Gem6Kig Config
Gem6Kig Config
Gem6Kig Config
• Configuration
• Tuning Procedures (GV6K Only)
• Damping Configuration (GT6K Only)
• Stall Detect Configuration (GT6K Only)
• Motor Matching (GT6K Only)
Chapter 3 – Configuration 23
You can configure the Gem6K’s settings for optimum system performance. For
most of these settings, configuration is optional—if you do nothing, the drive will
use default values the very first time it powers up. If you change any settings, the
new settings are saved automatically. Most changed settings are effective immedi-
ately, but some require that you issue a reset (software RESET or DRESET
command, reset input, or cycle power) before the drive acts upon them.
This chapter will give an overview of all software commands that configure drive
settings. For more in depth descriptions about these commands, see the separate
Gemini GV6K/GT6K Command Reference.
GV6K: At the end of this chapter are procedures you can use to configure the
GV6K’s tuning settings.
GT6K: At the end of this chapter are procedures you can use to configure the
GT6K’s damping and stall detect settings, and to match the motor to the
Motor Settings
If you select a Compumotor motor from the list of motors the software presents to
you, the software will send settings to the drive for the motor you selected. No
further configuration of motor settings is necessary on your part.
If you use a non-Compumotor motor, or choose to manually configure a
Compumotor motor, use the following commands to configure motor settings.
Also see Appendix B – Using Non-Compumotor Motors for additional instructions.
System Settings
The system settings configure the drive’s mode of operation, resolution, fault
modes and inertia ratio.
Chapter 3 – Configuration 25
DRES motor step resolution you enter a number
ORES step/dir output resolution you enter a number
DAUTOS auto standby enable you enter a number
DMVLIM velocity limit you enter a number
Autorun mode commands motion with no program control. It is used during Express
Setup, and for troubleshooting.
Digital Inputs
Command Description Options:
LH hard limit enable both hard limits disabled
negative limit only
positive limit only
both hard limits enabled
INDEB input debounce time can be set in milliseconds
LHAD hard limit deceleration you enter a number
LHADA hard limit average decel. you enter a number
Input Definition and Sense configure up to 5 onboard inputs
Limit Definition and Sense configure 2 onboard limit inputs and
1 home input
Analog Monitors
Command Description Options:
DMONAV analog monitor A variable GV6K Options:
unused/turn off output
motor temperature
drive temperature
position error
velocity setpoint
actual velocity
acceleration setpoint
torque/force setpoint
actual (electrical) torque
velocity error
phase A actual current
phase B actual current
d-axis commanded current
d-axis actual current
q-axis commanded current
q-axis actual current
position setpoint
actual position
DMONAV analog monitor A variable GT6K Options:
unused/turn off output
drive temperature
velocity setpoint
acceleration setpoint
phase A commanded current
phase A actual current
phase B commanded current
phase B actual current
phase A commanded voltage
phase B commanded voltage
DMONAS analog monitor A scaling you enter a percentage1
DMONBV analog monitor B variable same choices as DMONAV
DMONBS analog monitor B scaling1 you enter a percentage1
Monitor output is scalable from -2000% to +2000%, but is limited to ±10V peak to peak.
Communications Settings
The communication settings configure the drive for RS-232/485 communications.
Command Description Options:
ERRLVL error level you enter a number
ECHO echo enable can be turned on or off
Chapter 3 – Configuration 27
Tuning Settings – GV6K
Tuning settings are divided into two groups: primary and advanced. Tuning can be
done in torque, velocity, or position mode. Tuning procedures for each of these
modes are presented later in this chapter. Relevant commands are:
Primary Tuning
Command Description Options:
DIBW current loop bandwidth you enter a number
DPBW position loop bandwidth you enter a number
Advanced Tuning
Command Description Options:
DIBW current loop bandwidth you enter a number
DPBW position loop bandwidth you enter a number
SGIRAT current (torque) damping ratio you enter a number
SGVRAT velocity damping ratio you enter a number
SGPRAT position damping ratio you enter a number
SGPSIG position/velocity bandwidth you enter a number
SGINTE integration selection you enter a number
DNOTAF notch filter A frequency you enter a number
DNOTAD notch filter A depth you enter a number
DNOTAQ notch filter A quality factor you enter a number
DNOTBF notch filter B frequency you enter a number
DNOTBD notch filter B depth you enter a number
DNOTBQ notch filter B quality factor you enter a number
DNOTLD notch lead filter frequency you enter a number
DNOTLG notch lag filter frequency you enter a number
Motor Matching
Motor matching is used to match the drive to your specific motor. A procedure for
performing motor matching is presented at the end of this chapter. Relevant
commands are:
Command Description Options:
DWAVEF % 3rd harmonic current you enter a number
waveform component
DPHBAL phase B balance you enter a percentage
DPHOFA phase A current offset you enter a percentage
DPHOFB phase B current offset you enter a percentage
These commands are used to configure the drive’s settings for damping. A
procedure for adjusting damping settings is presented later in this chapter. Rel-
evant commands are:
This procedure causes the motor shaft to move. Make sure that shaft motion will
not damage equipment or injure personnel.
Chapter 3 – Configuration 29
Position Mode Tuning Procedure
Primary Tuning Procedure
1. Disable the drive.
2. Configure the drive for position tuning mode (DMODE17). In this mode, the drive
commands an alternating 1/4 revolution step change in position at a one second
repetition rate.
3. Enable the drive and observe your system’s response. (If necessary, you can
connect an oscilloscope as described in Advanced Tuning below.)
Ringing or an oscillating response indicates that the position loop bandwidth is too
high. To eliminate oscillations:
• decrease bandwidth using the DPBW command.
A sluggish response indicates that position loop bandwidth is too low. To improve
the response:
• increase bandwidth by using the DPBW command.
NOTE: Ringing, oscillations, or a sluggish response can also indicate inaccurate
drive settings for LJRAT or LDAMP.
4. After you achieve a satisfactory system response, reconfigure the drive for
controller/drive mode (DMODE12). This completes the primary tuning procedure.
If you are unable to achieve a satisfactory response, proceed to the advanced
tuning procedure below.
Filter Adjustments
If the previous tuning procedures did not eliminate ringing or oscillations, then
mechanical resonances may be causing problems with your system’s response.
Before trying the procedure below, we recommend that you check your mechani-
cal system, especially the mechanical stiffness and mounting rigidity of your
system. Use bellows or disk style couplers, not helical couplers. Once you have
optimized your mechanical system, filters may allow increased performance,
without causing system instability.
Filters can improve response by reducing system gain over the same frequencies
that contain resonances. You can then increase the gain for frequencies outside this
range, without exciting the resonance and causing instability.
The first procedure below describes how to set the drive’s two notch filters, to
reduce resonance and improve your system’s response. The second and third
procedures describe how to set the drive’s lead and lag filters.
These procedures cause the motor shaft to move. Make sure that shaft motion will
not damage equipment or injure personnel.
Chapter 3 – Configuration 31
Lag Filter Adjustment Procedure
The lag filter can act as a low pass filter, and reduce the effects of electrical noise on the
commanded torque. (It can also reduce the effects of resonance at low frequencies—
below 60 Hz—where the notch filters are not effective.)
1. As described in Steps 2 – 3 in the Notch Filter Adjustment procedure above, reduce
DMTLIM and connect an oscilloscope.
2. Verify that the lead filter is turned off (DNOTLDØ).
3. Configure the drive for position tuning mode. Observe the system’s response to the
tuning mode’s step input.
4. Choose a value for the lag filter (DNOTLG) that reduces low frequency resonance
and provides satisfactory system performance.
5. If you are done adjusting filters, reconfigure DMTLIM to its default value. Otherwise,
proceed to the Lead /Lag Filter Adjustment procedure below.
ABS Damping
ABS damping provides load-invariant damping at extreme low speeds. It
targets applications that require minimal zero-speed settling time (for ex-
ample, pick-and-place applications with varying load).
Command Function Range Default Contributing Parameters
DABSD ABS Damping 0 to 0.2 rps* Disabled DMTRES, DMTIND
*motor dependent
Electronic Viscosity
Electronic viscosity targets applications that require reduced low-speed
velocity ripple and increased smoothness, as well as aggressive low-speed
Active Damping
Active damping targets applications that require high accelerations, fast
settling at commanded speed, mechanical vibration disturbance rejection, and
highly stable (non-resonant) motion.
Command Function Range Default Contributing Parameters
DACTDP Active Damping >3 rps Enabled DMTJ, DMTIND,
Note: You can use the DDAMPA command to disable ABS damping and elec-
tronic viscosity during acceleration rates greater than 50 rps2. This allows full
motor torque to be used during acceleration.
Use the following procedures to configure the damping settings. You can usually
find the best setting by using touch or sound. If this is not adequate, use a tachom-
eter attached directly to the motor by means of a stiff coupler.
The figure below shows performance with ABS Damping, with Electronic Viscosity,
and without damping.
400 ms
ABS Damping
Electronic Viscosity
100 ms
40 ms
Damping Performance
Chapter 3 – Configuration 33
Configuring Electronic Viscosity (DELVIS)
1. Enter an accurate value for the load parameter, using the following command:
Command: Parameter:
LJRAT system load-to-rotor inertia ratio
2. If you use a Parker motor, the following parameters are automatically set when you
use Motion Planner to select a motor. You do not need to enter values for them
If you use a non-Parker motor, use the following commands to enter accurate
values for the specified motor parameters:
Command: Motor Parameter:
DMTJ rotor inertia
DMTSTT static torque
DPOLE number of motor pole pairs
DMTIC continuous current
DMTIND inductance
3. Start with DELVIS set to 0, which is disabled. (This is the default setting.)
4. Increase DELVIS until your system performs as you require.
• 1 - 7 is the full range
• 5 provides optimal damping
• 0 is off
The figure above shows performance with Electronic Viscosity, with ABS Damping,
and without damping.
Stall detect performance is based on motor parameters that you set up with Motion
Planner. For optimum performance, accurate motor parameters are required.
If you select a Compumotor motor with Motion Planner, the motor parameters are
set automatically, according to the motor you have chosen. If you use other
motors, see Appendix B – Using Non-Compumotor Motors.
Use the following procedures to configure the stall detect settings.
3. Verify the DSTALL value you entered by forcing a stall as you monitor TASX. At the
precise moment the stall occurs, TASX Bit #17 should be set. If Bit #17 is set before
or after the stall occurs, modify the DSTALL value as follows:
• If Bit #17 is set before the stall occurs, decrease the DSTALL value
• If Bit #17 is set after the stall occurs, increase the DSTALL value
4. Run the system for an extended period of time to verify that no false stalls are
Chapter 3 – Configuration 35
Procedure for Motor Matching – GT6K
Due to slight manufacturing variations, each motor has its own particular charac-
teristics. The drive has three settings—phase offset, balance and waveform—that
can be adjusted to match the drive to a specific motor. The factory settings for
these parameters will be acceptable in most applications. If you need increased
smoothness or accuracy in your system, or if motor resonance causes vibration
problems, perform the following procedure. You will match your drive to your
motor by adjusting the drive settings, and selecting the best current waveform.
Verify correct series or parallel wiring. The label on the motor may be inaccurate if
the motor has been rewired after it left the factory.
The following procedure causes the motor shaft to rotate.
Chapter 3 – Configuration 37