Prof - Ed. 10 (Activity-Learning Outcomes)
Prof - Ed. 10 (Activity-Learning Outcomes)
Prof - Ed. 10 (Activity-Learning Outcomes)
3. Why must the needs of industry be considered in the formulation of learning outcomes?
What are the characteristics of good learning outcomes?
The need of industry be considered in the formulation of learning outcomes because
the achievement of learning outcomes and their suitability with industries needs is very
important. Assessment of learning outcomes by industries is a good feedback for higher
education institutions in making improvements to learning content standards, improve
learning process standards, learning assessment standards, lecturer standards and
education personnel, learning facilities and infrastructure standard, learning
management standards, and learning financing standards.
The characteristics of good learning outcomes is more specifically, good learning
outcomes are very specific and use active language – and verbs in particular – that make
expectations clear. This informs students of the standards by which they will be
assessed, and ensures that student and instructor goals in the course/learning
opportunity are aligned Explain each. (10 pts).
4. How do we determine if a given learning outcome is good or not?
(5 pts)
Good learning outcomes are concerned not only with the cognitive process in the lower
level like remembering but also with more complex outcomes in the higher cognitive
level such as applying, evaluating and creating
Good and Bad.
Well-written learning outcomes are concise and clearly stated, specific enough to be
observable and measurable and thus capable of being assessed. ...
A good outcome is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound.