Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
Establishing a purpose for the Show video clips related to the culture of Teacher will ask the students did Teacher will ask the Show video clips of Today, we will create
lesson Roxas City, Capiz you went to church today? student when was the fisherman a cultural mapping in
last time you went to the your community
beach and ocean? What
helped you enjoy it?
Presenting Why is it important to study about culture? Show pictures of Cathedral and ask Show pictures of Capiz How can you make Performance Task
examples/Instances of the them why is a church called a Shells Products money from fishing? Students will create
new lesson Cathedral? Do you know that Capiz cultural mapping in
is famous because of their community
Discussing new concepts and Cultural resources include archaeological Cathedrals and chapels not only Capiz Product is made A significant part of
practicing new skills # 1 sites and objects; historic sites and objects; provide a space for worship, but from the finest natural Roxas City's cultural
as well as traditional sites and objects used they are also vessels for the display material called capiz identity are its
by Native Americans. Archaeological sites of religious iconography and art. shells o capiz seashells. traditional fishing
contain artifacts of prehistoric, indigenous Culture can be defined as all the It is processed, cleaned, practices, namely,
human activity as well as historic human ways of life including arts, beliefs polished and perfectly surambao, siguin, pukot.
activity. and institutions of a population that cut to make a beautiful Unique to oyster farms
Cultural Resources are cultural values, are passed down from generation material to make wind and aqua farms, these
rites, norms, or actions which lead in a to generation. Culture has been chimes, tiles, capiz fishing practices have
subculture to a common understanding and called "the way of life for an entire chips, lamp shade, become an interesting
which can be used to legitimize meanings, society." As such, it includes codes hanging lampshade, showcase for locals and
interpretations, and actions. of manners, dress, language, capiz curtains. visitors.
religion, rituals, art.
Discussing new concepts and Cultural resources are all unique and The Cathedral is a place of Capiz are also used for Panaksay is another
practicing new skills # 2 nonrenewable intangible (spiritual) and Catholic worship and the seat of interior decorations for traditional fishing
material phenomena (natural or made by the Bishop of the diocese, but it is hotels, offices, buildings method using the fishing
humans) that are associated with human also a symbol of Paradise. In and even for your home. gear locally called
(cultural) activities. This includes sites, Medieval times, it was the Capiz shells are also ‘taksay’ in Pontevedra,
structures, and artefacts to which an centerpiece of the community, used to make fashion Capiz. The taksay is
individual or group attaches some value representing hope and refuge. jewelry and fashion made of green fish net
with regard to its historic, archaeological, accessories. The Capiz with two bamboo sticks
architectural, spiritual, and human shell components are attached at both sides of
(cultural) development. one of the materials that the net. The fishers hold
are used to make body the net at both sides and
jewelry such as push the net eventually
necklaces, bracelets and at the side or corner in
earrings. order to catch the fish.
Developing mastery What do you mean by cultural resources? Is a cathedral still a church? Show pictures of Capiz Why Capiz is known as
(leads to Formative shell products the seafood capital of
Assessment 3) the Philippines?
Finding practical application Why we should study Capiz Culture? How often do you attend church? What can you make with What is the importance
of concepts and skills in daily What is the purpose of church? shells? of fishing in the
living community?
Making generalizations and What is the culture of the Capiznon? Why is it that Capiz Cathedral is What is the cultural What was the purpose of
abstractions about the lesson one of the cultural resources in significance of Capiz fishing?
Capiz? Shell?
Evaluating learning What are some things that define the Why is it called Cathedral? What are Capiz Shells Write an opinion about Bring Artwork
culture of Capzinon? made from? cultural resources in materials
Additional activities for
application or remediation
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works?
What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet
them, you can ask them relevant questions.
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?