International Business Syllabus

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MAN 1502-International Business

Credit Hours: 3 Dr. John Suprihanto, MIM. E-MAIL: [email protected] Phone: (0274) 514007 HP: 081931171008 Office: 84510-6 ext. 187 Room S.112; Office Hours: Wednesday & Thursday by appointment Economic and Business Faculty, Gadjah Mada University

Course Description
This course focuses on an integrated view of business with an international emphasis. It aims to provide students with a comprehensive and balanced overview of the interwoven nature of international business disciplines and principles. This course also aims to provide students with an in-depth exploration of international business organizations and help them appreciate the importance of the linkages between the internal operations of an international business and its external environment. This course is designed to equip students with knowledge, concept, theory, technique, and organizational processes related to the field of international business. Within this course, the basic understanding of what International Business is will be emphasized, as well its function, the level of International Business and its necessary skills. As international managers will not immune to the environmental factors in making managerial decisions, the course is also designed to provide students with understanding of internal and external international environment forces and their impacts to the organization. It is widely and strongly believed that having comprehended knowledge and utilizes the right technique and practice in international business in making decision and action will improve the effectiveness of the international organization. In order to deal the above phenomena righteously, students in this course is required to prepare rigorously the study material which at the end will be their basis in making international managerial decisions.

The Objective of the Course

After the completion of the course, students are expected to be able to: 1. Identify and describe basic concept, theory and technique in the field of international business. 2. Develop sensitivity and ability to scan the environmental forces that impacting the international organization life. 3. Discuss and compare different models and approaches to understanding the firm, evaluating these in the context of the international business environment, and exploring the impact of key environmental factors on decision making and international organizational behavior. 4. Understand and critically evaluate alternative theories of international strategy and competencies and international competitive advantage 5. Discuss and compare the different entry methods to international market.

6. Identify the sources of export counseling and explain why firms export and problem areas of exporting 7. Understand and critically evaluate why there are differences between domestic and international marketing. 8. Understand the organizational dimensions that must be considered when selecting organizational structures and explain why the design of organizational structure is important to international companies. 9. Understand and critically evaluate the relationship between competitive strategies and HR management approaches in international business. 10. Understand how currency value changes affect international business transactions and know about financial management tools 11. Understand supply chain management, the relationship with design and describe the global sourcing arrangements and appreciate the importance of the added costs of global sourcing

Course Material
Main Reference: Ball, McCulloch, Frantz, Geringer, and Minor, 2006, International Business, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York Other Material: 1. Paper articles and other source of information 2. Actual case illustration and analysis

Student Responsibilities:
1. Students are expected to come to the class with proper preparation by reading all material required in every session 2. Contribute to the creation of academic climate by actively participate in the discussion lead by facilitator. 3. Listen the lecture, summarize and make notes of important items that student are interested to be discussed for their own benefits. 4. Do all course assignments.

Students are expected to attend all the scheduled meetings on time. Late attendance is considered contravening academic process and climate. Absenteeism policy follows the regulation stipulated by academic office. Allowance to skip the class of no more than 25% is designed to accommodate unexpected events beyond the control of students. It is not a right that students should take or exercise.

Learning Method
This method of learning is a particular type of learning methods under the student-centered learning paradigm (SCL+PLUS). This SCL approach was improved by UGM: the studentteacher aesthetic role-sharing paradigm (STAR). In this approach, students are active learners to find and construct their own knowledge. The lecturer serves as a facilitator to help students achieve learning objectives and develop managerial skills (i.e. motivational 2

skills, leadership skills, communication skills). The class time will be devoted to discuss any concepts, theories, materials and issues that students cannot fully comprehend by their own reading on the topic. To encourage them to participate in the discussion, students will be picked up randomly to answer questions and be scored on the basis of their answer and readiness. The STAR emphasizes on aesthetic role-sharing; it means the harmonious relationship between teacher and students.

A students grade is based on total score of all grading components. The composition of grade components is as follow:
No. Component
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Class Discussion & Participation (CDP) Weekly Assignments (WA) Quiz (Q) Small Group Discussions ( SGD) Mid-Term Assignment (MTA) Mid-Term Examination (MTE) Final Examination (FE) Final Assignment & Presentation (FAP)

Measurement based
quantity & quality current issues @ 2 pages/10x: FEBUGMS1IUP_IBWAno_no name student no 2 questions/ closed book /10x: Group @ 5-6 members/10x Group @ 4-5 members: two articles-critical review: FEBUGMS1IUP_IBMTA_no name student no 5 questions/essay/closed book 5 questions/essay/closed book Group: the international business plan (IBP): FEBUGMS1IUP_IBFAB_no name student no

05 10 10 10 15 15 15 20

Exam. Mid-term and final exam Ujian are conducted to assess the learning process toward the many concepts and theories in the field of management. The type of exam is essay questions and designed primarily to stimalte the comprehensive understanding. Paper Asiggnment. The objective of this assignment is to synthesize the thoughts, values, course materials, and library research applied in managerial and specific problem experienced by managers. Students is obliged to prepare and submit the report that mirror the result of their thought and systematic analysis toward the application of the concept and technique in management field in real managerial situation in the firm. The evaluation of the MTA and paper is based on the following factors: (a) the clarity of managerial problem; (b) the quality of analysis and the proposed solution; (c) the technique and format of writing; and (d) the integration and understanding of course materials.

Academic Honesty
The academic life prospers due to its adherence to honesty and integrity. Plagiarism, cheating and other types of academic misconduct are not tolerated in the FEB-UGM. The faculty together with students assumes responsibility to assure that learning integrity works and absorb by the member. The assignment and exam the students submitted must be the work of every student unless otherwise stated by facilitator that student must collaborate with other student.

Course Outline
Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Topic Introduction to Course & Text Rapid Change of Global Business Trading and Investing in International Business Economic Theories of International Business Dynamics of International Organizations Understanding the International Monetary System Socio-cultural Forces Physical and Environmental Forces Economic and Socioeconomic Forces Political Forces Legal Forces Financial Forces Labor Forces International Strategy Mid Term-Examination Assessing and Analyzing Markets Market Entry Methods Export and Import Practices Marketing Internationally Organizational Structure and Design Human Resources Management Financial Management Implementation of international business Global Operations Management Presentation Group 1 Presentation Group 2 Presentation Group 3 Presentation Group 4 Presentation Group 5 Presentation Group 6 Final Examination ka x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x rs Targeted Learning Goals coms cols ls ec x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Refr. ic Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch.10 Ch.11 Ch.12 Ch.13 Ch.14 Ch.15 Ch.16 Ch.17 Ch.18 Ch.19 Ch.20 Ch.21 x x x IBP IBP IBP IBP IBP IBP IBP IBP IBP Activity & Assignment CDP CDP, WA1, Q1, SGD1 CDP, WA2, Q2, SGD2 CDP, WA3, Q3, SGD3 CDP, WA4, Q4, SGD4 CDP, WA5, Q5, SGD5 CDP, WA6, Q6, SGD6 MTE & MTA CDP, WA7, SGD7 CDP, Q7, SGD8 CDP, WA8, Q8, SGD9 CDP, WA9, Q9, SGD10 WA10, Q10, FAP1 FAP2 FAP3 FE & FA

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