Chapter 1c
Chapter 1c
Chapter 1c
1 2,9;37,22,36°
2 4,19;14,45,12
3 0,28;52,7,49 etc.
where we (and Ptolemy) would write for the integers 129, 259,
and 28 respectively.
The perfection to which Islamic scholars developed numerical
methods has only recently become clear, especially through the
work of P. Luckey on aI-Kishi, the astronomer royal of Ulugh
Beg in Samarqand. AI-Kishi died in 1429; one of his last works
is a treatise on the circumference of the circle in which he de-
termines (correctly) 2n as 6;16,59,28,1,34,51,46,15,50. And since
he had invented, a few years earlier, the decimal analog of the
sexagesimal fractions, he also converts the above number into
decimal fractions: 6.2831853071795865.
The best existing book on numbers and number systems is Karl Menninger,
Zahlwort und ZifTer. Aus der Kullurgeschichte unserer Zahlsprache, unserer
Zahlschrift und des Rechenbretts. Breslau, Hirt, 1934. The sections about the
Babylonian number system are not always reliable. In general, however, this
work is far superior to the majority of books on the history of numbers and of
elementary computing.
Kurt Sethe, Von Zahlen und Zahlworten bei den alten Aegyptern und was
fur andere V6lker und Sprachen daraus zu lemen ist. Schriften d. wiss. Ges.
Strassburg 25 (1916). This work is fundamental for the understanding of the
role of fractions within number systems in general.
For calendar computation in general see F. K. Ginzel, Handbuch der
mathematischen und technischen Chronologie, 3 vols., Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1906-
1914. The lunar calendar of Western Europe during the Middle Ages is discussed
in vol. III.
An excellent introduction to Babylonian civilization is given in Edward
Chiera, They Wrote on Clay, Univ. of Chicago Press; several editions since
Note in PI. 5 the signs for 6 and 900. The sign for 1000 (in 1600) is an (¥
with an attached loop. The multiples of 10000 are written as a II (first letter of
the Greek word for 10000) with the factor written over it. The last column gives
a list of the fractions of the drachma; preserved are the symbols for the following
unit fractions: 8, 12, 24,3, 6,8, 48. Note that the unit fractions are written with
the ordinary number signs plus an a£cent. The only exception is p' which does
not mean} but f denoted here by 3. Its corresP.9nding drachma sYmbol is a
combination of the symbols for 2 and 6. Indeed, 3" = 2 6. +
Ordinarily the arrangement of the alphabetic numerals is stricOy from higher
to lower numbers. In datings, however, one finds also the inverted order: ct. for
examples from Mesopotamia Yale Classical Studies 3 p. 30 fT. (clay bullae
from Uruk); Excavations in Dura-Europus, Preliminary Report IX, 1 p. 169 fT.;
Klio 9 p. 353. For Macedonian inscriptions (between 131 B.C. and 322 A.D.)
cf., e. g., Tod. The Maeedonian Era; The Annual of the British School at
Athens, No. 23 (1918-1919) p. 206-217 and No. 24 (1919-1921) p. 54-67.
That the Arabic form for the zero sYmbol (a litOe circle with a bar over it
and related forms) is simply taken from Greek astronomical manuscripts was
recognized by F. Woepcke in 1863 (Journal Asiatique, Sere 6 voL 1 p. 466 ft.).
A table showing dift'erent forms in Arabic manuscripts as well as in Greek
papyri is given by Rida A. K. Irani, Arabic numeral forms, Centaurus 4 (1955)
p. 1-12. In a Byzantine manuscript, written about 1300 A.D. a sign like II is
used for zero beside 0 (Vat. Graec. 1058 fol. 261 ft.), apparently under Islamic
ad 13. The most comprehensive collection of the evidence on early number
signs is found in the fIrSt edition of Anton Deimel, Sumerische Grammatik der
arehaistisehen Texte, Roma, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1924 (Chapter IV).
More recent evidence, especially concerning the decimal system, is given in
A. Falkenstein, Archaisehe Texte aus Uruk, Leipzig 1936, (sign list at the end).
For the picture of a stylus see, e. g., S. Langdon, Excavations at Kish, vol. 1,
Paris 1924, PI. XXIX and Falkenstein, 1. c., p. 6.
The texts from Uruk also revealed the existence of a system of fractions
strictly proceeding on the principle of repeated halving. A very important
feature of cuneiform numerical notation is the existence of special signs for },
-1-, I, and t which are in very common use also in later periods, even occasionally
in mathematical texts. These "natural fractions" undoubtedly play an important
role in the arrangement of metrological units. Obviously one will group higher
units in such a form that they admit directly the forming of these most common
parts. This leads naturally to a grouping in 12 or 30 or 60. All these ratios do
occur in one or another of the parallel systems ofunits in Mesopotamian metrology.
Notes and References 27
Babylonian Mathematics.
15. The following chapter does not attempt to give a history of
Babylonian mathematics or even a complete summary of its
contents. All that it is possible to do here is to mention certain
features which might be considered characteristic of our present
I have remarked previously that the texts on which our study
is based belong to two sharply limited and widely separated
periods. The great majority of mathematical texts are "Old-
Babylonian"; that is to say, they are contemporary with the
Hammurapi dynasty, thus roughly belonging to the period from
1800 to 1600 B.C. The second, and much smaller, group is
"Seleucid", i. e. datable to the last three centuries B.C. These
dates are arrived at on quite reliable palaeographic and linguistic
grounds. The more than one thousand intervening years influenced
the forms of signs and the language to such a degree that one is
safe in assigning a text to either one of the two periods.
So far as the contents are concerned, little change can be
observed from one group to the other. The only essential progress
which was made consists in the use of the "zero" sign in the
Seleucid texts (cr. p. 20). It is further noticeable that numerical
tables, expecially tables of reciprocals, were computed to a much
larger ex~ent than known from the earlier period, though no new
principle is involved which would not have been fully available
to the Old-Babylonian scribes. It seems plausible that the
expansion of numerical procedures is related to the development
of a mathematical astronomy in this latest phase of Mesopotamian
For the Old-Babylonian texts no prehistory can be given.
We know absolutely nothing about an earlier, presumably
30 Chapter II