Course Outline: Learning Overview
Course Outline: Learning Overview
Course Outline: Learning Overview
Course In this course, students will analyze the advantages and disadvantages to several options
Description: in market entry and distribution choices available to the international trader. Students
will learn to plan, assess and negotiate agreements for international market entry. By
the end of the course, students will be able to apply key concepts to identify optimal
market entry strategies when engaging in international trade.
Textbook: FITT Skills: International Market Entry Strategies, 6th Edition, 2013, Forum for
International Trade Training Inc.
Prerequisite(s): N/A
Course Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Perform corporate strategic needs assessment
• Identify Strategic objectives in the foreign marketplace
• Identify and evaluate market entry and distribution options commonly used in
international trade and investment activities
• Describe basic strategies for international market entry channel
Distinguish between the various forms of direct and indirect exporting
• Prepare a costing sheet
• Identify and evaluate appropriate partner(s) and types(s) of partnership(s) for
any given international venture
• Explain how to model distribution costs
• Describe the role of partners in overcoming the barriers to market entry
• Identify the types of partnering agreements common in international market
• Analyze partnering needs
• Create a partnering agreements
• Identify steps in the negotiating process
• Identify the factors involved in setting up and managing international
Lesson Plan
Week Class
1 Class Introductions
2 Strategic Planning for Market Entry
3 Barriers to Entry
4 Market Entry Strategy Selection
The material is designed for Northern College at Pures programs. The copy right reserves for Pures College
5 Market Entry Strategy Selection Continued
6 Agents, Distributors and Trading Houses
7 E-commerce
8 Strategic Alliances, Licensing and Franchising
9 Foreign Direct Investment
10 Finding the Right Partner
11 Negotiating a partnership agreement
12 Managing International Business Operation
13 Exit Strategies
14 Case Study Assignment due and class review
15 Final Exam Week
A – 80-100% 4 EXCELLENT: Outstanding performance
B – 70-79% 3 GOOD: Better than average achievement
C – 60-69% 2 SATISFACTORY: Achievement sufficient to enable the student to progress in the
D – 50-59% 1 MARGINAL: Minimum acceptable level of achievement; Exception: for courses
where the passing grade is a “C”, a grade of “D” represents an insufficient
achievement; must repeat.
F – 0-49% 0 UNSATISFACTORY: Insufficient achievement; must repeat. Student must consult
with Program Coordinator.
Grading Scheme
Students will be evaluated on the following basis:
*The passing grade for this course is "D" (50%) for students who major in Business – Marketing
and General Business who wish to graduate from these programs. The passing grade for this
course is “D” (50%) for students who major in Business – Accounting.
The final grade is not the result of a rigidly applied formula. As in a business environment,
punctuality, attendance and participation are closely monitored by the instructor and are
important, required components to a final positive result. These factors are important
considerations throughout and at the end of the term. If you miss a class, you will be required to
give valid reasons for your absence to the instructor, and you are responsible to get all materials
and notes for the missed class. In case of a missed test or assignment, the instructor will adhere to
the departmental policies and guidelines.
The material is designed for Northern College at Pures programs. The copy right reserves for Pures College
Deadline Extensions
For purposes of equity and fairness, scheduled tests must be written on the date and at the time
specified. It is the responsibility of the students to ensure appointments, travel plans, etc., do not
conflict with scheduled tests.
Should an unavoidable, extenuating circumstance prevent a student from writing a scheduled test, the
Instructor must be contacted at least one week before the scheduled test. The reason for absence must
be accompanied by appropriate documentation the day the student returns to school, and
arrangements may be made to reschedule the missed test. Appropriate documentation may allow the
student to complete that test; however, a rescheduled test will be allowed only to students with no
more than 1 absence per semester and whose in-class assignments and other coursework are complete
and up to date. Rescheduling a test will be permitted only once per academic year. A re-scheduling fee
may apply.
A grade of "0" will be given for subsequent unwritten tests and any tests unaccompanied by appropriate
documentation. This policy will be strictly observed. Students who, for extenuating circumstances, (e.g.
hospitalization, death in the family) are unable to meet assignment deadlines, must submit to the
course professor, prior to the day of the deadline, a written request for an extension. Requests will be
evaluated considering individual circumstances and approval is not guaranteed in all cases. Scheduled
tests and/or assignments will be returned to students within 10 working days.
Any student who is absent when these are returned will be responsible for seeing the professor to pick
up the test/assignment. Any document not picked up by the student by the last day of classes will be
discarded. No student may pick up another student’s work. Final projects, examinations, tests, reports
etc. will not be returned to the student.
Again, for the purposes of fairness, equity, and order, if a justifiable situation* prevents a student from
completing a scheduled test/exam./practical/presentation/group work, the student must give prior
notice to the professor of such a situation. In addition, the student must submit appropriate
documentation affirming the reason for the absence. If a student follows this process, an alternative
completion date may be arranged.
NOTE: Only students who show a commitment to their course work (through their attendance, and class
participation) will be considered for such an alternative test/exam./practical/presentation date. For the
purposes of ensuring his/her own academic success, if a student is aware of ongoing academic, health,
or personal issues which may interfere with his/her course work or evaluation, the student should
inform the professor of such issues very early in the semester to discuss possible strategies for adapting
to or resolving those issues.
The material is designed for Northern College at Pures programs. The copy right reserves for Pures College