl lettinl{, etc. ); jumping, swinrming,long distancewalking
and such othel excrcises;loss or depletion of body tissues,worry, grief, extreme
dcbility due to protracte,:ldiseases,
habit of suppression of natural urgesof the body,
ploCuctionof -ma ( undigesteJintcrmediary metabolities), trauma, fasting or
discases of vital organs, riding fast on elephants, starvation, injury or camel,
horse or falling durinq such riding etc., causethe channels ( of vlta ) in the
body to become empty ( dry ) which later gct fillcrl with virta and producc diflerent
diseases affcctingone or more palts ofthc body. ( l-+ )
sr6,{ddqiuihvi qriwfifi r€dq | 'qr?rrqri
q q$qiwrrq{l agar ga: lr \ ri
Its prcmonitory stage is charactelisedby appealance of the symptoms of
the cliseasein rnilder form, the sarne symptoms becoming well marked and
severedenotestlre stageof manifestation;abscncc of char.acteristicsymptomsand
lightness ofthe boly (drrring the courseof specificdiseases
to be describedfurther
on ) ar-cthe signsof cure of such diseases.
(5 )
dr:fe: q{qi rarrit r+ftseri qtiqufi I tc€d: carqeavrfugufilfnar l l q l l
qFiqqtEraulsdiiq i riiissrarqiiqar I migmrqtdpl: q;qd' qFrgsirr |9 tl
otqq l z rr
firilar<rfirsnoriftqqprili g€a{ | }q€it*sf*q&fr gg*rnrrcT
qdhrrfi qcrlor{itfh giiitsfiar r lgwrafiiera uifrrrfiivsq rr< rr
B0 MadhtjoaNidanam
Contractures of body parts, rigidity of joints, fractures or breaking pain in
the bones and joints, horripulations, delerium, stiffness of the joints oi hands,
back and head, lamenessof one or both legs, curvature of the back, wasting of the
body parts, lossof sleep, loss or destruction of foetus, semen and. ovum; tremors,
lossof sensation,curvatursof head, nose,eyes,shouldersand neck; cutting or other
types of pain in the body parts, frequentconvulsionsand debility. These and
similar kinds of symptoms are producedby incresaed vata, correspondingto the
causesand sites of affection, ( 6-9 )
ar ritcrlertgi fia€'t qeeri€t: r Errirqgrcrlir crd{F q crce l to rl
If vata is increasedin the ko;1ha ( alimeniary tract there lvill be obstru.
ction to passageofurinc and feces, enlargementof the scrotum, heart diseases,
tumors ofthe abComen,heamorrhoidsand pain in the flanks.( 10 )
qffie q€ .nqrgi<qqwn{,r iEafirr v0aw r5adtaFq q;qqr [ !,1,il
Ifvata gets increasedall over the body, there will be tremors ( throbbings,
twitchings,pulsations,etc. ) cutting and other types ofpain, feelingof pain in the
joints as though bursting out, etc. ( l1 )
edl fivq*+nr<i rqanarrrwafw: rwgldi*vtCsitftild g? fiqt rr ic, rr
It vata getsincreasedand occupiesthe regionof the guda (rectum),therervill
be stoppage of movement ofurine, feces and flatus; pain anrl distention of the
abdomen, forrnation of urinaly caliculus anclgravel, pain in the calves, thigs,
pelvis,legs and back and emaciation.( 12 )
a's cre{iiq€eftrqtoitenfiqiiq1r I i6ln: fiIs4rq{ilq*t eitrq91grrrqkqirr {e tr
If increasedvdta residesin the amd6aya( stomach) pain in the flanks, abdo
men, rcgion of the heart and umbilicus,thirst, erectations,vomitting and diarrhoea,
cougb,drynessof throat and mouth and dyspnoeaare found. ( i3 )
qsr{qr*$qEd ?&aritql*i[a e 1sepqegii.itaerardla{aEatq lt lts tl
Ifit getslodged in the pakwa3aya ( large intestineand rectum there rv l
be intestinal gurglingsand pain, difficulty lor defccation and micturition, distention
ofabdomen and pain in the sacralregion. ( l4 )
,ilqrqGqFqq-{d SqiEgesilqr | ( a. fa a. rc )
I1'vdta gets increasedin the indriyas (senseoreans) it produces loss of
function of thoseorsans.
Ch.22, Diseausof nerttous 8l
localiscdin the joints, it causes loss of luirction, pain and cracking sound in
them. ( 20-21 )
arrla*rnFr+t q rrqrn€qrqr€iTrrsa qnqiia aiiiiorq rr)
l floitqri {TFIaa;r
wd iirqi sHqia*itqqrqh r {tir< eqi d;qr i(ri a xmrgi rt ".i tt
vqri fiqg* 1 Era)q=ai rirsrsF: t -.rriqadt
q;ir5i": rftaarq *nrgi rrr1 rr
+iq4r*w*q;ai: +g: qqrl lwd$ r r*< q* iqaqi anaoia arqi tt ie tt
"r'rrl fi<go q qr€icqd<sq{dr I
3rq:$Ia gaiFi iI rft<ar a *nrgi l l 1 ' 1 l l ( T f 4 . " { . l )
EIIAfiar1a <ta]rrrafi*qoi sq: | (a.H+ <osfizliq llg{rtiq} {$r?i. l it tl
q?r{ !rq;il:qqf: $iiiisiik qraa:I a?rssfuqiqr-q ggrigti: qgz{r:p 1\ell
ggrjgariirorrqrirartii +qa't
Prana,udanl samana,vyanaanrl apilnl thcsr frvevatas i:t tlrcir nor.mal
state sustainthc body in good health, )
Ifprdlav:rta gcts avararla( cnconrpassed,surrourrrleJ, intet.fct.r:rl,
by pitta, there will l-revomitting and bur.r.rinc
scrlsrrjor; il lry kapha thcr.cwill be
rtebility,lossofstrength, stupor and bad tasrein the rnouth.
Udinavata when encornpassed by pitta produccs burning scusation,laintiirg,
giddinessand exhaustion; if by kaphait causcsloss of pcrspir.:rtion,lossofenthu-
siasm,poor digestiveability and lceling of cold.
Samlna vuta whcn encomlr;rsscd by pitt:rgivcs ris. to pcfspiration,brnning
scnsltion, incrcaserltcnlpcratrrrc anil fainting; if b,v kaphait causcsobstruction
to elimiualion of urine ancl{'eccsanrl horr.iprrLrtionsin thr: bod1,.
Apena vata if encompasscdby pitta causcsllrrning scnsation,ilrcreasc of
temperature'elimination of urine mixed wirh blor,d arcl if by kapha, heavincssof
the lorverlirnbs and feelingofcold.
Vydna vata encompasserl lty pitta givcs rise to bur.ning serrsation,abnormal
movementsof thc body parrs a.d cxhaustion;if by kapha, stifiuessol' thc body,like
a 1og,pain and srvelling.
\{hen thc i.creaseclvatagets localisecl in ali rhc cliramanis(blooclvcssels )r
ol'the borl1, it; quick, {icquert irnd jerk' rlrovcrrcllrsof the bcclyr'lriclr
alc calleclAkScpaka( convulsions) ( 22-27 )
Tq: ti: *itdeig, rtnnr(r{ cqdi rr n ( r r{ r ? )
l . T h i s s h o u l db e s n a y u s( t e n d o n so r n e r v e s) a n d l l o t d h a r n a n i s( v e s s e l)st o b e m o r e
Ch.22, Diseases B3
VAta associatedwith kapha and pitta or evcn alone produces a Iburth kind
of akgepakadue to trauma to thc parts of the boiiy.
Apatdnaka caused by abortions, excessivehaemorrlragcancl trauma ar.e
incurable.( 37-38 )
Z d l t q r s i a a l q l g : f k < r e r X f i a l s c q 1 11a(,I f + + 1 ;
e{e-.q.i alia qliq{;'rr{isdtF{{ | iFi€ilsdfirqrdrcrqrE{fvzil fiiaa' rrgo rr
qnlsit{i * *iit;i w*i lag: I q{i*ilqraeq qiryqil}:isfr} lts?.l(?i f4 { ly.)
\Vhi:nv rt:r affci:tstlie sira; an:l sn-ryuso l ' a n y h , r l l ( r i u l r r o l l c f t ) o l t h e
body, causing loosening of- its .joints,lossof c o r r t l o l , i n a l . i l i t y o f ' f r r n c t i o n i n r al r r d
lossof sensationin the limbs-it is callcil b,vsome as likrlirga loga ulrrl by others
as pakgava,lha.\Vhen the entile bo:l,v(l;cth h a l v e s ) i s t h u s a f i i c t c d i t i s k n o r v n
as SarvlirgavAta( 39-4 t )
Er€tt?irtq{€Bl:rgeli iir<crf:ai r rirqolionutqrfi aitciq r,qri]qd tra? ll
gqEla€d qqi 6;Fqtqari iag: t <rta+ia rigcrerud eraig*q tidiil (,r f{ 3r.l)
Ifin thc altove diseases,vatais associatc,l
with pitta, tlrcrcrvill bc l;urnirr:
sensation,increasc of tempclaturc of the aller.tcdparts anrl fainting; il as.ooietccl
with kapha, cold, swellingand heavinessof rhc afiectcclparts manilcst.
Paksavadhacaused by v;ita alone is diflctrlt to cure, llrat caLrserlbv vata
associatedwith other do;asis casyto curc ancl that rvlrich lt:adsto ernaciutionor
wastingis impossible
to cure. ( 42-43 )
( nftoii qla*rcraZqdiileeqqql r qeturd nliaiq ilar rk.r] qk tr ) ( :ft a )
( PakgaghrLta scel in prcgnant \\'om,:n,worrrctrrtrccl(l;, tii litcrcrl cltiIrcn,
old people,emaciatedpersonsaud that causerlby he:*,; blceclingrnrl that irr rvhich
the patient has no sensationat all in the allectedlimbs shoulclbc refiisecltreatmet.)
siaqladtsqti <rr{arrfAnrii qr | €trit Tr{it qrsii .rr(riacc{rriqa:
l tststl
fuitardufigraore{orqF{q: r a{*a{idt qdnf4* qaq?qir:i
q#irrqia qrrd 4iil qrczTqErfe
l B\ tl
fh<aroh qrne* lar{ai a ioaq r trrcriagr{;arai aRq;qreiia a?nrlt }jq tl
Vata funetiorrirrg
in thc rcgiorroI tlic hcntl, .osc, iips, r irir, lbrehcatlarirl
eyes,gets affectcdby acts likc spcakiugirr irigh pitch for long p31io:15 of time,
biting harJ materials,indulgingi' cxcessi'cLiuqhi.g,
loadson the hcacl, uncvenor irregular slecpingposture,ctc., proclucesthe dis-
easec.rlledAldita, The personwill have in.cgularit,vor asymrnetr.yof the flace,
the anglesof the mouth dloop, lhe neck is turned outwards, shaking of the head,
sjtstem 85
inability to talk, abnormalities of movement of the eyes, neck, chin and jaws
associated with pain. ( 44-+6 )
( qrqt:ril tiqa"ii iqgisqrliaq t arg<':{ t+[a tanriq] q;qlage€:lt )
aaf{ainfi qE€qlfqa{IfirfiqE]qrlrt qiiorcqfnfiqwrq rrqfiFzrinrrrfisr:tt tsell
q iq':atei{* qrd ieq.i qqaq q r ( r. f+. a. ? )
( IJolripulations,trcn)ors, accumulationof dilt in the eyes, l<.issof sensation
of the skir, pricking pain, stiflnessof tbc ncck aud ]ower jaw are the prodron.ral
symptornsof ardita. ) Expcrt clinicianscall this diseascas Aldita.
Ardita in emaciatcd persons,who do not rvink their eycs, lr'hosc spccchis
slurrcd and incoherentarrtl in rvhom it is pcrsisting fol molc than three year-sis
incurablc.( 47 )
rra arr uiq tltw{ q{,:qrqrqrritg tr uz ll ( rr. ti=.,i. I J.)
In all types of lkg,.:pekas( convulsir,c disorders) the patient gets periods
of health( nonnalcl ) rvlrni thc cpisoCes
of attackpassoft. (.18)
r gira} €E(6(q: qcf}tqrs{io} €g{ lt tsa.ll
+itia ialart<t<qqqr Fi1arcqafq I
€3q€: q ia tqttg;Plqdtrqlcorq tl \o tt (ar. fa. ,r. tr )
irr putting out the tongue too much for long perrods, eating
dly foodsand injurl' m;rkcsfor incrcascof vara located near the neck; rvhichin
turn, loosensthc joirttsof thc lorvcrjarv, makingthe mouth cither openor closed
tiqht a1l thc tinrc. causing difficulty irr choling and speaking. This diseaseis
knorvuasH:rnugrahr.( {9-50 )
c;4t{dr}i csaa n qq €Gcoflsstd: il \q [ ( u fa. a. t )
VIta gctting inclcascrl eithcr- alone or in associationwith kapha by sleeping
at day time, illegulal postures)lookiug in npward direction for long periodscauses
Nlanyastamlrha ( stiffncss
ofthc ncck.) (51 )
qrr{rkdiiqrrd€'.il iiai *arqqisiiar r
iialrarrr, q icrqqnqmisqdi{ral u q-{ l ( qr.lq q tr )
Likovisc vata pro:lurcs.Jihrvastambha (loss of' movementof the tonguc)
affectingthc tenrlorrs/nclvrr lclu lh. r'oiti: box ancl causeinability for. chcwing,
S r i n k i n ga n d t l l l ' i n g .( 5 2 )
{ifiqtpjizr llar gal-qrirrrr, ftq: t
GqiI: €aqaf: q;tu11r frf5q1tq: {zrTFqqnEr q,R ( Er. lc. q. qr )
ato Madhaaal\idanam
Vata inclcase(I,getting localisedin the blood and blood vesselsof the head
causesthem to shrink, become painfui and black. This condition known as
Sirdgraha( or (irograha ) is di{ficult to curc. ( 53 )
Rs*qal xftEdtqqrgqfrqtscq I .zbrdt{arqaffiti,iarfirq'Shrrgtnqtsu
qrirlarasqFl;qtriJqqrilq*rGqat | ( -'r.fq. q. r; )
( enaarqirri€l'i ?srqrii qqfiar | ilrE{eq{ddiii rswi raeqaruflq,l \q, tl
qla€Edl&srciq fifiif aGer{aq I d;er gractsar irniqra}q q n c'cll
V6ta eitl.rer alone ol associatcilrvith kapha produccs ( a discase callcd )
Ggdhrasicharacterisedby stiffirrss(i.abiliry ro move)ancl sevcr.e pain startingin the
lumbar region movi'g tlorvnrva.rlstlrrough thighs, k.ees,r'alvesa'd feet. Rigidity
and throbbings are also expericrrccdintcrnittc'tly if rlue onlv to vata and if
due to associationwith kapha, stupor, heavinessancl anorexia arc experienced.
( Pricking pain, irregular shapeol tlrc body parts, tl)r(,bb;ngsancl severestiffnessof
joints ofknce ancl rvaistarc profound jf vtta is a{rccteclalone in grdbrasi but
if rvith kapha, thcr-c rvill bc poo' rligcsrivc abilit,v, srupor, salivatio' and
aversionto food are pr.ofourrd. ) ( 54-56 )
aii *ag'aj'tai qti .60grl qrgggar \s ll
qtaJr*i{rq+('i fisr{r iia qlqqi r ( g. f,r.,r. t
Vi6vaciis afftctio. of the tc'cloirs/nervcs
of the fingcrs,the fingcrs,the arms
andthe shoulders,causing lossof functionof thc arm. ( 57 )
Elra{rliorditdlril agn',} q€rtq: \u tl
ia: mis*{ft;*a <qa' *lq-,*rfii{,aqr
( g. fa.":r.i )
Vata and rakta gctti.g affectcrl
a vcry painful srvcllingof
the knee.jointresemblingthe head.f a big {irr. He'cc k.orvn as Krostuka-(irsa.
iIIg: SE{tf}r. qlzq: qog11s1i1triqEttt qq. tr
ewraql llfq;1: q$' qrzildri}?iqrq| ( g 1; a t )
Vata affcctingthe tendons/ner.ves o[ thc waist nrakesa n.ianlame; knolvn
as Khafrja ifone lcg is affcctecland par'rguif both legs are affected.( 59
cmrc{.aqe qrd qsr&q q q€aii l qo ,,
isarqq3i {. faql;gceiirts-r;}jra{I (.t. fr. a. I )
Presenceof pain at tlrc co;nrlencemcnt of rv.ilkinq, lirnpin.l later
, on and
of the joints or the lcgsare thc featu'eso| Kar;iyakhaflja ( rameness
by ingestionof pea, lentil or masurarlala. I ( 60 )
(h. 22, Diseases
syslem 87
Gge.rrr.iaq{ a?qrcrfl,iliiqa{rrqa.rr
qiqncdflqsrf,rqrt+naqrsfaariaaqr1r. f+ a t )
obstruction to the movcrncnt of the flatus gives
rise to the condition called
,_A'dhm1na,charactcrisedby gurgling n.isc in rhc iulestincs,severepain and,disten-
tion ofthe abdorne'; vata associatec.lwith kapha causingsuch a condition in the
region of the stomachbut away f'om thc ,"gio,.,of'
the heart anclthe flanks_is
knolvn as Pratyadhmana.( 68-69.)
All the joints upto thc knee getting affected, skin ovcr the joints clackcd
and exudationscoming out, presence of otliel complicationsi( cnumeratcd lurtiter
on ), muscularwasting ancllossof chief functiorrs of life found in a patient of v:lta-
rakta is impossibleto cure. Il'tirc diseaseis not more tltan one ycar of dul'atioll
it persistsfor the rest of the life and leqr-rires
Lossofsleep,anorexia,increased/difFcult putrefactionol musclcs,
headache,faintings, toxicity, pair.r,thirst, fever, delusiorr,rigors, hiccougb,latue-
ness( inability to walk ), eryscpelas ( or other skin diseases ), formation of ulcct's,
pricking pain, giddiness,exhaustion,contraclur€sof fingers( or tocs ), clackings,
burning sensation,pain iIr vital organs, lppeafanceof nodules or cys[s-arc the
complicationsof -Vatarakta.; presenceof otre or mote ol tlteseis an indication for'
refusalof such patients. The diseasenot associatedwith complicationspcrsists
for the rest of iife; that without complicationsis curable, likewisethat in which
only one dogais involvedand thai of rccentonsetis cut'able,if tlvo do;asare involved
the diseasepersistsfor life, if all the three do;as are involved and that associatcd
with complicationsis impossibleto cure. ( 14-18 )
Thus endsthe chaoter on Vatarakta'
tilituor4arigurgtf.anlfHiflt'r fiqrldiii aarrssqrqtiqi|rTrewqmt,
rr t rr
qtiuca<'qqa, eneruddiiaq r elv'qiat'iq{q itcidqqi rrr rr
q*,:qiis{r lXal.ar1iuqq1{iaf}ia q r a1rr:xrfi ifrr tarq} rfrarqiaa}rr? rr
qt#iqriie ge rnraniiqa.qq) t ':craqq{riiitqarEr=srjrfiaqt:rrg rr
eguJ qrteqaa;g)<wrgkiu:I aq-€raririiiqrgueraraeur.rt rr\ rr (er ft .r. ?{)
Inclulgence in loodsancl othcr activities lvhich arc a mixturc oppositcssuch
as cold and liot, rvateryand clry, heavy arrdlight, fatty arrdnon-fatty, cookedanti
uncciokcd,etc., severeexcrliorr,mcntal strain, over-slecpingor keepingawakewith-
out sleep and suchother factors,causefor.accumulationof iima ( improper-lyproce-
ssedintelmediarv metabolities) in the body which in turn incrcasesthe quanti-
tiesofkapha, medas (adiposetissue) and vdta. These together accumulatein
the lcg, kapha fills up thc cavitiesof the bones; mrking the limbs inactive; cold to
touch, rvith loss of control over it, the paticnt feels as though the leg is not his
own, scverc pain, grief or anxiety, pain ancl stiffness all over the body, stupor,
vonritting, ano.exia, fever',weah'essof the legs,difficulty in lifring and lossof sensa_.
tion in them. This rliseaseis known as Urustambhal someotherscall it Adhyavata
also.( 1-5 )
qqri aezrfi4rsfh':crditaiiear Gq(r| frq€Gitsaiirsfl+ifr,it'
{rEt irqrl q tl
Prodromal symptoms of this diseaseare too much of slcep, lvorry, lossof
movement,fever, horripulations,anor-exia,
vomitting and weaknessof the legs.( 6 )
qld{rRirT<qrarterarr?*a;Tr?ga: I qqil: aqri giir: E;;Ftgc{oiasl l o tl
qslcarffr<tqii aeaqRraaql t lr{ e ;tui;q{d {ftdrq{t a ilr q rre rr
qr,:ti dtci rriqi qral qF4dtlqr: r 'or;qriqG drrer* qr+ q c;qe lt q tl
\\'irhout Lnowing rhe specific features of this diseaseand suspectingir
to be a diseaseof vlta, if oil massage,etc., is done, the symptomsexacerbate
( increase)quickly, causeseveredebility in the legs, loss of sensation,difficulty in
lifting it up, quick exhaustionoflegs, lossof heat and pain. The patient getspain on
placing the foot on the ground, doesnot understandcold touch, is unable to keep
94 IVladhava
the legs in any one posture' move it or do any type of activity, feels as though it
belongs to someoneelseor feels as though it is broken in the middle. ( 7-9 )
qqrEralfrdtqn-limr goi't riq t
iF€tirlq€ql a;qF€r{+ffqqfi qqq tl {o rt ( a. fa. *. ru )
tlr "itqrtra6<f{fqt qlEslq(It s{-tdrrrft<i{qqlsq ll Rv ll
The diseaseis easyto cure if anyone dosais involved, difficult if two do;as
are involved and incurable if all the thrce dopas are involved, so also if the
swellingis secnmoving to all the joints of the body. ( l2
Thus endsthe chapter on Amavata.
srq T&'cQqnlr{tgraqqelofurdq
Sou, penwAuatau, e Nir,q oLANIDaNAM
iQ, cqqqr{ana.}: q(dtssqrrriq l qdueega}g qtior qqarqgr tt t ll
Sola (colic, pain in the abdomen) is ofeight types; one from eacb doga,
one from the combinationof all three, one eachfrom the combinationof two do;as
and the eighth from -ma. In al1 typcs, vata is the predomir.rantcausative
dota. ( I )
EqFrr{ql?r{fhi garq csrrrq;dla eailiqlarq I
rr'6rqggrr6f+*(qqqtafrqrarr{arf\flar( u ?.tl
qqlqkfi ldfi6a-erq&E-aEgrcEE$aF6rql
Re-9fiqrrfr ai.r<]rrFd*qqrcqkfl rqqFcrE || 1 II
qtgr citA oaifk c&Fiaqr"iguRwfiafi r
*fr cir,r ir q?rqc e fri q,ir.i qqifa rrrdqu ts rl
qg{ gdUtrrra}dr fagnrinarrraiu-iri, r
driqanrwe{ar*r fh.fl.orriteiartri cqrf'arr\ tt
Over-indulgcncc in physical cxercises, riding, sexual intercourse,keeping
atvakeat nights, drinking very cold water, ingestionof food articles like peas,
greengram,tuvar dal, koradUpaand others which cause dryness inside the body,
over-eating, injury, loods rvhich are astringent and bitter; germinated grains,
incompatibles,dried up flesh and leafy vegetables;supprcssionol'urges of feces,
semen,urine, flatus;griel, starvation or flasting,excessivelaugiringand speaking-
all make fcir increaseof vAta in the body which produces colic; pain is found in
the regionofthe heart, flanks,back, waist and urinary blaCder, gets exacerbated
during or after the digestion of food, in the evenings, during cloudy and cold
weather;pain increasesor decreasesof its own accordfrequently, of pricking or
tearing in nature, there is obstructionto thc movemcntof fecesand flatus, pain
gets reduced by use of hot fomentation, oil massage, fatty and warm foods and
drinks. ( 2-5 )
ar<rfit{tcoitcqk{ft*afi"qrqfi"qr{gatet{Sr I
qradfrrg<tRt,ftr fr.rnourc<l.qcaTil lr q ll
98 NtuunataNidanam
tion and colic having the symptoms similar to those of kaphaja type are all found
in Amaja \ola (colic due to indigestion). ( l2 )
Yet another type of colic known as Annadrava ([la, there will be severepain
persisting throughout and not subsiding during or after digestion, with food or no
food, use of comfotts or no comforts. ( In this type the pain is reduced only after
vomitting of accumulatedpitta. ) ( 21-22 )
Thus endsthe chapter on SDla,etc.
r €tsft;swfiEpri Etfiqrqiidqqrtt i, tt (gv.urr)
Suppressionofthe urgesof flatus, ibces, urine, yawning, tears, sneezing,
belching, vomitting, semen,hunger, thirst, r'cspirationand sleep,is the causefor
the diseaseUdavarta. { I )
ltaqrCtquri edtsqd sit qqr I qat qFqIa{FA<'FnrqqiaRcatq ll ? ll (a.g.o.u1
Suppressingthc movementof flatus leadsto difrculty for expelling flatus,
feces and urine, distentionofthe abdomen, weakness,pains in the abdomenand
other symptomsof Vata v5ddhi. ( 2 )
qriqqld qfieftnr q qs: gitvtq a*t{qtar t
gffqqrcqRqslf*fi $qAlsfirai a<ta rl 1 ll ( g. s. a{.{r, )
Suppressionof urge of fecesproCucesintestinalgurglings,pain in the abdomen,
cutting pain in the rectum, constipationand even upward movementof flatus and
fecesthrough the mouth. ( 3 )
' sRd}tair t1Fiq36€p firita'sr t findl aqorra: t<tb* qe{d ll B ll ( s g. 3r.u)
Suppression of the urge of urine causespain in the bladder and urethra, dim'
culty to urinate,headache, bendingof the body forward and distention/obstuction
of the groins.( 4 )
q;rrl.rdrrrrRr{fficra grrilnunrilir;iliBrfi't! rg: I
dqlr-sfkarqrqqiwqrar{;Fd titet: s€ rtoiifir tt \ ll
Supplessionof yawning producesstiffnessof the neck,throat, headaches,other
symptomsof VIta vJddhi and also disordeisof eyes,nose,face and ears.(5 )
eltiqi qrs.qq rilfii qr *its{ cmcggil R I
fungaci nq;rtqqrr;r mGa *qt qa tiiaQall q ll ( g.s 3I.{{ )
Suppres.ionof tears ofeithcr pleastrrcor griefcausesheavinessof the head,
disordersof the eyesand sevcrcnssalcatarrh. ( 6 )
rrzrr{drrr:fh<'qlasftarqiqi<+l r diq{pf e d{id qqfi: rqt(iqnu[q rt c tt
( s.g.q.o )
102 MadhattaNidanam
or severedist'
A patient of ud-avartasufferingfrom severethirst, restlessness
,err, e-u"iution, continuousobstinate abdominalpain and fecalvomitting should
be refusedtreatment.( 20 )
Thus endsthe chapteron Udevarta'
slxr gFqfrEtqq
gut qraqitsiqt ficq6nR€r(a: r gdfia vgur gcd *gFdffiqtftoq r
atq qefiri qri qqiaerf\qqdq: tt { tl
Veta and other riosasun lergoingrnorbir.lincreaseby indulgencein unhealthy
foodsand haLrits,causethe five kinds of Gulma ( tumor ) to develop inside the
abilomen. Its fiv. comuror]sitesirrc the two par'(vas( sidesof the abdornen,hypoch-
ondriul, lumbar and iliac reqions), the region of the brdaya ( epigastrium) the
region of thc ndbhi ( umbilical region ) and thr: regionof the basti ( hypogastric
gqrrfr<;at qfiq: tier<1qk qrsqa: I Zq4rzrrrqqqrdq g€c {fh *tftia: tt t tr
Gulma is definedas a massin bctweenthc r,:gionof the heart and tbe umbili-
cus,either moving ( frorn place to place) ol stationary,round in shapeand undergo-
ing increaseor decreasein size.( 2 )
q;qffqi Ai qgcmqlfip*: r greroi, arrr€jiqi iq'i <*a qtq<:nlr (g.v.a.v1;
It may be causedby anyonc olthc do;asor by combination of all the three
togetherand in women by onc more, b,v incrcascof rakta ( blood ). ( 3 )
E{r(Grrgaqldrrir;qqqqtlft q 1;aiq {sTntia I
ardlq erperacqfurkrrexgtmr s{i}d F6q u B u ( sr. fr. q. t t )
Excessive belchings,constipation,a ( molbid ) fecling of contentment,lack of
endurance, gurglingsin tlre intestines,distentionof the abdomen, poor digestive
capacityare the premonitoly syrnptomsof gulma. ( 4 )
err'lar g-pfiuqeq6615;liqqwaq I s{aradtuiqrad e{gtlg 6EiiE u \ tl
Lossof taste, difficulty lbl elirninaLionor non.eliminati<,rn
of feces,urine and
flatus,intestinal gurglings, enlarr-:ementof the abdomen, upward movementof gas
are secnin all varietiesof gulma. ( 5 )
Gqrqqri Rqctficri f*si iqiiftcarr t
dHsfirqr;tsiaqetsqer fi{qar adiogaetq: rri rr
q: rqrndtqrFr€qi iaxa,i l*graegicaq*.riqq I
qqlq6ondfirfi,'r<cqte argihqrdieiatrd q rr,srr
6iiii q'ifi tqilqi c4if.ig* qgai qgtR qarI
Elaria g€q\ iq a{ qqi q'{Iqih# {g q}qit il z il ( s. fs. ar. r )
Ch, 28,Abdominal
Indulg"n"" in Ibodsand clrinkswhich are devoidof fat' thrch.":.1"::tT:1'
unsuitablephysicalactivities' t^fR1esio,,ot""::l"lHi::
bles,in largequantities' ' ^
dcplctiorrol fcecs2nl Int k ol food are the causesof Vdta
griel, trauma, t'xecssivc' . ,---r -^- -ri-i--rinn
I'i"i".'i,l'-tir,'. '"tJ,foin 'el"rcd
:;;;t;tt;-o;i",, rnouth' blackish'red discolouration'fever
.r.r' of feces anrl
by cold,painin thelcgionof thehcart' cgigastrit:,1:U:::l::l1t:i
"""r"rp".i"a bv taking lood;u^se;of
;" '.1ig""i""''''ffooi!arrrlsubsiding;:";i;;' r.
( 6-8 ^ , / C O \
increasing the discomfort' )
fooclswhich alc chy, astrltlgent, lrittt:r:rud Putiqent
+gra:ilq-0iitqiiqtk<erdiq(hcqd garlr*qt t
.{Iqri\aft €i}i qg!4 iaca gera \h:Umt tt < tl
eq<, iqqtqt qqalH(lrl: {La q€atqia rttga iI I
ri{t iq<ral4qlqq g€qr€trtrlq€tii<xgtcelq tt {o ll ( a' tu a r )
like alkalies' hot'
Inclulgenccin footlsrvhich 'rtc Pungcnf, sour''penetrating
aliget' exccssuse of alcoholic
causi,rgburiing set.tsation,rvlLi':it;ttc 'l':voiil of faq
drinks, sunlight and fiic; at:curnul'rttiotr ol' lrna ( unJigestedfood ) insidethe body'
fol lrittaja gulma' Its symptoms
ir'r.jr.y,uitiutlon of ralita ( blood ) rrc tLc .causcs
scverepain in the abllomenafter food
ale fever, rhirst,r'cdncsso[ thc f .rt:" lrn'1bo:ly'
burning sensationresemblingthat of
and during tligestiorr, r)erspirati'lr,tccling of
an ulcel and tendcrness' ( 9-i0 l
q I
tftd go ia'ueiud a dq<ui r{qqi fisl
gEc(; aqr {q{iqqtq q{q g'it fiqqlir{tq ll i t ll
* huqdiuq<qrtqlqEglqrnlsl€fi'i<qfh t
E65Iiq6{uIll i'?'ll (<' |s er' r )
it.i tnaq miaitaati g'crq sqtlh
Foods which alc har:ilto (li{cst 31111 fatty, lack of physical exercise'eating
causesfor Kaphaja gulma' Its
large quantity of firorl,sleeping'luring tlay are the
in the chest'
il;;; u." lo.k of activity,'icut,.*ith tnltt' weaknes' oppression
body' the tumor being cold' hard'
cougtr,to,, of tastr, ieelingoi hcaviness-of.the
buljing out grcatly anclwith rnikl pain ( I l-12 )
geir G-iei itcqarqd q^'
3I t )
6qlfh{ibsiaq{a qtaidrariEi{ie'rmiqatiqtt 11 ll (q' fs
''lo;asmay also producethree other kinds
The combinatiorrof any trvo cf tbc
of provirling suitabletreatment by
of gulma. Thcy ale rccognisc'l loL thc puiposc
of tlrc dogasinvolved ( 13 )
the oresenceof atitiology anLlsvntlitorns
c€r€d 4t€qiiacqcqqftadaftqiqsrieEl{qql
1Bll (q ts 3I { )
106 MadhaaaNildnam
steadilyand has
Gulma is incul'able, when the masshas gone on increasing
rvith vcnous cngorgement
assumedvery big size, is deeply rooted' accompanied
in the chest'
debility' loss.o['taste'oppression
resemblingu iortoit., rvhen it proJuces
running in the nose' cont'
uJ.itti.rg, restlessness,fcver, thirst' drorvsi'css'
"ougtr, fever, difficult breathing, vomitting, diarrhoca and oedemairl the umbilicus'
handsand feet are also incurable' (17-19 )
e{ret{tti ltqlqrsqiqi'il qf:qq.aatI qrqa glia?d a gi"cit Tr$rlq+ ll
qiualffiri qqta{ ll 'c ll
sfd sflqlus6{f4{fq* 5tqft<rd
itr cascsof gulma' ( 20 )
attainins hardnessand firmnessare the 1at:ilsiqus
Thus endsthe chaPteron Gulma'
eu Eat{rfrEtqq
r df*aiiq{itrt<iur AEtqq,qAgrr; rQerttl'lt
bitter; excessfatigue'
Foodswhich are very hot, hard to digest,astringentand
suppression of the urges
injury, reading loucllyIbr long hours,too much of worry,
( I
oi tt" Uoay are the causesfol the five kinds of hcart diseases' )
qoft,ut..i fret iegorr
Eqd qar: t ak qpri cgifia aeFi i cqa€ ll ? ll (g'33i Yi)
- -fha localise'
tlosas havilrg rtn leisott'' inorllicl irtclcasc,vitiatc thc
as ll1d|oga' (2)
l).riu.Ihis canCitionis knorltt
in thc hcalt
3rrqrqecr€ai eqt.i sai a'4i I kduqe {r'ii q rqtai qtaesiq q ll 1 ll (9 3 3{ tl)
picrcing' wrins-
In Vataje i't i''g', rlt''rpairi is "f thc naturc ot' constricting'
ing, burs'iiig'or t.raring ( I )
q (tsi s €qr {ili gGtt'tt ll B ll
E.loitocqraiqr,q, 'ii<l €{qSc: | {ctqi
and symp'
ASmari ( calculii ) and (arkard (gLavcl ) are similar in their causes
toms;a6mari ( calculus) unclergoingplocessingby pitta, dehydlation by vdta
( or stickinu together) ol kepba is broken into tiny
losing the property of col.resion
parti-cle,un,l p"rr",l out. This is cellecl(arkara (gravel ) Diffi:ulty in micturition
causedby (arkara ( gravel) is associatecl with pain in the region of the heart' shi
and- great
vering, pain in the egigastrium, poor digestive capacity, fainting
of urine
a;mcJty in micturition; pain of the urinary ttact subsidesafter elin.rination
stone ( 9-12 )
ancl appearsagain rvherithc prssagcis obstructedby the gravcl ol
Thus cnds tlrc cltaPteron A6mari'
C H A P T E R3 I
srq qqlElrdrqqlaq I
erq-€ S{ti{i{qtqlarq,itqqr r rril qefeandaitgugfi6qlqq; 1,I 11
By causessuchas supplession
of natural urgcs,etc., thir.tcenkincjsof MUtra.
ghata commencing with vataku4dalikd are produced by onc or more of the
tridoqas.( I )
twriqfismat stg{tai qAEnrI qecriqtaatii iagcr scs€lsar rrq rr
{dqaq|awqEr sqd €cqdi r
€tliT!$lsfbqiiai q a<rfu ieatigqrcorq rr A rr \ g. 'r. q. rq )
Indulgencein dry foods, suppression of urges,etc,, make fbr increaseofvlta
in the urinary bladder, lvhicli moves all around rvith severepain and scantyurina.
tion, This dreadfuidiseasein known as Vatakundalika.( 2-3 )
aqisl qtg:rdtaaq I Sqlriqrfdeuiei qaGoerriitfu;iiqrru rr
Veta getting increased,causcsenlargcmcntof a;lhil-r iprostratcgland) produc-
ing distentionof the bladder and recturn, sevcrc pain and obstruction to the
passageof urine and I'cccs.This diseaseis knorvnas .,\sttrila.( ,tr)
iri fitn<futg {stqr$trA ac I fiaodU gd atq e€ri|taqalsiia: il q,ll
{qqlil rri+d qRrsfkiidika: r
qmEiia: q iqi,il aqftrr E;pq€rqn: q lt (.J. ;. ;r. r; )
In an unlvise pcrson who supplcsscstlrc urgc ol urinatiol 1br ion.q,vata located
i n t h e b l a d d e r b l o c k s t h e u r i n , r r y l r a s s e g ,,:r r u : i r r g r c r r r r i i o n o i u r i r r e a n c l p : r i n i r r t h e
region of thc bladdcr. This cliscaseknown iir Vaiabasti is ciiili:ult 1o trcat. \ 5-6 )
fit qr<qft q+ iq<qrq cqde I riaqntq c;i sr (srdldr q s€qa I s tl
Motratita is that condition in which rhe person lvhr-rhas supprcsse d the urge
of urination for a long time, lails to void thc urinc witlr lirc normal speed(force ) -
but voids it very slowly. ( 7 )
{s(q aisfv€e a€(rqi?gr:r qqra:$iqit ErrgrEiq{A.q{q l z ll
at}l(qtarqtlFrn' aacflqqsaq I
d;{{qat frorqdtqiiainitqaqil q lt ( g .,r. r.: )
Suppressionofurge of urination is the causefor udavarta. Ap6navata getting
increased,beginsto move upwards,accumulates in the atrlomen, causing distention
ofthe abdomen below the umbilicus, severe pain and obstructiorrin the urinary
bladder.This condition is known as Mutrajalhara. ( B-g )
of utine
Ch.31, SuPPression lll
irrdiqi{+iraaradqiiTssrsqq t
qlq: ,usnl{qtr eql :rqqri,
rg.iitqqt, tt I tt
One eachfrom vata, pitta and kapha, fourth fiom
their combination together
and another one from 6ukra( semen thus Admari
); ( stonc) is offive kinds.
All of
havingkapbaasthe basicdosr. r\imarisare ctreadful
lik. th; ;;
firfrqiafiaqii agaiq* qfH qqa:{d qr I
qlrnqrsqqgiqi-r*i meor iliieas ilqil rit: || R,It
a$qlqtBlql: tTcll:, -r.
1 f+. a. tr )
Admart ( stone, calculi ) gets formecl rvhen
vdta dries up the semen,urine,
pitta or kapha storedin the urinary bladder.,just as bile
gets solidifiedin ( the Eall
bladder of ) the.cow. All types of aimaris are causedby"the
slo3,gF . FslrnfrQq;irsfcrqig
rrr rr
Ftilqqn {q rqrnr{rrcrd fnitftra r
aaqrqFg<i ttS--B .itiqrlccqrrq rr
aiddfqrti qralcrqrcrrqrfrar,riir q.
1 e.)
#:.Ti;:T,::i:lTll:i: 1eowi"*,,,f nlin in theregion
umbilicus, of the
:::j:T.^..In.,lTq*;urinaryfl ,"n-"*i."";ffi
ffiffi :'ffi:.":T
;ill':^t?lll j:l:":r mixed
i ;;.;ffi
i;,"1'"f "i;; ;"r
I'::j::"j"^::1".:), withblood a,.,"
tJ r" il;;;;:;,;. fit#y::;
experience of severepain on movement. ( 4_5 )
il4 Niddnam
3llcis q {r*{T I
eurft qtgar lrrar qr dR€qgm ll 18 ll
fit{i sa {i* cfhAn {ittqi t (ar. ft. * <)
qetilarsSt qI €fir 5algt4an tt 1r tt
qtiti cqd trc,i slq]rtaqqrcfiq t
qpgiqqurad q Eeqli a?'ftei qfi(tt !'q tt ( r . f a u . r )
Sarkara ( gravel ) is the sameas aSmari, having been broken up into minute
particlesby vata, being eliminatedout mixed along t'ith urine lf it getsbiggel and
obstructsthe passage,complicationssuch as debility, exhaustion,emaciation,pain in
the lower abJom"rr,lossof appetite,anaemia,burning micturition, thirst, pain in the
heartand vomittingwill develop. ( l4-16 )
A3mari associatedwith gravel or without it, is going to kill the
obstruction to
developssevere distention of the umbilical region and scrotum' total
micturition and pain. ( 17 )
Thus endsthe chaPtcr on Asmarl'
wa rirgrirgfaeflfdcTrq
arrrqrgd{Esgd qdtfi qllq}qrr{q(qF qqiiq r
a{Ieqni geiuti a cHg: *+5o eiqrr t, l ( s.|q. er.u )
Indulgencein sitting on sofr cushionsfor long periods ( thus avoiding physicalj
activity ), sleepingfor long hours,useof curds,flcsh of animalsof clomestic,aquatic
or of marshy places,milk ( and its preparations), f.esh grains,freshwater, puddings
made of jaggery/sugar( an1 irs other pro:1ucrs) and all other similar factorswhiJh
bring about increaseof kapha in the body are the causesfor prameha ( polyurea/-
iqry qid
AEry qT{T iIe atrd o
Si *q] qfiarra:cqtq I
citla iarq. qgdiotg.iqaraqittapg"q ifi rrr rr
rlilg friuqqguq qr(q. d(Eq iarq.g;€esiialr r
qrqrr qdltrlqer, fiqqt: qg qpqr, ? q1p:r: qqalqgr{.r
lt R tl
qqfsqiqrfacckqrqr;saTiqqiElrq qqmd i rr ( a. tq. q. s )
Kapha undergoingincrease, vitiates the mcclas( fat
), maftsa ( muscle) and
, kleda ( body fluirls ), drarvs them 10 rhe urinary bladder and producesprameha;
similarlythe pitta aft;ctsthem, vrte alsobringsaboutvitietionin them anJ produce
prameha.The ten kinls p.o luccJ by kapha arc ersirycurrrble,six kinds by pitta
are controllableanl lour kinds by \'.rta are incurable respectivelf becauseof simi-
larity ( in respcctof the causitivedosasand the vitiatecl clhatushavins identical
properties); dissimila.iry( in respecrof causitivedo;a and vitiated dhatus
different properties) and grave consequences( vataja types giving rise to
complicationsquickly ). ( 2-3 )
i6'$: qfirt ,raau fl'q, i{tsegmrrg+<radtsr: I
csr r€lqr fi&rii q I't,, tlid fiqiatq A€r:u B l ( Er.fq. q. t. )
In all tbe tlventy varietiesofprameba, vata, pitta and kapha together
thc causitive dopasl medas ( fat asrk ( blood iukra
), ), ( semen), ambu ( body
fluids ), vasE ( muscle fat ), lasika( tissuefluicl y, rnujja (marrow
), rasa ( lymph j,
ojas ( essence ofalt the dhatus ) and pi3ita ( muscletissue are the
) dqya, (affected
Ch,33, pojurea/Diabctes ll7
{dat{ii qaraiii cqti qihqrq?il: r
{nrfaqqor ii Ee-tqiertq q crFAu \ n ( v. t. )
are accum.ulation
of dirt on theteeth( mouth,eyes,
nose'ears :lTt T'
), reeringof burningsensarion
in the palmsu.ra ,ot"r, ;;t.k*r;;;;" ,kt"
all over the body, thirst and a sr.vecttastein the
mouth. (5 )
qrcFcaqruiaT.TotFyqal r
freqeqftfrQsfi 1 q rl
{cqqltq}Tai riE-tl?g qr.qi i ( ar, fa. v. r" )
rncreasedquantity and t.urbiclityof urine
. arc the characteristicfeaLures,Due
to the combination of cioqas
and dugyas; ciiflerent colours are seenin the urine and
pramehas ( diabetcs are classified clependirrg
) upon thc colour of the urine,
etc. ( 6-7 )
qEBe-gleti did iari'qgq*iveqrrs rr
.f*kqrfiaiiGoaq t{qi} rqiiqrqri agt igiaar rre rr
y{v+< $m qF-{iaiiaiir r guidr goc.ogoi=*rit-uiq,,.,,,
itdol fii:a fuuea6a
fbaqrgir,i g"6,ji, i.a*t o+aAir c" ,,
{ala{t ts{aGdtt'q*arciuor) ean{-l siraidt gqg{ft cgi tatrftaaq 11qq11
{|;T; a: {rid6t c;{ c;{ ca€fa I
man'qg* q* aruftla fqfisaq rr qRrr ( ar.fa.q . l" )
Clear, copious, wbite, colcl, oclourlcss,with littte turbidity
_ and greesiness,
almost resemblingwater are the fe:rturesof urinc in Udakameha.
Urine, very sweetlike thc juicc of sugarcancis found in Ikgumeha.
Urine kept undisturbedfr_rrsornctime in a pot assumingthicknessis scen
In Surdmeha the urine rcsemblessur- ( alcoholic beverageprepared
flour ) with clear fluid on top anclsecliments at thc bottorn.
In Pi(tameha, the urine appears rhick as ilrough mixed with flour
and is
white in colour,the patient experienccs horripul.rtiu,,softcn.
In Sukrameha,the urine resembles semenor even be mixed with it.
In Sikatdmeha,the urine containssmall par.ticlesresemblingsanci.
ln Sitameha,thc urine is copious,swectitr tasteand very cold to touch.
In Sanairmeha,the elimination o['urine is vcry frequentand very slow.
In Lalameha, the u.ine resemblcssaliva witrr appearanceof threads and
( These ten varitiesare predominantlykaphaja. ( i_12
) )
llB Madhaaa
rr;rrqoicqrci:qrrtqqrrdicqq r {ahBa dtarri oraldl cdifiu u tl tl
€rfiqAdicgsi aRatdii$s€qI fid cr{Vgiir ef}swflodturqrrtu u
fiaguol qoq'i <upi <u*€ar | ( ar.fq. q. t. )
In KqArameha,the urine resemblessoh-rtion of alkali in smell,colour, tasieand
In Nilarnehait is blue, in Kalarnehait is like charcoal.
In Haridrameha,the urine is pungentanclcleepyellow and the patient experi-
encesburningsensation during urination.
In Manjigtrhameha, thc urine is foul smellincand resemblesdecoctionof mafrji-
stha ( Rubia cardilblia ).
In Raktarnehathe urine is having lbul smcll, hot, salty tasteand red in colour
like that ofblood. ( 13-14 )
( The above six varitics arc prcclominantlypittaja. )
sqfidt qsfpi qqrli (qiigg: u i\ u
cqrri rqlid qr n<l{r ggligr | {qri cgt qs{s{ictdel6ur rrtQ rr
6rdt qq {Erq€i (* iaieaFtaq I
qaqltsi fiqd q €fHdi cl€id tt 1s n ( u. t" )
In Vasdmeha,the urine is mixed with muscle fat or appears like that and is
voided frequently.
In Majjameha, the r:rinc is mixed with marrow or appears like that and is
voided lrequently.
In Kgaudrameha,the urine lor:kslike a decoction,is sweet,and non-sticky.
In Hastimeha,the person passcsulinc continuouslylike an elephantin heat,
slowly(without pressure) and it is mixed rvith lasikd(tisue {1uid).
( The abovc four varities are prcdorninantlyvataja. ) ( l5-17 )
e{i.n*sdiqsGfifl fie' q{laqr t sqqqr! qstqi larai qqs'cn{ tt Lz ll
Indigestion,lossof'appetite,vomitting, too much of sleep, coughand running
in the noseare the complicationsduring the coulseof I(aphaja pramehas.( 1B )
qRaitaidtqt g({Iqqwi cq(rI Erarqlorrsf}axr
qasl fiqftr fitrs'earqlt
Pain in the urinary bladder and pcnis,cracksin the skin of the scrotum,fever,
feelingof burning sensation,thirst, sour erectations,faintingsand diarrhoeaare the
complicationsof Pittaja pramehas.( 19 )
rrlacl?Ig{lirdr$rqEa€otadlt I
{tagfudt lilqr q[q, ,qrcr*rqfqi tt q,otl ( m. f<.sr.t" )
Ch.33, PoQweal
Diabetes 119
In Vataja pramehas, movement in upward direction inside the abdomen
(reverse peristalisis), tremors, heartache,desirefor eatablesof all tastes,pain ( in
the bladder and penis ), lossof slecp,emaciation,cough and increasedbreathinqare
the complications.( 20 )
qcil*iqqqdicffiqgdiq q I
fte*rdrisri qrcrqAA Efidcriqq r -<tu ( q q w. rr )
Pramehasassociatedlvith the abovc cornplications,itith eliminationof very
large quantitiesof ulinc and appearancco[ tubcrcles( or ulcers) on the body a;e
going to kill the paticnt.( 21 )
cild:c}€1 cglkit qr a{ rq sfi: {r k riie'}qr( | _,@
lt ( r. tu. a. i )
iarfi*fiigaarfi*r<rqqFaairdri(.cEE;iqqr;qr{lr ?,R.
A personwho is boln with prarrclra ( hclirlitory diabctes) ol a pelson ra,ho
is suffering from madhumchaarc said to b.r jnculallle becauseof dcfect in gcncsis
itself beloretheir bilth. Likervisc,
manv othcr hr:rirlitorvdiseases
alsoarc saidto bc
incurable.(22 )
{GT qA qq-6trT rfitanlqla;Strror: I
tgiatamatlia aErs€EqrlrsFa fe u RAtl ( g. f+. w. i )
rgll qed qrqe q [{ta iaar r 4i qrqErqreu}{tvrgaltsuar rr ru tr
All varieties of plameha,if'uot tlc:rtedin time, will ultimately become
madhumeha which is inculable. In trfadliurneha,the urine is like honey( sweetin
taste) and it is of two kin'.ls,viz., one clui: to v]ta v5ddhi causedby dhatu kgaya
( depletionof tissues) and anothcr. by vita vrJdhi causedby obstructionof the
channels ofvata by tlrc otbcr,doia-!. (2:i-24 )
srr{dl E}qiasr[i titsiifiti cqeiqdI qrqri{iiq:e:qrcXqitqqa ti;Fsrucar{ l R\ tl
cgt qq it€g n,il qi':qq ilala | (;D
<;isii ugiarcar qrgclq aile: lr it r Er f+.q. i" )
I t r c a s eo l o b s t | u " t i o t i o f c h a n n c l . , t i l e s y r r l p t o m so l , l o s a sa p p c a r s o r l ] r : t i m c s
mi.ld and sornetinrcs sevclc. :\ril valirtl' ol pianreira in which thc urinc is sweet
like honey irnd the wholc body is also srvcct, it is to bc named as Madhumeha
itself.( 25-26 )
trrti+{I in€Biqintqtladi Aaarsadr r eqi<*r a,iin+r gfzuft eiqqf{+r tt R,ett
fieitrAfh flqsqrrcidiE'eiqrq{r r
. ef:wifrg qtq;a ci€ag q qrcg lr -{zlt ( ar.ft. a. 1. )
Saravik;r,kacuh:ipikJ,jelirrr, r,irtata,alajr, rnasurikt,sarSapika,
putrinl, vidarika
and vidradhika are thc terr types ot' tubercles(colbunclcs ) in relation to prame-
has,They appcaron joints, vital parts and otirel Iicshy parts of the body. ( 27-28 )
120 Madhaoa
q;fteat q a{ql fiFcrqt {r{rfifir r .i<qf,cd{qrir aicstulrir q{* rraq rr
qEr6r tc'de?i+ iqr qserlitt g]: r wrfilft iiiqEr€rq ciqqruqcrgar lt 1o tl
arEqrd€qr$Er t; ql5cgqtsfi qr I qEdl lieqr a'iariqaar arq tTrrq-6ril iq tl
r$qqriiat Rqr flqs*tariv giiaft | {qq*fi{irqrar f*w q cqfirr l i?. tl
cq iqar rniaFar qrcorrtaafiuiq r fiqrtt*;qaatt xfiar +flq{rftqr rr11rr
firndadljcr iil iici'rtr E qr I i o-cor,r€oiiar€6Trldrcga;cqt: u ic rl
(g ia.a.\)
Saravika resernblea sauccr with elevatccl eclscsand clepressed centre;sarga-
pika is similar to white mustard seedsin colour. a.d sizc; kacchapik- resemblesa
tortoiseshelland caurcssensationof; jalini is shaped like a seiveof muscle
fibres and will have severeburninq sensatiorr.
Vinat1 appearson the back ol abdomen, rvith hard, blue, big sizcdtubercles
associated with pain and exu lation.
Putrir.riis a biggcr ulccr'with small ulccrsspreadar.ound.
N{asurikais ulcer in the shapc and sizeof masura dala (pea ), Aiaji is red
or white in colour, burstsout and very dreadlul; VidarikA is round and hard like
tuber of viddri.
Vidradhika will be having all the featuresof an abscess.
These ulcersare alsosaid to be causcdby the samedogaswhich causea parti.
cular variety of prameha ( 29-34 )
fqar.ciraq*il srt;i gsA?€: I
at{iat a aqq;e zltqat€1ui<a6:
rr1q 11 ( s. T. 3{.tr )
These ulcers miglit occur, cven without prameha ( diabetes) in persons
in whom tbe medas( lLrt/aCipose tissue) hasunderqone abnormal change; but it
cannotbe recognisedtill it gets localiseclin specificdparts. ( 35 )
gi aR ftrttdiEi edg dlfiarar:t
*eqer g{ani: fienr: cftqfiq rraql (g.f<.a.i)
{fld ,*qrqq,FrfErfsiqr44ft{ri ti4*r1Frs+rftlrt sqis{ rr qI rr
I'tDD,4 RjGil NIDANAM ( OBEt;ITr )
er;qrqrqfiEr+qsduqoraRQisar r egisate: rr<; d'arlq: cerii( rr ( rr
gr:qeq;}1q,aq: I aE+qdtaiarnrqar:vd*dg rrr rr
g4rareqvrdla+awmuaarqi' r grn, €rriEdi,ir':trcqqpils<qigalrr i rr
dqtZ q{{ararglr"aitag ir,rdq | 3raairqt giq; qri'l iqiiaa} niq rru rr
nqetssgaerriiardq:alg ieiqar r qr{ q;gE{q?qiacrcd{ilqqtqii rr\ tt
aeqrqq{iiq'q(qi{tar(cl.rrr6h r fqrr<iarsi dica aiP-r1mra;ri}*cr(rrq rr
<argvqa*ilfiiqiaiLcrvii r qal c qai, r'1d aaqnilqi qailrr,err-
iqtrdiq rili ea,iariiaE,r:r iqmrrraqr{ulrdiFiEr;rnr{r;iqtg
diEaq rrz rr
Absence of physicalactiviL,v, slcepirrgd uring day, and intakc of I'ooclswhich
increasekapha, rnakcthc errrl
Prr-lrrct ol rligcstior.r
to bccornc( alrnorr'elly ) sweet
which in turn causesincreascof niecla.'( lat ). Tbis ob'tructs thc rrutr.ientchanuels
of the renraining tissuesclep'.i'irg rirernof nurrition. so only fat accumulatcsin
large quantitiesin the bo:ly r.eki.s thc prr:o. i.capablc of ail activities.Difficulty
in breathing even on slight excrtion., thilsr, dclusion,sleep, sudden catching of
breath, exhaustion,excessivchungcr, bad.smellof the body and poor physicaland
sexualcapacitygradually develop.,\s rhe abdomcnand bonesare the chief depotsof
fat, the abdomengets enlargcdin s'ch pe'sons. The channelsof vata becomeobst.
ructed by the in.;rcasccllat i'side the abdornen;vata then beginsto act last inside
the abdomcn,irlcreases the digestiveactivity,making for vo'acioushunger and crav-
ing for largc quantity o1 Ibod. In courscol time many more distressin[isymptoms
develop.Agni ( gastricfire ) and veta togethcr are very harmful.Just as the lorest
fire destroys the lbrcst, thesedcsLfoyrhe bocy. with tbe increasc offat, the three
do;asalsounde'go increase,procluce.rany s.verc complicationsancl evc' lossof life
quickly.( 1-B )
lqlcicdieqtqrsiriiqg?trdnr r erq?ilqq,iltqri atlsiar'1a wqa lqu (a. q. a. rt.)
qlr zlqrusrrfarle+ qrttaf{(r,{ qr'Ift<ri qqrctq l iy ll
itm: qisfi n=fsd ga<rgqdhe t srfrqbcia+arlwlq-headaatqttttt (ar'la*. tr)
Aii diseases are produccdby mandlgni ( poor cligestiveacrivity ) speciallyso
the Udara roga ( cnlargement ofthc abdomen). It occurs duc to indulgence
uncooked, tlirty or spoilcd food and accumulition of waste products in the
body. ( I )
E{Eqr€<rrxardrfiqlqrrdtaifk diqat' t
qptF;qqlaFl q(GzI qnq:tgEt ZqI{ ll ?.ll ( s. fs. ,,{.1r )
The dolas undergoing increase, obstructthc clrannelsof slveat and other
body fluicls,excite pr'5na,aplna and agni ( pitta ) an:l produce Udara roga ( enlar-
gementof abdomcn)' ( 2 )
3{Efli qcisarik,itied g'iarfirarI dtu: eqaegtaiqsl qrdgitqq}:ll 1 ll
Et€Rr;fl q €{g qdtg rlqF( k I
Distention ofthe abilorncnwith gas, inability to walk, wcakness,poor dige-
stion, inactivitY, ocdemaand debility of the extrimities, obstructed movementof
flatus and fcces, feeling of bulning sensationand stupor are generally seenin all
types of udala ( 3 - 4 )
guofrt, <etia [iIEEqFa]q+;ll 8 ll
iaiiaei gulrgE r
<i,rqrrgE11oqdt .i. ic. 3{. g )
Udara is of cight kinJs; oni: ii onr e;rch do;a, one from their combination;
plthodara, baddhoclara,k;ato:iere I nLl ud,rkoclala; the symptoms of eachwill be
describedseparatcll'f'urthcron. ( 4 )
as qraEi rifq: qtiqqtefi{5iag tt '.,tt
titqiqrearq(if,fl gg€q qq.lqaq I I T rS. r{. 1i,
g(s5rc'ls$citsdlgrar qade€' tt q tt
qglqrruriErqrsiqcifi{crgiqarqqq r e,iia,rsgqt agsEulfk(Id.rq ll s ll
qEckrsfhq€sE{ciati cqttfir q I illg*ila {r€5{r6il Gsiiq{Atqih' tr z ll (if ft 3I' 11)
In Vatodara the symptorusat c, oeilcnta oi thc hands, lbct, trmbilicus and
joints; dry cougb,
lower abdorncn; pain in thc ab:lomen, flanks, tvirist, back and
bodyaches,feelingof heavinessof the lorver pafts of the body, accurnulationof
,nurt., pro,lu.t. in the bocly,bluish or brorvnishdiscolourationof skin, etc.,
Lh. ;15,[.nlargement
of abdomen r23
or decreaseof sizeof the ablomen rvithout any apparentreason,pricking and other
typesof pain, appearanceof thin, black netlvorkof veins on the abdomen,highly
resonantsoundelicited on percussionanclmovementof gas with gurgling noiseand
pain inside the abdomen.( 5-B )
<qfirccr{ argiifi Ser< qia:fqu:-rritrqrqqrrf'dt}f6galtlai<d*aa rrI rr
wiri da;ioritrianrgfiaarqa-,
r <ti taierrtq eqir{r*qirqrq rrR.rr
Nt gqrariq
: i r t r r q t a r i a q q i qr irr.'a.a 1:)
Vdta unclergoi.gincreasepushesor.rtthe increasedrakta ( blood pitta and
kaphato the extcrior I skin ) by blockinq their channclsand producesswellingof
the skin and muscles.It is callcd as utsedha,sarhhata a'd Sotha in view of its in.
creasedsize.Dependingupon the characteristicfeaturcsof dogasit is classifiedinto
nine kincis-one from eachcloga,one each from the combinationol two dogas,one
lrom the combinationof all three dosas together,one injury and one
poison.( 1-2 )
<E1duiqag: letatitsS.i<q tt 1 tt ( er.f+. 3{.ti )
Its premonitorysvmptomsarc milcl bur.ningscnsationof the skin ( eyes,nose,
etc. ), appearanceof venous nctrvork( engorternentof veins ) and feelinq of heavi_
nessof the body parts. ( 3 )
gGlErqRrfiEarEarii qrrrrsad^lqoil.qgsqQar r
*urrqss6ililiirgEqitqqsFiiiqui q e
rr rr
q{iirq+el c e ?aqfudc,tqarirfieer rqii: r
flcitqsn, qfla*fqi q fiqrq dC,,qq,ii, cfasr lt q tl
Improper managemeuto1' differcnt kiri,lsof pufificatory therapies,effectsof
diseasesllack of fooC,etc., will m:rkemen cmaciatedand weak, Suchweak oersons
indulging in loods which are alkaline, sour, heat producing, hot, hard to digest,
curds,uncookedfoods,mud, leafy vceetables,incompaiable recipes,spoilt and poi-
sonedfoods;presenceof haernorrhoids,absenceof physicalactivity, not unclergoing
purificatory measuresfor long perioJsof time, disordersof vital organsof the bod11
abnormal delivery in women and improper administrarionof purificatory therapies
are the causesfor systemicoedema.( 4-5 )
eqltd wRc-dRuatri *dvqtarsq f\(raE.q{ |
q qrcFqio* eEq?it:c-kEq n q tl
edfca,i*l iqqor"ar
swelli.g associatedwitli fecling of heavi.ess, increasing or decreasing
frequently,warmth, thinning of the vcins,hairs standingon encls,discolourationare
the generalsymptomsof ocdema.( 6 )
Ch. 36, Oedema,anasarcd t27
qdragi€rRqrdlseoiisiqa:gsfk€df*gislifiqa: r
qarcqfhilqcfi qq'ileit Rsrqdt q rarg: cit<ottq tt s tt
Skin on the oedematouspalt being movable, thin, rough, brown or black in
colour, insensitiveor with a fceling ofpins anclncedles inside; oedema subsiding
temporarily without any zrpparentcause, pitting orl pressulean'l the pit filling up
quickly, increasirrgduring d;ry time .!rc tl),i symptomsof V6taja {otha ( ocdemadue
to increaseof vata ). ( 7 )
qq: qrl;ritsiqatiimrrrqt{uccerra{qqcqlii{d: I
q s6qi rqcaqfh(rrrEqq iiqil'.it EEr{aqF6Er{lt c tl
Skin on the oeclematous part being soft, emitting somesmell;bJack,yellow or
red in colour; the patient having giddiness,fever, perspiration, thirst, toxicity,
severeburning sensationin the affectedpart, rednessof tlie eyesanrl oeclemaform-
ing into an ulcer quickly are the symptomsof Pitta3otha( oeJemacausedby increas-
ed pitta ). ( B )
ga, fiq{: qlugcita+rfiaar lQ*fiqnfiaftqpq5q t
q qspa;na{Ic) fidifiiit a ilaiqriqqdt $fir?rri6:ll q ll
The oedematouspart being heavy and immovable; the patient having pallor,
lossof appetite,too much of salvaticn,sleep, vomitting and poor digestion;swelling
very slow to manifestand to subside,pitting on pressureand the pit not filling up
and swellingprofound during nights are the symptomsof Kaphaja Sotha ( oedema
due to increaseof kapha ). ( 9 )
fiEntuii€eqhoqE: .qlkeiqsr I
qqlofi: qiiqnGdldt a'{fias{q: l i" tt ( r. X,a. t" )
Presenceol syrrptomsof trvo ilo;rrsand of all the three dosastogetherare to
be noticedin dvidosajaand sannip-rtaja3othasrespectivcly.( 1n )
e{irqFareriq;}qiqaarfinr: r kqriaa)erqii}riercqii*;B*r || 1i, ll
t€, qt*rr dtqti;elqE: tqrfis,isr{. I
Utrl"{ otlkatirrtT: qlqfl: fqqaqror, tt q,q.rt ( <r. fr. u. ti )
Assaultby wcnpons causirrgcutting, breakingor tearing of the parts, assault
by frost, breezc,cyclone;contactwirh fumesor oil of bhallataka( marking nut ) and
fine thorns of the pod of kapikaechu( rnucuuapruriens), irritating juices of herbs,
etc., bring about an oedemawhich spreadsquickly, associated with severeburning
sensation,rednessand other symptomsof pittavrddhi. ( 1l-12 )
{iqs: qiiqqrfhaiie'iorqeorq r q'sEr4aataunRfi'rcrihawfiu 1?[
ilcqrgml'raaea{e€d{q( r fivXailiarualeci'tm+aoiaq tt tc tt
qg:rdlsqor{ q rftit Ercrqmrr t ( sr. 14.3{.t I )
r28 MadhauaNiddnam
Oedema manifesting in thc trunk, that u,hich rnovcsto all the parts, that
which oresentsfatal signs,oedemaseenonly in lulf of rhc boCy,thet rvhichspreacls
upwards are to be consiclerecl as latal Paticntsol oe.l,:nr,irvho have increased/diffi-
cult respiration,severethirst, vomiting, dcbiliry, lcvcr, lack ofdesire for food are to
be refusedtreatmcnt.
Oedemanot producedby its own spccific causcs,that appearingin the feet
in men and in the lace in woncn, tblt appeafingin genital org,rnsin both are going
to be fatal.
Oedema which isofrecent onset, having no complications,is curable but
not others.
The patient who has oedemain his abdomen, r.reckand vital organs;oedema
which is very big in sizeand haril anrl that aftecting chikL.en,the very aged and
women are alsoto be rejectedfor treatment. ( 17-20 )
Thus endsthe chapteron Sotha
erii z&RcTiq
OF ttrE scRoTUM )
Zdrs1:riqi4u1a,qrtrr{f,an<ar{ I gttt .rEfota:crc{ qaitqilirqrkal: ,, ? .t l
c'ira trcdr{fq aniiftqqrrqfr, t - ) e r ei'|qar.*r c <artr lqr -<tl
qtr*en.<iioriqiqrq *aar1 r (,,sr fu. :.,t.,t7)
Vata undcrgoi'g increasc, makesa dorvnwar.clmovementto the groinsand
scrotum;derangesthevessels thereand procucesenlargenrent cf trrc scrotum-associated
with oedema and pai'. This diseaseknow' as vpclcltriroga is of sevcn
kinds, one
from each o1'1hetridogas,one from rakta ( bloocl one from
), meclas( fat ), one from
m'tra ( urine ) and seventhlrom trre intras ( intestines Even mutraja
). and antraja
are mainlv duc to vata, though named separately:rfter rlteir causes.( l_2
aragiefirtadi ser'lEraRi1rn rr ? rr
v$tgraq{i61{T, fivrqrfiuqql6qt{ r **r-did}!6: iqrq:qugerq q.fiilseqrq..rrgrr
$6or{dlsrza:firtiiiogs rcrr r *q{;i4sr zicig.aroqiiiqqr lt \ , "
qe'rr<urriiotl (f,il: q E q;sa: r zrrrilirr;qoieiaadari{ qria €as.€g:u q tl
W6;?qrr: t{rq qtaq{ qcr.:iqzil:r ( r. l.r ,r r r )
In vataja vlddhi, thc scrotum .cscr'blcsa bag fillerl rvith air both I.r sound
and touch,is roughand pairrluJrvithoutan1 ,",r.o,r.
In pittaja vpddhi,the scroturnresemblcs a ripc li.uit of uilumbara(wild fig/
Ficus- glomerata) accompanied with burning sensation, heat ar.,d"s
very rast.
In kaphajatype, the scrotuntis cold tc,touch,heavy,smoorh,itching, hard an4
with very little pain.
Raktaja type will be having all thc symptomsof' pirta and stuCdedrvith petichae.
X,Ieclajavrddhi lvill be having all the synrptcinrs
ol kapha, is soft ancl appears
( big ) like a tala fr.uit( wild palnr ).
xlutraja vyddhi occu'si. perso.s rvrroarc i'the habit ofsuppressing the urge
ofurination. The scrotum is fillerl rr,itl; fluid, resernblesa water bag produci.s
sound,is painful and soft, mictur.itionalso bcing difficult. ( ii_6
130 Madhava NidAnam
ErfrfiJfrfrT{tflt:vflirfrqr.Fndt:I te | |
qnfturqnrqffi: r Srrol:qlfirfrs*s S{r;flrrrdqqllsa I ;
f{{ufrF.etef+iwr<d r+q r Ssfr$rrsFqefrT*qrri sq{ irqrI rj I I
stqcrurs q tq-{krtwtct-{-Rnrf,fr'{ aql: I
cfiGils<:Rqar{rqrfr cqrq{+fr :FrgrTiF: | | t o | |
3|Er{krmds{ sra-d@d: t ( e{.qr)
EfnAqqcqtffi qq-qFrcri
qkf+EFisrrrRiq tit\etl
white in coh)ur, emits unplcasantsmell with itching and mild pain, hangs like
an altbu ( pitchel gourd ), attachecl very losely,undclgoesincrcaseor decreasein
accordance to that of the boCy; the patient will have copious salivation and
makescooing sounclil the throat. ( 6-7 )
F€?'r;Eq(|;* qgsdqr* dqtqtidlmilefiftq ll s ll
efi"i Fr i?ir fldrrqsg*i fqetqr qtiq iqq*iq | ( g. fq'. 3T,t t )
Trc peticrrt o1-galaganr.lartho has dilEculty in breathing, vely soft body
palts,having it ( srvclling) lbr morc than a ycar, rvitli loss of'appetite,cnraciation
and brokenvoiceis to be rcicctcdfor tfeatmctrt.(7-B )
adog+,latqaxqcli; d,;ilrc;atq@q6ilg tl z tl,
i{q:{C6li:ci fqrtr;1'-It'ir tqt{qrrsclat agida lo?r I ( 'r f+ a. ?? )
\{o:r: tlair onc ,.j,!(la ( srlcllinl3) appeaiing in tlrc axilla, shoulders,sidcsof
the neck, flont- of nech oL thr: i1r'oin,v:rr'yinEin sizc li'onr thal of karkandhu and
kola ( lruit o1' jujLrl;e) to that ol amalaiia ( uoosc beny', phvllanthur enrblica),
having kapha anrl r,rctlas( fat ), and undelgoing suppuration altcr long period of
time is knorvnasG:rndrmalai r:hainof srvellings ). ( t! )
a q;q'{: *fqlqrvqrrr, qqfia aqqf]e qqf]a qFa lr a. ll
6rdtE;I;.j iarntqrll6 rtqtqqria cq{Fa {s6t: I
qt!:TI: r{at:'fraqqtrii?IottscE(€BGgait?qqrEqlr lt lo ll
Soi:ri ol lirr srvcllirr,gs unrltrqoirrusLrpl;uration,bLust,rlischalgetlreircontents
anCclis.rp;r,'ar arll nt:tvon{riapi)('ur,this proccsscontinuilrgfrrr'lorrg tinre-sucha
conditionis l:n rnn ,\p;rci;rnil erc culrlrl' . IJtttil tlic pitlierrt lrasltrrininq in the
nosc,lnirr i;r tlrt' fllrnks, rourilr, 1i'r,:i rtrrL vo;rtiiLirigiL rlili thcrr lrcconrcincu-
i a b l r .1 9 - 1 t l)
:rrar{{l ci{Tcrdrr. sz,g(: <iacq i{al a.rrriq(rai I
giiedfief:a;i a diri gd;iait ei:',rfiia ciis: il 1t il
\ ' 1 1 aa r , 1 o t l r c r t r v o r l o s a su r r r [ i : r ' g o i ni1r 1 r c l c : r s c , l r r i r r S l l r r u t a b n o r m a l i t i e si n
t r l r ; o ' i '1,
t h c r , s r k( ) , n r a l i r \ . r( 1 1 1 1 1 i c l t :r u c i l e sI l r r t ) r n r l ( i r ' . i s( , , ' c i r r si a n c [ p r o c l u c e
l o r r n r l r J r , , p e ,ilr i l ; r r l s s c : l i r . i o rrir a s C l a r i t h i ( t u r r r o r s) . ( 1 1 )
zltqrqa Z>ria qqra q ciq{qa c':qii irlqa q I
a.oii €q'iiiafialaazr iiTe: qisrfiarilsqq"B{ tt r.1 tt fr. q ?i)
Svnrplonrs of viitejagranlhi (tunrols) ale; different t,vpcso1' pirin suclt as
cxparrdirrq ( sLlrtr:hing
), tearing, pricking,pulling, churnirrg and cutting; massis
black in iolour, "6f1, resemhlcsa w:rter llag anrl exrrclcstirin, purc bloodif
prick.:cl.( 12 )
Ch.38,Ceroical 133
qcqodiqql{i I
E;{ae {cqie €csti s qtq€qe
rm, o.ftits.qqqlsic{i<tifi{r qagcqcdlqqlqqll i'1 ll ( 1 f+ a ti )
as though
Syrrptoursof Pittajll granthi are severe buluing sensation'feeling
yellowish"red in colour and
toucheclby firc or lly slrong alkalics; massis recl or
( 13 )
exudeslarqe amortntof rvaltn blood if piicked
ditsfiqoiisaqtitsiatug, ttlrttdlq( tl€aatqqe: I
q qqq ll its ll ('i ft a lt )
i*.ri,r€aui ncic+lqti-?sr ql;;4Sad
Symptomsof kaphaja glanthi :rre cold to touch.,not having
growth ratc and
tion, milcl pain but severc itching, ver',vhalcl like stone, slow
exuclesthick whitc pus,ii pricked.( l4 )
n{t1ke.lq?iq61f} : larril q611 h-oggilsesa{ t
( f+ a ? ? )
1q,5it q";tih qtq iirA fioqrteG' ufid q iq: ll 1i{'ll 1
in size in accorclatrcc
ot rlccrense to th2ltof
\{etlrja granlhi will havc;llcleirse
s thick {ltt'v mate-
the bocl1,,tu,'uo,i, smooth,itching' pairltss and if plickecl cxude
rial resenbling pastcof sesamescedscr ghcc ( 15 )
.qrqrqqritsfl€'r i+irfi'l'q Etr.T{Ciil(Isldlaq I
sr;,{ ifrqa iaEittcqriq I {i'a *iligaaet4 ZtT{ ll il ll
cFq: i€rcts: q q- Tg€lc'il q;rqk rctq
q q' i ? )
u<'+qqqt.qto) cdi*l cdii?qaafq Gqsidrq'il !'s ll ( f i'
In pi:rsorrs activity, r'il;-,urrlcri"oiril increasc
rvhoar.crviltli lrrrlr1: stLcitrrcns
ancl rolled into a
invacicsthc lclrvorli of v,.:itrs,rnaking thcm constrictecl,tlried
It becorncsincurable
lound big massktioivn as (ir1ja gLanthi ( tumor of veins )
rvhenit bccorncsi;ainful -ouing lf it appears on vital organs'it is to be
treatmentevcn il it is painlessand immobile ( 16-17 )
{r{rai *iq?z q}qr:iqGaar qiqcq{
qa irqt ffEtd'cat;acaiq(ii fq(Zqqq$Fq ll 1z ll
s,ifia qiq'i=aqriqqtd aEdd {1qiii.l aqFa
q€a iiia q*a q(i <*a qiia q Aq€r ll {q' rl
qqiia r ('1 f+ a ll )
asrqe arzl q aqlqlii e:at qclafi €EI
bloulln'l producc r-ourrcl'
D o s : r sr t t t , l it ' i . i r r q i t r l l ' r t s c ,i t r l l t t l i : t l t t - t r l u s c l ca n d
incrcasing' rlon-suppuratlng
immc,r'ablc, sligirtll plrinlirl, bi{, rlccp-scatcrl, slol|lf
as AllltrLla ( cancel') Thcy are^
t u m o l s o i n u l r : t r l , t t l i ' , s r t c ,t l t l l , : r l l r v t l r c l t : r t l t r t : c l
ancl nreclaja rnd cach of
o f ( s i x L i r u l s) r ' ; i L r r . j ep,i i i r . ] . r , k a p h a j r , r ' a k t a j a ,r n l r h s a j r t
typcsof glanthis' ( 1li-19 )
t h e m r v i l l l t a v c s y n r p t c ' t r tssi m i l a l t o t h e i L r c s p c c t i v c
134 Madhava Niddnam
io. Ur,U"r."".[[ot,
Retluct *r.r,
kles,mild pricking or itching frequently, relief from other symptoms, slight depress-
ion at the top, opening of the skin; feeling of rnovement of fluid to the finger
similar to that on a rvaterbag, rhe pus insidecan be collected to anyone place by
pressingfrom all sides;thc pirtient developingdcsire for food are the symptomsof
fully ripened stage.(9-11 )
afrsfiartr* iqat q fH qrEtrir$ qd\ fiil ? qq: I
aFcrk q'sh. qRcr{*e qqfid qilqiqq qq (lEfl:r i,R.I ( g. {. 3{.qs)
lVithout ( the incr-ease
) of v6ta there can be no pain, without pitta, no r.ipen.
ing, and no pus {brmation without kapha; so all the three do;as arc active during
the period ofripening.( l2 )
{q{ qcrcIq qdq qfkqlc*fiar dqqfr cqu r
ale q,it aiiiiredt {k qiq fkrr'€tg q qRdi€ lt ll il ( g. t.3{. r., )
Just as a snrtrllfire hidderrinsidea
hearth(or haystock)activiatedby the wincl
burus up th: lvholc rnassofhay, so alsothe pus which has not draineclout destroys
thc muscless,veins,tendons,etc, ( 13 )
3{d iq{aqd q trsq{ qS a i} i\vqr flralqr( € rr+}{r ierra{*rXra, tr r.urr
Only he deselvesto be callecla physicianwho can recognisethe uripe, ripen-
ing and ripened stages (ofthe inflammatory swellings); rvber.easali others are
only irnposters.( 14 )
qGeatqtqcetatq'i qt cmgiai I eqq=rliqq c;d6rii arqinfarasr{ioftrt iq, ri
- ( g { q' ts )
<fh dr.rraEfilf;'-{{fsl qru+fcar+a,rrei,tf{ar{ rrqra.i r / t u
Hc who cuts open the sweilingin its unripc stagc with ignorance or he who
delaysits opening though fully ripened--both are to be considered as very mean
persons,becausethcy are uncertain in their act. ( 15 )
Thus endsthe chaoter on VtanaSotha.
srq fliRsorREnq
fdqt eqr qfiiqr atii<tq:qirqa:tq]ittqra{ltq' nqtRqraqqq: tt q,tt
Vra'las(ulccrs ) ale oftrvo kinds; 3:lrira ( organic) and dgantuja (trau-
matic ); thc first one is causedby the do;asand the secondb1'rveapons,
( 1)
ra;q; +faad*qe,j q;q€rdt qEIEn: I qah egria cqdi eqil qlad{itlqr ll ll
qcqril€cs(Aq?t6gc.IqEl(il: r aci f,qtai'flqqtffb' qrs'-r qia+: ll "<ll
e.qi\;ol gtr lwru: fiafH r'Ei?a, qlogao'Istrdfiqiutvt*i ;r,q;tq:ll tsll
<til rntrrii (fiIil f'a[sq:tqtnq;q?: | ( s fs. 3r.qr )
Vraga causedby vdta is immovable, hard to touch, with scanty exudation,
severepain suchas prickingor pulsating and blue in colour. The symptomsof
vrana causedby pitta arc, the patient will be having thirst, delusion,fever, perspira-
tion, burning sensation,crackedskin, the ulcer emits bad smell and exudesfoul
discharge. Vrana causedby kapha will be having large amount of exudation,is
hard, smootb, immovable, slightly painful, yellowish-white in colour, moist and
suppuratesslowll'. Vrapa caused by rakta ( blooC) will be red in colour and
exudesonly bloocl. Vrar.racausedby the combinationof either two or three dofas'
will be having their lcspcctivesymptomstogether.( 2-4 )
iqqiqc|r gd ?il awrtqrgqqqr ll \ ll ( s. iri.:{. li )
rftqfrsirraq:od gQ qruq:grd eqr r
Ulcers which ale locateclin the skin or muscles, in a convenient place,of
recentorigin and unconrplicated;that in a strongpersonof recent onset,in appro
priatetime (season,age,etc.)are easilycurable.(5 )
gt<rqaidi"raa: qi;fl aor:r€4: r q rl
qHGdiit fiiqttqen,il q{qar r
Thosewhichpossess a few of the above qualidesare difrcult to cure; while
thosewhich are devoid of any ofthe above qualitiesand associated with severe
areincurable.( 6 )
Ch.42, Organiculcers t43
Decreasein hcigbt, drooping of the body parts, lossof function, very severc
pain and wound taking long time to heal are the featureswhen sndyus ( tendons/ |
nerves) alr injuredl
q: iiltrqrtrqfaqag'raisil it il sui qg{qqqqrga?: I
qrqqt ciaaid ciiqd are runrfa q,ifaiaafa ia-,
e trr: l r. l ( v ft. a. r" I
The ignorant physicianrvho cuts open an unr.ipeswellingor delaysthe open-
ing of a lully ripeneclo'c; :rr unscrupulusphysician who cloesnot drain out the pus
from an ulcer'es chance to the pus to make a sinus, deep inside to
the structuresrnentiorrctlcarlier. ( I )
in brcathing, fainting, dryness ofthe mouth, are the symptoms of tridofaja type,
which is going to take away the life like kalaratri ( sister ofgod of death )' ( 2-5 )
qr *RFi rf\ag*reefiefid qrd qitfi q€€( €esil q fiiqq | ( g. ft. 3Tt )
A foreign bocly hiclcleninsirle, will in courseo[ time, cfeate a sinusdue to
physicalactivity or pfessure. From its silus csuclesa fiothy, warm matelial mixed
lvith blood spontaneously, accontpaniedwitlt pain.
ardt flqi{crrqt a flq€Hcrardf,: alg qa€Gql: ll e ll ( I fa * t )
afa ,ftqtasrdErf* qru?rftEricrdtqqft{rn {{Fdq ll Y{ ll
Whcn gas,urine, t-eces, worms and semenbegin to come out ol'the fistula, it
is goingto kill the patient.(9 )
Thus cndsthe chapter on Bhagandara.
atail\anweq-aqnrEstqarqiqRqarar r
'itiirqlrra ire{:a iflir q*qitrr fqf-qqrqqd,rr r. rt
InjLrryto thc pruir; by tlrr: harrJ, rrailsanrl tecttr; kecping it.l;ft) \\ithout
washing,indulging in excessivesexual inLeLcourse,contact with contaminatedor'
diseasedvagina and .uch other'barl habits give r.isc to the disease-UpadariaSa
( veneral diseases
) which is ol'five kinds. ( 1 )
eat{}i, c$<ft:qq;td:+qittedqdqqqftqdaqr
fi*dgiqgh' eErt: ic=ia (frr(f,qfuarsirr€,rt -<rt
rdlt: eooi dEt srq;d(nriq* fiqqql"la*q r
q+ogir ffug*f6fi: g$d*: qTqghr {*a l a tl
iqdotqid imfifli: qsrtj gcstsiri qRqilq tr g ri
In the v-taja type, there appearson the penis small papuleswhich have prick'
ing, cutting or pulsatingtype of prin and arc black in colour.
In the pittaja type, the papules discharge yellowish fluid, large in quantity
accompaniedwith burning sensation;in the raktaja type' the papuleswill be lesemb'
ling muscle( red in colour ) or black, clischargeblood and a1lother symptomsof
pitta will be present;in thc kaphaja type, therc is a big swelling,the papules ar.:
itching and exudetl.rickwhite fluid.
That produr:edby all thc three do;as togetherwill be having differentkinds
of exudatc; anrl pains and is inculable.
Conclirionin lvhieh the entirc fleshy palt has been crodcd or eatenarvay by
germsleavinq only the scrotum,is to be refusedtreatnrent.( 2-4 )
srsrdcr+a 6th qq: f,mqiait ft ftqi cqo' t
+rla aitqimfcqTEGtffi.ii{r?ir flatree Aa rtq rr
Ch.47, Vcncraldiscases IJJ
Foolish people engrossedin sexual life do not seek treatment soon after its
onset and neglecting it becomevictims of swelling, infection by bacteria, burning
sensation,pus formation, destruction of the penis and death. ( 5 )
ergtRavgrful{nft tifrui, I nlor qrqi qfi<raqsfilrfrqln lt q ll
dv*apq'i1 q;d qaiei-trqarsiq sr I
( €aEarflqfiearq gfbftttlr f]q\csr r )
laes{iifrtqrar f}nrai rfh qrqt n s u
qft {i{taa+rfsrfst qrrrsftErnsq<qfq{n' qqicdrrl '/s l
qq {({+qFqnq
30Kdno{;,s, oF pENrs)
srmcrtqdl q& itsfirarsofa qari: t aarvr<rq wqti qa erd ir ?ffict: lt q,ll
Foolishpeople rvho try to increasethe sizeof their penis by unnatural methods
( by application of paste of poisonousinsects and other materials) beconreaffii-
catcd with eightcenkinds of cliscascs( ol perris), causedby gukas( poisonousworms
and othel substances )1 ( I )
'i<edqdriril {(tg{aaqfl |
ficer €nqqtanqi tq q,i[q*t a €I tt ?. tt ( g. f.r. sI. ty )
ol the sizeof'rvhitetttustai'rl,
Vesicles appearingort the penis due to increasc
of Laphaand vata by bad applicationof the pasteis knownasSar;apikl.( 2 )
*iaar fiei$i<lgnlsfria*r uiq r ( g. Fa.q. iv )
producedby increasedvd,ta known as A;lhilika will be hard and irrc'
gular in shape.
q*,fq Xfitl 1res7iirii alc dq Enrntqll 1 tl ( g. ft. 3r. I v )
Gratita is causcdby appearanccol nodulesdue ro constant application of
thc pastewas due to kapb. ( 3 )
giirr{r (t,fqt'tiarr qtesqlf<,lfarttsgrtl
| ( g. f;r. er: tv )
Kumbhika produced by increasc ofrakta and pitta, rcsembles the seedsof
jambu fruit ( Euguina janrbolina) and is black iu colour.
l . I n a n c i e n t i n r e ss o n r ek i n d so f r n o l l u s e ss,h r i n r p s ,c r a b sw e r e n r a ( l ei o l o a p a s t ea l o n g
r v i t hs o m eh e r b sa n d a p p l i e do v e r t h e p e n i s t o m a k ei t b i g a n d s t r o n g .l t a n y o f t h e m
w e r ep o i s o n o u as n d s o c o u s e ds e p s i s .
Ch,*8, Disordcrsof penis 157
flq-sttfq-sqraqrrtiqrdllqatiqqr r
rrq{ft{dtqrir ier gl51iqt O crrr s rr( ,:r t r )
causedlry incrcasedpitta and rakta, rnorcthan onc in number:rnd
rcsemblingthe sproutsol a louts flower i,- knorvl as I'u$karika.( 7 )
tqdarfa { saipqjliq; ;({(i'{nq r ( ,g ia ,r ; .
Sparsahani is a conrliriorr,-,a,rsccl
by rakta inlccterl by poisonin ivhichrhere
is lossof tactile sensationorr the ncltis.
ucfirrdttr qcnrfiitfieqrlufH,iticaqr
qrq €rr{d€q*ilrTrid aeiitiErori{q{ lt i,l il ( .r. fi 'T ty
Black or reddishblack vesicles.appearingall over the pcnis associated
severepain is a conditionknown as Sonitarbuda.( l l )
nie{tiar qrdiatqd{ eieiuaq | ( g. s. 3r.ry )
nftdri qtq ciqlR q{q qefat iqil: ll ?,?.
l ( s. fc. q. ?y)
l58 MadhaaaNidanan
qq Ssfiqaq
{itsrqaqntfatq.if#sgqi" q t ,rfratctttdisft i{rrst-qn.qfigatq tr 1 tr
aqnnccftq;ansfagcerfaQfeorqt ari'rewnlai q;i rftaptQiqnlq tt
:r*qrltqlaai $q q:tcqlqqfiqtq t aqmEiqc-tqtfaoqqltrafaefleortq rt a tr
, erequcf,rvrefaaEikgerlilarq.tsqqtq'qtt'rdlfrsi faqi q qniii qsl ll B ll
lqqrs.g6{ qdqai qr,iqri a gdart. t etatqaei get*;aed qiqqsT q ll q ll
qeaFf< sgni cs*l q.cqgqt t war58tfi qrqti qe iqEiq e tr q rt
(a fa a'u)
) Inclulgenceiu incorrrpatiblcfoodsand cllinks, lboJsrvhich arc ver)' watcry'
latty and hard to digcsu suppr.essing the urges of vomitting and others, heavy
physicalexerciscsand too much of cxposurcto heat irnrnediatelyaftel taking food'
immersingin cold wateL-soon after cxposurc to sunlight, harClvork causingfatigue
and incicientso[ fear; useof uncookedfoods and over eatins, improper methodsOf thc five purificatoly therapics ( em_e gatio|, ctc. ), useof fresh
grains,fish, foods uhic\ arc very salty and sourri blackgram, raddish;*dry or pow'
Jery foo,ls, ,.to*., .iii{ arrcl jaggery; over indulging 4,.tt-l:.'] intercourse,
sleepingduring claythough sufferingfiom indigcstion; showing di*rcspect to gods'
teachersand committing many other kincls of sinitrl acts)etc.)nlake for the increase
of all the three dogasancl derangement in thc tvak ( skin ), rakt:r ( l.rlood), marhsa
( musculartissue), ambu ( body fluids ) and produce kuqlha ( leprosyand similar
skin diseases ). l'his group ofseven (the th|ee do;asand four dhitus ) causes
and elevenkinds ofkullha. ( 1-6 )
fit.e gurralaqrGfearxi&ram
gdf fi1r.1q;
ftd ra€qviid gr taqrafid qsqfiaqrai rr f rr
, Indulgence irr lbods lvbich aic of i.eompatible combinations,
' spoilecl,very
sour, thosc causing l:rrrnin; st]lsatiorr jnsicle arrfl such
6ther lbod a1d drinks
l v h i r : hc a u s ei n c r c a s c . f p i t l r r , l r r , r i u r ' gA r n l a p i t t a i r r
l , e , s , ,sr i ' w h o m ' i a : r r r : r s
a l r e a d y u n c l e r u : . n ci r r c l c a s t ' s; o s a y t h c r v i s e .( I )
qflqttsriti$afiiqtrdrrtri<ir | €iquaqr€rcfifuzxraiqr
e?kqt rr r rr
, T h e c l i s c ; r s ei r r r r . h i c i r t h c p a r i r r i t h : r s i n d i g t s t i o n , c x h a u s t i o n w i l h o u t
.1 arr;,
- r , ' 1 e x e -tri o n , o a u s e a , r i c ( . ' t l l l i o r r sl r i t h b i l t t r o r . s o u r t a \ L c , I c c l i n g o f h e a v i n c s sc , f t l i c
/ b o d y , b u r n i n g s e n s l r t i " i n t h c c h e s i a n d t l r r o r t a n c l i o s so f
appetite-is to be called
cqrtq'rJsr fliiqc{r({ |
Agiqdl6laaqt{A{riqr$.itatq*i x<di* rr1 rr
Thirst,b'r'ritr; s.r*niion.ririrrtirrg,
qi r,rrriuss.Irru'iorr,'()\ cmclrr.owrw.,l.rrs
O [ c ] i f f e r e n tk i n , l s L
i o, fr lit l i . t 1 ' 1 1 i 1
6 t, r r u i l r i c c : L s i o n acli l r p u
r sion i r r t l r c c h c s t , r : L s h c os t r { i r c
skin,poor digestio', hcrrrir'rJrliors,
|crspiralic,nanrl 1,elro*,isrr
-.kinarc trrc svmp.
toms of (IEog.-.(rlor,,n',irrrl ,ii
) rrr,lpittl. )
qr;ti aiitdia{a'i.a,5rqq1q6161i{{ d\q qrsaq I
qidq?irli raiaiGaai;d *.qrgiili fqiqti
ria rrs rr
g* fi{€ iqqqrsq{g* riifi iarrraqfc aqriiq r
sencdiqqhq.6oaa;Fiqrqrd iardf ri q rr\ rr
eeiiicrfr cqt q dqiq?{ |
srqih strgqqsoiqs*,nraiciqarnatrrar{ tr Qtr
lyllpto-t q1-uriih'aua( upwerJ r rrmlrpittaare; vornirtirg o1gr.cen,yellorv,
blue' blacl:, slighrl-f rt'rl ri rrrig'r .crr cororrrcct
u..t ,o.r.,resembling
mutton \,vasl),ve.v stickr,, r^in, tollorv.rl Irr.
kaph;r; r,omittingoccuringclurin!
digestionof food or cvln
sionary, of,i.:i:,"::l;1.,Tff;l; ,Hl ,j;'::',;: ;::;,lT:J:.f;
Ch.51, Hyperchlorhydria/ gastritis ro/
physicianshoulil clcarly tecognisc the syt;rptomsof amlapitta causedby
vdta, vdtakapha ancl kapha as tlrey al'c likely to crc:ltc colifusi('nto hirn;
i Trernols, delerirtm,fairrting, fccling o{ pins and rreetlles,weaknessofthe
body parts, pain, darkriessbefcrre the c1es, gicldincss,deiu"iolr, horripilations
the symptomscausedbY vata.
Bxpectorationof lhiJi pnl.gnt, feeling of heaviness,lassitude'loss of appetite'
coldness,weakness, vollitriilg, coetiug ou thc tongue, burning sensation'
of strength,irching of thc skiu .rn,l uro|c slccr',a|e tlrc s1'nrptc.rrns causedby kaphq.
Appearanccof both tirc abovc symptoms together is seen in amlapitta in
which both vdta and kapha arc associatetl,
( Erectationshaving bittcr, sr.rutand pungcllt taslt s, burnirlr' :;':nsation in the
chest,uppet abclonletl ou,l llu.'r, l, r-jcltliils's,lairrtirll;,lr"' uJ irppetitc' vomitting'
lassitude, headachc, salivation,snecl !as1r'in thc trouih lle the symptomsoJ'amla-
pitta t:auscrl i []-il )
by kaphaatrrll.ritirrtr-r.:r't)rcl
orr "\rrriapitta'
Tltlt: trttistltc elr:,p1cr-
err fis+fiEraq
aqqrrar{uorrfitiiqtiiqaqar r iqqd: qsqr iq, eq'a,afi<dorq rr 1 rr
Ingestion of'too mucb o1'saity, sour', pungerlt and lioi_loods alrcl such other
factors which increase the thrcc dosas ploducc the seven liilcls of visarpa. It is so
c a l l e d b e c a u s eo I i t s n a t u r c o 1 ' s l t l t : a r l i r ragl l r . i v e lt l t c i t o d y . ( I )
gqtsqi€iu**t {iqql a-aqqqt I qtfain:itioAq nqqr qieqrfh{: l
qiqt( ce dtqqi qqq;i e;efitaqr t errill qrcfqqrrqic;uqtreq:.6qqteTer:
ll 1 tl
q€dq6tcr) riitr q iiaqqdrlq: r (.{. fa er3yl' '
One frorn each do;a, orrefiom all thrce logether and three from combinatiorr
oftwo dosas,viz., v-rtlj:r, pittrja, kaphaja, sannip-rtaja,agni visarpa from the
combination ol vata rurl pitta; gr':irrthi visarpa from kapha and vata; kardama
visarparvhichis drcatlfulhorr pitta and kapLa-arc i1sscvo, kinds,( 2-3 )
{fri adt{t i4f,i{i (cq qlqrq,it rrdr: lt ts ir
iqeqlori qgir{r} fii;t, <p rrriT;r;| ( q. is :r -?? ) l, ,
Rakta ( bloo,l), Lisihiii f{,r,1rfij,tvak ( skin., rlrarhs.r
(rnucles) are thc
dqyas ( tissuesinvolv,r..l) an I ilrc thr.cetlosastogctirr:rar.c the sevi. lactorsin the
causatior ol visarpa.( 4 )
dr q'rar( q diqqJ qraeq<qc-"qqr il \ ll
rrq l
riqtgiwrfira'tqiquwrfianiqu.r firr{{aqii; fiaaq<iag-}sihdtfiar
16(6.l( z6u€gat t€rrr: i5$Gq(qr itifi. I
q&qlaqqi?r*r eaiiascci:qar tr s il ( 4f. fi- .r. 1r
Vataja visalpahasiilenticalsymplomsas folncl in vala jrvara( {bvcr ) along
with swellinq;pulsatirrg, pr icking or cuning rr pc cil pain, tir.cclness,
Pittaja visarpahasquick prolress. it-lerrtical
synrptomses thosc of pittaja
jwara and the leisor.r
is r.cry i.erlin coloLrr.
Itching aui -srnoothncss
of thc leisr,rrand other s)nrptor]tsof kaphaja jwara
will be sce'iu kaphajavisar'|zr,p.esenceof all rhc symproms will be secnin sanni
pataja visarpa. ( 5-7 )
Ch.52, Erysepelas 169
srdfirrcsq<soG{;sldqwqq.qi,t cfiqiEfiq{aacqliF*dai ll z ll
cifr eaicsie qlqisnlsEiioiqq r d d ?{i iiq'iai iqsdla rriq < e' lt t tt
trFarsrqitit a'iif r* qlssg ir .iiri t erf}qq tq {dti; {iisrrsl<qd'q q llloll
enig<rtt Ge'i, tqudlsiaaaraa: t aqqisd aiidai iiqi o rEwft<iq ll 1t ll
f'ai q e {ilsq+qtiia{fi a,rl a at r *ls=Bql{ierdl qiinz<t<afqg ll i.-<ll
lsqraraa, tbit qaf?acd'taqldI geciilffs?Il fiqi €tsfe-q1e'ie;qi tr i'l rr
( , r r .F + a. ,. l - . )
Visar.pacauscdLrycornbirratiou of irrclca"crlvtita antl pitta lvill Ir:rvc the lbllo-
rvingsymptolns;li:vtr',vopil1jpp1, lairrtilrg,riiartltotlt,ttrilsl, giddincss,lrliIr in thc
joints,poor cligcstiorr,
rla|kness thc eycs, lossof airpctitc, tlle patie.ntfeclsas
thoughl,is lrorly:tncl.ptt:i:rlly thc e[Icctcilpalt is in c{)ntaclwillr burniirgcoal,the
skin hecorrresblack,bluc or.rcrl, lrlc|s flevelc'pcluieklyan I Icisonsprcacls to other
placesfast,gctslocirtc,lin vital spots(o|gans ). lrr view of prcdomirrarlce ol vata,
the affcctcdpart is ver.ypainirrl,thc paLientloses cotrsciousuess and sleep, dcvc)ops
dilliculty in breathing, hiccough,rlocsnot find tven slight lelicfby lying on the
qroulll or atry orher.posture; movement of :rny kinc is cxtremely clifficultancl the
persongoesin lor slecpl-romrvhichhc cannotlte arousedagain( dies).'rhis disease
is known as Agnivisarpa.( B-1 :f )
Visarpaspro.luceCi;y any one dofa-vata' kapha and pitta arc curable' The
anrl ksata a rlo nr,t lesponclto trcatment, that pr-oduccdby pitta and that
which makcsthe body black like eyesalvearc incurable ancl those appearingon
vital spots{)r'organsalc difficult to cure. ( 25 )
Thus endstire chaptel on Visarpa'
C H A P T E R5 1
a gra*<oiluoiaqrl66asrtitqlorluq{ataiar t
aqo]iqor iaadiw g"eiia iqr, qqatqqtqtt ( tt
€qctitrtq h <tciqrcdiia qqE{rq I
q'ttr{. giita iqtdizrq cslq. GE(g{rtT{t{ll 1 ll
O v , r r ' - i r r i l L,rtl:.r i i , i n f r i o i l sw l j i , i r : r r l . l-n r r B ( n 1 , s o t r r ' , l t i : a li r ro d u c i t r 3 ' l t o t , c a u s '
i u g b u r rr i r r gs . r r s a t i c ,iui u , i r tg c l i g es t i o r t ,c h y , a l L a l i n e ,u t r i o o k t d a I t ' l i n e x c e s sq u a n t i t y ,
e x p o s u r el o s u n - l i g l i t , r ) f i r c t s O l S e z r s o nwsh i c l r a r e l o r n t a l o t a b t t o r m a l - C a u S et h e
v a t a a n d o t l r e r r . l o l a s1 o u t r r l c i g o i n c r t ' a s t - , u ' h i c l r i n t u r r l i n v a d e t h e s k i n , b l o o d ,
m u s c l e sa u c l b o n e s ,a r c l p : o , l u c c v e s i c l c so n t h c s k r n , p r e c e t l c t lb y f e v c r . ( 1 - 2 )
srflaqrqiirrl:tdlsrr qcq<t tsfiflqrr I
alqq erh qr ?? iqtda aii i r€at: ll 1 ll ( g. ft 4. sr )
VcsiclcsresemblingI'oils lormed by the touch of firc, accompaniedinvaria-
b1ylvith [i:r'er, syinptom-"of irrcleasc of r akta and .1ritta, in someor all thc parts
of the bori),-this clisrlse is knorvr'as Vispbota ( 3 )
itritqqaqi<ri'cqrrqe q*i<iq I qr'qqsial iia qniirqlzaqqrq ll !3 ll
cq{Era€irr:irqql*gro1ft1i;uoo r .iiadtGaqoi q iqaiirqlcaqlqq ll \ ll
sdiiersrwtia:nug*1ii;a'rpga1: t '-riqaibcrut*,'lq Grdfs: 6qttq{r ll q tl
qrafifl€i't qrl s€e dtsiqatq r *o-gtliitagdirsldtat*mafa*q rt o tt
qogql€l sq<q-eGtirEtq'iiqqr r
Headachc,se\'ei(' pair),fevcr', thirst, l-'ainin thc .joints alrrl vesiclcs black in
of vritaia visphota
collrr rre the svn'rpt.)ms
Fevet, butninr: sensalir-rtr, pail, exu,lationol prtr, lblnlatiott ihirst, and
vtsicles:rpp,-arus yc lorvor reclin colourale thc fcaturc-s ol pittajavisphota.
Vonritting,lossol':rppetite,lassirudc, vesiclcshaving itciring, hardness, white
colour,wi1' no p:rin rrnd1.u. folnr:itir,n vcr.' slori'l) are thc symptoms of kapbaja
s c v r l e p a i n , v : i t a k : r p h i . i :vl r r i c t l h a s i t c h i n g , h a r d -
vritaPittajava! l( ty causi-s
nessanJ t iglrlrrtss,kaphapittajavaricty has itching, buuring scnsation, fever and
vomitting. ( 4-7 )
t72 MddhaaaNiddnam
through moulh, nose ancl eyr s, cooing in thc th|o:tt wirh scvere difh,.ult!
'' i . , r- ' i l r u l J
. i u b r ea t b i n g - i f t h c s c s y m i r t o m s a l e n o t i c fd i t l l t l r a t i r l t t o f n r a . u ' i k . , .
z7-29 ':
.\ vcry not lle a ltnini.lcrcd nledicinc ( lrut to be rcfusr I )
nqft*r{iiqii q\ }l1i qrda f}:nrr1 t
q e-d ilgii crqrt{ Eclit qtg(icl: ll 10 ll
qq gfirrfrqrdq
fh.qrr squrl qfirar *rdl g{tiicqrr r
qqqra'lftrrar iqt qtaratnqqft+r: rr 1 tt ( g. fa.
A diseasechar.acterisedby appcarancc of rvaxy, non-discoloured,painless
papules(on rhe skin) of the size of green-gramcauseclby increaseof kapha
urrd uatu
together,speciallyin children, is known as Ajagallika. ( I
qsr.6Kr g5iE?r qfuil ciqdFdr r
fisfl qqqrarrqi qqcreifr chqi rr c, u ( g. fq.q. tr )
Pi{aka ( papules) ofthc sizeof barley, harrl, localisedin the muscle, caused
by kaphaand vdta togetheris known as yavaprakhyi. ( 2
qarrT{fii fiemqeai qiicosarq I
3r;erarftqiqqqi ai iqqRqqr--qFsrq il 1 il ( fr. er. n
1. )
A hard pidaka ( papule ) without an opening, round in shape with little qua_
.rtity of pus insidecausedby kapha anrl vata toliether is known as Antralajt
Andhalajt to be more appropriate 1. ( 3 ) i or
figanai q€r{reiqfrgrqtdfiuq r
llqarflfh ai iqqrf?qa'ltqieReogslq n B l ( g. ft.3r. n )
That which is having wide opening, of the sizc of a ripenecl
(Ficus glomerata), round i. shapcas:oc;iatcrlwith scver.e
bu.ning sensationand
producedby pitta is knonrras \,'ivrta.( .l )
The heat produced by frequent bouts of anger, grief and physical strain,
reach the head and makcs the hairs to become grey. This condition is known as
Palita. ( 32 )
ilEqdsot{qaqt: r6$ql€a(ffiqt! |
gqn&-enr qai fiRn g<s(iqd$ ll 1? ll ( t. fi.q. ti )
Papules,resemblingthc sproutson the balk of Salmalitree ( Bombaxmalabari-
cum ) appearing on the f:rceof adolesccnlscausedby increase of kapha, vata and
rakta together is known as Yuvlnapidakd which makesthe face ugly. ( 33 )
i6qgi6(t[criT zT cqea qtq-gfiEsq I
tt 18 tt ( g. ft. q. t r )
Circular, white patches,stuclclcclwith papules,with itching, causedby increase
of kapha and vlita togethcr is called Padminikar.rtaka.
( 34 )
qqgt{rErrrcq qsga ifiq(ifiRq I
s€d aqq i'*qi oeqJqgciqrd {r: lt 1\ n ( g. fr. u. t i )
A congenital,slightly clevated, evcn and painless patch on the skin caused
by kapha and rakta is known as Lak$ma;irlsoJatumapi by others.(35 )
edqi fiqt iq qiiqtrrF c€qqa I
q$r€liEicqTqiqaqiaat=cqd g cq tt iQ ll ( g. in.3{. ci )
Painless,immovable,black, r'ounr'lnorluleson the skin resemblingblackgram
' is called Mapaka and is causedby v.rta. ( 36 )
scqrii idttclsliar dtt'aria qcfi s I
sfaiqq*dl€dlcr?rFsqliqaflost{. ll 1e ll ( g. ft. )
Black,painlessspotsrcsembling sesamurnseeds,not raisedabovethe level of
tbeskin is knownas Tilakalaka and is causedby vata, pitta and kaphatogether'( 37 )
- qEer qR il qrcri lqd sr qQ slsiqaq I
*td cqs.i qri ;q;dftiqirrdiqa ll 14 ll ( g ft. 3{.qr )
Broad or small, blue or black, painlesspatcheson skin is known as
Nyaccha.( 38 )
*ur<rungfiit qtg: iqia dga: t g<aenta qE€I qoeai fiqqtqar tt lq tt
;fttsi ag* qqrd ga aq* acfii( t ( 1 ft. u t i )
1/512un6.lglgoing with pitta,dueto angerand physical associatiou
getslocalisciIin the facr: pro.lucingpainless,thin, black patcheson the
skin. This contlititirris knownasVyauga.( 39 )
l82 MadhaoaNidanam
Vat:r getting increaic I tllahc tbe teeth to bcco,Ilc irregular and ugly over a
long perioJ of timc. This discasc knolvl as l(alala, cloes not lcspond to treat-
ment.( 20 )
€rq6Aqi+ri E;i c€t{. alq} catqw,r
orerqrft *qudt fiiqr dlsflqiqq: I ( g f". ri. I i )
A sevcresrvcllingat the siteol thc lrLstmolar tooth,highly painfuland causing
an'l is causerlby kapha.
dribbling of salivr is a tlise:rscknorvn as Adhinrarhsaka
E;d(oqar ?16r: qe itq qiiqar: r ?.?.lr ( g. fa. ,i. li )
Thcle ale fivr: kintlsol nlirli vlal'ras (sinusul,:cls) of thc gunts, similarto
thosedescribedpreviously( under the chaptcro1'Nrdi vlaira ). ( 21 )
oJthr Mouth
Ch.56,Diseascs lB7
Face assumingan irregular shape and the teeth also becoming irregular,
seen in the diseasc called
caused by the action of increased kapha'vata is
b n i tn l a n : l K a I z ' r . /
{ftaeqrqqr ratqflla-lcq€I kqt: I
ftqqraa*tta 466t: e qrrtt: ll R\ ll ( g f{' 3{ tE )
Teeth becominginr:epai)leof tolcratirs tlrc touch of cold b|ceze, sour
things,etc., is a cliseaseknorvn as Dantaharsa, lvhich is t:ausetlby incleaseofpitta
and vata. ( 25 )
cd fdqdl qed iq?qr€a{iliqdr I
qr*iq <q<+qai q1 lqr q;trtr+<I tl Rq tt ( g. fa. a. tr )
The dirt on the tcctlt gctting dried up by the action of pitta and vata, assume
hard.nessan-l accumulatc on the tccth. This condition is knorvn as Danta'
(arkara,( 26 )
tq qrdq t
{qlafiqq {tftg -'';61qi
*qilb*ii fiiqt eEt qFdfiarfudtll ?,sll ( g. ft. * lt )
Big flakesof accretionspeeling ofr a'ong rvith parts ofthe tooth and finally
knorvtras Kapalika ( 27 )
destrovingit is a cliscase
,itsefkior fuia qoril p61;qfrva: I qqlelili doai qii qar aI qqlq+rftE: ll ll
Tooth bccomingblack or blue, being bulnt up by pitta combined with rakta
is a diseaseknorvnas Syavadantaka'( 28 )
{;aciQ q}r qrdqlan;a*Eqglier I
sElaat qaflfrq! qqr€i TafiqFr: il ?,qtl ( g. f{. s{.t s )
is the dominant doga.the sproutsare big in sizeblocking the throat totally, immo-
vable and hard; i{'all the thrce do;as are involvcd witlr equal strength, the sprouts
will be found dcep rooted and formation oi ulcer is quick and deep and .this condi'
tion is incurable; if lakta ( blood ) is increasedpreclorninantly,the sProutswill be
having snrall, rccl papulesall ovel them and other syrnptomsof pittavJddhi will be
present;tliis condition is curablc. ( 3B-41 )
*lodirrflq, *sdqi if cGeni* i unoa*{&qqa''
q(r firK: rr€fiqmqt?:q{i zrsE{raqirrli gqfia lt s-<rt ( g. fn. 3{.ts )
A tumor of the sizeof seedofjujube fiuit proCuced by increase of kapha,
found in the throat likc a thorn, hard, imnrovableand curableonly by surgicaltreat'
ment is known as Kanthaseloka.( +2 )
iq€rqrq: eirqgtsq,w lsekRcrsfi {sfi>rr( I
i'itsf'rrka, qg itr qq fiqfisrqaqffiiaqll cl ll (g. f(. q. ts )
Kapha increasc and involving rakta, produces a swellingat rhe
root of the tongue on its top known as Adhijihva; if it is found with formaiion of pus
or ulcer it shouldhe refused.( 43 )
qarq qqlqdqHd a drqi +ittqqqfa iaqti r
* e,iiqrqfesr.i+idfiqd+td qad q{iia u gtsu ( g' fa.u. lr )
Kapha undergoingincrcascproduccslarge sizedsrvellingin the throat causing
obstructionto the passageoffood, this condition knorvnas Valaya is an intractable
diseaseand so fit to be refusedtreatment. ( 44 )
.r* q dri 5€d: cEd €"srfi6\ r{tq€itqqeq I
qriGat gta<iacrg{awdti figor Grr<q It sq,tl ( g. fr. u. ti )
Kapha and vata, together undergoingincrease producea srvelling in the
throat, causingdifficulty in breathing,pain and pain in other vital organs. This
disease, known as BaleSa,by the experts is incurable.( 45 )
?dtqis;a: e:r{rg:qEI6:qqogitsat+tqgfrar r
ari*E;q: qRdrf*itsql 6qt|q+ortr{ddqqa!lr Bq rr ( g. fa.a. n )
A swellinginside the throat, round, elevated,accornpaniedwith burning sensa-
tion, itching, hard and not undergoingpus or ulccr formation is a diseaseknorvnas
Ekavrnda and is producedby kapha and rakta togcther.( 46 )
€rgq?i U?{ctESI€ a'tecqi {:Egqr6d:a I
qfr{ qqar?qd
aefi fiqqr(ccsJqrca.i q lt Ben ( 9.ft.q. ts )
Ch.56, Diseases l9l
e|q {oiiqfr{Frq
qrii<qr diqaals.qqtq({ Errr;iTa:
Tlaea'iq*riq]; r
t.ia "ii:l zrsrr{Eqrza:< moiqJg, oiuil gttq<r r !. tr ('r j. :-{.:'o -,
Vata functioning in the ears, undergoing increase, begins to move in wrong
paths and producesseverepain in the ears,either alone or in associationwith other
dosas. This diseaseis called as KarnaSOlaand is difficult for treatment.( I )
muida:ftqi qri az.illh fiqiqrrra.rqrtq. r
it'ig{s{rg'ni aqiaE:q s€qe ll -<rt ( g |s. a R" )
\/ata affectingthe canalsolthe ears makesthe patient to hear soundsas that
producedby kettle drum, cymbal or conch. This is knorvnas Karnandcla.( 2 )
qqr fl6?qdarg, ela 3rrqiqfecfi r ger domiiadl qrsii qfb{ ia srqi rr ? l
\Vhen vlta either alorre or in associationrvith kapha blocks thc passageof
sound,the patient developscleafness.This is knorvnas Badhirya. ( 3 )
qt3; fittQiidrn] iEitq'lqd Eqaq| {iifh oofi,ii'eid aoiqie: {r E;zrar s l
Vaitain associationrvith pitta or kapha produccsa constantsoun.lin the ears
resemblingthe soundof a fiute. This diseaseis knorvnas Kar4ak;r'ecla.( .l )
lnisllrqtaqqEr fiqsa] s) xqr.firqqsrsiq
Aqi: I
e*kqduaoilsiiarQa:qqo,riqrqqfac{'if*a: il \ il iI ;. q..o)
InjLrryto the head,r'cmaining unclcru,atcr( Iirr long tintc ) or r.ipcnirrg
in 1heeals,makefor dischargcofpus fiorn thc eru.s,a.,suciatcilrvirlrotlrt-r.
symptomsof vata. 'l-his discaseis knorr.rras Karnsr.lva. ( 5 )
rrltar .fitn€igirr qoi*ug *iifi q r iitr]tc{ftfqt: €':cr Tri roiq,rqq 11r. 1q
Vata in associationrvith kapha produccsKarnakand0 ( itclring insirlt: tlrc
ears), kapha getting solidifiedby warmth of pitta proclucesKar4aguthakrr-har.Ll-
nessof the wax. ( 6
r94 MddhaaaNidanam
Increaseof kapha and rakta and presenceof bacteria together
spreading in nature' oo t'f," pinna, ofthe sizeoi mustard seeds'
away thc enli|e pinna'
',..,o,Dpanicdwirh itching, burning sensation,pain and eals
'flr j;
.liscascis kuowr as Palilehi. ( 2l-22 )
Tbus endsthe chapteron Karparogas'
3rq ilsrirqfrcriq
qtaae q{q figoqa q cfbqa {'qft etR arcl t
a ifr ,it {rr}rtqix q;gqida<et}<sdtaia t
;iorila€rqud fi*ri 4rrqlfrqqrlqqnfaffq, ll I ll ( q. fs q. ls )
The lter.sonrvhosenasal passageis obstructed,dried up or very moist, with'a
I'eclingls thou.,,hrvarm smokeis coming out of it, who does not understand the
smell or.tasteo['rnateria]sis to be consideredas sufferingfrom the disease Apinasa.
It ar.isesliorn the ilrcr.easeof vlta and kapha together and will also have othcr sym-
ptoms similar to that of Prati6yaya.( I )
qtifiq.i.iaarga) tiq{*oit q{q €*tof{o I
iaila vft{earttswqi d'qikarqcqqFdilqq,ll ?.ll (g. s.3r.?R)
Vata along with other do;as undergoingmorbidity (increase), getting localis'
ecl at the.junctionofthe throat and palate, producesbad smelling breath from the
mouth :Lndnose. This diseascis calledas Putinasya.( 2 )
qurlnd iqqcdfq$qiqfuc{.fAsRsadr{ qrsrI
d adnqnttiifi aqq*{Adq*lstqq€rrsfi qq ll 1 ll ( g v' u' rr )
Pitta located in the nose undergoing increaseproduces ulcerations inside the
r-rose,lvhich exuclcfluid and unclergoes putrefaction. This condition is known as
Nasikrpaka, ( 3 )
tt.ifi?'i€qrsiq q-'ftdars?isfiramq
idr t
arqr €raEqqqqiiqiqd d Xa<d n{Fa ir'rq tr u ll ( g' s a{'RR)
Continuousdischargeof pus mixed with blood from the nose either due to
increaseof the tlogasor injury on the forehedis known as Poyarakta'( 4 )
efi"r drg'it q{qrfidt allqsqffitfi I
srqrrFJa€: qrqlifiFr{rt tl q,ll ( 1 : a :1 )
\'.rl:t rtctinll itr lltr: nosc erltl vitarlorgans( the head ) undcrgoes increaseanci
irssociatiirgrvith kapha, comcsout o[tlte nosefrequcDtlyrtirh great force and noise.
This diseaseis narnedas Kgavathuby the learned.( 5 )
198 MadharaNidanan
iiqdt qr rrrqt{.qemiiattqrortet
fr efrq,itqrqirr t
q3rfiinql atofirrefogetf*s'q, aqgfitfi tt q tr ( 5. r. ,r. i-r )
Kgavathu( sneezilg ) nray also ariseirom the ingestiorr of pungent substa'
nces,smellingof spicymeterials,looking up at the sun, introductionof thread' etc',
into the noseor assaultto the caitillage and vital spotsofthe nose.( 6 )
qrtlqa a(crifrql q q{q {TFqI tEl({}rr aqulr iF$td I
cm{itiii Tifn q,iaflrii dtrd iiqgqra{fia u s n ( s. 3. ii. i? )
The previouslyaccuiuulatedkaplra inside the head undergoing liquification
by the heat of the sun, coming out o[ the noseas a thick liquid with salty tasteis
described as the diseaseBhrarhiathu. ( 7 )
ffil U{i Ercqcfiqiq ftiareiqe tia atg; t
atqlc{Rqqqtqffil6qlfqe d{egqta<fia ll z ll (11 - : ': .)
Breath comingout of thc noselike hot smoke,severe burning sensationin tlre
nostrilsas though thr: rtostrils lrrvc '.::tttqlitfiic al e tltc syrnptomsof the disease
known as DiPta, ( B )
s;Ftqqtd 4 zE6:SEtif Q;!:cIT.ct'tal6gErEt?q I
qrqlqn: {taiaa+aEaiitt, uac, utaqErEliq ll q ll ( -{. t{. rr. r:, )
Vata and kapha blolking the pessag,, oi' r'espira'.ionis termed as Platinaha;
continuousdischargeof thit:k, l trllowol uhitt- colc,urctlthirt fluid liom the noscis
known as Nasasrlva ( 9 )
sprrilt dtaie crtia rrrdj{atr .ii'ttiiica q t
Fpleail*:iiqaq q-tr.iktac n{qrqi(dl'{efr:ll (o ll ( i ,' .r i:.\
The nostrilsundcrr;oirrg rvalrtrthatrtlrlrl ing b1'thr: actionol vata ( and other
dogastogether) make both ,.:rpiratiorrarrtl irrspiration tlilllL;ult. This diseaseis
tnown as NasaPariJoga. ( l0 ,
firigrqmiqakrslEl{ag: Qr{: I Eir{r dtqtqqtq"iq,tctcqifiqatisr{ tr 1t Il
enqbflfiqa: €.sr qa, Gg iievia r (:r(qo')iigiqar qi(q$€q aecoT( ll 1?.rl
Feeling of heavinessol the hcatl, lossof appctitc, rlischargcol' thrrr fluid from
the nose,feeblevoice and 1r'eclucnt expcctoratiorrof thc sputurnarc tlre syn-rptoms of
the lma ( unripe,cariy ) :,taqco1'1lrr Pirras,r. rliscbalgcbcconriug Llritk and
remaininginsidc thc l)assilsc,fcstofa'ri1)n
ol nolrnalroicc uirtl colouralc thc symp-
torns ofpakva ( ripcncd ) stagr. ( I I -12 )
ei'rrrurr:iroiririnqlraml,l{d qrlfairiqatq. r
cqrr(riarqqnlsgdit<al<arigaerru'1i, r
of the Nose
Diseascs 199
srqrirraa+qnb qiilrqgi:Hqr1 raniiudara r
raqreilTcfiiqqrq adFisnEcafa?ilrrrqn i tl
T.iIIiTqtSq,IIFrt{I €ItqiTle lqqt"qlai.rrldq€tq I
crIfiq{rl4i$Iq{15[c6rIStgqtdt?rac€rqtnt{ [ i tl
aur +;q5i q fiqriqq 5{firqrarqidigarra r
qtiqq€rqr(Qcinirtorrq ai is*rqwaqfia iltr; rr i l ( g. 3. .{.? )
T , r k i r r g b a t l i i r r c o i c ir v a t c r .i r n n i e d i a t e l y a i ' t e r e x p o s u r ct o h e a t , s c c i o go b j c c t s
which :lre Iar ;Lrv,ry,L.:epirrg .^valir: rvitlrout slcri,, heavy perspir.arion,assault lty
dust arrd smoke, suppr. ssirriitlr,.l .l' r'ornitting or too r'any, taking
v e r ) ' w a t c r ) ' l i t o t l s a t n i g ; , i , , t l - ) l ) f (jri tsi g t h , : u r . r , ' o f ' l c c c s , u r . i n e , f l a t u s l t a b i t u a l l y ,
c o n s t a n r l y g e t t i n q i t l , , r c r r r o ' ' i o l ]os l ' ' , v r : c p i r r ga, n g t i i u r r l g r i c l l i n j u r . y t o t h c h c a c l ,
taki'g too rnuch ol irlcoh,-rlic rL irft-., lrb.orrn;rl scasorrll changes, exhaustion by
physical cxe'cisc, scxuel acr, ctc,, coLltrollin{ ol the tcars :r.r1 sceing r.ninute objects
1 b r l o n g p c l i o c i so i t i t t t c - t l n : s c r L r r tol t l t c r s i n t i l u l c a u s c sr n : r k cl b r . a b r i 6 r m a l i n c r e a s e
o f t h c c l o g a sr,v h i c h i u L u l l l , i ) r o J r r c cv a l i c i u sd i s e : r s c os f ' r h c e y e s .( 1 - 3
i{ratq iqqrq *;qtqifirqiqcc;<aof{q: r tdor Htqh :iF: qeii"rqqt*<: il B ll
Abhisyandais r.rf'lbur types-\'artaja,
pittaja, kaphaja and raktaja. It is a ver.y
distressingdiseascleading to all othcr diseasesof the eye,( .l )
. firy{'}Tlqr l{rf{qEar q qnla:tqdaqe rrqGdn ,1l ( ,1.:. rr : )
P,.ickirg pain, Liss'r .est.ictecl moverncnt,horrip,lations,irriiation ancl
roughncss irrsidetlle cyus'llcil la.ire,rtl)jencc: ol'cxclctionsin tIe eyesarnrlcolcltcaL.s
arc thc svit)ptoms ol \irhisvarrilir { ,luscilby incrc:rse
ol-vit:l. ( 5 )
? la :qtfi r 111i1
i'1fq a;it Tqlqd Etrqr{{;?qe.r I
s':qIZ. .iia;Asai q iefitiqq-{ nqi rTaFalt q I I q. ; : )
DiseasesoJ the Ele 203
cqtd dJfaaqd;.i
s{ er|ercq;.ti I
sEtE{ilei qtqFlq.allgfqfrsrad: il la, il ( e ;. q. ti )
Discasuof thcEye 205
produce the diseasecalled Amladh)'ufita, cbaracterisedby the eyes having ulcers,
blue with reddish broders all over, with burning sensation,ocdema and
flow of tears.( 19 ) "*..rriu"
scqrfhcl*i <n\f*lrawcd, qq r sz il ( g. :. a. e )
I will describefurthel on, six typesof lirigand6aspertainingto colours.
qifs€oit qr€air qRA rardt q diaa aia fuaq r
l[r6l(iqa: diihas, €rt6: €q16{lqq|ril fiiqq: il ee. il (g. r. a. s)
q€ui qqsd Es-qi rrda.Fliilrorcq{ I ( g, :. a. .:
In lil'rganl3rcausedby increasedv-ta, all objects will appear crimsonred, in
that ofpitta, all will appear yellow or blue, in that ofkapba all with white colour,
in that by rakta all with red colour and in that causedby all the three dosas:all
with many colours.( 49 )
The crimson red colour described( for vataja liirgand\a) rvill bc like brisht
:ircular rings as sein comingout ol a thick lens.( 50 )
qfirarfi{i iti tqpearfqdid q qoeoq rrq" rr
<:leaorqed aa qErfiqerrE c{iaq.r
In parimlayi, sometimes,the person regainssight, without any treatment,
when the dosasdecreaseof tbeir own accord( with passageof time
).( 50 )
of Elte
Diseases 209
Eiql;il<qsiRer' aiiaqgri<aq r
qresariiqlcfi q<s'cRaFsaqll qr.ll
A tumor dcvel,-,pingfic'ur inside the lids and growing upwards, slightly
painful ( of painless) red in coloul and increasingin size quickly is known as
Vartma Arbuda. ( 91 )
iallqsf iqq qrq: qfis: q{i'qrirrqlr t
lrqrdqfi cicifn ini'i ipr af-eg:il qR ll ( g. a. a. I )
Vata gettiug inclcascci and involving the siras connected with the act of
winking, makes for too much of winking ol the lids. This condition is knorvn as
Nimega.( 92 )
q: irrrir qrf$i T d{i,ft qg(S<,I
lod sEdell c'l ll ( g. r 3{.i )
aqffii {irioranifieEi
A reddish sprout in ttre ccntre ol' thc lid inside, soft and continuously
growing evcn after excision,causedby increased rakta is known as Rakta Ar3asof
the lids. ( 93 )
3lqldl $fii: rtrdl cFa*i?dqritse'q: r
Erroilatc q aqlfqffigarqRqiifta: l qB u ( g. :. a. i )
A non.suppurating,harrl, big, painless tumor, developing inside the lids is
known as Lagana. ( 94 )
qq\ ier qkritri s:ifisqrfq qidii, r
sqiFiq;daq+ iqcqlaqqd'aq rt a.q,ll ( s. 3. 3{. t )
All the three dosas undergoing increase producea swelling on the external
surfaceof the lid, crcate holcs through which watery dischargecomes out lrom
insidejust like in the stalk of a lotus flower is calied as Bisa Vartma. ( 95 )
qrflrqrqidddlii nazrfidcEr q<r I
aqr q€ r*t{a Sg;i arc aag: l a.ql ( s. s. B{.i )
" undcrgoing increasetogether
Vata and other dosas make for contracturesof
the lids and causinginability to seethings ( inability to open the lids ). This disease
is called Kufrcana. ( 96 )
cqfaalii qFa qqctsqfh isnf:a fi I rJEq;iq{bggwfa d<rri oaqfia q l a.otl
e{H fta{fi q (a+tqr( qa;i.rfi I
qgq*tq:q RAql aqrf'q:q{cEtEor; u qz l ( g. :. :r. .. ;
The eye lashcs:rctivatedtoo rnuchby i'creased vata, get turned inwarclsinto
the eye, causing friction arrd swelling of both white and black portions of the eyes;
2i6 MadhaoaNidanam
the hairs may get dislodgedfrom their roots. This dreadful disease
is knownas
Pakqmakopa. ( 97-98 )
firi ttcrftr {trdE I w-s".s€ q $qi qqc{rd acrfRE n qq il
Pitta getting increasecland affcctingthe lids make the eye lashesto drop off,
associatedrvith itching and burning sensationlocally. This diseaseis known as
Pakqmagata. ( 99 )
( aa ettntarrtig ntrierciidtnfi: r gg'uri qi+s qtqnr qicorllrrnilr
l !, n
qqiryqt:qEE{Tsf}fl eiqiq d I sra* d qrTrtzrra} i.i q<cEr€oftn ?,lt )
('l Y.v. l)
i|a ,itqrqa+rfarfq* qrsaftrr,i izc'lqflnErq qqlqrT l {t tl
qq ffiffiErdq
$no noc.t NTDANAM
laitartq qrq'i qrafitqfrfbfil t qhqRa c*a eiq f*frfir€ql tt
qql*ala-aqnrqlqiq6{E*r tt 1 tt ( g. s. dI.R{ )
Diseasesof the head ( or headache to be specifie ) are caused by vata, pitta
and kapha individually or by their combination, by rakta, by loss or decreaseof
tissues and by krimis ( infection from micro-organisms) aod also by diseaseslike
sUryavarta,ananta vata, ardhAvabhedaand {ankhaka.( I )
qrqilifH firri tqar qsFa dt{r Rfir orRqrqq t
qrrilqeril q$rzr qq filsfiean: q qfl(Aqll R ll ( g. s, !r. ?v.)
Suddenappearance of headache without any apparentcausermore severeat
nights, getting reduced by tight bandage, fomentation and other warm techniques
are the symptomsof headachecauseCby increasedvata. ( 2 )
qqqleqqglqfi{ qiiq r1eGB* qclft afa+areq r
tftia <ni ir qaEBcElfilslrraiq, q g fi?*qE lr t u ( g s. i{. R{ )
The patient feelingas thoughhis headis in touch with burningcoalor as
though smoke is coming out of his eyes and nose;relief obtained at nights and by
cold comforts are the symptomsof headachecausedby increasedpitta. ( 3 )
fur} xiura *dtr{inri gt fawuedt Gda r
cf{ktdTqri q qtq flflisf\dtqr {I r6.tq*tnE ll B lt ( g, s. BI.Rt )
Feeling of heavinessand fullness, coldness ofthe head, swelling of the f4ce
especiallyround the eyesare seenin headachecausedby increaseof kapha. ( 4 )
iirftsfffi fla<rg* qqift fberfi qgdcfk t ( g. v. a. rr )
If all the three dolas are increased together, there will be presenceof all the
symptomsat the sametime.
{ifrirr6'r fvqqcnfetr: rc{rlq€id ftr<R rras tr c [ ( g. s. 3r.i{ )
If rakta has undergoneincrcaseand causing headache,then all the symptoms
of pittaja type will be seen.( 5 )
218 MadhataNidanam
{irqrqn:qqrrK*orlaricqlarEfhigqp r
qrittsiictsRs'iurtq qrq{\qnnsqalfiqr s I
ti €"cftqrhaifaqfuolmn cqt €r{ik tt I tt
Women indulging in excess of incompatable foods, ovcr'eating, alcoholic
beveragesand uncooked foods; frequent abortions, excessive sexual intercourse'
riding on animals, walking long distances'grief, exhaustion, ( emaciation ) due
*urq carrying heavy loads,trauma, sleepingat day time and other causeswill
become africted with Pradara (excessive dischargeof rnenstruatflukl ). It is of
four kinds, produceC by kapha, pitta and vata separately and by all of them
together. ( I )
ered ceqqd (|tf{d saqiql
Generalsymptoms are,achesall overthe bodyand pain in the
of this disease
abdomenduring menstrualPeriod.
atarfiqtl ql*€duit qsal cq{cq r
{fr catttr qpg-eimqt tlqlrr ilaqn ll c. ll ( g. slr. I )
If there is too muchof menstrual dischargeit producesdebility, giddiness'
fainting, toxic state,thirst, burningsensation,delerium,pallor ol thc skin,stupor
and someof the diseases of vdta origin. ( 2 )
ard e{icotcfad qqp-gga6-ilalRd rsrg t
sfril*atfqecng".i fqqd*gn:tui{ir fiqlq rr t rt
uarcqi*fraqqnccdqrdrft qrdq fiftdl{snq I
eds€ftfRaladoi' cqcqni Sutdfiitqq tt c rt
<ierqspq cqEik ac{I ? ar sdlir f\vq{if*t<tq t
{Ilitq €Tq;dtqrqdqsorEracirqFqarq t
durtti g{ai a amqn?i ffif{ftqrr r u
kapha, thc menstrual clischargewill be ama
In pradara caused by increasecl
( ill-processed), smells,heavy, mixed with mucotrs,yellowish-rvhiteirt colour and
resemblesrice washed water; if prcduced by pitta, the dischargewill bc yellow,
Manonhagia 221
bluo, black or red in colour,watrn and comesout in gushes;if produced by veta
it is viscid, primson in colour, frothy, scanty, resemblingmutton washed water and
accompaniedwith vdtaja type ofpain; if the disease'iscausedby all the three doqas
together,the flow will be like honey,ghee, orpinrentor bone'marrowin colour aod
emitting cadavericsmell, this diseaseis incurableand the physician shouldnot treat
this variety.
Likewise,il the flow is continuing for long time and the patient develop
thirst, burning sensation,fever, losso[ blooC and debility such condition should also
be consideredas incurable. ( 3-5 )
crsrfuiiqcsqr€{t qg<tqEqfiq q t
iadkrgant<twriidg<erffiq rr1 tt
Menstruationis considercdnormal if it occurs regularly every month, for a
period of Iive days,the fluid not having mucus, neither too much nor too lessin
quantity and coming out without burning sensationor pain. (6 )
flmecgRdqq qer awKdlqc{ I
aElii?ic{iqf}a q{Icg n fi<sqi tt e ll ( g. srr.3T.R)
qft ,frqr'ra{<ia{fs+ qrrsft<IisgrRft(ti (qrE{ Il El ll
qq frhacrqfaenq
H{rfuqiq+ qla} laGeriimie? r fhcqrqRur
arrdtqi q}rdia a tr t tt
ss-i {loiqrs iar* reg arr gqi6-r ( a. fa. u. r. )
Twenty diseasesof the vaginal tract have been enumerated.Theseoccur in
women rvho indulge in unhcalthy food and habits,by disordersof menstrualion,
of the ovary anC ovum ) and by influenceof gods.( I )
due to bijadoga( diseases
er hfrag<raair<: 6$ur gdi u -r,rl
qetqi aedsi leuria:gq fiqiqar{, 1qftpgarni }raih nrqrriqr ar€rtq tt 1 tl
qTirdr$1hlr tai]fl {tafiritE{tfgaT I
qdqcqlt aerg ua;t{iaaqilr l I l ( g. s. ar.i; )
The woman in whom the menstlualdischarge comesout mixed with mucous
and with difficulty ( pain ) is known as having a Udavartdyoni; the woman who has
stoppedmenstruatingand is sterileis known as Vandhya. She,who is having pair
alwaysis known as Viplulayoni; the woman feeling severepain duling sexual interc-
ourseis said to be having Pariplutayoni,the woman having hel vaginal tract very
rough, hard and stiff causingpain is known as havirrg Vatalal,oni. In the abovethe
first four, other symptomso[vdtavrddhi will alsobc present.( 2-4 )
wcr€dtqi <d qtqi qt rilRa€q I qqKqRtdtsi qildt <qqr \ rl
cqfi{fl qse q €tiirar gccqriqa'ir Rqd fiqii a{ia qri grsil <indaqtq tt Q tr
ertqiif+f,ar ifiqlaqr+cq<diqarr
{dqtsfi qterg fiqib*;pdt lliq lt s u ( g. s.'.{.it )
The woman who bringsabout large quantitiesof menstrualflorv accompanied
with burning sensationand goes in for severelossof blooCis known as having
Lohitakqayayoni;the lady who expelsout the ovum along ivith menstrualfluid
accompaniedwith a soundfrom insideis known as having Vaminiyoni;a lady who
has frequent menstruation with difficulty and who has difficuity during delivery is
said to be having Prasrafisini Yoni, the woman who conceivs the embryo but
aborts it due to lossof blood is said to be having Putraghniyoni, the lady who has
Diseavsof thc aaginaltruct 223
severe burning sensation,ulcerationin the vaginal tract accompaniedwith fever
is known as having Pittalayoni; in all the first four ofthe above disorders sympt-
oms of pittavriddbi; will also be present.( 5-7 )
i q;ftli qllzrrrfrorq€sfh | {fqTFdqftcr dla}€lqrq.rqi q-ffqeil d tl
igisa<orr qd gwrqihfiEai t qgtr:rrfrqrsnaritffsi a fiqfia tt q rr
riuqar iqEuariia: qsqc-{arsfd{ftad r
qdqssii qtqlg *cqfb*;g,if vlqrr i" lt (g s q :q )
The r,vomanrvho iloes not find pieasure during coitus is known as having
Atyanandayoni;she r.vhohas a ring like massproCucedby kapha and rakta inside
the passagcis knorvn as K,rrniniyoni;the woman rvho withdrawsherselffrom the
man during coitus prematurely ( i. c., hefore receivingthe semen) is known as
having Pr:ikcaranlyoni; and she who continues coitus fbr long period of time is
said to bc having Aticalanayoni, both thesetwo will not retain thc seed ( do not
conceive). womau whoscvaginal passageis having severeitching and coldness
is known as posscssinrSlegrnalayoni. In the first fbur of the aboyedisorders,other
symptomsof incrcaseoi kaphawill also be preserrt, ( B-10 )
srardqrsrd;iie"-$rq(rq{fi a igl r s{{h*rqgdiatqrcaqqznriirosdr
qAE lt Lt u
fi1ar a q€ritiir qdia*rsihdgar I q{fiasqgiqm q{ttqc*Jqil u tatl
qaqEqfq qfqtg q{iaispdr qiq I
serqrrqr xq;fr€ itaq: qeiitqqt: il q,eil ( i. :. a. :c )
ife ,,itqrua,rfqrf-ii qr';sfaarq qlfla;qrqf"rti qqrc{q tr !l tl
RqKEcRlireitrtqi6anreqiaign1 r
€atu aepariql6pl, gfnar qqr n l, tl
g*firadnni fissrofrdfiirr r
wqqfrdqErqli crgr tn;Qrq fifis: rrt rr ( g. e. q. c )
Sleepingduring day, frequent fits of anger, physicalstrain.,excessivesexual
intercourse,injury by nails,teeth and other foreignbodiesmakeforincreaseofthe vdta
and other dosaswhich produce a massin the vagina of the sizeofjujube fruit, round,
filled with pus and blood known as Yoni Kanda. ( l-2 )
qqifil'i aft* t efif*i-q I Era{Frcr(gd
fiqrq ft?rir* g dq u I rl
lSfid qqgmd
*ogsqqd61{i *.qrtci6q sdldssqrg+ qfacrdrtq,*
r Rj, rri rr
{fc dlqr{q farfit qraafqqr} *fa+;Efiqrd q{rr{Tc l !i lt
qq r{aqdfrEr;rq
uqr{iranldqdcqcrflffifR{qq t rrt wft <eqqeqd qdi lTaqrr t rr
Suddenfear, injury ( assault), ingestionof foods and drinks whicb are very
heat producing and hot make the pregnant woman to abort the embryo from
insidcthe uterus, accompanicdwith pain and heavy bleeding.( 1 )
lnrqgslca'l crqlicqa(rik{qr I ad: Rq(drr'i\Qq qrar q{qqEir u -<l
If this happens within the fi.rsi four rnonthsof' pregnancy when the uterine
contents are still in fluid srateit is known as Ga'ohasrava ( abortion and if it
happensin fifth or sixth month whe. the embryo has developed hard parts, it is
known as Garbhapdta( miscarriage). ( 2 )
rr$s&erd{AEcnratitearircd gcdis s-d qah aia r
Just asa ripe fruit falls from a tree,garbhapatatakes placeby trauma on the
abdomen,unhealthyfoods,unnecessary massageor pressureover abdomen.
qrr nttR qiFr qg qrrrii q(dr <\fiea<dig qfirtrq u I tl
If vEta gets increased,ir causesdifificultyin delivery accompaniedwith
in the uterine passagesand abilomenand obstructionto micrruition. ( 3 )
gft$*a lagia aar q rrii: dGqrqdratErgElqgifr itfi\ |
ad fiouq iimqr eatq mibqqlal;oii<qfiqfiias-E-i?arrr s'
<*a nfaqa<rg g<aia hdrait qqk miar{qrqqil$qr r
wnh5rrfttfr aie oflreiauurqfafti aqa iaql rrq rr
vata undergoing increasecreatesmany .kinds of abnormal
_ - presentations of
the foetusinsidethe vagina;chiefamong such presentarionsare following
eight; I )
obstructionof the mouth of the uterus by the face olthe foetus,
Z ) oUrtiu"fioo
by the abdomenof the foetus,3 ) obstruction by the back of the foetus
and shortened,4 ) by one shoulderof the loetus,5 by both the shoulders,
i 6 ) by
thc body of the foetus in transverseposition, 7 by the face of the foetus
) bent down,
8 ) obstruction by the flanks of the foetus. ( 4-5 )
tifanl cligr' qftitsq dtwriqre'erga<o\r
f'{rgr e dlhq, r
qfi q fr uafr<#io] er*, gi, d@ q ft qrcifr r
rnbsqacfirq: s q ds*rcit *i ft.ra, e cfisr qfihr
Ocrr:l q tl
226 MadhaoaNidanam
!fiq qRfrTt{rRErdq
wye{ ca<r6-rq:&qrsr g€qpral t eilqr {[otfhqt<} e qfi*ritqaqraTq,ll I ll
General malaise, fevcr, tremors ( chills ), thirst, L.cling of hcavincssof thc
''ltc sympl<lmsof Sotika
body, swelling, pain in the ab'-lotllcn urn,lllialrhoci't arc
roga ( peurperal.lisolders). ( I )
&c,itq{rq(dtnrilAqcl*oidlgnr( | ttiirlnlqlzi i iqt qtq-i EI€qlrEa ll R ll
q(alalEqeqzl!:r a;qrciqcQ*tql: tqqlatndlfrql: ll i ll
qlcgqqqlrll tsll
Erqr{rrrqrG i i.n, dtqciqqatliar t h q;i qiasntfl ttqtti
qcrqc ll ! { I I
cft "ftqttTaniqt f'-r4 qi'{qft lt'i qfltrr}qft<t{
Ithy activities( improper manrgenren"ol'petrrperium), physical stfain' improper
loodsand drinks and use of uncookedloods'
Fever, diarrhoea, oedema, pain and distention of the abdomen'
stupor,lossof appetitie,excessivesalivation and other disor''lcrscauscrlby itrcrease
of kapha ^nd uei" rlio rranittst are to be co'sidere,l:rs clifficultto treat in view
of polr strenqth.lrhc and oi rligestiveactivitl'. All thesediseases derivethe
nameas Sutikl rogasor Inay evin aPPearas its cornplications' (2-a )
endsth,j i:hrptet on Sutika lLoga'
qq TiTrrtqfrqriq
ed{ ers"ag'u)q1qFqitqr ta* raqr r rqu eiert}t .oritmq caqarr
t rr
Do6as undergoingincreaseand getting localisedin the breasts
pcriodof lactationor in otherperiodsarso,producemanydiseases
ofthe breasti.0)
q{rarcfi ici G <u,diqaflirfiar r
aaqili qmarfr qruftqfiraqri:rrL rl
cf( t'trrq++rfarf* rnasft<r+ raatJqfqcri qqTcrcl q! ll
Breast milk is said to be normar when it is found to mix evenly with watcr, is
slightly yellowishwhite in colour and sweetin taste. ( B )
Thus endsthe chapter on StanyaDu91i.
qrr Er€furfrQTq
qngi ftrg: tard fuqq.qra.r{r{(: I qrrc{irr samr rqEqfiu{dqtair: tt I tl
Thc child which chinksrni k lvhich is vitiated by increaseof vdta in the lactat-
d with diseasesof vata origin. It will developfeeble
ing mother, will become:Lffiicte
voice and emaciation.( I )
fiqdt ftr*{dt qlar {'tcori'r?iqsr{ r EcorrgaEqqElsr
fi?gi qqr ftq{ tt L tt
Drinking milk whiclr is vitiated by pitta will makc the child affiictedwith
of pitta origin, it will havc perspiration, diarrhoea, jaundice,thirst and
increasedbody tcnrpcratrrre.( 2 )
{sgc f}{{ Eftt ardrg: >.isqtlqqrqI iaqiliqa} qe: ?raqx'tRqe{a:
lflgr tt 1 tt
Drinking milk 'rhiclr is vitiatc,.l by irrcreaseclkapha, will make the child
affiictedby diseasesof liaplrr oligin, it rvill havc cxcessivesalivation and sleep,is
inactive, developssur:llinqof thc fat:t';lnrl evcs;rnrl vonritting. ( 3 )
s;49 q;gd o.i qii edearorqr
v i L i a t e i il r 1 ' r . i r c i L r , ; r t . r s co l [ \ \ ( ] o r ; r l j t l r t l l r c r : d o s a sw i l l h a v e t h e i r
respect ve synrPtonls togctll.r.
firriiriiisrqalarq tEarg{iEqq tr g rr
e d qiq€d ?d qe q tqdctqc: I a" iqq;qii,qfu qd arikfi*aqtq u \ ll
dfB fisrcqcgraaitrranrir | ,rtEcl;rggnqakaiaqi(iq tr q rl
ard gi a ftcq1{qarup.rflqroirr qJairq*tii q;dta{ qqAqargg{g: tt o u
Pain or discomfort in chil,lren shoul,lbe rccognisedby its severe or mild
crying respectively.The part of the body which the child touchesby its handsor
the part which the child doesnot allorv touching by othersis to be recognisedas the
painful part or part affectedby diseases.Headacheor other diseasesof the head is
tobe un.lerstoodby the closure oftheeyes by the child: painor diseasesofthe
abdomenby the presenceol constipation, vomitting, biting of the breast,gurgling
noisei'r the intestines,abnorrnal distention,bending backwarclor forward by the
abdomen;pain or diseases of the urinary bladder or rectum by suppr.ession of urine
of Chiklrcn
Ch.68, Diseascs 231
or feces, lright anl unsteady vision; the physician should also carefullyobserve,
frequentlythe orifices,parts,.iointsand othel placesof the body ol the child. ( 4-7')
qrqa ia aid {!si q qe;gg: rl z ll
stqt; d<*qG6{tatiq qtffa I
qe, 1 q;df;f16qqrq:ll q ll
G, oqleara{b6earcn*iorqr t*t ardl'ri
KukoTaka is a cliseaseof the eyeJidsof children due to the effect of vitiated
breast milk. The eyesrvill be having itching and exudation; child will be found
rubbing its forehead, eyes aud round.about areasand nose, it is incapable of
seeingsunlightnor opcning of thc lids. ( B-9 )
Jwara ( fever ).and all other rnajor diseaseswill also afrect children and
should be recognisedby the learned ( physicians ) by their specific symptoms' ( 16 )
qq fqqilrrf.iqraq
srq frqqtExqfqtl
c*itsfrcrit qaoftqruits,*qiiiqfimr r
effiqar fiarft q fafirqqpgtlqotr ti l, ll
adtcd <mfi< <rqqqqt s{:qrirq I
*rd ker qri qrtr tq<lqtiqitqrr rr q,rr
eGt{ourt a q;sfqr itm: qnrqqrqq, r
Etf1;qRrqc€r(r mf\ftsqrRinqqr nI u
qliT{mqerrell -"rHqrfrsq {f,dql
qfud {lacrnu sqr+dsq gere+irerr
ae),it q*o;$ a q:rararavrs{etit
qHt eglaa fisrra{ cl€qr rrq rr
iqradtqt ri?it Ekq rTa$'s.T!|
rrqscrarsqdt aiiur{q' lfiqt aqr rrq rr
Rqi'rriqdtq*r ei aoft waarfu*r
r{rtt<ifqEd q ?[nilqft{.Trqq: lt s ll
tftaftagq{i{ *a*qpafia+\r
fiqdal cf'qq\ar q<]iqFtit qqfi*r: rra rr
gqrcq+oiarqtiafirr:q'iqrqurcqr: r
t+i *r<giid} etrEfia+ilqqq€r ll a, ll
Jwara,Atisara,Grahali, Ar5as,Ajtrpa, Visucika,Alasaka,Vilambika,Krimi-
roga,Pa4du,Kdmala,Halimaka,Raktapitta,Rajayakgma, Urahkgata,Kasa,Hikka,
Swdsa,Swarabheda,Arocaka,Chardi.Tr94i, \{urcha, etc., panatyaya,etc.,Daha,
Unmdda,Apasmlra,Varevy.rrlhis, Vatarakra, Urustambha, Am,rvdta,Sula,paktija
SOla,Andha, Udav:rrta,Gulmaroga,Hrdroga,M0trakrchra,Mitraghata,ASmart,
Prameha,Iladhumeha,Pramehapidakas,Nledoroga,Udara roga,
Sottu, Vfaali
Gaq{amtlii,Apaci,Gr..rnthi,Arbuda,S[puau, Vidradhi, Vrasa6otha,
Two kinls of Vragas, Bhagna, Naglivrapa,Bhag,rndara,
UpadarhSa,Sol, aq",
Twak rogas ( kusfha), Sitapitta, Udarda, I(o1h, Amlapittu, Virurpu,
V isptoia,
244 MadhaoaNidanam
The following are the different kinds c,f Upaiayas along with examples:
I. Vipartta-( opposite).
A ) Hetuviparlta ( oppositeof the cause
a ) Ou;adha use of_$unti which is ushnavirya ( hoi in potencv
I ) in
( drug ) i Jwara ( fever ) cau.,cdby shita ( iold
b) useof Mimsarasa and rice in fever causedby Vata due
( tood ,) )
i to uver_exertion.
c ) Vihara
. I Avoiding sleepat riglrr [o rcJucc the over accumulated
( actrvrty) j kapha due tu sleepingduring day.
250 Mad,hattaNidanam
ently but not rhe other two dogasbecausethey act as directed by Vata. If it is the
second meaningeven Vdta can not be a dogabecause,it also requiresother causes
to become vitiated, Hence '{tw{' is to be defined as "c$tqKrR{.i efi gfE 6did
iq€{,'-Th" tendency to cause vitiation even though they are the progenitors of
the constitution( ol the human being ).'..
The differance between, Prakyti ( normal constitution, the do;a responsibleto
produce it ) and Roga ( disease,the doga which producesit ) is; ( the doga of the )
Prakpti does not give troubles to the body inspite of the use of unwholesomefood, etc.
just as a worm born in a poisonousmaterial doesnot die ofthat poison, so also the
body doesnot sufferor perish.
lVell; if thc cloqasare the causesof diseases,then man should have been
alwaysa sick personbecauseLhecloqasare always presentin the body. It is not so,
becauseit is specifiedthat'(only when they get aggravated ( increased) they cause
Well; is their ( dosas) becorningagqlavatednatural ( of their own accord) or
due to other causes? ( The answerto this is ) it is not the former but only the
latter i. e. only due to other causes.lVhat are these other causesi They are the
various unhealthy foods and activitiesunderthe three headings,vig. Asdtmyendri-
yartha sarnyoga,Prajfraparadhaand Pari4dma.
Sloku +-Ap dhatu here means Rasa, Jala, Mutra, Sweda, Medas, Kapha,
Pitta, Rakta anclall others which are fluid in nature.
lVell, the sixth kind of Atisara is named here as Amatisdra separately. It is
said that the carly stagesof all varietiesof Attsaxais to be consideredas Amdtisdra
and the later stagesas Pakwatisara. Then why a separateclassificationas Amau-
sdra ? The answerto this will be that Ama here is indicative of improperly digested
food associatedwith morbid dosasand dhatus This Ama by itself is capableof
causingAttsala independentof dogas.Hence a separateclassification.
Stoka 2l -Th. clifferenceberween Atlsara and PravihikD is that in Atisdra,
differentkinds of liquids ( tissues,wastes,etc., ) are eliminated whereasin pravE-
hika ontv kapha is expelled out. qdtqrt arcffAq qs sti! q$rq citl|atfi.rci g
'Fnclaq(qrfhRiqr ).
SomcsalicntpointsJron Mad.hukolaV7dkhya 255
Chapter 4 -GraharyzRogal,lidanam
Stoku t t-12- ,Pitta is Agneyaor in orher words Agni itself. l'hen how is it
said herethat Agni is diminishedin case ofPittaja Grahali, in which pitta should
have necessarilyundergone v5ddhi to producethat disease? The answeris clear
from the example of hot water which can extinguish fire. Here pitta undergoes
vrddhi only in its dravam6a( fluidity ) whic.'rin 'turn diminishesthe ulma (rl{ru
and ttk;{ra ) gula of Agni which is necessarylor digestion.Hence it is describedas
diminishingthe Agni.
Sloka I7-By Graharli dugli ( abnormality of graha{ri) .is implied the dugli
of Agni ( abnormalityof digestivecapacity) alsosinceAgni is locatedin grahar.ri.
Chaptcr5- Agnimdnd2a
Slokas5-6-Gadadharasaysof Rasa(esa
Ajirna as.
<Qifr <eiq,, srr€r{qiiA rQ tq srrar(qail el-glf}ritsaqqqmd(.il(frq
({l tlqt-
Well; What is the difference betweenother Ajirnas and this ? The other two
are producedby food, whereasRasa3esa Ajirla is from the end product of digestion.
Sloka 2l-In both, Alasaka and Vilambika the symptoms such as non-
movementof food either upwardsor downwardsis common, Then, what is the
differencebetweenthe tlvo ? In Alasaka,there will be severepain in the abdomen,
etc.,while in Vilambika it is not so.
Sloka1-Pa4duroga is the diseasecharectorised
by panqlutwaqpgri iqAlqal
ilq: qa-gitqr-( Paldutwais morbidpallor,ye)lowish-white discolouration
Sloka18-Kamala is of two kinds a
viz. ), in
koslhairaya-localisedthe kog1ha
(abdomen)and b ) SakhaSraya-residi (tissues).
ng in the Sakhas
Kamalacan alsooccurindeoendentlv.
Chapter1L-Kdsa Nidanam
Druaal-The term 'Klsa'
rerm 'Aasa' rs derived
derrvedlrom the verb 3kas' meaning .gati
from the
( movement "(
),. nu-rrd tqtfl{ sttfh ftnr +oarqrt rrssti qrgftR rr<r V"ata
moves upwardsto the throat and head ) will be thi definition of Kasa.
Chapterl4-Arocaka Nidanam
sloka4-Both carakaand sudrutahave groupedthreeconditionsunder
term Arocaka,viz.,
a ) Aruci-inability to eat even thougha person hasgot hunger,
( lossof
b ) Anannabhinandana-inability to eat with relish
even thoush supplied
with food that is liked ( lossof appetite
c ) Bhaktadwega-hatreciness towardsfood by even the sound,sight, smell and
touch of food ( aversion to food ).
Chapter17-Marchddi Nidanam
$loka l-4-Samlfiavaha Nadishererefersto the
sira, dhamani and srotas
throughwhichthe mind travclsto the senseorsans.
&mc saliat pointsfion Madk*ola VlAkhTa 257
Stota t g-sttrUhatsaceftarefersro appearanceof froth in the mouth,grinding
of teeth,abnormalgazewhich precedeunconsciousness and falling on the ground,
[lent, but the other two dosasdo not have the abovequalities;hencethey are not
describedseparatelyby both Carakaand susruta.c.andrikakarastatesthus -pitta
and Kapha possessingrlpa, rasa, etc., and combining with the dhdtus produce
symptomswhich are different from their own characteristics.Just like combina-
tion of turmeric and lime water producesred colour. vdta on the other hand not
possesslng rDpa,rasa,etc., and not combiningwith the dhatusproducesAk.sepaka
and suchother symptomswhich are not very different from its own propertiesand
actions;hence a separatedescriptionfor disordersof veta but not for those of
kaphaor pitta separately.
Chapter25-Amavatc Nidanam
Slokas1-5-Ama is improperlydigestedfood materialsremainingover,in
theendproductof digestion.It is described
by differentauthorities
gwrcTw rii RTqFI rs{a il (31.
E.{ st)
The first dhatu(Rasa)not properlydigested(processed) because
of theweak-
nessof the u sma(Jatharagni-the digestiveactivityin the alimentarytract)accu-
mulatingin the Ama6aya(stomachandintestines) in knownu, Arnu.
sTrcryr{da,qri elffi{fr: r
arensdR{r(d:q 3nc Ffr afifitc:tl
The meaningof this verseis sameas above.
oTidrffiTrigih ghi e6frfvel r
qr6i Fdrrr*rutisnc trflfrTftqi ll
Undigested,improperly processed,foul smelling, very sticky material causing
(or otherdisorders)of all thepartsof the body is spokenof as Ama.
Somesalientpoinls from MadhukoSaVyakhya 2s9
Samakriyatwa means similarity between kapha the dopa ( the vitiator and
medas,etc., the dUpyas(the vitiated) in respectof their qualities,treatment
and the
use of Ka1u, Tikta and Kag-ayadrugs acting on both the dogas
and dugyas
Vigamakriyatwameans dissimilarity between pitta the doga( vitiator and
mcdas etc,, the duqya ( the vitiated ) in respect of their qualities and treatment,
Madhura rasa drugs administeredto mitigate pitta causethe increaseof the dusya
lite medas; drugs containing katu rasa, etc, administeredto
etc., causethe increaseof pitta the do;a, so the clifficulty in treatment.
Sloku 22-Th. term .Kulaja, means heredirrry or inheritedfrom father or
grand-father (paternal or maternal. If rhe grancllaiher
) is a pramehi (a person
sufferingfrom polyuria or diabeter will his son alsobe born
) as a pramehi ? No.
The son ol such a person need not be a diabetic by birth itself. He mav
prameha( diabetes) anytime in his rire by indulgenccin the causes
of diabetes.
Sloku 36-Sorne opine that women do not become victims of orameha
( diabetes) becausethey get rid of dogasevery month by
the menstrualflorv. This
view is incorrect as it is contrary to rearity. women arso suffer
( diabetes).
Chaptcr 49 - KuS[haNiddnam
Slola t-6 'It is seenthat the dogasand dugyasin Visarpa and Ku;1ha are
the same. Then what is the difference between them ? The answer is "Kuglha is a
diseaseof long duration causedby hard and less powerful vitiation of rakta and
pitta. lVhereas as Visarpa is quick manifesting ( spreading) and causedby very
profound vitiation of rakta and pitta; insulting elders and stealing the wealth of
others are mentioned as thc causesof Kuplha but these are not mentioned as the
causeof Visarpa.
Slokas17-22-It is seenthat Caraka and Su6rutabave no uniformity in classi-
fying the kinds of Ku;iha; for example, Caraka includes Sidhma in Mahaku;fhas
while Sudrutaputs it in KquCrakusghas.Wby this differance? Gadadharastatesthat a
dcep rooted Sidhmais includedin Mahakuqthaby Caraka whereas Su(rutaincludes
Sidhmapuipika which is not deep-rooted,under Kgudrakuitha (the criteria of classifi-
cation is the nature of symptoms). fejjata explainsthat the gamediseaseis given
different namesby different scholars,cg : the very sameSidhmaof Caraka is called
as Dadru by Suiruta. Naming diffcrently is the causefor differenceof opinion. Both
the above viewsare not acceptablebecausethere are many other differences also
with regard to Kuglha. For exarnple Alunakugtrha mentioned by Su3'uta is not in
Caraka, Mandalaku;fha of Caraka is not found in Su{ruta; Kgudrakqghas like
Carmdkhya, Alasaka, Sataru,etc., enumeratedby Caraka are not mentioned by
Su(ruta,while Rakasa;etc.,of SuSr'uta are not found in Caraka.[Ience it is wise to
saythat Kuglha being a diseaseof a lalge nurnberof varietiessome are mentioned
by Su6rutaand someothersby Caraka.
Slokas37-99 The diseaseKildsa is included in this chapter itself because
of similarity in their causesand methodsof treatment.
Kilasa is called Arurla and Switea Aruga and Switra when residingin mamsa
and medasdhatusrespectivcly.Kilasa is mainly locatedin the twak (skin),henceit is
describc.las non-exudative.Exudation occurs only when the deeper tissueslite
rakta, mamsaand medasare afiecicd.
Ayurveda, emphatically statesthat, diseasesare the outcome of indulgence in
Mithya-Ahara-vihera or Ahita Aharavihara ( unwholesome or unhealthy 'foods
and activities). 'Ahara' means foods and drinks, and Vihara refersto all other
humanactivities.Tlrey arc mainlythreeviz,
( a ) Kryak4(ariraka ( activitiesof the body including the five senseorgans)
( b ) Manasika-activities of the mind.
( c ) Vacika-activitie s of speech.
Vihera alsoir.rcludesother factorssuch as effectsof Kala ( time ) the changes
in the atmospberc clurirrg day, night and seasons.Thus, the scope of the term
Mithydhanvihtr,r is vt:ry wide and all its cornponcntshave been visualisedand
explaineclwith exernplesin rletail in thc Caraka Sarhhita,tas the three chief causa-
tive factorsof rliseases,
as lbllorvs-
l. AsIt rnyendriyaltha Samyo.1a iml)ropercorlelationof the five senseorgans
rvith tbeir rcspectivcobjects.It is also called'Artha' in short.
2. Prajiitparadha '-transgression or violation of usualor normal proceduresof
all activities, either by misunderstandingor ignorance. This is called as
'Karma' in short.
L C a . S u , l l ; C a . S a ,I
Mith2a-Ahara-Yihara 265
All the tbree subdivisionsof each of the three major heads,are eloborated in
further pages. The explanation and examples found in the original texts arrd the
commentary are given on the left hand side of the page and their modern parlance
and few present-dayexamplesare furnished on the right hand side, to fecilitate the
Present,day readers.
I Asdtrymhiylrtha Samloga ( Improper correlation of the senseorgans with their
respectiveobjects )
h ) Sight of Vikrta ( abnorrnal) Seeing animals and merl with
unusual features, such as monsters,
cyclops,with extra parts, absenceof
Partsetc' (not
i ) Sight of Vitrasana ( creating Seeinqrobbers,decoits, officialsrvith
anxieiy or fear ) authority ( Policemen, tax collc-
2, Srotrendriya( car ) artha--labda ( sound)
A ) Atiyoga-AtimdtraSrava4a Dynamite exploding,
a ) Atistanita (abda ( htarirrg of Nlachinesmakin.q loud noises.
very loud sounis for long peri
as phat-phat,chat-chatetc. )
B ) Avoga-A-"ravana ( nclt hearing any Closureof carr as part of trcatntcnt,
sour.dfor lolg l.reriods) scientificcxperinlentation etc.
C ) Mithya Yoga -Le aring of sounds
which are
a ) Parusa( harsh, r'ough) l}.ayirrgof donkcy, barkina ofdogs,
soundof nrachines.
b ) I;alvinaia ( loss/cleatl'rof the LIcar.ingthe news ofdeath of close
most liked ) relative, li.iend etc,, of loss of
c ) Upaghata ( soundof injury ) Soun,iof vciling, suffer.inghelpless,
(abuse, reJicule)
d ) Pradharsar.ra Sound of abusing,scolding hurniliat-
ing, insulting.
e ) Bhipala ( cmotiorral) Exciting ( ar.ousinganger ), discour-
aging ( arousingIiuslration ) threa-
tening ( arousing I'earor anxiety )
_,.!:Y*Y:--:.- --
3. Ghra4cwlrila ( nose) artha-gandha(smell)
A ) Atiyoga'Atinratra ghrala-excessive
smelling such as :
a ) Tikpqa ( penetrating, causing Frying or powdering of chillies
watering ofeyes,noseetc. ) ( capsicurn), pepper, soapnut and
b ) Ugra ( strong ) Smell of many flowers'
c ) Abi(yandi ( intoxicating/causing as of rtrong alcohol, acidsand many
fainting ) chemicals'
B ) Ayoga -Aghra{'ana - not sme}ling
any thing at all.
C ) Mithyayoga ( smellssuch as )
a ) Puti ( putrifying, clc-composing
) Smell of cadcver of man and ani-
mals floatirrg irt lvatcr etr,.
b ) Dwiqta ( tlislikcd,hatc,-l) Unrtccustotnerl bad or good smell.
t: ) Amedhya ( d i;guisting/unplca- Silk rv,:aving, tanninq, powdering
sanl to thc nrind ) bolrcs.ctc.
d )Klinna (soaking,nloistoning ) Iitoving,et':.
e ) Visa pavana poisoncd ) air' P'rllutedait'as liorn chenlicallumes,
gascs,pett ol ancltlicselfutnes,spray-
iug of pcsticiilcs, burning of garbage,
f ) Kur.rapa( cadaveric) Itish and other sca lbod processing,
boiled silk moth disPosaletc.
4. Rasancndriya ( tongue) artlu'rasa ( taste)
A ) Ariyoga -At,r,adana of Rasas Dxcessiveintake of articles of sweet,
( excessive indulgencein any one or soucand pungenttastesetc,
all the tasteslor long Periods )
B ) Ayoga-Anadana (non-indulgence
in any taste)
C ) Mithydyoga ( non-ohservanceof For details sce under Viruddha
rules of food. Intentional/unavoida- Ahata.
ble transgressionof the eight factors
concerningfood ).
268 i,ladhaw Niilanam
5, Sparlanendrja ( skin) ailho-spdlld (tlwh)
A ) Atiyoga-Atisevana ., excessiveindul-
gence in Ati3ita ( very cold ) Exposure to cold breeze, working
in ice making factories and others
with subzerotemperatures,
Ati u;r.ra( very hot ) Slast furnace smelting metals, and
many other industrial works, expos-
ure to open fire, sunlight, electri.
city etc.
Snana ( bathing ) abhyanga ( oil Excessiveindulsence
bath ), Utsadana ( massagingthe
body ) etc.
B ) Ayoga-Anupasevana ( nonindul- Intentionally or unavoidablv.
gencein any of the above ),
C ) Mithyayoga-
a ) Viruddha sevana( improper ind-
ulgence, voilating the regimen,
massage after bath; bathing
in cold water immediately after
exposureto heat ).
b ) vigama sthana-- improper pracing Very tight dress.,
irritating and other
(sitting, gait, posture, dress, kinds of uncomfortable dress,
vehiclesetc ). rynthetic fibres etc. hard seats,
rough Vehiclesetc.
c ) UtkutakaSana( sitting on heels).
d ) Abhighata ( injury ) Injury, pinching, pricking, scratch-
ing, radiation exposureetc.
c ) ASuci ( uncleanliness) Oirty cloth, headwears, helmets,
shoesl not taking bath for many
days etc.
f ) Bhotaspar3a( assaultby animals Wild animals,domesticanimals,pets
etc. ) etc., micro-organism,(bacteria,viius)
Mithla-Ahara.Vihara 269
lI. Prujftaparadha
( transgrasionof rcgimen)
l. Kayaka( physicalactivities)
a ) Ativyayama (excessive physical
activity ) for long periods,suchas,
for example Adhwa (walkinglong
distances ) Bhdravdhana(carry-
irg heavy loads) yyav-aya
( sexual intercourse) Drutaydna
( fastridine ), Uccabhd6ala ( spea-
king in high pitch ),
c ) Viqama ceqta ( improper acts ) Acrobatics.
Skhalana ( sliding ) patana ( fall-
ing from a height, jumping ancl
suchactiviticsimproperlydone ).
d ) Prdqoparodha ( activities which Magical feats.
require control of brcath arrd risky Air flights $'ithout oxygen etc.
to lil'e ) Yogic exercises.
e ) Ariga pradusa4a (scratchirrg)
Sndna/Abiryanga (oil massageand
batli ).prahdra( blows) rnardana
( massaging ) etc., of the body.
f ) Sankle{anadi kdryds ( :rcti<.,ns
which produce severeexertion )
2. Manasika( Psychologicalactivity )
A ) Atiyoga -Atipravritti ( excessive Excessivemental work, effect of
mental activity ) drugs etc.
B ) Ayoqa--Apravritti ( absence of Inaderluate or absenceof mental
mental activity ) work, effert of drugsetc.
C ) Mithyayoga ( improper activity )
a ) Manodwegafrom bhaya ( fear ), By the effect of psychodelicsubsr
soka (grief), krodha ( anger ), lobha ances like hashish, charas etc.
( greed), moha (-passion), kama many other chemicalsand drugs,
( lust ), irgya (jealosy), dwe;a ( hat- Brainwashing and suchother met-
red ), mana ( pride i, mada ( infatua- hods.
tion ) etc. and many more mental
b ) Mithyadar{ana ( improper underst-
arrdingand inrproper responsc).
3. Vacika( Vocal ) activity ol spcech.
A ) Atiyoga -Talking lbr long pcrioJs.
Uccabhdqa+a ( speaking in high
pitch )gayana ( siuging) etc.
B ) Ayoga Apravritti-Nfouna(observing vow or any other cause,
silencefor long periods).
Mithla-Aharu.Viharu 27r
C ) Milhyayoga-improper speech such
as sucaka( pointinq mistakes) anrta
( falsehood) akala ( untimely ) kal-
aha (quarrelsorne) apriya ( unpl-
easant) abadha (irrclevant) anupa-
clra ( uncourteous,inrpolite) paruqa-
vacana ( harsh rvords,abuses) etc.
List o/ Causescommonllmentionedin nijority of thediseases
in Madhata Niddna
I. Ahara : Foods
A. Gttnas-Nature of foods Prcsentday examples.
a ) Atiqulu /verv herd for digestion) Larqe quantity, uncooked, sweet,
fatty, fried in oil. meat, egg, black-
gram, bengal-gram, peas, unripe
banana; potato and other tubers,
b ) Ati.laghu ( very light fol dieesti. Diluted milk., buttermilk, whey,
on) soups,steam-cooked,double.cooked,
lruit juices,syrupsetc.
c ) .\ti-snigdha( vcry latty ) Butter, ghee,cheese,
oil, foods mixed
with these, fatty meat, bone
mauow etc.
d ) Ati-ruksa or Su;ka ( nonfatty, Fried grains,puffed corns etc.
dry, powdery )
e ) Ati-u9na( verv hot ) Coffee, tea and other drinks, soups,
f ) Ati-6ita ( verv cold ) Cooled beverages,ice, ice cream,
salacl,freezedfruits, fish, meat etc.
g ) ,\ti-:th0l;r ( ka[hina) (very hard) Unripe fruits and nuts, uncooked
h ) Ati-drava ( very liquid ) Syrups, fruit juices, milk, butter-
milk, broth, whey etc,
i ) Aiuci ( dirty, unclean)
272 MadhaoaNitlnnam
j ) Ajiraa ( uncobked)
k ) Asdtmya ( unaccustomed) Coffee, tea and other drinks,
tabacco, opium, ganja, bhang,
hashish, etc, arsenic, alcoholic
drinks etc.
1) Praklinna ( soaked in water for
Iong time, remoistened)
rn)Paryu;ita ( kept over-night,stale ) Fermenteddough,idli, dosa, bread
and bakery products.
n ) Du;ta ( contaminated ) Adulterated foods, chemicals such
as D. D. T & other particides, harm
f,ul colours etc., being the contami-
o ) Abhisyandi ( thosc causing in- Curds, unprocessedsugarcanejuice,
creaseof secretions which block wines etc.
the passages, cell poresetc.,;
p ) Vidahi ( those causing burning pungent and sour food, spices,
serrsationinside the abdomen ) chillies etc.
q ) Viruddha (incompatable in respect
of Rasas (tastes): madhura
( sweet), tikta (bitrer), madhura
sweet) and lavana (salt); Guna
qualities )+nigdha and riikga
fatty and powdery ); Virya ( pet-
ency ( uqpa and 6ita - hot and
cold ); Kala ( season) (cold foods
in winter, hot ones in summer ); -
Prakriti of the person{ natural
dislike,unsuitabilityetc ).
B ) Rasa( Tastes)
( Excessiveuse of foods of
a ) Atikatu-( very pungent ) Chillies ( green and dry ) peppcr,
ginger (grcen, dry ) garlic, onion,
raddish, pickles and other condim-
Mithya.Ahara-Vihara 273
b ) Ati Amta-( very sour ) Tamarind, lemon and other
fruits, curds; wines, toddy and other
fermente beveragesrtomato, myrobal-
ans, unripe mango, vinegar', citric
acid etc.
c ) Ati Tikta ( very bitter ) Bitter gourd ( karella ), Nlethi (fenu
greek ) etc.
d ) Ati lavana and Kghara ( vcr.y Excessiveuseof saltsand alkaliesetc.
e ) Ati Madhura ( very sweet) Sugar'-cane juice and all its products,
beetroot,fruits,jams, honey,sacchr.irre,
I ) Ati Kaqaya(very astringent) Unripe wood-apple, dates, rn.,,,oba-
lans, arecanutetc,
A. Dhan2a( grains )-
1. Navanna ( Nava dhdnya
)-Just harvested/acutelyfreshgrain.
2. VirUqlhadhanya-Germinating grains.
3. Adaki-Cajanus indicus,Spr"igl
4. Ctnaka*panicuar miliaccurn.Linn.
5. H-yanaka-A variety of rice, Oryza sativa Linn.
6. Kalayl-pisum sativumLinn.
7. Koraduga-paspalumscorbiculatum. Linn.
8. Kulattha-Dolichos biflorus.Linn.
9. Nladholaka-Triticum sativum. Lam.
10. Masura-Lens culinaris_rnedic.
I L N{apa-Phaseolusrnungo.Linn.
12. Mudg;r-phascolus qur.eusRoxb.
13.Nispiva-Dolichos lablab Linn.
14. Sargapa-tsrassicacampestrisVar.
I5. Tila-Sesarnum indicum. Linn.
16. Uddalaka-pasapalum scorbiculatum.
I 7. Yavaka-Horde um vulgare. Linn,
274 MadhaaaNiddnam
F. Drau ( Liquids )
1.Jala Atipana-drinking of large quantitiesof water.
2. Navdmbu ( Freshwater )-In rivers, brooksetc., which are muddy.
3. Ati6ttambu ( Very cold water )-Oooled with ice, or by refrigerator.
4. Dugtlmbu ( Poilutedwater )-Contaminated by sewage,sullage, industrial
5. Triqla Nigraha Ilis a Vis-Jale Varjana Controlling of thirst or avoidance
of drinking water.
3. Phalita-Half cookedmolasses
4. Sarkara- Sugar
I , Tailas ( Oils )
l. AtasiTaila-Oil ol' [,irrurnusitrlissimum,
2. Kusumba Taila-Oil of' OartharnustinctoriusLinn
3 SarsapaTaila-Oil of Brassicacampestris.Linn.
4. Tila Taila-Oil of Scsamurnindicum D. C.
K. PrcparcdFoods:-
Plthuka -Rice made intu flirkt,s
Pigta FIour
Krsara -Ricecookcil:rlorrrl qram
w;tll 1.r..(.rr
Sa3kuli- Pastr.y
lric,l irr oil
Upadamda ( Vyanjana -pickles, fried
eatables, side-dishes,condi
Mith2a-Ahara-Vihara 277
A. Sanraka--
l. VegaLlharala( vega niqraha, Supprcssion of the urges of urine, feces,
vegarodha.) natus,sncezing,tliirst, hunger,sleep.brea-
tlting, yalvning,tears, vomitting, seminal
4. Visamaccata
Larrgha0a,Apatanrsan:r Irregularjurnping, Falling from height
Kayanirorlha Restrainingthe body
Swasanir-orlha Stopping the breath
278 Madhaaa
Vigamaiayana Irregular postureof slceping
Va;ama Asana Uncomfortablepostureetc.
Utkutaklsana sitting on heelslor long time
VigamaYena Uncomfortable vehicles, bicycles, motor
cycles,tractors,lorries ctc.
Ati Jymbha,Hasana excessiveyawning,laughingetc.
Ati Kalinadravya Khddana Biting very hard ryaterials
Jivha-ati nirlekhana Extendingor scrapingthe tonsuetoo much
Ttk;na ganrlhaghrdlra Smellingstrongori,,rlrs
Urdhwa niliksaga Gazing up too long
Arka naksatrddinirikgalra Gazingat thc sun,srarserc.
Ati sukshmadravya ninksapa Vie wing very minute objects
Ati pradipta darsana Viewing very bright objects,light etc.
5. Avydydma-Ace{ta Poor physicalactivity or inactivity.
Asyasukha Comlolt of sitting.
6. Ati Vyavaya ( Atimrithuna ) Excessivcindulgencein sexualintercourse.
7. Avyavlya Total abstaining fi'om sexualintcrcourse
lor long tlme.
B. Ati-swapna Indulgence in excessivc dreaming and
Swapnasukha enjoyingthe comfort of sleep.
9. Diwdswapna sleepingduring day.
10. Aswapna/Ratrijagara Abstainingfrom sleep,keepingawakeat
Cursesby gods,elders, saints,asceticsetc.
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2BB MadhaaaNidanam
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List of Substances
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l. Further on, in all diseases,thosevarities which are causedby increaseof any two dosas
togetherare designated as Dwandwaja ( D,vidosajr ) and those crusedby increaseof all
the threedosastogethcras Sannipetaja( Tridosaja)
Mcntioned 293
e ) Caturthakajwara-Quartan fever
f ) Caturthakaviparyaya -Ro'ersed quartan fcver.
g ) Vatabalasakajwara-Fcver in Beribcri,hclmenthiasisetc.
h ) Pralt:paka.jwara tubcrculosis
B. Rakta-pitta-Haernorrh:rgic diathesis,polycythcmeaVera ?
Urdhwaga-bleeding from upper orifices
D Adhoga-bleeding from lowcr oriRccs
C Tiryagga -bleedingfrom all directions includingskin pores
9. Raja yakpma pulmonarytuberculosis
A. a ) Trir[pa with three symptoms
b ) $a 1rtrpa-with six symptoms
c ) Ekada6aropa-with elevensymptoms
B. Soga-consurnption,wasting,emaciation,
a ) Vyavaya-duc to exessivesexualintercourse
b ) Soka due to excessof grief
c ) Vardhikya due to old age
d ) Vyeyama-due to excessof physieal activity
e ) Adhrva due to excessof walkinq long distances
| ) Vrala- -due to plotractedulcer/lvound
g ) Urakgata clueto injury of chcst(lungs )
I0. Kasa-cough/pertussis/llronchitis
a ) Vataja (b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja (d ) Ksataja-due to injury to lungs
e ) K;ayaja-due to wasting,depletiorrof tissues.
I l. A. Hikkd-Hiccuo
.\nrraja-Jue to irnproper lood
b Yamala-hiccup in pairs
c Kgudra-mikl hiccup
d Gambhira-cleep seated
c Mahati-powe rful, with gre;rtforce
DisewesMcttlionul 295
B. Swasd-Dyspnoe;r
Maha Swdsa-powelful, long, painlirl breathing
b [irdhwa Swisa-br cathingouLwarcls with pronouneclexpirations-
Chinna (wdsa--iliscontinuedbrearhing
d Tamaka {wasa-breathine associatedwith darkness. BronchialAsthma
e ) Kgudra Swdsa-mild dyspneaof exertion
' 12,Swarabheda-lossofvoice,hoarseness;Laryngitis/Pharyngitis
a ) Vataja ( b ) Piuaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d) Sannipataja
e ) Medaja-due to excessof iat, obesity
f ) Ksayaja--due to consumption,pulmouary tuberculosis.
13. Arocaka-Loss of appetitc.lossol taste,Anorexia, Aversion to food.
a ) V a t a j a( b ) P i u a j a( c ) K a p h a j a ( d ) S a n n i p a t a j a
e )M6rrasika-,luc to liricf, fear',jcalosy,anger, foul smell etc.
I 4. Chardi-Vornir ting.
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaplraia ( d ) sannipataja
e ) Agantuja-othcr causcssuchas
Bhibhatsaja-fcar and othel ernotiorrs
Asatmyaja.--unaccustomeiI fcrocls,
Krimi ja- pzrlasitcs,
15. Tr;{ra-Thirst
a Vataja ( b ) Pirt:rja( c ) Kaplr3.j1
d KSata.ia-rluc to bleetlingrvorrnrl
c Ksayaja*-rluc to lossof Rasa ( lyrnph ) and otber body fluids.
i Amaja- due to inrligr:stion
ti Bhaktodbh.rva-rlr rc:to sour and heavy foods
16. Ivlulcha-Faintinr, :yncope.
A . a V-t:rja r b ) Pittej.r (c ) Kaphaja (d ) Raktaja
c Nladyaja,,tlut: ro ali oholic drinks
l - ) V i s aj a - . l u c t o p o i s o r r
ts. Bhrarna.-Girlcliness,
C. Tandla-stupor, sleepyness.
D. Samnyasa-Corna,Lossof conceiousness.
296 trIadhataNdanam
I 7. l'dndtyaya-i)aramaila-pinajirna_panavib[12p2_
diflererrtdegrccsof alcoholism
18. Daha-Feeling of bur.ningsensation
a ) Madyaja due to alcoholiccxcess
b ) Raktaja-due to vitiation ol blood
c ) Pittaja-due to increaseof pitta
d ) Tpsr.rJni
rodhaja-due to rupp..rrio., of thirst
e ) Raktapurnr kogghaja-dueto accumuliationof
blood inside the abdomen
from injur-yto viscera.
f ) Dhatuksayaja-due to lossof depletionof tissues
g) Ksataja-du.,",":rt
I9. Unmada--Insanitv
a Varaja ( b ) piuaja ( c Kaphaja ( d
) ) Sannipdta3a
e Manasika-duc to violent errotionslike fear,
grief etc.
f Vi;aja-due to poison
o Bhitonmada-due to possession by evil spir.its.
20. Apasmara-E pilcpsy
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pirtaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d) Sannipataja
2l, Vatavyadhi-Diseases causeclby increasedVata ( Nervousdiseases
Koslha(rita-increasedVata localisedand actins in the abdomen,
Sarvar.'ga-incre aseclVata luL:aliselarrtl actirrgin the whole body.
Guddirita-Increased Vata localisedand actirrgin the rectum.
Amadayaga ta-Increased Vata localised,ncl aiting in the stomach,intestines
Pakwd(ayagata--increasecl Vdta localiscclu,rd in the large intestine
Indriyagata-increased vata localisedancl acting ".ting
ir the senseorgans
Twakgata-Incr.easc(lvata localisecl:ind
actinqin the skin
Raktagata-increascdvata localisecl ^.rtl actin"gin the blood
_incrcased vata local,.cdand actine in the
ruedogata I musr.lesarrdfal tissu.:s
Majjasthigata--increasedvar:r localised
and acting in the
Sirigata-incr"casedvata localisedand acting in
the veins, arteries
Sndyugata-increased vata localisedund a"ti.,g in
the trendons,nerves
DiseasesMentioncd 297
Sandhigata-increasedvata localisedand acting in the bony joints
Aoaranaalla-Function ofvata obstructedby otber do;as or by other divisions
ol vata itsell
Akshepaka Convulsious,Fits
Apatantraka -do-
Apatdnaka -de
Dar.r{5pat-naka-Stiffnessof the whole body.
Dhanusthambha-tetanus.tsodv bent like a bow,
Ardita--Facial paralysis.
Hanugraha-Trism us, Lo, k-jarv.
Manydsthambha-Torticollis, wry neck, still ncck.
Jihwasthambha-paralysisof tire tongue,rrossalpalsy.
Sirdgr-aha-catchingpain in the veins
ViiwSchi-Monoplegia brachialis.
Kroqtuka(irsa--Inflammationofknee (Tubercular, syphilitic,gonorrhoealetc)
Khanja-Lameness by one lcg
Phangu-Lamenessby both legs
Kalaya khanja-Lathyrism
Vataka'ltaka--Sorain of the foot, ankle.
Pada daha-Burning sens:rtionof thc solcs
Pdda har;a-Itcelir.rgof pins and nccdlesin the solcs.
Amsa (oga-Emaciation/wastirrgof the shoulder
Mukatwa-Mutism-inability to speak,aphasia
Minminatwa-Nasal voice
Tuni-pain of the urinary blad,ler-downwards.
Pratituni-pain of the urinary bladder-upwarcls.
Adhmana- Distcntiorr of rhc :rb,lomcn-lowcr.
Pratyedhmdna-distention of the abcl.onre n-upper
As{ila-Pain of th'' prostategland-dor^rnwards.
Pratyastrla-pain r.'' rhc prostatcgland-uprvards.
298 Nidanm
C. Arbuda-Malignant tumors,Cancer,Carcinoma.
a ) Vataja ( b ) Piuaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d 1 Raktaja
Adhya.rbuda-superimposed cancer
38. Slipacla-Filariasis
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja
39. Vidradhi-Abscess
a V.rtaja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipdtaja
e Kqataja-traumatic abscess.
f Aspja-due to vitiated blood
B. Kandabhagna-Fracture of bones
a ) Karkataka-swelliog ( tumor ) of the bone at the site of assault,blow
b ) A6wakarqa-bone projecting out like a ear of a horse
c ) Vicur4ita-bone broken to pieces
d ) Piccita-bone flattened
e ) Asthi challika-lracture with separationo{ the periosteum
f ) Ati patita-bone destroyedfully
g ) Majjagata-one bone getting into another with dischargeof marrow
h ) Sphu.tita-chipped off
i ) Va-kra-shortencd
j ) Eka-Chinna-broken at one place
k ) Bahu-Chinna-broken at many places
44. Nadi vra4a--sinus ulcers
a ) Vdtaja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipdtaja
e ) Salyaja-due to presenceof lbregign body
45 Bhasandara-Fistula-in-ano
a j Sataponaka-multiple fistula
b ) U;tragrlva-tortous fi,stula
c ) Parisrdvl-exudative fistula
d ) Sambukavarta-spiral fistula
e ) unmdrgi-fistula with multiple openings
46. Upadam(a-Veneral diseases, sexuallytransmitteddisease,chancres'
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja
e ) Raktaja-due to vitiated blood
47. $Okadosa-Diseasesof the penis due to application of poisonousmaterials.
a ) Sargapika-Mustard sized pustules
b ) A;tilika-Stony hard Pustule
c ) Gratitha-Thorny, spiked growth
d ) Kumbhtka-growth resemblingseedof jambu
e ) Alaji-resembling Alaji describedin pramehachapter
( R eddish-blackPustule)
f ) Mridita-Scratched
g ) Sammudhapidaka-Scratched and abrasive
h ) Adhimantha*Multiple, elongatedpustules
i ) Pu$karika or padmdbirita -Pustules resembling sprouts of the lotus
DiseascsMcntioned 303
j ) SparSah-ni-anaesthetic pustules
k ) Uttaml-reri prrstulesof the sizeof grcen or black gram
I ) $ataponaka--with multiple holes
m ) Twak oaka--with ulcerationof the skin
n ) So.,ita.L,,,la--blackish-redpustulesfilletl with blooi
o ) N{amsarbula--papule with musculartissue
p ) Mamsapzika--gangrene of the penis
q ) VidraChi--abscess of the Penis
r ) Tilakalaka--ulcerating,putrifying warts/moleson the genitals'
48. Kugta--Leprosyand other skiu cliseases
A. Mahaku;1a--Major lcProstes.
a ) Kapala--Erythcmatousleprosy
b ) Ou lumbara--glandular/no-lularIcplosy
c ) Munclala--patchLd leProsy(angry reil )Patchescoaleased together
d ) Rsyajihw:r--ltoughslightly black, paintul patches,resemblirrglotus
e ) Siriirrna--whitcol coppely Patch on the chest castingscalesin scratching
I ) Kakapa--Black patchesrvith angry red edgeslike a seedof gunja
( -\brus Precatorius
B. Kludrakusla--Minor leprosies,allied diseases'
of fish
a Eka ku$ia--Sealy,large,non-sweatingpatchesresemblingscales
b Carmikhya--Skin thick like that of an elephant
a Kilibha--skin, black, rough creatingclry soundon scratching,
d Vaioddika--Fissuresor cracksof handsand feet
e ) Alasaka--Red irritating papuleson the skin' Lichen simplex'
pustularpatches,irritating; Ring'worm'
f j Dad..rma,lclala--Raisecl,
g j Ca.madala--pustules cxu:lating,and causingpeelingof the skin'
h ) Pama/Kacchu--Scabies
i ) VisPhota--ImPetigo,Vesicle,
j ) Satlru--MutiPle ulcers
ng eczema
i j u--Exudating, higly itching pustules-weepi
C. $witra ( Leucoderma) Kilasa ( Vitiligo-with reddishtinge )
49. A. $itapitta-Allergic rashes-Urticaria
B. Udarda--Neutotic ocdema
C. Kolha--ErYthema
30! MddhaaaNidanam
51. Visarpa--Erysepelas
a Varaja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipetaja
e Agni visarpa--
f granthi visarpa--Erysepalas nodosum
g Kardama visarpa--Cellulitis
h Kgata visarpa-Traumatic erysepelas
52. Visphota--Small pox
a ) Vataja ( b ) Piuaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Dwandwaja ( e ) Sannipataja
53. Masurika--Chicken pox
A. a) Vataja ( b ) Pitraja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipataja( c) Raktaja
B, Romdntika*Me asles.
a) Yataja ( b ) Vatapittaje (c ) Kaphavataja
d ) Sannipataja
54. Kgudra rogas--( Nlinor diseases
a ) Ajagallika--Seborrhoea
b ) Yavaprakhya--Hard mole
c ) Antralaji ( :\ndhalaji )--hard pupulewithout opening
d ) Vivrita-pustular ulcer
e ) Kachchapika--Multiple cystsadheringtogether
f ) Valmrka--Madura foot, Actinomyco,,is
g ) Indraviddha--ulcerrvith small cystsin its centrc
h ) Gardhabhika--parotitis
i ) Pa(apagardabha--Mumps
j ) Panasika-Pustule inside the ear
k ) Jala gardabha--Lymphangitis
I ) Irivellika-Pustule of'the head
m Kak$a-Pustule of the axilla, nrultiple, Lymphadenitis
n Gandham6la--Pustuleof the axilla, solilary.
o ) Agnirohint--Bubo of plague !
p ) Chippa--lVhitlow
q ) Anusayi--Deep abscess ofthe foot
d 305
r ) Vidarika-Babo of axillae or groin
s ) Sarkararbuda--Exudative tumor of veins. Varicocele ?
t ) Pedadari-Fissures of the foot
u ) Kadara --Corns of thc soles
v ) Alasa--Ulcer in betweentoes
w ) Indralupta--Alopacea aereata
x ) DaruTaka--Cracks in the scalp.Dundruff I
y ) Arum{ika-Ulce rs of the scalp
z ) Palita--greying of hairs
aa ) Yuvanapidaka-pimples on the face Acne
bb ) Padminika4taka-Papitlomaof the skin
cc ) Jatumani--congenitaldiscolouredpatch. Birth mark
dd ) MaSaka-Black moles ( big )
ee ) Tilakalaka-Black moles ( small )
ff ) Nvaccha--Black pigmented parch
gg ) Vyanga--Black pigmented patcheson the face
hh ) Ntlika--Blue coloured patches
ii ) Parivartika--Paraphirnosis
ij ) Avapatika--Laceration of the prepuce
kk ) Nirudtthapraka(a--Phimosis
ll ) Sannirurldhagu4a--Stenosisof the rectum
mm ) Ahip0tana-ulcers in the anus
nn ) Vri;a4a kacchD--I)errnatitis of the scrotum
oo ) Gudabbram(a--prolapseof the rectum
pp ) Sukaradamqtraka--mastoidcyst
55. Mukha roga-diseasesof the rrrouth
A. Oplarogas-diseases of the lips
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kapbaja ( d ) Sannipataja
e ) Raktaja( f ) Mamsaja( g ) Medaja (h Abhighataja(traumatic
) )
B, Dantamula rogas--diseases
of qums
a ) Sitada--spongygums, scurvy
b ) Dantapuppugaka--Gingivitis
c. ) Dantavesta--Haemorrhagic eingivitis, pyorrhoea
d ) lougira )^.
e i Mali; Sourira I Gingivitis with cavitation
306 Niddnam
f ) Paridara-Lacerated gingivitis
g) Upaku3a-Ulcerative gingivitis
tt ; Vaidarbha--Traumatic gingivitis
i ) Khalivardhana--I mpacted tooth
j ) Karala--Irregular teeth, ugly teeth
k ) Adhi-a*t"k6-Impacted molar tooth
I ) Dantanadi--Dental sinus/sinusof gums
ul the teetlr
C. Danta logas--,1iscases
a) Dalana--Toothaclre
b ) Krimi lantaka--caries of the tooth
c ) Bhanjanaka--chippingoff of the teeth
d Dantaharsa--Tingling sensation
Danta Sarkara--Accumulation oI tartar
I Kapdlika--Thick tartar
c) Syavadantaka--Black discolouredteeth
h ) Danta vidradhi--Abscess of the
a ) Kar! asula--Earache
b ) Kar4an-ada--Tinnitus, Ringing in the ears
c ) Bddbirya--Deafncss
d ) Karlakgwc{a--Ringing sounrl
e ) Karla sr6va--rlisi:harges
f ) Kart.'a kardn--Itching
Karqa guthaka--impactcdwax
h ) Karf a pratinaha-Fistula of the internal ear
i ) KLimikarlaka-Growth of maggots
j ) Karr.rakita--insectsentering into the ears
k ) Karna vidradhi-Abscess in the ear
I ) Kar4a p-ka-ulceration
m ) smell fiom the ear due to foul dischrr'{te
n ) Karqa {otha-swelling
o ) Karla x1bud2-c211cg1
p ) Kar4a ar3as polypus
a ) Paripota-inflammatory swelling
b ) Utpata-Traumatic srvelling
308 Ndanam
of the eyes
58, Netra Rogas--Diseases
60. Aslgdara-Menorrhagia
a ) Vataja ( b ) Pittaja ( c ) Kaphaja ( d ) Sannipritaja
B. Pittaja
a ) Rakta k;aya yoni-due to lossof blood
b ) Vanrinl yoni-Habitualy abortive
c ) Prasramsiniyoni Habitualy abortive "
d Putr-ghniyoni-Habitualy abortivc
e Pittata yoni-Vaginitis.
C. Kaphaja
satisfactionof copulation
a ) Atyananddyoni-Not obtaining
U I Kar+i"i yoni-l\less irr tlrc vagirraltlact
c Acaraqa- Premirturelibiclo
d AticaraPa-Late libido'
D. SanniPdtaja
a ) Altdali-ProlaPsed vagina
312 Madhaoa
e ) htana graha
f ) Andhapl*and graha
g ) SitapUtanagraha
h ) Mukhamandikagraha
i ) Naigameyagraha
68. Vipa roga-poisons
A, Sthavaravisa-vegetable and mineral poisons.
a ) Patra ( b ) puppa ( c ) phala ( d .fwak-$ara_Niryasa
e ) Kgira ( f ) Dhatu vi;a_Minerals and metals
B. Jangama viga-Animal poisons
a ) Sarpa-snakes
Darvikara-HoodeC snakes,cobra etc.
b ) Akhu/Mufika-Bandikoot, poisonousmice, rats
c ) Krikaldsa-chameleon
d ) VriSchika-scor.pion
e ) Kapabha-wasp
f )Uchchitinga--crab
, g ) Mapqluka--poisonousfrogs
h ) matsya__poisonous fish
i ) Ja louka--Poisonousleechcs.
j ) Grihagodhika--houselizarcr
k ) Satapadi.cen rcpede
I ) Ma{aka- -Musqrrito
m Makqika--Bce
n Chatulpadi--other quarlrupods
o Dwipadi-other bipeds
p )Jala santrasa--Hydrophobia due to
bites of rabiddog, fox, jackal.
porcupine,bear, tiger etc.
C. Du;ivi9a--Impovcrishcd,slow acring,
mild poisons
D. Kritrima visa--.Artificialpoisorrs.
Gara--Homicidal poisoning.